Top DAP Election Ceramah Donations

Top DAP Ceramah Donations during the 12th general election campaign:

29.2.08 Ipoh Timor RM22,311
01.3.08 Penang RM38,000
02.3.08 Ipoh Timor RM38,025
03.3.08 Kota Melaka RM50,000
04.3.08 Klang RM63,000
05.3.08 Puchong RM35,000
05.3.08 Port Klang RM42,000
06.3.08 Penang RM133,000
07.3.08 Ipoh Timor RM82,000

This is not a complete list and will be revised with new information.

The great support to the DAP general election campaign, both in mammoth ceramah turnouts and unprecedented donations, give hope that the 12th general election is set for a major political change in Malaysia.

Lets keep our fingers crossed that when the votes are counted, Malaysia will be set to begin a new political era for democracy, accountability and integrity.


149 Replies to “Top DAP Election Ceramah Donations”

  1. To the MCA and the Gerakan!
    Please do not blame yourself, if you were to lose your seat.
    For the actual one who’s causing your defeat.
    Are Pak Lah and Khairy, that we don’t wish to put out future to risk!!!

  2. Just cast my vote about an hour ago and in all my years till now, I never have felt so proud of what I’ve achieve today.
    I’m no more a “sick tiger of Malaysia”.
    One vote to the opposition and hope that counts.

  3. YB & Fellow countrymen who value right over wrong

    I am proud to inform that I have voted this morning. Of course both my votes (for Parliament & for State constituencies) go to the ROCKET. I will also eagerly await the good news of the winnings by the Opposition over the corrupt & useless nincompoops who represent BN. Most of all I wish (& so do many others) that the arrogant & greedy BN scoundrels will get their just “rewards” for having miserably wasted half a century in enriching themselves at the expense of the rakyat, a large of whom still live below the poverty limit – not just one or two races but ALL races have members in this sad category. MALAYSIA is a laughing stock of the world – the corruption, the abuse of power, the deterioration of educational standards & countless others.

    Let us all MALAYSIANS unite and build up & improve the nation in all aspects so that our children can be proud to call themselves citizens of MY instead of being ashamed of being one like now!!!

  4. I would be very happy if OKT, KTK and SAMY VELLU LOSES THEIR SEATS!!!

    I believe by now voters can see the tricks played by the ruling parties.
    While DAP is so shortof cash and has to resortto donations, the ruling parties are awashed with cash – cash donated by big time businessmen.
    They can afford to throw grand dinner and with ang pows given.
    Isn’t this a form of bribery?
    They are teaching the rakyat to sell their principles in return for a small present or treat!
    Morally they are very wrong. Before they could form anygovernment, theyare teaching others to accept bribes. How are they going to be clean when they are the government.

    I am glad that many people can now reason. I forsee a big loss for BN.


  5. Proudly voted for DAP candidates Wong Kah Woh and Lim Kit Siang in my respective area an hour ago.

    Everything said and done. I eagerly await the poll results tonight. To me, this election is more exciting than World Cup.

    May Barisan National lose 2/3 majority today! If not, we’ll get them again in the next, for sure.

  6. Grace you should be a candidate in the next election. I support you! Who knows you can be the next Tony Pua. I am his number 1 fan in malaysia now!!! :) I just voted 25 minutes ago and guess what, I am a proud Malaysian for what i am doing. So hope good results for opposition this time around.

  7. You are right, Grace. When for heaven sake did the BN leaders have morals. Splashing the people’s money as if its theirs esp during the campaigning period. Don’t worry, tonight they need a pit to contain their vomit, a vomit back of the people’s money but the worst thing is they will be vomiting blood when the results starts to come in. AAB, OKT, SV, KSK and the other leaders of BN, this is for you. Go fly kites.

  8. Still hard to say adamclp… Results at times can be funny you know. But i really hope all the mentioned names up there will looooose! They should not only fly kite, they should fly WAU also!

  9. I was at the rally in Hin Hua School Klang when LKS came.

    I never forget that night when group of us came and stood close as possible to the main stage. This one occasion our patriotism for the country grew like never before; i dont recall any other occasion like this so far in my life. I will never forget that night with all the 15,000 who came together.

    Whatever happens tonight; we know we have done more than our best. We will win in getting the country and giving it back to the people. I am sure!!!

    Lets embrace this victory and stay indoors; i think some mad fellows going to run beserk on the street tonight not accepting our victory!

  10. I just read this in Malaysiakini. Care to comment?

    Police fire teargas to disperse PAS supporters
    Mar 8, 08 2:36pm
    A tense stand off in Rusila, Terengganu, between a group of PAS supporters and the police over the issue of phantom voters resulted in 10 people being arrested and the use of tear gas to disperse the crowd.

    The PAS supporters had earlier protested the presence of two buses in Rusila, whom they said were phantom voters brought in by BN.

    PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s son Mohamad Khalil,31, was also among those arrested by the police over the stand off.

    Rusila is an area under the Rhu Rendang state seat which Abdul Hadi is trying to retain today. The seat also falls under the Marang parliamentary seat, also contested by Abdul Hadi.

    According to the residents, Mohamad Khalil was arrested around 11.45 this morning.

    The police have not officially confirmed on the arrests.

    Inspector general of police Musa Hassan is currently holding a press conference at the national police headquarters in Bukit Aman in Kuala Lumpur on this matter.

    Tension started to build up at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Rusila polling centre as early as 10am today over the presence of the two buses.

  11. Everybody seems confident that opposition will really trash those BN scums… But i wouldn’t want to be too overconfident first till the results are announced. But one thing is for sure, Makkal Sakthi is indeed very powerful…

    If Makkal Sakthi can shake those big timers, then what we are doing is really something worth doing it.

    A continuous effort must start from tomorrow onwards! :)

  12. Where are there no photos of the 8,000-odd more than 100-year-old voters in the mass media? Are they too shy to appear from their graves to vote and thus “given permission” to BN to vote on their behalf?

  13. Just came back from voting at Sungei Besi (123 Parliment). Take a while to locate the sam yoke school. There is no direction and i also saw others asking for directions too from the sungei besi road side. Though staying now in PJ, I have been voting in that area the last 2 elections. I will have to register under the new address for the next. Hope the opposition parties will be able to capture more seats this time round. Good luck!

  14. If MCA; MIC and gerakan lose badly in this election let this be a lesson to them. Dont cooperate with all those corrupted rascals from UMNO who robbed the non bumis citizens rights; their children’s future and also their bodies. The reason the non bumis are angry and do not want to vote for all of you is because we dont want to see all of you be the slaves of UMNOs and be humiliated by them in front of us.We dont want to see your candidates who carry out their duties been WHIP by all those UMNOs rascal.

  15. Thank you everyone for your great support and kind donation for a better Malaysia. Im so touched to see the amount listed above. May GOD grant your wish. Thank You. Thank you. Thank You.

    Well, its true that, Pak Liar and Khairy flush you MCA, SUPP and Gerakan to the septic tank. Good Bye and we dont need you hyenas anymore. Yeah, go fly kites. The Wind Of CHANGE is blowing very strong.


  16. The 12th GE will still be won by UMNO, as for MCA, the Barisan coalition partner will be thrashed. Calling all MCA members, please defect and join the opposition for you have lost the confidence of Malaysians under the BN banner.

  17. Donations for BN came form big corp companies. Nothing is free. They expect the govt to gv them preferential treatment after BN is back in power. Expect more leakages after this. The more they spent during GE they more the rakyat will hv to suffer.

  18. Hey, Maxplus, i was at Hin Hua School Klang on that night too. Wow, what a crowd. The morning before the ceramah, i was busying SMSing to my friends and random numbers informing them about the ceramah. I guess some must have heeded my message.

  19. The winds of change is blowing all over Malaysia. Hope we have a new and better Malaysia on 09.03.08 for us and the future generations to come.

    Voted this morning together with sis for DAP Cheras – Tan Kok Wai.

  20. Well said…. … i never read …just throw to dust bin for recycle..
    wonder how many trees they cut….hehe

    voice Says:

    Today at 14: 59.58 (45 minutes ago)
    The BN is also sending letters to the voters, as my mother received a letter from BN, but it straight went to the newspaper stack for recycle.

  21. GE2008 for all malaysians,is a new begininig, my fellow malaysians keep standing up for our children and their future.

    There is only one right way to go forward and that the way is the people’s way, not the arrogant BN clubber’s way, shameless and arrogant , shoving and pushing , telling and pointing , kick everybody around, and their cronies throw their master’s names and threatens.

    Always and still ( actually little bit time left) that all their mistakes are for the people’s good.

    As for the BN newbies’ friends, relatives, girls friends, golf buddies, mistresses, bed friends, do your wannabe minister a favour, reason with him , it is sunset days for BN clubbers.

    By now the people’s wishes are very clear, you are intelligent read the crowd, forget about the mouth watering empty talk , you cannot do anything in BN, it is hopeless and well proven, ask the people ,
    ACT on it as you have advocated that it is for the people, prove it and STAND BY IT, no matter what.
    Do it by joining the peoples’ choice, in today’s OPPOSITION PArties.


    Your conscience will be in peace, and your children dont have to lied about their past.

  22. I believe there’s a meaning behind Tun Dr. Mahathir writing the books “Dilemma of Melayu” he can foreseen the future. Long time ago before he was the 3 term M’sian prime minister, and 10 yrs ago when he put DSAI into suffering, only thru suffering, his true successor can learn who is his real friends, and who’s not. A country leader, must learn both inorder to create a stronger future for not only the Malay in Malaysia, but Chinese (DAP), India, and other minority ethnic group. 10 yrs ago Tun Dr. Mahathir has foreseen MCA, MIC, Gerakan, UMNO all these strong parties “money politics” existed. Inorder to wipe them all before he left, he must recreate a revolution, that’s how Keadilan was born to wipe out corruptions and establish a strong and transparent government.

    Things will get worst if 10 yrs ago, DSAI was made the prime minister, it is now the right time that DSAI learn who are the people to trust, not from their party itself but from all DAP, because DAP is suara Rakyat. Thank to Tun Dr. Mahathir wisdom 10 yrs ago.

  23. I voted about 2 pm just now. Lucky we have transparent boxes now, cos when I peeked in, as I was trying to place my own ballot in, there were many open ballot papers. All that I saw, and I am not lying or trying to feel good, had crosses on the top most box.

    The top most box belongs to Nurul Izzah Anwar.


  25. Inside “intelligence” say as at last night’s forecast for the northern states, the position was at follows :

    Perlis BN 10 Opp 5 : BN 2 Opp 1 State – Parliament
    Kedah BN 21 Opp 15 : BN 9 Opp 6
    Kelantan BN 10 Opp 35 : BN 4 Opp 10
    Terengganu BN 10 Opp 22 : BN 3 Opp 5
    Penang BN 18 Opp 22 : BN 5 Opp 8

    Mind you, many seats will be won marginally.

    Keeping my fingers crossed.

  26. Hi everyone,

    I am new here and today is SPECIAL day for all of us. I am equally excited as you all. I casted my vote for Bkt Bendera & Kebun Bunga.

    This is the 5th time I cast my vote and it must not fail this time!

    I am so proud that DAP again choose Penang to lead the country to a changing the destiny of Malaysia.

    Enough is Enough, tonight is the night we are going to teach the BN a lesson which they will remember who is the “boss” and don’t “play play” with rakyat.

    We are not stupid anymore, we are now taking about the future of this country, the inflation, corruption, 1 sided policy and equality. Don’t try to bait us by claiming good services provided by BN representative like sweeping the road and cleaning the longkang.

    While I am writing this, the voting has ended!

    Today is an auspicious day for all of us. Oh, I just can’t wait for the result. Can you imagine is tomorrow LIM GUAN ENG IS OUR CHIEF MINISTER!!!!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to all DAP VOTER.

    I choose my id as penang308 because today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY!

    Thank you.

  27. I am at peace with myself. For I have done my part (so did my wife).

    This time the opposition has really impressed me with their united stand. Never had it been so cohesive and united…for a new Malaysia!! I am really proud of the Opposition especially the leaders Mr. Lim and Encik Annuar Ibrahim for having relentlessly campaigning all over. I followed all the accounts through Malaysiakini, DAP website and PKR’s…I am impressed and overwhelmed. My ‘sympathies’ goes to the former PM, I think he should join the opposition if he still cares for us all Malaysians.

    I have always lauded for a single paramount party to oust the BN. If this time the Opposition wins or even managed to wrestle and deny BN the two-third majority, why not form or merge a single party where the president of the party is on change every two-three years reflecting all the major races of this country. However, the manisfesto must not deviate from the former that is Malaysia for all… equality and fair justice to all….to all those who carries the Malaysian passport.

    This way, no one can tell us…you balik India or Cina or Timbaktu..God knows where!! This is our country..Yes, this country is a blessed beautiful country with all races and different religions. Until this happens (a single united party) then we shall be proud to say and call ourselves truly Malaysian, without fear or favour.

    To you both Mr. Lim and Encik Annuar in reading, should you both feel that this can happen…then invite me as a member..anytime. For the moment, I am partyless but I’ll support both your manisfestos.

    Kudos to both of you. Hidup Pembangkang!!!

  28. I am not sure about other areas but in Klang which has been highly tipped to win by DAP by many was also given a favour by God. In the past few days, it has been raining heavily in Klang but today the sky was clear and the weather was good ( not humid ). Half hour after the polling station closed, rain started pouring heavily. If it had rained a few hours earlier, probably many supporters of DAP would have stayed away from casting their votes. This really augurs well for DAP.

  29. Penang people really kiasu… LOL!

    I’m from Penang and I’m proud of it. That night at Han Chiang was my most memorable night. Me and my friends forgot to bring umbrella and we were drenched but we still stayed. And first time I saw so many people, 60k+ in one place!! :)

    GO DAP! GO Lim Kit Siang! I’m so proud of you all… the counting has begun. Let’s hope for the best!


  30. hello! i am from seremban…. I make a vote to PKR and PAS for my wife. I am so proud after i have pen a mark on opposition .I hope with my vote will change our fate for our future. Hidup DAP! i will fight with you guys for another terms.I have some rocket to the skies tonite. Thank you voters ..

  31. MCA ,UMNO and MIC are bloodies rascal in Malaysia ….. I hope the wind of change of tonite will blow off all of your pants like movies in ” shaolin kung fu movies” …. I am paying my tax for nothing for all those bloody rascal…. What i can see is that they own every better car,better home,better life style then me. All this while we are the tax payer who are feeding them….. God bless those rascal
    hope we are going to forms a new government soon to bring those rats to a court house for corruption,manipulation of our country law, etc..etc HIDUP DAP,PAS,PKR

  32. I vote for cheras parliament seat. Just managed to vote half an hour before closing time and the turnout is good almost 70%. My vote goes to DAP obviously.

    After 50 years control by BN, we Malaysians still fighting for our basic
    rights. BN really stink. How can BN still ask for mandate? I fill so shameful when I talk to friends and foreigners.

    March forward Barisan Alternative!

  33. THANK YOU AMERICA FOR THE INTERNET!! THANK YOU ARPANET! HAHAHAHA Considering the fact that the opposition parties do not have TV stations or MSM, we are actually doing not bad at all in spreading the truth through cyberspace.

  34. Nurul is ahead?! Great! If she wins it means PKR is able to fight the very strong BN machinery in that constituency. It means money politics takes a back seat to issues. The country is really making history here!

  35. I hope by 11 pm tonight we have a new government for the first time. If not. next week I will go to Singapore and hopefully will work there for a few years and then change my citizenship. A decade ago, I was offered citizenship in Singapore but turned down their offer.

  36. Tony,
    CMF to continue to sweep the streets and clear the clogged drain by taking over MPPJ duties. Maybe, a Senator for taking care of drains and streets, rubbish collecting

  37. FINALLY VERY GOOD NEWS! Uncle KIT is leading.

    To LadyGodiva,

    Why? Because I love Malaysia. I wish I could have dual citizenship. I used to defend Mahathir when my Singaporean colleagues made fun of him because I was “patriotic.” Now, I feel so stupid and idiotic for defending someone like Mahathir just because he was the leader of Malaysia,

  38. Seputeh Parliament seat – DAP leading by 28,000

    Kinrara state seat – DAP leading by 2264

    Seri Kembangan state seat – DAP wins

    Sitiawan state seat – DAP wins

    Pandamaran state seat – DAP wins

    Kota Alam Shah state seat – Manoharan (detained under ISA) – DAP wins

    Kuching Parliament seat – DAP wins by 11,000 majority

  39. bn is like falling pin.

    What a joke, rtm just keep showing the three seats they won in sabah. No announcement on the oppositions.

    We are doing good. Just keep praying for the good results to continue.

    down down down bn

  40. More congrats

    Kit Siang on the way to win Ipoh Timur – 8.51pm
    DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has retained his Ipoh Timur parliamentary seat and his party is also leading in all three state seats – Canning, Tebing Tinggi and Pasir Pinji
    Pasir Puteh Utara

    PAS retains Kelantan: PAS president press sec – 8.50pm
    According to Roslan Shahir Mohd Shahir, who is the press secretary of PAS president Hadi Awang, PAS won 31 of the 45 state seats.

    He said that PAS’ Nasharuddin Mat Isa has beaten Umno’s Awang Adek Husin in Bachok.

  41. Teresa Kok wins and Jeff Ooi made history as the first blogger MP. If only Raja Petra take part it would be fun to see the king of all bloggers in parliament. Raja Petra will definitely make a fool out of misinformation minister like Zam Zam alaka Zam.

  42. Why radio reporter says “MASIH ADA PETI UNDI MASIH BELUM TIBA”? Now is already 812 pm and I am familiar with Bangsar area. It doesn’t take that long to travel. Are they going to do magic trick?

  43. Thank you for the man who started it all! This unhappiness among Chinese is started by this man! His name is KERISMUDIN. His grandfather was a great man as he was one of the politicians I admired the most in Malaysia.

    Kerismuddin, Khairy, & Samy Vellu contribute to the downfall of what Uncle Kit called UMNO HEGEMONY


    Thanks also to Hindraf guys.

  44. I love to see rtm spinning the result. They announce the result are still not final and awaiting the sleepy bodohwi at 9pm to announce the results that are slowly streaming in.

    down down down bn

  45. Opposition closer to taking Penang – 8.20pm

    Having unofficially won 17 of the 40 state seats in Penang, the opposition is currently leading in six other seats with a wide margin. They need to pick up just another four seats to take over government in the island state. -Malaysiakini

  46. Congratulation to DAP !!!!!

    I am not a politician but I have suggestions to have a good start for a new government to show to the people what a new era is affront…..

    I wish that DAP would have a proclaimation, a statement, a contract to the people that within 100 days what could be achieved, what would be changed. This is to show and reinforce to the people that we do what we say. I do not want to see a list of 10 to 50 items, perhaps 3 to 5 items is good enough. A list that can be realistically achieved within the time period. Something that are specific and can be measured.

    My second wish is to form a citizen committe in every state government that the opposition party won to look into the book. To find out in the past what secrete policy, memo, account bookkeeping that the BN government had abused and uncover every wrong doing. Let the sun shine in. Let the dirty laundry be out in the open to let the people what wrong was done.

    Third wish was to remove the top management, top officials in those government agencies and machinery that is part of the corrupted regime. Let those people go, demote them, transfer them to other postings. These are the people formerly benefited from inbedding with the corrupted regime. Bring in fresh new responsible people. New people who are accountable to the rakyat. New people who can make a change. The new state government can make changes but the old top official still act their old way is not going to bring any changes. Worst still, the old top official will resist and undermine and subortage the changes.

    Just my two cents of thought…..

  47. Now we have plenty of opposition voices in parliament. And without convincing the opposition, no more laws can be amended.

    BN has now got to learn to engage the opposition, and convince them, and not just bulldoze all the motions in parliament.

    Hooray to democracy finally arriving in Malaysia.

  48. Unlikely!

    What is likely to happen is PKR cross-overs to UMNO. Some may have stood for the elections with that in mind – pre-planned perhaps even with the tacit approval of the UMNO leadership.

  49. 5.07am – Latest tally of parliamentary seats (219 out of 222 parliamentary seats counted):

    BN – 137; PKR – 31; DAP – 28; Pas – 23

    This means the Opposition has denied the BN a two-thirds’ majority.
    It also means that PKR will emerge as the largest opposition party and its coalition with Pas could lead to Anwar Ibrahim standing in a by-election and – if he wins – going on to become Parliamentary Opposition Leader.

    Latest tallies of state seats for the opposition states:

    Penang: BN 11 – Opposition 29 (DAP – 19, PKR – 9; Pas – 1)

    Perak: BN 28 – Opposition 31 (DAP – 18; PKR – 7; Pas – 6)

    Kelantan: BN 6 – Opposition 39 (Pas – 38; PKR -1)

    Selangor:BN 20 – Opposition 36 (PKR – 15; DAP – 13, Pas – 8 )

    Kedah: BN 14 – Opposition 22 (Pas – 16; PKR – 4; DAP – 1; Ind – 1)

  50. Abdullah, who only four years ago led the coalition to a record election victory on a wave of hope for change, faced a bleak political future
    — the coalition ended up with 62 percent of federal seats, down from 90 percent previously

    Political experts and economists wondered aloud whether the Barisan government could now pursue its agenda, including plans for $325 billion in development zones across the country.

    Without a two-thirds parliamentary majority, Barisan can no longer change the constitution or make some key appointments and could struggle to alter electoral boundaries, powers that the opposition have long maintained were abused by Barisan.

  51. “We will run the government administration free from the New Economic Policy that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency,” Lim Guan Eng, the newly sworn chief minister of Penang State, said in a statement.

    “We will implement the open-tender system for all government procurement and contracts. We will also practice transparency by uploading information of such tender bids in an Internet portal to be set up in future for public access,” he said.

  52. hi!DAP leader watch out for those BN,UMNO and MCA ass wipers i doesn’t have to mention MIC cos they all “C Liao” . This group of people will try to create issue to break PAS,DAP and PKR apart.. They will cos stirs among BA group . Ong Ka Chuan the first that spreading lies in the news saying DAP duped chinese voters to pas govern in perak…. They will splending more lies,dirty trick to split BA .Ong Ka Chuan sebelum undi harap kan undi untuk menang selepas undi spreading lies…. Ong burn in hell ,burn you in hell …..

  53. something fishy about zakaria death…. I think he is still alive… you guys know what i mean …. Trying to get away from the new government for corruption …. Please look into this!!! very interesting

  54. Why not DAP try working out, from the donation received, the number of people who would vote for DAP. A person will only donates if he likes the party.

    Assume an average Malaysian donates RM10, if the total donation collected is RM4000, then there is a high chance that 4000/10 or 400 people would vote for DAP.

    Since DAP now has the votes counted, it may establish a correlation between donation received and the number of voters voted for DAP.

  55. BN’s share of the popular vote in the peninsula actually dipped below the 50 per cent mark. The BN received just 49.8 per cent of the popular votes cast. For the whole country, the BN bagged 51.5 per cent of votes cast as more than 60 per cent of the residents of Sabah and Sarawak opted for its component parties. On the other hand, more than than 60 per cent of voters in KL and Penang voted for the Opposition’s parliamentary candidates.

  56. DAP plans reforms in Penang, Umno upset with coming changes
    By : Sharanjit Singh and Audrey Dermawan – NST Online.


    The DAP-led Penang government has outlined several reforms it plans to undertake in the state administration, including awarding government procure ment contracts by open tender.
    Newly appointed chief minister Lim Guan Eng said the party also planned to immediately review the current practice of having only political appointees as representatives in the municipal councils.

    Speaking to reporters, Lim said effective immediately, information about government contracts and tender bids would be uploaded to an Internet portal for public scrutiny.

    “We want to run a state administration free from cronyism, corruption and systematic inefficiency.

    “Instead, we advocate a stakeholders economy for all based on the principle of shared prosperity in an equitable manner,” he said.
    Lim said he along with all exco members, state assembly speaker, deputy speaker and the respective heads of the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) and Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) would also be making a public declaration of their personal assets.

    He added that the DAP-led coalition would also attempt to restore local government elections before the end of its term.

    In the interim, the state government intends to exercise Section 10(2) of the Local Government Act by appointing professionals and non-governmental organisation representatives as members of local government.

    In an immeidate reaction, Penang Umno secretary Datuk Azhar Ibrahim warned that if the new state government goes ahead with its plan to do away with the NEP’s practices, it will anger Malays in the state.

    “It will also result in unrest because they will face all sorts of hardship,” he said.

    Despite 50 years of Independence, Azhar said the Bumiputera’s equity was still lacking by 18.7 per cent. The group has yet to achieve the 30 per cent target.

    Azhar claimed the DAP, unlike Barisan Nasional, had never supported and encouraged the NEP.

    “They claimed to represent the people of all races but are they really doing so?” he said.

    Since the party had been chosen by the people to lead the state, along with Parti Keadilan Rakyat, they should be responsible for each and everyone’s well being, Azhar said.


    Uncle Lim,

    I think this UMNO crook, Datuk Azhar Ibrahim, is making seditious statement and using the word “Malay” as an excuse to carry on with UMNO’s NEP policies in the new Penang State government. It’s like saying “you better do it or else…..” Someone should charge him under the Sedition Act.

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