Political tsunami in general election

There is a political tsunami in the 12th general election, with the Barisan Nasional suffering probably its biggest setback in history.

From available reports, DAP has won victories, in some cases with huge majorities, in the following Parliamentary seats:

1. Bagan
2. Tanjong
3. Bukit Glugor
4. Ipoh Timur
5. Batu Gajah
6. Petaling Jaya Utara
7. Seputeh
8. Kepong
9. Bukit Bintang
10. Cheras
11. Bandar Kuching
12. Segambut
13. Kota Melaka

(Note: Announcement of Sandakan win was premature. DAP parliamentary candidate Shanty Chong lost by a mere 174 votes.)

DAP is leading in the following Parliamentary seats:

1. Sarikei
2. Serdang
3. Klang
4. Taiping
5. Bruas
6. Teluk Intan
7. Jelutong
8. Bukit Bendera
9. Batu Kawan

For state assembly seats, DAP has won

1. Subang Jaya;
2. Teratai

In Penang the three state seats of Tanjong and Bagan have also been won by DAP. Other Penang state seats won by DAP are Air Puteh, Prai, Batu Lanchang, Pulau Tikus and leading in all the other state seats contested by DAP. DAP has also won new state seats in Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca and Johore.

One of the most noted state assembly win is the Sri Tanjong seat of Tawau, Sabah.


765 Replies to “Political tsunami in general election”

  1. Please be prepared to pacify the people with the sudden abrupt change. I believe the opposition has been given a very good opportunity this time to prove yourselves. Be ready to convince the people that you will help the poorest irregardless of race.

  2. Alhamdullilah !!!!

    With Victory comes Responsibility, Accountability, Transparancy and Integrity.

    This is the first time DAP can form a state government, with friends, of course!! See what Unity can do!!

    I told you this afternoon Opposition will win at least 22 seats. And retain Kelantan by a big margin. Corect, correct, correct? Didn’t you believe me?


  3. Yes, DAP bravo and hold on to your pledges for Penang!
    Penang pledge by DAP’s 23 parliamentary and state candidates in the Penang Esplanade on Thursday, 6 Mac 2008.

    To all supporters of Penangites, let’s stay calm and be matured to embrace Change which is what we have been waiting for after so many years. Praise God for answering our prayers!

  4. Congratulation!
    We are glad that DAP won a big number of seats.

    Mr. Lim,
    I do hope we are not carried away by the win. Do celebrate in a modest way. No need to hold parade or carry placards.
    Must be humble in victory!!!

  5. Congratulations.
    When we are united this what we can achieved.
    One heart, one soul, one people … Bangsa Malaysia.
    People Power in action.
    Dato Onn Jaafar dream of Malaysia for Malaysian is slowly coming to fruit.
    Today is People Victory.
    Today is Bangsa Malaysia victory.
    Long live Banga Malaysia.

  6. Uncle Lim lets not be carried away with the win and let it gets into the head. WINNING IS THE EASY BIT, THE HARD BIT IS TO FULFILL YOUR ELECTION PROMISES. Kevin Rudd is a good example to follow………………………The Rudd government started fulfilling its election promises from the 72nd day of governing

    Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honour and life (Proverbs, 22:4)

  7. The Eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak has not felt the tsunami. Now BN is heavily depending on them for survival. What the heck.

    With four states under Opposition, one wonders whether Pak Lah was deceived into believing he will win big.

    Hmm. The Star, NST, The Sun, Utusan, RTM etc etc has done him and us all a big disservice by reporting all is well, rosy and all that. Now you know the people were REALLY very upset and angry.

    Pak Lah, you were out of touch with reality!! Sleep on !! When you wake up, you better think of your retirement plans. Your buddies like Samy, Koh Tsu Koon, Shahrizat, Zam, Kayveas etc have all gone, gone, gone. Start worrying that Najib is now thinking of retiring you soon. Coup d’etat by his boys?

    But what the heck!! You still have sweet Jeannie.

    Oh, by the way, Up Yours Chandra! Up yours Nalla! Yours too Wong Chun Wai.

  8. Well done everyone! A day to be a proud Malaysian!

    Now, please, everyone, keep your senses, and help everyone else, brothers and sisters, to remain calm, enjoy the victory in reasonable portions.
    And to the politicians, to share the responsibilities in a brotherly manner. Leave the infighting to BN. It will happen. BN does not need our help if it wants to self-destruct.

    Sleep well, dream well. Rest assured, the scumbags will have nightmares.
    Enjoy the dream of a country not divided in races, and work on it from tomorrow.

  9. Malaysians (esp Penangites) have chosen to make their stand loud and clear.

    DAP, now is the time to prove yourselves. Congratulations and please DELIVER, or else we will hold you up to your promises and not hesitate to boot you out ^^

  10. Dear Uncle Lim & all DAP candidates winners,

    Congratulation! This is what the rakyat wants. A new Malaysia for all Malaysians and for our children. Please do not dissappoint them. You have been given the mandate. Work hard, honour your promise and fight for of rights and we will give you another mandate in the next GE to form the next federal government.

    And please celebrate your victory in the moderate manner.

    Congrats again! ;)

  11. So glad to hear voices of reason amongst us. Uncle Kit, you must be proud of those who belong to this blog. We shall not let success get into our heads -> humility and responsibility will take DAP far. This is the chance to show BN the way for clean, efficient and responsible government.

    What a performance!!!! Congratulations.

  12. Congrats uncle lim. after almost 40 years of your hard labouring, your dreams are coming true!

    I’m a happy man today.

    Celebrate a little and get down in restoring justice and good governance in M’sia with Penang leading the way!

    Congrats again!

  13. From a far, across a thousand miles and continents, congratulations to DAP and the rest of the opposition parties. For the 1st time, we have done extremely well….all thanks to the support of the Malaysian people who realized the future generations is in their hands. If grand pa pa is still alive, he’ll be very proud of this win…..nite….

  14. First of all, my utmost congratulations and gratitude to Uncle Lim and DAP stalwarts.

    But most of all, I wish thank all you Malaysians who voted for the alternative. This victory would not be possible without you guys.

    May we see a meaningful and progressive change in Malaysia for us and more importantly, for future generations.

  15. Well what can I say..when RPK said that his intelligence reports said that 5 states will fall and opposition win 80-90 parliament seats, seriously I couldn’t believe it. But it has turned out true. 4 states so far and close to denying BN 2/3 majority in parliament. Well done DAP, PKR, PAS and also to all the tireless and dedicated Barisan Rakyat supporters throughout Malaysia. You have done us proud! Congrats!!

    Now comes the hard part. Don’t be too exuberant in celebrations, if possible offer an olive branch to Gerakan and MCA to work together for the betterment of Penang and Malaysia. Thank you from the deepest depths of my heart! Thank you Pak Lah for graciously accepting defeat. Don’t be too hard on Pak Lah, he’s a human too. Tsu Koon thank you for accepting defeat and promising a smooth transition. At least you can now retire and enjoy life with your family.

  16. Couldn’t get in since 8.30pm!!! Couldn’t access malaysiakini also… Uncle Kit CONGRATULATION, we are supremely happy, the people have spoken, the silent majority has risen, Long Live Malaysia. Bless the people of Malaysia who reject unfair govt.

    Auntie Sal, see what I mean, do not worry your money will multiply, foreign investors love democracy! See you in Sydney next week.

  17. My congrats to all those who won with peoples power (makkal sakthi).

    Opposition forming state government in Penang, Kedah, Selangor and Kelantan at this time.

    The voters really changed the government. And DAP, PAS, OKR & PSM should send their congrats to the voters who elected you YB’s.

    I was at Kepong Parliamment helping Dr Tan since the past 13 days and he emerged as the champion.

    A real tsunami voters flooded the polling stations and wanted a real changed which gave the oppostion a great success.

  18. Dear Uncle Lim,

    Congratulation. Please if your party must, only celebrate on the quiet. I agree there should be no victory parade and no placards. Do not give some trouble makers opportunities to sabotage the oppositions great victory. However, the work has just started. I hope with this victory the oppositions now has a stronger hand to stop the rot in the country. Regards.

  19. Sun TZU:

    The management of a large force is similar to that of a small force. It is a matter of orgainsation and structure

    To control a large force in combat is similar to that of a small force. It is a matter of formations and signals

    Order or diorder depend on organsation

  20. Congratulation!

    We look forward to saving cost for Malaysians (open tenders), humble policies, contiune to help our brothers Indians and Malays….

    The Indian and Malay community should still continue to get attention…there are many poor families among them…..

  21. I really hope that DAP will made full use of the opportunity given to them by taking care of the welfare of the penangnites. As we penangnites do not believe in KOW TOWING to anybody but leading the way.CONGRATULATE !

  22. While I am so saddened by the Sarawak’s result, I am so glad, Dap, PKR and Pas finally have chances to prove to the rest of malaysia what they could do, to serve as examples to states like Sarawak and Sabah.

  23. Thanks to Dr Tun Mahathir 10 yrs ago he sent DSAI into a very good but painful lesson to realize who should watch and whom is the true friends in the government to rely on. He knew all these bloody leader can’t rule, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, within UMNO itself, how can he defeat em all 10 yrs ago. But now he give the best gift and opportunity for DSAI his truth successor, to have the key to realized suara rakyat determine the country, money politics will failed. “Malka Sakti”

    Congrats to YB Lim Guan Eng to be the next Chief Minister of Penang, don’t forget our free bridge, lesser toll, and more MNC companies to come to Pearl of Orient to invest. Kindly restore the beauty of this island from the filth left by BN. Let’s create a better Penang with more tourist visiting us. I wanted to feel proud to be a Malaysian 1st class citizen.

  24. While we celebrate the historic victory, we must be wary of PAS. Accoriding to ‘Harakah Daily’, PAS’ agenda is still the establishment of an Islamic theocracy:
    ‘Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Aziz Nik Mat berkata, kemenangan yang diberi Allah kepada PAS, KeADILan dan pembangkang lain di Malaysia adalah kerana tindakan Umno/BN yang sudah cukup melampau. Kata Tuan Guru, rakyat kelantan masih mahu mempertahankan kerajaan Islam yang telahpun dijalankan PAS sejak memerintah 18 tahun lalu. ‘

    Note that Nik Aziz doesn’t even refer to DAP by its name (‘pembangkang yang lain’).

  25. Congratulations,

    YB Kit,your long and enduring hard work has paid off.The election
    results reminds us of the famous chinese saying:’De Min Xin Tse De Tian Xia’.

    I think you can have a good night sleep after a two week arduous election campaign.Wish you the best always.

  26. Congrats to DAP for all of the acheivements this election. You have made history for this country in so many ways and garnered so many milestones.Congratulations for getting penang,congratulations on the 36k majority for seputeh and congratulations in proving that the ISA can never hold a persons belief down,

  27. CONGRATS on your major achievement for you and your team really deserve it.

    Please do be gracious in this major victory and advise your followers not to antagonise the defeated for it is truly a humbling experience.

    I think General Grant in the USA civil war after defeating the Confederates allowed the losers to keep their weapons as it was important to them.

    Similarly we should not aggravate the situation further.

    Hopefully the new government will not pursue the “politics of punishment” for that will surely drag Malaysia’s economy more.

  28. Congratulation to DAP !!!

    The BBC news early report is here:

    It is a very much toned-down reporting trying not to offend UMNOPUTRA. At the very end of the article BBC invite readers to voice their opinion. Here is your chance to let the whole world know what is actually going on….
    ****** ******* ******* ********
    “Are you in Malaysia? Did you vote? What are your expectations from the election? Send us your comments by filling out the form below.

    Your E-mail address
    Town & Country
    Phone number (optional):
    ******* ****** ********* ******

  29. UPDATE
    Opposition claims victory in Perak – 1.50am
    The state is still too close to call. However, the opposition claimed that it has won a simple majority in the state. According to PKR state chief Dr Lee Boon Chye, the opposition was victorious 30 out of 59 seats (DAP – 18, PKR – 6, PAS – 6).

    But the state Election Commission appears to have suffered a computer glitch, which has delayed the announcement of the results

  30. Dear all opposition,
    Congratulation for putting up a big fight and won.
    We shall see a multi-racial Malaysia. Take care of all based on merit and remove the corrupted.

    When I cast my vote yesterday, I saw a lot of MCA unties-members (not many man –a sign of disheartened support for BN) at the BN booths and there was hardly opposition members or booths outside the polling station…..it’s ok as the results showed that the people have made up their minds on who should be their representatives. Don’t work like BN in splashing money to fish for votes. Maintain the prudent approach in managing the party… The rakyat will know and support the party. We know you guys don’t have the duit to pay people crowding the booths to show off ( implied only) indicate party’s strength. Remember! be prudent. Rakyat knows that BN spend a lot of money to oil her machinery and to get people to work for them….where did the money came from…where else, the rakyat money through corruption.

  31. The Winds of Change have arrived!

    Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan – This is the BIGGEST Defeat of BN ever – we the rakyat are sending a huge message to those sitting in their comfortable palaces in Putrajaya… “if you don’t perform, don’t take care of the rights of the rakyat, the minority can upset many things.

    Before the GE, I’ve predicted this may happen. MCA/MIC scaring the Chinese/Indians won’t work. In seats where UMNO-PKR/PAS, the Chinese/Indians will vote opposition, and when the Malay votes are split, these minority deciding votes will tip the scales over….. yes it has happened!

  32. As the party that now represents the Chinese (mainly) and with the most number of seats in now Opposition controlled Penang, Perak and Selangor and many seats elsewhere, BN should now invite DAP to join the coalition.

    Then BN will rule again.

    As it stands now, we have a chance for a two-party state, just like Republicans and Democrats and Labour and Conservatives.

    We are entering into a new era, in new untested waters. The Opposition has won big but was it ready to rule? Time will tell.

  33. May I extend my congratulation to DAP and LGE.

    Please maintain humility in victory. LGE, please be inclusive in whatever you do. Running a government comes with lots of responsibility. Think of the interests and aspiration of other races. That is what DAP is all about.

    To the bloggers, please watch your comments. Don’t be too rough and cocky.

  34. Yes!! DAP has won Penang!!!! Tsunami indeed!! Congratulations DAP, Now we must perform and show the Malaysian, The Opposition can form a new and fair government in the near FUTURE!!

    Thank You All!!!!!

  35. Uncle Kits,

    Congrats ! You are Great !

    Internet and SMS have also helped us a lot ! We must continue to make full use of the advanced technology !

    BN is a bit outdated already !

  36. Uncle Kit,
    Congrats … on DAP’s best showing in 2008 GE. Your hardwork and patience didn’t go to waste. Penang – DAP CM , Perak – ?, Selangor – ? … who will be the CM ??
    I hope DAP,PKR and PAS will agree for at least 1 Indian CM for the captured states.
    We want ….

    Anxiously following the results from Utah,US.

  37. The right to do is setting an example by getting to work tomorrow.

    Do keep the promise. I believe, DAP, PKR and PAS will also learn from BN mistakes as well.

    By the way, whats goes around comes around. This is always true and time will tell it.

    Be humble and NO celebration.

    Congratulations and all the best

  38. Dear YB Uncle Lim,

    You have inspired us Malaysians to take up the challenge for change and the people of Malaysia have heard your call – loud and clear this time.

    A big congratulations to you and your team!! Its now going forward to penetrate further and charge on with the wind of change into parliament and also to the state assembly!

    Thank you to you and your team and the rest of the opposition for making this happen!

    Thank you people of Malaysia, thank you for making this change a reality! Let’s now build a better Malaysia for all Malaysians!


  39. Too bad the UMNO racists still won. But they won’t be as vocal as before, as they’ve seen what hurt feelings can do on polls day.

    And with only a “simple” majority in parliament, the racist BN cannot be as irresponsible as before.

  40. Can just imagine seeing Dr M grinning and saying, didnt I tell you so?

    Well done to all of us for the effort put in! Malaysians have matured. Lets work towards a better Malaysia.

    Now’s the chance to show how well Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Perak and Selangor can be governed. Lets bring good governance back, and get rid of the excesses.

    Lets all volunteer to help make it better in these states! The work begins now!

  41. Did you guys see EC chairman (and clown) declaring that bn had a simple majority to form the government? The cameras were rolling and he probably was not aware of it. Should he was deeply upset with the results coming in. He was desperate to announce victory for his masters. He has shown how un-independeant the EC is.

    Despite all the one sided media reports and postal votes heavily siding bn, the rakyat has flexed its muscles.

    Yes bn, umno and EC, you forgot who the master is! Its us, the rakyat. And you have abused us for too long.

  42. The umno leaders who are in a meeting in their office, and not giving statements, shows they have lost touch with reality and did not even see this coming! What kind of leaders are they if they dont know what the rakyat want?


    You have successfully launched a “ChangEr” to the moon(just like China). Now we have a platform to achieve our DREAMS.

    We are witnessing History rewrite itself, if anyone of you read “Romance of 3 Kingdom”, it is liken “Liu Bei” finally established a kingdom for himself(the “Shu”).

    Mr Lim, your leadership and never give up fighting spirit(even jailed a few times) has made all this posible. People would give up after a few failure but NOT you. In every election, you give us HOPE and there is no other leader like you.


  44. I not only witness the EC Ra shit throw the letter when been asked by reporters to announce how many seat opposition win, I also watch the Sleeping Pak Lah remained muted blaming technical problems with audio. Nice tactics to avoid the responsibility to announce, now he lost more support from those who really work hard in MIC, MCA, Gerakan. These 2 guys are the living examples of loser.

  45. This is really a very good beginning of departing from racial politics in this country. I hope BN will wake up & behave themselves now. Playing the racial card will only hurt themselves. It is already outdated…

  46. Yes, the opposition has won the battle, but not the war. The battle is still on going. Be humble, and rule with responsibility, all races must be included in the human development in all opposition states. In this way we may win the final war against those racialists KERIS WEAVING idiots.
    Congratulations !! This is the happiest moments for those who felt threatened by the KERIS, whose Malay Bible or Christian books confiscated, whose temple been demolished, who love ones body snatched for Muslim burial despite prove that they are non Muslims and whose monies gone to the corrupted to built their mini palace!

    Lets celebrate, but indoors with our friends and love ones.

  47. Greeting from Ipoh. Congratulations Uncle Lim! Finally see some sun light.
    Hope there is no May 13 incident happen after this election.
    abit scared…. Samy Velu down. Koh Tsu Koon also down…

  48. It’s a good start for DAP and other opposition parties, bravo!

    The result shows that M’sian are getting matured towards a more democratic nation. Hope that DAP and other opposition parties can do a good job, or else, the people can still vote them down in the next term.

  49. DAP did a good job, but don’t forget taht many have had voted because they went in with the HOPE that the three Opposition Parties of DAP-PKR_PAS would do a good job! So the hard work has just begin! With the possibility of capturing more than a couple of State Goverments, PLEASE DO NOT FAIL TO SET EXAMPLES FOR THE FINAL THRUST in 5 years’ time!! Be rational! Don’t get carried away! Do remember those who have just lost have been depending on CLUTCHES for over a generation! They could be real desperate to up-set the new set-up! Congratulations for a hard fought VICTORY!

  50. You want it and now its yours. You better do a good job like what PAS did in Kelantan. Don’t ever be like what the Socialist Front did in Malacca in the sixties when they took over the Malacca Municipal Council. Penang under KSK had lagged behind other states for the past 10-15 yrs. You have your work cut out for you.

  51. Unofficial: BN denied two-thirds majority – 2.22am
    According to unofficial tally, the opposition has apparently denied the ruling Barisan Nasional its crucial two-thirds majority by winning up to 79 seats so far. To deny the government two-thirds majority, the opposition must win 75 seats. On the other hand, BN has won about 130 seats. There are still a dozen more seats to be decided.

    More Good news pouring in! Uncle Lim Tonight is The Night! LGE do Keep your promise! Malaysia for Malaysian!!

  52. Dear Uncle Kit, a personal and sincere THANKS to all your team and your efforts, in creating this magnificent victory. My hope next is to for all the main opposition parties now to UNITE and form a realistic, credible opposition voice in Parliament, to be INCLUSIVE of all races, throwaway your petty squabblings, and then more people rakyat will follow.

    Please also see that the Electoral Roll is cleaned up once and for all, reformed better still! Syabas!


  54. Run Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kedah and KElantan well, and the whole nation will be taken over next. That will bring an end to racial politics.

    Now lets start to work on Bangsa Malaysia!

  55. Never thought I’d live to see the day Malaysians stopped being suckers and I-DYOTS and started voting for some Opposition voices. Don’t think the Opposition, in their wildest dreams, expected BN to fall like dominoes in Penang. Got to give it to the gutsy Penangites ! Now, if only the rest of Malaysia could have followed suit. What’s the worse the Opposition can do after 50 years of absolute power by BN, 25 of which were unmitigated corruption and pillaging of the nation’s wealth ? They can’t bankrupt the country more than BN has, surely ?? CONGRATULATIONS, Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim & Nik Aziz ! Raja Petra is priceless !! Maybe life would be a bit better now for the non-bumis and the poor bumis. Please attempt to bull-doze thru’ Parliament direct elections of local authorities. Tunku Abdul Rahman promised Tan Chee Khoon that he would bring back direct elections when they debated in Parliament donkey years ago on its abolishment. Successive BN governments have broken that promise ! Corruption & incompetence would prolly be halved with direct elections of local authorities.


    Dear Lim Kit Siang,

    I hope that you are aware of the emergency meeting held by UMNO leaders. I would like to point one important thing that you have to look into immediately.

    The Umno’ers are plotting a way to pull opposition candidates over to BN. They can do it both monetarily and by blackmail (hint: fpk). If you have noticed, only Kelantan and Penang has the chance to announce the opposition’s victory in the state elections. Perak, Selangor, Kedah are still in the limbo. The delay is intended to make time for Umno’ers to bring oppositions candidates over right now, and making it in time for tomorrows’ press to announce their success in obtaining 2/3 majority.

    My recommendation is to emulate Sabah’s method years before this, by locking up all your election candidates in close quarters and insulating them from the outside world for the next few hours. This would ensure a definite win for the opposition as Umno’ers would fail to communicate with them. Please inform PKR and PAS on this. Time is running out, sir.


  57. This GE result shows the real meaning of Democracy , Peoples Power
    Congrats to all DAP candidates great winning .Lets our new voices of Democracy bring new hopes to all Malaysian in Dewan Rakyat.

  58. Uncle Lim! Great Job!!! and to all opposition allies. My best wish is you all can form a sound gov in Penang and all other states won.

    Dont let power corrupts the effort you all have been fighting for yearssssss. Best wishes!

    Also, what the hell why EC is not annoucing the result and UMNO is holding closed emergency meeting? Wanna play dirty huh????? Damn.

  59. Uncle Kit ,

    I’m begging to have at least 1 strong Indian reprensentative in any State Gov of which captured and going to be form by DAP.
    If not a CM why not a deputy CM ?
    It will make DAP even more popular and as a party takes care of Indians welfare.
    Maybe who knows … DAP or BA can even capture Parliment in next GE 2012 (if there is one) !!




    Every drop of sweat and your sufferings for the past forty years are worth it. The people have finally woke up and you can rest assured that we will always be with you.

    May I remind Penang DAP (through your blog) that they have to choose the best for any positions to rule Penang. Everyone will be clamouring for posts, infighting is bound to happen. Those not chosen will retaliate in different ways.

    Before confirming any post, I suggest that the newly crown CM ie CM Lim Guan Eng, sits down and work with all potential candidates for at least a couple of months before appointing any of them.

    And the most important thing to watch out is CORRUPTION. I suggest that the new Penang Government form a small team of ACA to put a check to ensure that this cancer does not happen in the new Government.

    Its going to be tough and bn with their money and power is going to keep knocking and hitting at Penang until the next election.

    Do it right and do not fail the people of Penang.

  61. The wave of Sarawak during last state election is sweeping through the floor of West Malaysia. Did any one expect so many states to be in the hand of opposition? Never, at least in my mind.

    The victory means that the anticipation of the people is much greater than expected. The victory is a joint effort of the LKS and Anwar, DAP and Keadilan. Malaysian politics in the new era is about the politics for all Malaysians, and not based on the race or the crony. Existing politics is based on the rich, by the rich and for the rich who are in UMNO, MCA, SUPP, Gerakan, MIC. I am surprised to read that MCA’s president replied that they will do a study to find out why they lost. Are they still sleeping? The reason is obvious and yet they did not try to admit it or they are just stupid. Afterall Samy and his party deserved all the punishment by the people. Gerakan was smart not to announce the next chief minister because it is simply not for them.

    History proved that we can do it. It is a bit sad about the outcome in Sarawak. But, Sarawak is so remote from the West and also the mentality of the people is behind those of the West. We also did not experience the direct impact under the arrest of Hindraf or May 13. I must also say that the standard of our DAP politicians is not of a very high caliber and there is just a few persons whom I would admire. But it is not easy to have very good ones….But please remember that we sent the first wave, two years ago, at the state level.

    How many states under the ‘former opposition’ now? Can one or two UMNO in Trengganu ask themselves if they should still remain in the BN, or give the power to the opposition. May be these states should join and form a different form of central government.

  62. DAP manifesto looks good to try for all the Penangites, YB LGE has another 4 yrs to prepare his bullets to fight UMNO. That’s what i heard from YB LGE ceramah at Han Chiang. Pls for god sake, let’s all do it, don’t stop there.

    Let’s do it together. Just Change!

    1. New factories, new technology start-ups, new businesses opportunities. Retention plan for all the existing MNC company.

    2. High Quality Jobs, High Wages, Low Living Cost

    3. First class IT infrastructure.

    4. Ease the traffic jam, especially during Rain, or every Friday.

    5. Safe neighbourhood.

  63. let’s look at this article posted @ star online…

    Sunday March 9, 2008
    MYT 2:47:07 AM

    BN forms govt with simple majority

    By V.P. SUJATA

    PUTRAJAYA: Barisan Nasional has obtained a simple majority by winning 127 parliamentary seats in the 12th general election.

    Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said as at 1.30am, Barisan Nasional had gained a clear majority of over 50% of the 222 Parliamentary seats contested.

    The EC has also announced a simple majority in several states including Perlis, Pahang, Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Terengganu.

    However, Abdul Rashid added that he still could not announce the results for a few states including Penang, Perak and Selangor as there was no single clear winner to form the state governments in these respective places.

    “That is why I cannot make an announcement now unless there is a coalition formed in such states,” he said.

    Abdul Rashid added that such a process would take time.

    so clear that this Abdul Rashid is BN-friendly…how can we trust the integrity of the so-called EC??? all bull-shit!

  64. CONGRATULATION for the huge windfall to DAP, PAS & PKR…!!!

    It is sickening to see the racial card being flash over and over again by those BN Asinines. Malaysia voters are more educated and mature politically than before.

    We need a better government who could run the country well and take care of every Malaysians. See BEYOND racial barrier, that will be the ultimate dream for all Malaysians … one big family..!!!

    The Oppositions need a Dream Team to fight for the cause that have been fighting for all this while and let’s cherry-pick more states in the next election.

    I am so excited and just can’t hide it…!!! Let’s do the best for this country we love.


  65. Hearty congratulations. Yes, do keep cool in celebrations. I attended ceramas this week and I felt strongly you would do well. Only thing, I did not expect you to do so very very very well. Congrats again.

  66. Congratulations! despite the cheating and lack of media coverage, the voice of the people wins the day. A new beginning, let’s all work together for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.

    Glad I flew back to vote.

  67. Such sweet victory! Congratulations to all those successful candidates in this GE 2008.

    We all owe it to Lim Kit Siang, Wan Azizah, Anwar Ibrahim, Kapal Singh, Lim Guan Eng, M Kula, Fong Po Kuan, Khalid Ibrahim and everyone in DAP, PKR and PAS without them we would not have been inspired to go for change and make it possible!

    Thank you!

  68. forget abt wat those idiots said in the tv…its naturally so biased and as for our pm….u dun even knw how to congratulate the winners with grace.it really showed in our pm’s face….a leader who dun even knw wat the people want and how to be a good loser.let this be a lesson to u mr pm.we are only simple people of malaysia…who wans fairness and equalness regardless of colors.u showed us wat a fair pm u are and we in turn showed u wat malaysians are made of.and mr pm…maybe u can learn something fr the oppositions…be fair and let them run the show the way they hv promised.and i bet….the oppositions can run the show much much better for the people the way u do.so mr pm…i hope u do hv a good nites sleep.congrats to our opposition leaders.u fought well for such a long time…u all deserve it.we who believe in a true malaysian spirit without having to look on others skin colors will always be behind u all.kamsia.kiong hee.

  69. Hmmmm.

    Looks like Lim Kit Siang won’t be Opposition leader again with the PKR and PAS also doing well. Anwar?


    As for the new MB of Perak, maybe Nga will be going to the kadi tomorrow.

  70. Semi Value now go no Value

    What a relief; i am happy that we need not see his sickening face again.

    Samy; pls remember that there is a Bigger Samy up there watching.

    Serve u right and all your boot kissing friends in MIC

  71. Congratulations to all. BN won simple majority because of constituency lines weighted in its favour and its vast resources as incumbent. I believe majority of voters – and rakyat of all races – have resoundingly sounded their rejection of the BN’s policies. It is new dawn in Malaysian politics and its implications and what would happen will be clearer (perhaps not now) but in days to come. Umno leaders having an emergency meeting. No point of you guys blaming Pak Lah for the political awakening of the rakyat. Look at yourselves first how you behaved and learn from there….

  72. PLEASE!!!
    Don’t say wrongly that BN are looking after the race. They are not. They are looking after only the rich Malay in the cronies. Please got this point right. There are equally poor Malays, poor Indians, poor Chinese, and even much more poor Ibans/Dayaks.

  73. “i also feel that perak mb should be from pkr…..though dap have majority seats. or umno might invite pkr and pas to form government in perak…..dun be greedy” Chong Zhe Min

    you mean dap has more seats and not majority of the seats?

    a compromised solution to the problem as to who would be best to hold the post of mb may not be the end of the problem. a malay mb from pkr may be criticized as being nothing more than a front man, a puppet, a stooge etc. it looks like a minefield!

  74. Congratulations.. Many many thanks to Uncle Lim who has fought hard and long for this victory.

    Anyways, let us not be too carried away with this tsunami. Next five years will be important for DAP and the other opposition parties to show that they can run the states.

    Please capitalize on the victory gained.

  75. Now the challenge is to work together with PKR and PAS. Please be careful as UMNO will try to cause dissension between DAP, PKR and PAS. I hope the leaders are smart enough to counteract this problem.

  76. hmm..so far now PAS form gov in kelantan…DAP in Penang, Perak should be given to PKR ..what about selangor..any idea?..as of to be fair to all the opposition..we just want a change…

  77. And also don’t follow BN style. Don’t be hungry for power once you gain the control, and don’t try to fight for whom to be the MB, etc. I think many of us share the same mentality because we have been living in the BN era and spoon fed by their system. No doubt that the best person would fill the job. I think LKS and Anwar know about it. So let’s wait and see.

  78. to everyone here, i believe that if the MB is a muslim/ the vice shoud be a chinese..as to be fair to all races..somehow i tink need to see to the majority of the population in that area?

  79. We should thank Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Harris Ibrahim for giving the ful support during the many ceramahs doen in the last 13 days.

    RPK’s The People’s Declaration endorsed by the Opposition should be taken into account very seriously to gain the grassroot support to make a major change in the next general election 2012.

    Do smartly and share the economic values equally among all races without giving any rooms for corruptions.

    Peoples Power “Makkal Sakthi” has really shaken the BN lead government to loose in 5 states a biggest history in Malaysian politics.

    My congrats to all those won and keep up your promises and work hard for all Malaysians.

  80. A new lease of Life for DAP, PKR & PAS…!!!

    Power sharing will be the key for political success. Self-inflation & infighting will end up defeat just like BN which rots from within.

    Deliver what has promised, a clean and effective new government. That’s what the Rakyat wanted.

    CONGRATULATION again..!!! We Love You…!!! Do us proud..!!!

  81. got no one to be mb in selangor…just drop me a line.hehehe…it doesnt matter whos gonna be the mb but pls choose wisely and dun fight over it for the sake of the people and unity.be it pas…pkr or dap…u people hv joined hands to fight these scumbags…show them wat unity is all abt…share the responsibility…to serve in fairness and honesty…we dun care wat u are…as long as u lead in a right way.

  82. Perak Chief Minister MUST Be Indian/Sikh/Orang Asli……Never must they be marginalised again…….This is the right thing to do!!

    Now Go to Sabah Sarawak and talk to Taib and Pairin and ask them to support Barisan Rakyat to Form New Gevernment.

    This is A NEW Malaysia and we must work towards Forgiveness for a Better Malaysia…. A Malaysia without UMNO corruption, racism!!

  83. hahahahahaa
    good news

    uncle sami lose.. i think now only shaolin can accept him
    his should change name…..


    DAP is the best PARTY in malaysia…. uncle lim u did the best for us..fight for us forever… DAP alive malaysia…

  84. Congratulations DAP for the massive victory which i’m sketical at first but was very shock with the success.

    What the rakyat would hope now is that the Opposition will keep United as one and do something for the people to see..that they are different and that they can make a difference. Its more hard work from now on…PLEASE DO NOT DISAPPOINT US THE RAKYAT!

  85. To Perak DAP and Lim Kit Siang,

    Judging from TV3 commentators who already inciting Malay ketuanan sentiments openly and also to respect Malay as the majority in Perak as UMNO gave way to Gerakan in 1990 as Penang Chief Minister.

    Please invite PKR candidate as Perak Menteri Besar and the right candidate is Anwar Ibrahim who have gathered supports from all races. Raja Petra also a good choice for Perak MB post.



  87. Uncle Lim,

    I was study in UK before, so I understood that our previous government was one of the worst in Asia. Now I am happy DAP took control of Penang and I really hope that DAP, PKR and PAS can always work together to make Penang a better future. One thing we hope DAP can understand is don’t forget we support you because we trust you, don’t make us down or this will be the last chance for DAP.

    We really wait for DAP to win for some many years, now it is happened. Make Malaysia Democracy and kick out all of the corruption politicians.

    DAP, good luck and we believe you will not let us down :) Always supporting you!!!

  88. Chong Zhemin Says:

    Today at 03: 40.09 (1 minute ago)
    khalid ibrahim will be selangor mb. teng chang kim will be deputy mb…Perak situation is more tricky…..

    hahaha..Uncle Kit be Perak MB pls..hahaha..

  89. Congrats, Malaysians got our wishes “The Wind of Change” has arrived. What a resounding defeat for BN.

    The victory by oppositions does remind me of the phrase “Our enemy is our common enemies”

    I just hope that after the defeating our common enemy, we do not go after each others throat.

    Effectively, we are proud to say that from now on the Parliament will be well represented.

    I am sure there are many issues need to be handled and with care.

    Lets this “change” be our permanent landscape for our children and their children sake.

    I sincerely hope we grow as Malaysian and not as Chinese, Malays, Indians or other race. Discard the communal politic propagated by BN for so long that have lead to a generalized popular revolt by Malaysians.

    Hidup Malaysia, Syabas to all my Malaysian, I am proud to be part of this process that change the political landscape forever.

  90. Nobody Says:

    Today at 03: 39.43 (2 minutes ago)
    I’m quite sure the opposition now has more total votes than the BN. BN wins because of the unfair constituency delineation.


    Phantom voters and army and police multiple votings save BN from losing simple majority.

    Next step is WE demand SPR reform to ensure fair election in the future.


    thumbs up …he deserves it


    thumbs up …he deserves it

  93. Congratulations to all Rakyat malaysia who have shown that racial politics championed by UMNO and its hamba parties aren’t going to work as more and more malaysian are getting tired with them.

    SYABAS MALAYASIA! It is winning for all malaysian!

  94. disapointed86, majority population in Sarawak are the Dayaks. In Sabah, the Kadazans. But the CM is not a Dayak or a Kadazan.

    Hope, the CM? MB issue will be settled properly. For me, I think the best choice would be a person who is most qualified. But then that’s subjective. Tough… lets stop discussing it. Leave it to DAP?PKR/PAS… I’m sure they’ll make a good choice.

  95. Hi All,

    I am from Ipoh, Perak. I appeal to all DAP supporters to please nominate YB Lim Kit Siang to be the Menteri Besar of Perak. This is what we Perakians/IpohYan wants. I hope you all will support this nomination. This Uncle Lim had fought for so long (36 years) for almost nothing to his belt, one term as Menteri Besar is nothing too much right? It’s not too much too ask for, based on totals seats won by DAP. Gula also a good choice…but I prefer Uncle Lim.

    Please let Ipoh have this ultimate dream. Thank you very much. :)

  96. haahahaha……whoever can be the menteri besar… as long as is smart and bring alive to perak which already a dead state.. the menteri besar also must able to take care of all races in the state

    i from perak too… but my place won by rafidah which is damn sad for me…..

  97. I hope ppl do not forget that a minority factor behind the success of this election for us.

    Lets be fair and equal to all

    I am talking about Perak; and who is going to be the MB.

    Mr Sivanesan for MB

    We will be thankfull to you, and proves that we do not practice biasness

  98. techie Says:

    Today at 03: 47.04 (1 minute ago)
    disapointed86, majority population in Sarawak are the Dayaks. In Sabah, the Kadazans. But the CM is not a Dayak or a Kadazan.

    Hope, the CM? MB issue will be settled properly. For me, I think the best choice would be a person who is most qualified. But then that’s subjective. Tough… lets stop discussing it. Leave it to DAP?PKR/PAS… I’m sure they’ll make a good choice.

    hi there..i think its not rasional to say what you’ve said..cos like wat u say..sarawak majority is dayak, as im from sarawak too…but..the dayak mostly dont have the power to control things around as majority of them living in rural areas which cant be accessed by roads..so i believe they are not really awared of what happening around them..as for west malaysia..they are more different..for eg. kelantan.. is it posible the MB is a chinese? i dont think so ..cheers

  99. The excitement overcame the rest, so much so that I cant even sleep. Congrats to all our heroes in all 3 parties. My special congrats goes to Mr.Lim and team for the great great victory. The next 5 years hopefully the golden period to all Malaysians regardless of race.

  100. The combined opposition of DAP, PKR and PAS said that they will form the new government in Perak. Collectively the three parties have won 30 seats (DAP – 18, PKR – 6, PAS – 6) out of 59 seats. One seat (Teja) is yet to be decided.

    However, the opposition still will have a narrow one-seat majority even if Teja goes to BN. About 50 opposition supporters are attempting to seal off the state government building in Ipoh to stop documents from being removed.

  101. My humble wish here is that the newly formed state governments will rule the states with fairness without sidelining anybody because of his/her creed and religion. Congratulations to the Opposition but please do not rest on your laurels as an even bigger task looms ahead all of you.
    All the best!

  102. Congrats, DAP, PKP, PAS and all opposition candidates! You’re the real fighters who deserve victories! Yea, a big thank you to alternative media i.e. Malaysiakini, Raja Petra, Haris Ibrahim and bloggers!Your works are unbiased and have enabled Malaysians in abroad to share this historical moment! The Local media are hopeless! Bravo Malaysians!

  103. It is not over. It is only the begining!

    What about likely cross-overs from PKR to BN (UMNO)?

    The criticism levelled against Barisan Alternatif, and not without some merit, has always been that they will not be able to maintain enough cohesion among themselves long enough to provide a stable government.

    Also it is after all the same formula used by the Alliance when they took control from the Brits in 1957. Does this victory by the opposition spell the end of the politics of race that we so vehemently condemn all this while?

  104. actualy even the not won a sabah and sarawak.. they already enough to shock off BN, UMNO …. i think they never expected this kind of result will come out….

    maybe they now in trouble and headache of losing so many state…

  105. I believe you don’t have to stand for state election in order to be CM of Perak. When new government for state is established, the CM will be elected internally. I hope I am right.

    Even Uncle Lim didn’t go for state election…he was running like mad, this old man..the only person who did more than others so that DAP gain popularity at all fronts is Uncle Lim. Didn’t this count?

  106. isapointed86 Says:
    Today at 03: 53.16 (2 minutes ago)
    eg. kelantan.. is it posible the MB is a chinese? i dont think so ..cheers

    I also don’t think so. I just asking since Sarawak majority are Dayaks, why is it possible that a Melanau is the CM?

  107. Just a wild thought.

    AAB will resign as he felt responsible for BN’s massive defeat and Najib will be the next PM. The ‘RAHMAN’ prophecy is coming true as it has for the last 50 years because the first name of all the PM followed the alphabets appear in the word. We had R-Rahman (The first PM), A- Abdul Razak, H- Hussein Onn, M-Mahathir, A-Abdullah Badawi, and N-Najib.

    Is it possible that Najib will be the last BN’s PM?

  108. Eventhough BN has got simple majority of over 50%, I hope the oppositions could beat BN’s 2/3 majority.

    Anyway, congratulations! I just heard the oppositions is going to control four states:


    Announcement by Lim Guan Eng that DAP will work with PKR to form Penang goverment was brilliant! The BN always tell people on TV that the oppositions could never work together, now that DAP and PKR can work together, the rakyat will have more confident in the oppositions. Keep it up!

  109. Today is the day that all of us have been waiting for. This is history in the making. Congrats DAP for taking Penang. 2/3 majority have been denied. Now perhaps Malaysia have a chance.

  110. Congratulations are due from all Malaysians, DAP memners or not.

    Be calm, uncork some bottles of wine, and keep celebrations at just that level. Avoid celebrations that will be seen as gloating over the defeated.

    Get together with PKR, PAS. Start tomorrow. Make the fonecalls now. Meet immediately.

    Your responsibility to Malaysia is now much, much greater than yesterday.

    We’ll be behind you.. as long as you remain true to your promises, these promises being also Malaysian expectations. Forget about not having won government – get just your states right. Sometime in the near future, a Parliamentary majority will surely follow.

    Fail…. NOT!!!



    2. KHAIRY CAMELUDDIN – because of his pride and arrogance
    3. NAJIB TUN RAZAK – because of Razak Baginda
    4. FORMERLY KNOWN AS PAK LAH , NOW KNOWN AS KA LAH – because he likes to build CORRIDURS so that he can TIDUR.
    5. NAZRI – Please watch the YouTube video

  112. There’s a big difference between being opposition leader, and being a leader of a state. You need someone who has good administrative skills. Who knows the laws and regulations etc.

  113. See what happens when you try to brainwash the people?

    The Star? The New Straits Times? The Sun? Utusan? RTM? TV3?

    Chandra? Nalla? Wong CW?

    The people are not stupid you know. The people is the boss.

  114. techie Says:

    Today at 03: 58.42 (23 seconds ago)
    isapointed86 Says:
    Today at 03: 53.16 (2 minutes ago)
    eg. kelantan.. is it posible the MB is a chinese? i dont think so ..cheers

    I also don’t think so. I just asking since Sarawak majority are Dayaks, why is it possible that a Melanau is the CM?

    i’ve told u that majority of Dayak in Sarawak live in rural areas and most of them dont really care about politics..for 1 crucial reason that most of them vote for BN cos BN fill in Dayak well known people in their constituency…thats why the CM post is flying away from them…

  115. Lim Kit Siang for MB please..for real.

    That’s how we repay this old man who fought for Democracy & Equality for so long, so hard. How much he had done for us in Dewan Rakyat..remember?

    ° Uncle Lim for MB of Perak °

  116. The tsunami we see today is a result of the immense willpower and desire for change by us the man in the street.I am one of them .I feel we owe so much to so many people:
    the rakyat of malaysia who decided enough is enough(thank you)
    those who were not afraid and boldly spoke out, raja petra you the man, bloggers like haris , jeff , and so many more
    the internet the great marvel of this century,
    hindraf , hindraf 5 bersih,
    yes even the msm for their so unceasing pummeling of us all and treating us like some stupid kid
    yes the arrogant umno for being truly sombong and forgetting the basic truth that we the rakyat put you all up and worse of all for treating us like stupid fools.
    to everyone of us who voted for change you should be proud of yourself that you had courage to get up be counted n change.Salute.
    As from today onwards let us all look forward to heal ourselves and work together,We are a wounded nation and so much huart and pain.Lets move forward together, to unite and truly be one nation.
    Hidup malaysia! no fear

  117. Congrats,
    This victory comes with responsibility to all Malaysians.
    Be reasonable and look at the mistakes n highhandedness if the bn govt.
    Take all Malaysians into consideration in all that you do. Work closely with PAS, PKP and others.
    Remember all eyes and ears will be on all of you in the BA.

    Congrats again.

  118. Hello all, Uncle Lim fight for us not for any titles like the UMNO leader who award millions of contracts to his own keen & friends, don’t let the UMNO media fool u. These ppl in the opposition don’t fight for money, they are humble leader and has high integrity. I once shake uncle Lim hand when he’s having supper at Penang Jalan tengah after his 1st ceramah the 1st gathering at Penang townhall, I know he can bring change to Penang and it is now realized.

    Now it is time for Uncle Lim team to proof to the Rakyat not by word by action. Don’t forget Jeff Ooi, you also did great during the 60K historic Rakyat gathering at Han Chiang.

  119. Please please please choose a bunch of guys who will run a clean administration.

    I also suggest you call in audit firms to do a thorough audit of what has gone on in the state in the past, and expose it. Then work on the recommendations from the auditors to improve on it. And you need to appoint lawyers to go after the crooks!. That should be a good start.

  120. Get Ready People to move as people power to SEAL OFF STATE Government Building. We must stop any UMNO-BN officials from removing documents. Agong and Sultan must start ordering ARMY to protect people and Government from being accessed by Anybody especially UMNO-BN people.

    Sabah & Sarawak Must do the Moral Thing and Join Barisan Rakyat for a Better Malaysia…..

    Hello Ku Li How many UMNO can you bring Across to Barisan Rakyat………You will be made PM for the opportunity denied to you by UMNO BARU….!!!…Time To LOMPAT!!!

    Malaysia at the dawn of a new GOVERNMENT!!!

  121. hey everyone

    actually whoever be MB is not important rites… the main important pooint here is that person can bring alove to perak. and no more dead town…

    the person should be able to bring development to the state and he able to reduce the poor rates. and SAY NO TO CORRUPTION….

    NO RASUAH is the main point

  122. Lets show the other states that we mean business. Start with the auditor generals reports for the past few years and go after the Directors who have not done anything. Give them a 2 week grace period to reply or get moved/demoted if no action has been taken.

    Shape up teh administrative service. Lets go!

    And by the way, will DAP/PKR/PAS re-start local government elections?

  123. Lim Kit Siang did not contest a state seat so he cannot become the MB. Anyway, i would advise that the next MB of Perak come from PKR. That is because Perak is a Malay majority state – a Chinese Menteri Besar will not go down well. Believe me. I’m not a racist, just a realist and pragmatist.

    For example how would a Chinese MB supposed to officiate at Islamic events involving the Mufti and Sultan? Even so, DAP will still control the largest bloc in the Perak DUN, so it balances itself out. I hope this is done to avoid sparking any unnecessary fires. We are here to move Malaysia forward and to do that we must not pick unnecessary fights which would be counterproductive for Malaysia.

    Hidup Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!

  124. “Selangor for Anwar or Raja Petra(closer to his cousins ma) and Uncle LIm for Perak. Can? ”

    I don’t see how Anwar could be MB Selangor. He is not an elected member of the State Assembly. He did not stand for the elections, remember?

  125. Congratulations for the Opposition for systematically deploying their election machinery to give us this victory, and also for the great voters who made this possible. I believe this time, GOD too voted for the OPPOSITION, and this is definitely not undi ‘hantu’ but undi ‘Tuhan’.

  126. PM: ‘We’ve lost, we’ve lost’ – 4.12am
    These were the only words which Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could muster when quizzed on the ruling coalition’s shocking defeat in five states.

    Abdullah was posed with the question during a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur. He was accompanied by his wife Jeanne, deputy Najib Abdul Razak and other BN leaders.

    The prime minister added that he will make a media statement after analysing the results in detail.

    finally he admit he lose……….good news……..hidup malaysia

    alive malaysia

  127. When is the Perak Sultan next birthday?

    The highest award must be given to YB LIM KIT SIANG by the Sultan of Perak and subsequently, by the Selangor Sultan and the Governer of Penang.

    No need for recommendation from the sleepy pm. The rakyat will start to campaign to get YB Kit all the highest titles possible.

  128. To the soon to be PM (may not stay to long).

    People say 13 is an unlucky number, but you do not believe, instead you believe in someone else.

    People want to feed you good food, but you do not want to eat, instead you prefer to eat the poisons supple by your own sil and the 4th floor smart alexes.

    People are telling you that they are suffering and hard to live nowadays, but you “tak suka dicabar”.

    People tell you that the “wind of change” or a tsunami is coming but you believe your 4th floor smart alexes, that this is not true and you will capture Kelantan and retain Penang.

    You are blind to all these things that are going to happen but the funny thng is that you does not look blind. Your two eyes are still looking good.

    The only advise I can give to you now is:

  129. What I am afraid is that many crooks from UMNO would join PKR hoping to be in power one day. Then, the cycle of corruption will continue again. This has to be stopped right now.

  130. Let’s punish the bloody muzaphar who directly attack DSAI on media, the Star office in Penang need to change the board, cos all of those ppl who sit high at that office are BN puppets, removed that puppets and make our press more true news, not BN propoganda machine.

    Sometime i wish the Star can publish news that give opposition a chance to voice the injustices, biasness, unfairness, faked reports without integrity. I’ve been to studying in Toronto, and Australia, I noticed non of those press are used by government to attack opposition. Only in Malaysia these has been going on since BN took over 4 yrs ago, and it has become apparent during the past weeks, i have stop buying the newspaper The Star.

    Sacked all the govt propoganda officer.

  131. 494 visitors @ Uncle Kit’s blog at the moment… Wow! Yep, DAP won Penang, I happened to be in Air Putih DAP office this afternoon and got the chance to shake hand with the next Chief Minister of Penang YB Lim Guan Eng. Later, we went down to Redrock Hotel where the press conference was being held, we waited from 8pm till after midnight, it was packed. Well, it was worth it.

    I am happy but I am also very cautious. It may be a new dawn for democracy in Malaysia but I can also imagine it will be very tough time for DAP as well, however outgoing Chief Minister Koh Tsu Kun conceded defeat and informed DAP that he will make sure smooth transition of power in the Penang state government.

    DAP must now find ways and means to unite all political parties in Penang state as their cooperation will be crucial for any success before the next general election. But I was thinking, will the next general election will be held in 2010? To ensure all Malaysians walk out of miseries and propel herself to become a developed nation, BN must not be the government. My suggestion is; an early election in 2 years time.

  132. Hello! Hello! Hello!
    Let’s not talk too much about the mb post.
    Let the guys settle down, discuss and get a census.
    No point talking and suggesting now.
    Else, another Chanderun or Wong Chun Wai(Toi) will surface….talking and making all sorts of opinions to confuse the people…Fortunately, we smart enough not to listen to these crooks.

  133. Tengku Razaleigh can you bring 10 – 15 clean UMNO to Barisan Rakyat…..then convince Sabah/Sarawak to come across too…to form NEW Government.??

    Everybody if you want a new Malaysia…stop this race rubbish…the best person for the job….and in times like this Opposition should offer BIG Carrot to Ku Li and Anwar should be the man to ask him to come across….this is happening as we blog here…..we will play the dirtiest by stealing….Malaysia economy need Ku Li skills with crude at such high price lots of money for education, public transport….etc

  134. MCA president Ong Ka Ting expressed shock over the election results which saw the ruling Barisan Nasional losing scores of seats to the opposition.

    Ong Ka Chng is one damn ignorant guy. As an MCA leader, he should surf the net more often, read more blogs like this one or Malaysia-Today.Net to find out more about how very poor Chinese like me feel about being second class citizen in Malaysia. Too bad a poor guy like me is of no use to Ong. His main concern is to take care of the welfare of his UMNO bosses and certain rich Chinese businessmen only.

  135. DAP Leaders in Perak,

    I am a Chinese.
    Please be wise, controlled and humble.

    Let the MB be Malays from PKR and Vice MB be Indian in DAP.
    Fair to all, don’t work for your own agenda, work for the people, or Makkal Sakthi will return on next GE and DAP is the one to be swept off.

    REMEMBER ! Work for the benefit of people and stability !

  136. # sheriff singh Says:
    Today at 03: 54.01 (20 minutes ago)

    So 13 is in indeed a “sway” unlucky number.

    Pak Lah should sack his feng shui master or bomoh or astrologist or watever.

    It has nothing to do with feng sui or numbers. People who lie and cheat will be hounded with bad karma.

  137. Dear Uncle Lim,

    Many congrats, very few could ever fit into your very large shoes. 40 yrs of your life, very little of ours, we do hope that you savour the victory.

    Agree with others, better off to share some states with PKR and Indian CM or DCM is brilliant idea.

    Raja Petra, Jeff Ooi, Uncle lim and other blog hosts, i salute u, tonight would not have happened without your courageous and tenacious efforts.

    To all our friends, im proud to have heard some elder chinese citizens that they would vote for PAS (as no DAPorPKR in their area) and equally some malay citizens expressing support for DAP. Most wld say “over my dead body” years ago, we have clearly progressed to the next level of maturity, we are truly bangsa Malaysia. The policy and execution matters, race and religion is irrelevant. Im truly happy.

    Some credit to BN for accepting loss gratiously. Now is the time to re-evaluate what the people wants and needs, BN has lost touch with the people. BN will come back and DAP/PKR/PAS only has a few years to prove that they are a formidable opposition. I hope we will see a true 50:50 by the next election (like most advanced nations). By then, I hope party members will be allowed to vote against motions/proposals setforth by own party members.

    Lets now be sensitive to others who have loss and look forward to a new Malaysia.

  138. In order to convince other party leaders and members to join DAP, we should show them all that the DAP manifesto works in 2 yrs implementation time and another 2 yrs to enjoy it. Let’s not be bias to YB LGE cos Tsu Koon 17 yrs can’t do anything for Penangites, i think 4 yrs might be short to see the result, the Rakyat should remain positive that DAP can do the job within 4 yrs, and this in return will gather & unite all parties to join.

  139. “For example how would a Chinese MB supposed to officiate at Islamic events involving the Mufti and Sultan?” goldenscreen

    Very perceptive! There is no escape to Article 3 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution 1957.

    Then perhaps DAP should take second slot – deputy MB.

  140. Momentous occassion and opportunity for change. What’s important now is that the Opposition and the NEW state government not waste this or the people will turn again. This is the time when all the OPP parties should work together to show that they can act in concert and SPEAK OUT in the people’s best interests. Please, please don’t screw up or we’ll be back to square one. I propose that someone starts an NGO along the lines of: OPP don’t screw up….

  141. LKS should consider carefully the appointment of Chief Minister of Perak and selangor.It would be a magnanimous gesture to let PKR appoint a Malay Menteri Besar since Perak and selangor is a malay majoority state.Or a PkR elected rep can cause a by election for Annuar to contest and be M.B of selangor. I feel Dap should tread carefully in the appointment of M.B.Let the M.B of both states be a malay from PKR while DAP can have a deputy M.B who is chinese or indian.

  142. I think the BN has severely underestimated the power of the internet and also that the people are not stupid despite the MSM untruths.

    It is a glorious day for all Malaysians as democracy is shown to be alive and well.

    Now if only we can get more internet access to the rural areas …

  143. “I believe you don’t have to stand for state election in order to be CM of Perak. When new government for state is established, the CM will be elected internally. I hope I am right.” CommonFolk

    No, you’d have to be a duly elected member of UDN, may not be president of your Party. That would be up to the Party’s constitution.

  144. For the moment, I agree with you all that we should thread carefully on MB appt, vis a vis racial representation and the component parties of the opposition.

    However, I believe this should be changed by the next election to BEST MAN FOR THE JOB basis.

  145. A number of days ago in this blog I said we the” awakened “will celebrate before dawn of 9 March…. I cannot sleep as still celebrating. The people have managed to deny BN 2/3 rd majority… Gosh who would have believed that?

    Now the reality dawns upon me, this motley group of victorious opposition candidates might have different agendas and quarrel among themselves as each clamors for positions causing that dreadful so-called political instability… please we beg you all to be united and work out the best formula….. otherwise, in my case, my Aunt will clobber me…and seriously we love our country too much to give in to GREED.

  146. The world will finally see us as someone who has sense for true democracy.

    I cannot imagine if the indeliable ink was used; we would have created waves on a tsunami scale in parliament too.

    Anyway this is too good to be true.

    Wow, is Samy asleep?

  147. Before the victory dust has settled, we have people in this blog rambling on racial lines. What ‘race’ should be the new MB ? I dont hear Malaysia for Malaysians. I dont hear I am Anak Malaysia. I dont hear saya Bangsa Malaysia.

    I dont care what race the MB is as long as he does not behave like UMNOputras, govern, deliver and serve the people and serve the people well.

    I hope we are not Bangsa Malaysia for just one day 8 Mar 2008. PAS, PKR and DAP stay united and show the people who have voted for you, you mean what you say.

    I am sure BN would love to see you fail. For the love of our beloved country stay united. You are “People United Front” or “Malaysian United Front” or “Barisan Bangsa Malaysia” or “Barisan Semangat Rakyat”.

    I would like to thank Raja Petra, Haris, Malaysiakini and bloggers for keeping me enlightened and bringing light to the people when there was darkness. You people keep reminding us there is always hope for Malaysia. Because of you, a new era has dawn on Malaysia yesterday, 8 March 2008.


  148. bumi-non-malay Says:

    Today at 04: 24.23 (13 minutes ago)
    Tengku Razaleigh can you bring 10 – 15 clean UMNO to Barisan Rakyat…..then convince Sabah/Sarawak to come across too…to form NEW Government.??


    Stop frog culture and money politics.

  149. Let’s not discuss which race get which post. We should not be looking at this from a race perspective. We want to get away from racial politics. Remember? Perhaps we have been conditioned to much by the BN for 50 years…

  150. “LKS should consider carefully the appointment of Chief Minister of Perak and selangor.” Richard Teo

    Correction! Head of the executive branch of the former FMS and UMS is called Mentri Besar – not Chief Minister.

    There is also the messy and sensitive issue of participation of the MB in state religious ceremonies involving the state mufti and the Sultan. What does the state constitution say??

  151. There is no agendas except the manifesto to be implemented as soon as possible after settling down, there might be goin off track but things will be in order in another few days to come hopefully not too long to keep the Rakyat waiting.

  152. “UMNO is still capable to incite Malays for their heavily defect.

    For the moment, let Malays to be MB in Selangor and Perak is a safe bet.”

    Totally agreed…& I’m not suggesting we ignore this at all. But let’s not discuss/argue which race gets the deputy post etc. Just get the right guy for the right job as we would do in a multi-national company…

  153. You all also forget that the Opposition has taken over Kuala Lumpur winning 10 out of 11 seats.

    Boy is the Mayor gonna get it.

    And the smallest constituency is Putrajaya!!!! Only 6,600 voters for one seat!!! This is a disgrace!!! And the Teuku, of the Lingam tape case, got in !!!

  154. That being said abt finding malay MB, i hope DAP starts to aggresively balance the profile of its members. How about a merger of DAP/PKR/PAS. I think as long as you have component parties, there will always be this problem of proportion of representation (ie race issue). Merge and pick the best man for each job, by next election.

  155. Another post u guys forgot parliamentary opposition leader. I would suggest uncle kit take over at the moment then make way for anwar when he enters parliament. I wanna see anwar questioning rafidah on the ap issues. Malaysian politics is going to be interesting!!!

  156. Folks, save your most expensive wine for a later time! The ‘open’ elections are almost over. The second ‘elections’ are about to begin! They will be fought in our courts!

    There will be challenges in courts under the Election Offences Act 1954. These cases are being discussed with UMNO lawyers as we write. With Zaki Tun Azmi as CJ, I have no reason to feel optimistic.

  157. Opposition won Selangor 35 seats BN 20. But how to form a working government?

    PAS contributed 9 seats but DAP and PAS are not supposed to work together.

    Also in Perak.

    How DAP, How?


  159. MY MALAYSIAN HEROES (i.e. those guys who give me hope in Malaysia when I thought that there is no hope):

  160. What are you guys saying make Raja Petra Govenor…..???

    LETS MAKE HIM SULTAN OF PENANG…….!!! sack the govenor now and make Raja Petra Sultan of PENANG….

    His Father, Grandfather will be proud of that.

    Constitution can be change for the better too……

    or at Least Raja KOMANDOR the Govenor…..there are alternative. We still need Raja Petra to expose the ever DIRTIER UMNO-BN Government.

    Horray University Malaya SALE off now…….

    BUT MONDAY WATCH OUT FOR CRASH AT KLSE…BIG CRASH….no more contracts to cronies…..!!!The Pain & Gain of this election….

    malaysiatoday.com Says
    “Stop frog culture and money politics.”

    Anwar was a frog from UMNO to UMNO Baru to PKR….

    No money offered to Ku Li and Team…Just the Opportunity to Right the Wrong of History. Sometimes this is of greater Value & Dignity

    There is Forgiveness in this Strong Opposition Victory….time to Unite for a Better Malaysia……not Retribution!!!!…think about it.

  161. I’m am glad that the opposition has now secured a good chance of showing to the people of Malaysia what the opposition can do for the state and to some extent, the country. Show the rakyat that the opposition can work together for the good of all, and not just one race, that race as a dividing factor must be removed from the half-a-century rule of Malaysia, that Malaysia can still progress without dwelling on race as the divide-and-rule weapon. That the opposition can also unite all races together to work for the good of the state and country. Please remember to realise the promise made to all Malaysians. Do it well, and you will get a second term. Otherwise, it will be a self destruction for the opposition. The Umno, MCA and MIC are just waiting and raise issues if you give them a chance. In order not to give them the chance to raise racial issues, you got to work with a common agenda that will give all a meaning representation. Do not forget to consultation the people who voted the opposion, consult also the BN as well for the are also your partners to help establish good governance. Do not forsake them… With all this ingredients, you should do well.

  162. Hey!! That 89 year old grandma did quite well. Won 685 votes and denied Mohamad Sabu a seat. Frus, Sabu, frus!!

    P36 – KUALA TERENGGANU Voters: 80325
    >> * Razali Ismail (BN – UMNO) 32582 Maj: 648
    @ Maimun Yusuf (IND – IND) 685
    Mohamad Sabu (OPP – PAS) 31934

  163. Congratulations all the way from London,United Kingdom!!
    LKS, you are my hero.
    Bravo bravo

    Racial politic is history. Let’s look for the new Malaysia.

    A new dawn has arrived!!!…

  164. Remember DAP is multinational. DAP must make sure that all races, Malay, Chinese , Indians and others are cared for. There should not be any race that is left out of the flow of progress. Every one should be under DAP’s care.

  165. Well-played on deny 2/3 of parliament seats and 1 on 1 plan really helped out choosing the parties.

    I believe from this 2008 GE Malaysian have spoken, UMNO shouldn’t be racist by protecting malay with all the rules and ignorance against other races(MCA did their best i guess, but their power have limitation in BN… too bad for them to losing most of the votes). They should have protect malay,chinese,indian and all the others Malaysian.

    Hopefully, DAP will make a differences and tackling racist issues in Malaysia after this GE otherwise on the next GE will be very hard to convince ‘The People’.

    cHeErs! to DAP!

  166. Congratulations to all the hardworking candidates. However do not go overboard and tell your supporters not to do anything rash to allow the government an excuse to declare martial law on the states which the oppositon won claiming for security of the nation. My only disappointment is that the oxford loudmouth won in Rembau. However, the opposition should thank him for he indirectly is the person who single handedly was responsible for changing the minds of thousands of people crossing over to vote for the opposition due to his antics and threats.

  167. Frankly, the tipping point was 4 days ago when that Chairman of the Elections Committee decided with the IGP and AG to withdraw the usage of the indelible ink.

    That swung the undecided fence sitters that enough is enough. This election is not going to be stolen. They acted.

  168. Anwar was a frog from UMNO to UMNO Baru to PKR… That’s an insult which should be stop. If 10 yrs ago Tun Dr. Mahathir did not sent him to jailed, he will never realized that who’s the real friends and who’s not. Anwar is never a frog, it is fated that 10 yrs ago he was sacked, put in jail, fitnah, and lived miserably in jail, finally, he realized the Opposition is his savior. Pls be clear that he’s never a frog but a genuine Kezaliman fighter during 1998 he created Reformasi, and for 10 yrs Keadilan struggled till 1 sit in 2004, but now in 2008 Keadilan has come back strongly. Pls do not said Anwar is a frog, if 10 yrs ago he’s appointed the PM, he might have a different perspective, but after 10 yrs of suffering, he should be realized that Suara Rakyat will prevail no matter how strong, how rich, how arrogant you are, overalls in politics, nobody can control the will of ppl. Makha Sakthi!

  169. Aiyoh, why sack the Governor? Remember the saying? Humble in defeat, magnaminous in victory.. or something like that. Of course now they form the new state govts, they should begin investigating any wrong doings that may have taken place under the last administration. They have to act firm on that. But please, let’s not have a witch hunt.

    I’m interested in seeing how PAS will do on the west coast. I think they will have to moderate their stance a bit. PAS might even turn out to be like that party that rules Turkey, which has its roots in political Islam but is not an Islamic party per se.

  170. Whether we like it or not, the BN is still forming the Federal Govt. But this time round UMNO only has 78 seats, which means that they really have to work with the other parties in the BN, rather than just be arrogant as they have been for so long.


  172. Gratz for DAP and PKR …
    I can see the future for Malaysia especially for Penang.

    We have gave you the support to deny BN 2/3 of majority.
    Hope you can keep you promise yah, Don’t disappointed us :)

    Malaysia boleh!! … Penang also boleh!! … lolx

  173. After 13 days or months of hard campaigning, please allow our new state government members to relax for a while, instead of making all sorts of proposals which can be incinerating not only to the opposition but to the Barisan Rakyat itself. I appeal for everybody to be calm and I am sure with their experiences and intellectual capability they will be able to sort out everything nicely and in the best manner they deem fit. What we must make sure is that they live up to their words of a government of the rakyat irrespective of race, color or creed and find the best possible way to eradicate corruption and minimized or better still zeronized wastages. No “lewat sambil belajar” except to our neighbor down south as you can learn more there than in Egypt. As promised Please introduce the local council elections…

    Remember you guys had worked so hard and won and please do not throw your victory by starting with a small disagreement which can turn sour and rancid. Be the best of friends and prove to us the best of governance and we will be ready to let you be the next government. Also please remember, DO NOT be arrogant. Otherwise like the Barisan Neraka, we will kick you out as we can bring you in.

    Also I hope you guys will also thank all the bloggers here for having been with you all through thick and thin, never fail to blow inspirations and contributions; Money is nothing as compared to our sincerity in giving you all the strength and mental energy and the encouragements that made you all a winner by always telling that you can win, sending these messages sometimes even in the early hours of the morning.

  174. First of all, congrats to DAP for winning big in this election. I’ve been admiring Uncle Lim Kit Siang since I read his article on “the Iban & the Gawai Dayak”. I can’t recall the title. Uncle Lim is one of the most intelligent politicians in Msia & I must say – the most intelligent politician. I hope he’s not a racist like some Msians.

    Anyway, I’m so disappointed to learn that DAP Swak brings up the racism issue in the last parliamentary election. Swak is different from other states in Msia & they don’t have to import such culture here. I understand DAP Swak also refuses to accept a Malay to fill the Pengarah post at MBKS. Why is it so? If the person is competent enuff & able to carry out his duties efficiently & effectively like the former MBKS Pengarah or DBKU Pengarah, there’s no reason not to give him the job. That’s really bad, shameful & embarrassing!!!

    To Scorpion6666 – there’s no need to be saddened by Swak election result. You don’t have to compare Swak with other states in Msia. Obviously, you guys have to learn from Swak how not to be racism & co-exist with other races of different religions.

    PS. MBKS & DBKU are Kuching city halls.

  175. And the most important thing that I had forgotten to tell is, all of you must stand up and give a Big Thank You to our Ahmad Abdulllah Badawi. Without him you won’t be where you are today.

  176. Put it this way

    Say BN wins 140 seats. Minus about 55 from Sabah and Sarawak.

    That means they won only about 85 in the Peninusular vs 82 won by the Opposition.

    So its 1 for 1 in West Malaysia. What if those two eastern fellows decide to walk away?

    Joseph Pairin of PBS must wish he was still with the Opposition. And Ku Li of Semangat fame?

    And if Pak Lah decides to quit to take responsibility for this “defeat in victory”, and Najib takes over, then RAHMAN will come to pass.

    But one man is sleeping very well tonight with a big, big smile. Sweet dreams TDM !!

  177. Congralutions to Malaysia,

    All your efforts on various blogs and spreading the truth of ‘Corrupt BN’ has rewritten Malaysian history.

    However please stay on the alert. We may not know what type of dirty tricks BN will pull next.

    Please stay calm and vigilant. Please take care of your family safety for the next week or so.

  178. Congratulations for denying BN 2/3 majority in parliament and gain control of 5 states government. I think it is a fact the BN government will withhold funds to states won by the opposition.

    Can we your supporters continue to donate to your party so DAP can channel the funds to the needy. Without funds the opposition might not be able to carry out certain projects and be deem ineffective. This might affect the outcome of the next election on or before Mac 2013.

    I want to continue to contribute so DAP can at least win a simple majority in the next election.





  180. Congratulations to all 3 parties to prove that BN’s 2/3rd is not unassailable. Indeed sunrise is approaching with a new ray of hope as many of you had hoped for. Hopefully everything will be ok and BN will never able to use the May 13 incident on the people anymore.

  181. well done and congratulations to the Barisan Alternative.

    celebrate in deep thoughts and sincerity that the votes given to dap,pkr and pas comes with great responsibilities.

    celebrate not in the triumph of winning ,but rather the truth in governance.

    we cast our votes for a BETTER MALAYSIA. whereby, all malaysian are equal, no discrimination, social justice and fair treatment.

    Lim kit siang, in glory, let us NOT forget the responsibility.

    i think,your first agenda and priority is to lead malaysians as one BANGSA. truly the almighty God have given malaysia a rebirth opportunity to change for better.

    1. do no go for witch hunt. – they who serve their masters blindly deserves the loss. change the system.
    2. in many ways, bloggers and the internet had shown tremendous support for the opposition by means of real voice of the people. do not stuffle these people.
    3. lead by example. abdullah badawi learned the darnest thing by auto pilot and flying out of the country while the country was flooded and had a new jet bought. dont be half past six leader.
    4. eradicate and even completely destroy corruption,before corruption destroy the country.
    5. you wanted 5 years, we give you five. but in the same token, the raayat are the king makers. we give and we can take away. be humble in your rule.
    6. croynism is as much expected, as there are many close to you in this warzone. but please be wise lests it erodes and blinds you.

    not forgetting ym raja petra kamaruddin. a true guy and one with guts and iron balls. thanks pete.

    unite all malaysians under this opportunity and form a credible alternative barisan.

    race and religion was and is and will be an issue, but with wisdom ,all can be resolved.

    be transparent in all matters, and the medias need to be another independent body, besides the judiciary and aca and ec.

    well done. and serve well.


  182. If DAP-PKR-PAS dares to put a *capable* Indian as MB for Perak, half of what the coalition has promised would have been proven! This is a golden opportunity to prove that DAP-PKR-PAS is truly for a united Bangsa Malaysia.

  183. Remember that DAP won on the understanding that it is for all races!!!
    When the state exco of Penang is formed, make sure that all races are represented: Malays, Chinese , Indians and others.

    We voted opposition because of our believe that they would be clean.
    The model to follow of clean government is Singapore or Hong Kong.
    Also rember that people too can change government just as they have done in this coming election.

    Yes, DAP has to live up to its promises which the rakyat will remember.
    Otherwise it is back to square one again!!!

  184. Thank you Mr Lim Kit Siang for fighting for more than 40 years.Sacrificing so much to stand by just one belief.

    Truly unbelievable in the face of what is happening in other “democracies” as Russia, Indonesia, Phillipines and Thailand.

    Dr Marthin Luther King says something like always standing on the “platform of discipline and dignity”. I do believe the people will work hard to maintain whatever that was achieved today. I feel that with this victory that one day not only Malaysia but the whole of Asia can stand for something better.

  185. Glad that the opposition get an opportunity to demonstrate what they can do together, for the good of all Malaysians. Show to the BN that the opposition can work together with all races in the country, for the benefit and progress of all races, not just one race.
    Remember to value the support given to the opposition to show what they can do together, and please remember to keep the promises made to all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion.

    For the BN, please respect the wishes of the people.
    Give them due recognition for what they deserve, and do not withhold Federal funds from the State nor punish the state nor with-hold cooperation nor subdue the state because the wishes of the people did not go well with the wishes of BN.
    Show that the BN is tolerant government that respect the people’s voice through the ballot box.




  187. This is an opportunity for ‘change’! Squander it and it will set us back by another fifty years! By then most of you guys will be gone and your children would be left to pick up the pieces.

    You owe it to your children and they to theirs to make it work.
    ‘Change’ is but an empty word unless you make it work.

    Remember DAP, PKR and PAS are different and separate parties, with sometimes disparate ideologies but united in purpose. Now that that purpose has been attained and together we have won some elections, wither goes this loose alliance? Can it withstand the scramble for key positions in the new state governments? Will there be disappointed members of the state assemblies who would not hesitate to cross over to UMNO and BN with the right promises of positions and power?

  188. Dear Uncle Lim, I am really grateful for your leadership in DAP, and effort for all Malaysians.

    Someone posted this message at merdekareview. I Found it to be really meaningful.


    It says, “Whenever possible, seek advice from Singapore’s PM Lee Kwan Yew because there are many similarities between Penang and Singapore. His experiences will help reducing unnecessary mistakes.”

  189. I would also wish to thank a person maybe a lot of us has forgotten.

    He is Wang Ming Ze of ‘Muar rap and negarakuku’ fame. His truthfullnes and love for Malaysia are clearly expressed in his songs.

    His expresssiveness has awaken many Malaysians to the sad state of this country(Though a bit cor lor i.e rough). His truthfullness has resounded among people across borders and ethnic lines.

    It is indisputable that never in our history has someone been to unite the Chinese comunity like he did. Not even MCA for the past 50years.(Sorrry for falling into racial lines)

    Uncle Kit,,
    I think the Barisan Rakyat owes him a big thank u.

  190. “Barisan Nasional edged closer towards the coveted two-thirds parliamentary majority of 148 by securing 132 seats as at 3.30am. While opposition leaders are insisting that they have denied BN the two-thirds majority, BN leaders are still hopeful they will get the much-needed 16 seats later today.” NST

    Why?? Do they know something we don’t??? Like phantom voters by the busloads whose votes have yet to be counted!

  191. WOW!!! Congratulations fellow Malaysian.We had just make an epoch making history.This should be included in Malaysian Book of records.Despite the local media prediction that there isnt much issue this time around,Malaysian’s had proove them wrong.This is an unprecedented situation that some might thought impossible.I myself didnt expect the opposition would win this much.

    It is actually possible for Malaysian’s to deny BN a 2/3 majority.Guest malaysian had turn wiser this time around.Its really unfair that a large chunk of parlimentary seat’s they won is from Sabah and Sarawak.Otherwise they could not even obtain a simple majority.Which shouldnt happpen since the smaller population of Melanau’s could control Sabah and Sarawak.

    Gerakan are virtually wipe out,and could face extinction.

  192. For Selangor, if BN were to play the game of enticing PAS to work with BN, there may be a tie of sorts???

    Now is the time for the Barisan Alternatif or better know as Barisan Rakyat to unite and do not quarrel over trivial matters. Do not be arrogant. Be humble before the people whom you have gained their support. BN is just waiting… for the disunity among the loose coalition of PKR, DAP (and PAS*). That is not going to be easy…
    Lot’s of give-and-take here, but remember the common objective and the bigger picture… Unity is strength.

  193. Penang, Kedah, Kelantan……common let’s go to a new beginning , let’s go forward, let’s go into globalisation

    let the penang people, the kedah people and the kelantan people place their wishes and aspirations forward and clear
    for the new state government to act.

    remenber a sleepy head once said and many times too at the expense of all malaysian’s money and time
    “work with me” to ……..to hor lan

    Congratulations Lim Eng Guan and his FANTASTIC team.

  194. Wel Done Opposition! and hooray to Hindraf , Get the famous five out of detention , we owe it to them as well , the true heroes behind the scenes.,!!,
    It’s time now to walk the talk ., we want to be called Malaysians , not bumi / non bumi anymore , and eveyone , yes everyone should be treated equally, God bless DAP, Keadilan and PAS,.

    One nation , one race , and that’ll be a making of a true Malaysian ., and above all thank you uncle kit for this blog , it’s wonderful tool, the best so far for freedom of expression in this Govt. controlled media country, Set forth to launch the next bunch of TV channels that expresses the views of the masses.


  195. Another interesting prospect if a non Malay get appointed to be MB in Perak or Selangor is that non malays would see that they actually get more when voting the oposition.Thus,non malay would see no reason for them to vote for the BN coalition ever again.And this will render MCAsssociation,MICongress,Gerak,kan? useless.And the BN would cease to exist.

    P.Uthayakumar/other Hindraf leaders will be smiling beyond their respective cell.THey and also other contributing factors had largely had largely been successfull in reforming Malaysian politics that had just remain a dream…..until yesterday.

    Makkal Shakti.The ever powerful one.

    Also,if not for a three cornered fight(sometimes five),DAP could grab a few more seats in Sabah and Sarawak.

    And did you see the result in Derga?BN had just won with a whisker majority,and that too is only becouse PKR and DAP are contesting the same seat.

  196. What can we say? Congratulations.

    It is real earth shattering. Badawi is still muttering. “we lost we lost” in his dream that is now a nightmare. Beware the “Ides of March” as in Julius Ceasar. UMNO leaders will kick him out soon.

    As Guan Eng, oops, YAB Lim Guan Eng said on 26th Jan at an OHMSI dialogue, “The walls of Jericho fell so can the walls of BN”. Praise God for his intervention. Great prophesy

  197. time has always been a good teacher, it is the best and only teacher in a person life and in a nation.

    east malaysia is not yet ridden with ills of BN greed yet, if east malaysia has mca sympathisers , it will be a faster bye bye and mind you dont believe they are called themselves representatives of the chinese people in malaysia and only they can do to help chinese.
    They were elected to be chinese representative by umno NOT by the chinese people themselves.
    Chinese people are self dependent and is proven all over the world, what is so special about mca, my ancestors and his friends came to malaysia many many years ago , they came and settle here without mca but only robbed of our dignity and pride.

    I say fellow malaysian of east malaysia …on your guard for your future and your children’s future and your land

    see u around

    see it for your self, dont look at the new buildings and streets, that is only cosmetic.

  198. To all BLOG PEOPLE,
    Thank you Thank you
    U have help a lot for ur say in here.
    So we still have a lot of thing to be done for our future.so lets
    help DAP,PKR,PAS to make better malaysia for all malaysian.

  199. Someone please get this message to LKS.

    Please consider placing an Indian an the Chief Minister in Perak.

    This will be a tactical move which will guarantee continual support for DAP from the 10% indians in malaysia.

    I will be a proper representation of the racial composition of Malaysia:

    – Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor – Malay Chief Ministers (60% of states governed by opposition)

    – Penang – Chinese (20% of opposition states)

    – Perak – Indian (20% of opposition states)

    It will also show the rest of Malaysians that DAP and the oppositions are willing to share and distribute their gains.

    I am sure you are intelligent enough to figure out the other advantages of doing this…

    Congratulations and Regards,

  200. Let’s proof that with the change…we have a better future for semua lapisan rakyat….bravo…. if we can proof it this round for the state goverment…then we will continue to strive for the next coming election…

    now….it is time for those who get elected…to serve and lead the people….


  201. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    – FULLFILING THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE- for peace, harmony and prosperity through good governance that adhere to fairness, justice, honesty, integrity, fear of God, transparancy and passion to work for the people and by the people

  202. We should congratulate all faithfull MIC(that is:Malays,indians and chinese)(and the “lain lain” too) that actually there to make the change.”Just change it.”A change that we can hope for.-Obama.

  203. Although LKS had stated that this might be his last term,I ask(beg) him to continue on,at least for another general election where the BN will hopely loose its tittle as the “government.”50 years is enough.let alone a 60.

  204. Alas, Malaysia has started the revolution to break away from race based politics. The opposition has been handed an unpreceeded opportunity to show the Malaysian public how to govern in a fair, transparent and non-race based ideology. After this win, I hope the opposition of DAP, PAS and PKR can reconcile their ideological difference and merge to form a single Malaysian Party. To ensure all interest are met the heads to each legacy party could run the new party like a triumvirate, like how the Roman empire was ruled. They could kill two birds with one stone by alleviating Malay fears of DAP and Chinese fears of PAS and present a credible alternative for Malaysians for form the next federal government.

  205. KICKBUTT “‘Change’ is but an empty word unless you make it work”.


    qwer245 “Whenever possible, seek advice…………………………”


    VERY confident that YB ANWAR, uncle LIM, uncle Kapar, Haji and the rest of the opposition front to do a good job .


    Rudd government began fullfiling their election promises from the 72nd day of goverment onwards and still is endeavouring to fullfil their election promises- driving the that final nail. The popularity of the former Howard’s government sunk even further in oblivion



  207. congratulation !!! BN lost 5 states and 2/3 majority !! If not b/cos of seats from Sabah and Sarawak ( TTL 51 seats ) , BN has lost it control and OPP cud hv form the government !!!! Current BN will not be the party to represent people from Peninsular !!!
    Bravo !!! OPP

  208. pwcheng Says:

    Today at 05: 31.35 (2 hours ago)
    After 13 days or months of hard campaigning, please allow our new state government members to relax for a while, instead of making all sorts of proposals which can be incinerating not only to the opposition but to the Barisan Rakyat itself. I appeal for everybody to be calm and I am sure with their experiences and intellectual capability they will be able to sort out everything nicely and in the best manner they deem fit………………………………………………


    Now it is time for the real battle , to get working together and really make a difference to Malaysia , remove corruption , uphold justice and be efficient in the administration.
    Keep humble and please please please do not let victory get to your heads , our new YB s and show to the people that you got elected because you promised to deliver and start delivering !!!!

  210. Congrats, Mr. Lim. I hope DAP can form a coalition with PAS and PKR to form the State Gov of Penang, Perak and Selangor. The CM or MB should come from the party which has the most number of reps.

  211. Just a joke:

    The Prime Minister of Malaysia, oops..sorry, Prime Minister of Sarawak is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi..oops sorry, I am confused. The prime minister of Malaysia is… aiyeh…

  212. Congratulations!

    It is the victory of the people of the land…..

    Please do good work

    so that the new coalition will win the heart of more people and ever to win even more seats in next general election 5 years from now . We hope the People Front would form a strong FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as well five years from now…..

    WE hope the era of excellence begin and the era of mediocrity end.

    We hope that the mainstream media has woke up……please give a more balanced reports in the future, or else you are viewed as not a reliable source of information..

    SAMMY VELLU…..ayoyo…….. it is time to retire…..

    Sharizat ——-Happy retirement

    Koh Tsu Koon. ……… happy retirement (you are a good person, but we need a strong person…….)



  213. The rakyat have spoken.Lim Guan Eng is the best choice for Penang.May the all mighty god guide him and his team in all their action.Glory to god and glory to kuasa rakyat.yes a big big hug for LKS.you have done it and done is complete spectatular style.This is our defining moment.good luck and serve us malaysian.

  214. Dear YB,

    Maybe a talk with BN may create a new coalition for a new governement. It will forever change the landscape of our judiciary, police, civil service. And put a stop to the monopoly, blood sucking toll. And reopening of the Royal Commission, NEP. cronies etc. 4 years is too short a time, work hard for radical compromise and change.

  215. It sure feels good to wake up to a new era of Malaysian politics. We expect the right changes, do away with cronyism and racism, and work on a democratic and meritocratic system to enhance our systems and economy. We should bring justice to those criminals and traitors of human mankind and always despise and shame them as who they are.

    Wong Chun Wai is the mother of all traitors. He abandon his interview on TV last night. Look at how The Star online reveal the election results last night. Look at how The Star report its news this morning. He is the one behind it. Leaders like Koh Tsu Hoon and Ong Ka Ting are quick to admit defeat. We as readers of The Star demand this Wong guy to make a public apology for his misdeeds and voluntarily give up his Datukship!!

    I am sure everyone of us have others in mind and we should continue to make our voices heard, to bring justice for their misdeeds and wrongdoings, so to pursue what is best for our country!! Makka Shathi!!!

  216. I believe you will do us all proud, serving with conviction, courage and compassion. Today, of all days, you and Guan Eng must feel thoroughly vindicated for the years you have devoted to our country battling what seemed to be an insurmountable enemy. Today Barisan Rakyat decimated them. Thank you for helping to rouse the electorate so the Malaysia I love is not lost.

  217. We need new ideas , we must think outside the box

    the old ways dont work , no mirroring the old ways,
    we are human beings we are the people
    there more ways to skin a cat

    makka Sakhti, release them

  218. There is no way Opposition could have broken the almighty BN 2/3rd threshold – and win so many states (5) – without complicity and support of Malay Malaysian voters swinging, for the first time, against UMNO. (The last time in 1969 it was primarily Non Malay votes against but last night the votes against BN were from the major three races, Malays, Chinese and Indians reflecting a milestone in Malaysian political history where BN’s policies have been resoundingly rejected. Take Wangsa Maju constituency with malay majority which gave victory to Wee Cho Keong on PKR’s multiracial ticket than UMNO’s Ketuanan ticket. I guess the time has come where majority of Malaysians have enough of corruption, fixing of judicial appointments, arrogance of power and other excesses and are rejecting these in relation to which even traditional concerns of race cannot mitigate. The swing of substantial Malaysian Malays’ votes against UMNO holding the carrot of NEP is something outside UMNO’s calculations : eg what happened in Lembah Pantai given to PKR’s Nurul Izzah Anwar over veteran Sharizat. However a lot of things are also extra-ordinary. Who would expect ex premier TDM to speak for a strong opposition voice telling people not to vote for candidates of poor record and merits indirectly buttressing the cause of his political nemesis Anwar Ibrahim whose goal to yet become the Prime Minister of Malaysia one day is now within nearer grasp? I hope the Opposition parties could show that they could work together for the national good and give Malaysian Indians (without their en masse desertion of MIC and BN, all these not possible) a proper place and representation in the various state governments that they are forming.

  219. All races have joined hands in showing their non-acceptance of BN/UMNO ways.

    While it may still be a long way more, this might well mark the beginning of the end of racial/communal based politics. Let the formation of state governments in Penang, Perak and Selangor start a good example to forge this ideal ahead.

  220. Congrats to the Opposition Coalition team. You now have a heavy responsibilities to shoulder for the next 5 years. Let’s not dissapoint the ‘rakyat’ with racial/money politics. Share the pie with everyone regardless of races and believes.
    On the other hand, I feel the opposition would have done a better job if they too would have strategize better to take out those BN ‘top guns’ like the Deputy PM & BN Youth which is a threat to us non-malay.

    Syabas to DAP, PKR & PAS!!

  221. Come On Opposition, now is the time for justice.,,, long awaited justice ,

    i ) Indepth investigation of lingamgate, not a farce one,
    ii ) Expose all the corruption , especially Najib’s ill gotten money overseas , as well as others
    iii ) and this is from me to Kerismuddin : Stuck up your keris up azz , you racist b a s t a r d.

  222. Come On Opposition, now is the time for justice.,,, long awaited justice ,

    i ) Indepth investigation of lingamgate, not a farce one,
    ii ) Expose all the corruption , especially Najib’s ill gotten money overseas , as well as others
    iii ) and this is from me to Kerismuddin : Stuck up your keris up arze .

  223. “GOAL” had been acheived .It create a platform and arena for the new government to excel for the benefit of all bangsa malaysia. Bravo !!! we finally make it .For a better tommorow !!!

  224. PAS has gained its northern supporters by prescribing Islam as a cure for poverty. It argues that communities and governments must improve their standards of personal piety and morality. It asserts that Badawi’s central government’s flashy, wasteful style proves its corruption and lack of genuine religiosity. PAS’s Islamist candidates carry an air of integrity and they argue their clean governance will free funds for better social security and a welfare state, with Malay communities as moral economies based on Islam.

    For this reason PAS has undertaken to pay for life insurance for Kelantanese aged over 60 to protect their families after they die. It is also campaigning for lower grocery prices. One election graphic is styled like a supermarket catalogue, displaying specials on Milo, cooking oil, sugar and petrol, but instead of discounts there are only price increases. Its election manifesto has replaced calls for an Islamic state with demands for a welfare state.

    PAS creates a slippage between more Islam and more welfare, and uses it to its advantage.


  225. I’m now proud to be a Malaysian ! now let’s us all get back to work, and work really hard to not disappoint the rakyat. We only have 5 years to do the job and we better do it really well.

  226. To say this tsunami started with the wave in Sarawak state election 2 years ago and Sarawakian mentality being behind West Malaysia is an oxymoron and offensive.

    IMO, DAP has a lot to answer for their lack of success this time around and not put all the blame onto the Sarawak voters. The lack of high caliber Sarawak DAP candidates are of DAP’s own doing because they either force them out of the party or keep them in cold storage. Put Ting Chek Ming in Sibu and he could probably won because many of us don’t like BN but are put off by WHL’s arrogant and personal attack on BN candidates (the huge poster teasing Robert Lau’s wife is of bad taste and not the doing of statesman—ya, we Sarawakian do have good moral & ethic fibers and not ‘behind’ in any sense). People are also offended by greed of wanting a State seat PLUS a Parliament seat all to one person. Better treatment of their own Kung Chin Chin would have bagged them the Sarikei seat. Less arrogant and more co-operative attitude towards Keadilan request on only 1 Chinese majority seat out of 7 would have Stampin in the opposition camp.

    Personally, I do not like the BN national policy nor do I like the personality based policy of DAP. But denying BN their 2/3 majority takes precedent over those dislikes.

  227. Congrats … DAP Bravo!!!
    Plus one simple comment, since DAP has the chance now, just show us a clean and fair side, never disappoint our people anymore coz u know how difficult to have this chance.
    Again, u r the man!

  228. congrates for the big win. Hope that DAP must must must must take care of Malay people as well as they also vote for DAP, just like me.

    At the meantime, PAS also please please please take care of Chinese and Indian community as they also contribute to PAS victories at Kedah and Selangor.

    Hope that no racial tension will arise after this.

  229. Congratulations all malaysians, after 50 years , we finally were able to shake those secret agendas of BN cronies and their selfish ways and leash them up.

    It is time for them to reconcile, they are malaysians too but the wrong type desirous of a strong and proud nation in the making.
    they were given a chance to make our lives better by our forefathers.

    We put trust on them but instead created MONSTERS out of our very own backyard, our children goes to school to learn and built a nation but instead gain knowledge of different kind filled with hatred and segregation, malice, blackmail, disrespect of other peoples culture, traditions, values and religions.
    They have failed us, some of us still cling on to them because of dependency and fear and the other sheer blindness and short term gain. These people i believe still do not know what is democracy, their mind still think, they are inferior and always a servant in mind and to serve their rulers.

    Lets inform our new chosen leaders our aspirations and not what they can do for us but more what we want our selves to be and what we can do for our children future and their friends future.

    We make select the people as our leader let them serve us,
    and we lay trust in them to lead us.


  230. I read that manyofthe above did mention raja Petra and Harris.
    I hope you and all would seek advice from both of them They are two genuine sincere and honest men.
    They really played a crucial role in all the opposition win.

    Yes, seek their advice

  231. uncle lim,
    i think after waiting for so long, it is time for your team to perform as what was promised. Congrats to all the opposition.
    We hope there are changes in Penang especially.
    Toll, petrol and religious fairness will be quite a challenge now.

  232. Well, Congratulation is in order of course but this ‘Tsunami’ is merely the beginning of what is no less than deciding the future of this country. All that the opposition has proven is that BN does not have the answer to the future, it does not prove that the opposition has one either.

    If you look at the result, you will see that gains by PAS and Kelantan while its largely to do with corruption and crime, Islam and socialism is very much on the table as far as voters is concern.

    All that is proven is that this country is very much divided that the BN formula has not fixed for 39 years.

    In 1969, the lost of Selangor led UMNO joining with PAS leading to the downfall of Tunku eventually. This time the question is which way UMNO will go again to rejuvenate itself. Badawi is as good as gone. The issue is which way will UMNO turn.

    I believe the next event is who comes up and I believe its the interest of Malaysia for Hissamuddin to be the next Prime Minister. If DAP stays away from the Kerismuddin issue, which he nows regrets obviously, Hissamuddin should be optimal choice to be the next President of UMNO.

    Its up to DAP or Keadilan to decide who the next PM is actually. PAS obviously will not compromise. If DAP and Keadilan is willing to take a step back, it can be king maker so long as it can get Hissamuddin to outline a program on reform of UMNO, police and judicial system. Does DAP/Keadilan have the maturity instead of being unbending on its goals?

    Otherwise we could see the kind of fighting that will not resolve the issues for decades to come. It does the country no good. Hissamuddin is a good compromise that will could younger more plural thinking leaders rising up in UMNO, accepting the possibility of multi-racial eventual bii-partisanship that will keep Islamic state agenda in check.

  233. This taken from DAP Wong Ho Leng homepage:
    “The persons who are most happy tonight in Sarawak are not the SUPP/BN but the PKR candidates in Sibu and Stampin and the PKR leaders of Sarawak and Kung Chin Chin (the Independent in Sarikei) together with their co-campaigner Ting Chek Ming. I wonder how they look at themselves now with their election deposits all forfeited despite their boasting of being able to gather support. They were bent on disrupting the DAP in Sarawak in this election.

    We do not need this test of strength with the PKR Sarawak. They asked for it, and the result shows the embarrassment that they have to suffer. They must now answer to all Sarawakians for the manner in which they disrupted the DAP, killing potential areas of success.”

    Instead of being humble and analysis what possible self-failing, he is pushing blames. Definitely not a person of “big heart” and will never be an great statesman. It has all the marking of an arrogant person. He think DAP can single handedly bring about the downfall of BN and need no help from others. Ya…he think he is the greatest….a common feature of DAP politics.

    BTW, I don’t belong to any party, just stating my unbiased opinion.

  234. Star reported “Nik Aziz appeared shocked when party members informed him that the Opposition had wrested Selangor too.
    He thanked Allah for the victory and said they would guard the victory well………………………………………………………

    “I want to thank everybody, all the races that worked together with PAS to bring in this victory.

    I appreciate your support.

    We will approach this victory from an Islamic point of view
    and this means everyone is equal.

    All are brothers and sisters.There should be no more dividing people along racial lines,” he said

    For God/Allah does not see us with a PRISM EYES

    God’s will and God’s choice- let no man come in HIS PATH

  235. I don’t think LKS should be the MB of Perak. That would create an impression of a Lim Dynasty. Remember, Malay population in Malaysia is 60% and we have to work with them. We must work with them. We must work with PKR and PAS.

  236. Wokkeeeehh… And now I hope DAP can really form an ally with PKR and PAS now.. Really strong OPPOS maa.. Superb strong!!! Then I surely guarantee, you all can form a GOVERN for the next election.. Let PAS settle the BN at Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu part, and then DAP seems much stronger at Lembah Klang, Penang and Perak site… The PKR? KAAHHKAAHH!! Even our senior menteri, Datuk Shahrizat already lost to budak-budak, the Junior Nurul Izzah, daughter of Anwar Ibrahim. KAAHHHKKAAHH!!!!

  237. Congratulation to opposition,

    I plead DAP, PKR n PAS think carefully before assign MB.
    I believe no matter how humble you are, you’ll still think that you yourself deserve somethings, then lead to internal fight. Don’t do until the stage that we Pointing BN is racist government but we ourself is racist. Do the best for resident, we all can see.

    Please be fair and clean, do a good job. Form the next government in the coming election. All the best.


  238. I would also like to congratulate Cikgu Bard of PKR for giving Son-In-Law a very hard time.

    As long as Khairy and Kerismuddin are around in UMNO, the Chinese and Indians will not support MCA, MIC and Gerakan. So, these two clowns are actually liabilities to UMNO, MCA, MIC, and Gerakan.

    Kerismuddin & Khairy were the two guys who started it all. They are the reason why the Chinese abandon MCA & Gerakan and embrace DAP, PKR, and even PAS!

    Mukhriz is probably the better guy to lead UMNO Youth.

  239. Star reported: “Ong KT said the party leadership would have to conduct a post-mortem and chart a new course of action to win back the support of the people…………………………….Asked why the party and Barisan Nasional suffered such a great setback, Ong said it was hard to pinpoint one concrete reason but bread and butter issues seemed to be a major factor”


  240. I don’t know about you, but for me the most infuriating and frustrating part of reading the newspapers before the election was being ‘informed’ by various BN leaders 3-4 times a day, EVERYDAY, that “Chinese voters would be making a big mistake by voting for the Opposition as we would lose all representation in the government yadda yadda”.

    I would like to see if any of them (who are still around) repeats this kind of statement now.

    The people have spoken : Stop INSULTING our intelligence with your infantile scare tactics. We are prepared to call your bluff. WE WILL NOT BE COWED!


  242. STAR REPORTED: “State chief police officer Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said police had to cordon off the building as supporters from the previous administration and the incoming team had gathered outside the building.

    Kedah police chief DCP Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said the situation at Wisma Darulaman was under control as police had cordoned off the area to prevent unauthorised personnel from entering the building.”………………………………….


  243. Please audit the expenses by bn during the just concluded elections and see if it exceeded the limits set by the act. And if yes, take action against bn and the EC for abuse. After all it’s tax payers money.

    See, all the stupid ads in the papers and in the prime time news? Without that, bn would have faced an even worse drubbing in this elections. So do keep in mind changes that need to be made for future.

    Also need to do something about the postal voting!

  244. “This looks like a revolution,” PAS Vice-President Husam Musa said. “The people have risen and are united. The message to government is, ‘Enough is enough.'”

    Malaysians took the opportunity to administer a stinging rebuke over price rises, religious disputes and concerns over corruption.

    “I think the PM will potentially have to resign,” said Bridget Welsh, a Malaysia specialist at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. “This is unprecedented. The only other time this happened was in 1969 and that’s why everybody is very nervous now because of the uncertainty.”



    Kerismuddin thinks that the Chinese are so stupid to vote for MCA. Before election, Kerismuddin would hug Ong Ka Chng or would give Ong Ka Chng some (of our) money to build Chinese schools. But after election, back to square one – UMNO POLITICAL HEGEMONY. Wave Keris! So keep on waving your keris UMNO Youth Leader!!! It is good for DAP, PKR, and PAS!

  247. ?????Makka Shathi?
    ?????Makka Shathi?
    ?????Makka Shathi?

    DAP !! please run your promise, people already support you.
    1. restore local government vote – 3rd vote.
    2. Anti rasuah
    3. take off not fair case.
    4. improve education level
    5. other your past promise

  248. Thank you rakyat malaysia for sending a clear message we want change and accountability, as a lot of posters here have said. This is the first time as a non-muslim I’ve ever voted for PAS but enough if enough if enough…

    Now with the much bigger voice given by the rakyat, I hope DAP-PKR-PAS will remain humble, get to work turning states won into model states and have a united vision, without racial politics of any form… and in the next election form a true malaysion party to show all malaysians we are one and can work together to grow our beloved country.

    Despite the odds, we’ve shown that people power works and rejected racial politics, the mainstream media, especially star is still trying to spin the results as ‘minorities chinese/indian’ swing votes, despite the fact that simple mathematics will show there’s no way the two communities alone could have achieve such massive numbers. Get real.

  249. Not to mention the defence contracts that’s worth billions in commissions alone, blown up Mongolian girl which links back to Najis, and the insensitive words (and weapons) used in the UMNO general assembly

  250. “Just don’t you ppl don’t repeating BN crooks’ trail after you ppl get the power.

    We rakyats are monitoring you as we monitored BN.”

    I second this.

    DAP and PKR should work together to fulfil the needs of the rakyats. NO CORRUPTION, NO CRONISM, OPEN UP, ACCEPT RAKYAT’S CRITICS, TRANSPARENT, FAIR for ALL, RESPONSIBLE.

    We, rakyats, are the boss, remember? So, don’t just treat this message lightly.

  251. Well done opposition. This is the dawn of a new era. You have restored the faith of Malaysians. Many of us have almost given up there they there will be hope for justice and good governance in this country.

    Celebrate quietly if you must but don’t forget the people who voted you in. Live up to expectation by working togather as one. Co-operation between yourselves gained you the support from the rakyat. Divide the seats fairly and for goodness sake, don’t fight over it. There should be compromise. Cut down the horse trading or people will be disappointed. To be fair, I think PKR should be given some advantage. It’s Annuar leadership and charisma that pulled in the votes that make the difference. Look at Sabah and Sarawak where there were lack of co-operation. Only one seat in each state inspite of the massive corruption and abuse by Taib and Musa. The result is very disappointing. If there have been good performanve from the two states, the opposition would be the new government now. I’m disappointed that the people of Sabah and Sarawak chose to be enslaved by the respective corrupt leadership.

    The most hartening aspect of your success is the support of the Malays. The Malays have worken up and realised that they are as much the losers as the non-bumi under the BN leadership. They are fed up with the corruption, crimes and the crony system that stole everything from us. Don’t disappoint them. The non-Malays are not against the Malays and want to see them succeed and live a good life too. We all want the same thing.

    The BN must realised that you can’t fool people easily anymore. The internet has been a powerful tool in this election. Although not everyone is net savy, those who does have past on the message to thoes who are not. Personally, I spent a lot of time emailing articles from Malaysiakini, MT, rocky’s, LKS etc to friends to get them interested and glad to say that it influenced them greatly. This is the least we could do.

    The people has spoken and besides the corrupt politicians, they’ve also shoved their middle fingers at the mainstream papers.

    Well done and congrats to all. We will be watching you like a hawk so don’t stack off. The Dewan will come alive and you will speak for us. That I’m sure because there’s so much quality in those who got elected. But first, get rid of the moron who was the speaker of the Dewan. Rally for Zaid Ibrahim to fill the position. Forming the next government after the next GE is now a possibility if you do well.

  252. Now compare these statements of PAS’s Nik Aziz and Sarawak DAP.

    Sarawak DAP: “We do not need this test of strength with the PKR Sarawak. They asked for it, and the result shows the embarrassment that they have to suffer”
    …hello…PKR won more votes than DAP in Stampin the last I checked. Ling Kit Siang agreed to a pact but Sarawak DAP opposed and the result shows the embarrassment that they have to suffer. http://holeng.dapsarawak.com/

    Nik Aziz: ““I want to thank everybody, all the races that worked together with PAS to bring in this victory.

    And some of you here questioned as to why Sarawakian did not vote for DAP. The answer is simple: we Sarawakian have stronger ethical and moral fibers than those who questioned us. We simply like people who are humble and wide awake to the fact that arrogant people will not serve the rakyat well.

    May be you people have a different type of DAP but stop patronizing Sarawakian. We started this opposition wave, remember?

  253. allows me to extend my congrats to DAP/PKR/PAS. This is truly a proud day for your supporters. I watched Tsu Koon on TV and I sincerely applauds his gentlemanly act. A true stateman. As for DAP/PKR/PAS… now is the time to deliver. I’m in Perak and I hope I will be able elect my counsellor soon. I sincerely hope that the DAP and PAS can work together especially here in Perak. Up to now.. there is no news as to who will be the new MB. I sincerely hope that they can truly come to a consensus soon and pick a man who can work for the benefit of all irrecpective of race ..just as DAP have been fighting for so long. I also like to wish all here in this blog.. BEST OF LUCK.

  254. Foreign media reported that Oppositions have won 5 states.

    Malaysian flag has 14 stripes representing 13 States and FT.

    With Oppositions winning almost all FT Parliament seats, the proper headlines should be Oppositions won 6 vs BN 8 states!

  255. kita semua mahu pemimpin yang bekerja kepada semua kaum, harap mulai sekarang, hanya satu bangsa di Malaysia – iaitu Bangsa Malaysia.

    Tiada lagi mempercah-belaikan rakyat jelita mengikut kaum, agama.

    Semua rakyat bersama-sama menjayakan negara ini !

  256. The seats where the Chinese formed the majority all went to DAP, except for a handful like Kulai and Kampar.

    The second-largest community in the country was unhappy over several issues, notably the crime rate, hike in the price of goods, and what they perceived as the government’s undelivered promises in efforts to combat corruption.

    There was also uneasiness among the Chinese over several racial-religious issues that cropped up over the past year.

  257. Congrats to all the winners.
    will UMNO continue to play racist card after that?
    Damn…one of the TV3 openly claimed DAP is anti-melayu in the live broadcast last night. This is seditous, what was him trying to prove? those extremist still never change.

    Hope Selangor, Penang, Perak and Kedah can prove to BN
    how to administer the govt with integrity, moving the respective states to a greater height.

    One word of cautious, this is a make or break for the “ex-opposition” who formed the new states govt. Otherwise. it would impossible to return again if they failed this time. Hope they don’t “warm-up” too long!


  258. Firstly a loud congratulations to DAP, PKR and PAS for a resounding and massive electoral success. This electoral tsunami is one lesson the BN will not forget in a long. long time.

    Winston Churchill said:

    ” The price of Greatness is Responsibility”.

    Never forget for one moment that your great victory brings with it the greater sense of responsibility to carry out your election promises and not let the rakyat who has given you their trust down. As some blog posters here has reminded – we will watch you as closely as we have watched Pak Lah’s administration after he was given the huge mandate in 2004. He failed to deliver and the higher you climb the harder you will fall.

    This is the greatest ever opportunity for the Opposition to showcase what they can do and set the groundwork for a new era and paradigm of politics devoid of race or religion and dedicated only to the betterment of all the citizens of this country , irregardless of race or religion. The road ahead will not be easy. Too deeply ingrained fears will put obstacles in the path to progress but with sincerity and commitment, over time we will be able to develop a nation that will vote for the citizen as a person and not his religion or race.

    Last but not least. In this hour of victory, be humble. It is ok to be happy and some mild celebrations but do not go over board to humiliate or bellittle your vanquished opponents. Show your magnanimity and reach out for national reconciliation. After all, we all have to continue to live here and to live in peace and prosperity should be our primary goal.

  259. If not for Pak Lah’s ability in raising the dead I believe the opposition would hv secured more victories.

    Our labor and donation is not in vain. We hv shown them that they cant play a fool with the rakyat. Time for them to buck up and see how they will run the country for the next 5 years before another political tsunami hits them and send them into oblivion!

  260. look at this stupid newspaper, New Strait Time, that is still carrying this kind of headlines. It is certain that the news would report collapse of BN or rising of the oppositions on the 5 states.

    Election 2008: Barisan Nasional holds on to seven states
    KUALA LUMPUR: It was a day of shocks for Barisan Nasional as some of its big guns tumbled in the general election.

  261. Morning All, give everyone a break and room to breathe and to chill out…It has been a long and ardous journey for the oppositions…..
    Be Positive……….posting reminders/ threats of taking power away is secondary….putting brains together, controlling emotions and working together for better solutions is more important I believe…and constructive. Have a good day….Cheers…

  262. Uncle Lim, Heartiest Congratulations to you and your party on the SPLENDIFEROUS VICTORY. It really must have felt like the most wonderful belated birthday present. You certainly deserve every bit of the joy and happiness that the success of your nominees and candidates achieved. I shared in your joy last night and I can tell you, I have never felt so good for a long time. This is a victory of the honest, hardworking and righteous people who have been suppressed for too long.
    In the midst of your success, I think today is an appropriate day for your comrades to spend some time in their respective places of worship; such as temples, churches and mosques, to give thanks for a battle well fought and won peacefully. This is also a time to spent some time to reflect on the great task ahead. You and your party, together with fellow opposition leaders and parties have been thrust up the stage by the political tsunami and the responsibility and burden is great. You have to carry our hopes and aspirations to enable all Malaysians to achieve First Class status and not to allow us to fall back to the ruse of the BN to split and divide us.
    The task is onerous as our expectations are high, but have no fear, as I have mentioned before, we have confidence in you. You can b e assured of our support; maybe not in the political field, but definitely in the technical and professional fields. If you have any needs, just shout (in your blog) and we will answer the Clarion call.
    All the best to you and the party and lead us to greater heights. We will willingly follow an honest and dedicated leader.

  263. Hey guys,

    What is the final results tally for Parliment? Is BN denied 2/3 ? I still can’t get sources to see final results.

    Who then is going to be Opposition Chief? Uncle Kit Siang does it Best!

  264. I am so happy for the victory of Barisan Rakyat. But too bad, in my placa the brother of OKT has won. Don’t know who so blind to have vote for him.

    Just hate to see these O’ brothers. OKT is chicken for contesting in Johore, why not made it in KL area or big cities. Sure he will loose.

    Anyway, thanks all the effort of all parties and supporters!

  265. Hi guys, got up late this morning stayed up too late last night. Oh, what a beautiful morning! Syabas to Opposition! Syabas to rakyat! With success comes hard work and responsibility, so do your job well for the next 5 years.

    The dawn of democracy is upon us and the next GE will place Malaysia among the politically developed nations.

    I now go for my happy breakfast. Any one care to join me for teh tarik and roti kosong?

  266. Yes, do not be drawn into the politics of race. Do not bother with the comments of running dogs like Wong Chun Wai or those from RTM or TV3. What the rakyat wants is change – and it is wrong to say that only the non-Malays voted for change. After all, Kedah and Kelantan voters also voted for change – and this is also reflected in all states that the Barang Naik coalition continue to rule.

    It is time for Anwar, Kit and Tok Guru to come together and openly say that it does not matter if the cat is black or white; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. It’s time for us to show the den of thieves that we have good cats – far more than the Barang Naik coalition could muster.

    Lastly, there should be no undue haste – getting the formula right and the right cats in place are more important that witchhunts and going through state buildings for incriminating information. The den of thieves known as UMNO and their running dogs will surely implode in the coming months, and we should not do anything to give the thieves hope that they can remain intact.

  267. Justice is done. This is a message that I want to send to both BN and the Opposition. If the Rakyat voice is not heard, I will make my one tiny vote count !

    Congreat on the victory. There’s no need to send MCA or Gerakan to parliment if they’re not doing job. I want candidate who work dedicatedly during his/her term.

    Congrat to Terasa Kok for convincing victory too !

  268. All the same, a breathtaking performance from Kit, Tok Guru and Anwar – cosngratulations, well done, and I trust you will all go on to meet the expectations of those who voted for change.

  269. Yes. it’s the dawn of a new era. Hopefully the opposition parties will work in unison and fulfill their promises to all Malaysians, regardless of race. All Malaysians should be treated equally for a truly multi-racial nation. It cannot be denied that Datuk Seri Anwar is still relevant, in fact very relevant. Lastly, Barisan Rakyat should seek an apology from the mainstream media who launched attack after attack at the opposition, even personal ones, failing which they should not be allowed to attend any press conferences held by BR.

  270. The Night of the Long Knives will soon explode in umno to settle old scores, with the mullah the first to get it, in his back. Et tu, Brutus? Now is the time to consolidate the 2 party political system as practised in the US and many European nations

  271. Thanks to the internet, blogging and sms era that information can travel fast.
    The government things by MONOPOLIZING the media (TV and Radio) they can block information ……. but those “old-timers” didn’t realise the POWER of internet, blogging and sms ……. and that people nowadays don’t watch and listen to the local BORING medias.

    Malaysians REALLY MEMANG BOLEH !!!!!!!

  272. A hearty congratulations, Uncle Lim! Please do take some rest and enjoy BA’s victory in the election. We need your guidance towards a better Malaysia for everyone regardless of race and religion.

    To all the voters out there – Great job and a big thank you!


  273. Uncle Kit

    I’m so glad that I flew back from Hong Kong to vote in my constituency Cheras on this historical GE. At least, I could proudly tell my little girl next time that she should not worry to stand up and fight for what is right and true when she grow up (just like her mom). Never ever underestimate the ‘People Power’.

    I hope Penang will be a ‘star’ of the country for the Federal Govt to emulate. I’ll be among the first one to come back to contibute if you want and have a place for overseas professional M’sians.

    Hidup Malaysia!

  274. Congrats to you YB Lim & your team. Please continue the hard work and wipe out those Little Napoleons and its supporters, VK Lingam sounds alike people, zakaria derus like people etc. Don’t waste this opportunity and hopefully u will continue your legacy in the next general election.

  275. I casted my vote yesterday at my hometown Alor Star. I knew i did something meaningful by voting opposition. I only got off my office at nearly 1pm on Saturday afternoon, rushing home to Butterworth only to see a super crowd at Butterworth Transnasional bus terminal. NOT even an express bus to AS is visible. Heard the drivers has gone for voting so we are left to wait for ages. I was so worried if i can’t make it to vote. At the end, I have to take Bus Persiaran, paid a double fare. When i reached Simpang Kuala bus stand, it’s already 4pm. My parents has left for Penang Airport, i was all alone. I took a 25 minutes walk to my school under heavy rain. Despite holding an umbrella, I was all wet. The stupid Waja driver splashed water on me!! The SPR officer praised me for being “semangat tinggi”, for me, it sounds more like a sarcastic comment. I casted my vote, I feel very proud of myself.

  276. HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to ALL the DAP candidates who wins BIG in the election. You’ve made it!!

    Hopefully DAP can have more candidates in Kedah state for the coming election. We want DAP in Kedah too :)

  277. Congratulations. The citizens played their part to give the EX-oppositions a chance to show their abilities in a new role. We hope they won’t screw up; otherwise the tsunami will blow again in 4 years time-the other way.

  278. To all DAP Battalions fighting and winning like a true great warrior

    Winning Penang achievement is not easy and this time, with all nations support on DAP motions to be the Opposition Party Leader, I congratulates you and all the respectable DAP team members.
    It’s been a fantastic moment of truth and joy DAP brought to us.
    Let’s prove to nations that DAP able to improve and grow the country together and even better than the previous government.
    With here, I congratulates you all again and dun disappointed the people who are with you.

    James (Butterworth)

  279. P045 BUKIT MERTAJAM 79.31 931

    1. CHONG ENG (DAP) 27,817 MNG 5,767
    2. ONG TANG CHUAN (BN) 22,050 KLH

    All DAP candidates have better performance except Chong Eng.

    The feedback from my friend who is voter in BM said Chong Eng performance is poor either in parliamant or “longkong” level. She would be defeated if no strong wind of change blowing this round.









  281. Let Penang, Perak, and Selangor be the training ground for DAP & PKR leaders and example of good governance before DAP & PKR capture Malaysia in next GE

    All of us cybertroopers should work hard now to combat the biased mainstream media! We should make full use of the information technology. Make full use of blogs and YouTube and whatever new technology the Americans would develop in the next four years before the next election!

  282. Malaysiakini.com DNS problem.

    try this :

    news : and click to malay version for more news update.

    Hope this can help.

    BTW, CONGRATULATION to DAP and all the supporters.

  283. Hi Uncle Lim,

    Pls publish my comments. I’ve posted 3 comments including this one. Guess you’re so tired today. Have a good rest. Pls edit my post okay.

    I just want to mention that BA shd not rely on Sabah & Swak in term of funds & votes. I’m sure you guys can work your way out. After all, Mr Lee Kuan Yee of Spore successfully transformed Spore from rags to riches when Spore separated from Msia in 1965. I’m sure you guys can do better than him with the advanced technology & the resources available.

    Thanx Uncle Lim for publishing my comments. For your info, I’m not a supporter of UMNO. I only vote for BN Swak to ensure UMNO will not come to Swak like what they did to Sabah when Sabah fell to the opposition parties many yrs ago.

  284. # ftem Says:
    Today at 06: 47.44 (4 hours ago)

    If Anwar let OKT to be Finance minister, do you think they will jump ship?

    For goodness sake, if Anwar were to do that, all of us will jump ship. Well I have confidence in Anwar and that will never happen.

  285. Yes, we see the beginning of a new dawn. It’s a defining moment. The prayers of the people of Malaysiar are answered. Our congratulations to DAP, PKR and PAS on their success. Their victory is so sweet, so sweet.

    The people of Malaysia cannot believe their eyes that the BN State Governments in Penang, Kedah and Selangor have been toppled. We are overjoyed. I couldn’t help wiping my tears when I learned that BN had fallen in these three states.

    It simply shows that the arrogance of the BN can no longer be tolerated. Whilst they vowed to wipe out the opposition, the voters instead taught them a lesson. All these years, they have never known the meaning of humility. Now that they are in the opposition, it is high time that they do so.

    We wish the opposition, oops! the new State Govenments all the best.

  286. YB, congratulation ! this will be the best opportunity for DAP and Keadilan to perform well and prepare to rule the country in the next election.
    By the way. train up all the younger MPs and State Assembly men and ladies by giving more chances to debate in the Parliement and Dewan Negeri so that Khari , Nazri , Hishamudin and some of the ‘Teko’ Umno MPs will have no chance to be arrogant! YB Guang Eng, Pls’ Bongkar’ all the messy accounts of the previous Gerakan Government and we trust you cos u r a Chartered Accountant, u deserve to be a new CM of Penang as u hv sacrifice and suffered many losses for the last 10 years.

  287. My big thanks to our Malay brothers too. Lets not forget that without their tidal wave help the opposition couldnt have won this big. During my campaign walkabouts with DAP candidates we were very confident of Chinese and Indian swing votes, but doubtful whether the malay brothers will give their support. In the urban areas where there are still a substantial number of Malays we found it quite difficult to reach out to them. With this big win by the opposition it goes to show that their community is politically conscious and is fed up with the governmet. Clearly its makkal sathi that provides the tidal wave.

    Valga Makkal Sathi! Hidup Kuasa Rakyat! Lern Ming Li Yang!

  288. It is also time to make some effort to capture seats in Sabah & Sarawak then the actual barisan alternative can be formed. To those arrogrant and gila kuasa MPs like those in Penang, all I can say is that You ALL Deserved to Lose !!

  289. http://unwantedcitizen.blogspot.com/2008/03/warkah-untuk-barisan-rakyat.html

    Sunday, March 9, 2008
    Warkah Untuk Barisan Rakyat

    We will judge you by the same measures by which we have expelled the previous regime.

    We voted you in without regard to your skin color, religion or biological makeup. We were Chinese who have voted PAS, Malays who have chosen DAP and Indians who opted for PKR. We were the oppressed who saw you as liberators and the cheated who believed in the truth….

    A Message to the New State Governments

    Greetings ye new leaders of the state governments of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan.

    We congratulate the parties for a hard-won battle against the seemingly insurmountable Barisan Nasional.

    We the voters stood by you – DAP, PKR and PAS during those days you were known as the opposition. We gave a great part of ourselves to help in your noble cause. We parted with our hard-earned money and donated generously at your open air ceramahs. We braved the unrelenting terrible weather, stood heel-deep in mud listening to your promises of a better Malaysia. We refused to budge under all adverse circumstances. Some of us have placed our careers and families at risk. We were vocal critics and diligent deep-throats supporting the opposition while earning a living in the civil service.

    We slogged and blogged, wrote and re-wrote, voted and revolted,

    We did it all for only one reason – that together we can initiate change towards a better Malaysia. You have now won victoriously, far beyond anyone’s expectations.

    Do not disappoint us the rakyat. You have proclaimed us your bosses by your own admission and we lay claim to that role.

    You will fulfill your promises and we expect you to demonstrate genuine effort even if you fail in the end. In the past, you could cite limited resources and forced inhibition as excuses for delivery failure. No more now. You are in charge and the last thing we rakyat need is more mitigating factors.

    We will judge you by the same measures by which we have expelled the previous regime.

    Rest assured that you will be held accountable to every proclamation and condemnation that you ever uttered over the last four years.

    We voted you in without regard to your skin color, religion or biological makeup. We were Chinese who have voted PAS, Malays who have chosen DAP and Indians who opted for PKR. We were the oppressed who saw you as liberators and the cheated who believed in the truth. We your bosses have set aside our differences and we shall settle for nothing less than the same among you. If we could unit in spite of years of BN racism, you as leaders have even more reason to collaborate and achieve.

    While we won’t expect you to see eye to eye in all things, we do not want any washing of dirty linen in public, either. We affirm our right to praise or criticize you and it is our privilege to have a say in decision-making. We do not desire fanciful slogans or sweet-sounding promises. Rather, we wish to taste sincerity and humility, and we demand you from this moment to observe humility at all times. We insist on our right to be heard, our grouses to be attended to and our welfare to be considered.

    We seek justice, not exhibitionism.

    Do not betray the trust we placed in you, lest we show you the exit the way we did to the previous regime that betrayed us.

    This is your time – your one and only chance to prove you’re worth your salt.

    Don’t blow it.

    Posted by Product of the System at 4:44 AM
    Labels: Barisan Rak

  290. DAP-PKR, we need to form a Shadow Government with a Shadow Cabinet in Parliment. We need to nominate a Shadow Prime Minister, a Shadow Deputy, Finance, Education, Works Minister etc.

    Time to show Khairy, Hishamuddin & other UMNO (& Pemuda) we, the Rakyat, including the Malays do not support UMNO at all times. Some view UMNO is the club of the rich.

    I believe Hishamuddin has now regretted his Keris kissing act to be the downfall of BN. Badawi, do think about it & it is timely to replace our Education Minister.

  291. I just cant say congratulations in the best way to match the victories of Dap and others. No words can describe such a tsunami victories. Anyway CONGRATULATIONS X INFINITY.

    This is truly Malaysian under the umbrella of the opposition.I almost never sleep due to the joys when i heard the result and saw it on Malaysiakini.

    The real struggle has begun.Please show them how to run a Penang state under opposition in the best opposition way.Let all the 3 major races live like brothers n sisters just like our younger days. Show it to the people of other states.Share the power fairly and do not, I repeat do not have power struggle between the oppositions.This will cause a crack and the beginning of a downfall.

    I am so happy….

    Well done Lim Kit Siang and team.

  292. We vote the opposition because we are fed up with the “smokes n mirrors’ under the BN regime.

    We voted the opposition because we want:-

    1 Incorruptible judiciary
    2 IPCMC
    3 Independent ACA
    4 Transparency N Integrity
    5 To annul the NEP

    Among the primary things I (and many) can think of right now.

  293. My heartiest Congratulations to Uncle Lim & Family as well as other DAP members!! All your sacrifices and hard works deserve my highest salutation. Together we propel the rocket to greater height of success!!!

    *Democracy, Freedom & Equality* for ALL~

  294. With one third of the seats ” a respectable opposition cabinet” is the next step for the Barisan Rakyat. God bless all and do not forget the public. Now you have double the work then before.

  295. Congrats Kit and Guan Eng. The next 5 years is the most critical. Use the mandate that has been given to all of you well.Avoid infighting amongst each other and with other parties and work together to build a better Malaysia. Well done.

  296. http://malaysiavotes.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/making-sense-of-the-2008-general-election-results/

    Dr Farish Noor:

    The most significant thing about the results is that they were what everyone expected but was denied right up to the last day by the government press. This demonstrates the extent of disconnect and misreading of the ground on the government’s part that has never been reached in Malaysian history.

    It is clear that after winning the huge mandate of 2004, the (Datuk Seri) Abdullah (Ahmad) Badawi establishment totally isolated and alienated itself from the voice of the Malaysian public. Despite the instances of public protests for free and fair elections, police reform, anti-corruption, etc, the establishment insulated itself by surrounding itself with its own propaganda and misinformation.

    But the Malaysian people have finally matured and now realise that change can only happen with political activism. This has been the peoples’ elections, and the Malaysian public has won.

    I am writing this at the headquarters of PAS in Kota Bharu, and election results are being shown on TV. The PAS supporters, who are Malays, are cheering for (Opposition leader) Lim Kit Siang and the other leaders of DAP and PKR as well. They have crossed the racial divide. Malaysia is now a truly multiracial country. Our nation is finally born.

    The results will test the mettle of both the opposition and government. Umno and the BN will have to accept defeat and to take it maturely and sensibly. The opposition will now have to live up to their promises and they will have to cobble together a working coalition that lasts.

    It will be a challenge for the DAP and PKR to work with PAS, and my sincere wish is that the progressive agents and actors in PAS will bring their party in line with the aspirations of the Barisan Rakyat.

  297. Congratulations to Penang, Kedah, Selangor and Perak for winning the State government respectively. Hopefully, they will rule fairly without any discriminations for the next 4/5 years. You should know if you dont ;-)

    Show the Federal Government what you can do. In Petaling Jaya, get rid of these city councillors who are blood-suckers. In time to come, get them in via elections and not by appointments.

    Barisan Rakyat BOLEH!!

  298. Can we say the Majority of malays thinks they are still better off with UMNO or was there MASSIVE FRAUD……???? We shall see the statistics of Opposition voters and BN voters……..it could even be 55% voted opposition and 45% voted Barisan……

    We wait for outcome and then we slowly diesect UMNO-BN SCAMS…..make no mistake there was a lot of SCAM!!….

    Meanwhile have a rest, relax, hug a malay, indian chinese, orang asli, sikh….etc.


  299. Now that all major opposition parties have the chances to prove they could make states they are going to rule shine, it would become like an unstoppable cancer growing in the BN !
    Damn! been waiting silently for all these to happen all my life … some of us have already given up hoping. As least there are signs, Malaysian aren’t that naive after all !
    Hopefully, the natives of Sabah & Sarawak would wake up before their Natural Resources that have fueled the BN dried up.
    — One thing I would strongly suggest… give Sabah & Sarawak cheaper broadband to spread unbiased news to the natives. Hopefully we could have an East Malaysia P_Tsunami in the next State Election !!

  300. With 5 States and 1 Wilayah captured ……. and denying BN of the 2/3 majority ……. I can only give thanks to God Almighty for the MATURED Malaysians.
    Too bad Johor is still under BN, but we can sense something already!

    Now, I can only pray that the Oppositions will learn to “give and take” and to have “patience” when working as a TEAM ……. not to be used by BN as a laughing stock later, and also to give an account to those Rakyats who have voted and believed you guys.

    I hope this TEAM will prove that it can do better than BN and same time convince the other Rakyats who didn’t vote for you guys.
    If this were to go on ……. we guarantee a 2/3 majority for the Opposition for the next election !!!!!!!
    By then, BN would be the underdogs instead …….

  301. I hope in these 5 states the newly formed government can established a proper communication channels to give the Rakyat up to date news. We need an unbias newspapers or television channel to inform all the people living in these states.

  302. Congratulations. Great result.

    I am wondering has anyone added all of the Parliamentary votes for the DAP, PKR, PAs etc and compared this against the BN. This is called the popular vote … It would be very interesting … because of the massive gerrymander that exists the number of seats that should be BA seats should be higher (eg Seputeh vs Putrajaya). I also suspect that with East Malaysia seats the BN would have been in even greater hot water!

  303. Congrats!

    Hope that the opposition parties can work together and govern the states well. This is a golden opportunity to prove to the people that you can make the change.

    Please. Please do make it happen. You are the hope of the people.

  304. Although Race and Religion are important, and very personal, we Malaysians must learn to master this and not let it be dividing factor. To forge ahead for the sake and progress of the country, and to place all Malaysians on equality, it will take a lot of sincerety, consultation with each other, respect of others to fight the more pressing issues of the country. Hope this cooperation between the opposition leaders will be mature, sincere and work out the difficult issues together. Justice must be the order of the day. Help those who truly and sincerly need help. Poverty is not based on race or religion, for poverty is universal and is not along race nor religion. So, work together as one for all. The hardwork has just begun. It will be a long and ardent task, but not impossible. We as rakyat Malaysia, will support this it with sincerity. Malaysia is rich in resources. All poor need not be that poor if they can be used for the good of all, not just a sector of the population that feeds on cronism.

    Help clean-up the excesses that have gone to waste, so that they could be used for the benefit of ALL Malaysians.


    Im so happy that a new era has begun. Sarawak we are coming to get you. Watch out you all corrupted. Your days are also numbered. BN-SUPP watch out. George Chan, your days are also numbered. We will be in Sarawak to kick your a$$. You better believe it. We have shown it and anything can happen. See what tidurwi has done to BN? Watch Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  306. Congrats for being able to achieve the goal of denying the 2/3 majority.

    However this is only the beginning of a new governance in Malaysia where there are still much to be done. With that I wish you all the best.

  307. Congratulations DAP and other party opposition for the big win!!! Now the opposition have to be united and show BN how to managed a good state whereby there is no more corruption, nepotism and cronism in the local authorities. I truly believe in Malaysia for all Malaysian. There should be equality in the country for all races. This time big win, I feel that all races is moving to this direction. We want a Malaysian for all the races. The life of the Rakyat will be in comfort and happy if everybody get the portion of the economic cake and not only a small portion of little napolean do. We also do not want to see the person that is suppose the govern the law break the law like Datuk Z of Port Klang and he does not learn from his mistakes and field his daughter in law with the support of Khir Toyo!! I feel that the lesson be learnt by everybody, RAkyat still is the boss!!!! Do not think that we are fools!!!

    There will be much hard work to be done after this….so I hope that Opposition will give us a new dawn……a new Selangor and a new Malaysia….

  308. Give a thought to the contribution of the Indians through Hindraf, H5+1 (in London). Hindraf defied the laws of UMNO dominance and demanded constitutional rights of Malaysians of Indian Ethnicity. These demands awoke other defranchised lot..Chines and Malays. Hindraf changed the politcal views of all Malaysians, except the elitists in the UMNO. But the H5 paid a dearly. They are being tortured – physciallly and mentally- in Kamunting under ISA.

    MIC has been wiped off, rightly, and the Indians may well be left without a focussed voice. However the voctors may wish to carve the power, please do not forget the contribution of the H5 for the final victory. HINDRAF, in any case will live on for many more elections.

  309. I suppose congrats are in order. However, for discussions sake, could the swing have been overdone? The proof is in the pudding and the next few months will probably give us a taste of whats in store til the next GE. After all to the victor goes the spoils, so please conduct yourselves with integrity and ethically. Certainly hope we do not hear similar hearsays on your leaders in Malaysiakini but only praises.

  310. Even in defeat..the Barisan Nasional shows no remorse. Despite some of its major parties facing total annihilation and key states having fallen to the opposition, the mass media has decided to go for a total blackout, leaving Malaysians in total darkness. This lie will stop here.

    The days of hoodwinking the people of this country and ripping tax payer’s money will be over soon. Minorities who slogged it out for this country but treated as second class citizens and Indonesians who actually waged war against this country in the 60’s, being given citizenship in less then two years just because Indonesians are perceived as Malays, is nothing but selling out by Badawi’s government at the expense of minorities.

    These elections will see to it that the days of poor governance will truly be over. Malaysians must take back this country from the most corrupt government citizens have ever seen since independence. And for this Malaysians must be thankful to the internet, the portal to the age of information technology.

  311. I think we do owe the Elections Commission an apology. Despite the fears of vote rigging and the misuse of postal votes, the elections results speak for themselves. It does looks like for all intents and purposes the electoral workers have carried out their responsibilities freely and fairly in this election.

  312. YB LKS. YOU DID IT!!! THIS IS TRUE LABOUR OF LOVE. CONGRATS to all opp parties whom have worked hard to bring the message of truth to all peoples. This is only the beginning. The rocket is launched.

  313. well done BA!! i m not satisfied with Bodohwi and Khairy’s victory. how the hell from leadin at 1000 votes can jump to 11000 votes????!! and for khairy from loosing 600 votes to win majority of 6000 votes??? WTH??? as if we r blind??? can uncle lim shed some truth on this? BODOHWI has 2 fatal disease now- lielitis; he can only tell lies and it has bcome cheatilitis. do we need Perdana Mystery like him? Ya we need it in movies not our country!

  314. I want to thank those sensible voices in this blog. A number of them have been here at least for as long as I remember.

    Gratefulness, humility, magnanimity are among words that the victors’ should hold to. Do not be arrogant and take us the people for granted. Remember God gives and God takes in mysterious ways.

    In my opinion it was not so much Anwar’s leadership and charisma thah pulled the votes that make the difference as AAB’s weak or no leadership! He showed himself powerless against the antics of the likes of the “closed-one eye man” in Melaka, that” palace-man” in Selangor, that ‘man” standing in Taiping, the “kris man” and the “licik woman in MITI”, what is this? He appears to be condoning these unacceptable behaviours. These and other issues are close to the people’ heart and they rise… thanks to democracy.

    And of course his irritating laidback style btw we should thank TMM for choosing this man as his successor…. he really wreaks UMNO. He boasted in 2004 that people gave him a huge mandate… and now he must take the credit for this unprecedented huge loss of mandate. Should he lead UMNO? Should he even lead MALAYSIA?

    Btw Ppl how come Mukhriz won in a sea of GREEN? If that man KJ were to be in that northern state, he sure would have LOST BIG.

    Uncle Kit.. take that well-deserved REST and be IMPARTIAL in all your dealings with the RAKYAT who voted for you.

    Am returning to my well-earned sleep… hope I don’t miss that plane this evening.

  315. EC owe us an apology for removing the indelible ink at the last moment. There could have been more opposition victories…look at some of the majorities. Nonetheless, it still goes to show what are in the minds of the rakyat.

  316. Heartiest congratulations to YB Lim and DAP!Truth has prevailed as God has been watching all this time.If the media blackout has not been perprtuated Barisan Alternatif would be forming the federal government now.This time we can all Really say Malaysia Boleh!Looking forward to a better beginning for all Malaysians!

  317. Penang, Kedah, Selangor, Perak and Kelantan need to be governed based on the Singapore model with zero tolerance for corruption and inefficiency. In the next GE, the other states will come to their senses and dump BN as what happened on 8.3.08

  318. UMNO old cocks dug their own graves allowing the youth top dogs to run epu. The strong words out from the 2 gen assemblies oso killed support from hardcore malay community.

    The likes of khinzir, hesucksmuddin, najis, nazri & tg adnan must oso vanish alongside bung mokhtar, happy dick & tutup sebelah mata, b4 ppl will even consider bn ever again

  319. “Dr Farish Noor:

    It is clear that after winning the huge mandate of 2004, the (Datuk Seri) Abdullah (Ahmad) Badawi establishment totally isolated and alienated itself from the voice of the Malaysian public.”

    I am not so sure that the BN really won a huge mandate. Maybe after the many dark years under TDM the population heaved a collective sigh of relief that things would get better. But AAB is also very restricted in what he can do and I feel he brought a more human face to government and allowed more space for dissent (except for the Hindraf 5).

    Now Dr M is calling for him to step down and hand power to his preferred choice. Do we listen to 1 man or the millions who want genuine change?


    It is a major challenge for the BN leaders to reinvent themselves and I suggest they should really create a true BN Party that is not related to racist parties.

  320. cmbss Says:

    We will judge you by the same measures by which we have expelled the previous regime.

    We voted you in without regard to your skin color, religion or biological makeup. We were Chinese who have voted PAS, Malays who have chosen DAP and Indians who opted for PKR. We were the oppressed who saw you as liberators and the cheated who believed in the truth….

    A Message to the New State Governments

    Greetings ye new leaders of the state governments of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan.

    Just_True says:

    Well-spoken, cmbss. You took the words right out of my mouth – thank you for that open letter to the new leaders of the 5 states, thank you for reminding the new leaders the mandate the voters have given them. Indeed, if they fail to live up to their promises, if they resort to squabbling over economic issues, stooping as low if not even lower than BN, they will be voted out in a blink.

    Beware – the same lure of lust, corruption, party in-fighting will stalk you -> if you allow it. Remember – People power – will vote you out. Beware – the temptations that BN leaders succumb to will stalk you. True Malaysian leaders who walk the talk will flee such temptations.

    May God bless you all in your endeavours to create a history which our future generations will be proud of.

  321. Uncle Lim, CONGRATS!!
    At last you and your team has found the silver bullet. It missed the jugular of the BN by a hair’s breath!
    Your team, both the veterans and the newbies have gone through the baptism of dirty tricks, deceit other unsavory methods by the BN, during the just concluded GE, with flying colours!
    After the euphoria has subsided, hone your skills further so that in the next GE, you’ll sever its jugular!
    I think that you should start thinking about
    forming a shadow government so that you can form the next government seamlessly with your fellow BN busters after ousting them!

  322. The votes shows the Penangites are ready for change after 17 yrs of been robed by the BN. DSAI will help to attract more foreigner investor into all these state, for administration, PKR has some young talent from overseas which is quite interesting looking at the pamphlets Tze Tzin prepared. If we can improve our broadband service equivalent to Europe 100mbps, well it will help to educate and convince the ppl thru internet and bloggers that our new govt live up to its expectation.

  323. Congratulations to whoever is the new menteri besar/ chief minister of Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor n Kelantan,
    Not personal or Malay or Indian or Chinese or Orang Asli etc!
    Don’t disappoint Rakyat and Negara!

  324. Serve those DAP and Keadilan goons right in Sarawak and Sabah for losing their seats.If they were to cooperate for a 1 on 1 fight instead of 3 corner fight.That shows that they are not genuine MP no difference from the BN,greedy ans power crazy.I strongly urge to the DAP and Keadilan leader to expel them,if not because of them The Barisan Rakyat could have capture more Parliment seats in both states.


    A NEW Malaysia has come!

    What a joy to see the smashing blow on the political hegemony of a deluded self seeking regime.

    I saw the few of the members of the ruling party in the TV early this morning (9.3.08). From the things they said, I sensed that these people are still in their drunken stupor state. Drunk with the ruling power and inherent benefits for 50 years. Hit by a mighty tsunami! Yet has no awareness, no insight what is happening. Still talking about post mortem, the need of further analysis!

    The rakyat has been voicing loud and clear for so long, speaking, appealling, peaceful demonstrations…no ears to hear!

    What a pity!

    We the rakyat had been waiting for this day for a long, long, long time. Finally! A new dawn, a new era has come!

    God granted the prayers of many, many people. Thanks! He had not forgoten his people. He had heard their prayers when they humble themselves to seek His face and prayed like never before.

    God answered in the way- “eyes have not seen, ears have not heard nor the minds of men have ever dreamt of ….”CHEERS!

    P.S. Please see the video I taped on 8.3.08 How they cheat. “blind man votes” You tube. Will give u the details another time.

  326. At last, in our own Malaysia’s space program, we have successfully launched our Own Rocket into space, creating more space for the opposition in Parliment & State instead of BN’s hitching for a ride in a Russian spacecraft.

  327. Uncle Lim, Congratulations on your elections result. I have been one of your silent admirer and always read your blog for quite sometimes. I am from Sabah and here a few highlights that I think you should help us rise up in the parliament as a whole (Because all Sabah MP are useless and become Pak-Turut of Federal Government.)

    1) PTI – Pendatang Tanpa Izin (Under the Control of Federal Government)

    2)Musa Aman Factor – Please don’t let him HENTAM all of green jungle and his gangster like cronyism to get Government Contract. This guy is so powerful now (Money wise) that he could influence almost everybody.

    3)Don’t Forget MAZU issue that Musa Aman instrumentally boycott and scrapped/halted

    4)Project IC – very obvious

    5)Put more of Sabahan staff in Petronas Organisation like Petronas Dagangan, Petronas Carigali or any of it’s subsidiary. Right now, Majority of Petronas Staff comes from Malay West Malaysia to hold high ranking position while left sabahan (kadazan/dusun/Chinese/malays) with a few low ranking position.

    6)Also Urge the Government to Scrap the AP for import vehicle. This is very important for ordinary citizen like us to enjoy good quality imported vehicles instead of forcing us drive PROTON model which only changes model every 20 years. This is a very obvious/open secret unfair PRACTICE that bothers many os us here.

    If you could help us to hightlight those problems, surely my vote would go for DAP in the future elections…GOD willing.

  328. I wonder who will be the Chief Minister of Perak ?

    How power sharing with still significant BN seats, & how DAP is going to work with PAS…

    Also hope that Kedah will not turn to be an Islamic state.




  330. To alaneth,

    No problem for PAS to come to power in Kedah. The BN islamic fundamentalist in Kedah is worse. Pork can not be sold openly in Kedah. No such problem in Kelantan. Hopefully, there will be more religious tolerance under PAS.

  331. Hey everyone, don’t forget to THANK Malaysiakini for giving us up-to-date and fair coverage FOR FREE during election period(till 10-3-2008). A JOB WELL DONE!

    But then, what happen next? The rakyat need to be informed of develpment in their respective area/constituencies!

    Asking the Federal Government to grant Newspaper licence to an opposition party? Forget it, they wouldn’t give!

    Internet? But not everyone serve the net everyday!

    Word of mouth? It wouldn’t go far!

    The Rocket, Oh Yes! the Rocket! Do you think the Federal Government will allow the Rocket to convert to a “Daily Newspaper”?

    The Rakyat is watching! They want to be informed! The idiot from BN is waiting for the opportunity to tell the Rakyat “See, They can’t do anything”!

    Any suggestion?


  332. Absolutely incredible and I am absolutely over the moon to learn of such a massive victory for the Oppostion in spite of such huge obstacle placed before opposition parties like the extent of gerrymandering done in Mahathir’s time,postal votes,phantom votes and a compliant GE chairman.
    Congratulations to all opposition parties for bringing about change and the beginning of a new Malaysia.Your work is only but the responsibilities of building a NEW MALAYSIA is also massive.Make it work for if you don’t you will meet the same fate for the people now is beginning to be more politically alert and aware.
    What is also encouraging to note is that the common people of Malaysia is beginning to wake up to see that their government must be one that should have transparency,good governance,fair play, non corrupt and work for the good of the country.There is hope after all!!

  333. Why did BN lose ?
    Badawi is the weakest PM this country ever had and is also controlled by his cronies. Although he inherited some racial issues and eonomical imbalances, etc, when he took over as PM, he did not foresee the wind of change coming his way, and his mediocre aides were too arrogant to realise the problems and to adivse him. Before they knew it, it was too late. I foresee Badawi will resign and UMNO will pick Najib as the next PM.

    DAP, for heaven sake, be CLEAN as the ruling state gov. Do not be in somebody’s pocket. Your enemies will set traps and will reveal your wrongdoings in due course.
    Congrats to DAP,PAS, PKR

  334. Chong Zhemin, i suspect that video is fake. I think this election marked the end of her political career.
    Is Ting Pek Khiing going to build the UTAR campus in Bintangor now? They have had the earth breaking ceremony again before the election. If we count all the earth breaking ceremonies, Bintangor should have several universities by now

  335. We should also use people power and simple economics to force fair reporting in the mainstream media… newspapers depend on advertising revenues to survive.. if enough people would boycott Star for a month…

  336. ” alaneth Says:

    Today at 11: 39.42 (2 hours ago)
    DAP-PKR, we need to form a Shadow Government with a Shadow Cabinet in Parliment. We need to nominate a Shadow Prime Minister, a Shadow Deputy, Finance, Education, Works Minister etc.”……………………………….

    It would be good if a shadow ministry could precipitate akin to the Australiann model. I am sure YB Anwar has enough experience and depth to lead the way……

  337. ” alaneth Says:

    Today at 11: 39.42 (2 hours ago)
    DAP-PKR, we need to form a Shadow Government with a Shadow Cabinet in Parliment. We need to nominate a Shadow Prime Minister, a Shadow Deputy, Finance, Education, Works Minister etc.”……………………………….

    It would be good if a shadow ministry could precipitate akin to the Australian model. I am sure YB Anwar has enough experience and depth to lead the way……

  338. Borrow fro PCK:
    “Don’t play play eh, Don’t play play eh”

    Don’t play play to think that peoples power can never happen in Malaysia because umno say so.

    Remember not too long ago, some big shot is cryng for zero opposition in this country? Can you imagine how naive they are.

    And another one is crying for YB Kit’s to lose in Ipoh Timor.

    Arrogant, racist, corruptions, mixing of religions and education in running a country is not the way.

    So umno, learn fast or you will be kick out in the next GE.

  339. alas enough is really enough. i trust that the BA will bring us much development in the next 4 years when Barang Naik could not have done it even if given till kingdom come!

    i m hoping to see Anuar’s Manifesto come true in Selangor and in the time to come BA to take the helm of the federal government for the good of ALL MALAYSIANS. the problem with Barang Naik is that they didnt specify WHO the rakyat is, its none other than- themselves, families & cronies. remember what SEMI VALUE said on tv in 1980? Here is quoted from Malaysia Today:

    I remember 20 years ago when the Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry met Samy Vellu at the height of the mid-1980s recession. I was then a central committee member and we lamented about the lack of contracts and how many Malay businessmen were facing bankruptcy. Samy Vellu replied that he is already doing as much as he could by dishing out contracts to Malay companies.

    ““I am not a Minister for the Indian community,” replied Samy Vellu. “I am a minister for the Malays. I look after the Malays more than I look after the Indians. It is the Malays who vote me into office. Without the Malay votes I would not be in power. So I care more for the Malays than the Indians. What more do you want me to do?”

    Samy Vellu uttered this most surprising declaration 20 years ago in front of more than 1,000 Malay businessmen. Ahmad Sebi Abu Bakar, then the CEO of TV3, agreed with what Samy Vellu said.

    “We put him in JKR so that he can privatise all the projects to Umno. If we put a Malay as a Minister it would be very sensitive. With an Indian as a Minister the non-Malays cannot say anything.”

    Samy Vellu’s usefulness to Umno was further demonstrated when he switched portfolios with Leo Moggie. As the new Minister of Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos, Samy Vellu corporatised TNB, Telekoms, Pos Malaysia, etc., and Umno, plus those who walk in the corridors of power, became beneficiaries of the shares and made billions. After there was nothing left to sell, Samy Vellu and Leo Moggie again switched portfolios where until today he remains as the Minister of Works.

    Yes, Samy Vellu is there for only one purpose, to make Umno and those who walk in the corridors of power filthy rich. And he has done his job well. He has loyally served his Umno master to the hilt. In Samy Vellu’s own words, he serves Umno, not the Indians. And 90% of the Indians gave his MIC and Barisan Nasional their votes every election for 11 general elections.”

    thats the thing why BN is pathetic. hurrah hurrah hurrah BA!

    just to let u all know that in PJ got some ppl who voted for opposition last year couldnt vote bcoz they were tracked by the serial number as voting for opposition. PLS PLS TEMBAK SPR!!

    the victory that BA got is not just a victory for BA but for ALL malaysians because for the first time, we put our differences aside and voted for an alternative to BN irregardless of race or religion. its such a joy to see unity knowing that Bangsa Malaysia still can exist!

    uncle Lim & co, all the best! we are behind you!

  340. Barisan Rakyat, can consider have election for City mayors, councillors for Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya, Ipoh, Georgetown, and Alor Star (say before 28.2.2009)?
    and maybe later extend to have election for town mayors and councillors for Klang, Kajang, Taiping, Teluk Intan, Butterworth, Sg. Petani etc?
    Any support from bloggers on this small suggestion?


    how can hundreds of people go over quietly?
    and normaly,ppl who do a ‘cross-over’ has by default,
    less crediblity.

    “technology begets discontent”

  342. This is a joyous moment. To see that the people have finally send a very strong message to all component parties under the ruling BN (Alliance Front) party, that “enough is enough”. After 50 years of independence, and winning over 5 states is the greatest blow to BN, they above all, UMNO, MCA and MIC should seriously look at the important issues at hand, namely (with opposition parties ensuring that they the ruling party are doing their jobs right and where it matters most):
    1) Zero tolerance towards corruption
    2) Successions (giving over ministerial roles new and more deserving politicians) do away with Politicians who has served for a maximum of 2 terms.
    3) Economic growth – fair and equal play to all Malaysians regardless of race
    4) Equal distribution of wealth to counter rising cost of living
    5) Ensure better and efficient, road and transportation and public amenities services (in urbanite areas like Klang Valley, Kinta Valley, Penang, Johor Bahru, Kuching)
    6) Ensure more free, open and transparent government and the local media (mainly on tele, radio and print)

  343. This is a sweet victory and congrats to DAP and the Barisan Rakyat coalition that made the winds of change a reality to deny BN a 2/3 control in parliment and capture 5 states which is said to be the biggest setback for BN in election history.

    Why we won ? Never forget it is true the unity of all races and the people believed put their lives to vote the opposition this time with he hope of seeing a new Malaysia. Do not underestimate the people power as the consequences would fall or hit back hard just like what happened to MIC who was wiped out despite the over confidence and optimistic clamis pre-election.

    We should thank all Malaysians for this and honour the vote they gave by walking the talk. I think its no point we talk here about who’s going to be the next MB, etc etc as lets leave that to the hands of our heroes who turned out victors yesterday as they know what is best for the new Malaysia.

    For sure, Anuar and RPK had played a really big role in getting the malay voters to swing to the opposition and the blogsites had played a superb role in reaching out to the people. Never forget its now to the time to honour the promise made to the rakyat and dont be over thrilled and honey mooning these coming 5 years as that will sure have a setback later on to whoever who is ruling as never underestimate the ability of ‘people power’… “MAKHAL SAKHTI !!!

  344. pas,pkr and dap joined hands to deny bn the 2/3 majority…becos of wat?plainly becos of umno bull#@*t all these years.not everyone in umno is bad.some leaders got their head so big that they forgotten without the struggle fr all parties…malaysia wont be where we are today.yes…today…those suckers think they own this country themselves.a government who has so many cover ups and big shots can jz get away scotfree jz like dat.they think no one can stop them.look at those offences and crimes that happened concerning this country and the leaders.justice has not been met and i guess they nvr will.its time the people unite to get rid of all these suckers in the government.be it malays,indians or chinese… this time around this is wat we call the people of malaysia showed our mr sleeping beauty how serious we are.not for the sake of religion or colors…but real equalness and treat every fellow malaysians the same.one day soon the time will come whn malaysia will truly hv a leader for all malaysians unlike the suckers of today.we people knw who the suckers are.they hv done more damage than good to this country for the past 50 years.
    lets hope the faith we hv given to the oppositions will give us a better malaysia to really call ourselves true malaysians.and honestly speaking…i cant wait someone to give these monkeys belacan to shove it up their sss and see them jump.

  345. Suggestions,
    Allow rakyat to install satellite dish without restrction to only get reception from astro within 5 states)
    Reduce tol rate for exressways within the 5 states.
    Ref. earlier post, should hv election for town mayor of Kota Baru too.
    Investigate thoroughly, Z istana case n Port Klang FTZ case etc

  346. Uncle Lim, Congratulations on your elections result. I have been one of your silent admirer and always read your blog for quite sometimes. I am from Sabah and here a few highlights that I think you should help us rise up in the parliament as a whole (Because all Sabah MP are useless and become Pak-Turut of Federal Government.)

    1) PTI – Pendatang Tanpa Izin (Under the Control of Federal Government)

    2)Musa Aman Factor – Please don’t let him HENTAM all of green jungle and his gangster like cronyism to get Government Contract. This guy is so powerful now (Money wise) that he could influence almost everybody.

    3)Don’t Forget MAZU issue that Musa Aman instrumentally boycott and scrapped/halted

    4)Project IC – very obvious

    5)Put more of Sabahan staff in Petronas Organisation like Petronas Dagangan, Petronas Carigali or any of it’s subsidiary. Right now, Majority of Petronas Staff comes from Malay West Malaysia to hold high ranking position while left sabahan (kadazan/dusun/Chinese/malays) with a few low ranking position.

    6)Also Urge the Government to Scrap the AP for import vehicle. This is very important for ordinary citizen like us to enjoy good quality imported vehicles instead of forcing us drive PROTON model which only changes model every 20 years. This is a very obvious/open secret unfair PRACTICE that bothers many os us here.

    If you could help us to hightlight those problems, surely my vote would go for DAP in the future elections…

  347. Congratulations to all Malaysians,

    Penang, Selangor, Perak, and kedah… dont forget, KL too (BN lost all KL but 1 parliament seat).

    The town councilors must be elected by the people of all those states & territory.
    PLS do this first!

  348. So many of us have waited for this day for so long. Perhaps the BR will take the people’s mandate one step further and democracy one step further and institute local council elections in all the states that they rule in. Let’s make our local councils accountable to us once again!

  349. ‘The swing of substantial malaysian Malay’s vote againgst UMNO holding the carrot of NEP is something outside UMNO’s calculations:e.g.what happened in Lembah Pantai given to PKR’s Nurul Izzah Anuar over veteran Sharizat.’.Jeffrey.
    Trouble is UMNO think their strategy of handing out goodies before election is always fail-proof,after all this has been the modus operandi for all these years and they have always proven to be successful.They think that the rakyat is just like their lap dogs (MCA,MIC,GERAKAN,PPP) that sit quietly waiting and wagging their tails for the master to throw them crumbs.What they didn’t see is that the rakyat is perceptive enough to see thro them ie these UMNOPUTRAS are in fact making use of them to make themselves filthy rich. That is precisely the reason that in spite of the goodies thrown, in spite of the delineated seats,in spite of the postal votes, in spite of the phantom votes and in spite of a compliant EC chairman a huge tsunami of change has come sweeping throughout the land. THe RAKYAT HAS SPOKEN.God bless Malaysia.

  350. CONGRATULATIONS UNCLE LIM !!! WHAT A GREAT VICTORY FOR ALL TRUE MALAYSIANS !!! BRAVO !! The time has finally come, let us work towards creating a true BANGSA MALAYSIA for MALAYSIANS !!!

  351. Congratulations, YB Lim. My family members have always been staunch supporters of DAP. The way forward to propel Malaysia to greater heights is the revamping of the present education system. Bring back the English medium schools, preserve the sanctity of missionary schools ( bring back the old missionary schools system ) and ensuring that more non-Malays to take over the helm of government schools.
    Next, allow more opposition news coverage in the printing, mass and radio media. People need to have well-balanced coverage on a national issue and ensure that there is no biasness in the media coverage. Perhaps, history textbooks should be rewritten to correct the wrong views on how Independence was obtained.
    Most importantly, the abolishment of NEP should be the main agenda of opposition parties. This will definitely improve racial ties in Malaysia. We need fairness in our society to drive Malaysia forward. We cannot afford to fall behind our neighbouring states especially Singapore.
    Whatever it is, my heartiest congratulatory wishes to you on behalf of all my family members.
    You deserve this stunning victory after years of incessant hard work. Take care and may God bless you with good health.
    Best wishes
    Seng Kong

  352. This blog was out for most of the last 2 days???

    Many congratulations to Uncle Lim & your fearless team together with PKR & PAS that against all odds, a chance for change is placed in yoiur hands.

    God heard & answered our cries!Hallelujah!

    There is now the enormous burden to affect change. Please be humble & meek enough to seek help from S’pore, HK, South Korea to clean up & build up these states if the need arises.

    Bravo again!

  353. 8/3/2008
    The wave of Sarawak during last state election is sweeping through the floor of West Malaysia. Did any one expect so many states to be in the hand of opposition? Never, at least not in my mind.

    The victory means that the anticipation of the people is much greater than expected. The victory is a joint effort of the LKS and Anwar, DAP and Keadilan. Malaysian politics in the new era is about the politics for all Malaysians, and not based on the race or the crony. Existing politics is based on the rich, by the rich and for the rich who are in UMNO, MCA, SUPP, Gerakan, MIC. I am surprised to read that MCA’s president replied that they will do a study to find out why they lost. Are they still sleeping? The reason is obvious and yet they did not try to admit it or they are just stupid. Afterall Samy and his party deserved all the punishment by the people. Gerakan was smart not to announce the next chief minister because it is simply not for them. Stuborn UMNO, the thick skin Abdullah did not want to step down. The angkat biji Najib voiced support for Abdullah (yes, let him support and pass the chance to the younger generation).

    History proved that we can do it. It is a bit sad about the outcome in Sarawak. But, Sarawak is so remote from the West and also the mentality of the people is behind those of the West. We also did not experience the direct impact under the arrest of Hindraf or May 13. I must also say that the standard of our DAP politicians is not of a very high caliber and there are just a few persons whom I would admire. It is not easy to have very good ones because good people all migrated to other countries and live there….But please remember that we sent the first wave, two years ago, at the state level.

    How many states are now under the ‘former opposition’ now? I did not expect the unexpected victories of the oppositions in several states. I think the oppsoitions themselves did not expect it either, although they might have dreamed about it. BN, of course, did not expect such a big defeat. Can one or two UMNO in Trengganu ask themselves if they should still remain in the BN, or give the power to the opposition by switching. May be these states should join and form a different form of central government. I just hope a lot of power will be back to people, including the local council elections in these several states that will force Sarawak to do it eventually.

    Don’t say wrongly that BN and UMNO and MCA are looking after the races. They are not. NEP is for safeguarding only the rich Malays in the cronies. Please get this point right. There are equally poor Malays, poor Indians, poor Chinese, and even much more poor Ibans/Dayaks.

    And also don’t follow BN style of politics. Don’t be hungry for power once you gain the control, and don’t try to fight for who to be the MB, etc. I think many of us share the same mentality because we have been living in the BN era and spoon fed by their system. No doubt that the best person would be selected to fill the job, based on the wish of the majority. I think LKS and Anwar know about it. So let’s wait and see.

    The strategy of DAP Sarawak must change. It is not good enough to say that you want to be just the opposition or the watch dog. Other states can achieve a goal of forming the government, and DAP Sarawak’s goal must also be ruling the state. If such a plan is not shown, you would not gain adequate support from the people. DAP Sarawak should file more female candidates. That is part of the reasons for DAP popularity in West Malaysia.

  354. Congrats! Finally the faithful day arrived on March 9 – my birthday. Can I suggest that thousands of volunteers be given free life time membership as an appreciation of DAP’s struggle for democracy. I am a live member and I believe this would form the first level of grassroots support. Whether these volunteers are hard core party supporters or otherwise, such gesture will be seen as a way to build the grassroots – build more war chest funds and become more resilient to face the next general elections.

  355. Perak should have local gov elections. We definitely don’t want a Mayor who is anti-business, anti Chinese and pro-curruption. No more corrupted councillors from UMNO, MCA, MIC and Gerakan.

    A simple parking/traffic compound from DBI which costs RM40 can be settled by RM10 thru any BN councillors. The DBI legal officer pockets the money!!! But some unlucky ones will still get an offer to settle the summons for RM20, even after paying RM10 to MCA.

    But when one gets the offer to settle the original compound at RM20, one would feel cheated that someone in the process has hijacked the RM10. Another letter will come threatening legal action with an offer to compound at RM50.

    We end up paying another RM50. OK. This backdoor way of settling compounds brings us to another issue. Each councillor from BN(more than 30 of them) brings in more than 50 compounds each council meeting. Imagine the money flowing out of the Gov coffers into the corrupted legal officer, a Datuk something, and the BN councillor.

    I will suggest a clean-up of the BN system. Every gov department, every enforcement head must declare their property. Corruption exixts in every nook and corner of the Gov delivery system.

    They dare to take bcos they are UMNO! They are BN! The Poilice have promised and declared openly they will support the new Govs. Please get yours brooms and start cleaning up.

    Open up old files that were closed due to political intervention. I suggest you start with Ong Kah Chuan and his cronies, and other MCA State Excos.

  356. In a related development, Husam disclosed that the newly formed PAS-led Kedah state government had offered two state exco posts for non-Muslim PKR assemblypersons and one post for DAP.

    “DAP is not part of our coalition to wrest the state but we are offering them a place in the new state government as a goodwill gesture,” he said.

    I hope DAP will echo the goodwill in Penang!

  357. DAP, PKR, and PAS now rule 5 states and the FT (KL). Congratulations!

    You are no longer just ‘promises for a better and fairer future’. Come the 13th GE, your performance and deliveries will be judged and assessed by the people, your bosses, against the promises that you made in 2008!

    If DAP, PKR, and PAS fail the people in the next 4 to 5 years, you will be a one-term entity. You will be removed by your bosses.

    Be forewarned and good luck.

  358. We hope DAP here in Ipoh can bring up the economy in Ipoh, especially the airport. After Airasia stop his flight to Ipoh, Ipoh here at night is like a dead town. DAP, we are counting on you now.

  359. Sdr. Kit Siang
    Congratulation to all DAP elected representatives. Now is the time to “Walk the Talk” as you have said before the General Elections.
    There are many things to attend to.
    Nevertheless, please ensure M. Manoharan is appointed as Selangor State Exco member for obviuos reasons.

  360. 350+ comments are out-dated now, so Uncle Kit trashed it away in Ipoh Timur tong sampah.

    Thousand words mean nothing compare to one good action. Perak palace must take this golden opportunity to show theirs wisdom and sincerity. PKR candidate should be the top priority for the MB post, at least this chap is from a multi-racial party with secular outlook and compatible with DAP manifesto. If the MB is from PAS, then we can foresee a not-so-glossy-picture in the state of Perak.

  361. The MB post should not be an issue, the state government is not ruled only by the MB but from all the DUN members, we Perakians support anyone who become MB and we have big hope in the new government as well.

  362. Once the new representative are in office. Maybe they can dig out dirt of previous administration, to let malaysian know how they misuse our tax payer money. I am sure every malaysian would like to see how our tax money is being use/wasted.

    Any misuse of fund should be reported to BPR and the police.

  363. “Are the former MBs of Perak, Kedah and Selangor still weeping inside their homes? I doubt if they are willing to attend the swearing -in ceremonies for the new MBs ” – k1980

    Weeping? Singing and busy shredding documents and planning their overseas trips!

  364. ““We will not (make an) offer (to) anyone to join us (either) with millions of ringgit or with expectations, let me make that very clear. We are not Umno or Barisan (Nasional). (But) we have evidence that our members and state assemblypersons are being offered (a crossover).” Anwar

    Just as I thought!

    Will the elected contestants be allowed to crossover before and after they have taken the Oath of Office?

    Wouldn’t you crossover if offered a RM1.0 million? There are others who would.

  365. Dear Uncle Kit,

    I’m sure you had been reading tons of congratulations letter… and so I decide to just cut straight into my points… Congratz DAP :)

    1. I noticed the newly sworn Penang CM, Lim Guan Eng, does not own a public email account (At least I don’t know of any…) even though his father owned blogs, facebook account and public email accounts. I believe he should start to open up as much channel as possible, for the citizens, especially Penangites to connect and contact with him to voice their opinions.

    2. The new CM had just announced a number of new (to-be-taken) measures (and promises) after his meeting with the Penang governor. I think he should consider setting up datelines for each of his promises so that we or the Penang citizens will know when and what to expect… :)


  366. Speaking as a Perakian, I am totally agree with ‘voice’ more:

    “The MB post should not be an issue, the state government is not ruled only by the MB but from all the DUN members, we Perakians support anyone who become MB and we have big hope in the new government as well.”

    It really does not matter who would become the MB, as long as it is not the arrogant-money-sucking nyamuk from UMNO. I am very confident that nothing is going wrong with the process, perhaps they are being extremely careful in putting the right guy with the right background into the hot seat. We recognize that it is a tough job as the populations of chinese and malay is are only a matter of numbers, but also unequally distributed such as Ipoh (chinese majority).

    However, I am totally not worried at all as Sultan Azlan Shah is sitting on top of the matter, for his great reputation in many aspects. It is merely a matter of the ruler and government to ensure the best guy for the job. The royal family cannot be blamed for being ‘too careful’, this is for once the Sultan could have the liberty of hand-picking the big guy who would attend to all the official buisnesses (and also going in and out his palace). I am sure they were not allowed to have even any comments when the UMNO machinery was still running at full throttle before this.

    So people, just sit back, relax and enjoy the freshness of Malaysia politics.

  367. “I cannot say what that change will be but the BN has its own party process to take the remedial measures and return the people’s confidence,” he said. “Umno itself will be undergoing its elections later this year and I am sure all the issues will be addressed at all levels of the party meetings from now onwards.” Mukhriz

    Is he here hinting that UMNO should now unite under his father as President once again and Abdullah Badawi step down i.e. “do the right thing”?

  368. And the blame game begins….

    PETALING JAYA (March 11, 2008): Former MCA secretary-general Tan Sri Dr Ting Chew Peh (pix) says party president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting must take

    full responsibility for MCA’s disastrous performance in Saturday’s 12th general election.

    “He (has been advocating healthy politics. Practise what you advocate or preach … take full responsibility and step down,” he told theSun yesterday.

    “He has always told the members to ‘tang tang zheng zheng zuo ren’ (behave honourably). So, he must walk the talk and make himself an example by resigning.

    “This is a tradition of a democratic system. if a leader is not performing, or cannot deliver, he should leave, honourably.”


  369. I thought during the election period, police are being ordered to guard the state office to prevent any1 from removing/destroy the documents. But document are still being destroyed.

    We should also overhaul our police force too.

  370. If DAP candidate not being appointed as Chief Minister, publics will not be fully support for DAP…. I m DAP supporter. That will be un-fair to all Malaysian…. What so call democracy country!!!!!!

  371. ALtPJK,

    The prosecution of a man like Nor Mohamed Yakcob for CBT and abuse of power, corruption etc will inevitably lead to the prosecution of other UMNO heavyweights – including former UMNO heavyweights who are now with PKR.

    Think about what that could do to the fragile coalition between DAP and PKR! Hence I feel we should take measured steps but take them we must. We won big on the ticket of ‘integrity’ and we owe it to the voters to carry out what we promise.

    Now that the earthquake is over, I worry about the after shocks that have yet to come – the inevitable charge and trial of corrupt Ministers and MBs.

  372. “Now that the earthquake is over, I worry about the after shocks that have yet to come – the inevitable charge and trial of corrupt Ministers and MBs.” undergrad2

    You are right undergrad2, the after shocks are inevitable. In fact, after the after shocks, there will be another massive earthquake, it should be better to happen sooner than later.

  373. I’m a supporter of DAP and am very happy about the election result. But I’ve got serious concerns.
    Anwar has begun to talk about Malay rights when commenting on the candidate for Perak MB. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/79622)

    This does not augur well. I hope he doesn’t prove Chandra Muzzaffar right.
    I hope DAP doesn’t go back on its word on the issue of co-operation with PAS. PAS’s ultimate goal is still Islamic theocracy. DAP is treading on dangerous waters. I hope it won’t turn out to be another MCA and GERAKAN, bowing down to PKR and PAS as the former to UMNO. DAP shouldn’t cite the realities of race-based politics as something it is has to face up to, given that (1) this is precisely the reason cited by MCA in defence of their compromise to UMNO, and that (2) Anwar has publicly denounced race-based politics (unless we want to prove Chandra right).

  374. If there is no Chinese or Indian Ministers in Abdullah’s new cabinet line-up, it is high time Gerakan, MCA and others political parties walk out of Barsian Nasional. Will Koh Tsu Kun and Ong Ka Ting lead and go all the way to teach UMNO a lesson about arrogance and ignorance?

  375. ‘Anwar has begun to talk about Malay rights when commenting on the candidate for Perak MB.” Lee

    Do you know that the Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948 is not exactly Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 when translated? Shouldn’t it read when translated be the Federation of Malay Lands 1948?

  376. Anwar told reporters in Kuala Lumpur that the opposition did not have the power to abolish the New Economic Policy nationwide.

    But in the five opposition-governed states, the governments will “reduce race-based affirmative-action policies and begin to implement a more competitive merit-based system,” Anwar said.

    He said that the five states will try to ensure that the poor among all races receive benefits such as low-cost homes and education, and that affirmative-action policies become obsolete.

  377. We have to be realistic. Without PAS or Keadilan, DAP cannot form the state govt. Likewise if DAP does not join the coalition, neither can PAS or PKR can form the govt. Since Perak is a Malay majority State, it is wise to have a Malay MB eventhough DAP won the most seat. If you don’t do that, in the next election, the Malays will not even put a cross on DAP’s ballot paper. The strategy to let the Sultan decide is a very wise move. If the PAS candidate is chosen, it is the Sultan’s choice.

  378. UMNO defended the Malay Rulers when the Brits wanted to do away with the monarchy in 1947. UMNO became their saviours and it is the sworn constitutional duty of the Malay Rulers to protect the special position of the Malays, Islam and Malay customs.

    I believe the state constitution of Perak allows for the possibility of a non-Malay and non-Muslim to be MB only when that would be the only and logical choice. This is the reason why it is expressed in the form of a waiver.

    In this case there are other nominees who meet the conditions laid down in the state constitution.

    Just my 2-cents on the matter.

  379. 2 things I hear is going on my friends:

    1. Perak DAP-PKR-PAS government-to-be will fall soon????????????

    It might be still-born. I understand 3 Opposition Assemblymen are crossing over to BN. They are negotiating.

    That means BN 31 Opposition 28. Wait for it.

    Do something to prevent this.

    2. My east Malaysian sources says some parties there are considering joining the Opposition DAP-PKR-PAS. But they are treading very carefully. They want to ensure there are over 30 of them before they cross over as then there will be an Opposition majority in Parliament to rule.

    Say, why don’t we consider offering them some incentives to cross over and get it done with? They are ever willing to switch sides. They need INCENTIVES!!!!!

    Go, man, go!!!

  380. “We have to be realistic.” jbhlee

    If what you mean by realistic I suppose the opposition is not very different from BN. I hope the question would be who will be better for the job rather than Malay have to be the Menteri Besar because there are more Malays in Perak. If Anwar wants to be the next Prime Minister for all Malaysians, he should pleads with Sultan Azlan Shah to make YB Lim Kit Siang as Menteri Besar of Perak.

  381. If they crossover they are cheating the voters who voted for them based on the party ticket they stood on! Ideally, there should be a by-election. But admittedly technically and legally there cannot be a by-election since they have not been sworn into office!

  382. I agree with kickbutt “Cross-overs make a mockery of our parliamentary system of government”

    If any1 of Assemblymen can easily jump ship, next time the citizen wouldn’t consider voting as no matter who they vote, that assemblymen may betray their vote.

  383. “Then we’ve been too harsh when we criticised MCA of bowing down to UMNO. ‘We have to be realistic’, as reminded by jbhlee, is precisely what they have been telling us.”

    I think so too Wang Yen. What have Gerakan and MCA got to lose in this election if they are indeed political parties that protect the rights of minorities?

  384. Who will be the MB of Perak will depend on the interpretation of the Perak state constitution. I hope nobody takes the matter to court. It’d be interpreting though to find out how the courts would decide. Meanwhile, a caretaker MB could be nominated to do the job of an MB.

    I think it is an opporutnity that should not be missed because similar situations can arise in the other states.

    As a Ipoh native it is good to see the DAP take charge of what was once a strong opposition area.

    Accepting cross-overs by any group, BN or BR shows that these politicians cannot be trusted.
    They have no principles and will surely practise money politics.


    The BR really has a lot of work to do and hopefully they will be able to attract more talents to help deliver the “goods”.
    I feel trying to take over the federal government at this stage of political developments is the wrong strategy.

  386. I am feeling a little sad revisiting this blog. Come’on people, do not discuss about MB matter any further.

    We have just won a war over our greatest enemy, due to the great effort of the 3 races. I understand all of us are bonded to Kit Siang/DAP emotionally in one way or another and hoping that he could have the greatest honour before retirement. But, he has a far more important role in the front line to battle the evil forces in the parliment—>Ketua Pembangkang which he has been doing for 30 years. If he is a such a selfish person of wanting to be the MB, I am sure the wind of change would never occur in this election, not to say about the great tsunami 080308.

    Please say no more and stay united. There are already conspiracy of shaking this fragile combination in Perak, we should standby our opposition leaders in facing these after waves. Not to goreng the issue further. Please stop the discussion. Makkal Sakthi is the joined power of the poeple, dun slap ourselves at this critical moment.

  387. Dr. W, I am feeling sad too because many people like you think we have won. No, we have not won! We are at a crossroad! We will win when we ca look beyond race and pick the best man for the job, that is when all Malaysians won.

  388. The issue of Perak MB is, unfortunately, not a petty one. It is a test case of some important political principles endorsed by DAP-PKR:
    1. Anwar’s preaching against race-based politics.
    2. DAP’s principle of meritocracy
    3. DAP’s disavowal of the kind of cowardly compromise shown by MCA and GERAKAN to UMNO.

  389. Anwar didn’t even care to cite the state constitution as a convenient excuse for his endorsement of a Muslim Malay as a candidate for Perak MB. He said that they had to protect Malay rights. This goes against his rhetoric against race-based politics.

  390. DAP supporter: ‘MCA leaders are coward. They only know how to kow-tow to the demands of UMNO. Gerakan is the same. When UMNO applied pressure, they created the post of deputy CM in Penang to accommodate them.’
    MCA supporter: ‘We’ve got to be realistic. We live in a country where Malays are the majority. By the way, before 8/3, MCA only had 20 odds MPs whilst UMNO more than 100. We were therefore not in a particularly strong position to bargain with UMNO. Too bad!’

    MCA supporter: ‘But isn’t DAP in a worse shape? Aren’t DAP leaders even more cowardly? Gerakan had to yield to UMNO’s demand in Penang because they had less seats than UMNO. But DAP has 18 seats in Perak while PAS and PKR only 1/3 of what DAP has. Yet DAP has to yield to PAS and PKR.’

  391. Kickbutt says: “I believe the state constitution of Perak allows for the possibility of a non-Malay and non-Muslim to be MB only when that would be the only and logical choice. This is the reason why it is expressed in the form of a waiver. In this case there are other nominees who meet the conditions laid down in the state constitution. Just my 2-cents on the matter.”

    Hello, don’t be too boastful, ok. What 2 cents worth. It is not even worth ½ a cent. Didn’t I ask you to check the state constitutions on appointment of MBs and CMs way before this issue come up? Didn’t you wannabe have always said that the appointment of MBs and CMs is the prerogative of PM? Wannabe, small job I gave you also you can’t do and now want to talk about 2 cents worth. Tiada nilai langsung lah kamu cakap, apatah lagi dua sen.

    By the way don’t simple insult YAB LGE that the CM of Penang is Lim Kam Put, ok. Do you know what is YAB or not? What is the different between YAB and YB?


    A Penang of Excellence, Singapore 2, The Pearl of NCER, The Miracle State, The Dream State of Malaysia, The Bright Star of Malaysia…….

    Dear Brother Guan Eng, wish you the luck of the world!

  393. Anwar, Anwar, Anwar!!!!

    You fellows don’t realise what has been going on.

    Since the BR victory two days ago, it has been Anwar!!! The victory has been credited to him and him alone!!!

    All the foreign press go to him and give him the publicity. And he accepts the accolades and make his statements. He says he is dictating things like “helping to form the state governments”, dictating the future of the BR, essentially saying he is THE MAN responsible for all this. He is taking all the credit. Who has interviewed Lim Kit Siang or sought his views?

    Next Anwar will enter Parliament and demand to be the Opposition Leader. His boys (31 of them) will be the taikors there. The DAP and PAS will be sidelined by his boys. LKS will become a nobody and the DAP will be forgotten soon. Next elections maybe his “boys” will demand the DAP seats as well especially the Chinese ones.

    Lets face it. PKR has now taken the center stage and looks set to muscle in on “the Others”.

    Anwar is already hogging the limelight. Lim Kit Siang who?

  394. Uncle Lim,

    please remember the power of the people.

    We just gave the opposition a chance to change the fate of this country. Now it is the time to do the talk.

    We HOPE you guys will perform better than BN.

  395. I think they are tooooo scared to face the truth……
    How to compete with Chinese…..if one of them to be the MB in such a big state (perak). Correct me if i am wrong. weather it is chinese, malay or indian we should work together. We should work together. I am not happy with wht anwar is doing.(pulling other coalition party members to join PKR to form a federal government)

  396. Heard Hadi Awang (PAS) already talking about plans to abolish “UnInslamic” entertainment etc in Kedah…

    Let this not be the true picture of PAS or else they will lose the Chinese/Indian support & the whole of Kedah back to BN in 4 yrs time. Let’s hope the PAS govt will be intelligent to work for material development & not adopting a hardline stand like Kelantan and Terengganu under Pas-rule.

  397. Congrats to DAP and PKR, work hard and make life better for all Malaysian.

    Congrats to UMNO too for standing behind Pak Lah, UMNO really need him to lead the party as the leader of the opposition in Paliment in 4 years time 2012.

  398. Hope Sultan Azlan Shah also don’t choose the PAS candidate as Menteri Besar. Regardless of a DAP-led party, PAS symbolises strict religion & any association to religion will get the Chinese in Perak to vote out DAP next time. So Uncle Kit & Ngah, be very very careful. I know DAP has majority & all the say, but I have been in the ‘kopitiam’ talk since the election results & all Chinese I’ve talked to resent PAS taking leadership, even Exco! This is not a make-up story – it is a fact!

    Hope Sultan Azlan will make a wise choice.

  399. alaneth,

    Have you visited Kedah before? It was already an “islamic state” even before PAS move in. While the neighbouring states have saturday/sunday off, Kedah have an off day of friday/saturday which is no difference than Kelantan. There are a whole list i can name out, just that i do not have the time to compile it. So, dont be overly alarmed by PAS governing Kedah

  400. According to Harakah Daily, Nik Aziz said after the election that BN’s defeat was Allah’s punishment on Abdullah for not listening to Him. He also said that the people of Kelantan had shown that they wanted an Islamic state (Kerajaan Islam).

    Last week, I warned about PAS strategy of Taqiyya (the trick of making deceptive compromise so as to bounce back with one’s real agenda when one gains grounds), but was scorned by many. Let’s see how Taqiyya unfolds in Kedah, Perak, and Selangor.

  401. Regarding on Penang waives compounds and summonses.

    Junior Lim, you are silly to encourage people not to follow law.

    The rule of law, not rule by law is what we want. BN did some blunders in traffic summonses discount campaign.

    Although I still owed MPPP a few compounds, but I will not say thank you to Penang new government.

    Everyone shall not pay for new summonses issued by MPPP because we can wait for another 5 years to vote another new government who can waive our summonses again.

    Seems DAP is repeating same mistake as BN and following same donkey’s trick.

    Junior Lim, please stop this kind of goodie nonsense popular policy.

  402. Today,I met a chinese business man who stayed in Kelantan for the past 10 years told me that Kelantan is a peace and safe place to stay. There is no CRIME and RAPE case in this state. A safe place to stay.
    State government never demolish any Buddhist temples and giving land to build chinese school. Beside tht, chinese people that above 50 years ago will be given an Ang Pau of RM300 during Chinese New YEar celebration.
    So do not worry if PAS candidate is appointed as MB of Perak.

  403. PAS is asserting itself. According to NST online, quoted as follows:

    ‘PAS has expressed its wish to occupy the post of state executive councillor for religious affairs in the DAP-led Penang state government.

    The sole PAS assemblyman in Penang, Mohd Hamdan Abdul Rahman, said the party hoped that the DAP would reciprocate PAS’s decision to appoint the sole DAP assemblyman Lee Guan Aik as an executive councillor in Kedah where PAS led the state government.’

  404. DAP’s leaders must inspire their supporters to be unsderstanding and wise in promoting DAP as a party for all, irrespective of race and religion. Hence comment like resenting PAS to be MB is totally unacceptable and must be despised completely.

    MB should be appointed based on meritocracy irrespective of race or religion. Remember what Deng Xiao Peng famous “Good cat irrespective of black or white”?

    Otherwise, come next election, DAP can be wipe out as well.

    We, the Rakyat were able to deny BN because BN was ARROGANT and RACIST, hence same will happen to DAP if DAP does the same.

    Deny 2/3 of BN was made easier in 2008 election due to weakness of BN, infighting of BN (especially in UMNO and MCA) themselves.

    For DAP/PKR/PAS’s existence to be sustainable in coming years till next election will be very challenging and can be nightmare if the coalition is not consistence and stable.

    DAP must walk the talk.

  405. “Last week, I warned about PAS strategy of Taqiyya (the trick of making deceptive compromise so as to bounce back with one’s real agenda when one gains grounds), but was scorned by many. Let’s see how Taqiyya unfolds in Kedah, Perak, and Selangor.”

    Aiya, there are PAS supporters within the DAP mah…!

  406. DAP supporters do not want DAP to have anything to do with PAS not because they resent PAS or Muslims, but because DAP is opposed to PAS’s agenda of setting up an Islamic state in Malaysia.

  407. Lee WY, altho the Perak MB is a Malay from non-DAP, it is ok coz the most EXCO members will still be from DAP. So being just the leader, like Koh Tsu Koon in Penang, has no voice if the EXCO members are not on your side! ;)

  408. If DAP has no problem working together with PAS, why did it quit the BA coalition after the General Election in 1999? Why did Kit Siang get so worked up and demanded an apology when the Star said that DAP had an arrangement with PAS?

  409. On Perak MB tussle, I believe Perak Sultan will respect and uphold democracy principle since he was a top judge in Malaysia.

    I believe Baginda will choose DAP candidate as Perak MB from three candidates submitted by opposition front.

    Kedah MB denied state government intends to introduce hudud law. Hadi Awang did mention he is going to propose hudud law to Kedah PAS for consideration.

  410. You can trust Harakah Daily on issue such as Islamic State, PAS won’t lie on Islamic State as Islamic State is the sole purpose and only reason for the existence of Parti Islam SeMalaysia or PAS, other than Islamic State, Harakah Daily is just like any other mainstream media control by BN.

  411. Maybe we shouldn’t trust NST. What about Malaysiakini?
    According to a report in Malaysiakini (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/79613), a PAS leader says, in response to the report in Star that rules related to alcohol and skirts have been imposed in Kedah, that ‘changing lifestyles was not the party’s top priority’ and that “We will … not impose overnight on the people, especially on matters like their lifestyles.”

    Note that he doesn’t deny that they want to change people’s lifestyles. he just says that this is not the priority now, and that they will not do it ‘overnight’.

    Have we forgotten UMNO’s gradual and subtle islamisation that took place over a long period of time, so that people didn’t realise the change ‘overnight’ and found that it was too late when they did finally realise?

  412. Kind of sad, the direction this blog takes. :(

    There was enthusiasm and happiness, and now some parties start the big bad bickering. How much do ‘they’ pay some of you? Oh, you’re not being paid? Then it is worse and you are half-blind. Since this is what it takes to jump at Anwar for mentioning ‘Malay Rights’; and in the same breath talk about ‘the Chinese will …’.
    Nobody ever spoke about scrapping all and everything in a single go, from one second to another. On the contrary, the declared intention of today is to start dealing with MNCs for FDI, and doing away with the 30%. I am well aware that some Khairy-s will want a sudden cut-off of all rights and privileges, forcing a lot of our brothers and sisters into poorness; and rubbing their hands when another 69 brews.
    Shall I lay the blame on the educational system, when some of the not-to-highly educated in here equate democracy with ‘the majority forcibly rules the minority’? This is what BN has been doing, and it seemingly has left relics in the brains of some.

    We all know, that the rakyat has not exactly voted ‘for anything but BN’ to have the same mindset continuing, the one of ‘we have the majority, so we need to command the MB’. Therefore, what some in here deliberately try to do, is turning the wish of the rakyat, of the voters, upside down.
    Draw everyone his/her own conclusion why they would do so.

    “Don’t feed the trolls”, as they say. The best is, to ignore the ignorant.

  413. It will be nice to see kedah become a model islamic state.Kelantan has pass the test now its kedah’s turn to show all malaysians kedah can be successfully turned into a islamic state governed by islamic rules while accommodating non muslims to freely practice their faith in total harmony.Nothing is impossible.there must be a will to do it.lets see if pas can put it across.

  414. “Shall I lay the blame on the educational system, when some of the not-to-highly educated in here equate democracy with ‘the majority forcibly rules the minority’? This is what BN has been doing, and it seemingly has left relics in the brains of some.” digard

    Of course you can.

  415. The dust has yet to settle, and already there are so many stupid comments from the right wing supporters of the DAP.

    First, what’s wrong with Anwar leading the Opposition ? Anwar pulled in the Malay votes despite UMNO portraying him as a traitor to the Malay cause. Anwar wants to abolish the NEP in favour of a non-racial assistance policy. Anwar also has appeal to many countries, in particular the G7. PKR went from 1 seat to 31 seats. DAP has 28 and PAS 23, so who should logically be the leader of the Opposition in Parliament ?

    Second, if unfair decisions are made hastily and without consensus, then there will be cross-overs to the BN. Does this help the Opposition cause ? Dawsheng, stop talking nonsense about having nothing to lose. This is the opportunity to show what a united Opposition can do at state and federal levels. Giving this opportunity back to BN will negate everything that we have fought for.

    Third, stop talking about what constitutes fair or unfair policies. Let there be a consensus, and let the dust settle. Running a state is difficult, and running town councils are equally difficult given that the administrations have been built on inequality, corruption, sheer stupidity and wastefulness. Changing this mindset would be a priority but it will not be easily implemented.

    Fourth, those of you who have ideas and spare time should volunteer to help the Opposition. Don’t just sit in your armchair and talk about big ideas and big changes. I am putting my name forward to help – are you ?

  416. MCA President has declined to be included in the Cabinet, MIC President is not an MP, and would not be a senator, and so will be out of the Cabinet too. Gerakan’s acting President has offered to resign, though rejected. As Gerakan is a party for all races, it is time for MCA and MIC members of parliament or DUNs be absorbed into Gerakan. MCA and MIC can retain its organization but to cease as a political parties. The members could automatically be absorbed into Gerakan.

    Since Gerakan President is willing to step down, that party can be reorganized so that new office bearers can be elected. Then UMNO will be the only race-based political party in the country.

    There has been call by the puppet master that PM AAB resign. We might have underrated the wisdom of AAB in not realising that it was PM AAB’s calculated move allow the destruction of UMNO when it could not be reformed, so that a new political infrastructure could be established in the country. (Just give him the benefit of doubt for the present.) The 22-year rule of TDM brought the country to the brink of disaster, and had AAB kept himself awake during meetings, he would have done only the wrong things right, and allowed the rots to continue. MCA and MIC would remain intact, but the country would continue on its path to ruin.

    It is quite unlikely that AAB would be overthrown before the next UMNO election in August, and yet it is very likely that he might be removed as President of UMNO during that fight. AAB should move now to rearrange with BN component parties, making the government now a coalition government so that he might not be automatically removed as a PM through losing his presidency. In that manner, he will be able to do the right thing of divorcing himself from the money politics within UMNO.

    It is good that the BN government has lost its two third majority, and also hopefully it will not be back in power come next election. But we certainly do not want a total demise of the current BN political parties resulting in having no strong opposition to check on future government. We hope to see two groups of parties which can offer themselves to form government and we want them not to be race-based.

  417. Uncle Lim you must be so busy. Take care of your health!

    When you can please do keep writing a few lines to challenge & feed & keep your internet children from all over the globe.


  418. Dawsheng:

    Stop making stupid comments. If the Opposition cannot show that it can do better than the den of thieves that it has displaced, then the general rakyat will boot the Opposition out in the next GE. This is a golden opportunity to show leadership, to show what others can do, and not one to be thrown away lightly.

  419. Hi Godfather another piece of excellent comment closely followed by digard.These nutters need to shot for their silly unwarranted spineless comments.Please air your comments before these nutters take over and make this site a boring and dull one to come too.

  420. Equating DAP with the good-for-nothing MCA and Gerakan gives me the shudders. We want to lead, not to be led by the nose. We want to be transparent, not to be opaque. Finally, we want to have integrity, not to be ball-carriers to another dominant party.

  421. The opposition cannot show it can do better than BN if the MB of Perak is not from the DAP. I insist not because I want to challenge the state constitution, I insist not because DAP having the majority of seats in DUN of Perak alone, I insist because it is the right thing to do. If having different opinions from you make me stupid, so be it.

  422. Dawsheng:

    Look beyond Perak. Don’t insist because the repercussions are serious for everyone who voted for change. If you insist, you have to change the state constitution, and that takes time. That also gives time for BN to drive a wedge between PKR and DAP. The role of the menteri besar may not be at the same level of intensity as when BN was in charge. As I see it, an “inner circle” of advisors plus Kit, Anwar and Tok Guru is probably needed to “run” the 5 states under Opposition control.

    I repeat – anyone who stands up now and says that it does not matter for any Opposition-controlled state to revert to BN control needs to have his head examined. Look at the bigger picture. The BN parties are already imploding, and UMNO will probably implode in the run-up to the August general assembly. No need for us to do anything silly that could slow down or reverse the process of implosion.

  423. DAP has no track record of being able to govern so how can you be so sure they could? Able to Talk and able to Walk the Talk is two very different thing. If they couldn’t, the rakyat will vote them out as they had voted BN out of Perak in no time.

  424. No one is demanding overnight change. The expectation is simply that the opposition should practise what they preach. It takes time to overhaul a faulty system. But that does not mean that one can preach against race-based politics on the one hand and deal with the MB issue based on racial and religious considerations, worst still by citing the need to protect Malay rights. If DAP has to compromise for the sake of the big picture and in the face of political realities when it has the most seats in Perak, then it should take back all its previous criticisms of MCA and GERAKAN for kow-towing to UMNO. Didn’t they have to face up to ‘realities’ and focus on the ‘big picture’?
    If ad hominem dismissal of dissenting voices among DAP supporters as nothing but ‘ignorant gibberish’ is the best we can do (rather than responding to arguments and points), I’m afraid we’ve not gone very far.

  425. KKK:

    Not having the experience or track record to govern is not necessarily a negative, especially when we compare this to a previous regime that is corrupt to the core. Adminstration is not easy, but with the right attitude and the right help from those who have managed companies before, the Opposition can make it work. We have about 3 years to prove that we are better adminstrators, with transparency and integrity. If we can prove that, then there is even a chance we can run the federal government and/or win more states.

  426. dawsheng Says:

    “The appointment of a Chinese Menteri Besar will send a powerful signal to all Malaysians who wish to see the end of racist politics!”

    Thanks for proving me right. No further questions.

  427. Lee Wang Yen:

    Have you run a company or a business before ? What’s in a title ? Is formal leadership more important than informal leadership ? Will you contemplate the repercussions of giving Perak back to BN administration ?

  428. I am from Ipoh and with DAP winning 18 state seats, i do not see why DAP is not the best candidate for the Perak MB post. DAP totally wiped out MCA in all state seats. This is an achievement. DAP must stake a claim for the Perak MB post. I think this is the right time to activate Section 12(2). Of course this will be under the Sultan’s discretion. If this provision is not used, then what it is for?

  429. Tony Pua has a stinging rebuke of MCA’s race-based sentiment in his blog:
    ‘After a humiliating defeat in the hands of the opposition, particularly by DAP for MCA, the President of MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting still doesn’t get it.
    A page 8 report in the New Straits Times today had the headline “Ong: We’ll continue to work for Chinese”.
    At the rate it is going, MCA will become obsolete possibly within the next decade.
    What has “RACE” got to do with it? When we are elected by the people, we serve ALL Malaysians, and not just “one” race. The race-based politics of Barisan Nasional component parties will spell their death knell in the years to come and unless they come out of their shell, DAP can certainly look forward to a better performance in the next General elections.
    DAP stands strongly for Malaysians First, and not instead, the divide and rule policies of Barisan Nasional component parties. ‘

    Don’t you think Tony’s rebuke applies equally well to Anwar who says that he needs to protect the Malay rights with regards to the Perak MB issue?
    What I’ve been stressing is a consistent platform and ideology. If DAP leaders like Tony Pua preach against race-based politics and some DAP supporters defend Anwar over the ‘Malay rights’ issue, this will raise problems of political principles. We don’t want to give people an impression that we are unprincipled and blind supporters in that something is wrong if it is said by MCA leaders (Ka Ting, ‘we will continue to work for the Chinese’) but right and good if it is uttered by the opposition (Anwar, ‘We have to protect Malay rights’), when both are equally race-based sentiments.

  430. Staking a claim is fine, but insisting on it is not. The reason why PKR/DAP/PAS have each nominated a candidate for the Sultan to decide is precisely that each party does not want to offend the other parties, and that hopefully the Sultan’s decision would be regarded as acceptable to all races.

    We have to move away from the race-based politics of the past. We have to start implementing the Deng Xiaoping doctrine of “it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white; as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.”

  431. Running the government and making it works it completely different matter altogether.

    DAP is now a driver and no longer a spectator. I elaborate below:-

    I foresee that DAP will be “under pressure” as a result of the unexpected control in Penang, Perak and Selangor.

    Performance by DAP will closely monitored by the BN. Expectation from Rakyat is extremely high.

    DAP has in the past only oppose and criticising role but never runs a government before, more of arm-chair critics without practical experience.

    DAP must be PRAGMATIC in its approach so that it does not stifle the economic activities. Idealism would not work which curtails the growth and attractiveness to investors (local and foreign).

    BN will use its machinery to harp any weakness by DAP and destroy the credibility of DAP to win back the support by next election.

    DAP MPs need to be careful also not fall trap by “vultures” and “sour grapes” now trying to engage DAP and making use of the MP in the Parliament for their self- interest. DAP can be trapped, embarrassed and its credibility tarnished.

    DAP need to assemble a team of competent and appropriate people with INTEGRITY and EXPERTISE to run the government. But this could be a challenge to DAP – right people with integrity are not easy to find and DAP has very limited time ~ only 5 years.

    On the other hand the Keadilan people are savvy in business, Anwar Ibrahim has the control and influence of large of business network (remember before his downfall in 1998). Don’t forget Anwar has been in Government before. How is DAP going to have effective check and balance on your partners? Keadilan has been well-prepared.

    It will be very difficult to clear the mess created last 50 years, but if the bleeding , abuses, wastages, stealing and raping of country recourses can be minimised substantially, I consider it will be a success in the next 5 years.

    ELECTORAL – Gerrymandering
    The boss of ACA

    Wish DAP all the best!

    Most importantly, DAP must “Cakap Mesti Bikin Siap Siap”

  432. Don’t believe what the mainstream media writes about Anwar. Running dogs like Kalimullah and Wong Chun Wai will try to twist every word that is uttered by the Opposition leadership. Trust people like Anwar, Kit and Tok Guru to bring up “inconsistencies” in each other’s leadership behind close doors.

    In today’s Straits Times, it was quoted that Mukhriz Mahathir was firmly behind Pak Lah, when what Mukhriz said was that he was confident that Pak Lah will do the right thing. This is mainstream reporting for you.

  433. Before election, everyone say vote for opposition. Deny BN’s 2/3rd. After election, people start to get suspicious of the other parties. If everyone is not happy, just return the state of Perak to BN. They’re more than happy to take it and there’ll be a 100% common understanding on who should be the MB.

    Having the Sultan of Perak to decide the next MB is a good idea. Don’t forget that DAP would not have won so many seats without Anwar and votes from our Malay friends.

    MB or no MB, it lasts for at most 5 years. After that period of time, things are still in the balance. Racial sentiment could still be exploited if this is not handled correctly. Just let the Sultan of Perak to decide and accept it. If you can’t accept that, break the pact in Perak and let BN with the majority state seats to form the government.

  434. Godfather. I am merely responding to dawsheng comment “The opposition cannot show it can do better than BN if the MB of Perak is not from the DAP.”

    dawsheng is automatically implying the DAP can govern well just because they can talk well. Whereas I am of the opinion that it is not necessarily the case. DAP may or may not govern well. Time will tell and I sincerely hope they can govern as well as they talk.

  435. Penang CM announces waivers, new policies – The Star 11/3/08

    “Penang Municipal Council and Seberang Perai Municipal Council will waive all summonses involving hawker licences and parking offences issued before March 11”


    What a disappointing decision. What kind of message is the new Penang CM giving to law-breakers, especially to those who parks unconsiderately and causing inconvenience to other fellow road-users, causing them time and money?

    We do sympathize that most hawkers make hard earnings, having to wake up even before the sun is up, to prepare for the day, having to work hard and long hours while earnings are usually little. However, waving all summonses involving hawker licenses do not address the root of any issue at all!

    While licenses fees are collected to bring income for the local council to run effectively, however, we must remember that licenses are required for proper control, check and balance. If not, some unscrupulous hawkers may not bother to ensure food handling cleanliness, setting up stalls at locations that may cause inconvenience to others etc.

    Look at the root of the problem. Would ways like setting up hawkers centres with proper facilities (clean toilets, water, proper drainage, garbage disposal system etc.) and renting them out affordably to deserving hawkers, be more effective?

    How about freeing all convicted rapist and cold blooded serial killers? Would that be a dead NO!? How about after having a proper rehabitation, strict parole enforcement or for the case of wrongful conviction, a proper, real chance of appeal?


  436. Godfather says:
    ‘Lee Wang Yen,
    Have you run a company or a business before ? What’s in a title ? Is formal leadership more important than informal leadership ? Will you contemplate the repercussions of giving Perak back to BN administration ?’

    Consider the following:
    DAP speaker in election campaign: ‘GERAKAN leaders are coward. When UMNO made demands, they dared not refuse. When UMNO insisted, they created the post of deputy CMship in Penang to accommodate UMNO’
    Defender of GERAKAN, ‘Have you run a company or a business before ? What’s in a title ? Is formal (or more precisely, de jure)leadership more important than informal (de facto) leadership ? We just gave them a nominal deputy CMship, no big deal. Will you contemplate the repercussions of not submitting to UMNO?’

  437. dawsheng “I insist not because DAP having the majority of seats in DUN of Perak alone, I insist because it is the right thing to do.”

    The right thing may be the wrong thing to do and things are never in Black or White in real life. There are lots of gray area and like it or not, we are in a multi-racial country and one have to consider the other race’s sensitivity. That’s life and we have to live with it.

    IMHO, let’s not put the whole system to too much shock. Something might break and that’s definitely the wrong thing to do.

  438. I agree that waiving summonses is NOT the right thing to do, especially when the new leadership does not have any idea as to the finances of the municipalities in question. We need to have people who understand balance sheets, and sources and uses of funds, or the municipalities will be bankrupted in no time.

    Tony Pua should understand this and should help Guan Eng in such matters.

  439. “dawsheng is automatically implying the DAP can govern well just because they can talk well. Whereas I am of the opinion that it is not necessarily the case. DAP may or may not govern well. Time will tell and I sincerely hope they can govern as well as they talk.” kkk

    I think you misunderstood as I didn’t elaborate but Wang Yen has rightly pointed out that it is about political principles of PKR and DAP which is at stake, hence the reason why the MB should be from the DAP.

  440. Patience my friends! Let’s wait another day, and accept without question whichever candidate HRH Sultan of Perak/Regent of Perak decides for post of Menteri Besar.

    Selecting an MB is not as easy as selecting a class Monitor. There are many issues to look into and take into consideration.

  441. Suddenly many DAP supporters start to realise that MCA and GERAKAN have a point when they said that they had to make painful compromises for the sake of the bigger picture and political realities.

  442. ‘What’s there in a title?’
    MCA supporters: ‘Precisely, what’s there in a title? Nothing substantial really. Kit Siang rebuked our leaders for accepting Mahathir’s declaration that Malaysia is an Islamic state. But what’s there in the formal title of ‘Islamic State’, when in reality UMNO’s brand of Islamic State is merely nominal and a secular state in substance? (Mahathir is a liberal Muslim). Islamic State a-la PAS is fundamentalistic, and really means business – hudud law, non Muslims are dhimmis (second-class citizens)… In’t the “substance” of PAS more dangerous than the nominal title of UMNO? What’s there in a name? Nothing really’

  443. We have just won the battle with the den of thieves and I am sure many of us are very tired and estatic over the results but please be a little sensitive and considerate, be mindful of words used so as not to create division for the ‘United Rakyat’.

    Let’s stay clear and let the ‘experts’ get on with whatever they need to do while we wait for announcement tomorrow.

  444. DAP represents all races. So when DAP wins more seats, but the constitution does not allow Chinese as MB, then it has to produce a Malay DUN member. Since DAP cannot, the issue will be the constitution. DAP has submitted a name for consideration by the Sultan. It is the Sultan’s perogative to decide. I think it would not be wise to turn this into a racial issue.

    The gain of Perak from BN is to stop the MB building a war chest for UMNO. Without easy sources of money, the loyalty of its members would be subject to test. Let’s hope that it would discourage some ambitious UMNO members from harping on racial issues during the next five years, when there is no promise of immediate gains.

  445. Make no mistake. I’m a DAP supporter. But we do not want to be blind supporters. We expect our DAP leaders to be consistent and principled, and do not yield their political ideologies easily for political expediency, like the MCA and GERAKAN politicians they loath so much. As much as we’re disastisfied with MCA/GERAKAN, we do not want to apply two different sets of standards for DAP and MCA/GERAKAN.

  446. Why spend so much on the MB debate when the 3 parties have each submitted a name to let the Sultan choose?

    Quite a smart decision, I think and shows the 3 groups are able to articulate their positions and come to a consensus. That augurs well for the partnership.

  447. If we think that DAP’s compromise over the Perak MB is the right thing to do, then DAP has the moral responsibility to apologise to GERAKAN for attacking them on the issue of Penang deputy CMship. All these criticisms should be publicly retracted.

  448. ///We need to have people who understand balance sheets, and sources and uses of funds, or the municipalities will be bankrupted in no time.///–Godfather

    I suppose municipalities do not survive on fines; otherwise the more summonses the better. Summonses are only needed to discourage people from breaking the law. And what are left are those who did not pay their fines outside the system; it’s an appreciation for not involving in corruption payment.

  449. dawsheng Says:

    “The appointment of a Chinese Menteri Besar will send a powerful signal to all Malaysians who wish to see the end of racist politics!”

    It needs a product of a screwed educational system to arrive at this type of flawed, contradictory, logic.
    Not that I’d agree with the following, but at least it would not be nonsense in the first place:
    “The appointment of a DAP-politician as Menteri Besar will send a powerful signal to all Malaysians who wish to see the end of racist politics!”

    So far to everyone else, as proof how the average Malaysian mind has been poisoned by race-based policies in the last 50 years. Maybe dawsheng will not be able to unlearn this flawed and unhealthy, and most of all mindless, manner of equating ethnicity with arbitrary (and contradictory) elements. But I wish and pray that another, new, generation will enjoy an educational system, delivering school-leavers with a perspective on the world not seen through a pair of glasses by default tainted with ethnic undercolours.

  450. I have a question. I know what DAP and PKR stand for. But do think His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Perak, has an “absolute discretion” to appoint a non-Malay to head Perak? What would BN think about this, given that BN is still controlling the Federal Government?

    I think we ought to know when we have genuine power sharing and when we are merely pomp pomp girls (tokenism) when a Malay is appointed MB of Perak. However, the danger is after the initial euphoria to work together, the position of MB may slowly dominate and eventually make DAP exco like the MCA and Gerakan. That is my concern. On the other hand, as pointed by some of you, if DAP has more exco members and all of them have high degree of integrity (may be under the constant watchful eyes of Sdr Lim), then it may be easier for them to play their due role in state administration. In addition to formal position, genuine power sharing is about integrity and tenacity NOT to sell out the interests of those you represent for personal gain. Never easy.

    Godfather, running a government, be it at state or federal level is NOT like running a company. Please take my word for it. If you think you have experience running a company and therefore you can also run a state government, I suggest you need to ponder a bit more.

  451. GERAKAN supporter: ‘What’s the problem of creating the post of deputy CMship in Penang when UMNO had 12 seats and we had less then that? DAP leaders kept attacking us on this. But now DAP supporters see no problem in allowing PAS to fight for Perak MB post when they only have 1/3 of seats compared to DAP. Hey, we GERAKAN people were not as cowardly as what you made us out to be. We had less seats than UMNO yet we held on to the CM post and only ‘compromised’ (you can’t even say that it is a compromise as UMNO has most seats) on the deputy post. You’re even more cowardly. You have thrice the number of seats compared to PAS, yet they could contend for the MB post.’

  452. I think it’s best that the discussion on the aftermath of what happened on March 8 be done without the distraction presented by the mad ravings of someone who is probably in the tertiary stages of syphillis. In remote places like Kg. Attap in the 50s, penicillin was not available. Henceforth I shall ignore this person so stricken by this dreadful disease that he hears echoes of his own voices, which he not unexpectedly attributes it to others. Then he launches into a tirade against himself! Enough is enough!

  453. kickbutt, you are right, it is best that we keep out the pervert who thinks of nothing but trying to make passes to fellow female bloggers and constantly think of sexually transmitted diseases. Very true, this pervert should be ignored and kicked out for good.

  454. As PAS reveals their Kerajaan Islam agenda gradually in the near future, the historic success achieved by DAP on 8/3 will be severely undermined.
    I’m very concerned. DAP formed an alliance with PAS in 1999, but backed off later after electoral defeat. I hope this won’t repeat.
    I’d like to take the liberty to suggest that, if DAP leaders insist on working together with PAS, they must do something to protect themselves. Perhaps they could ask PAS leaders to publicly declare that they have no intention whatsoever to set up Islamic states, whether in the near future or in the long run, as long as they are in alliance with DAP. If such a public declaration can be secured, DAP would be able to ward off any criticism should PAS went back on their word and resumed their Islamic state agenda. Should this happen, DAP leaders can just say that they have not violated their conscience when they formed an alliance with PAS, because they had already renounced their Islamic State agenda then. What happens now is that they have gone back on their words. But this is their problem and we have done nothing wrong to our supporters.

  455. My advice to Junior Lim,

    Do not need to hurry in annoucing many popular policies to make you like a hero for poor people.

    Sit down with your team and invite some experts in social, economic, crime, etc to a conference to gather best ideas on how to run Penang.

    From the momemt DAP won the Penang seats last Saturday, I already feel Lim Guan Eng is better be learning fast as a true leader.

    I already feel very dissapointed with junior lim for the first day he becoming as Penang CM.

    1. Annonced to abolish deputy CM post immediately after GE result was known.

    2. Waiving summonses and compound shall not happen in any civil society. His message to us is don’t pay compound and you are above the law and law can be twisted according to political agenda.

    My question to Junior Lim is did his has the power to waive summonses and compounds?

    Rule of law and not rule by law as Senior Lim alway criticised BN.

    Unfortunately Junior Lim seems does not understand his dad’s struggle to build a civil society.

  456. Sad, sad, sad, Guan Eng. You are already acting like a dictator.

    You haven’t even formed your State Exco yet and you are already making decisions on your own. No consultations?

    Bad decision, boy. Bad decision.

    You are not there to be popular but to uphold the law, be accountable, be responsible, be transparent and be full of integrity.

    Slow down boy. Feel the earth. Get your bearings, think straight and clear, not think like a drunkard.


  457. A bird in your hand is better than 100 in the forest/A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

    Meaning: it is better to accept something that you have or you can use now than to try to get something better that you might not be able to obtain.

    It is better to be satisfied with something you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better you may not succeed in getting.

    My advice to DAP:

    Penang is your baby now. Nourish it the very best you can (now or never) and you might just keep and flourish it for the next 50 years or so! Look at PAS in Kelantan; they took care of their baby well and no matter what BN does, the baby refuses to let go of PAS!

    Doesn’t matter what happen in Perak, or even Kedah or Selangor; this is only your first term. Don’t spread too wide too thin. Focus on Penang. Focus on Penang! God has provided Penang to DAP. It’s Guan Eng’s destiny to lead that state. Be a good steward, Guan Eng. It is your base now, your fortress. Only when it is the right time, say 10-20 years from now, you can spawn from Penang to other states… even to Sabah and Sarawak. There’s a lot, a lot of potential there!

    In the meantime, BN will go all out to discredit DAP in all four states and esp in Penang. Remember what BN did to demolish PBS in Sabah in 1994!

    Take note, take note!

  458. “…if DAP has more exco members all of them high degree of integrity( being under the watchful eyes of Sdr. Lim)…” limkamput

    You see, this is what happens when somebody thinks he is a smart ass! How could there be an exco when the MB has yet to be appointed???

  459. LGE is magnanimous for canceling all parking and hawking summonses. But always remember. To be a good leader, especially in a government is not an easy task and not easy to maintain an equilibrium between being stringent and compassionate. However you will not go wrong if you follow strictly by the rule of law as is always practiced in advanced countries. DO NOT follow the BN’s rule of the kangaroo where you will see hawkers and stalls everywhere, tables and chairs blocking the thoroughfares, and cars being parked here and there. These will be the beginning of all mother of corruptions and history will repeat itself..

  460. pwcheng,

    That I suppose is meant to be a goodwill gesture and should not be taken as an indication of how DAP will manage the state of Penang. The DAP stood on that important platform i.e. to return to the rule of law, good governance, transparency etc. The Party owes it to the consituents to live up to its promise. Certainly this is not a good begining if seen in that context.

    But then DAP cannot ignore the high turnout at the elections. Many have braved the elements to be on time and presumably have broken traffic regulations on that day to fulfill their constitutional duty. An amnesty for such law breakers is an expression of goodwill and appreciation. It is only proper that it is included among their first order of business.

  461. this clarified the error!


    Frank Says:
    Tuesday, 11 March 2008 at 4.10 pm


    On your posting on Mukhriz election, you mentioned that there was 99.85 %

    According to the electoral list, for Jerlun electorate, the total registered
    voters were 45,513 and the total turnout was 37242.

    The registered voters stood at 45,513 and NOT 37,297 as you mentioned.

    Actually the turnout was 81.8 % and not 99.85 % .

    You may want to clarify your figures so that there is no confusion and cause
    unnecessary alarm even though Mukhriz is from UMNO.

    sean Says:
    Tuesday, 11 March 2008 at 4.16 pm

    is obvious that there is something wrong on the SPR website stats.
    If you look at the DUN seat, the P5 total voters is 19771 25742 = 45513.
    Thus voters turnout is 81.8% which is about right.
    So I think this is just wrong stats from SPR site. you can check on other
    site for the stats.

    Simple stats also SPR can get it wrong..

    Please let the sultan decided who be MENTERI BESAR.
    We should let the DAP<PKR<PAS to do their work wisely for the sake of all MALAYSIAN.5 yrs is a BIG Test for DAPPAS to show their work and promise to the people.
    Dont forget Bn UMNO is watching on how they work.We have to help them to help us to be ONE MALAYSIAN.
    im not good in politic and not a educated person.But i pray that things will work out well so that its for all MALAYSIAN.
    Im sure its not an easy job for LKS .so give him time to look into this.We all know he is not looking for position he is looking for all Malaysian to be one MALAYSIAN.Thats his dream im sure.
    YB LKS
    Take good care of urself , U ask for Ang pow so they give u BIG BIg ANG POW. So USE WISELY
    We all love you

  463. syabas DAP! terlambat sikit to wish all DAP/PKR/PAS representatives…
    DAP, you’ve never given up hope fighting for our rights as a malaysian, which you’ve been doing it for many years. even before i know about DAP. for this, i would like to thank all DAP representatives from the bottom of my heart, for not givin up on rakyat. also to DSAI PKR party, RPK MT and PAS party for supporting malaysian malaysia as one.
    bein inexperience in politics, i will not get involve by telling you what is right and wrong, since i believe you all have the experience to handle it. even thought, some have already decided to tell you off… when they themselves was never there when you were detained under ISA. like people use to say, talk is easy, when come to the real thing, tergangga mulut…

  464. “…..but Wang Yen has rightly pointed out that it is about political principles of PKR and DAP which is at stake, hence the reason why the MB should be from the DAP.”

    Are you saying PKR’s political principles are inferior to DAP so aren’t a good choice to lead the state government? If so, I would disagree because I like PKR’s multi-racial approach instead of DAP Chinese-centric version.

    btw, I am a Chinese myself and believe we now have the historic opportunity to rise above politic based on racial line. I hope you would too.

  465. # Lee Wang Yen Says:
    “But what’s there in the formal title of ‘Islamic State’, when in reality UMNO’s brand of Islamic State is merely nominal and a secular state in substance? (Mahathir is a liberal Muslim). Islamic State a-la PAS is fundamentalistic, and really means business – hudud law, non Muslims are dhimmis (second-class citizens)… In’t the “substance” of PAS more dangerous than the nominal title of UMNO? What’s there in a name? Nothing really’”

    I would have to disagree with UMNO being merely nominal in Islam and secular in substance. The way things is going, Islam under UMNO/BN is having more substance nowadays and the reason many people of other religions voted against BN. I know and so do my friends.

    UMNO has the power to move towards an Islamic state and it is going that way. PAS wanted to move towards an Islamic state but do not have the power to move that way because PAS can never be as dominant as UMNO. In other word, UMNO don’t bark but is biting. PAS is barking but can never bite. Looking at it this way, give me PAS any day over UMNO.

  466. Loh Says:
    “DAP represents all races. So when DAP wins more seats, but the constitution does not allow Chinese as MB, then it has to produce a Malay DUN member.”

    It is precisely because DAP can’t produce a Malay DUN member proves DAP do not represent all races. Fact is, DAP is still a Chinese-centric party. PKR represent more races than DAP.

  467. “Penang Municipal Council and Seberang Perai Municipal Council will waive all summonses involving hawker licences and parking offences issued before March 11?

    I agree it’s a totally stupid and irresponsible thing to do. If they really wanted to practice popular politics, why stop at the hawkers? Why not let all who broke the law and now in jail go free? Rapist, murderer included.

    Someone earlier said DAP can govern well, I am having very serious doubt now and don’t think they should have Perak MB post.

  468. Elections have now moved into the second stage i.e. our courts.

    One involves Mukhriz Mahathir in Jerlun, Kedah and the other Khairy Jamaluddin better known as KJ (or Kerbau Jantan) in Rembau, Negri Sembilan. The former case involves a voter turnout of almost 100% which unfortunately is not per se a ground to challenge the result in a court of law – though it certainly is in the court of popular opinion. I am sure the lawyers will find the grounds needed to challenge the results as required under the Election Offences Act 1954.

    In the case of the Rembau Parliamentary constituency, initial results showed a win for Badrul of PKR by a small margin. However, this was reversed after a recount by a huge majority of some 5,000 plus votes!

    KJ has also spent more money than he was allowed to. Then there is the irregularity over the non-issuance of Form 14. Perhaps there are readers here who are well versed in election irregularities care to let us know what the controversy over Form 14 is all about. But these are legal grounds needed to mount a legal challenge unlike in the case of Mukhriz. The 20 odd police reports filed by the opposition in this case and some if not all of the allegations therein are bound to stick.

    I am sure there are other cases. The opposition should not spare any effort nor waste any time by mounting immediate legal challenges to the election results. It is going to be an uphill task since the courts are pro-BN. But since when has it deterred the opposition from mounting such challenges? There are lawyers willing to take on such cases pro bono.

    I sat through one High Court case with the disgraced Eusoff Chin presiding. I was witness to the coaching of witnesses etc done by the then UMNO lawyer who, barring unforeseen circumstances, will soon take over the post of CJ. One can only hope the circumstances today post elections are not as they were in the 90s and high court judges especially our appeals court judges are ready to show the kind of independence expected of today’s judges. A rather optimistic assessment? You bet! But what have we got to lose?

  469. Let LGE has free hand to be Penang CM, not to judge him too soon, at least patientlah 100 hari.

    We really need to shrink down the size of our public sector. LGE must ride on this opportunity to axe all the political posts due to previous UMNO hegemony and jealousy, save $ for Penang people, use the excess $ for cleaning stinking longkang, with roses smell Penang tourists will arrive in droves.

  470. “Godfather, running a government, be it at state or federal level is NOT like running a company. Please take my word for it. If you think you have experience running a company and therefore you can also run a state government, I suggest you need to ponder a bit more.” Limkamput

    You are absolutely right. Running a government or a municipality is very different from running a company and nobody in DAP or PKR has that experience. Since we have to start somewhere, we have to bring in people who have at least some leadership and financial experience in running corporations. We need to have people who understand budgets, and how deficits are to be financed. We need people who have experience in negotiating with the federal government on grants, joint-ventures and privatisations.

    Those with experience managing businesses would be the next best choice. Look at Guan Eng. I doubt he even knows the financial position of the two municipalities, and he already decided to waive summonses issued before March 11. As readers have pointed out, there are legal ramnifications in waiving essentially criminal offences. Also, Anwar has made a statement to the effect that the states under Opposition control will honour all government contracts, and Guan Eng has done the opposite i.e. to allow offenders not to honour their social contracts with the Penang state government.

    Take stock of the situation first. Ask for help from those who are more qualified. Then formulate a course of action. A hastily-made decision is usually a bad decision.

  471. I am utterly disappointed that we have a few people directing negative remarks to YB Lim Guan Eng so quickly when he made his first announcement to pardon summonces as the new CM of Penang. It was even more disappointing that some of this remarks came from a few that gave pretty damn good and positive remarks herein.

    It seems that 50 years of BN rule has caused the thoughts of Malaysian to remain shallow and not have view of the bigger picture. This shallow thought can’t even comprehend the power of forgiveness and pardon. This two words were never the part of the philosophy of the BN government, so it will seem strange to lots of people.

    It is even demeaning to say that the YB has no sense of economics. For Godsake, go google or wiki YB Lim biography before you make such remarks. This man is a qualified accountant. Also, do you really think he made this decision that same morning. As all wiseman would do, they would seek council before making such statement. Tony Pua is the economic adviser in DAP, do you believe he will not be consulted before YB made that decision on behalf the coalition government and DAP? Have some sense lah brother.

    Furthermore, a pardon does not give the public to the right to abuse, instead it is the beginning of lessons to the public that they too have to learn to be accountable to one another and to the authority. I would suggest to YB that since the old summonses has been pardon, it is time to raise the summonses to heights never seen before and enforce the rule of law. Yes! That’s the Singapore way. But it has yielded result.


    Go YB Lim….your first decision was a right one.

  472. Kho Tsu Koon has proven to be a gentleman. Why not be humble and seek his advise or even engage him as a consultant on administrative issues? If handle properly, it could be public relation coup but could go the other way if handled badly.

  473. The election results shows that Malaysians may be ready for non-communal politics but the issue of who gets to be Perak MB show the reality of the situation: We are still unable to think out of the box.

    The ideal situation would be for Anwar Ibrahim to stay with his non-communal approach and recommend for the first time, a non-Malay/muslim MB for Perak. However, fear of a backlash from Malay voters and even cross-over to BN could have prevented him from openly endorsing a DAP MB for Perak. Sad but the situation is very REAL.

    My advice to DAP, PAS, and PKR:

    1) Do NOT look upon the MB post as a position of influence and dominance. It is just a title and nothing more!
    2) Do not lose sight of the people’s aspiration of a leadership that cares for the people. If you can show through this MB selection episode that you can act in the best interest of the people and make decisions based on sound judgement on who can do the job best. You will emerge stronger and can truly stamp your claim of being the next government in waiting.
    3) Finally, do not seek to dominate one another but always strive to respect one another’s views and focus all decision makings in the direction of benefit for the people and country.

    I hope to see a more matured leadership. I hope that Anwar’s vision of a “NEW DAWN FOR MALAYSIA” materialize and not fade away because we cannot even stop ourselves from something which is just a mere name/title.

    Let us have “Wisdom” and not “Emotions”.

  474. I think you guys do not have a clear picture of what happened in Penang. I cant blame you guys because some of you guys probably are from other states. I think Lim junior made the decisions to waive summonses especially the parking summonses in Penang is because during the DAP ceramahs in Penang a lot of DAP supporters cars were summoned when they came to hear the ceramahs eg the ceramah at Han Chiang High School where donations amounting to RM133,000-00 were collected. But this is not the case at BN ceramahs especially the ceramah at Rifle Range in Penang. According to Lim junior during the ceramah there was a double standard practised by the state authority. I think thats is the reason why Lim junior waived the summonses.

  475. 1. President/Prime Minister vs CEO
    Clinton and Obama were asked in a debate that they don’t have experience in running a big company, whereas America is like a big corporation.

    9:12 p.m. ET: What will you say when Mitt Romney argues that you’ve never run a business.

    Clinton: “We have a president who basically ran as the CEO-MBA president. Look what we got. I am not too happy about the results.” Big laughs.

    Obama: “Let me also point out that Mitt Romney hasn’t gotten a very good return on his investment (in this campaign). I’m happy to compare my management style to his. I think they compare fairly well.” He gets big laughs too.

    2. About the illegal traffic tickets and hawkers
    I tend to disagree on the waiving of summons. For the hawkers, I think that could be a promise to the illegal hawkers who supported the campaign. right?

    3. It is very good to have the open tenders. Other local government should follow. But is it true that there is a remove of NEP or this was an exaggerated by BN. We better read well. Only rich Malays who won projects through connections should be punished. Same as the Chinese!

    4. Declare assets and properties is an excellent move. This has been rejected by the corrupted BN all the time.

  476. Joetan:

    Then Lim Jr should simply keep quiet, but allow appeals on that particular evening to be allowed. Even allowing all summonses on that particular day to be waived is understandable. However, this is no excuse to say that ALL traffic summonses or hawker summonses prior to March 11 will be waived. Sends a wrong message – not to traffic offenders – but to people like me who worry that he does not have a grip on the sources and uses of funds for the municipalities concerned.

  477. Pak Lah has no grasp on economics, hence we can excuse him for not understanding what a budget deficit is, and how that can be financed. Guan Eng has no excuse going forward – he is an ex-banker and has people like Tony Pua to tell him that he needs to know if there is a deficit, and ways to finance that deficit.

  478. I beg to differ. Lim Guan Eng by spelling out his policies on day 1 of his tenure as chief minister augers well for the people of Penang. It looks like we have a very dynamic leadership!

    Don’t worry about the summonses issue ;).

  479. Waiver for the summon & hawker licence?

    What is the priority of New state government?
    The prople is vote the opposition party simply because there are expectation for changes in the state management.

    The new state government shall not spend much time to manage those petty summons whereas there are much important task ahead in promoting the economic and wellbeing of the people.

    Though one could not deny that there could be clear offender but spending time and money to charge the people will not be a good idea as well. Note the waiver is not a policy.

    The challenge ahead is to practice the transparency policy as promoted by Selangor. Information of the public interest shall be made accessible for the corruption to be eradicated. On the contradict, too much information bound to create dissatisfaction among a small group of people as it is impossible to satisfy everyone. The limitation of information shall be set to avoid unnecessary delay of any project.

    Mega project, privatise of any road shall be done only after gather a public poll. We do not want a project which burden us more than the benefit.

  480. We simply cannot afford short-term popularity decisions that could ultimately kill the economics of running a viable state. I said in a previous post that we have 3 years to prove that we are better than the bunch of thieves we displaced. We don’t need to make silly decisions in one week ! Especially if there is a high probability that we would need to reverse these decisions fairly quickly. Then what ?

  481. As I posted earlier, DAP is no longer a spectator, DAP now is in the driver seat.

    We the Rakyat will comb all the misendeavour. The BN people will be documenting all these and mainstream media will do their part as their spin.

    DAP must demonstrate that you are competent to run the government otherwise come next election or the future will be bleak.

    BN will then have the basis to tell the rakyat “I told you so, it is now proven that DAP can talk but cannot work”.

  482. In The Star newspaper “Sabah had three Cabinet members in the last Cabinet, Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili and Tan Sri Bernard Dompok who served as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and Datuk Shafie Apdal who was the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister.”

    Can someone please tell me what’s “Minister in the Prime Minster’s Department”? It sound to me like an office boy post rather than an traditional ‘real’ minister.

  483. LadyGodiva:

    It may be a storm in a teacup to you and me, but I can assure you that people like Kalimullah and Wong Chun Wai will make their usual spin in the mainstream press.


    Minister in the PM’s department is, as you say, an office boy who runs errands for the PM, who incidentally has 3 portfolios. The reason for the 3 portfolios ? So that UMNO Youth can have their positions entrenched as political secretaries to the various ministerial portfolios.

  484. A Big Congratulation YB Lim for winning this Battle of The Century! Have been trying to log in but the blog was down.

    It is the rakyat hope that PKR-DAP-PAS will continue to strengthen in their coalition and form Barisan Rakyat. Many parties from disgraceful writers in The Star papers to the national news reporters will certainly trying to break this coalition. Just hope PR can survive the constant attacks and strife for a better Malaysia for all races.

    Hope forumers from all races and religions can continue to give ideas, constructive criticisms and advices so that YB Lim can relate the messages to the new administration.

    We will continue to pray that God will give you wisdom and guidance beyond human understanding so that at the end of the day His name will be exalted. People of Malaysia will be so blessed beyond our wildest dreams and will recognise the reason why the very first Principle of Rukun Negara stated Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan. Our forefathers were given insights beyond normal human understanding. This is a blessed land from God. Let’s us all work together so that the poor, the needy, the outcast will have a place under the sun!

    God bless you YB Lim and team. Wishing you good health and happiness!

  485. For better or for worse, the shoe is now on the other foot, and we have to be prepared for much closer scrutiny. We must also accept the fact that the public will have a much lower tolerance level for incompetence and irrationality. That’s the price to pay for promising to do “better” than the previous regime.

  486. Lets face the realities on the choice of candidates for the Perak Government. If the majority of Perak resident are malays then it is wise to give the seat to the malays even though DAP secured the majority seats due to the split in the malay seats. How can you expect Perak DAP chinese candidates( the minorities in Perak) to be the menteri besar and to run the state effectively? BN especially the UMNOs will definitely and easily manupulate the situation and attack the DAP government whenever there is any problems concerning race arise. Pressure will be too tremendous for the DAP government. Besides this, the prospect for the Barisan Rakyat to remain in control in the next general election will be less. The BN especially the UMNOs can easily used this as their propaganda in the next election. In short , the malaysians in my view has not come to that stage yet to accept a minority to control majority. Therefore lets pray that the candidate will not be given to PAS but PKR which is more moderate in their islamic stand. This is also what happened in Penang during the previous election. When MCA combined with Gerakan in one particular election secured less seats than UMNO the Chief Minister seat still goes to the Gerakan despite the demand from the state UMNO for the seat. Thats where Koh Tsu Koon comes in and a deputy chief Minister seat has been created for the UMNO. I must say that Mahathir is too smart to made that decision bcos the following years election we see that DAP had been thrashed by BN.

  487. It is in our nature to judge others. Most think their views are more sound than others. YB Lim Guan Eng, should not be worried about such opinions. I see sincerity in him and I think this will help him overcome the difficulties of governing a state.

    Under all circumstances a mind focussed on acting in the best interest s of the people and country will be the best guide to our limited human ability to stay unmoved by events happening around us. I would like to share this Taoist Wisdom with YB Lim Guan Eng and all who care to listen:


    Chinese character for the word “point”: eye see one day … such color…..
    Make the mind
    A single point

    The key to meditation is to concentrate the mind into a single point. There are many methods for doing this, from singing, to listening to holy words, to contemplative procedures. But at the end result is the same: to focus our minds sharply.

    A point has a definite position in space but neither size nor shape.
    A point marks an actual place in time, such as a point of departure.
    A point is the very essence of something, as in the point of an idea.
    A point is a coordinate for navigation.
    A point is the dominant center, as in the principal point of perspective.
    A point determines our outlook, as in point of view.

    Once the mind is made into a single point, it takes on the above attributes. In contrast, a mind that is not focused is dispersed over a wide area. Its thoughts are scattered, its energies at the mercy of a thousand influences and is easily disoriented. The result is confusion, ignorance, unhappiness, and helplessness. A mind that is clearly focused, however, receives all to say that its world revolves around it. It is no longer has to chase after all that appears before it.

    365 Tao
    Deng Ming-Dao

  488. I noted there are many advisors here to critisize the ability and capability of LGE and DAP. Please stop that. I noted many Penangites so HAPPY with his announcement of waiving the summons. I trust on him. He can bring Penang to a new hope and prosperity.Give him some time to prove that.

  489. I think DAP/PKR/PAS should now work towards having local council elections.But now they should take action to undo the wrongs committed by the local councils.For example,MBPJ which has misused funds as revealed by Nades from ‘The SUN’.MBPJ under the current administration lacks transparency.The council imposed over rated assessment charges on condominiums and faced a lawsuit by owners of a condominium in PJ last year.But the court proceeding was postponed.Besides this issue,MBPJ should be proactive in solving the woes and problems faced by PJ residents.
    The new state government should deal with the shortcomings caused by MBPJ as a priority because this local council is one of the few heavyweights in the country.

  490. Gud Morning Guys

    Aiyooohhh…so many comments to reads (more scrolling). Anyway congrats to BR for winning 5 states and deny 2/3 BN majority.

    Please don’t fight among yourself on small issues. This is probably because BR supporters are too excited. Calm down. Just 4 days after the election. Let the BR leaders to discuss among themselves on the course of actions.

    I am not benefited from NEP even I’m a malay because I don’t like dirty politics/corruption. There are also some chinese contractors who manage to secure government contracts thru proxy and bribery. There are rich malay contractors using their political power to secure contracts as well.

    And I myself as a malay muslim contractor in penang is LOOKING FORWARD to the state government lead by DAP to deliver better results than the BN. Is BR (PKR/PKR/DAP) is no better than BN, ther you and me are the one who are being cheated by political leaders. Then I’ll be among the rakyat who will campaign for a better leadership.

    Give sometimes for BR leadership to show their true colours. But not too long coz they might sleep like pak lah also.

  491. ‘It will be very difficult to clear the mess created last 50 years but if the bleeding,wastage,stealing and raping of the country’s resources can be minimised substantially, I consider it will be a success in the next 5 years.’cmbss.
    Syabas to you, cmbss.I find your comment the most mature and realistic.Fantastic judgement in your assessment and must have been borne of wisdom.I would also go further to say that even to minimise all those you mention above is herculean.The expectations of a lot of commenters here are not only unrealistic but also the bulk of them do not know what they are talking about.A simple example is to change the rule that mayor is to be elected.Can DAP (don’t talk about winning two thirds majority,they can’t even form a government with a simple majority ie have 112 seats in parliment) change the constitution? Fighting corruption requires not only whistleblowers but also the police,judiciary and the media playing their part and would they do their part knowing that all of them are beholden to UMNO?Even in carrying out their manifestos, I am dead sure that UMNO will definitely be throwing spanners into the works to make them look bad.Don’t forget running a state is no different from running a company.It requires funds and funds come from the Federal government!1
    Lim Guan Eng might have made an initial mistake, a hasty one at that, in declaring cancellation of parking and hawker’s licenses (he might be thinking in terms of amnesty granted every now and then by governments to their long staying illegals) but if he were to pick himself up and quickly bounce back I would then see this as mistake made while learning to be a good CM.He is human after all,we must grant him that.
    Please have faith in LKS.I am sure he is a much more honourable person than the ones we see in BN component parties.I am sure he also is fully aware that there are a lot of temptations involved now that DAP is in the driving seat in 3 states plus Federal Territory.Give them at least a year for us to judge whether they walk the talk.IT IS CERTAINLY TOO EARLY TO BE ADVISING THEM OR WORST STILL THROW BRICKBATS AT THEM.The swearing-in in Perak and Selangor has not even started.

  492. After 50 years of independence, we as citizens of this country shall be matured enough to form another coalition party namely BARISAN RAKYAT comprising mainly PKR, DAP and PAS to have check and balance in the Parliamentary, judiciary and government administration. This country needs a strong coalition party besides Barisan Nasional just like many other developed nations around the world in order to progress further.

    8 March 2008 marked an important day in the national history. Never before BN in its entire history beaten so badly except in 1969. Even with all the irregularities in the EC, people’s power has successed in bring down the corrupted, oppressive, manipulative force that has hindered the nation progress in the last 50 years.

    Let’s work together irrespective of race and religion for a better Malaysia so that our children’s children can continue to call this place home.

    Fellow Malaysians let us not to forget the 5 fundamental principles of RUKUN NEGARA written by our forefathers that has kept the country united since day one:-
    Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang-undang
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

    Every readers in this blog should recite and remember the 5 Fundamental Principle of Rukun Negara so that coalition of Barisan Rakyat can be built on a strong foundation. Let us not get carried away by the non important issues like whether Poh Kuan stepped down before election to who’s going to be the next MB of Perak and forget how important to form BR to counter BN in the coming days. This is for the sake of our’s children’s children.

    Let’s put all our differences, egos, self-serving attitude aside and help to build up a new coalition party call Barisan Rakyat.


  493. TO KKK:

    You’re right that PAS wasn’t as powerful as UMNO and probably is not now. But given its victory now and the momentum it has gained, it is going from strength to strength and when they are powerful enough, they will be much more dangerous than UMNO.

    And we don’t want to contribute to the empowerment of PAS.

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