Lim Kit Siang

Abdullah got it wrong again in his polling-eve TV message

Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in his 9 pm TV polling-eve message said:

“You have to vote for our future. You have to vote for our children…

“What will happen if there is chaos and there is instability?”

Abdullah got only the first part right, that Malaysian voters must vote for their future and their children.

He got the second part completely wrong – as the choice before the Malaysian voters is not between Barisan Nasional on the one hand and chaos and instability on the other.

This is a false choice.

The real choice in the ballot box today is whether to choose a Malaysia of excellence , glory and distinction or a Malaysia of mediocrity, indignity and shame; a Malaysia where every Malaysian regardless of race or religion has a equal place under the Malaysian sun instead of a Malaysia where the best and brightest are driven to foreign lands in one exodus after another to bestow excellence, glory and distinction to other countries instead of to their homeland.

Abdullah said the Chinese and Indian voters have to decide whether they want a louder voice in parliament or a bigger role in government bv voting in the MCA and MIC.

This is another false choice, for 50 years of Malaysian history have demonstrated that the MCA and MIC cannot guarantee a bigger role in government whatever their numbers in Parliament – in fact, the stronger the MCA and MIC in the government, the weaker the Chinese and Indian communities in the country!

Let Malaysians vote to tell Abdullah that they want both – a louder voice in parliament so as to ensure a bigger role in government!