Devilish Star heading with two lies in 11 words – call for nation-wide firestorm protest without instant Star online apology

(Media Conference Statement 2 at DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre on Friday, 7th March 2008 at 12.30 pm)

The Star headline “Opposition senses victory – Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS” today are downright double lies.

This is the Star report (N 12):

PKR and DAP will form next Government , say Anwar and Kit Siang


KUALA LUMPUR: Buoyed by the large crowds at their rallies, opposition parties are now claiming they can win the general election and form the next Government.

PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his DAP counterpart Lim Kit Siang both expressed confidence that their loose coalition, which also includes PAS, had the support of the voters.

In Rembau, Anwar said he was confident the Opposition would win and “our first duty to the people is to bring down oil prices.”
“God willing, we will win on March 8. You tell those Barisan (Nasional) boys we will win,” he saud.

“And when DAP, PKR and PAS win on March 8, we will bring down the oil prices on March 9,” he said at a ceramah yesterday.

In Ipoh, Lim said a strong and powerful wind of change was blowing in the land and he was also confident of the voters’ support.

This, he said, was evident by the mammoth turnout, enthusiastic responses and generous donations of Malaysians at ceramah held in various states.

“The crowd numbered from several thousands to more than 10,000 at the ceramah I attended in Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Perak and Penang in the past three days,” Lim told reporters yesterday.

“But the question is whether the wind of change rising will be strong and powerful enough on March 8 to make it a day of history and a day of destiny for Malaysia,” Lim added.

There is nothing wrong with the report filed by the Star reporter Chan Li Leen but everything wrong with the heading given by the sub-editor or editor.

I believe as a conscientious reporter, Chan would have filed a fuller report of my media conference yesterday, particularly the most important message, viz:

“Let me advice all BN leaders and candidates: Grow up and accept the ups and downs of the democratic process and stop being spoiled brats when at most the Barisan Nasional is losing two-thirds parliamentary majority and not losing power.”

This important paragraph had been deliberately omitted by the sub-editor or editor as it would have spoiled the devilish plot to concoct the mischievous headline:“Opposition senses victory – Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS”.

Neither I nor any DAP leader had ever claimed in the general election campaign that it is possible to topple the Barisan Nasional government on March 8 – as we have consistently maintained that the most that could achieved is the denial of the BN two-thirds parliamentary majority, which is already a tall order and would have historic and far-reaching political implications.

Let the sub-editor or editor responsible for the double lies by using my name to justify the mischievous headline step forward and identify himself – for he is the worst specimen of a journalistic prostitute completely devoid of journalistic ethics and values and must be hounded out of the journalistic profession, although he is devilishly clever in able to concoct two lies within in eleven words: “Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS”, viz:

• The first lie, that together with Anwar Ibrahim, I am confident of toppling the BN government on March 8; and

• The second lie, that DAP has an arrangement with PAS to form the next national government.

I call on Star to publish a fulsome apology for these double lies in its headline, which must be done immediately on Star online and not wait until tomorrow. Secondly, the sub-editor or editor responsible for the mischievous and devilish heading must be identified and sacked, unless the Star is giving full support to this ‘biggest lie of Malaysian journalism in the 12th general election.”

If Star is not prepared to immediately apologise within the next two hours (i.e. by 2.30 p.m.) on its online version, there should be a firestorm of protest by outraged Malaysians by phoning Star offices all over the country to condemn such despicable and devilish journalism.

The phone contacts of Star offices nationwide are available from the following:


85 Replies to “Devilish Star heading with two lies in 11 words – call for nation-wide firestorm protest without instant Star online apology”

  1. Don’t need to support The Star anymore as long as Malaysian are longing for the truth about their own livinghood.
    Afterall, The Star belongs to MCA cronies that sold our out since 50 years ago.
    Don’t waste our monies on things that are bringing our entire generation roots down.
    Go and surf through internet.
    Let us grow and change together with the truth.

  2. Mahathir, who was also finance minister at the tail-end of his 22 years in power, argued that the government should not have unpegged the ringgit, a controversial policy he introduced after the Asian financial crisis in 1998….The former premier believed that the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition will be punished by voters at the general elections tomorrow as a result of price hikes despite that the government had made a flurry of announcements on multi-billion dollar investments in five key ‘corridors’ projects.

    “What is important is not so much the speeches, the media but the reality of prices going up. You see, that is something that they feel. So that will influence them more than all the speeches and all these corridors and all that. “So (even if) there is a corridor, I am not going to get anything. What I know is that I am paying a higher price for food and fuel.”

  3. I am a Star paper addict. I don’t think I can live without a newspaper in the morning and a cuppa. I am a first time voter and comes from a staunch BN family. But something has stirred. “The Zakariah Palace”, “tainted Judges”, “Port Klang fiasco”, etc etc has shown how weak our Bodowi-led leadership has been. The entire nation has been taken for a ride. Umno gangs are ripping everyone off, especially us taxpayers. The final straw must be the indelible ink wastages and the EC man has the gall to say that he was ignorant of the law! Sorry, mate no excuse. I read the Star with my eyes open. I am sure many readers do. We get alternative news anyway from websites and blogs. I attended the Rasah (Min Kok) Seremban Ceramah and was amazed at the size of the crowds. Way to go DAP!! The Rocket is strong. Our Hearts are with you this time. No amount of threats from Umno will sway us now.

  4. Forget about main stream papers and the TV own by MEDIA PRIMA,They are scared to write the truth ,If UMNO led BN GORVERMENT,Can tell its elected MPS to shut up sit down or keluar dari MAYLAYSIA,The people at the top are scared shit of their position.One wrong report out they go.

    Its no point blogging go uot and vote,Get all your friends and family to vote opposition.

    If BN win big again, All you non MUSLIM better carry a letter with you, all the time to say that you are not a MUSLIM.BEWARE OF BODY SNATCHERS ….

  5. i STOPPED buying STAR paper more than a week. Full of craps and waste of money. Lets concerntrate on the GE for the time being. Not to be distracted by those lies.

    Uncle Lim, BN cannot fool the people anymore. I was invited to a ceramah in Jinjang Selatan organised by MIC Kepong for GERAKAN candidate. So went there and he was late for 1 hour. The ceramah only lasted not more than 20 minutes with just a handful of MIC members around. I only asked one question, if DAP has done so bad in Kepong as they claimed, then what has GERAKAN done to justify for a vote in this election. As usual, he just continued to beg for a chance and left. Dare not even look at me.

    I am only a nobody small size lady and he can’t handle. How to give him a vote.

    Then I went to Bandar Baru Sentul, PKR ceramah. What a difference!

    Am still blogging and sms -ing to friends and associates. VICTORY shall be with the TRUTH!

  6. They are out to create mischief and sow fear into the minds of the non-Malay voters. If I could, I would throw a couple of pails of red paint on to the front entrance of the STAR head office.

  7. shownomercy,

    now i do not subscribe any local newspaper but i still surf Star Online for some petty home news. Even TV(especially TV3) news i boycotted 2 years ago. All my news came from Malaysiakini, Reuters, Bloomberg, The EdgeOnline, etc. Sometimes i got laughed at when i do not know there’s an accident happening. haha, coz i no longer read those stupid newspapers. I think the internet has all the important news you need, from automobile to PC hacking.

  8. We wish all the best to DAP. May DAP unite the Malaysians by abolishing all monoracial primary schools so that the future generations study as Malaysians in one common type of primary school which will bring greater mixing and acceptance of the children of various ethnic backgrounds.

  9. Dear all,

    I would like to share some thoughts with all of you, since we’re talking about being ‘ready to govern’.

    I am generally irritated by:

    1. People who vote for party for the sake of it.

    Voting along party lines can result in change of government, but not change of hearts. During an election you need to listen candidates, check their records, consider your future, and make an informed decision as to who would be a better voice in Parliament. To vote for party for the sake of it is the most irresponsible thing any voter can do.

    2. People who are trapped in coffee-shop talk and office debates about what’s best for Malaysia. Everyone talks about how good or bad the government has been, how good or bad the opposition has been. My goodness, get a grip and get involved. Change won’t happen because you voted. That’s not difference. That’s not change. That’s you doing the same thing over and over again, casting a ballot for someone else to move the nation forward, and when he fails, complain repeatedly.

    3. People who ‘merely’ want the opposition to deny the ruling coalition two-thirds majority. I have a problem with people who say that. This is another way of saying, ‘I want Barisan Nasional to win, but win less lah’. With this kind of mentality, they opposition will forever be check and balance, and they will never be pushed over the top to become THE GOVERNMENT.

    Some food for thought. Chill and cheers. Up up and away!

  10. The Star has nothing new to report and BN is desperate. I’m not going to buy the Star for the time being. It’s too one sided.

    Penang Voters, don’t think that by voting the big BN guns in, they will look after your welfare. Yes, they may clean your drains, put up street lights etc., but with their atrocious finiancial management and corruption, your children and your childrens’ children future are at stake ! Just compare our RM with Singapore dollar and the Thai Baht. What happened ? It’s due to the greedy mediocre, BN leaders who runs the country. Our ringgit value is going into the drain like the BN longkang MPs.

    Give the oppositions an opportunity to protect your interest !! Their strong voice in the Parliment brings hope.

  11. I called the Star head office at 4.30pm and told the recipient about my wish to make a protest about the blatant lies as reported by LKS.He then passed my call to another telephone line.But to my dismay there was no response and the phone kept on ringing for 5 mins before I put down the phone.I have stopped reading the Star and every right thinking person should do so.

  12. Why blame STAR?
    IT learn its trick from the masters.
    Anyway, we cannot be fooled by star anymore.


    I am voting tomorrow . Candidate for Parliament: Prof Ramasamy.

    If I have to crawl, I would do it just to cast my votes for PROF RAMASAMY (DAP)


    BN? BIG NO!!!!!

  13. I think any newspaper who is afraid of license being suspended will spread wrong message at the crucial juncture, just before the General Election. It sends to the Chinese a wrong message, if opposition party takes over, it will be doomed. However, everyone knows that the opposition will not take over in this coming election. The best result is to deny BN’s 2/3 majority. Thus, the headline and the report of STAR is simply a lie. This should further motivate us to vote for DAP/PKR/PAS to provide check and balance to the press and the government.
    Let all of those pray for sizeable victory in order to make Malaysia a better place to live.

  14. aiyah, just boycott STAR. its nothing more than a news full of lies and bulls. they are treating us as if we re uneducated feeding us with a load of rubbish- one a day gives you more lies and a headache.

    i agree with devilmaster- read online papers that are much more truthful than STAR..

    STAR is the ULTIMATE……. CRAP

  15. tswern,
    thank you very much for all the emails of reporters.
    They are just people makan gaji. No point rebuking them. I believe many of them are bluffing against their conscience. For all you know, they vote for opposition.
    Just like sales man who do not want to give discount. No point scolding them because they follow orders.


  16. kit,

    when haris initiated the boycott fo such propaganda papers, you should have given your support. its not to late though. after the dust has settled down, lets asked haris to give a big push for this initiative to boycott the star paper. DAP members must give their full hearted support thru your leadership.

  17. by the way guys,

    The newspaper was NEVER intended to be a free and unbiased product. When it was created it was used as propaganda. The English mocked the French and vice versa.

    So the roots of the printing press is a corrupt one. Where in the world did you guys get the nice utopia-ish idea that the press should be free and fair? Who made that up!?

  18. To the people of Penang,
    Tomorrow is the decision day. With major newspapers saying all kinds of stuff, I am sure many of us may be in dilemma, not knowing exactly how to cast our votes. I just want to share some points below and hopefully this helps in our decision making.
    1. We have consistently voted for BN at the state level since independence, except during a brief in 1969.
    2. Since then, have you noticed any significant improvement in the quality of life of Penang people?
    3. Penang was the Pearl of the Orient. Today, what has it become? Some said it has become the Garbage of the Orient.
    4. We are constantly fearful of being denied of basic services and amenities. Now, look at Penang today:
    a. The city traffic system is at the grid locked
    b. Public transportation is rudimentary and almost non existence
    c. Most drains are clogged and with tikus running around
    d. Unhygienic hawkers sprawling over all the place (this is not against hawkers but the need to have proper management)
    e. Haphazard town planning and poorly managed housing estates
    f. Dirty and unsightly beaches
    g. Unclear garbage and stinking drains, and most important of all,
    h. An economy that fast loosing its competitiveness and glitter
    5. So why are we afraid, what is there to loose?
    6. Oh, yes, may be we are thinking of Federal projects and Federal Government financial support and that is why we have been voting for BN at the state level and opposition at the Federal level for a long long time.
    7. Federal grants to the states are provided for in the constitution. The two major ones are capita and road grants.
    8. The Federal government must honour the grants unless it is prepared to throw the constitution out of the window.
    9. Now, each state within the Federation also has its own sources of revenue. This is again provided in the constitution, the major sources of which are land taxes, rates and assessment, entertainment taxes and income from water supply, etc.
    10. Admittedly, the sources and quantum from the state sources are limited.
    11. But financial management is about prudence, not just the amount.
    12. At the personal level, people earning less but with proper financial management can attain standard of living at par with those earning more but do not know how to manage.
    13. Government financial management (like personal financial management) has a lot to do with setting the right priority, redeployment of resources and ensuring honesty and accountability.
    14. Give this now group of people from DAP, PAS and PKR a chance.
    15. Give them the opportunity to see what they can do with limited resources. As I said, large financial resources or allocations do not mean much when the bulk of it is channelled to rent seekers or activities that do not bring direct benefits to the people.
    16. Many have said that easily 70% of the government allocations are lost or leaked to corrupters, rent-seekers, overpricing and wastage.
    17. So don’t worry so much about lesser amount of money available if oppositions come to power in Penang.
    18. If the people of Penang are willing to cooperate and support the new government, I guess a lot can be done.
    19. These people from the oppositions are eager to prove themselves, so why not try them out.
    20. Just look at the BN, they all look so old, tired and devoid of ideas but are all there eagerly waiting like vultures.
    21. Periodic change of government is good because it brings freshness to the administration.
    22. If we are not happy with the opposition, we can always kick them out again. After all we have tolerated BN for 50 years, what is there to try out the oppositions for 5 years.
    23. I hope this helps a bit in your decision making. Thank you.

  19. What’s new??

    As expected, our local mass media will lie and lie and lie to discredit the opposition parties, when they are all tools of BN and without credibility!

    Our local mass media are just like their political masters – pathological liars, all out to brain-wash people based on lies, more lies, and nothig but lies!

    Ignore them and just go out and vote tomorrow; vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS!

    Who knows, the Star may be correct – the opposition may deny the BN their 2/3 majority!

    7.3.08, V-day -1!

    Good luck, DAP/PKR/PAS!

    Going home, going home, going home to vote, vote, vote!!!!!

  20. Any rational human being would have had given buy buying our so-call National Newspaper long ago.

    For those who proclaim themselves to be Greenies or Envirnomentalists, i call upon you all to just stop buying these papers. After all, good trees are dying unnecessarily.

  21. Never should a matured society resort to balant distortion and manipulation in order to win an election. The Truth will prevails, as that is from Above. The more black out and manipulation of the news, the higher number of turn out at every ceramah ! Speak the truth, speak the facts, that guarantee the victory ! This is why the wind of change is blowing so strongly ! In any case, the deciding hour is near, friends around have made up their mind, more are voting for a change !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Never should a matured society resort to blatant distortion and manipulation in order to win an election. The Truth will prevails, as that is from Above. The more black out and manipulation of the news, the higher number of turn out at every ceramah ! Speak the truth, speak the facts, that guarantee the victory ! This is why the wind of change is blowing so strongly ! In any case, the deciding hour is near, friends around have made up their mind, more are voting for a change !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. my goodness. such fanatical support here. is this representative of the opposition support? I shudder to think what the alternative government would be like with people like you.

  24. Once the media is “politicized”, things like this tend to happen. Look at China Press for the past two weeks and you will know what I mean. All they have are advertisements concerning BN with MCA being the leader in such advertisements. This is an absolute misuse of the media and I am sure the amount spent is way beyond what is permitted by the law on election propaganda. And does this amount to “breaking the law despite knowing the law”?

  25. /// for he is the worst specimen of a journalistic prostitute completely devoid of journalistic ethics and values and must be hounded out of the journalistic profession, although he is devilishly clever in able to concoct two lies within in eleven words: “Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS”///

    Dear Kit – you shouldn’t have insulted prostitutes by associating them with this cretin of a “journalist/editor”. Some prostitutes have no choice but to ply the trade out of desperation and misfortune. But the same cannot be said of these so called journalists.

  26. First of all, it is true, the reporter was not at fault in this case. The general public has to understand that a reporter HAS never and WILL never ever have a say on what comes out in print. Especially those working in government machineries such as the Star newspaper. To their credit, many reporters try their very best to fashion their opposition stories in a such a manner that would reasonably allow it to see the light of day. How it turns out the following day, however, is really out of their control. So just imagine their disappointment every time their stories get chopped and severed into unimaginably bias pieces of journalistic crap. To malaysiaalwaysboleh, it is clear that you are in the wrong place, so kindly open another web browser before you instigate another influx of so-called “fanatical” replies. To those who can rightfully call themselves Malaysians (as opposed to Malaysian Chinese, Indians or Malays), think long and hard before you blindly cast your votes at the ballot box tomorrow. And to all candidates, whether BN or Opposition, may you live up to your promises should u get elected!!

  27. malaysiaalwaysboleh:

    This is not fanatical support. For fanatical support, attend the annual UMNO general assembly. We don’t raise our kerises. We only shout when our belongings have been stolen in broad daylight from us.

  28. it takes millions of rakyat 50 years of hardwork to build what we have today, but it will only takes one asshole to bring every down….DAP, PKR, PAS.. you will have my vote tomorrow !!!! POWER TO THE PEOPLE !!!

  29. I am utterly shocked and…. (with Abdullah Badawi) trying to force the Chinese voters to vote for MCA and Gerakan with the irresponsible threat that they could end up without any Chinese Ministers or representation in Government.” YB Kit

    It clearly shows the tight grip his inner circle of “advisors” have over him. It is uncharacteristic of a soft-spoken man with religious training to come out swinging in that manner. But then these are desperate times. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

    On the other hand, with the benefit of “hinge-sight” there is someone who is equally desperate to argue that that is not the case.

  30. Oh dear,
    Who Made this statement “PKR and DAP will form next Government , say Anwar and Kit Siang”. It can’t be Anwar or Kit Siang.
    I was taken aback and shocked that the statement might turn the wave and would be interpreted as arrogant.
    Now that it’s clear that The Star is trying to lie, I am relieved because it was a lie by BN and the Star to antagonize the rakyat to vote against opposition.

    Pls fall into such trap

  31. Give Badawi another chance. One full term to change our corrupt culture, our distarded political system, our ingrained racism and deeply worsening security situation, is simply too much to ask.
    For all of BN’s faults, i am thankful everyday that we lead a peaceful and relatively comfortable life in Malaysia.
    Corruption is a scourge, racism is a bane, but what ever did DAP do to show or prove to us that they are ready to lead?
    Dynastic politics, even in Opposition, look at LimKitSiang, KarpalSingh, AnnuarIbrahim. A member of their direct family are all involved in present day politics, candidates in the present election in fact, secretary-general too.
    Frankly, it doesn’t inspire plenty of hope. The opposition leaders are sending a strong message across. Either you are born with opposition genes or their talent pool is simply too small.

  32. YB Lim….

    You may not know me, but am back from the US two weeks ago to attend many of your ceramahs and give you my fullest support!! I have lived in the US for more than 20 years and am one of the NEP victims then. I believe this election is probably the most important election in our Malaysian history to break the UMNO political hegemony!! I will be seeing you tonight in Ipoh’s final round of campaign before the election tomorrow!! I have even taken in as a polling agent for the DAP!!

    Good luck and “hidup DAP!!!”

  33. Dear Uncle Lim and all the others out there,

    Not everybody can boycott the mainstream media like the STAR or The TIMES unless there is alternative internet media that covers all kinds of news.

    As for political news ,this is not a problem.

    For news on business matters such as the stock and share market ,sports,employment opportunities and other non- political news there is currently no single internet media to provide comprehensive news.

    A long term sustained boycott of the mainstream media like the STAR is ,in my mind not so feasible for some of us and may not be supported by all.

    However, a short term boycott of a limited period of say 3 – 7 days is feasible as we can do without the paper for a few days.

    I am one of those in the category who cannot sustain a long term boycott of the STAR if there is no alternative internet media that covers all aspects of news that a hard copy paper would normally include.

    .However, I definitely can do without the STAR for a few days without much disturbance to my business.

    This boycott can then be repeated intermittently with the boycott dates being made widely known to the public.

    I am sure on the boycott dates revenues from sales of the paper and the advertisment by businesses will be reduced dramatically ,thus sending out a strong signal to the media concerned to be more responsible in their news reporting.

    I believe it will work.

    Will DAP organise such a boycott?Or will Raja Petra organise it?

    What say you,Uncle Lim as well as all those here?

    Can i have some response from you all?

    Let’s teach these arrogant and irresponsible guys at the STAR a lesson?

    What say you DAP?

    Also allyou guys out there?

  34. “..for he is the worst specimen of a journalistic prostitute completely devoid of journalistic ethics and values and must be hounded out of the journalistic profession,..”

    This is the first time in your political career you have used such strong language and justifiably so.
    If I may add. Judging from the reports in the newspapers recently I am inclined to believe that these editors will even be willing to sell their daughters and wives to their political masters in exchange for the perks of office, awards and ringgit.
    Low down human being sell their souls to please their masters.

    They don’t only prostitute themselves but also make a living from the daughters and wives.
    I am angry as you are. As for the female senior reporters, they are no better than high class prostitutes.

  35. To the many Star addicts…..I was one of them…. before I migrated. That forced to quit buying the Star. Each year it cost me $365 whilst still a ringgit now….close to $400 loh. Safe the money for your family lah or buy yourself something more worthy.

    I only go to the Star for lies and it is entirely free on the internet. I rather read news from Australia.

    GO DAP!!!!!

  36. Thanks to limkamput for giving us 23 key points in helping Penangites to make their decision.

    To all 60000 people who attended last night’s ceramah, please turn them into real votes tomorrow!

    Yes..boycott the STAR and switch off the radio too especially while driving, is pain to the ear!

  37. malaysiaalwaysboleh Says: my goodness. such fanatical support here. is this representative of the opposition support? I shudder to think what the alternative government would be like with people like you.

    What is your problem? What are you afraid of? Are you a rent-seeker now? If not, why are you afraid? Seriously, tell us what are afraid of? Are you enjoying some privileges now that are not readily available to others? Are you having a lucrative contract from the Government that was not subjected to competitive bidding? Are you holding a lucrative position in the Government, GLCs or Statutory Bodies – you know those positions where you just collect your big fat pay at the end of month with all other perks thrown in but there not much to do to begin with? If you are not one of these, then why are you afraid? On the other hand, if you are one of these, then you are in the minority now. Your time is up, you have to get lost because from now, we are going to depend more on merit and genuine eligibility. No rent seekers, no corrupter, no people just sitting around getting big contracts but never do any actual job, no more people holding high positions but have no responsibility and accountability. Got it? So no need to shudder! No surprise there unless you are “kickthebutt”.

  38. malaysiaalwaysboleh, I just want to let you know we are not representative of Opposition. We are just very tired of the current Barisan Govt and we want a Change! Enough is enough, you hear that? Faint Heart?

  39. Well, see what he did to me in another thread. Ok, i don’t know how to spell “hindsight”, so what is the big deal. No quarrel tonight ok. Tomorrow early early we go voting the scumbags out. Bye bye.

  40. we want the truth and only the truth…and the truth is out there…

    seems like most of media tv, newspapers etc cover less on opposition…that’s why i am here to read out something….

    cheers, let’s hope everything running fine tomorrow………..

    haha…may be i should wear white t-shift tomorrow…to vote hehe

  41. I do read The Star and NST, but I do not take what is published by them seriously (for I know they are pro-government). I also read the news at (Malaysian National News Agency). The problem with that website is that you always get good news on Malaysia (hardly any bad news).

    To get “unbiased reliable” information, I surf the following websites: (select International Version)

    The local China Press, which is facts-oriented, is quite OK as well.

    I am a first time “BN turned DAP” voter in today’s general election. I gave up on BN because I noticed that what they do does not match what they say. For example, they said they were fair to all the races. But when I observed carefully, I found that their actions did not reflect what they said.

  42. Ya, lets boycott the star paper. I have already stop reading the star on sunday for more than 6 months and starting from tomorrow I will include the saturday. These 2 days will cost them less rm3.00 revenue. I am still studying how to exclude monday to friday starpaper as I need the business section for stock. Maybe someone can post the stock market info on the internet, the format can be like star or nst. Any taker?

  43. let’s be realistic here. I am an avid reader of the Star and i follow the articles of its editor in chief very closely. i truly believe that the Star is making a concerted effort in factual honest and non-biased reporting, but change takes time, especially in a cocooned society such as ours.
    I agree that the reporting is lop-sided, but its definitely better than the CRAP we get when Dr. M was around. All good things comes to he who waits. Give it a chance and let’s see what happens.

  44. i m sure all of us here came across such road side banner, claiming tht voting for opposition will leave your area unattended to by the government made up by the ruling party in majority…i m 1st time voter and i will vote for the opposition…why? how can our government be so childish that, you are not my gang, i dun wan friend u? if they really concern about the ppls, they should juz do it for the ppls, not simply bcoz it’s a opposition area??

    STAR has known for its bias’ness…and they are juz as arrogant as BN…hopesless papes, hopeless party!

  45. kickbutt,

    Stop your nonsence of picking on others and their spelling mistakes. That was unnecessary. This is a blog, not an English class. As long as you are being understood, that should be fine.

    Even if you want to correct limkamput, do it nicely. I’m sure he doesn’t mind being corrected but you are most rude! Enough, grow up man! Keep changing handles but you are still as despicable!

    Keep changing handles, coward!

  46. Noaki, if what BN says is true, then it means any constituency landing in the hands of the opposition not only makes the constituency a “black district” unattended by the ruling government but it also means the constituency DOES NOT BELONG to Malaysia. So are they ready to forego collecting taxes from the people of such constituencies? And are they ready to lose the support of such constituencies in coming GE’s?

  47. It is legitimate to ask how the opposition is going to work with BN on issues. Because Badawi who is already seen to be weak, does not have the skills to NOT seen to be working with the opposition.

    After this election, the fight has only started.

  48. Jong says: kickbutt…. Keep changing handles, coward!

    You brighten my day. Just came back from exercising my constitutional rights.

    Sometimes I wonder why some people can be so blatantly despicable. Why bother to come here to talk about fairness, transparency and accountability when they can’t even be honest with themselves – like for example, being truthful with the handles they use. At least BN never cheat themselves; they just cheat the rakyat. This fellow, kickbutt @come2papi @darkhorse @godiva @colonel @godamn @diaperhead @blackeye @laifoong @dracula cheats himself/herself everyday!

    I am amazed at the amount of energy he spent doing all these nonsense just to harass me instead of thinking and writing something substantive. Hello, kickbutt, my challenge to you still stands. You write me three paragraphs on any of the issues highlighted here. We shall debate about it. If I find you good and credible, I shall take my leave from this blog for a period of time just to watch you contributing. You have my word, because I am not a coward. Come on, take the challenge, it is only from someone who does not know how to spell “hindsight”. Our famous QC spelt “credibility” with “curability”. But I understood him even before he put up the correction. We type quickly and with auto spell software, certain words just get skewed into something else without us realising it. Kickbutt, if you have nothing left to debate with me or to contribute to this blog, please don’t resort to petty insults because that is what BN does best. In Chinese language there is term called “seow ren”. You fit into this term, every inch of it! If you don’t understand, I suggest you ask Earnest. He is a Chinese scholar, much much better than many Chinese speaking bloggers here.

  49. It takes a thief to catch a thief, the malaysians newspaper either wholly or partly owned by whoever are at the mercy of the BN cronies , just like in all malaysian life.

    All form of media ” tells” only things good about BN never any thing sorry.
    It also tells us what we must do, what we must not do or ELSE…

    Blackmailing is a both an art and science in BN’s bollehland.

    You dont pay you dont pass the toll gate,
    you dont grease up the little napoleans you get the whole book thrown at you… word by word.
    You not Bum mee , you dont share the cake.

    You make me happy , I think about it.
    You give trouble , I remove you or get out.

  50. timmytan Says: let’s be realistic here. I am an avid reader of the Star and i follow the articles of its editor in chief very closely. i truly believe that the Star is making a concerted effort in factual honest and non-biased reporting, but change takes time, especially in a cocooned society such as ours…..definitely better than the CRAP we get when Dr. M was around….

    I think you are talking nonsense. The Star is not just a government regulated paper, it is also a vested interest controlled paper, i.e even private parties can exercise influence over the issues the newspaper should highlight or suppress. Nowadays, I think NSTP has more b*lls than the Star.

    We need more time to change? Isn’t this UMNO, MCA and Gerakan have been saying. Ya, so how much more times do we need, another 50 years? We should have changed yesterday – the government, the newspapers and every damn thing.

  51. timmytan Says: let’s be realistic here. I am an avid reader of the Star and i follow the articles of its editor in chief very closely.

    You are right, which means you are wrong! I used to be avid reader of the Star too, but that was when I was young and naive. You know what, if you continue to read the Star for another 10 years, seriously, your intelligence, perceptive ability and discernment will go down the drain. That is what I have been telling many young people nowadays. The Star must change, not we change for the Star. The Star must make the right choice now, otherwise in 10 years, it is history. Tell me how many Malays buy the Star other than Government. We can’t be supportive of the newspaper who continues to collude and abuse us. The Star can’t even write good and proper English nowadays.

  52. Bystander, I am talking to someone who thinks the Star is a fair and even keel paper. That to me is nonsense and that is the argument. I don’t mind people coming here telling us that the Star have no choice but to behave the way it does. We will understand because employees of the STAR need to earn a living and the shareholders need to earn return of their investment.
    But I still feel that the paper must be a little more forceful in asserting its independence despite the adverse circumstances. It is difficult I know.

  53. Kickbutt, in case you missed this, please read slowly because you have lousy english.
    Sometimes I wonder why some people can be so blatantly despicable. Why bother to come here to talk about fairness, transparency and accountability when they can’t even be honest with themselves – like for example, being truthful with the handles they use. At least BN never cheat themselves; they just cheat the rakyat. This fellow, kickbutt @come2papi @darkhorse @godiva @colonel @godamn @diaperhead @blackeye @laifoong @dracula cheats himself/herself everyday!

    I am amazed at the amount of energy you spent doing all these nonsense just to harass me instead of thinking and writing something substantive. Hello, kickbutt, my challenge to you still stands. You write me three paragraphs on any of the issues highlighted here. We shall debate about it. If I find you good and credible, I shall take my leave from this blog for a period of time just to watch you contributing. You have my word, because I am not a coward. Come on, take the challenge, it is only from someone who does not know how to spell “hindsight”. Our famous QC spelt “credibility” with “curability”. But I understood him even before he put up the correction. We type quickly and with auto spell software, certain words just get skewed into something else without us realising it. Kickbutt, if you have nothing left to debate with me or to contribute to this blog, please don’t resort to petty insults because that is what BN does best. In Chinese language there is term called “seow ren”. You fit into this term, every inch of it! If you don’t understand, I suggest you ask Earnest. He is a Chinese scholar, much much better than many Chinese speaking bloggers here.

  54. It is time to make a change that makes a difference; change acceptable to every one regardless of race and religion; change that calls for moderation and “real positive change”. The opportunity has “arrived”. Show that you can make the difference and compromise if needs to. You have 4 years to test your capability. If you change for the sake of change and care not to make a difference, you may face the same fate as the BN when the next general election comes. Don’t disappoint the voters.

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