56 Replies to “DAP Secretary-General Addressing the Nation”

  1. True to everything – UMNO has dominated our political landscape & painting a false picture of the ‘greatness’ of ‘the proven track-record’.

    We all know the truth. This Election is not only voting against BN in general but specifically voting out UMNO in as many seats as possible.

  2. With that, if the Chinese & Indians are ‘afraid’ of MCA/MIC’s ‘threat’ of under-representation in Cabinet, it is time to teach UMNO a lesson in Malay-majority areas where the Malay votes are split.

    In these areas – there is nothing for the Chinese/Indians to be afraid of. You have BN(UMNO) vs PKR/PAS. Vote for Opposition here to teach UMNO a lesson. What can you lose – Nothing! But you can teach UMNO a good lesson that in these Malay majority areas, a small 30% of non-Malays, can be a BIG deciding factor for toppling UMNO.

    Sleep early tonite – we have a long day tomorrow. Vote in the morning, watch TV for good news in the evening & cheers with the best beer at 11pm where DAP, PKR & opposition triumph in denying BN 2/3 way till 2-3am!!! Think Positive, Just Change It!

  3. To the men and women of DAP who have been working very hard the past weeks for the party, I truly hope all those support here and at your ceramahs will translate into votes in your favour.

    Another long day to go so have a well-deserved rest before the tsunami sweeps in, so get ready your winning smile by late evening! :D

  4. Cut short my trip to Hong Kong. Just landed…had to return to give my vote to DAP. Once in 4 years, this chance to vote for change must not be missed.
    Guan Eng and team – you have my 100% SUPPORT. My friends from overseas are coming back to give DAP their support too. To all dear Malaysians vote for DAP. Every vote counts.

  5. Seriously, too excited until can’t sleep. First time voter here! :) Maybe because of you all made me can’t sleep. What did you all do to me? You all made me Berubah Untuk Malaysia!!!

  6. The SIGNS are everywhere. SIGNS for CHANGES!! Just look at the contributions from those who attended the Oppositions’ ceramah! This round, the cut is ONE THIRD OFF. Next round YOU ALL will be in REAL competition!!
    Those organised by BN in Klang had to beg the neighbourhood to help to cart away the food offered! Insufficient people to finish the food!! Anyway, this is their only offer for their ceramahs. NO AGENDA! Dare not debate! Full of FEARS to raise any subject! They can’t debate becos all these years the MASTERS have told them to SHUT-UP!!!
    So they keep on harping Bodowi’s threat, you won’t be represented! What representation?? Ada atau Ta’ada pun serupa!!
    It is certainly better to have DAP-PKR-PAS to represent ALL MALAYSIANS based on TRUTH, CONSCIENCE, WITHOUT CORRUPTION at every corners!! AT least these MPs would raise ALL questions that need to be RAISED!!

  7. alaneth Says:

    Today at 01: 43.59 (4 minutes ago)
    all ready Says: Today at 01: 25.53 (58 seconds ago)

    From Bernama.com:Daro Seri Hishamuddin says UMNO doesn’t need the support of Chinese and Indians to win


    Give us the link, otherwise you are alsao playing dirty game like UMNO.

  8. It is a good idea to give RM6,000 per year to poor families, since poor families who cannot afford a car can now benefit from revenues collected by Petronas and the problem of subsidized diesel smuggling is solved once and for all.

  9. Hey SkullOfScar Says:,

    You have got Khairy’s driving licence details. Note he’s got no motorcycle license – only class D. Yet on the same page got photos of him riding motorcycle. That’s against the law! JPJ can confiscate his motorcycle.

    But he has done so many things, which if Orang Awam Malaysia does will be caught – like protesting in KL convention centre when Condolezza Rice visited etc. So don’t see JPJ taking any action soon…

  10. Action speaks louder than words! The only chance we get to show the incompetent BN government who is the BOSS! The PEOPLE! Pls exercise your right, vote for change, vote for opps, vote for DAP!
    May all the oppposition candidates are blessed with LUCK tomorrow!

  11. Penang will sink tomorrow thanks to Hissap-putin’s reminder””Han Chiang roar” was heard on 6/3/2208 by all Penangites where there were more than 30,000 DAP supporters attended DAP “ceremah.Even rain did not stop people from coming as all of us were carrying umbrellas.

    TSUNAMI will strike Penang on 8/3/2008 and the the casualties will be Gerakan,MCA and UMNO.

  12. The day of reckoning has finally arrived. All right thinking Malaysians look forward to a new dawn, one which can bring hope and one which can open the door for us to walk through to a promising future. Almost all of us have made up our minds the candidates who deserve our votes. The mood of the people as seen by the overwhelming crowds at the opposition ceramahs is obvious. Shall we see the beginning of a new dawn?

  13. my mum used to whisper to me when i was stil a 8/9 y/o boy : son, vote for the opposition parties! and now mum is far away from me in heavan, “mum, i m voting for the opposition party!”

  14. I am a first time voter, so when we vote must we X the whole box or just a X in the box is enough? Sorry for the noob question as i don’t want to waste my vote. I want my voice to be heard together with all the opposition people~!!

  15. i’m so excite! i’m ready to go for voting. i voting DAP – state and Parliment – Keadilan(no DAP candidate)

    good luck to all Opposition candidates and hope all DAP candidate win.

    if Malaysia Boleh DAP Lagi Boleh!

  16. There have been instances of women counting the votes putting under their finger nails lead (from pencils) and then scratching the ballot papers as they counted them! These votes would have to be counted as ‘spoilt’!

  17. For the last 13 days, DAP and PKR have done an excellent job. YB Lim and Anwar have travelled the length of the country to get their messages across to the people. Their unselfish and tiring effort must be commended.

    Now is the time for us to to do the necessary, to deliver the final blow, to vote out BN and save our country. This is my pay back to YB Lim and Anwar.

  18. Guan Eng’s speech is what we call “Hitting the nail on the head”. That is exactly what Malaysians want, but has not been courageous to do all these while because of threats by BN. Compared to AAB’s election speech, which is threatening in nature, Guan Eng’s speech is very much more moderate, sensible, rational and justified.

  19. I support a strong opposition. But DAP-SG speech is not impressive at all. DAP have to do much better. Taking $30+ billion and give cash to the needy is the worst solution a DAP-SG can come up with. We all know how to spend money, but DAP has to know how to spend it wisely. Teach them (the poor or disadvantaged) how to fish rather than giving than the fish… everyone know that this is how things ought to be done .. Create more job opportunities, training the work force and better their skill set and prepare them for the growth …. Unless the DAP-SG is also trying to fish votes during this election just like the rest of the political parties.. ???????VS??????? debate is not interesting.. I think DAP’s ??????? are very potential leader in DAP.

  20. Ooos mistake .. correction in [ ]

    I support a strong opposition. But DAP-SG speech is not impressive at all. DAP have to do much better. Taking $30+ billion and give cash to the needy is the worst solution a DAP-SG can come up with. We all know how to spend money, but DAP has to know how to spend it wisely. Teach them (the poor or disadvantaged) how to fish rather than giving than the fish… everyone know that this is how things ought to be done .. Create more job opportunities, training the work force and better their skill set and prepare them for the growth …. Unless the DAP-SG is also trying to fish votes during this election just like the rest of the political parties.. Ke Ming VS Zhang Qin debate is [more] interesting.. I think DAP’s Ke Ming and Zhang Qin are very potential leader in DAP

  21. This would have been my 3rd time voting but as I’m working overseas I can’t make it back to vote this time. My support is fully behind DAP. May you thrash BN today in the elections and send them back to the stone age where they belong.

  22. ladygodiva says:There have been instances of women counting the votes putting under their finger nails lead (from pencils) and then scratching the ballot papers as they counted them! These votes would have to be counted as ’spoilt’!

    You may have to prove it if you made specific allegation like that. Otherwise you credibility.

  23. Lim Guan Eng,

    I have faith in the common people of Malaysia and that they will make Malaysia a new Malaysia to-day.You will get to bed with a broad smile on your face for Malaysians have spoken thro their votes today.

  24. Chinese schools contracted from 93 to 90 during the reign of Koh Tsu Koon as Penang’s Chief Minister (1990 – 2008).

    A memorandum to the latest Penang Structural Plan (2005-2020) indicates that Penang requires 13 additional Chinese primary schools (5 on Penang Island, 8 on Seberang Prai). Tsu Koon could do lots of things for the community, but he did nothing.

    Yesterday, we blew his cover by stating that a piece of land measuring 6 acre, located at the reclaimed land in Bayan Mutiara, was handed over to the Education Ministry, reserved for the building of schools.

    The land owner is PDC Properties Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Penang Development Corporation (PDC). The chairman of PDC is none other than Koh Tsu Koon.

  25. Great job, Lim EG,
    We need people like you to continue make malaysian’s dream come true “be all you can be” but…….always prevented, obstructed and denied

    Get your team up and running, we need young people like you to
    make sure our children still have the same hopes as i have hope from your father and his friends.

    BN clubbers had not done their duty, the little napoleons also can fight them and side step them, BN is nothing, cannot do anything for 50 years.
    for 50 years they made changes but all the wrong changes because they are not listening to the people and the little napoleons are not listening either.

    The people has no other place to turn to.

    Muslims go to their mosques
    Christians go to their churches
    Buddhists and Taoist and Indians go to their respective temples

    BN go to the BANK.

    VOTE for Corrective Change


  26. I need some clarification here, higher fuel subsidies + annual cash aids should be more than Petronas’ profits right? With our oil reserves running out in less than a decade, is that a feasible plan?

  27. Why not stormfury… They have calculated that 35 M is needed for the annual cash aids. Where as, Petronas is making 80 Billion! Sell submarine Commission already 500 Million… If that 500 Million is used to build school and help the rakyat, isnt that better? Rather then making one rich, why dont share it with the rakyat?

  28. “You may have to prove it if you made specific allegation like that. Otherwise you credibility. “limkamput

    That is a passage taken out from a book by K.J. Ratnam, “Communal Politics in Malaysia” and it has been proven.

    Don’t be too clever by half!

  29. The Opposition cruised through the election with wonderful results, leaving the fools in wonder. I guess we do not need indelible ink, we just need to th-ink!! and vote wisely. Now, the Oppositions have to work hand-in-hand leaving behind their differences and concentrate on Nation Building. With the strong mandate given to them, those people especially of the Makkal Sakti want to see whether the promises promised earlier are to be fulfilled without bias. I wish that my brothers and sisters from other ethnic groups especially Malays and Chinese too will be able to enjoy the results of their votes. God Bless.

  30. DAP, PKR, and PAS now rule 5 states and the FT (KL). You are no longer just ‘promises for a better and fairer future’. Come the 13th GE, your performance and deliveries will be judged and assessed by the people, your bosses, against the promises that you made in 2008!

    If DAP, PKR, and PAS fail the people in the next 4 to 5 years, you will be a one-term entity. You will be removed by the people, your bosses.

    Be forewarned and good luck.

  31. ladygorilla@darhorse says:That is a passage taken out from a book by K.J. Ratnam, “Communal Politics in Malaysia” and it has been proven. Don’t be too clever by half!

    Did KJ Ratnam holds a patent on this passage? I did not even know this book existed. So, you think a chinese school educated can not write like Ratnam?

    Now that the oppositions have won big, are you going to say that your accusation still stands?

  32. showsomemercy Says:

    March 8th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 00: 51.46
    I am going bald if if opposition deny BN 2/3 majority! Go Go Go!

    hey showsomemercy, have u botak your hair liao…b’cos ooposition had denied BN 2/3 majority….Go go go bald…..:))))

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