At least 3 DAP MPs each from Sabah and Sarawak – provided no split votes

It is regrettable that the understanding between DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) for a “one-to-one” contest against the Barisan Nasional (BN) could not be extended from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak, resulting in three or multi-cornered contests in the two East Malaysian states.

After the 12 days of campaigning, it is clear that in both Sabah and Sarawak, where DAP candidates are involved in three or multi-cornered contests, the real battle is between the DAP and the BN candidates.

In the 2007 general election, where every parliamentary and state assembly seat counts in the national objective to smash Umno political hegemony, it is imperative that the voters in Sabah and Sarawak are fully conscious and mindful that they should not allow any BN candidate in the two states to win because of split Opposition votes – which could only prevent the DAP candidate from winning by allowing the BN candidate to slip into victory by minority votes.

We can look forward to at least 3 DAP MPs from Sabah and Sarawak each in the general election tomorrow, provided there is no split votes to let the BN candidate win by default of split majority votes. Continue reading “At least 3 DAP MPs each from Sabah and Sarawak – provided no split votes”

Putrajaya 4th-storey boys rushed in Penang – BN panics at wind of change in polls

Marking growing panic in the Barisan Nasional at the strong winds of change rising up in the land, highlighted by last night’s 60,000-strong DAP ceramah crowd at Han Chiang Chinese School grounds in Penang which collected over RM130,000 in public donations, the Putrajaya Fourth-Storey Boys have rushed up to Penang with their final bag of dirty tricks to check, counter and reverse the tide of change embracing Penang and the whole nation in the 12th general election.

The twin DAP objectives in the March 8, 2008 general election – to deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in Parliament and the Penang State Assembly – seem to be increasingly feasible and within reach, and this is causing panic in Barisan Nasional circles.

Can the Putrajaya 4th-Storey Boys block and reverse the rising wind of change in Penang and Malaysia?

One brain-child of the Putrajaya 4th-storey Boys is the unprecedented live telecast of the Prime Minister to the nation as the final election campaign message of the Barisan chairman, which will be telecast live to the nation over the television channels.

This will be in the form of an interview with the Prime Minister by The Star Group Editor Datuk Wong Chun Wai and TV3’s Fuad Abdul Rahman in the Bual Pilihanraya programme at 9 pm.

This final election campaign message, to be telecast live over the television channels, will also be the final election abuse by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is completely indifferent to ethics, morality and integrity of government leaders, especially during the period of the election campaign after dissolution of Parliament until the election of a new Parliament and government, when he is only caretaker Prime Minister and all Ministers mere caretaker Ministers.

A caretaker Prime Minister has no business to give his final election campaign message as Barisan Chairman unless similar live-telecast time is offered to leaders of political parties in the Opposition to similarly deliver their “final election campaign” messages. Continue reading “Putrajaya 4th-storey boys rushed in Penang – BN panics at wind of change in polls”

Devilish Star heading with two lies in 11 words – call for nation-wide firestorm protest without instant Star online apology

(Media Conference Statement 2 at DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre on Friday, 7th March 2008 at 12.30 pm)

The Star headline “Opposition senses victory – Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS” today are downright double lies.

This is the Star report (N 12):

PKR and DAP will form next Government , say Anwar and Kit Siang


KUALA LUMPUR: Buoyed by the large crowds at their rallies, opposition parties are now claiming they can win the general election and form the next Government.

PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his DAP counterpart Lim Kit Siang both expressed confidence that their loose coalition, which also includes PAS, had the support of the voters.

In Rembau, Anwar said he was confident the Opposition would win and “our first duty to the people is to bring down oil prices.”
“God willing, we will win on March 8. You tell those Barisan (Nasional) boys we will win,” he saud.

“And when DAP, PKR and PAS win on March 8, we will bring down the oil prices on March 9,” he said at a ceramah yesterday.

In Ipoh, Lim said a strong and powerful wind of change was blowing in the land and he was also confident of the voters’ support.

This, he said, was evident by the mammoth turnout, enthusiastic responses and generous donations of Malaysians at ceramah held in various states.

“The crowd numbered from several thousands to more than 10,000 at the ceramah I attended in Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Perak and Penang in the past three days,” Lim told reporters yesterday.

“But the question is whether the wind of change rising will be strong and powerful enough on March 8 to make it a day of history and a day of destiny for Malaysia,” Lim added.

There is nothing wrong with the report filed by the Star reporter Chan Li Leen but everything wrong with the heading given by the sub-editor or editor. Continue reading “Devilish Star heading with two lies in 11 words – call for nation-wide firestorm protest without instant Star online apology”

No Chinese representationn in govt – then Pak Lah must step down as PM as he had promised to be PM for all races

(Media Conference Statement by DAP Parliamentary Candidate for Ipoh Timur Lim Kit Siang at the DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre, Ipoh on Friday, 7th March 2008 at 12 noon)

I am utterly shocked and stunned – that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has done what even Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in his most undemocratic excesses had never done in 22 years as Prime Minister, trying to force the Chinese voters to vote for MCA and Gerakan with the irresponsible threat that they could end up without any Chinese Ministers or representation in Government.

It is a grave sign of political desperation and bankruptcy – that Abdullah himself should go down into the gutter to indulge in the politics of scare, intimidation and blackmail to force the Chinese voters to vote for MCA and Gerakan candidates.

The MCA leadership has been adopting a “Jekyll-and-Hyde” attitude – playing both the role of human being and the devil at the same time – with the MCA Deputy President Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy boldly declaring only yesterday that MCA is confident it will be able to capture the majority of the 40 parliamentary and 60 state assembly seats it is contesting, while on the other hand, egging Abdullah to warn that the Chinese will end up not having any representation in the Government if the Chinese give the DAP their votes. Continue reading “No Chinese representationn in govt – then Pak Lah must step down as PM as he had promised to be PM for all races”