More seats won by MCA will only result in worsening Umno political hegemony

(Media Conference Statement by DAP Parliamentary candidate for Ipoh Timur Lim Kit Siang at the DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 1.30 pm)

When MCA should be most influential and powerful after the 1999 general election when Chinese voters saved Umno and Barisan Nasional to ensure their getting two-thirds parliamentary majority, MCA was weakest in allowing the rise of Umno political hegemony

New Straits Times has turned into a MCA and Barisan Nasional (BN) propaganda broadsheet today with the front-page headline: “Chinese voters have a simple c hoice: a bigger say in parliament and government, or a louder voice in parliament without real influence…”

Quoting the MCA strategist, Datuk Wong Mook Leong,said “the reality was that whenever the DAP did better than MCA, it was a major setback for the community”.

Wong said: “In 1986, DAP won 24 seats while MCA got 18. In 1990, DAP continued to lead MCA by two parliamentary seats.

“DAP claims that in those two terms, it was a major step for democracy. But the truth is, it was two terms of major setbacks for the Chinese community.”

This is a very dishonest distortion of Malaysian political history.

Firstly, this analysis flies in the face of the truth that it was after these two major successive wins by the DAP in the 1986 and 1990 general elections that Umno finally relented and abandoned its three-decade-long nation-building policy of assimilation and finally accepted the DAP contention that for a plural nation like Malaysia, with diverse races, languages, cultures and religions, only a policy of integration can succeed to unite the people and hold the nation together.

It was after the DAP’s consecutive electoral gains in 1986 and 1990 general elections that Vision 2020 with its objective of creating a Bangsa Malaysia was proclaimed by the then Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in February 1991, marking the abandonment of the assimilation policy of “one language, one culture” and acceptance of the integration policy of “many languages and many cultures” in Malaysia.

This was subsequently admitted publicly by Mahathir in September 1995, when he said that citizens should be proud of being Malaysians and work together instead of being preoccupied with ethnic origin.

He said to realise the goal of Bangsa Malaysia, the people should start accepting each other as they are, regardless of race and religion.

Mahathir said at the time that certain quarters may condemn him for wanting to achieve Bangsa Malaysia and not struggling for the Malay cause as he did during his early years in politics.

He said when he was fighting for the Malay cause per se, he was young and his thoughts were that of an inexperienced politician.

He stressed that in future, there would be no nation in the world which would have a single ethnic group as its citizen.

In August 1996, he told Utusan Malaysia in an interview:

“Zaman berubah. Kalau dahulu tumpuan ialah kita kepada asimilasi. Di mana-mana negara juga tidak ada lagi usaha untuk “asimilasi”, bahkan di Amerika Syarikat mereka sering bercakap berkenaan dengan “roots” asal-usul mereka. Jadi kalau kita sudah terima bahawa itu tidak mungkin, kita perlu cari jalan lain untuk merapatkan perhubungan antara kaum ini. Seperti kata De Bono, Lateral Thinking, kalau kita tidak boleh merentas satu jalan maka kita pergi ke jalan lain untuk sampai ke matlamat yang sama.”

Again in his interview with TIME magazine in December 1996, he said in a Q & A:

TIME: You recently said that efforts to assimilate races have not been successful and it was time to try something else.

Mahathir: The idea before was that people should become 100% Malay in order to be Malaysian. We now accept that this is a multi-racial country. We should build bridges instead of trying to remove completely the barriers separating us. We do not intend to convert all the Chinese to Islam, and we tell our people, the Muslims, “you will not try to force people to convert”.

I had at the time commend Mahathir for the evolution of his thinking on nation-building for Malaysia, for this was one of the cornerstones of the DAP political struggle when we were formed in 1966, to establish that Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation and that the only viable and successful nation-building policy must be one based on integration and not on assimilation.

Many DAP leaders had to pay a heavy price in terms of loss of personal freedoms or being persecuted in courts for courageously defending and upholding the rights of all races, languages, cultures and religions in a multi-racial Malaysia.
There is no doubt that if there had been no DAP in the last three decades, the attempt to impose a “One Language, One Culture” Policy in Malaysia would have been taken to extreme lengths with disastrous results both for national unity as well as development.

As a result of this paradigm shift in nation-building caused by the DAP’s consistent political stand, there was what I called “minor liberalization” in government nation-building policies and programmes on language, education and culture, which fell far short of the “full liberalization” that envisaged as the successful path for Malaysian nation-building.

In 1995, 1999 and 2004, DAP suffered electoral setbacks with the MCA making great electoral gains.

With the DAP reduced only to nine parliamentary seats in 1995, 10 seats in 1999 and 12 seats in 2004 general elections. Did the MCA build on the gains achieved by the DAP in beating off Umno’s assimilation nation-building policy, to ensure that there is full liberalization in nation-building based on integration?

The 1999 general election deserves special mention. In 1999 general election, the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” effect created political ferment among the Malay voters, with the Malays prepared for change , resulting in Umno suffering its worst electoral defeat in its party history.

Umno and Barisan Nasional would have lost their two-thirds parliamentary majority if the Chinese voters had not come to their rescue, voting to shore up Barisan Nasional’s two-thirds majority.

Instead of DAP winning some 30 parliamentary seats, which would have resulted in the BN losing its two-thirds parliamentary majority, and ushering in a new era for democratic change and greater liberalization in economic and nation-building policies, DAP suffered a major setback and won only 10 parliamentary seats.

MCA won 36 parliamentary seats. Did MCA’s huge slate of parliamentary seats and the role of the Malaysian Chinese voters in saving the Umno and BN from losing its two-third parliamentary majority in the 1999 general election resulted in a more just and equal nation-building policy and greater MCA representation in government, as increase in the number of MCA Cabinet Ministers and their appointment to key Ministries, like Finance and Industry which was previously occupied by MCA Ministers in the early years of Merdeka?

None at all. When MCA should be most influential and powerful after the 1999 general election when Chinese voters saved Umno and Barisan Nasional to ensure their getting two-thirds parliamentary majority, MCA was weakest in allowing the rise of Umno political hegemony from 1999 – 2008.

Examples are galore of the rise of Umno political hegemony, which marginalizes not only the other BN component parties but all communities, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazan-Dusun-Murut and Ibans.

There is a long list to illustrate the rise of Umno political hegemony in the past nine years, but I need only mention the following few:

• The “929 Declaration Malaysia as an Islamic state on Sept. 29, 2001;

• The Umno Youth threat to burn down the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall over the Suqiu controversy;

• The extension of the New Economic Policy from a 20-year span to 50 years and beyond;

• Umno Youth Hishammuddin Hussein’s wielding of the Malay keris at the Umno Youth assembly;

• The rejection of the Bangsa Malaysia objective of Vision 2020 by powerful circles and forces in Umno;

• The humiliation suffered by non-Umno Ministers who had submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister in 2006 about freedom of religion over the Moorthy snatch-body case, coupled with rapid increases of religious polarization over body-snatching, banning of Christian Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia using “Allah”, restriction of freedom of religion of non-Muslim communities like the Kudat Mazu controversy;

• Blatant abuse of NEP to spawn even worse corruption, cronyism and nepotism (CCN) in the Abdullah administration as compared to the Mahathir premiership, with the bumiputras being used to serve the interests of Umnoputras; and

• The Hindraf phenomenon of nation-wide Indian protest at their long-standing marginalization.

Wong Mook Leong is wrong. The more seats the MCA wins, the greater the trend towards Umno political hegemony. This is why in the 12th general election, a vote for the BN is a vote for Umno political hegemony, and why all Malaysians regardless of race or religion should unite to smash Umno political hegemony, which is completely different from Umno dominance in BN and can be a Frankestein in the Malaysian political landscape.


102 Replies to “More seats won by MCA will only result in worsening Umno political hegemony”

  1. The truth that umno run bn will never tell or admit to you. mca, gerakan, mic what a bunch of eunuch. Only during elections, you all are talking with folk tongue.

    Malaysians, please wake up, fear not and stand united with the Oppositions to fight for our rights as a citizens of this country.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  2. What MCA babbling about? The manifesto of the Rakyat this GE12 has nothing to do with ‘doing how much for particular community’.

    So MCA’s threat or analysis has no effect on the Chinese this time around.

    We are all calling for an end to race based politics. Haven’t u heard about that, MCA?

  3. All my friends, relatives, family members and most people we know have already made up their mind to vote DAP , PKR or PAS.

    We will not be influenced by the propaganda of Barisan Neraka through the media and newspapers which continue to spread more lies to the Malaysian public.

    VOTE OPPOSITION…..for a brighter future….I am ready..are you?

  4. Chinese people never learns especially those with sweety sweets in their mouths. I suspect all MCA people is not real Chinese, indeed they are money maker seekers. MCA is a body setup purposely to make money, by helping UMNO in gaining power in Malaysia. All of them are liars, see what happens to Tun Ling LS? Bigger than ever in terms of wealth and size. And how about OKT? A leader that does not look like one, a numb boy that takes whatever command particularly those that hurt the non-Malay society. Piew! Otak Kering Tipu rakyat jelata!

  5. MCA is a traitor to the Chinese and as such a traitor to the country. They have sold us out for their selfish gains. They claim to uphold the Chinese cause and fight for more schools etc but this is all lies and misleading. In the first place, education is guaranteed under the Constitution and ALL citizens have an EQUAL right to education. MCA should be fighting to enforce these rights!

  6. Quoting the MCA strategist, Datuk Wong Mook Leong,said “the reality was that whenever the DAP did better than MCA, it was a major setback for the community”.

    I am no strategist, but I got eyes to see, I have evidents that MCA sucks, everywhere! Please stop telling people you represents Chinese, I am very ashame of it.

  7. MCA is no more a office boy for UMNO. forget about equal partnership. remember Mr Loh, the previous MCA MP for Kelana Jaya. He tried to stand up for malaysian histort but what happened to him. He was threatened and then drop as a candidate. Remember the MIC fellas who were either suspended or told to shut up? Is that what you call equal partnership.
    Kit, you are absolutely right.the people are now showing their disgust for the “divide and rule” policy as well as racism practised by BN. they are now running helter skelter and are now huddling together with the government agencies in coming out with all sorts of ways to ensure that they will retain 2/3 majority. Mind you, they even stoop as low as stopping two bloggers to speak in ceramahs in penang citing them as threat to national security. Huh, I though bloggers are non-influential and 80% of them are unemployed females. eat your own words, Zam, Adnan, Azalina,Nazri!

  8. For the above, I will always vote DAP….

    Another thing…
    Raja Petra in his video in U-tube said that the real threat is from UMNO Youth – Hishamuddin, Khairy.

    I believe the non-Malays in Malaysia will vote against UMNO –

    In non-Chinese majority areas where non-Malays, are still significant and UMNO is contesting; – Vote for PKR/PRM/PAS against UMNO in these Areas!!!.

    Don’t be surprised that if Malay votes are a little split, the minority non-Malays in these areas can tip over and see parties PKR win big – who knows 30-40 seats!!! Translated means UMNO loses big!

  9. The majority of seats in Malaysia 160+ is not contested by DAP. So the Chinese & Indians here can just vote the opposition PKR/PRM/PAS. It will not do any harm to MCA right???

    The choice is simple & clear – (in 110+ seats UMNO vs PKR):
    Choose between : Ketuanan Melayu
    or : Keadilan Rakyat…..

    make your choice.!

  10. Wong Mook Leong – remember this name for a long long time, as it is the name of a running dog for UMNO. He, together with the likes of Wong Chun Wai, are what disgraces the Chinese. These are the people who would rather see the country go to the dogs for short term gains. These are the people who get slapped by UMNO and keep turning the other cheek.

    These are the people who quickly shut their front door when there is commotion in the street. Nothing more than cowards who care for their what is in their backpocket.

    Let me tell you, Wong Mook Leong, that Ong Ka Ting has no charisma, no leadership qualities. The lack of such qualities is what Mahathir (and UMNO) wanted for the minority races. I would not let Ong Ka Ting run a company, much less be the spokesman for the Chinese community. How else can you explain that the MCA could allow a crook like Ling Hee Leong to run for Gopeng ? Don’t you know that the files on Ling Hee Leong is so thick with the ACA and the Special Branch ? Every time KJ holds a meeting with MCA Youth, all he needs to do is to put the files on the table before the start of the meeting. Isn’t this an absolute disgrace to all Chinese ? Isn’t this cutting your nose off to spite your face ?

    Wong Mook Leong, if you have any sense of shame, you will resign from your post instead of talking through a different orifice.

  11. klse composite index down to 1280 points from high of 1500 in january. someone in the government told us that we are insulated from external market forces.
    need tony pua to be the minister of finance.

  12. A drowning man will cling to a straw. In this case, a drowning political party is clinging onto its last hope, the hope of “charity votes” by the Chinese community! MCA should ask itself, what has it done for the Chinese community in Malaysia to deserve the support of the people. All these years of partnership with UMNO, MCA is nothing but a “dog”, responding to every action by its master and foregoing the interests of the Chinese in Malaysia.

    It does not dare offend UMNO in any way. A classic example is the silence by MCA on the issue of AAB declaring Malaysia as an “Islamic State”. I remember years back, MCA was opposing PAS for setting up an Islamic State in Malaysia but now when UMNO say the same thing, the response is different. And as I have said in many other blogs, if at all Malaysia is an Islamic State, do you think there will be places in Parliament or the government for MCA? An Islamic state is run by Muslims only and what role can MCA play in an Islamic State? Have all the leaders and members of MCA embraced Islam? Have they given up eating pork? Have they been circumcised and cleansed? And have they gone home to throw away their ancestral worship tablets?

  13. Yes, if MCA and by extension is not taught a lesson we’ll see the meaningless representation of the Malaysian Chinese become even worse. We must dare to take the leap into uncharted waters if voting the opposition will mean less Malaysian Chinese in the government. For these years have shown to us how utterly useless the Malaysian Chinese representation has been. Let’s show to UMNO and the MCA we have enough of their shadow play – the MCA must show it can speak up for the cause of justice and fairness if any government action affects ordinary Malaysians and not kow-tow to UMNO everytime.

  14. Hey Hey Hey you BN MCA, without DAP standing on top of your head looking down on what you are doing, you BN MCA a$$ will not be call dogs anymore but hyenas . You need DAP to shout at you than only you listen because you BN MCA a$$ have come to a stage where you dont listen to the rakyat anymore. We will all be dead. Thank God we got DAP to watch over your head.


  15. CSL is now encouraging his son to stand for election so that, if elected, his son can follow his example of womanizing, while receiving his salary and perks from the rakyat.

    His son may be smarter than CSL by not using the same room in the same hotel for his activities (unlike his dumb old man).

    Do we want this kind of MCA dumb to represent us?!

  16. During the past week I have made my feelings known about my dissatisfaction of the present BN dominated government to a group of Chinese friends and colleague. To my surprise they still think MCA & BN is the way to go. And I am sure there will be more people like that out there. So for those people this is my message for you.

    For those Chinese who still think of voting BN, just think of what you could do to your future food supply.

    With BN continued 2/3 majority in the next parliament you will see a more catastrophic event like what had happened in Paya Mengkuang last October. In that event about 2000 strong government officials, armed forces and police helicopter were harassing the helpless pig rearing farmers including women and children to kill all the pigs in the farm. Even MCA cannot stop the attack such UMNO hegemony.

    The whole event was well orchestrated to work up the religious sentiment of the Malay community through UMNO sponsored TV3. TV3 run a series of documentaries showing how students in an Islamic University complaining of the foul smell emitting from the sewage. Even the race of the commentator was well chosen ( he is a Pajabi) so that it would be viewed as rejection not only from the Malays but other races too.

    I know the fact well because I was living in that area before they put the Islamic University. My question for the government, why in the first place they build an Islamic University there knowing the fact that the site is situated near the pig rearing farms?

    So, if you are selfish enough to vote BN, you are a real traitor to Malaysian Chinese.

  17. The more seats the MCA wins, the more eunuchs will there in Parliament representing Chinese community. Do you know what is eunuch, Mr Wong Mook Leong? Pls look at the mirror. Tell me where had you been when Hishammuddin Hussein waived the keris!

  18. no comment YB, everything have been said…

    my wish now, to live together as one, malaysia malaysian.
    no more status quo! kito manusia semuanya sama taraf…
    yang penting, mulakan malaysia baru… hapuskan diskriminasi dan diktatorship!!!

    salam. all the best to DAP/PKR/PAS and the rest…

  19. In fact communal parties like MCA<UMNO<MIC are fit for the museum in the globolaized world of today.Wong Mook Leong and a few others like the Star’s WCW are all hypocrites and have their own selfish agendas.After the 2000 and 2004 GE,despite winning a substantial number of seats in both Dewan Rakyat and the various Dewan Negeri,MCA has failed to defend the rights of the non Malays including Chinese.Two examples suffice to substantiate my statement.Firstly MCA backed out in the inter faith memorandum and secondly MCA failed to systemise the building of SRJK(C) in most urban areas.Do not fall prey to their selfish tactic that a stronger DAP in the coming GE will diminish their political clout in BN.

  20. The cantonese word for nation/country is “kok-kar”.
    My grandma used to say, always take care of your country/nation(‘kok”) first, before you have peace and prosperity in your “kar”. If there is no “kok”, there’ll be no peace and families will be destroyed.

    With rampant corruption, an incompetent government, judiciary rot and blatant abuse of power under UMNO controlled Barisan Nasional(BN), do you think there is future for our children and their grandchildren? We owe it to them and change we must and the time is NOW!

    I call on those members in BN, if they have any conscience left, please do the necessary.

    On sat 8 March 2008, together let’s put our precious votes to the ‘United Rakyat’ of DAP, PKR and PAS!

  21. To my dear DAP leaders,
    well, i received the msg from my friend through msn showed that one person might have two opportunity to vote at two different place. The message is showed as below, everybody might try to check it…thx

    “try to check this … T719756 and this … 750909035727… 1 person 2 vote (in PULAU PINANG and KELANTAN)!!! try 2 check… , spread and lets your friends know!!!”

  22. WML was an invisibile man when HH waive the keris. But he floating in the air, hovering above HH, and got castrated by the keris….Hence without his own, he’s carrying for others…..

  23. “Zaman berubah. Kalau dahulu tumpuan ialah kita kepada asimilasi. Di mana-mana negara juga tidak ada lagi usaha untuk “asimilasi”, bahkan di Amerika Syarikat mereka sering bercakap berkenaan dengan “roots” asal-usul mereka. Jadi kalau kita sudah terima bahawa itu tidak mungkin, kita perlu cari jalan lain untuk merapatkan perhubungan antara kaum ini. Seperti kata De Bono, Lateral Thinking, kalau kita tidak boleh merentas satu jalan maka kita pergi ke jalan lain untuk sampai ke matlamat yang sama.”

    Ok lah, I can agree a little bit what Mahathir said but I also have a lot of doubt about it. Mahathir always said the right things but that doesn’t mean he is a man of his word, we inherited Mahathir’s mistakes, he twisted everything in his 22 years rules so that he can ruled for 22 years. He should stop talking nonsense, he should comes to term with his own dillemma that haunted him ever since he stepped down. Mahathir said the people deserved the government the choose, and according to him Abdullah’s government sucks! But… UMNO is not suck, UMNO is OK, only Abdullah is not OK, Najib Ok, Anwar cannot, but I am not supporting the oppositions. It is all rubbish! My advice is, stay out of politics.

  24. “TIME: You recently said that efforts to assimilate races have not been successful and it was time to try something else.
    Mahathir: The idea before was that people should become 100% Malay in order to be Malaysian. We now accept that this is a multi-racial country. We should build bridges instead of trying to remove completely the barriers separating us. We do not intend to convert all the Chinese to Islam, and we tell our people, the Muslims, “you will not try to force people to convert”.”

    At that time we probably think “Wow! Mahathir is brilliant, he knew what is gong on and he knew certain things cannot be changed, and yeah! He is a good Prime Minister because he said we should now build bridges instead of forcing Chinese to convert to Islam.” And then what? They build more barriers instead. What did we do? Nothing.

  25. [New Straits Times has turned into a MCA and Barisan Nasional (BN) propaganda broadsheet today with the front-page headline: “Chinese voters have a simple choice: a bigger say in parliament and government, or a louder voice in parliament without real influence…”]

    A bigger say in parliament?
    I don’t think so if all MPs of BN can only go along with the stand
    taken by BN, which is = to XXXX stand.
    Just look how Gerakan Youth Vice-Chief S Paranjothy was treated by his own party when he spoke his mind!

    The voice will indeed be very loud and influential if we have a strong opposition. Just imagine if the representation in the parliament is 50% BN and 40% opposition.

    Indeed, all voters (not limited to Chinese voters) have a very simple choice! Vote opposition!

  26. Wong Mook Leong, tell me where had you been when Hishammuddin Hussein waived the keris!

    Wong Mook Leong was busy searching for his bolas which dropped off in fright at the sight of the keris

  27. MCA colour – blue and yellow.
    Blue film/VCD and yellow culture!

    Yes, if you want to see bare ass, pucking, sucking, and hear grunting or snorting – then vote for MCA MPs – Malaysia truly famous because of MCA MPs.

    Yes, if you want Chinese begging for and happy with crumbs from Umno, then vote for MCA MPs, who will continue to sing karaoke songs and enrich themselves and be billionaires at tender ages.

    Voters – you decide.

  28. In my opinion, not only the Chinese is marginalised, but also the Malays. MCA can’t really fight for the Chinese, either is UMNO for the Malays. A clear example is that they announce the fund for Chinese Primary School at the juncture of GE. The question is really, why now? and the so little amount takes such a long time to come! Is MCA doing enough? Are they really sitting at par with UMNO? Is there any statement they produce that make a check-and-balance on UMNO? No at all! They have lost their voice already! Ong Ka Ting proposed the life-long learning, but what is that to be learned without the courage to stand for justice and our principles. What does MCA have to offer to us as Chinese?

  29. I have checked out the 2 ID posted by vincent2758,
    it is indeed one person can vote twice. This is a proof all along about the suspicion of postal voters.

    The question is what can we do about it?

    Can we make a police report of an impending election fraud?

  30. Dear fellow chinese malaysians, let us be smart for once, not to be forgetful and shortsighted, for we have been hearing the same old lies from MCA throughout these years.

    Do not be FOOLED by the beautiful promises that would only come in every 4 years. Do not ALLOW them to stay in the parliment anymore for the UMNO political hegemony. The mistake we commit today, our children will have to face the consequences. Let us teach them a good lesson this time, make them pay for what they have taken from the us.

    Support Kit Siang and his colleagues from the opposition parties. Let us blast them out of the parliment for good.

  31. A big flood in Kota Kinabalu area yesterday. Ironically, the worst hit area was around the Penampang & Kepayan area which was represented by none other than Sabah MCA Chief, Edward Khoo. The MCA candidate for N19 Kepayan was seen busy paying visit to the flood victims together with Kota Kinabalu Mayor.

    The seat was given to MCA last Election by the Barisan National (UMNO) in order to further divide the Sabah Chinese as there were other local based Chinese party like LDP-3 seats, SAPP-5 seats and PBS-2 seats (so call mutilracial party).

  32. //Don’t you know that the files on Ling Hee Leong is so thick with the ACA and the Special Branch ? Every time KJ holds a meeting with MCA Youth, all he needs to do is to put the files on the table before the start of the meeting./// — Godfather

    That was the secret. The thicker the file, the safer constituency the MCA candidates will be placed for the election. They are much easier to control than UMNO candidates, besides they are useful for projecting the false impression that government policies were accepted by the Chinese communities. The larger the number of MCA MPs, the more people to threaten, and they would be pressuring each other to ensure that ACA files stayed buried.

    Wong Mook Leong tried to argue as though MCA Mps served Chinese community. LKS provided facts to prove the contrary. When there were more MCA MPs than ministerial positions, MCA minister hopefuls would try to outbid each other to be the lapdog, and selling themselves cheap. Samy Vellu, the only Cabinet Minister from MIC was more effective than individual MCA Ministers, or maybe taken together.

    What use is OKT as Minister of Housing and Local Government when there are two tracks house prices, which were not even introduced during the early days of NEP? That is against the Federal Constitution and is not provided under NEP. Malay Minister might realise that the practice is against the teaching of Islam, and might not allow it.

    UMNO claims that it fights for Malays, MCA fights for Chinese, and MIC fights for Indians. But who are they fighting against? There are no foreign enemy residing in the country. So, UMNO must be fighting against Chinese and Indians, MCA against Malays and Indians, and MIC against Malays and Chinese. From government policies led by UMNO, it is clear that UMNO lives up to its claim in fighting against Chinese and Indians. MCA and MIC could not defend their communities but instead they have been serving as bodyguards for UMNO in its fight against Chinese and Indians.

    The Chinese and Indians cannot stop UMNO when it chooses to fight them. But they can prevent MCA and MIC to remain serving as bodyguards for UMNO. Without the bodyguards, UMNO would have to weigh the consequence when they choose to introduce more discriminatory policies against non-Malays.

    Let us remove the MCA and MIC as political parties. Let UMNO face the world as the only racist political party without MCA and MIC keeping its company.

  33. MCA is the political dog for UMNO. Do not trust these ppl. VOTE OPPOSITION!! The future is in your hands. Get rid of the USELESS BN. we do not want sleeping,corrupt,terrorist,racist ministers. these are the people who belong in ISA instead of innocent Hindraf leaders

  34. This WML is talking cock n probably insane! and true, some Chinese still support BN, MCA, these are real idiots, fools, masochist or insane why support such parties, corrupt, racist, gfn, brainless, thuggish, gangster like ppl.
    Come on, those who still suport BN, it is bcos of yr support, BN had deteriorated Msia to present state. If U claim U love Msia, surely U don’t wan BN to spoilt Msia further! So NO MORE VOTE for BN!

  35. wong mook leong, you better leave your job at mca. It will make you a lot happier.Calling yourself a representative of the CHINESE community, you closed your eyes, mind and feeling to all the nonsense that took place in bn! Corruptions! Deceptions, Murders, and what have you?.
    And you bend on talking cock and bull, to mislead the people especially the younger set! Do you want to bringup your grandchildren in such environment? I left out your children, thinking you have already induced them to follow your mca footstep.

  36. “…When MCA should be most influential and powerful after the 1999 general election when Chinese voters saved Umno and Barisan Nasional to ensure their getting two-thirds parliamentary majority, MCA was weakest in allowing the rise of Umno political hegemony from 1999 – 2008.”

    Never a truer word spoken.

    In fact, when I see those huge full page ads taken out daily by the MCA claiming credit for the success of scholarships to Chinese students and the additition of new chinese schools, I wonder if the MCA stopped and think how idiotic their claims are. Because, those scholarships by right should have been awarded to those students in the first place without anyone having to “fight” for them. They earned them but were robbed and stolen by the ruling majority with MCA’s support. The same goes for the schools. The Consititution guarantees freedom of education in the mother tongue so why do we have to beg for what is our right in the first place and feel grateful when the crumbs are dished out? And to rub salt into injury, the scholarship and schools are funded by taxpayers’ money- our money and according to TDM’s own admission, the majority of the taxes are paid by the non Muslims.

    If the MCA had more guts and get to the root of the problem and stand up to their UMNO big brother and tell them in no uncertain terms to play fair, all these discriminations will not happen and there will no need to “fight” for our rights.

    MCA, we are not giving you our votes because we know it will be wasted on you.

  37. A vote for MCA is a vote for Islamic state because MCA leaders rarely condemn the Islamic state declaration by Mahathir and Najib.

    A vote for MCA is a vote for teaching science and maths in English.
    I strongly believe that when this education policy was discussed in the Cabinet MCA ministers did not voice their opposition. If MCA really was influential in the Cabinet how could this policy be approved in the Cabinet meeting.

    A vote for MCA is a vote for corruption and abuse of human rights.

  38. “P.O.T.S Says:…
    MCA will always and forever accuse DAP of conspiring with PAS.
    Many Chinese will fall for that and vote for MCA, even though MCA is the lapdog of UMNO. Stop fearing PAS now. Don a PAS t-shirt”…

    hei P.O.T.S, it’s a fantastic good idea!
    all non-bumis oppo supporters should wear logos combining all oppo parties. when people ask, why PAS? you can explain directly to them. most non-bumis are not happy with islamic laws. this will sure change their mind if you tell them the truth about PAS.
    hope it’s not to late…

    salam… hidup rakyat! hidup DAP!!!

  39. To MCA scumbags:
    1. All MCA ministerial posts have no substantive power. MCA president’s ministry is a ministry without horses. Local governments are under the respective state governments, not your ministry. Minister of Transport does issue lorry, taxi and bus permits. Ministry of Human Resource does not take care of permits of foreign workers.
    2. MCA participated in all controversial constitutional amendments, including article 121 of the Federal Constitution.
    3. MCA continue to collude with UNMO to betray the interest of Chinese Community, from education, religion, civil service, police, armed forces, and the Judiciary. It is always easy for MCA and UMNO to say the Chinese are not interested in civil service, police and armed forces. If really so, how about we introduce a new national policy (just like NEP) to entice adequate participation of Chinese into those services. Give Chinese incentives and higher pay just like we give all kinds of handicaps/incentives to Malay contractors. How about it?
    4. If I am not mistaken; the last cabinet has 36 ministers, how come the number of MCA ministers remains the same despite the substantial increase in the number of ministers. Why year in and year out the MCA ministers only can hold Health, Human Resource, Local Government and Transport. You people actually have a permanent contract on these useless posts or what?
    5. Chinese Ministers used to hold Finance as well as Trade and Industry portfolios. Chinese government servants used to hold the secretary general positions of the Finance and Primary Industry Ministries as well as the State Financial Office of Penang. Chinese used to hold influential and important positions in Bank Negara. Where are they now?
    6. What about members of public service commission, teachers’ commission, and Police commission?
    7. What about directors general of statutory bodies (hundreds of them), universities, and CEOs of GLCS. Name me one important DG, VC or CEO.
    8. MCA must face reality; you people are just like pomp-pomp girls in a basket ball game in America. The game can go on without those girls.

  40. “MCA continue to collude with UNMO to betray the interest of Chinese Community, from education, religion, civil service, police, armed forces, and the Judiciary.” lamkimput

    Collude to betray Chinese interests? Why should they c-o-l-l-u-d-e to betray their communities’ interests?? That’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it?? It does not make sense! Let’s just say that the MCA and MIC have not been effective in fighting to safeguard the legitimate rights of their respective communities.

    “…how about we introduce a new national policy (just like NEP) to entice adequate participation of Chinese into those services. Give Chinese incentives and higher pay…. How about it?”

    Wait a minute! You are advocating that remuneration be tied to ethnicity! We don’t even have that under BN to begin with. That’s really dumb!

    You are giving opposition a bad name!

  41. “Collude to betray Chinese interests? Why should they c-o-l-l-u-d-e to betray their communities’ interests?? ”

    Yep, “collude” means to “come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose”

    Election is time to “kick butt” fellas! Try not to kick each other’s butts.

  42. ///Collude to betray Chinese interests? Why should they c-o-l-l-u-d-e to betray their communities’ interests??///– LadyGodiva

    I won’t rule this out when personal interests are concerned.

  43. kickbutt,

    in case you do not follow limkamput’s learned argument, it goes like this…

    he says, “MCA continue to collude with UNMO to betray the interest of Chinese Community, from education, religion, civil service, police, armed forces, and the Judiciary” which according to you can only mean MCA enters into a secret understanding or some kind of lose agreement with UMNO to betray the interest of the Chinese community, and this agreement covers “education, religion, civil service, police, armed forces and the judiciary”.

    does that make any sense?? it doesn’t make any sense to our lady govida!

    i’m no running dog of the MCA but at least we should know what we’re talking about. or else they’ll say we’re so desperate and are resorting to the kitchen sink strategy to win votes!

  44. come on, come2papa. ladygodiva, kickbutt, read the whole contact of limkamput message. let’s not waste space on trivial arguement. Of course it may look not reasonable to ask the Gomen to pay Chinese higher salary to work in the police force, but Gomen has allowed contracts to be given to Bumis at a minimun hogher rate of 19% on paper. In practice the rates have gone at least by 300%!
    Of course, if MCA did nothing to prevent UMNO from ‘raping’ the country, while being a partner of the ruling party, they can be accused of collusion. why not?
    Let us spend more space to spread the news of the irresistable and expanding expectations of Malaysians who want to have CHANGES!!


  46. waterfromcoolie,

    With all due respect, you miss the point that is being made here! The point is it is ridiculous to suggest higher pay be given to Chinese in government service so as to attract them to join the civil service!

    There are visitors to this blog who read and not comment and form their opinion of the kind of people supporting the opposition. There have been instances of Ministers and BN politicians quoting what is being said in this blog to prove their point.

    Higher pay for Chinese government servants?!! Gimme a break!

  47. “Let us spend more space to spread the news of the irresistable and expanding expectations of Malaysians who want to have CHANGES!!”

    It is not ‘change’ for the sake of change! What change are we talking about? It is important that we get that right.

  48. 1999 general election was a time when substantial Malay votes swung from UMNO to PAS because of Malays’ unhappiness with the way Anwar was treated by Mahathir’s administration.

    Dr Mahathir was saved from losing 2/3 because Malaysian Chinese, believing rightly or wrongly that a vote for DAP was a vote for PAS and a vote for an Islamic State, were irked by DAP’s collaboration with theocratic PAS via common front Barisan Alternatif and hence supported MCAS and Gerakan!

    After 1999, UMNO intensified its hegemony because it realised the importance, to it, of winning back its traditional Malay/Muslim constituency divided by Anwar’s affair, the means of which was by intensifying race and religion cards.

    This would be done by UMNO in spite of MCA winning a huge slate of 36 parliamentary seats in 1996 at expense of DAP. The dice was cast when it determined that pivotal votes for UMNO to maintain power over PAS were those of Malay/Muslim voters. That was the reason for the rise of UMNO political hegemony from 1999 – 2008.

    The argument that the more seats the MCA won, the greater the trend towards UMNO’s political hegemony is not correct because whether MCA won more or less seats would have not made an iota of difference to UMNO’s embarking, with renewed determination, on the then route to win back and now maintain traditional Malay/Muslim votes in the aftermath of the convulsions caused by Anwar’s sacking and incarceration by Dr Mahathir!

    This is a course by UMNO that should not, from UMNO’s perspectives, be thwarted by resistance by Non Malays in general, and Malaysian Chinese in particular.

    So MCA’s, Gerakan and MIC’s politicians were given more cabinet positions as patronage rewards to close one eye and keep their respective constituencies pacified as against UMNO’s expansion of its hegemony.

    What non malay parties within BN had done was to trade fighting for vital citizenship rights of their respective communities for the crumbs and rewards of ministerial or deputy ministerial positions for themselves and minor insignificant educational concessions to the interest groups within their political organisations.

    This was then – and still is – the basic “exchange model” between big brother UMNO and the other communal parties within BN’s fold.

    What MCA strategist, Datuk Wong Mook Leong has done and would try to do when he said “the reality was that whenever the DAP did better than MCA, it was a major setback for the community” is to perpetuate this basic “exchange model” as if it was a good model for the interest of the community it purports to represent.

    No, it is not a good model. The Chinese community is clear that what is good for MCA’s leaders in terms of rewards of ministerial position is not necessarily good for, nor does it necessarily translate to any influence for the good of the Malaysian Chinese community – indeed it was quite the opposite, these positions have kept their leaders sufficiently compromised from speaking out against whatever policies that are inimical to the community or the nation at large.

    In the premises, any advance by DAP in getting more seats in the coming elections at MCA’s expense that may threaten the said “exchange model” will unlikely harm – and in fact will likely do more good for – the community’s interest and the larger national interest than the other way around for MCA to hang on to the crumbs of positions dished out by UMNO laced with hegemonic conditions by which the basic “exchange model” currently subsisting, evinces no influence at all by MCA on UMNO’s policies relating to areas that matters to the community or the nation.

  49. This fear especially by Chinese businessmen that if MCA and Gerakan loses too many seats that they will lose clout is a reflection of the short-term interest of busineses. Political leadership is not about those short-term interest although they have to take into account.

    The fear is real but only in the short term. UMNO cannot rule with the support of one race only even if they have majority seat because it throws out the Rukunegara and even our constitution. The country comes close to be illegitimate, close to losing our soverign rights.

    More importantly too many powerful people in UMNO have their money in the stock market now and if the market goes down, they will demand UMNO reform. Chinese in this country ‘have cross the bridge’ with 1 million overseas and investments overseas. We will survive any severe downturn and be able to rebuilt this country. UMNO cannot survive and will pay a heavier price if there is severe downturn due to political instability.

    In other words, push comes to shove UMNO have to listen to the opposition and we have a great one in DAP.

  50. So the biggest change to – and leveller of – political structure in this country is not so much the results of coming general election but a “severe downturn” (in Big Joe’s word) – or a severe crash of Dow Jones annd equity markets around the world including Bursa Malaysia and concomitant severe property market asset deflation and shakeout here that makes all arguments and disputes on Bumi-Non Bumi equity stake by Dr Lee Teik Ghee academic!

  51. MCA and Gerakan are no longer a concern to most of the Malaysian Chinese businessmen as they have created a platform of network with international businessmen.
    UMNO knew that and that’s why AAB have been trying hard to sing the same songs with these people and at the same time allow his Son/SIL to build their empires through his power.
    AAB also knew that both Son/SIL are not businessman skill born and they are merely ‘middlemen’ and make commission from dealings.
    Penny wise, pound foolish …
    Anyway, AAB cannot be stop at any attempts as he is paying a premium price to stay in power. Stupid but worth a try.
    MCA/Gerakan are deemed as losing parties and seriously salvaging their wealth for the last fling.
    It’s like a family unit whereby the father have not spend enough effort to teach his children about family values and moral standings.
    Afterall, Chinese are mainly interested to make more monies.
    Stupid va Stupid …. that’s how BN was formed.

  52. “This fear especially by Chinese businessmen that if MCA and Gerakan loses too many seats that they will lose clout ..”

    The collusion between elements of the Malay capitalist class within UMNO, and Chinese towkays within MCA is what has moved this country along for a good part of five decades except for a brief spell in 1969, has given relative political stability and has at times been a source of attriction and confrontation.

    Can this collusion between elements of the Malay capitalist class who have a monopoly over political power and who dominate the power structure, and Chinese big business survive the threat of stagflation?

  53. MCA is afraid that poor performance in the election may cost them lesser ministerial posts in the cabinet. The argument is chinese need to give full support to MCA so that they have more negotiation tokens with UMNO. I do not share the above view. On the contrary, i believe full support from chinese to MCA will make UMNO easier to control chinese. When you do not have ministerial post at all, you are not afraid to fight with UMNO. When you received a few second-tier ministerial posts and am afraid to lose it, the best thing to do is keep quiet about sensitive issues such as islamic state. The logic is if i am poor, i am not afraid to rob. I don’t think UMNO will give Deputy Prime Minister / Finance Minister posts to a full-chinese-backing MCA. Strong opposition will make UMNO think twice on any sensitive minority issues.

  54. “Collusion” by definition means the exclusion of real competition, the existence of an uneven playing field, and the absence of laws to protect minority interests. These are not sustainable “qualities” in any environment, and of course stagflation makes it even worse for the man-in-the-street as the economic pie doesn’t grow, but inflation eats into real income.

    25 pct of Bolehland’s exports go to the US, and if the US goes into recession (which some of us think that it already is in recession), then Bolehland is going to be hit hard. The thieves will continue to collude to make money for themselves but it will get harder and harder to justify and to conceal.

  55. The backbone of our country economy consists of INDIVIDUALS business people who have suceeded under difficult circumtances without government assistance and handouts to create real and permanent jobs for the people.

    Our leaders are not preparing our country and her people for a globalised and competitive world……this explains why we are being left behind my S’pore, South Korea and Taiwan.

    Decades of bad leadership and governance of the country are doing enormous permanent and long term damage with far reaching consequence…….sadly there is no quick fix.

  56. ngahc:

    What you say apply to all minority parties in the Barang Naik coalition. It’s not just the MCA that gets “bought” with token cabinet positions, but MIC, Gerakan, PPP as well.

    All you need to do is to look at the next echelon of UMNO leaders – Khairy, Norza, Reezal, Azeez, et al – to realise that these people are not exactly people who are accomodating and who remember the words and deeds of our forefathers. Ong Ka Ting will pee in his pants when dealing with these people, and they don’t even have to raise the keris.

  57. Hegemony – UMNO.

    UMNO hegemony is despite of MCA, MIC etc. If you move around for the past few days, you’d realise many UMNO flags were destroyed in Malay areas and you would ask; Why the open revolt against BN when the Malays have it so good?

    Godfather, you are right; there are many Malays who see the present UMNO leaderships are nothing but bunch of thieves and crooks. MCA and MIC are willing partners. Together they form the Den of Thieves.

  58. Not all is well within UMNO either. Moderates like Zaid Ibrahim and Astaman Aziz have been dropped in favour of younger and more radical KJ loyalists. They tried to move Shahidan (Perlis) and Ghani (Johor) but these people are so entrenched that moving them would result in too much of a split within UMNO.

    Let’s give Badawi a black eye on Saturday – and hope that a poor showing by UMNO will result in some implosion within the den of thieves.

  59. Use your votes on Saturday to kick out the useless and bastardian
    coaliation of BN.Do not ever be deceived by people like WML,OKT,OTK from MCA.They are selfish and self serving scums.Throw out all the MCA candidates and let DAP deal with the arrogant UMNO.

  60. MCA looks very desperate now.Their candidates are not keen on holding ceramah for fear of cold response.Instead they try to conceal such embarassment by making door to door visit.But that also draws cold shoulder from the electorate.Now they resort to splashing pages and pages of lies in MSM papers and tv footage including Astro.

    Some say overwhelming turnout for DAP ceramah may not mean equal support for the ballot box.Then what about the fantastic donation collection at most ceramah?This did not happen in the past elections.So this time the wind of change is blowing indeed very strongly.

  61. V K Chin, how can you wrote in the Star that : Don’t need opposition MPs to highlight issues. I am disappointed by your narrow thinking. Singapore’s PAP almost fully absorb all the first tier talented people in their country to be MPs and cabinet ministers. Their MP and cabinet minister could debate rationally and intelligently (high quality) in the parliament. I am not suggesting that Singapore do not need opposition. But their MPs is of such a good quality that opposition found it difficult to raise issue. Over here, MCA and MIC are just toe the line in the parliament. They are subordinate to UMNO and could not raise up any issue that benefit rakyat but offend UMNO. Without opposition in the parliament, UMNO is king.

  62. That is what the MCA is doing to confuse the Chinese voters by playing the race card again. Today’s STAR, letter to the editor, “Urban Voter” said the same thing…that if MCA loses more seats, they will have less voice for the Chinese.

    Since when have the MCA fought for the Chinese? Where were MCA when the clown waved his kris and threatened the Chinese? Where was the MCA when temples were demolished? Where was MCA when educational opportunities at institutions of higher learning were given to less deserving students? Where was MCA when the cross was removed from mission schools and churches not allowed to be called as such?The list goes on….

    Truth is, MCA CANNOT fight for the Chinese, not when it matters most. No use talking about University TAR when TAR College, Melawati has been around for longer and still NO UNIVERSITY STATUS. WHY? Because TAR College, Melawati was not initiated by MCA but by Tunku Abdul Rahman for the Chinese.

    In the first place why must MCA fight for what is already guaranteed under the Constitution? Why can’t BN be a party for all instead of Malay, Chinese or Indian? BN has failed as a government for Malaysia. A vote for BN is a vote for continued failure. Time to try the alternative. Can’t be worst but could be better.

  63. All MCA MPs and ministers have been reduced to being EUNUCHS by the UMNO. Electing the MCA candidates is akin to electing impotent running dogs for the UMNOputras. They will only be too pleased to wag their tails and do what their masters order them to do. Some might even cringe in fear at the sight of the keris and tuck in their tails between their legs.

    MCA MPs and ministers are all self-serving cheats who have sold the rights of the Chinese and the marginalised minority races in Malaysia.

    Their only interest in politics is to amass as much wealth as possible, buy whatever titles are offered and live a luxurious life. They also make sure that their dynasty is firmly entrenched in MCA by promoting their sons, sibilings and relatives while active in politics.
    This they have learned from their political masters in UMNO:
    1. The DPM is what he is today because of his father. He became a datuk at a tender age and is waiting anxiously to be the next PM.
    2. The keris weilding Education Minister is also the son of an exPM.
    3. The blue-eyed boy in UMNO is no other than the PM’s son-in-law.
    4. When Tun Mahathir gave up his position to Pak Laaah, his son lost the opportunity to become a credible UMNO leader. He can’t dream of becoming anybody important as long as the above mentioned characers rule the roost.
    Enough said about these kampung leaders. None of them have the calibre to be national leaders in a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation. They are racist and fear mongers.

    The present MCA clowns are no better.
    One is an actor in a porno movie. His son who has taken his father’s mantle in Labis would be no better for his genes.
    The son of erstwhile MCA leader is a known “financial genius” who becAme a billionaire in his early 20s with the shenanigans of his father and mentor.
    The present leader of the MCA crooks has not really done anything for the Chinese community other than giving handouts to Chinese schools now. The Chinese with or without him can look after their affairs as they have been doing all along. He is grooming his brother to take over MCA.

    These MCA towkeys only need the chinese during the elections. After getting elected they will only be seen in the company of UMNOputras to augment their wealth and power.

    If the Chinese do not wish to be marginalised in the long run and be in the same predicament as the Indians today, VOTE FOR THE OPPOSITION.

    Voting for the casterated MCA, MIC, GERAKAN AND PPP candidates is as good as voting for the UMNOputras.


  64. “If the government tell the Malays ‘sorry you’ve got the same status is the Indians’ I think there will be a big drop of support for the government from the Malays,” Mahathir said, speaking to Malaysiakini at his Perdana Leadership Foundation office in Putrajaya. Reported by Soon Li Tsin | Mar 6, 08 Malaysiakini.

    Care to comment?

  65. This are the real encounter story :-

    This happend in Ijok Last year, as the BN knows that chinese there do not support BN so when the local chinese school who used to asked Datuk Ong ka ting for fund a year back, Datuk ong that time tell the chinese school representatives that if they don’t have those money, they should not built the community hall!!! Govt don’t gives money !!!! forget IT !!!!
    And When BN candidates past away and ijok needs reelection, Datuk Ong comes back to the chinese school representative and offer them RM1million as the fund to built the community hall!!!!!.
    What he asked for return????

    That CHinese in Ijok must support BN, must vote BN…OR ELSE MCA WILL LOOSE FACE AND COULD NOT FACE THE BN !!!!



    malays to wipe out the farmers bad debts????? WHAT IS RM1 MILLIONS !!! Datuk ONG???????? You are not a dog to BN, You are the representative of Chineses!!!!!! You are the LEADER NOT A DOG!!!!!!



    I don’t said that MCA did nothing for the chinese community, they did all their best but they forgot something, they are sharing power with BN and not A DOG To BN !!!!

  66. ///Abdullah said DAP claimed it was not a race-based party but the fact was it could not attract other races to support it except for the Chinese. ///

    PM AAB is unhappy that DAP claims that it is not a race-based party. He is lying with his eyes open in saying that DAP could not attract other races. There are Malays and Indians in DAP. Is PM AAB claiming that they lose their ethnicity as Malays or Indians when they joined DAP. BN government practises racial discrimination to the extent that people converted to Muslims are happy to be called Malays, including the recent demand by Indian Muslims that they should be called Malays. It is clear therefore that Malays’ claim of special privilege has no relevance to whether or not their forefathers were indigenous people. They claim it as a show of their political power to bully.

    DAP is not a race-based party because race is not a qualification for DAP membership. There may be few Malays in the party not because there has been restriction against Malays, but because Malays are encouraged to join UMNO as racists. UMNO is a race-based party because only Malays are allowed membership. Yet, in getting more members to practice its bullying tactic, UMNO practised the cut-off point in allowing Muslims who are prepared to be called Malays into the organisation. Thus, the obvious case is TDM. He was half Malay, and claimed that only Malay blood run in his veins. During his tenure as PM, he made use of Malays’ power to show disrespect to the royal houses in the county.

    If AAB does not want UMNO to be called a race-based party, then it should be open to non-Malays. Political parties get elected to serve the people; they are not there to use the power of government for their own benefits. Talk of power sharing shows that there is not recognition of responsibility in the exercise of power.

  67. ///”If the government tell the Malays ‘sorry you’ve got the same status is the Indians’ I think there will be a big drop of support for the government from the Malays,” Mahathir said, speaking to Malaysiakini at his Perdana Leadership Foundation office in Putrajaya. Reported by Soon Li Tsin | Mar 6, 08 2:47pm.///

    As the subjects of British colony in pre-Independent Malaya, all races were equal. As the right of abode could not be questioned, and the people had no place to be turned away too, citizenship then was needed more for the right to obtain travel documents for those who intended to travel, than to vote in the general election which was something they had never practised before. The MCA leadership were too trusting in their UMNO counterparts, and in trying to help them overcome their ‘political difficulties’ they compromised to the demand of extremist within UMNO for agreeing to supplementary qualifications required for non-Malays in gaining citizenship, but additional conditions had to be met by non-Malays, to obtain the citizenship. What the Chinese and Indian communities gave in, as concession to UMNO to the right to citizenship were justifications by Malays of the unequal status between Malays and non-Malays, and rationalised by Malays in later years as their price they paid for the provision of Article 153 of the Constitution.

    In the book: The Reluctant Politician: Tun Dr Ismail and his Time (ISEAS, 2006), it was revealed from the notes left by the late Tun Dr. Ismail, that he indicated surprise that Chinese community acceded easily to the request by UMNO, and he believed that Malays would have willingly given up Article 153 they no longer require that provision. The inclusion of Article 153 was not a trade between citizenship for non-Malays. Clearly, from the notes of Tun Ismail Article 153 was perceived as a need by the Malay communities, and the MCA leaders had full confidence with regard to the sincerity of UMNO leaders, in taking are of the interests of the Malay community. Unfortunately, that provision had been taken as the right of Malays to pursue Ketuanan Melayu.

    UMNO leaders not only pursued vigorously article 153, in terms of civil service recruitments and scholarship awards, but overstepped its boundary in awarding FELDA settlement schemes exclusively to Malays. That was the beginning of Ketuanan Melayu programme before May 13 incident. That incident was seized upon to formalise the Ketuanan Melayu programme in the name of NEP.

    NEP served initially to whitewash the responsibility of those involved, and allowed the government to extend the scope beyond Article 153. That gave UMNO the assurance that it would fare better in the general election through captive votes of Malay beneficiaries. Two Prime Ministers later, the more business-minded PM, TDM declared that NEP could be considered a success if he could create even one millionaire out of the Malays. That was the beginning of NEP being utilised to award government contracts without public tender. When TDM declared that Malay contractors should be given contracts even if it cost multiple times the anticipated cost, government funds were used to directly create Malay millionaires. That was the creation of the mothers of all corruption. Since then, NEP is the lifeline for UMNO in keeping the party together.

    The Malays in the 1950s never considered themselves not to be of equal status with other communities, and Article 153 was subject to review for 15 year. NEP had not the justification that Malays had a higher status to other races. NEP was meant to encourage people of all races to engage in occupations and business which they were not traditionally involved. It was TDM who converted NEP to become the official Ketuanan Melayu exercise. It was TDM who changed the mindset of the Malays to believe that they had a higher status than thee non-Malays. It was he who conducted non-violence ethnic cleansing, and yet he claimed that Samy Vellu did not inform him of the problems, as though he was in Mars and hence did not know what happened on earth.

    The greatest sin of TDM to the country was his effort to change the mindset of Malays to think that they are not of equal status to other Malaysians, and yet he made the remarks that it was political correctness to continue with the unconstitutional preferential treatment for Malays.

    We did not have racial discrimination until May 13. Since then we have institutionalised racial discrimination which changed the mindset of the people. Yet the person who initiated the ills while heading the government for 22 years consider the injustice should remain so that UMNO can remain in power. To him the country can go to hell so long as UMNO get elected through despicable means.

    He who led the Malays to have the present mindset uses that as the justification for the problems, and pretend as though he had nothing to do with it.

  68. kickyourbutt says: Higher pay for Chinese government servants?!! Gimme a break!

    It is confirmed that you are an oxymoron because you don’t even know certain statements were made in sarcasms or in defiance. Real donkey.

  69. Dear Mauriyall,

    I refer to your comment. You mentioned about “blue eyed boy…”. Perhaps you should reexamine the position of the so called “Crown Prince of DAP” before mounting attack on others.

    Everybody knows about royal treatment accorded to Eng Guan simply because the position of his father. Let us not kid ourselves by saying that he rose to the position of SG due to his own capabilities.

    I see that actually many here are the real players of racial issues. A genuine frienship between 2 political parties( UMNO and MCA) was chided as simply MCA kowtowing to UMNO simply because DAP sympathizers could not stomach the reality that UMNO holds supreme position in Malaysian politics.

    The truth is that supremacy of UMNO is simply due to the Malays being the largest etnic group. So much has been said about how MCa “saved” UMNO is some elections. Not much is being said that actually the other way around is the more appropriate statements.

    And UMNO generosity( alien concept for many here especially to DAP) in allowing Malay majority seats contested by non Malay BN members is totally ignored. Wangsa Maju, Tenggaroh, Grik, Kulim, Lunas, Kelana Jaya, Ijok. The list go on….

    And exactly this is the attitute that Malays find it nauseating .

  70. waterfrontcoolie Says: come on, come2papa. ladygodiva, kickbutt, read the whole contact of limkamput message. let’s not waste space on trivial arguement.

    i suggest you ignore him/her. Yes, it is just one person talking to himself/herself. He is a desperate coward. I know he/she did it on purpose. If not, then he/she is a real moron.

  71. Dear Ngahc,

    Yes sir. You are right. UMNO will not give the post of Deputy Prime Minister to MCA. But I believe that is natural. If you cant even stomach the idea of voting an UMNO candidate , so can understand the feeling of UMNO in keeping the 2nd most senior post in Govt to Malays.

  72. shamshul anuar, we are not racists. We are desperately fighting to remain a Malaysian. For you, you are tacitly fighting for a Malay Islamic Malaysia. You can’t see it, because you are blind by your own built-in and indoctrinated racism from day one when you were born.

  73. And UMNO generosity( alien concept for many here especially to DAP) in allowing Malay majority seats contested by non Malay BN members is totally ignored. Wangsa Maju, Tenggaroh, Grik, Kulim, Lunas, Kelana Jaya, Ijok. The list go on….-shamshul anuar

    UMNO can choose not to give those seats to non-Malay BN component parties. It is not the Opposition’s business to direct how UMNO decides the seats. At the end of the day, party like People’s Progressive Party(PPP) will end up with no seat to contest if we were to use your formula. And you call this power-sharing within BN as always championed by you? UMNO might as well kick out all smaller component parties and contest in all Malay-majority areas. What for still want a 15-party(including SPR) 14-party coalition.

    UMNO will not give the post of Deputy Prime Minister to MCA. But I believe that is natural. If you cant even stomach the idea of voting an UMNO candidate , so can understand the feeling of UMNO in keeping the 2nd most senior post in Govt to Malays.-shamshul anuar

    So much of power-sharing, eh? What is the reason why UMNO should not be giving the post of DPM to MCA? After,all MCA is staunch partner for UMNO,right? Why UMNO is treating MCA like that? It is the Opposition(including rational Malays of course) that could not stomach the idea of not voting for UMNO, not MCA. All MCA members & supporters are keen UMNO fans. Why want to punish your loyal ally MCA until like dogs? :shock:

  74. If by now after fifty years of living off the crumbs thrown out by UMNO in BN as masters to their dogs, MCA still does not get the picture, it never will. I just cannot simply understand how some people can be so blind and so deaf to the happenings in the country. MCA, MIC, Gerakan. There are no reasonable justification for your existence. If your brain can just think a little, I appeal to it to really come out with something, anything that you think you can do if elected that can bring about a favourable change in the country. The fact really is, if this component racist parties win, it as LKS stated clearly, will only seek to promote the hegemony of UMNO. I plea to all candidates of MCA, MIC and Gerakan to resign before polling day as a show of solidarity with the opposition that arrogant UMNO cannot be the big BULLY anymore in Malaysia politics. Do it for your the future of your country and future of your decendents. There is no better way to reverse this rot in our beloved country than to deal a fatal blow to UMNO, the racist party that is very much hated these days.

  75. newbies in the new mca line, blinded by their own self greed and arrogance, get out before you regret this year forth and ruined your family name.

    listen to the people, deny the cronies 2/3 majOrity

    JUST Change

    Thank you uncle lim and all those who are still inside.

  76. Shamsul Anuar:

    Only amongst UMNO, MCA and MIC is stealing not regarded as a crime. These thieves don’t know the meaning of the word “shame” and anyone who supports them is simply an accessory to a crime.

    Faham tak ?

  77. Look like this Sham… An… can only wake up, after Msia had no more big big natural resources to be plundered, siphoned, mismanaged etc.
    He cannot see that “”race divide politics n corrupt pliticians” just cannot bring peace. prosperity, wealth to any countries in the long run or for a long time!

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