‘Islam Hadari’ Cannot Correct Itself

BY Farish A. Noor

It would seem rather odd, not least for Malaysia-watchers overseas, that despite the talk of the ‘moderate and progressive’ brand of normative Islam that has been bandied about in Malaysia under the general theme of ‘Islam Hadari’ (Civilisational Islam) that the practice of normative Islam in Malaysia seems anything but moderate and progressive. Among the latest instances normalised abnormality include the seizure of Bibles from a Malaysian Christian returning from the Philippines, on the grounds that the Bibles had to be checked by the Ministry of Home Affairs for security reasons; the demolition of Hindu temples that were said to have been built illegally; the furore over the conversion of Malaysians from one religion to another, etc.

Recently a loose coalition of Muslim NGOs have also put forward their demands to the Malaysian government and all the parties contesting the 12th General Elections of Malaysia, calling on them to defend the status of Islam and to explicitly reject the idea that Malaysia is a secular state. The Islamist NGOs also voiced their concern about the very notion of religious pluralism in the country, and called for the stricter implementation of Islamic rules and laws that already exist in Malaysia.

Yet while these exclusive demands are being voiced in the public domain, the Malaysian government under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi maintains that Malaysia is a progressive and moderate Muslim country. How does Malaysia qualify as a moderate country when books are routinely vetted and banned by the authorities, when the moral police are allowed to conduct raids into people’s homes, and when even the discussion of religious pluralism is seen as anathema for so many?

The present impasse that Malaysia faces would suggest that the much-lauded ‘Islam Hadari’ project of the Badawi administration has not made an impact and remains at best a discourse of the state that has not been accepted and internalised by the populace, in particular the Malay-Muslim majority. It also demonstrates that the attempts by the UMNO-led government to open up the minds of the Malay-Muslims has not really succeeded and that the long-awaited renaissance of Muslim intellectual thought is a long way off. Why?

The primary reason for this failure lies in the dynamics of the Malaysian governmental system and the politics of the ruling UMNO party itself.

UMNO was and remains primarily a Malay-Muslim party that sees the Malay-Muslim majority as its primary vote bank. From the outset UMNO presented itself as the ‘defender’ and ‘protector’ of Malay communal interests, and was seen as the patron-master of the Malay community. UMNO’s only rival was the Islamic party PAS, and since the 1980s both UMNO and PAS have been eyeing the Malay community with a view of gaining political power and leverage by securing the Malay-Muslim vote.

This however requires that both parties maintain the notion that the Malay-Muslim community is a fixed and homogenous constituency. Furthermore since the 1980s UMNO and PAS have both tried to gain the upper hand against each other by demonstrating their Islamic credentials, adopting a ‘holier-than-thou’ approach and thus sparking off what has come to be known as the ‘Islamisation race’ in Malaysia.

The nature of UMNO’s leadership of the Malays however remains unchanged, and is based on a strong patron-client bond that sees the Malays as perpetually in need of protection, leadership and representation. In the process, Malay-Muslim identity has been foregrounded at the expense of a wider sense of national belonging, on the basis of citizenship. Thus UMNO’s patronage and control of the Malays has not only rendered them weak and dependent on UMNO’s goodwill and patronage, but has also keep them confined within the narrow essentialised parameters of fixed ethnic-religious identity.

Over the past three decades, it was UMNO’s cultivation of the Malay-Muslim community, couched in terms of a protectionist politics of patronage, that crippled the Malays and kept the Malay intellectual community bound to its patronage machinery. Yet despite the opportunities given to them, the leadership of UMNO has never really tried to use this as a means of opening up the minds of the Malays, to challenge them intellectually and to present the Malays with an alternative (and genuinely progressive) understanding of Islam: Progressive Muslim authors have been banned by the government, their books taken off the shelves, debates on issues like religious pluralism and inter-faith dialogue scuttled.

The net result is the Malay-Muslim community that we see in Malaysia today, which has grown more defensive, reactionary, conservative and narrow in their worldview, thanks to the debilitating effects of this form of suffocating patronage. UMNO’s leaders have also complicated things further for themselves by occasionally jumping on the communal bandwagon, and Malaysians have witnessed – time and again – the spectacle of UMNO leaders brandishing weapons in public and talking on and on about the special rights and privileges of the Malays.

Thus is it a surprise if the liberal and progressive ideals of the ‘Islam Hadari’ project have never taken root in Malaysia? How can any government – UMNO-led or otherwise – hope to inculcate the progressive and modern values of a universal religion if, at the same time, it has also helped to create a community that is narrow-minded, conservative and not receptive to such ideas? Here lies the trap that the UMNO leadership has dug for itself: While promoting a vision of Islam that is plural, modern and liberal it has also cultivated a community that is narrow, reactionary and conservative. The real result of five decades of UMNO-led rule is the creation of a more narrowly-defined, racialised and sectarian society where inter-racial and inter-religious dialogue and contact has dwindled. To expect ‘Islam Hadari’ to correct the mistakes of UMNO’s own ethnocentric communitarian politics is a contradiction in terms. A party that perpetuates the divisive politics of racial and religious communitarianism cannot preach universal love and respect, not even among its own members and supporters.


36 Replies to “‘Islam Hadari’ Cannot Correct Itself”

  1. Luckily ‘Komunisme Hadari’ (Civilisational Communism) is not allowed in China, or else the people there would be ‘enjoying’ the ‘good old days’ of the Cultural revolution again

  2. SMS this to everybody in your phone book. If the HINDRAF sms’es are of any indication, this will spread to many more people, perhaps the whole nation!

    It may not be much but it might give a few more votes for the oposition. I can’t do it alone. Can you, yes YOU currently reading this, help out?

    Malay language:
    Undi pembangkang.Bn dah gagal rakyat.korupsi,jenayah,petrol,tol,makan semua naik tapi gaji & ringgit turun.Undi pembangkang!Kalau tak puas hati,pilihanraya depan undi baliklah bn.apa nak takut?hantar mesej ni kepada semua org

    vote opposition.bn has failed the rakyat.corruption,crime,petrol,tol,food all increase but our salary & ringgit is down.vote opposition!if they can’t perform,vote bn back next time.what is there to lose?pass this to all

  3. One can create many flowery descriptions for the method to control the system.

    Basically it boils down to this:
    “We are the masters and we make the decisions. All you MUST do is follow our instructions and do not question us”.

    In other words, do not THINK and do not CRITICISE.

  4. in Japan the PM changes every year and sometimes even bi annually. But investors still invest and the country still stable.

    How come we in Malaysia cant change our Government after 50 years bcos investors will go away ?


  5. This is a well-written article. This feudal patron-master cum protector relationship nurtured and now entrenched by UMNO in mindset of its traditional constituency is root of the problems.

    A political leader faces two challenges in relation to the constituency he leads.

    One is how one set the right goal and vision for his people, having regard to their strengths and weaknesses, and then cajole, persuade, educate, guide and usher them, even in the face of resistance, towards this right goal and vision predicated on a higher organisation of thought and behaviour.

    To be sure, a leader must be able strike the balance to make sure the pace of change pushed for must be at a level not to far ahead of goal’s or vision’s acceptability by the peoples he leads having regard to their prejudices, habits of thought and cultural norms.

    If the disconnect or dis-junct between what is pushed for and what may be accepted is to great, the peoples whom he leads will reject his leadership, he will lose political power and position and ability to direct their affairs to his political rivals.

    However if he is too overly worried of losing the perks of his political power and position, he may end up placating and pandering to the given prejudices and mindset of his peoples at best or otherwise even fanning, inciting and exacerbating these rather than breaking out of these to change towards nearer the goal or vision set.

    Whether one has the ability to forge the right balance is what distinguishes the mediocre, unimposing, insignificant, average, insipid “cari makan” politician from a statesman.

    In relation of working towards the goal and vision, instead of taking two steps backward in order to advance three steps forward as a Statesman could do, it will otherwise be a case of two steps forward to be followed by three steps backwards – which is what is happening here in the context of what Dr Farish discussed!

    The standard of politicians here is of a state leaving much to be desired. There is not only a scarcity/paucity in terms of statesman’s qualities or lack of ability to recognize and recruit candidates of ability and vision but what is more scary is that when occasionally such an ability shows himself, he is either reprimanded, disciplined, silenced, sidelined or even pushed out – the case in point being Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

  6. “Islam Hadhari cannot correct itself”

    Islam Hadhari is a fake, Islam Hadhari is a mistake, Islam Hadhari is not Islam. Islam Hadhari is Abdullah Badawi. Know how to sleep only.

  7. “UMNO was and remains primarily a Malay-Muslim party that sees the Malay-Muslim majority as its primary vote bank. From the outset UMNO presented itself as the ‘defender’ and ‘protector’ of Malay communal interests, and was seen as the patron-master of the Malay community. UMNO’s only rival was the Islamic party PAS, and since the 1980s both UMNO and PAS have been eyeing the Malay community with a view of gaining political power and leverage by securing the Malay-Muslim vote.”

    That’s the whole problem, mother of all problems in Malaysia, the Malay Muslim vote that makes this competition between UMNO and PAS is sickening, it is always the same old thing, religion, what progress did it bring except more and more “masjid” being built across the country. Now not only you can go to the “masjid” and pray, now you also can go there sight-seeing, with ligthing effect at night, great!

  8. “The present impasse that Malaysia faces would suggest that the much-lauded ‘Islam Hadari’ project of the Badawi administration has not made an impact and remains at best a discourse of the state that has not been accepted and internalised by the populace, in particular the Malay-Muslim majority. It also demonstrates that the attempts by the UMNO-led government to open up the minds of the Malay-Muslims has not really succeeded and that the long-awaited renaissance of Muslim intellectual thought is a long way off. Why?

    The primary reason for this failure lies in the dynamics of the Malaysian governmental system and the politics of the ruling UMNO party itself.”

    Islam Hadhari is being “lauded” for the wrong reasons, it has torn the country further apart, non only with the other races but among Malay muslims as well. In Malaysia now, we already have three brand of Islam), PAS Islam and UMNO Islam, then within UMNO, emerged the Islam Hadhari, the results, we have many confused muslims. One can only imagine if this goes on, we will have different factions of many confused muslims, soon after that we are going to become like the middle east, where problems can no longer be solved. But here in Malaysia you have the Chinese and Indians. We are not going to sit around and do nothing.

  9. Somehow, i have to agree with Tun Dr Mahathir that the introduction of Islam Hadhari confuses each and everyone. Still, i don’t approve of what Tun had done in his 22 years rule. After all, we have to thank him for all we have now – corruptions, money politics, depreciation of basic human rights for non-Muslims, impotent police force and judiciary to protect the public and the list goes on.

    I suppose that Pak Lah intend to right the wrong when he took the helm, but after 4 years, either he is losing the fight because he is impotent and useless or he succumbed to the political pressure of UMNO and became part of the blood suckers, or everything he preached since day one is just a script written by somebody. Either way, he is clearly a loser who can’t keep his promises.

    Furthermore, the five economic regions have almost been proved to be pranks by EPU officers themselves. It is doubtful that any proper and professional survey and planning has been conducted for those projects. How in the world can something that massive being conceived within months, wherereas each 5 years of Malaysian Plan was prepared carefully for years before they were launched.

    So tell me, do you believe in IDR, NCER, ECER, SCORE and SDC? Can someone tell me how the figures promised came from? Who prepared the masterplan? Anyone can prepare that and bullshit about the figures. And after about a year of IDR, can we see anything out of it? Where are the investors, Pak Lah’s “middle east investors”?

    Now back to Islam Hadhari. Does the “religion” teach you to lie and corrupt? Think, and make good use of the March 8th election.

  10. “Whether one has the ability to forge the right balance is what distinguishes the mediocre, unimposing, insignificant, average, insipid “cari makan” politician from a statesman.” Jeffrey

    With the kind of education standard being provided in Malaysia, people can’t tell. As long as UMNO in power, Malaysians will grow more stupid.

  11. Mistakes only lead to more mistakes as they try to cover previous ones! And as they move towards deeper waters, it is becoming impossible to turn back! The nation is drowning!!!!!!

  12. “The net result is the Malay-Muslim community that we see in Malaysia today, which has grown more defensive, reactionary, conservative and narrow in their worldview, thanks to the debilitating effects of this form of suffocating patronage. UMNO’s leaders have also complicated things further for themselves by occasionally jumping on the communal bandwagon, and Malaysians have witnessed – time and again – the spectacle of UMNO leaders brandishing weapons in public and talking on and on about the special rights and privileges of the Malays.”

    Hishamudin is a shame to his ancestors, people will be quite suprise this person is related to Tun Hussein Onn. Hishamudin had got no balls to be a revolutionary figures depite being UMNO youth president, what he did instead is bowing to those mediocre, unimposing, insignificant, average, insipid “cari makan” politician :) in UMNO. He must be running out of idea to pleased those morons when he decided to brandish his keris at the UMNO GA, only to be challenge when he is going to use it. How stupid can one be? If he is still the Education Minister, we are done! That’s why he will never be the Prime Minister. Khairy Jamaludin can dream on!

  13. Looks like Islam Hadhari is the Islamisation of Malaysia.
    Ban Bibles and non Islamic materials, destroy temples and churches,
    no religious freedom, no freedom of speech, segregation of male and female in schools, soon everywhere – offices, public transportation,
    women hooded,
    pork banned, also non-halal stuff,
    all Hadhari indoctrinated – non muslims as well.

  14. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 15: 39.02 (2 hours ago)
    Can we have only one type of Islam where girls are allowed to wear mini-skirt?

    If you look at Indonesia,you will see better understanding of Islam.Not many women wear tudung. Maybe less than 5% and many wear miniskirt to work.
    Fundamental islam is not popular anymore. The Turkish gov is now trying to evaluate the hadiths which contain blasphemy and all the stoning and oppression against women including the tudung will be removed.That’s what I call moderate.Not like UMNO and PAS.

  15. Islam Hadhari is the biggest lie of Pak Helah. His target his to cheat 67% of Malaysians. Unfortunately, more than 80% of the targets fall into his trap. If you type the word “Hadhari” in Wikipedia, under the page of Islam, you wont be able to find any description of it, unless inside Islam Hadhari own page itself.

  16. ///UMNO was and remains primarily a Malay-Muslim party that sees the Malay-Muslim majority as its primary vote bank. ///- Farish A. Noor

    That was, is and will be the ideology of UMNO. It is with that purpose, that gerrymandering took place ever since election was held. It was to ensure the vote bank stay full that Article 153 was included, the harbinger to divide and rule, or an insurance to perpetual UMNO rule. NEP was meant to explain away the power struggle within UMNO, and later seized upon to create the condition for money politics which allow the rich and powerful to control election within UMNO.

    To ensure that Malays stay within the vote bank, UMNO pretends again that they are the saviour of Muslims. Based on the qualification of the grandfather as a learned religious person, PM AAB considered that religious knowledge could be transferred through genetic codes. He then had the audacity to be founder of a new religious sect, Islam Hadari. A knowledgeable religious person might not be a good preacher, who might not be at the same time a person who could perform well as a PM. As it turned out PM AAB failed in all fronts, as self-styled Imam Hadari, or a PM who could not even recognise that the country had not the proper institutions to run on autopilot.

    UMNO had long experience of pursuing its secret agenda in the name of well distorted justifications. Modern age requires modern approach to religion, so AAB was advised. Like all things in Malaysia which exist in form rather than in substance, such as conducting election to satisfy the form of democracy without the conditions for free and fair campaign, and clean list of eligible voters, Islam Hadari allows PM AAB to be misrepresented as a Prophet hadari. When Muslims around the world are free to choose to leave Islam should they so please, Islam Hadari forces Muslims to die with the religion. And more, living non-Muslims are made Muslims and subject to Muslim burial upon death.

    When race and religion could not ensure vote bank UMNO would one day do away with voting all together. The declaration of Islamic state facilitates introduction of theocracy when they cannot be certain of retaining power. To UMNO election is just going through the form in the name of democracy. When the outcome becomes uncertain, the form could be dispensed off.

    All ills in the country originated with the desire of UMNO to grow its vote bank. Consequently the wealth and health of the nation suffers. The country gained the sense of Ketuanan Melayu and a purer Malays Malaysia. Was it worth it? The community fewer in number had either to accept or to leave.

  17. “That’s what I call moderate.Not like UMNO and PAS.” znita07

    UMNO under Tunku, Tun Razak and Hussein and even Mahathir was moderate but less and less so. Somewhere along the line and under who else but Mahathir, somebody let the Islamic genie out of the bottle and now they cannot put it back where it belongs!

    The man responsible for the ‘letting out of the Islamic genie from the bottle washed on our shore’ in the ealry 80s is now campaigning to defeat UMNO. Maybe he thought it was a different genie – the one that wiggles her nose and everything disappears.

  18. Hi Azly, you and Dr. Bakri remind me of non-resident Malaysians who genuinely feel ‘responsible’ for Malaysia and the need to ‘fix’ it. Keep penning your thoughts. You owe us.

    My take is that Islam Hadaari is a new name for a system already with us the past 50 years. A system not quite like the real Islam but one designed for a multi-ethnic-religious fabric.

    When a body is snatched, a Hindu is forced to rehabilitate or when bibles are seized, Malaysians in general are blindsided in blaming IH.

    In reality, a theological cloak is enveloping Malaysia vide a pincer movement comprising a particular wahabbi inspired media and generations of wahabbi educated muslims in our midst, firmly entrenched particularly in the civil service. With their financial institutions and investments in place, it is surreptitiously gaining foothold undermining our multi-cultural and religious fabric.

    These wahabbi educated civil servants give the orders to cause the mischief and their media ‘partner’ promptly blows it up attributing blame to IH.

    On the pretense of fair journalism, this particular media has been consistently embarrassing Malaysia and consequently IH on various issues. The same treatment is accorded moderate Turkey. It is common knowledge that Wahabbism is taken as the real thing and is at odds with any other strain such as IH which it considers a joke.

    It’s a shame to hear our Information Minister shouting himself hoarse from time to time, struggling to identify the demon and with his poor command of language not helping.

    When I hear our Prime Minister expressing consternation on such issues, I believe he is trying to tell the movement. “Please stop radicalising us. Malaysia is not a typical Middle-East country but a melting pot of cultures and religions”.

  19. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 15: 39.02 (2 hours ago)
    Can we have only one type of Islam where girls are allowed to wear mini-skirt?


    believe me, you don’t want to be caught with a mini skirt. not with lebai kamal bin put around!

  20. Don’t blame the religion,blame and shit those who claim this can not and that kafir,no politician nowsday are suci,they all haram,yang suci debu aje,so please don’t tell rakyat demi agama anymore,my fellow God believers don’t trust any politician who are claiming that they are fighting for your religion,they are merely fishing your support and cheating your right.So make this GE clean from religion and vote BN out.The poor Malay will get more and what they supposed to gain from the NEP,Chinese and Indian and other brother from Sabah and SRWK will be happier too.Trust me but don’t believe me.

  21. Not only will Islam Hadhari not correct itself, it will be abused for the purpose of the rise of Badawi-KJ dynasty. The core of the issue really is they believe that a benign theocracy is not only possible but a good idea. Islam as a tool is too convenient a tool for someone as ambitious as famous SIL not to use. His ambitions to put his mark will see him trade suppose-meritocracy for executive-led theocracy where only his interest is fully protected will everyone else betrayed.

    Badawi has already paved the way by declaring our country NOT secular. Its a stupidity that will cost our children and grandchildren untold injustices and condemnation.

  22. The man responsible for the ‘letting out of the Islamic genie from the bottle washed on our shore’ in the ealry 80s is now campaigning to defeat UMNO. undergrad2

    I think it is pointless to state when the Islamic genie began. Suffice to say that LKY noticed that as early as 1964. This country is about Malay-Islamic hegemony from the very beginning. If LKY can see it more than 40 years ago, why the rest of us are we so dumb?

  23. It is obvious that this papi dog can no longer contribute anything other than talking nonsense. Please don’t show your inadequacy and deficiency by being destructive. It is not like everyday we are talking about law and constitution here. So for you one-dimensional man, you have no choice but to shut up for a while. But even for law and constitution, most of the time you are vomiting half bake wannabe views and opinions. So please don’t think you are contributing much in that department also. Papi dog, BN financed running dog, pathetic dog who tried to make a pass on Jong. Hello, if you are desperate, please go elsewhere, this is a serious political blog.

  24. It is intresting to read alot of information that degrade Islam and the Muslim. To be fair to Islam and the Muslim please refer to the book written by Muhammad Qutb on Islam as a Misunderstood religion, There is no such things as plural muslim, liberal muslim or moderate muslim this are terminology create by the enemies of Islam. ( I would like to challenge Farish Noor to show to me where are the verses from Quran or Hadiths – dalil qat’i that state that there are moderate Islam, plural Islam etc. What we have are muslim of various degree of Taqwa, some are 100 % or more and some are of less degree of percentage of Taqwa)What we have in the quran is a muslim mukmin who leads the life as stated in the Quran ” Allah created jins and man solely to serve him” and in another verse ” Allah created man as his viceroy (khalifah) in this world. A true muslim keeps both habluminallah ( ties with Allah ) and Habluminannas ( ties among mankinds ). If we go through history today, majority of the opresses and refugees are muslim people. In Turkey a muslim women wearing hijab cannot persue her studies in the University where are the right of the muslim women? In singapore muslim student wearing Turban are been expelled from school whereas the sikhs who wears turban are being allowed to go to school. All people knows that Israel having nuclear weapon but American always veto any vote in the UN that want to censure Israel but when Islamic Iran want to produce nuclear energy for peaceful purpose the UN impose sanction, where are justies for the muslim. The Guatanamao where muslijm are being jailed against the normal Geneva treaty on humanrights? For those who redicule Islam please name me the country that are call 100% secular state ?

  25. Koh Tsu Koon may yet try a Chen Shiu Bian-style “assassination” attempt on himself so as to gain sympathy votes. He would use a tiny scratch on his tummy to show that someone tried to bump him off while campaigning in Batu kawan

  26. I believe the term to describe the situation is ‘oxymoron’ Well-whatever but the problem is Badawi chooses not to see. And when problems arises, he buries his head in the sand. Yet he asserts he has done a good job. I can only hope enough voters will show him and the BN that we have had enough, change ,real change is required. How? Deny BN that 2/3 majority!

  27. Kudos to Farish Noor. Malaysia need more people like you. Sadly, as you have already noted in your essay the majority of Malays here have been so deeply-set in their way of thinking, thanks to UMNO’s prolonged method of socio-engineering. Luckily, the rest of the populace are free from that trap.. making Malaysia still inhabitable. The non-malays are free to assess reality based on a myriad of parameters which gave them a balanced world-view.

    Malaysia/UMNO style and view of Islam had been self-limiting. A casual observation of the way of life of say,Muslims in Middle East, shows that the Malay-Muslim world-view is quite limiting. Socio-political stance taken by the Malaysian government through the decades had indeed been a major contributing factor.Consider this:
    the king of Saudi Arabia did not allow the kissing of hands , noting that that is disallowed in Islam. On the contrary here in Malaysia, it seem that it is the Islamic way of greeting an elder, and it is being practised more widely now than before, as if it is the correct thing to do.

    In Malaysia on ecan easily feel that the Malays think that Islam belongs to them and that a malay is equivalent to a muslim. Far from that. A religion is a belief and a practice. One has to profess it and through practice and adoption of the religion will one gradually be accepted as a believer, and only then be known as a practioner of that particular religion. Even then the religion does not belong to the practioner. One can be a muslim, butISlam does not belong to him. But here religion is treated like a commodity. The feeling here is that Islam belongs to the malays; which is errorneous.

    Mr Farish Noor, please share your thoughts on my short comments. Thank you.

  28. “This country is about Malay-Islamic hegemony from the very beginning.” limkamput

    We should be very careful how we use the term “Malay-Islamic hegemony” today and during elections. We do not want to alienate Malay voters. YB Kit uses the term “UMNO political hegemony” which is the right term to use because the approach is then inclusive rather than exclusive.

    This election is all about the abuse of power and the corruption etc by UMNO leaders – and not Malay leaders i.e. by an UMNO led government rather than a Malay led government.

  29. The great chief imam of Islam Hadhari has come with his enlightened version of Islam. If any other person had the temerity to write his version, he would have been branded a deviasonist, tried by the UMNO syariah courts and imprisoned.

    The mufti of Perak has not only been inciting Muslims under his guidance to persecute people of other religions, but has been uttering seditious words from time to time.

    He even has the cheek to say that the Indians and Chinese are the rich ones in this country and are bullying the Malays. And this he says that the Malays cannot tolerate. What is trying to say? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

    I wonder when you have such imbecile to lead the flock, what moderation and tolerance can one expect?

    What a fantastic way to promote racial harmony, tolerance and peace in order to create “Malaysia, truly Asia.”

  30. All these run-up events to March 8th Election Day are really taking its toll.

    Opposition candidates are busy campaigning and delivering their speeches to “shake & wake” the rakyat.

    I am not a candidate (well, not yet) but I do feel the strain. Hats off to these candidates. I wish them all the best.

    Should any of you feel the same and wish to relax a bit after Election, I have just the people for you to call.

    They are experts for organising events like karaoke, parties and anything that involves fun.

    Lately they asked me to advertise for them on my YouTube channel and here it is


    So being a nice guy like me I did all I could for them. Remember to take down the contact nos. at the end of video.

    From One Caring Malaysian To Another

  31. Our PM is a sleepy PM. Dun know wat he’s talking about…..security? Go to hell! I’m paying fr my own pocket despite a loyal tax payer to hv our on security guard. The last general election hv so many empty promises, so tis time dun get caught again. It’s not safe for our children to play in the playground or even walk around our housing area, increase of snatch thieves, Mat Rempits, frequent robberies, rapes, Ah Long’s, drug addicts the list goes on. Wat security? Shit security.

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