BN 2008 Manifesto unlawful – PM, DPM, Ministers, MBs/CMs can be disqualified

(Media Conference Statement (2) at DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre on Thursday 29th February 2008 at 1 pm)

The millions of copies of the unlawful Barisan Nasional 2008 General Election Manifesto on “Security, Peace, Prosperity” in various languages should be withdrawn immediately as having run afoul of the election law, and the election of all Barisan Nasional parliamentary and state assembly candidates, including the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers and Mentri-Mentri Besar in the 12th general election on 8th March 2008 could be declared null and void.

This is because the Barisan Nasional 2008 General Election Manifesto has not complied with the law requiring all printed material to carry the names of the printer and publisher.

The glossy, glitzy and very expensive Barisan Nasional 2008 General Election Manifesto in all languages only carried the publisher – “Published by Barisan Nasional headquarters, Level 8 Menara Dato Onn, Putra World Trade Centre, Jalan Tun Ismail 50480, Kuala Lumpur” but no printer is given in the manifesto!

If Opposition parties are guilty of such an infraction of the law, Opposition candidates would have been held to strict accountability.

Will the Barisan Nasional be held to strict accountability for their serious breach of the election law, and all their parliamentary and state assembly candidates disqualified unless the millions of copies of the Barisan Nasional 2008 General Election Manifesto are immediately withdrawn and replaced by a new printing which carries the identity of the printer as required by law?

This is again another test as to whether there is one law for the ordinary public but another law for the “powers-that-be” – making a total mockery of one of the five Rukunegara principles on “Upholding The Rule of Law” which is the important reason why Malaysia is rapidly losing our international competitiveness to other countries and falling behind one nation after another!


71 Replies to “BN 2008 Manifesto unlawful – PM, DPM, Ministers, MBs/CMs can be disqualified”

  1. They own the EC, they own the prosecution, they own the judiciary – and you think that they will take heed of what we say ? All we can do is to simply spread the news of the abuse and pray that the population will not allow these cheats and liars to prosper.

    Security, Peace, Prosperity – all a distant dream for the majority of Malaysians.

  2. Time to vote for Jeff Ooi and the Opposition. Exercise your right now!!

    TAK NAK TO ………….

    We need the check and balance for good governance.
    Please do your part. Please call upon all friends and relatives to vote for the Opposition.
    We need to send the right candidates to parliment to voice up for us.
    Penang and Jelutong voters, we need more supports to reject BN parasites going into the Parliment.

  3. ‘If you don’t vote for MIC, then be prepared to pay the price,’ says the ruling Barisan Nasional in bold red letters in full-page newspaper ads.

    The scare tactic is already out of the bag. As expected.

    Expect more scaring and warning ads in our BN-controlled mass media in the next few days, especially on 7.3.08. As usual, BN will be the one to break all rules and to use all dirty and underhand tricks to scare people to vote for them.

    Expect warning about May 13 to surface soon.

    Expect warning to Malays to vote for the BN, otherwise they will be swamped by pendatang (as usual, Umno classifies non-Malay citizens as pendatang, while strangely MCA, MIC, Gerakan, SUPP, etc. all mutely concur).

    All these, BN under TDM had done before, while BN professed to jaga our security, peace, and prosperity!!

    Lies, more lies, and nothing but lies – are Malaysians prepared to kow tow to them??

  4. Did BN use taxpayers’ money and facilities at government’s departments to print their 2008 General Election Manifesto?

    Any insider wishes to blow the whistle? Or better still, load the videoed evidence on YouTube. Pom, pom, pom!

  5. Hilary Clinton claims that Barack Obama has been mailing flyers about her position to issues like NAFTA (free trade agreement) and her universal health care plan which according to her are “false and misleading”. But she cannot legally stop the continued mailing of these flyers because of the First Amendment – freedom of speech.

  6. Don’t be threaten by the BN hypocrite , we are being treated as 2nd class citizens in Malaysia .

    You are already a second class citizens , this is the truth we have to face , we have nothing to lose,

    Vote for a change or a chance .At least we can hear uncle Lim mention what we are not happy with in Parliament and not like the puppet MCA and so on .

  7. The BN Manifesto may be nothing more than a glossy representation of the ideals and aspirations any political party running for the election stand for or hope to achieve, but it is the constitutional right of that party to express them in whatever manner or form they choose so they could reach out to the voters. It is this ‘reaching out to the voters’ that cannot be stopped in any political process that claims to be democratic.

    No political party hoping to win the elections is expected to make a laundry list of its failures and achievements and let the voters decide.

    In a democracy it is the voters who get to decide. In a matured democracy with the electorate literate, educated and well informed it has little impact. But is Malaysia all that??

  8. Now Umnoputras are taking our can-or-not space traveller to their ceramah and exhibiting him like a dog on a leash.

    Is this the reason why Umnoputras want a Malay as the first space traveller from Malaysia?

    And the funny thing is the can-or-not space traveller with a medical degree is so dumb to remark that he is not on a campaign trail. Just tagging along. Woof, woof!

  9. This is another scandal by BN……no need to brag about it as there are so many other scandals for the past 50 years.

    This is the time and opportunity to wipe BN out of power come March 8th 2008……VOTE OPPOSITION…vote wisely.

    The feedback from the public is encouraging…they are ready for change…ARE YOU?

  10. I wonder how much the BN candidates spend for each candidates….

    In Miri, Sarawak SUPP(Barisan Nasional Component party) distributed the party material( A BN candidates big poster and few brochures) with could have cost most than RM5 to most of the house(or maybe all) … Lets say the distribute 30,000 sets to 30000 houses in Miri, it would cost

    1)Poster/brochures : RM5x30,000houses =RM150,000.

    2) Party workers :300 personxRM15x12 days =RM54,000
    (allowances/meal – estimate; could be more)

    3) Poster, Banners, transportation, talk venue rental : = RM100,000
    (Inclusive of contractors chargesto put up banners/posters)

    TOTAL EXPENSES : RM304,000 (just an conservative estimate-
    could be triple this amount)

    Allowed election expenses : RM200,000

    -OVERSPEND : RM104,000

    Declared in Returns : ??????

    HELD: GUILTY OF ELECTION OFFENSE – disqualified, the candidate with nest highest votes won!!!


    Below is excerpts on election rules taken from from SPR site
    Expenses in excess of maximum to be illegal practice

    19.(1) Subject to such exception as may be allowed in pursuance of this Act, no sum shall be paid and no expense shall be incurred by a candidate at an election or by his election agent, after the date of publication of the notice of the election in the Gazette, during or after an election, on account of or in respect of the conduct or management of such election, in excess of-
    (a) two hundred thousand ringgit in the case of an election to the Dewan Rakyat;
    (b) one hundred thousand ringgit in the case of an election to a Legislative Assembly;

  11. Please tell voters: they may be bribed by BN kaki and agents, just gladly take the money, sewing machine, rice, or what have you, just gladly sit in their limousine, BMW, and Honda to go to the polling centre on 8.3.08, and VOTE FOR DAP/PKR/PAS.

    Tell voters not to worry. BN will not know that they did not vote for BN – despite being told otherwise by BN kaki and agents.

    Many voters are scared and tricked by BN kaki and agents to vote for BN candidates. Educate them, inform them.

  12. In today’s China Press, they dedicated a full page to advertise the former cabinet with AAB’s photo in the centre on top and OKT and Semi Value’s photos on both sides. The caption below OKT was “MCA Chairman” and below Semi Value, “MIC Chairman” but what was written below AAB’s photo is a mockery, it was written “Prime Minister” . Do we still have a prime minister at this point in time? When Parliament was dissolved, the nation is automatically without any prime minister and how dare AAB proclaim himself prime minister at this time?

  13. OMG, that’s all MCA candidates can do prior to the polling date!

    So confident they will win on 8.3.08 that they are now busy singing karaoke songs (Lim Kee Moi, the “Karaoke YB”), grabbing gold nuggets, parading national badminton players who happen to be MCA members, and feeding people. Jolly good time, throwing easy money around! Easy come, easy go.


  14. Now BN is hot on buying spree over in East Malaysia. Several PKR candidates are bought by the BN before the election starts. What a shame! BN knows that they will lose many seats and therefore resorting to this dirty trick.PKR, please beware I am afraid more opposition candidates will fall under this money prey.

    That day I heard from DPM saying that the wind for change has already stopped and now things are back to normal. Again it is all lies and lies.As a matter of fact the wind for change is blowing stronger and stonger each day against the BN.

    I believe opposition will win a lot of seats both parliment and state seats. Every where I go I campaign for the opposition and the response is positive. The people are no more stupid like before in 2004. We thought Pah Lah is clean and efficient and gave him a landslide win. But, it turned out to be a half past six PM.

    All supporters please bring your friends, relatives, business associates, neighbours, etc., to opposition ceramahs. Also do not forget to donate to the election fund. Before you go check your pocket and make sure you have some money inside for the donation.


    If you receive BN leaflets just throw them away in the drain.
    If you ever meet any opposition candidate campaigning at the market or elsewhere do not shake hand with him/her, just ignore.

  15. Thursday, February 28, 2008
    Friday Deadline! (Polling & Counting Agents)

    Is this up on Malaysia Today & Malaysiakini? These guys really play dirty! They even tried to bring down PKR websites. Wonder if they would attack PAS & DAP websites next?!


    Once again from YB Eli, sounds like EC suddenly put a new deadline for PACAs, this Friday!!

    It’s a tight race, and they’re trying their darndest to make it hard for us.

    All our campaign work goes to naught if on polling day there isn’t anything to stop the counter from declaring every opposition vote a ‘barisan’ vote and putting it into the wrong pile.

    That’s where YOU come in :)

    We’re working on ways to funnel PACA’s to candidates who need them. Just leave a comment with your e-mail and phone number here for starters!

    Be a part of a better Malaysia, bring about the new dawn we need so badly.

    from elizabeth wong:

    Original post here.

    Last night, we were informed that Polling and Counting Agents have to have their names, IC numbers in by this FRIDAY! Ah, satu lagi keputusan petir SPR….

    We need a couple of hundred people who are willing to sacrifice just one day on March 8, to help ensure there won’t be any cheats or ghostly voters.

    Please write to: if you wish to help!

  16. “If you receive BN leaflets just throw them away in the drain.
    If you ever meet any opposition candidate campaigning at the market or elsewhere do not shake hand with him/her, just ignore.”

    It is Ok to receive the leaflets. But then you tear it off right there and then. It is OK to be courted by BN supporters be they the incumbents themselves or their supporters, but refuse to shake their hands when offered. It is OK to say to him or her that you were once a BN supporter but have changed to being a DAP supporter.

    It is OK to be less than polite but honest and direct. It is a-OK because the message goes a long way with onlookers and more than any opposition politician could hope to deliver.

  17. “If given BN leaflets , I just drop them on the road .

    If I ever meet any BN candidate campaigning at the market or elsewhere, I just refused to shake his / her hand ,

    I just ignore them with a SMILE .”

    Vote against BN arrogance.

    VOTE for CHANGE.

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat.

  18. “Now Umnoputras are taking our can-or-not space traveller to their ceramah and exhibiting him like a dog on a leash.” – boh-liao

    I knew it, I knew it, that’s exactly what they would do! – proudly displaying their pedigree huh?! Interesting, I wonder what those Singaporeans down south are thinking right now. They don’t have astronaut, remember? :D

  19. Parading the country’s first space traveller in that way is demeaning to the guy. He is being paraded for all to see the way you see an animal trainer exhibits his monkey saying, “See how well trained my monkey is” and “I can train more monkeys if you let me”.

    Let’s hope this election is not about “Monkey see, monkey do”.

  20. I suppose the rakyat have forgotten how this BN/UMNO government screwed up the nation’s rm90 million, an unnecessary spending with its “Angkasawan Project” – a great Malaysian joke, to send the country’s 1st space-traveller into space at tax-payers’ expense!

    DAP and its allies should bring this up to remind the people at their ceramahs. Malaysians ‘mudah lupa’ remember?!

  21. Again! My comment awaiting moderation which will take another 20 hours? I will reword my piece.

    I suppose the rakyat have forgotten how this BN/UMNO government scr*wed up the nation’s rm90 million, an unnecessary spending with its “Angkasawan Project” – a great Malaysian joke, to send the country’s 1st space-traveller into space at tax-payers’ expense!

    DAP and its allies should bring this up to remind the people at their ceramahs. Malaysians ‘mudah lupa’ remember?!

  22. “..are immediately withdrawn and replaced by a new printing..”

    All of them (BN candidates) should be disqualified, if we were supposed to followed the EC rules. Let’s say, if this happens to the Opposition, what will happen then? A few UMNO rookies will file a report to the EC, and EC will just follow their orders.

  23. I noticed a few others have also voiced out about the long moderation wait times.

    Is it content or just a sign of the times? If it’s content, then it is quite ironic because there some posts with clearly ‘objectionable’ content that have been cleared.

  24. I think Jong is right. Our moderator or more accurately the moderating mechanism is programmed to hold postings with words associated with the work of the carpenter rather than his daughter’s admirer, if you know what I mean.

  25. Voters, don’t treat what BN give u as gift, this is what BN owe U remember they taxed u, (directly and indirectly), charge u high tol, tax yr car, etc
    If B. Rakyat were to form govt, surely can give u more, easy, money save from corruption can easily give each Msian at least RM150 per yr (so U get min RM750 every year, if u hv 5 ppl in yr family) Isn’t this better?

  26. Thats because they will run amok if they lose. Do we want to live under threats? They use public funds for their election campaign while opposition have to rely on donations and out of pocket. Still they talk nonsense. Its this arrogance that have grown over the last 50 years that have resulted in this attitude. They have been in power for too long. Out of ideas to run this country, they rely on racial politics to win!

  27. By Jeremy Au Yong, THE STRAITS TIMES

    MR BAKAR Awang sighed as he asked for the time. It was five minutes past noon. Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi was supposed to arrive at the rural Penang village of Pengkalan Bongor more than an hour ago, but he was still nowhere in sight.

    Asked to hazard a guess why the Prime Minister was late, the 68-year-old villager just shrugged. ‘Maybe he overslept,’ he said.

    It seems that the much-circulated joke of Datuk Seri Abdullah falling asleep easily has spread even to his hardcore supporters like Mr Bakar, who has known the Prime Minister since he was young.

    Indeed, the image of the Malaysian leader sleeping has been a staple on the Internet during the campaign and now the opposition parties are picking up on it.

    Even if Mr Bakar may not visit websites posting pictures of the PM with his eyes closed, or attend opposition rallies where it is mentioned, he can hardly ignore the large banner put up in his village by Parti Islam SeMalaysia featuring prominently the image of Datuk Seri Abdullah yawning.

    Part of the allure of such images for the opposition is that it somewhat humorously captures one of their main criticisms of the Malaysian leader: a sense of lethargy and weakness.

    There is growing dissatisfaction with the government in some quarters, based on a perception that it has failed to fulfil the promises the Prime Minister made the last time round.

    These include greater accountability and transparency, and less corruption and crime.

    If anything, many now think it has gotten worse, putting the blame squarely on Datuk Seri Abdullah’s weak leadership.

    It is something the Prime Minister seems acutely aware of.

    On a visit to Penang three weeks ago, he said: ‘You can say I am not good enough. You can say whatever, but don’t say that I don’t work. I work very hard. I mean it and you know it.’

    On the ground in the midst of an election, he is working harder than ever now.

    He may have arrived well over an hour late for the start of his campaign engagement yesterday morning, but he wasted no time once he got there.

    He ran through his home visits at a brisk pace, undeterred by the incessant rain as he visited some of the poorest people in the area throughout the day.

    In two hours, he whisked through four villages, sheltered under umbrellas that minders held above him and his wife Jeanne.

    The pace at which he was able to move from village to village was all the more impressive considering he does not travel lightly.

    His convoy involved more than 30 cars, not counting two ambulances, a handful of motorcycles bearing party flags, and vehicles ferrying the 20 pressmen that follow him everywhere.

    The sight of such an entourage tends to get everyone in the village out of their houses, especially in those like Pulau Mertajam, which has less than 600 homes.

    In and around his hometown of Kepala Batas, he was greeted as a hero.

    Party members had been out earlier in the morning to distribute BN merchandise, and the villagers were now bearing them proudly.

    Nearly everyone was wearing a T-shirt with the PM’s face and the words ‘I love BN’. Others drank out of ‘Vote BN’-branded bottles of water.

    Datuk Seri Abdullah took a break from the visits only when he had lunch – with some 800 teachers he had invited from around the area.

    More evidence of the support he enjoys was present at lunch: Some of Malaysia’s top businessmen were in the small town of Kepala Batas, among them Air Asia chief Tony Fernandez.

    Then, it was off to more home visits and a meeting with the Penang police chief before finishing up with evening prayers in his constituency. Today, the Premier is doing more of the same – and going up to Kelantan too.

    But Datuk Seri Abdullah says this is just the beginning. Asked how he thought the campaign was going, he said: ‘The feeling is good. I’m comfortable. But I know there is a lot more work to be done.’

  28. I saw this comment posted on RPK’s blog. Excuse the lavatorial sense of humour but it is bound to crack at least a small smile at the corner of your mouth.

    //”written by PakLong, February 27, 2008 | 16:55:20

    near my place, right in front of a Mamak shop. the BN goons put up a giant billboard with the words UNDILAH BN. This morning i saw there are some S H ! T on it. someone must have rub it onto the billboard last night. hahahaha… the mamak is complaining though as the terrible smell puts off his customers.

    must really salute la whoever did it ” //

  29. More Ceramahs Videos …

    other effective ways … to reach out to voters, is via internet / emails.

    A ‘ Dynamic Malaysia ‘ … equality for all… a better future…

    Vote for a New MALAYSIA.

    Many professionals have joined the DAP,PAS,PKR,PSM,MDP,PASOK throughout Malaysia, Sabah & Sarawak.

    It is a multi-ethnic party

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat….

  30. The millions of copies of the unlawful Barisan Nasional 2008 General Election Manifesto should be confiscated and shredded turn into recycled paper, can get some cash out of it.
    But in reality who can take the greaaat BN to court.
    EC will turn a blind eye or rather both.
    EC will say take BN to court.
    Letting us see such illegal General Election Manifesto is such an eyesore. Have to cover our eyes each time we see such material!

  31. I love Election time…..

    Suddenly, all the ministers and bigshots all rubbing shoulders with the people. Alot of complaints are being addressed quickly, and alot of feel good promises being made. Not to mention with freebies, goodies and extra allocation like Chinese and Tamil Schools, road repairs, etc….

    And the thick newspapers which used to have a small section of humor at the entertainment section is now filled with jokes, sarcasm and petty quarrels of grown men and women from front cover to the page 30!.

    I think election should be held every two years or yearly, then the politicians will really have the be “man/woman of the people, by the people and for the people…..”

  32. yes,nobody is above the law!(except BN goons),
    yes,every printing must endorse the printer’s info!(except BN goons),
    yes,all malays nomatter how stupid must complete form 5(except chinese,indian and singh!)
    yes,no illegal hawkers are allowed!(except malay and mamak!),
    yes,malay milionaires still entitle for property discount!(except 2nd,3rd and 4th class citizens!),
    yes,important ministerial posts only for malays!(no exception!),
    yes,university’s VC must be Malay,nomatter how racist he is!(no compromise!)

  33. “On a visit to Penang three weeks ago, he said: ‘You can say I am not good enough. You can say whatever, but don’t say that I don’t work. I work very hard. I mean it and you know it.’” Abdullah Badawi

    This is the true measure of the man – his own assessment of himself.

    He thinks working hard and watching the clock and putting long hours is all it takes to be a leader! I think he is the kind of guy a leader would need to do the paperwork. Doesn’t he realize that he is not the Chief Secretary to the Government but the head of the executive branch, not a civil servant, nor a diplomat but the Prime Minister to whom Malaysians look for leadership??

  34. “His convoy involved more than 30 cars, not counting two ambulances, a handful of motorcycles bearing party flags, and vehicles ferrying the 20 pressmen that follow him everywhere.”

    A flagrant abuse of resources which rightly belong to the people to campaign for the party?? Aren’t Ministers ministers in name only until the election is over?

    I’m assuming, of course, those “30 cars and a handful of motorcycles” are not government property since they bore BN flags.

  35. “Security, Peace ,Prosperity” The promise in the BN manifesto.
    Well..Security..what security can you get when you don’t even feel safe to go out alone these have to hold your kids, else they may get stolen or lost! Lots of break-ins…when the police is not doing their job in the proper sense of the word…they are no guardian of security of what-you-know..

    Peace…what peace when discrimination still exists…positive discrimination…no eqality..can the BN-led government guanrantee and practise EQUALITY? NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICIES? Prove it by practising TRUE meritocracy..Who leads the GLCS? Who are the heads of government depts? Who are the VCs of public institutions of higher learning? Can the government do away with Bumi-this, Bumi-that? Aren’t we are all suppose to be MALAYSIANS? Islam says all are equal before God, but people say some are more equal than others..and to call one a true practitioner of a religion, there should not be any form of discriminations..if one is true to oneself and to religion..else it is just hypocrisy..

    Prosperity….who is really prosperous? The big-wigs, the well-connected, the corrupted, the litle-napoleons ( who can get away with the laws even if they broke them) , the bad and the ugly..

    The situation does not favour the commoner…the rich gets richer..the poor gets chance for you poor folks!

    THAT is the reason why we need a voice for the commoners….we need someone outside of the BN who can speak for us…

  36. Officially when the august house of Parliament is dissolved, the government is in “care-taker” mode. That is we have a care-taker government now.

    Candidates, specifically those from the care-taker government are advised NOT to use government property while on their campaign rounds…Are those who are found to use the said properties considered to have broken any rules/laws? Can they be charged with any laws which may have have been drawn up by the Election Commission? Where do those government-backed candidates get their funds from? Are they using public funds? Who is monitoring all these matters? They are officially not in office..they are not suppose to touch public funds..

    Public places belong to ALL MALAYSIANS…no one has more right to them than others…if government-backed candidates can utilise, why are non-government candidates not allowed to use them? Isn’t this a clear case of discrimination?

    Poor opposotion candidates have to fork out their own money or to ask for donations from the public/sympatisers…

  37. “”One4All4One Says:
    Officially when the august house of Parliament is dissolved, the government is in “care-taker” mode. That is we have a care-taker government now””

    also means that ‘ VOTING FOR BN IS NOT VOTING FOR THE GOVERNMENT..they are just a candidates in election, no difference from VOTING FOR DAP , PKR , PAS.

    only after the contesting party won, then they can form the government, and called government…

    so from 13/2/08 until 8/3/08 , there is no government or opposition, only election candidates

    using RTM to spread BARISAN NASIONAL PROPAGANDA is tantamount to using the RAKYAT’S property illegimately.


    .Maybe in the future, the Election Commission should be take the role of ‘CARETAKER GOVERNMENT’.

  38. This UMNO led BN goverment just made me sick..All the main stream papers and TV station ..All shouting what can the opposition do.


  39. Don’t think it has anything to do with wording etc. I believe the moderating ‘mechanism’ is malfunctioning.

    No no no JOng is right, you just have to change some words. I think the software is programmed to look out for certain words – you know what. So long as you avoid those words or like what Jong did, then it is ok.

  40. wow,so much posts here…still didnt understand wat’s the fuss about this election.

    “pen is only mightier than the sword,when those who weilds the sword,…are literated”

    and why do i have to register just to leave a comment here,doesnt
    that makes this site less pro-freedom ?

  41. Last nite’s rally at USJ12 Subang Jaya was fantastic!!!!!!!!!Beyond my wildest dreams..People who were there have ONE important thing to do…mark the correct,correct,correct box on the 8th!!

  42. Pak Lah inherited a legacy from Dr M..a legacy which he hoped he never would have to bear. But Pak Lah was at the wrong place at the wrong time..From my observation, towards the end of Dr M’s tenure as PM, UMNOism is at its ugliest..and Pak LAh inherited the burden of juggling the many faults and weaknesses…of the Malay Dilemma..

  43. Pak Lah has to be strong AND has to act strong. Else the malays would lose direction. UMNO was in tatters, Pak Lah had to mend fences..inter-racial relation was at its weakest..caused by the divide and rule policy of UMNO leadership..who always suppress the other component parties in the BN. What good to stay with BN then…the Opposition is in more comfortable position. They feel relaxed…and not burdened to stay in the BN pact and try to please BIG-Brother (UMNO) all the time…BB cannot stand being sidelined / made to feel small…they r the TUAN…always taller than the rest even if they underachieved…that sucks!

  44. We have ISA to gov the peace and security so why still peace ,security other than threatenning,
    we have prosperity but robbed by BN and lacking of FDI because so why talk about prosper,
    vote BN out and give opposition a 5 year term for peace security and prosperity otherwise 4 years later we still can give BN another chance.

  45. BN should never be given another chance as they have been arrogant and treating us like dogs. in Bandar Utama we have been asking for a police station since 1998 but we have not been able to get it until this monday they told us that they will allocate the land for the police station when we have already our own security scheme in our neighbourhood. is this what they call “development”? when election is around the corner, then only they start making change? when we don’t vote for them = no development. when we vote for them still = no development. enough of all these bulls and lies. they are litterally blackmailing us that unless we vote them we get development and even when we vote them they don’t do anything. to hell with BN

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