Nomination papers submitted

Flash – Nominations for Ipoh Timor parliamentary and three state assembly constituencies of Pasir Pinji, Canning and Tebing Tinggi accepted without objections – a one-to-one fight.

Nominations papers for Ipoh Timor submitted to Returning Officer at Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh Nomination Centre at 9.07 am. Also submitted are nomination papers for Thomas Su Keong Siong (Pasir Pinji), Wong Kah Woh (Canning) and Ong Boon Piow (Tebing Tinggi).

This was followed by the submission of the nomination forms for the Barisan Nasional candidates.

Awaiting for conclusion of nomination process, with nomination closed in 10 minutes’ time, followed by one hour for objections.

The curtain rises for the Electoral Battle of the Century – which is just not about the next five years but a vote about the first 50 years of Malaysian nationhood and the next 50 years.

74 Replies to “Nomination papers submitted”

  1. Dear Saudara Lim,

    PLEASE update a file with all DAP candidate and their election campaign Bank account numbers. This will assist others to deposit any funds directly into their account.

    This is effective, safe and helpful for all.

  2. Great to know whats going on from DBI. I was there this morning but the crowd is too big so I decided to send my children home first.

    I went round the Pasir Pinji market this morning and many are solidly behind DAP.

    However, there are still some who are still sympathetic to our course – still believing that the opposition’s hands will still be tied although we win the seats or deny the BN 2/3. Everywhere I go, I will meet this kindof voters especially the teachers, present and retired. For the retired teachers, they are just thinking of their pension. I know because I still meet my ex-teachers every month for morning coffee.

    These are our target group. I hope in every ceramah or meet the people sessions, the speakers must address this issue cautiously. We must make them realise that their every votes count and the opposition can do something to change the corrupt BN. This message must reach them.

    All the best to you and your team.

  3. Saudara Lim,
    Pls keep up the fighting spirit in forcing a just, uncorrupted and healthy Malaysia. Too much corruption in the government is causing inflation to the rakyat. Pls follow up closely on 1.2 billion issue and bring justice to rakyat

  4. There will be a deliberate attempt to technically disqualify as many opposition candidates as they can possibly cheat. I hope our guys can be as careful as possible especially from DAP side cos otherwise it will be a big disappointment before we can even see the starting line.

  5. Aim to deny 2/3rds majority. Who knows come March 8th may win more than that.

    In my place after the ADUN was dismissed by Pak Lah 3 days ago, the UMNO ” loyal supporters ” closed their Bilik Gerakan and removed all BN and UMNO flags from the streets. Now who is having internal problems.

    I hear all these grassroot UMNO leaders are going to swing their votes to the opposition to teach Pak Lah a lesson.

    God Bless Malaysia

  6. A big change is sure to realise on march 8 2008. Vote wisely…. vote for a chnage don’t worry about the serier number on the volting slip….You can do it DAP !

    Can someone check and see what ever happen in sekinchan for Dap candidate have been resolved?

  7. “I see this as a gimmick to make things difficult for opposition candidates,” said Mustaffa Ali, state election chief for the Islamic opposition party PAS.

    Mustaffa also criticised the Election Commission for providing exceptions on the use of indelible ink on voters’ fingers, refusing demands to abolish postal votes which Bersih says are manipulated, and not cleaning up electoral rolls.

  8. i just can’t wait for march 8th. suddenly there is so much hope for malaysia.

    think of nude squat case, policewoman tudung case, moorthy case, ravathy case, temple demolishment case, surau demolishment case, you tak suka you boleh keluar dari malaysia case, and the inaction by Pak Lah and his team.

    Each time I think of these cases I feel so angry and when I look and my 2 small children, I wonder if there is a future for them in Malaysia.

    Just Change It !!

  9. We pray that the oposition, especially DAP will perform better and achieve its target number of seats. God bless DAP.

    Their members should unite and not continue to sqauble over seats allocations, withdrawing from the parties and what not antics, cutting membership cards in front of government controlled TV camera, becoming a villain, like the one in Selangor.

    It is sad that many DAP members and leaders are still ignorant of the real struggle represented by the party.

  10. It is a criminal waste to get the nomination paper disqualified on technical ground. It should never have happened, more so for oposition, and handed over the seat without a fight to the opposite.

  11. This is another bonker. How can a candidate fail to turn up, what a shame on the person and the party concerned for selecting him a bonker to be a potential people’s leader??

    This is an easy fight for BN. Hope there won’t be too many of such cases at the end of the nomination day.

  12. …SPR telah memansuhkan bayaran tersebut tanpa memaklumkan kepada calon-calon PAS.

    …”SPR berbuat demikian untuk membantu calon BN khususnya Umno Terengganu yang menghadapi masalah pemilihan calon,” katanya.

    >”Kami (PAS) hanya mendapat tahu pemansuhan bayaran tersebut kira-kira jam 5 pagi tadi,” katanya, dalam sidang media selepas proses penamaan calon di Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah Marang hari ini.

  13. To YB L K Siang,

    >>Please help Pas to file ‘writ of motion’ in Election High Court.

    Extracts from Jed Yoong,

    Food for thoughts….

    >… Husam said something about the BN calon not signing the nomination form.

    >If the BN calon is disqualified, then PAS will win a seat — not sure if it’s Husam’s seat.

    >> Same thing with Nik Aziz’s opponent in Pengkalan Pasir.
    But his press secretary said that the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that and Nik Aziz has to “lawan (fight)”.

    …SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

    >>To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>Pas Legal advisers should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify these 2 BN calons.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

  14. All MALAYSIAN.
    TIME is here now.HELP DAP>PKR to win.
    LETS all go out there to see everything goes well.
    GO tell the kampong people thinke for the 50 yrs to come not 5yrs.

  15. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming they were blocked from going to the nomination centre.

    >Another SPR double standard ? ” after a mistake was made by the returning officer at the nomination centre. “

  16. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy” ?

    1) >> …the issue cropped up when an agent for PAS candidate, Dr Khairudin Abd Malik, noticed that Rafidah failed to sign one of the nomination forms.

    2)>>> “She signed on the forms that she submitted to me but she forgot to sign the form that was put on display during objection period,” he said on nomination day Sunday.

    >> To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms on display after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>PAS “Legal advisers” should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify this Kuala Kangsar Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz BN calon.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

    >>…SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

  17. > There were also near misses for the BN camp, including BN election director and Menteri Besar-designate Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin when their candidates almost had their papers rejected due to technicalities.

    PAS Legal Advisers should file “election Writ’ to disqualify Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin BN.

    >> See technicalities in Sabah.

    Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming “they were blocked” from going to the nomination centre.

  18. MAKE SURE that those INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES lose their underwears!! Spoil sports!! nincompoopS!! What are they up to?
    If Police reports have been made that the candidates were deliberately prevented to reach the RO’s office,then there should be allowed to nominate together with the presentation of the Police REports! Talking about practising democracy! It certainly looks like BN are desperate and are trying to take all kinds of action to frustrate BR[ Barisan Raayt]!!!

  19. More technicalities..

    >>Mind you, in a number of other cases where the BN candidates were alleged to have balls-ed up with their registration forms, ‘twas only the ‘returning officers’ who saved them, in many cases not even providing any reason to the opposition why their objections were overruled and the BN candidates’ forms accepted. The Boleh-decisions ;-)

    In one case Malaysiakini reported that PAS candidate Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohd Ghazali (for Titiwangsa) objected to the nomination of BN’s Aziz Jamaluddin Mohd Tahir on the ’suspicion’ that Aziz’ statutory declaration did not contain the required stamp duty payment.

    hahaha – EC chairman Abdul Rashid has been too clever by half.

    It seems Aziz Jamaluddin also contravened election laws when he allegedly “paid his deposit with a personal cheque”. Cek calon BN di sahkan Bolehwan lah! hahaha

    But the Election Commission officers – led by returning officer Che Yahya Che Soh – refused to allow the PAS team to go through Aziz’s nomination papers to verify the claims.

    Che Yahya said he received directions from his superiors to the effect neither candidate are allowed look through the other’s nomination papers. What he probably meant was PAS couldn’t look at BN’s papers to see if there were indeed errors, like no stamp duty being paid ;-)

    Very dodgy lah. But mind you, this is BN Boleh Land.

    >> Please at all costs traced what personal cheque nos. for ‘election Writ’ to disqualify BN candidate. Later replaced with a ‘backdated bank draft’ or by ‘Cash deposit’ with ‘backdated KEW38 resit’?

    Yes agree, but first we must pray that the opposition is on God’s side.

  21. This is not a good omen! PKR need to explain.

    Yes PKR must explain. It could be the candidate chosen did not want to contest in the first place. I got the feeling that the opposition is so short of quality candidates.

  22. waterfrontcoolie Says:
    MAKE SURE that those INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES lose their underwears!! Spoil sports!! nincompoopS!! What are they up to?

    Could be financed by BN. Notice that all highly contested constituencies have independents. Must try to get the message out to the voters in those constituencies. Cowardice tactic by BN again.

  23. “I got the feeling that the opposition is so short of quality candidates.” limkamput

    I’d agree if by ‘quality’ you mean candidates who have integrity. We must remember that PKR is still essentially a splinter group of UMNO, with leaders spurned by UMNO’s top leadership years earlier, and those who were tainted by their loyalty to Anwar Ibrahim who saw no way up the ladder. They make easy targets for UMNO’s dirty tactics.

  24. A real brave ‘Patriot’.

    An 89-year-old grandmother … , an independent candidate for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat.

    Possibly the oldest candidate in the 12th general election, Maimun Yusuf .

    The divorced grandmother of seven said she had attempted to stand for elections four times previously, but didn’t qualify because of technicalities and a lack of documentation.

    >> “I want to right the wrongs and bring down the price of essentials,” she said in her thick Terengganu Malay accent.

    I believe she can be a better MP than the BN Umno MPs .

    She talk sense, straight to the point , from rakyat’s hearts.

    How about vote her into Parliament.

  25. May God bless all DAP candidates to win a great victory on 8 March 08 GE ! Come on, work all out and whole heartedly to gain support from the grassroots, RAKYAT and turn all negatvie voters become positive workers for DAP ! Vote for DAP = vote for a better Malaysia for us and our next 50 years generation ! Believe no more in MCA,MIC and UMNO’s lies and sins!

  26. At the beginning, before GE we can see the ‘dirty tactics’ from BN with EC and Police backing up their acts to stop a fair and clean campaigns and nomination. BN will be ‘seen’ to win 2/3 majority and many of these voters have no choice but to vote for BN because their livinghood is controlled by BN.
    BN will never need to ‘kowtow’ to rakyat anymore from here.
    BN can only be ‘taken down’ from inside.
    What drives BN heroes together is monies and monies that ‘buys’ power.
    With the new replacing the older ones, BN will be facing more internal demands rather than public cries. BN need to balance their wealth with the heroes and everyone just won’t let go of their shares. Anyway, KJ will be the ONE – chosen to bring down BN and also UMNO.
    That’s great news to Malaysian.

  27. Too bad I wasnot able to go to listen to the DAP talks on the 1Mar in Penang.
    It was raining and it was fully pack up and jammeds up the roads.
    This shows how much supporters DAP have.
    Like to suggest to put it to ” LIVE ” talks in the internet so that some of the people will be able towatch and listen live if they are not able to make it there.
    Feel bad that I was not able to go there on that day.
    Anwy…You have my vote!!!!

  28. this is a msg i got from someone…. u will be impress how old our people in Rembau (Khairi’s area) live!!!!

    Subject: FW: Electoral Website – Absolutely ridiculous
    Importance: High

    Check out these following IC numbers in the electoral website given

    I tried my IC number and my details came out correctly but try using the
    following IC numbers: 890211050014, 961022505236, 971219750079,
    991230710156, 991025740081.

    Ages of these people (from the first 6 digits of their IC) are 19, 12,
    13 and 9 and they are all registered voters in Rembau where Khairy is

    The nine-year old is also named “Long Fatt” … seriously.

    THIS IS ABSOLUTE MOCKERY OF THE ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!! You wonder, should I
    even bother going to the polls!??!!

  29. here’s another one msg.
    SPR cekap & telus??

    Go to SPR website – Voter status .
    Enter this ic no, 901231090030, he is 117 old.
    Try this T715511 and 670104075529, he can vote twice by himself n post.
    Now this T719756 and 750909035727, again he can vote twice.
    There is a ghost. Ur smart vote can stop this dirty tactic.
    Think wisely, Vote wisely.

    so. can we do anything about it??? how can we not lose to BN with this sort of thing going on. really dirty.

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