Kit Siang’s Team for Ipoh Timur

We need people to assist in the following:

(A) Ipoh Timur Elections Operation Centre Administrative Assistants

Volunteers will work in shifts of 9am to 1pm; 1pm to 5pm; 5pm to 9pm

(B) Polling and Counting Agent

Job description:

  • Polling agent sits in a polling stream (the classroom where the voting takes place) and observes the voting process. Each school may have a different number of polling streams (saluran mengundi) depending on the number of voters in that area.
  • Counting agent observes the counting of the votes when polling closes at 5pm. Two counting agents are needed for each saluran.

Minimally, 300 personnel are required for the above two jobs.


  • 7am – 1pm (morning shift) and double up as counting agent from 5pm – 7pm
  • 1pm – 7pm (afternoon shift and double up as counting agent)
  • 7am – 7pm (full day and double up as counting agent)

(C) Financial contribution

  • Cash contribution – please walk-in to our operation centres, we appreciate your cash (every ringgit counts!) and please ask for a receipt from the person on duty. During ceramah and function, we will send our cadres down to collect donation from the public. WE HAVE NOT AUTHORISED NOR DO WE SEND ANYONE TO SOLICIT FOR CASH DONATIONS!
  • Cheque – make payment payable to “LIM KIT SIANG” and hand the cheques to us at our operations centres or bank into Lim Kit Siang’s CIMB a/c No. 14080048869005.

(D) Sponsorship:

  • We need plenty of drinking water; (27 Feb 08 at 1pm, 40 boxes donated by a supporter; 27 Feb 08 8.30pm, another 10 boxes arrived at ops center)
  • Stationary such as pencils, rulers, erasers, sharpeners etc for polling agents during polling day;
  • Food and beverages for personnel on duty everyday.

How to reach us:

  1. Come and fill up the Volunteer Form at the Ipoh Timur Operation Centre (No. 61 & 63 jalan Kampar 30250 Ipoh, Perak; Tel: 05-2533096)
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. SMS us at 012-4383060, and give us your name and contact number.

Lets join Kit Siang’s Team!

106 Replies to “Kit Siang’s Team for Ipoh Timur”

  1. Hi Uncle Lim,

    I’m currently residing in oversea. Do you have any other method of financial contribution like the Paypal ? It seems to me that my RHB bank online services has gone from ridiculously bad to worst. Apart from having to stuck with their so call Online Security card, I can’t even use my Interbank Giro online any more because they need me to register my mobile phone number so they can send me the password which will then allows me to use that features. Funny, I’m sure that they’d read all those wireless vunerabilities before they went on implemented that design! I tried to call them and hoping to get my oversea mobile no. registered which I doubt it but as usual the typical Malaysia customer services their phone line went dead.

  2. Food Thought Says:
    Today at 06: 06.23 (1 hour ago)
    I’m currently residing in oversea. Do you have any other method of financial contribution
    Go to the thread dated Feb 20, 2008 “Time to walk the talk” of this blog. Click on ‘DAP Election Fund’ and donate by credit card. It’s fast, less then 3 minutes!

  3. Live from Ipoh Timor : About 500 BN supporters and 200 DAP supporters gathering in front of DBI.

    Kit’s team members going to the nomination first at 9:10am, and BN candidates enter to the nomination hall 110 minutes later.

  4. Food Thought,

    If paypal is the only way convenient for you to donate. I suggest you donate to Jeff Ooi Election Campaign. I believe Uncle Kit won’t mind this. I can assure you that the money is use for the same cause ie justice, democracy and freedom in Malaysia.

  5. Dear Saudara Lim,

    You need to organize such centers in all places DAP has candidates.
    You are very late as this should have been done even before nomination day.
    I have been writing this 2 months back. It is still not too late.
    Get out a list for all DAP centers so that the responsibility can be shared.

    Provide bank accounts for all DAP candidates.
    Good Luck and God Bless all.

  6. Do you need a two-thirds majority to wipe out corruption, to be transparent and accountable? Do you need a two-thirds majority to provide housing and health care?…Why do they need a two-thirds majority when they can’t even build a crooked bridge with a 90 per cent majority?

    It is this two-thirds majority that has been the curse of our democracy. It is this two-thirds majority that is threatening our civil liberties and our freedom of religion.

  7. k1980 Says:

    Today at 11: 11.19 (42 minutes ago)
    “…they can’t even build a crooked bridge with a 90 per cent majority?”
    This crooked bridge will be a laughing stock for the world if they really built it! Anyway “no build also pay big big money”.
    In other countries, party like BN probably lost out long ago, maybe in 1974 GE or 1999 GE etc

  8. To YB L K Siang,

    >>Please help Pas to file ‘writ of motion’ in Election High Court.

    Extracts from Jed Yoong,

    Food for thoughts….

    >… Husam said something about the BN calon not signing the nomination form.

    >If the BN calon is disqualified, then PAS will win a seat — not sure if it’s Husam’s seat.

    >> Same thing with Nik Aziz’s opponent in Pengkalan Pasir.
    But his press secretary said that the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that and Nik Aziz has to “lawan (fight)”.

    …SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

    >>To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>Pas Legal advisers should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify these 2 BN calons.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

  9. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming they were blocked from going to the nomination centre.

    >Another SPR double standard ? ” after a mistake was made by the returning officer at the nomination centre. “

  10. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    1) >> …the issue cropped up when an agent for PAS candidate, Dr Khairudin Abd Malik, noticed that Rafidah failed to sign one of the nomination forms.

    2)>>> “She signed on the forms that she submitted to me but she forgot to sign the form that was put on display during objection period,” he said on nomination day Sunday.

    >> To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms on display after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>PAS “Legal advisers” should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify this Kuala Kangsar Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz BN calon.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

    >>…SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

  11. > There were also near misses for the BN camp, including BN election director and Menteri Besar-designate Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin when their candidates almost had their papers rejected due to technicalities.

    PAS Legal Advisers should file “election Writ’ to disqualify Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin BN.

    >> See technicalities in Sabah.

    Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming “they were blocked” from going to the nomination centre.

  12. “PAS “Legal advisers” should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify this Kuala Kangsar Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz BN calon.”

    Yeah, they can try. When Zaki Tun Azmi ‘takes over the throne’, as CJ it will be over before it has begun.

  13. A real brave ‘Patriot’.

    An 89-year-old grandmother … , an independent candidate for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat.

    Possibly the oldest candidate in the 12th general election, Maimun Yusuf .

    The divorced grandmother of seven said she had attempted to stand for elections four times previously, but didn’t qualify because of technicalities and a lack of documentation.

    >> “I want to right the wrongs and bring down the price of essentials,” she said in her thick Terengganu Malay accent.

    I believe she can be a better MP than the BN Umno MPs .

    She talk sense, straight to the point , from rakyat’s hearts.

    How about vote her into Parliament.

  14. OK, first donation to DAP in general. Now it is time to donate directly for dear Uncle Kit. Must have Uncle Kit for my cozy little Ipoh Timur town!!
    Time to swipe that Credit Card again…
    Sorry but I could not help you out physically as I am overseas. The worse part is that there is no way for me to cast my vote out of the country. Hopefully the BN bloodsuckers would not take this opportunity to fake my vote for them.

  15. News extracts.

    ….Sementara itu, di sidang media hari ini, Kamaruzaman turut menyatakan kini calon-calon boleh menghantar agen tempat mengundi bagi memantau proses pembuangan undi pos.

    Langkah baru itu, tambahnya, diambil bagi membolehkan agen-agen calon pembangkang melihat sendiri proses tersebut bagi memastikan ketelusan.

    Beliau juga mengingatkan calon-calon tentang peraturan berhubung bahan-bahan kempen. Parti-parti yang tidak bertanding di satu-satu kawasan dilarang menaikkan poster atau bendera daripada parti-part lain.

    Peraturan ini pertama kali diperkenalkan pada 2004 selepas pilihanraya terdahulu menyaksikan pakatan tidak rasmi parti-parti utama pembangkang saling meletakkan lambang parti rakan kongsinya.

    Beliau menjelas, walaupun calon-calon Barisan Nasional dibenarkan menaikkan bendera Umno di kawasan yang ditandingi calon MCA, pakatan pembangkang tidak diizinkan berbuat perkara yang sama.

    Perbezaan ini, jelasnya, kerana pakatan pembangkang tidak berdaftar dengan SPR sedangkan BN sebuah gabungan rasmi yang diiktiraf suruhanjaya itu.

  16. Guys, encourage all your friends to vote this time. The greater the turnout, the less opportunity for manipulation by bn and spr. Lets play our part. Lets all vote this time.

    If they have transferred you to a different constituency, and its their mistake, I am told that spr has to pay for your travel expenses. So do make the effort to travel and cast your vote.


  17. I read this and would share to all readers…


    No opinions, just numbers, and facts. You make your own decision on the matter.

    Decision-making power process within our present cabinet – UMNO: 35.9% of the vote, 73% of all cabinet positions

    UMNO not only controls the parliament via Barisan, it has allocated itself 24 cabinet positions or 73% of all cabinet positions.
    MCA has 4 cabinet positions or 12% of the cabinet positions.
    MIC has 1 cabinet position or 3 % of the cabinet positions.
    Gerakan has 1 cabinet position or 3% of the cabinet positions.
    Other component parties hold 3 cabinet positions or 9% of the cabinet positions.
    The opposition with 36.2% of all the popular votes is not given a single cabinet position.
    Please note that although UMNO controls 50% of all parliamentary seats, it controls 73% of all the decision making processes within the cabinet.

    BN Hierarchy of Power – Other parties not allowed to keep UMNO in check

    Under the Barisan Party whip system, the majority component party within Barisan will dictate the rules of the game.

    Other Barisan component parties like MCA, Gerakan or MIC cannot vote against what UMNO decides in whatever it likes, even if they wanted to. They cannot even abstain from voting without being punished.
    Still believe MCA or MIC will be able to fight for your rights?

    Education – Racial quotas openly practiced

    “As the Higher Education Minister, I will ensure the quota of Malay students’ entry into universities is always higher” – Higher Education Minister, Dr. Shafie Salleh

    In 2006, 77.2% of scholarships allocated to Bumis as part of quota requirements, while students of other races with better results are left out.
    Non-bumiputera enrollment to matriculation colleges is limited to less than 10% of the total intake

    Still believe MCA or MIC will be able to fight for your rights?

    Our Constitution – Changed at whim by BN

    Since 1957, BN has amended the constitution 690 times to propagate its power. By comparison, USA which is more 200 years old has only amended its constitution 27 times; Singapore as little as only 4 times
    Barisan has the ability to amend the constitution as it likes due to its complete control of the government.

    2004 Election Stats – UMNO: 35.9% of the Vote, 50% of the seats

    UMNO received 35.9% of the popular votes but has 110 parliamentary seats or 50% of all parliamentary seats.
    In total, Barisan received 63.8% of the popular votes but has 199 parliamentary seats or 91% of all parliamentary seats.
    The opposition received 36.2% of the popular votes but has only 20 parliamentary seats or 9% of all parliamentary seats mainly because of gerrymandering.

    Still believe MCA or MIC will be able to fight for your rights?
    Let your vote do the talking. You can make a difference.

  18. Every vote counts. Think about it. If team A gets 100 votes and team B gets 100 votes and you did not vote for your preferred team A, your vote may be entered for Team B. Hence Team B would win with 101 votes. If you had voted Team A would have won with 101 votes. So the possible swing is 2 votes per vote. Keep that in mind.

    Now if you extrapolate that to a constituency and say 150 opposition supporters do not vote. Lets say the votes stand at 10,000 for bn and 9900 for opposition. If the 150 persons did vote for opposition, opposition would win with 10050 votes vs bn’s 10,000. But if they dont vote and ghost their votes are placed in support of bn, bn would win. So do encourage all of your friends to vote, to minimize the chances of manipulation in this election.

    Remember, if you have a 95% voter turnout in an constituency, theres not much postal or ghost votes that can be imported in!

    Lets all do our part for democracy!

  19. The BN govt proudly advertise that they are giving free education and health care and it cost the govt billions every year. Hey they are right in a way. But what they didnt tell you is that bulk of the expenses are hiked up and it is costing us taxpayers a huge lot of money. As long as there is no check n balance, the govt can continue to subsidise RM100billion but we are not getting the actual worth of it.

    So Opposition, pls use this as you point to counter BN’s lies abt FREE education and what not. Nothing is FREE when it comes to BN.

    And I didnt see the new manifesto by BN wanting to implement the IPCMC?

  20. fjjs,

    You have got some pretty good statistics there!
    Anyway, it is obvious that the MIC, MCA & Gerakan are all ineffective component parties.
    Everyone (with a brian cell that is) knows that UMNO controls everything. Even someone like KJ who had no Cabinet position (well not yet anyway) can tell the Presidents of MIC or MCA to shut up & tow the line.
    If you have still not decided, just look at our Judiciary, Police Force, Local Councils, Islamic Religious Department “gangsters” who go around snatching bodies, School Heads who have become Little Napoleons, Inflation (supposed to be around 3%? Ya right!), Transperancey in Public Tenders?…the list goes on & on…
    Haven’t we had enough of these arrogant corrupted smug crooks?
    Just Change It!

  21. BN is also advertising in RTM1,RTM2,TV3,NTV7,8TV,TV9, is this called fair media? and the news on those tv channels, especially RTM, more like doing campaign for BN, if you watch it.
    DAP please increase concentration here in Taiping, as BN gov is throwing the Taiping seat like rubbish and never plan to develop this town!

  22. Why is there no coalition between the opposition parties in Sabah. This is the best chance to get a majority. Please don’t waste it. This is so sad. I hope there is still time left for the opposition parties to work things out in Sabah so that the plan of competing one to one can be done between an opposition party and a BN component. Please, please don’t waste this golden opportunity for a better Malaysia. If not for our sake, then for our children’s sake. No to corruption, pollution, lies and discrimination.

  23. After so many months of lurking, I’ve finally registered to be on the site!

    It’s been on my chest a long while and I have to say it: The timing for this GE is really horrid! I just flew back for CNY! Just booked my flight to come back and vote, guess I’ll have to really ‘ikat perut’ the next few months :P But it’s something I gotta do … especially since I’m voting in Ipoh Timur :) Will visit the center in Jalan Kampar to donate some $$$ too.

    Sad to say, none of my other friends are going back; none registered in the first place. Sigh, the apathy. Well, I’m proud to say I believe.

  24. Well lets counter them then.

    The poster for Barisan Rakyat as published in RPK’s website looks great and patriotic enough for sure. Perhaps also that one of the manifesto of the Barisan Rakyat is to establish a “Bangsa Malaysia” which the BN never dare to declare all this while due to unknown reasons.

    This will be a good point to tap on actually. In addition, the Barisan Rakyat for sure should can get good support this time round especially from the Indian and Christian communities who’ve not been in the good books of the government lately due to the following :

    Indian Community – Being marginalised in various aspects as compared to their Bumiputera counterparts, from education, getting jobs at public service, deprived business opportunities and many still living in poverty that resulted in some of them turning to crime and becoming a public menace. The recent Hindraf rally speaks for itself.

    Christian communities – Dissatisfaction among Christians towards the government have been known due the following facts :
    i) Banning the import of bibles from overseas and prohibiting the printing rights of bibles in Bahasa Malaysia
    ii)Restriction and many red tapes enforced for the building of churches, that resulted in many churches without any choice but to have their services in shop houses instead. In Terengganu for example, there is no Catholic church buildings or even Protestant ones, like the ones you can find here in KL but ironnically this is not the case in Kelantan under the PAS led government.
    iii) The issue on the use of the word ‘Allah’ recently, that created a threat to most BM speaking christians here and also almost resulted in the Catholic newspaper “Herald” license to operate not being extended.
    iv) Unfair court decisions when it comes to conversion of religion.
    v) Body snatching and even snatching of christian educational materials from local bookstores on the pretext that these materials are a threat to national security it seems as they can create confusion among the Muslim community (please la… )

    Therefore, reach out to this group of people as the factors above are good enough for these group of voters (who’re now on the fence perhaps)to swing to the oppostion party easily. This will ensure the opposition gaining the extra crucial votes as these communities form the ‘balancing figures’ of the votes that may decide a party winning or losing.

  25. To, YB L K Siang,

    1)Only Symbol ” Dacing ” was registered ?

    2)Did BN component politicians “register their faces” not nominated for use
    together with & on BN ” Dacing “symbol ?

    3)Political parties “cannot put” up any election paraphernalia in parliamentary and state constituencies where they do not have any candidates contesting.

    4)EC secretary Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Nor said “only” parties with their candidates standing in the constituencies could put up the paraphernalia and distribute election materials.

    5)To a question, he said Barisan Nasional and its components could do so as they are a registered coalition.

    >> ….So file a complaint against the BN.

    > as provided for under Section 24B(10) of the Election Offences Act 1954.

    a)BN can use BN election paraphernalia only.

    b)only “a Face “of candidate nominated can be displayed, right ?

    >> Only Symbol ” Dacing ” was registered only. Right ?

    >> Legally, Najib face, other BN faces cannot be displayed at all by Law. Correct?

    >> Did BN component politicians “register their faces” not nominated for use
    together with & on BN ” Dacing “symbol ? No ?

    Can Barisan Rakyat Legal Advisers check up with Registrar of society & Election Commission on these ?

    Since 1984, I doubt they ever ‘register their faces’ for use in all constituencies.

    So SPR want to deny us the right to stand together as ‘BARISAN RAKYAT’ ?

    Just my 6 sens.

    A Legal PARADOX again ?

  26. “I still dont get why DAP is only contesting in 47 Parliamentary seats!”

    Hey, it’s easy to ask this question.

    How many professionally qualified Malaysian citizens are willing to self-sacrifice to be an opposition party candidate, especially in Malaysia?

  27. Mr Lim,
    Honestly I want to be of help to you. But due to my age and distance from Ipoh, I can’t do much. Glad that I managed to scrape a small sum to help you and colleages in your crusade against the corruptrd government.

    My family would be voting in Batu Kawan!



  28. BN promises (as taken from the Star) and what they really mean

    1. Cushion the effects of rising prices – easy lah this one. Just impose more price controls. Easy right? Suppliers and producers complaining about operation and production costs not being met by returns? Small problem. Just give them a few goodies to tie them over. Not as difficult as actually trying to raise living quality and overall wealth of people.

    2. Address the issue of illegal immigrants – Another easy solution. We give them ICs lah. Must make sure they are of the right “standards” first though. If they have ICs, how can they be illegal immigrants, right?

    3. Generate at least two million quality jobs over five years – This is schoolboy’s stuff. Just increase the number of jobs on the civil service payroll. Who cares if the money we are using to feed a bloated civil service can be better spent in other areas such as healthcare, law enforcement and education?

    4. Continue to implement the New Villlages Development Masterplan – This means we ignore them for five years, cull their pigs and kill off pig farmers financially, and then when election time comes, we come out with more goodies. Easy right?

    5. Safeguard the position of national-type schools – BN will never change national-type schools. You can still send your children to SRJK (C) or SRJK (T), so long as they are willing to wear a sonkok and tudung.

    6. Establish a Special Complaints Commission to act on complaints of misconduct in enforcement agencies – Wah! See? We have a tiger waiting to pounce on recalcitrant enforcement agents! Nevermind that this tiger has no claws, is completely toothless, but it can roar very very loud. What? It only roars when it is told to? But look look, it is very very fierce looking right?

    7.Enhance appreciation for diverse cultures among Malaysia’s multiethnic people – We will be promoting the culture of the Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims. Also we want to promote the Arabic culture to people also. That’s why we are going to promote Arabic road signs, Arabic language, Arabic restaurants, Arabic practices, Arabic dress also. In the end we propose to change the country’s name to Malayarabsia and relocate to the Middle-East.

    8. Facilitate construction, consolidation and relocation of all places of worship via state government mechanism, co-ordinated at federal level, that will protect the interest of all communities – Not applicable for Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus.

  29. I was fortunate to able to attend the DAP’s ceramah at SS2 last night where Uncle Kit and the DAP candidates Tony Pua, Lau Weng San and Dr Cheah spoke. The crowd easily numbered in the thousands. There was hardly any standing room left when KIt arrived at 10 pm to shouts of “DAP, DAP, DAP”. The spectators, consisting of Chinese, Indians, Malays and foreign reporters were greatly thrilled at the way the speakers articulated on important national issues. It speaks volumes of the calibre of these DAP candidates who were able to give facts and figures to back up their arguments. It was just amazing how well they had prepared themselves. These are the kind of representatives we should send to Parliament and the State Assembly. The people of Petaling Jaya will be very proud to have such representatives who can speak up for them.
    50 meters away, there was another ceramah held by the MCA. Fewer than 50 people attended.
    There is hope for Malaysians to deny BN its 2/3 majority. Vote wisely.

  30. I was at the ceramah too. The crowd was a wonderful sight to behold and it also gave an inkling of hope for the chances of the DAP in PJ Utara. But, I have to remind all here not to be complacent or think that ceramah crowds equals votes. Remember Suleiman Court in 1964. We still have a lot to do.

  31. The answer is many are willing to do so. Ask and ye shall find. Or is it seek and thou shall find?

    Anyway, how did Keadilan manage to rope in many candidates? And quite a few professionals too! Did they have a shorter time to do so?

    In Perak alone there are 10 lawyers out of the 23 DAP candidates. And both LKS and FPK have law degrees. So there are qualified members out there. And many who would be credible candidates and would be able to pull in the votes.

    After the last 50 years of rape, many have become aware of the carnage and are willing to make sacrifices to help set things right.

    So my question still begs a decent reply.

    Lets say DAP manages to accomplish its goal of denying bn its 2/3 majority, DAP may no longer be the opposition leader. Do bear that in mind.

    My wish would be for DAP/Keadilan and PAS to each secure around 40 Parliamentary seats so that they outnumber bn MPs in parliament 120 to 102.

    And also for DAP/Keadilan/PAS to secure majorties in several states, such as Penang, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu etc and show other states how well the states can be managed.

    Of course they should re-instate local council elections for a start.

  32. this is indeed an uphill battle for umpteen years. i would love to be positive but so many factors makes me feel otherwise:

    1. how confident are we that BN/EC(since the EC is NOT totally independent) will not manipulate the actual results?

    2. if BA denies BN 2/3 majority, what will the next step be (by BA)?

    3. with BA’s manifesto introduced, how will BA ensure the rakyat that they do not turn out like BN?

    it is also very encouraging to see so many supporters (in terms of donation) to bloggers and MPs but these are all through the internet.

    how many internet users are there in Malaysia?
    what % do you think will vote for BA?

    what % of the voting population is made up of people > 60 years of age?

    what % of the voting population < 60 years of age will vote BA?

    have you asked your parents (if applicable) lately who will they support in your constituency?

    i would really like to see a change (for the better for this nation) and if you really want to vote for change, give the BA a chance for 2 terms, not just 1 term to see a change.

    does the BA have an agreement between themselves (PAS,PKR,PAS) to ensure what they say is what they will do to protect the rakyat?

    think about it, it is your children’s future.
    god bless this country and its people.

  33. Barisan Nasional will use their favoured judges (or flavoured with Lingam sauce) against the weak and use the ISA for those who fight against them!

    Do you still want to vote for BN?

    50 years of bullshit is enough, don’t give them another term!

  34. Badawi is no different compared to Mahathir. He still uses ISA!

    UMNO the racist?!…………..No, race was never the problem, $$$ is!

    UMNO a party for the Malay elites!

    UMNO divide the races for benefitting their hidden agenda to enrich the Malay elites. That’s why Najib get to stay as a Minister if BN wins! The Malay elites are just a chosen few. Less men, more share. Badawi is trying to become a member……….Badawi the country bumpkin a.k.a. Hillbilly

  35. “Any info on talks by Tan Seng Giaw as well as gobind singh for Puchong? Be glad if anyone could provide the info and venue…thanks” – sean

    27 Feb 2008
    Venue : Puchong Jaya, Jalan Serintid 3, (opp IOI Mall & behind Sutramas apt.)
    Speakers : Karpal Singh, Teresa Kok, Gobind Singh, Lim Kit Siang

    You can find out more about ceramahs by clicking on the date of the calendar displayed on the website.

  36. lakshy Says:

    Today at 13: 50.02 (8 hours ago)

    “Lets say DAP manages to accomplish its goal of denying bn its 2/3 majority, DAP may no longer be the opposition leader. Do bear that in mind.”



    Hey Lakshy,

    Why are you still talking like this?

    It matters not if DAP is no longer Opposition Leader.


    Do not look at the problem from the communal point of view.

    Be a true nationalist.

    Anybody can be the opposition leader so long as they are not a rascist.PAS pun boleh.

    Also why are you talking like Barisan Rakyat can only get 1/3.

    Who knows BN may be toppled!!!!!!

    RETRACT,RETRACT,RETRACT,RETRACT,RETRACT – your statement, Lakshy if you are a true Malaysian.

    I implore and demand simultaneously that you retract your statement.

  37. We must reinforce our will to change, those of you who have not registered to vote, please do so. Those who have think what possibilities there are for change if BARISAN RAKYAT was given the mandate this time round and BN Regime be the opposition!


    Together we are stronger than the corruption, police brutality and racist BN Regime!

  38. To the Penagites out there:

    I want to say a word or two about the so called “parachute’ candidates.

    I have no objections to “parachute candidates ‘particularly those who have shown themselves to be of calibre and have made many sacrifices including some who lost their personal freedom for some time ,courtesy of ISA.

    As for those DAP potential candidates who did not get a chance to stand and then cried “Parachute Candidates- its not fair”,I say – “be a man,look at the big picture”

    Penang needs strong ,calibre candidates because it is winnable.It does not need people who join DAP so that they can stand as candidates.

    It needs people who will serve selflessly in any capacity not necessarily only as an assemblyman.

    I am a Penangite and I do not mind “Parachute Candidates” so long as they are of calibre and selfless.

    In making decisions ,I am sure Uncle Lim would have given much thought to a winnable formula.

  39. “Minimally, 300 personnel are required for the above two jobs.” YB Kit

    Lim Kam Put should be able to offer his services FOC and help the Party. Now is the time to show you are a party faithful and that it is not all hot air from you! You talk so much. Now is the time for you to walk the talk.

  40. Do or die,

    I live in Perak. And Perak is also winnable. If only DAP and PKR had been more focussed in Perak earlier. Anyway, its still doable with the generally anti establishment sentiment currently prevalent.

    And in case you missed my comment above, I paste it herebelow:-

    My wish would be for DAP/Keadilan and PAS to each secure around 40 Parliamentary seats so that they outnumber bn MPs in parliament 120 to 102.

    And also for DAP/Keadilan/PAS to secure majorties in several states, such as Penang, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu etc and show other states how well the states can be managed.

  41. I have registered to join Kit Siang’s team as polling agent and counting agent.
    My area is Keadilan vs BN and my whole family member will vote for Keadilan.

    pls vote for any opposition(Barisan Rakyat) in your area.

  42. To all DAP candidates,

    Those scandals like “project angkasawan” which wasted RM 92 Millions of our hard-earned money” , “new jet for Bodowi which costs hundred of Millions of Ringgit”, etc. MUST be mentioned in all your ceramahs!

    Such scandals are inpactful and they make our blood boiling!

  43. DAP should have their election songs (in four languages), speeches, and the list of wrong things done and abused by BN, etc. (in simple, graphic, animated format) recorded in CDs and VCDs, and then distribute them free to all who attend their ceramah.

    Let people take the CDs and VCDs home so that they can play them and watch them again and again – and include inside the CDs and VCDs a message: PLEASE SHARE this CD/VCD with your relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc.

    DAP must achieve a multiplier effect in order to cause a political tsunami – CHANGE, change, change!

    Speedy action is needed – time is running out soon.

    [edit – we will try our level best, at the same time, please do your part on your own accord, this election is by the people, for the people]

  44. By then the crowd spilled over to the nearby parking lot, hundreds packed into the tiny corner of SS2 awaiting DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang to arrive.

    When he did, the atmosphere was almost concert-like as the DAP election campaign song ‘Just Change’ blared from the huge speakers and the crowd clamoured to shake Lim’s hand.

    It was DAP’s night at the SS2 corner as the voices echoed across the buildings with a single message – it is time for change.

  45. CDs and VCDs, with entertaining visual and audio graphics and animations, are most effective in spreading messages to people who are bombarded with lies and more lies in our BN-controlled mass media.

    There are still lots of people without access to the Internet and Astro (to view more sensible foreign stations). These people are easily misinformed, brain-washed, or scared by BN propaganda not to vote for opposition parties.

    Organise a good distribution chain and distribute DAP CDs and VCDs to people in kopitiam, markets, homes, etc. in urban and rural areas.

    Educate voters so that they can make an informed choice to vote for DAP/PKR/PAS!

  46. Dear good leader Lim Kit Siang and team,
    Lim Kit Siang is our grandpa, our papa and now our own hero ! Kit Siang menang ! Kit Siang boleh ! wish all of you the best in your hard work not for your own self but for the people!your sacrificial LOVE for the RAKYAT will not be in vain ! God see you & bless you!Malaysia maju and berjaya kalau DAP menang !

  47. Another bullsh*t from NTR

    theStar, 27.2.08: Foreign investors will not have confidence in a Malaysia that is ruled by a government that is “terumbang-ambing” (unstable) and weak because it does not have more than two-thirds majority.

    Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said they would instead take their investment to more stable economies.


    That’s a load of bullsh*t from NTR!

    The fact is, except for a few devious foreign investors, most of them actually would like to deal with a government that has opposition members to check the unaccountable and non-transparent excesses, crony-rigged closed tenders, and under-table corrupt practices of the government.

    A BN 2/3 majority will guarantee that Malaysia will continue to pay unimaginable sky-high prices for instant noodles, screw drivers, submarines, can-or-not space travelling trip, viagra, etc. And who will benefit? BN politicians or DAP/PKR/PAS politicians?

    Quite sure that NTR is thinking droolingly: Make my day and the sky is the limit!

  48. Every time DAP stands for election, DAP contests in few seats compared to PAS & PKR….. Active supporters carrying the DAP flag on nomination day etc also very few compared to other parties.

    However, DAP’s % win is always very very big.

    Reason : There is a very large Silent Majority who Votes DAP in Malaysia. Trust me – the No. of visual supporters cannot be used to gauge the support for DAP.

    And I feel there is a tremendous increase in DAP supporters & opposition (PKR/PRM) supporters from the non-Malays this election due to the many hurting issues just before this GE.

    Good luck DAP. We, the Silent DAP Majority is with you always!

  49. On Page A14 of Guang Ming Daily (Feb 27, evening edition), my opponent whipped all bloggers in a broad sweep by stating that “bloggers hide behind computers and live in a virtual world”.

    He said “people could only imagine but could never feel the sincerity (of bloggers) beyond the computer”.

    Maybank2U and Paypal are both financial services in the virtual world where people connect to transact funds through the computer.

    With Maybank2U and Paypal, I managed to raise RM85,000.00 in 11 days.

    Real world Malaysians have donated generously to the JEFF 4 MALAYSIA cause as they could feel my presence from around the world.

    Is my worthy opponent plain naive or he wanted Maybank2U and Paypal to shut down?

    It’s my neck that I stick out for the sake of Malaysia, right here in Jelutong.

  50. boh-liao Says:

    Today at 10: 24.12 (2 hours ago)
    DAP should have their election songs (in four languages), speeches, and the list of wrong things done and abused by BN, etc. (in simple, graphic, animated format) recorded in CDs and VCDs, and then distribute them free to all who attend their ceramah.

    Dear Bohliao,

    Your idea about distributing VCDS in four languages is excellent.

    I support you.

    You post and talk a lot.Have you donated yet?

  51. lakshy Says:

    Today at 07: 19.24 (5 hours ago)
    Do or die,

    I live in Perak. And Perak is also winnable. If only DAP and PKR had been more focussed in Perak earlier. Anyway, its still doable with the generally anti establishment sentiment currently prevalent.

    Dear Lakshy,

    I am not able to feel the pulse in Perak because i am not from Perak and do not have many friends from Perak.

    But if you are from Perak or have many friends who have given you feedback at grassroot level ,I believe you.

    But ,I do think Penang is still more winnable because of demographics.

  52. Do or die,

    Penang is definately winnable by the opposition!

    In Perak, no one has any good words to say about bn. Whoever you ask, they say they are going to vote opposition. And by whoever you ask, I mean malays, Chinese and Indians. They have had enough. Lets see if the Tsunami comes though. Many govt servants still feel they have to vote for bn. How do you get this message out to rakyat that their vote is upto them. Tey vote for the govenrment, and not for political parties. umno, mic, mca gerakan etc are all only political parties.

    With the control of the media and buying of seats, rigging of the votes etc the opposition has a hard battle on its hands. But the people are more aware of these things now. And they may have no stomach for more.

    Get all your friends to come out and vote in order to ensure that bn cannot manipulate the results by much. If you get a 90-95% voter turnout, with sufficient votes for the opposition candidates, not much the “imported” votes can do.

    We can change it.

    The check and balance has to come in. No more honeymoon.

  53. Dear Lakshy,

    Yes,I agree with you.

    I will get all my friends and relatives to come out to vote.

    I have been doing it all this while.

    BTW,have you donated already?

    Nobody believes the main media.They have no credibility.

    The Tsunami is now in the Bay of Bengal on the way to Malaysia.

  54. I believe the best metaphor to describe malaysia is like a father with 3 kids and RM100k in its bank. The 3 kids are fighting amongst themselves for that RM100k when what they should really be concentrating on is how to increase that to RM200k.

    I believe that it is even more crucial now that we should adapt a different mentality. I look forward to the day when I would be plainly known as a Malaysian.

    In order for that to happen, racial politics in this country has got to stop. I believe the biggest stumbling block is the NEP, which is causing all of us to divide.

    Could the financial help/education/etc. be based on income per family instead of race?
    – We would have more resources to help the poor Malaysians irregardless of race.
    – There won’t be financial drain taken from undeserving well-connected Bumis who are already rich and able to fend for themselves.
    – The current poor deserving Bumiputeras, who defends this status quo in fear of it being taken away from them, would actually benefit from this as well due to more resources to assist them.
    – Malaysians will begin to work together as one to face bigger challenges ahead, such as globalisation and increasing competition from India and China.

    We need each other to make this place a better one. The only losers that is going to result from our internal squabbles is us.

    If this continues, here is the most probable scenario that is going to happen:

    The intellectuals(Bumi’s and non-Bumi’s alike who can’t agree with the policy) are going to leave the country.
    The country would start seeing a lack of capable leaders that is especially needed during this competitive age.
    We would start losing investors and revenue for the country as we do not have a selling edge over other countries.
    And when the economy suffers, everyone suffers irregardless of race.

    We need unity, not uniformity. Unity is about treasuring each others differences and acknowledging it enriches our lives. Uniformity is about not accepting a person until he believes in what you believe in.
    Only with an open mind are we able to explore possibilities, learn and develop as a nation.

  55. Correct, correct, correct, correct. correct…..

    Mandela, good, for a while I thought I was the only one who felt that the “Project Angkasawan” was a waste of time (& not to mention valuable Taxpayers’ money!).

    Yes, get all your friends, relatives, neighbours to go out & vote for the DAP, PKR & PAS.

    Just Change It!

  56. Mr.Lim Kit Siang.

    with all respect that penang and perak seem to be the two states that dap are going full swing, i do humbly request that melaka may not be ignored.

    i walked into the dap centre at jalan pandan melaka this morning and handed over rm50.00 to a lady seated behind a table. an official receipt was issued. thanks. i know it is a small amount, but i hope it helps. i asked to meet a mr. koh who will be contesting n14 and i said i will support and vote dap.

    my concern : i think the doors should be open wide to make people feel welcome to aid the party. though it may be airconditioned.

    my concern : i think whoever mans or womans the centre should provide more information about the ceramah schedules so that we who live in kl but vote in melaka would know.

    my concern : politics like marketing, the drive for information and request for help is good. however, even with my mobile provided to mr.koh, i am surprised that no further help is required from me.

    every votes count. though i am not a dap member nor a member of any political party, i believe that i can assist. but sometimes, like you, you ASK FOR HELP. unfortunately, none even care to ask if i am a voter registered for n14.

    i am not complaining, i am only expressing that many dares openly to support the opposition. unlike the old days, while people shy to be associated with underdogs. i think , i have nothing to fear.

    so while penang, perak and even selangor seems to be your favourite states, remember , melaka may offer you the one parliament seat that the opposition need to deny the 2/3 wish.

    thank you.

  57. Dear Adam,

    The RAKYAT needs everyone and every seat it can get.

    Yes ,1 up and more to go.Thank you for the donation(on behalf of the RAKYAT)

    Do I hear anybody else who has donated?

    BTW, I am not a member of any party – just a rakyat demanding my basic rights.

  58. Dear YB,

    ‘On a political talk show’ (RTM1 Feb 26, 10pm), the host of the programme claimed that they have previously invited you on RTM shows to debate issues with the Information Minister, but you declined the offer. Any rebuttal?

    Also on the same programme (can someone else who saw this please identify the show, as I was in a hotel channel-browsing when I came across it), a caller, Hj. Jamaludin denounced a previous caller who said he was going to vote for the opposition. Mister Tn. Haji called him ‘bodoh’, because ‘pembangkang tak ada duit, macam mana nak membela rakyat?’. No surprise that the panelists didn’t correct this most ignorant of statements. But this is what we’re dealing with…misinformed and miseducated ‘rakyat’ who have no sense of the workings behind running a country. Will he stop paying taxes if the opposition take over the country? Only then I suppose that the ‘pembangkang tak ada duit untuk membela rakyat’.

  59. I have this relative who likes to grumble about the govt being unfair to other races. When I sms him the DAP acc no. and pleading him to donate he replied “I have better things to do”. It is because of people like that that we are in this predicament. They know about it but refuse to lend a helping hand. To people who think that this is not your problem, and it will go away think again. It is the future of our children which will be in jeopardy. In the words of George Washington “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

  60. EC new rule, Please read here.

    Calling Penangnites, please volunteer your service as polling and counting agents. Go to any DAP center and submit details.

    Penang DAP is really short of manpower for counting agents and the new ruling by the ec to submit names by this Friday make it more strenous for DAP.

    Just give your service for ONE DAY ONLY and see that justice is done. Walk your talk, bn machineries are so powerful that without us to help out, DAP may suffer loses in many constituencies.

    There is not much time left, please, I beg you all to go to any DAP center or approach any DAP workers at ceramahs to sign up.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  61. Missing link:

    EC New Ruling

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  62. Uncle Lim

    Can you do something about this? I am from Johor Bahru and will be voting under the STULANG constituency where 55% of them are chinese. Here, there is DAP contesting under Noman (unknown here), BN with Mok Chek Hou and SK Song as an independent. Previously this constituency was divided into several areas so that the votes are divided. This year it has all been lumped under cannot be fairly distributed

  63. Uncle Lim

    Can you do something about this? I am from Johor Bahru and will be voting under the STULANG constituency where 55% of them are chinese. Here, there is DAP contesting under Noman (unknown here), BN with Mok Chek Hou and SK Song as an independent. Previously this constituency was divided into several areas so that the votes are divided. This year it has all been lumped under STULANG and is a wonderful opportunity for DAP to win, but unfortunately you have put in an unknown person under DAP against the BN candidate and the the other independent, who is more well-known in the local circle. You should do something about this – opposition votes will be split to reflect a disadvantage. My whole family is voting for opposition nevertheless.

  64. That wouldn’t be SK Song – discredit former DAP Johor leader/turncoat who basically slept through his term as a CEC member, slept through a year as DAP Johor chairman, and then had the audacity to complain when he was removed, – would it?

    The same SK Song who said things like, “The DAP is afraid of good leaders”. Which probably explains why dynamic people like Teresa Kok, Fong Po Kuan, M. Kulasegaran, Chong Eng, Anthony Loke, Chow Kong Yow, Liew Chin Tong have risen or are rising in the Party. Definitely the DAP doesn’t appreciate good leaders who do good leadership things like “sleep” in office.

  65. Malaysia also for race Chinese and Indian not only Malays. Malaysia was have different type of race. We also can a part of Malaysian. Malaysian is a peaceful country compare to other country.

  66. The DAP has gained a lot in this election. I hope and pray that it follow through. Please also remember we want equal rights upholded and looked after. Make the coallation on for the people to serve the people. All races deserve to be treated equally and all religions should be respected and most of all take us to trough to the new decade in peace and harmony.

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