113 Replies to “Just Change!”

  1. Just fantastic, very soothing to listen. Really want to make me cry. Please release them in cd or dvd, especially the malay version. Use part of the fund to produce and distribute them free to the malay rural heartland. PKR then follow up with more details during their ceramah where they are contesting.

    racist umno gerakan running dogs, we do not want any more “keep reinventing”, WE WANT CHANGE

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  2. DAP never cease to amaze me..immediately i forwarded this link to all my mailing list :D

    great video, great story, even great singing! who sang this song?

    also the nike logo at the back – just do it? just vote for DAP?

    loving it really.

  3. Yeah I have , DarkHorse

    I respect him very much , and I respect everybody support Rocket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let SHOOT more rocket to parliament !!!!!!

    No matter he/she is malay, chinese or indian !!!!!!

    Excellent Lyrics by Tony PUA

    LOVE YOU SO MUCH hehehe

  4. DAP must reach across the aisle and reach those who have identified DAP with the narrow interest of one particular section of the people.

    The politics of ‘exclusion’ must not be allowed to alienate those who see ‘change’ as the best way to fight poverty, discrimination and injustice.

  5. What a wonderful song…..full of meanings….a wake up call for all Malaysians.

    Yes, Just Change for a better future for all Malaysians. there will be no better chance than 8-3-8 . Play the song all over so that all Malaysians get the message.

    I will do my part to distribute to all my relatives and friends. Malaysians, wake up….. it is time to change for a better future.

  6. Ronnie Liu’s blog posted:

    We are looking for a good Tamil singer for the Tamil version.
    Any volunteer or suggestion?

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  7. not an important issue for now

    (the important issue is campaigning and recheck you don’t 3-corner fights!!!)


    1. The logo have an uncanny resemblence to Nike.
    You sure it won’t cause trouble?
    (looks like Nike, sounds like… nevermind…)

    2. The song!
    I think whoever created this song…
    that is,,,

    Go West by Pet Shop Boys

    If not… it is as bad as… when Sammy Vellu the invincible, plagiarising the poems when Badawi the hardworking remarried (and lied before that).

  8. Real good work done! This is the TRUE Malaysia boleh!
    It is truly inspirational and make you pour out your patriotism.
    Surely mass distribution in vcd, especially if it can come in 4 languages will help to really change the mind of the voters! Will commit to donate RM5000.00 for the cost if the above can be done. Please advise via this blog.

  9. I listen all 3 languages and my tear almost come out each time.

    Yes, Malaysian, we must change! Just Change!

    Will let my colleagues, friends, relatives and classmates know about this and we will change!

    Well Done!!!

  10. Change! Change! Change!

    What a coincidence that Larry Lessig, professor of law at Stanford Law School, ponders to enter politics, US congress, for one and only one reason: CHANGE.

    Check the site for inspiration:
    10 minutes of change, US-style. Replace DC with a place of your liking, and Congress with a parliament of your choice!

    Good Luck, Larry and Good Luck, Malaysia

  11. Mr Lim Kit Siang, if you get to read this, all I have to say is I have seen and heard enough of the current government’s way running the country. I think you should work together with the other parties like PKR and PAS to have a change in the way the country is run. I mean the current government is saying that if the opposition gets control of the country “we cannot promise peace in the country” Now that is not true, AND THIS SHOULD BE STRESSED TO THE PUBLIC, look at America and United Kingdom or other countries. Other political parties also get to run their own country, the question is why not Malaysia. If the current government can compare prices of petrol or tol of the above mension countries then why cant we compare that other political parties can also run our country like DAP or PKR or PAS. WHICH DAP or PKR or PAS have NOT opposed at all. WHY?

    I hope to sen the same message to the others also if I get sometime.


    BRING SOME CHANGE and get the facts right so the public can be informed of the mistakes the current government is doing.

    I know you can do it

  12. There is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of actualization, than the desire to change the world for the better. That is indeed each person’s mission. When you fulfill your own abilities, when you express your personal idealism through acting it out to the best of your ability in your daily life, then you are changing the world for the better.
    And the DAP has an impressive line-up in all the states to effect the changes as so eloquently expressed in the theme song. The Battle Royal would be in Penang – a David and Goliath match perhaps for Prof Dr P. Ramasamy (Batu Kawan) against Dr Koh Tsu Koon. The other DAP 2 new faces in Penang are Jeff Ooi (Jelutong), Liew Chin Tong (Bukit Bendera)
    More details & Pics at
    and Uncle Kit’s 67 Birthday wish

  13. – Support ISA detainee Mr. Manoharan for Kota Alam Shah, Klang MP Seat –

    Dear all, the time has come !!

    Please come and join on 12th GE nomination day Feb 24th 2008 in Klang. Location Lechumanan Hall, Klang / Time : 9.00am – Participate in marching to the nomination hall across the road to Dewan Hamzah for his nomination. He will be represented by Mrs Manoharan for our struggle.

    Give your HINDRAF hero his deserved MP ( DAP’s ) seat so that he can take our voice to our beloved nation’s parliament!! I will update as I get more information. . Please forward this information to as many Indians as possible via email or sms so that if there are any trouble makers wishing to stop the nomination process, they will think twice to continue their undemocratic thoughts to distrupt or harm anyone by our sheer UNITED number. We need your support this Sunday !!

    Please spend a few hours with us so that Mr. Manoharan’s ( soon to be our YB ) representatives can pass his message to us after successful nomination. Thank you !!

    Also, Mr. Manoharan election crew has managed to secure a 2 storey shoplot to be used as election campaign house in Southern Park, Klang for approx 3 weeks from this Saturday. They will be needing simple office furnitures, computers, a printer and fax machine for election campaign works. I will update the name and number of the his appointed official once I have it.

    Thanking you again !!

  14. Just couldn’t help wiping my tears after listening to the song. It’s so well written and so well sung that I cannot resist taking out my pen to jot down the lyrics. To all Malaysians, it’s now time for change, c-h-a-n-g-e, C – H — A — N ——- G———- E










    JUST C – H — A – – – N —— G ———– E

  15. YB, I’m moved beyond words by this 2008 Theme Song.

    Hurray, you have got the right words, the right chords, the right lyrics and the right message of CHANGE. The shamelessness and abuses of BN and the heart-rending tears, the torment and the tribulations of Malaysians have been powerfully expressed through the power of music and poetry.

    Syabas! May Malaysia be blessed in a special way this 2008! It is my prayer that BN not only loses their 2/3 rd majority….if I can have my rathers, I’d rather pray that BN loses this election too.

  16. FIRST CLASS THEME SONG — well done DAP, and to Uncle Kit et el! Both the visuals and the song itself most succinctly cut across and sink deeply into our hearts and soul the extent and severity of the Rot happening all around us. This will evoke in all Malaysians – young & old – a timely calling to caste their votes on March 8th for any other party they feel that can get us out of this Decay, BUT NOT THE ONE THAT IS GUARANTEED TO PERPETUATE THIS HELL THEY HAVE CREATED FOR US.

    I sincerely suggest that multi-pronged strategies and pathways be adopted to ensure these clip(s) are seen by as many Malaysians, and through as many media, as possible. Is it realistic to think of getting a string of prime-time slots on TV and radio? Perhaps a special fund could be set up quickly through this or other blogs, and funds for this “advert-campaign” can come from contributors here on our home ground, as well as from around the world.

  17. From the Sun (Feb 18, 2008)
    Churches in Subang Jaya which have been operating out of shop and factory lots have not been asked to close down, said incumbent Subang Jaya assemblyman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng.

    “We have not asked them to close down, but to submit their application for permits,” said Lee, adding that such churches have to get a permit to operate from business premises.

    Asked if this was the same requirement imposed on mosques, suraus and temples, Lee said: “If they are ON THEIR OWN LAND THEN THERE IS NO NEED FOR THEM TO APPLY FOR PERMITS for their religious houses, but in the cases of the churches, they need to apply for the permits because they are operating from out of the shoplots in business centres and factory lots in industrial areas.”

    1.The Star (15 FEB,2008) After almost 20 years, the Grace Assembly of God in Taman SEA, Petaling Jaya, has received the land title to build a church.

    2.So why demolish the church built by THE TRUE BUMIPUTRA (The Orang Asli) on their Orang Asli Land.

    Latuk Lee what you talking bout? Me no under standing lah? Not ting long wif tis ah? Just legister only ah?


  18. Good Day ladies and gentlemen

    Allow me first to apologize for this interruption, I do, like many of you appreciate the comforts of everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby the important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle and celebrated with a nice holiday. I thought we could take some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.

    There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?

    Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others. And they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it? I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease,chaos, may 13. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you. And in your panic, you turned to the now ruling government. They promised you order, They promised you peace. And all they demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

    The hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow this to pass unmarked.

    Change, We can!

    quoted and edited from v for vendetta.

  19. I think the song is a bit too wordy and “intellectual”, perhaps typical of Oxford tradition. It may be too difficult for common folks to sing. To me, the song should be a simple song with few but punchy words and the tune should be popular tune that is easy to pick up.

  20. DAP Theme song lifted from the song by Pet Shop Boys??!!

    Man! I can’t imagine YB Kit marching to the tune of the Pet Shop Boys.

    Somebody here even thought the song was “too intellectual”…hahahaa!

  21. Here’s a sampling of the reactions so far from readers to the theme song:

    • tswern Says:
    Yesterday at 19: 58.30
    Simple, clear and inspiring!
    Someone volunteer to sing the Tamil Version lah…

    a-malaysian Says:
    Yesterday at 20: 20.00
    Just fantastic, very soothing to listen. Really want to make me cry.

    • AhPek Says:
    Yesterday at 20: 41.48
    Awesome,motivational and inspiritional.Certainly a breadth of fresh air,signaling a wind of change sweeping across the nation!

    jus legitimum Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 22.48
    Very good.It is highly inspirational

    fjjs Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 53.23
    What a wonderful song…..full of meanings…

    I Malaysian Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 53.39
    It’s simply fantastic.

    observer Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 04.57
    Very inspiring

    Cannottahan Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 10.43
    Way to go, it moves the soul, trembles the heart, woke the ..

    spiritsshowsomemercy Says:

    Yesterday at 22: 21.41
    I have Listen this song for 5 times straight.

    chiakchua Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 41.33
    It is truly inspirational and make you pour out your patriotism.

    Chong Zhemin Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 47.18
    This is a very inspirational song.

    Wise Voter Says:
    Today at 00: 52.09 (3 hours ago)
    Just couldn’t help wiping my tears after listening to the song.

    Today at 00: 58.04 (2 hours ago)
    YB, I’m moved beyond words by this 2008 Theme Song.

    eolim Says:
    Today at 01: 04.13 (2 hours ago)

    Everyone is full of praise – except for one!

    This one!

    • limkamput Says:
    Today at 02: 03.58 (1 hour ago)

    “I think the song is a bit too wordy and “intellectual”, perhaps typical of Oxford tradition. It may be too difficult for common folks to sing. To me, the song should be a simple song with few but punchy words and the tune should be popular tune that is easy to pick up.”

    limkamput thinks a song by the Pet Shop Boys as “too intellectual” and “typical of Oxford tradition”.

    *But this was before lingam dropped the bomb!


    So all you guys (except for Chong Zhemin and Sheriff the Singh) have been had!

  22. “Go West” by ‘Pet Shop Boys’
    (google: “Go West (song)”)
    is a song originally released in 1979 by disco group ‘Village People’.

    The tune of the Christian song
    “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart”,
    Henry Smith 1978, bears a remarkable similarity,
    except that “Go West” has been given a much faster tempo.

    Watch and listen to this performance of
    “Give Thanks” by Don Moen

    In any case, good tune!

  23. as i hv said many times,tis is a golden opportunity for BAs,get yourself prepared to rule certain states!And ,couple of years later,become ruling party,and put all the nasty ones into Kamunting,for the sake of the country!

  24. Great lyrics, good singer.
    Let us just change the BN adm. to an OPPOSITION Coalition Govt. and change our woes. Crime, Corruption, Maligned Justice & Injustices, Nepotism, Religious Intolerance & Fanaticalism, Racism, Inflation, etc.
    2/3 majority for BN will be another 5 years of these and more.
    Vote not BN.

  25. Did Pet Shop Boys go “West” plagiarize from “Give thanks to the holy one” although it has a much faster tempo and lyrics.And is “DAP theme song” plagiarised from Pet Shop Boys go “WEST” when their lyrics are altogether different.

    But then again is “Negara Ku” the same song as “Terang Bulan” or “Memalu Moon” OR Namewee’s “Negarakuku” since they all possess the same tune!!
    I don’t know. You tell me.

  26. undergrad2,

    Would a rip-off of “Mamula Moon” (14th track of the 1947 Album “Paradise Isle” performed by “Felix Mendelssohn & His Hawaiian Serenaders”) be interpreted as
    being a call for Malaysia to emulate Hawaii?
    Bare chested men in Grass-skirts, Women in coconut breastcups and all? :)

    Or, instead, with reference to the “Moon being high above”
    (‘..mamula moon (“clear moon”) shine high above…’)
    be interpreted as a call to vote PAS? :)

    Listen to it here:

  27. i downloaded the 3gp version, yes agree we need to convert it to more file types as some media players cannot support certain codecs….we must spread the theme…..we shall……

    but one thing though unc kit, the song still a little too corny i guess.

    I propose NOT to play this during election rally day…..people will have all sorts of comments, but in the pleasure of the quiet office, a pair of headphones, turning it to 30db, or maybe playing it out loud in the kitchen during cooking sessions to remind us on how our daily lives can change then ok la…

    But funny….maybe some of the folks in DAP are media graduates…the song sticks in the head as it is a familiar tune…and it sticks on there for a loooooooong time…..now we all go around whistling it…but for the love of everyone, dun play it on rally day……..we should spread the song like wildfire over the net… that will work….

    Goggled out the words “songs for change”, and got some really good ones, though some can be a little slow and angst ridden, and well, bitter……


    maybe for the next elections ?? =)

  28. Got this from wikipedia


    Buanne also recorded the football anthem “Stand Up! (Champions Theme)” that was played at the end of all matches in the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany. The song is an orchestral remix of the original Village People song “Go West” made popular by the British duo Pet Shop Boys. The song is available on a special UK edition of Forever Begins Tonight.

    Nothing mentioned about “give thanks” though……

  29. Comrades,
    Greetings from Batu Gajah,it will be wise to have the election songs sung in Tamil and Bahasa Malaysia to reflect a multi-racial party and others to understand the theme of the songs.

  30. “undergrad2, i don’t think we pay royalty to Felix Mendelssohn & His Hawaiian Serenaders each time we sing the national anthem.” dranony

    LOL. Don’t think DAP will end up in hot water legally speaking for lifting this song from Pet Shop Boys. But it does subject the party to some ridicule by some quarters, and one wonders whether that could have been avoided.

  31. Just my 2-cts worth: Barisan Rakyat vs BN.

    The opposition never had it so good. Gone are the years when DAP had to filled halls with Ceramah and exposed the misdeeds of Mahathir, Junid, Najib etc, because all the important issues have been served to the public for their decisions. Issues of the day, Mongolian’s death, Port Klang RM4.6 b. Palace of RM10 m, destroying of temples and churches, kickbacks, screw drivers costing RM50 – these were issues found only in “Harakah” and Rocket.

    Now the public, right from cities to Kampungs, they are aware. We can always say, alas, if only the opposition is united, we can win. No, don’t use that excuse, because the BN is in worse state than before. Today’s candidate list revealed the state of disunity among the BN alliance. Mr Song (former DAP Johore), made a big issue of Fong PK, but look at the disarray within MCA, MIC and UMNO. The Sabah BN list shows a shaky BN alliance. Except for the SUPP areas, only the Sarawak BN list is impressive. It is an uphill for DAP.

    The DAP story line in Penang and Perak is confusing, or is it the confusion created by the media? Don’t read too much into Star or NSTP report. They pointed to the biblical specks in DAP’s eyes, neglecting the planks in their own eyes. So do not be discouraged by the media stories. Get off your chair, talk to people outside. If you are not a campaign worker, talk to the ordinary “ah soh” and “ah pek.” Talk to an ordinary “Mutu and Ahmad.” Each one of them still carries one vote.

    To DAP, get you game right in Sabah. I don’t see anything wrong if your campaign there has Christian leaning. I am NOT at all surprised if DAP forms the next Sabah government. Finally to that person who coined “Barisan Rakyat,” may God bless your soul.

  32. Wow, here comes Chong Zhemin with another one “Stand Up” from the Champion’s Theme.Well what can you say, everyone is dressing up the same tune differently.Perhaps in effect nobody knows the tune’s origin otherwise as implied initially by undergrad 2 many would have been sued for infringing property rights or intellectual property rights.And malaysia would have lost its pants according to dranony.
    Choosing the tune for DAP THEME SONG is suitable for this tune has a pleasant lilting effect lifting the spirit up and therefore inspirational.No quarrels with that.

  33. “Choosing the tune for DAP THEME SONG is suitable for this tune has a pleasant lilting effect lifting the spirit up and therefore inspirational.No quarrels with that.”

    True. But one cannot help wonder if we could have done better, and avoid having to lift the melody from a song by a group such as the Pet Shop Boys, or a song popular with Evangelical Christians.

  34. Guys, here’s what I found.


    The song “Give Thanks” and “Go West” are actually two different songs. It is just coincident that both songs bears a remarkable similarity.

    “Go West” is a song by the 1970s disco group Village People. The song eventually found greater success when it was covered in 1993 by the synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys.

    Pet Shop Boys’ version of “Go West” has been adopted by football and hockey fans of some countries, including England, for various chants, such as the Arsenal supporters’ chant “One-nil to the Arsenal”, against Arsenal itself, as in “Nayim from the half-way line”, or the West Bromwich Albion chant “Go West Bromwich Albion”. A famous chant version in the 1990s was “Ooh Aah Eric Cantona”. An orchestral version of the song was adopted by FIFA as the official theme of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Entitled “Stand Up! (Champions Theme)”, it was played inside stadiums after every match of the tournament and is sung by Patrizio Buanne.

    I believe DAP’s version is from Patrizio Buanne – Stand Up

  35. This latest clip mentioned by Chong Zhemin from Nga Kor Ming shouldn’t be up. Just have a good look and you will come out very quickly with the impression DAP is fighting for Chinese interest only.My take is that it should be taken off and stick to DAP’s “Jom Berubah” and its 2 other versions (English and Mandarin). Hello, Uncle KIT where is the INDIAN VERSION.I am sure you have no problem with Indian singers.I can expect hundreds jostling to join in to form the chorus group!!

  36. Guys, here’s what I found regarding the songs.

    The song “Give Thanks” and “Go West” are actually two different songs. It is just coincident that both songs bears a remarkable similarity.

    “Go West” is a song by the 1970s disco group Village People. The song eventually found greater success when it was covered in 1993 by the synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys.

    Pet Shop Boys’ version of “Go West” has been adopted by football and hockey fans of some countries, including England, for various chants, such as the Arsenal supporters’ chant “One-nil to the Arsenal”, against Arsenal itself, as in “Nayim from the half-way line”, or the West Bromwich Albion chant “Go West Bromwich Albion”. A famous chant version in the 1990s was “Ooh Aah Eric Cantona”. An orchestral version of the song was adopted by FIFA as the official theme of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Entitled “Stand Up! (Champions Theme)”, it was played inside stadiums after every match of the tournament and is sung by Patrizio Buanne.

    I believe DAP’s version is from Patrizio Buanne – Stand Up

  37. ‘The song “Give Thanks” and “Go West”are actually 2 different songs.It is just coincident that both songs bears a remarkable similarity.”. Chong Zhemin.
    I thought if you add lyrics to a tune the whole thing becomes a song and if that is the case then you are perfectly right in saying “Give Thanks” and “Go West” are 2 different songs but the 2 songs have almost the same thing, only thing is that the one accompanying “Give Thanks” have a much slower tempo than that accompanying “Go West”.
    For the same reasons I would say “Go West” and “Stand Up!” are also 2 different songs but with exactly the same tune.

  38. Correction: ” ………………….but the 2 songs have almost the same tune,only thing is that the one accompanying “Give Thanks” have a much slower tempo …………………………………………..”.

  39. Whatever the source of the theme song does not matter. What actually matters is the message is direct, infused the thoughts of the many who failed to know, or rather those who do not want to know about their rights cum future and wake up call to the many fence sitters of the nation.

    Whatever Blackeye, Colonel or LadyGodiva said is of no relevance to those who are really concern of the situation we all Malaysians are facing.

    Very good message. Keep it up DAP and perhaps quickly make it into other forms of portable media for distribution to overcome your lack of media & print publicity. What happen to LGEng’s request to RTM to air DAPs/opposition’s publicity?

  40. “Whatever Blackeye, Colonel or LadyGodiva said is of no relevance to those who are really concern of the situation we all Malaysians are facing.”

    They are not the only ones and they are not saying that it matters when it comes to the message. They are referring to the song. Posters are just pointing out that the theme song has been ‘borrowed’. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.

    It is a good unifying message during elections. That’s what it is all about.

  41. Hi devilmaster,

    He is indeed and his cohort.

    The Mazu statue issue. It is on private land.

    The destruction of the Hindu temple in Pandang Jawa. Where Mr Semi Value proofed to us he nothing but a UMNO Chihuahua, and an ugly 1 at that.

    In Kuala Krau the Orang Asli filed their application at the Temerloh High Court for water n electricity supply but was turn down. http://www.suaram.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1045&Itemid=30

    The ‘Malaysia ini Negara Islam. You tak suka, you keluar dari M’sia’ issue.

    Put a stop to TYRANNY. Vote BN OUT.

  42. Lets change! In all the countries around us, the medium of instruction at primary school is in one language, the national language or English. Only in Malaysia we find the medium of instruction separate, mandarin in Chinese schools, Tamil in Indian schools and B.Malaysia in National schools. This fosters separation and disunity at such an early age so much so we find in secondary schools, students coming from different primary schools hardly mix or become friends. More so at Colleges and varsities.
    In the olden days, when all races when went to one type of primary school, pupils from different races made life long friends not based on race as they knew as classmates first before knowing thier races.
    Mahathir who ruled for 22 years did not have the guts to change the system to common primary school with an additional subject of mother tongue as other asean countries. Lets work towards common primary schools for all races with one meduim of instruction in one language along with an additional subject of pupil own language. Can the DAP be brave enough to call one common primary school for all races?
    It maybe a bitter pill to swallow but it will lay stronger foundation for unity among the races to withstand any potential racial crisis. We are lucky that the current crop of top leaders are still mainly from the common primary school. Wait till the next batch of leaders who are most likely be educated at the monoracial primary schools, then we may experience poorer understanding of other races than their own which may potentially lead new frictions. With the advent of pay TV programmes, already people are hardly watching common TV programmes other than Sports which further prevents better understanding of the other races.
    Lets call one type of primary school for all races to create the real Malaysian Malaysia that DAP always advocates.

  43. We are sick and tired of the old system which has persisted for half a century with no changes or indications of changes, empty promises even though they have been reduced to writing and promises by such irresponsible “leaders”. Throw them out with your vote, vote for a better future, a better Malaysia!!!!!

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