The time has come for us to walk the talk. The time is now because we are marching into battle with little resources. We need your financial assistance to help force changes to a system that continues to repulse and insult us after 50 years of independence.
I had intended to put up the appeal for support for DAP Election Fund together with support for a Fund for the Foundation for Justice, Freedom and Equality to promote the betterment of Malaysian society, including public litigation, publications, educational programmes as well as outreach to marginalised Malaysians, but the latter project will now have to wait until after the 12th general election.
Let us unite with single-minded objective – to turn the 12th general election into the electoral battle of the century to initiate meaningful change in Malaysia, first time in the nation’s 50-year history. For this we need your generous support for the DAP Election Fund.
* This post was originally blogged on 2008-02-13 5:02:47 pm
* This is to explain the difference between the DAP Elections Fund and the candidates’ personal donation drive.
The Elections Fund is to finance the party’s HQ operations, prepare publicity materials, advertisement, logistic support, expenses for leaders to go round the country preparing the candidates and states to face the battle, etc.
After parliament is dissolved, the HQ’s main financial resources are also cut off as one of our main incomes is from our representatives’ monthly contribution.
The HQ’s expenses still have to be paid, staffs have to be paid, and we have to pay for extra manpower to meet the extra workload during the campaign period.
We can only afford to supply limited publicity materials to the candidates. Candidates will have to pay for their own posters, flags, personal publicity materials, that’s why they usually have a separate donation drive.
Please take note that the party will NOT be sending out anyone to solicit for cash donations apart from at our ceramahs and functions, where announcement will be made and the amount collected will be announced at the end of the function. If someone approaches you on the street of at your house for cash donation, please inform the nearest DAP office.