Samy Vellu’s days are numbered – Subra as next MIC leader

Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has become the most unpopular politician in the country and probably in Malaysian history, being booed, jeered, car blocked, thrown stones, rotten eggs and even slippers almost every day in public places.

This public rejection of Samy Vellu has spread to MIC and Barisan Nasional (BN) functions, with other MIC and BN leaders becoming also the target of public resentment and fury, as illustrated by the meet-the-people session led by Perak Mentri Besar and Barisan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali in Buntong, Ipoh yesterday.

The political days of Samy Vellu, MIC President and sole Indian Cabinet Minister for over 28 years, are numbered. Moves in fact are afoot for the former deputy president, Datuk S. Subramaniam, to become the next MIC leader as Samy Vellu is slowly phased out of the political scene.

I expect Subra to make a political comeback on Sunday on his nomination as a Barisan Nasional candidate for the 12th general election and preparatory to his joining the Cabinet – something Subra had been denied and been waiting for nearly three decades.

I understand that there are some Umno “movers-and-shakers” who want a faster pace of ending the political days of Samy Vellu – wanting to force Samy’s political retirement and withdrawal as candidate in the next general election.

I am not interested in the internal politicking of UMNO, MIC, MCA, Gerakan or Barisan Nasional component parties but what must be a matter of grave national concern is the consolidation of Umno political hegemony and relentless marginalization of the other BN component parties like MCA, Gerakan and MIC.

Apart from this example of some Umno “movers-and-shakers” wanting to pressurize Samy Vellu to step down as MIC President, showing the utterly marginalized role of MIC in BN, there is a host of examples of greater Umno political hegemony at the price of relentless marginalization of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other BN component parties.

Another recent example is the farce of the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, submitting three names to the Barisan Nasional Chairman Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to pick on who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister – a most unprecedented surrendering of the Gerakan prerogative to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister.

When Tsu Koon became Penang Chief Minister in 1990, it was the decision of the Gerakan Central Working Committee (although more correctly the then Gerakan President Datuk Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik) in its choice between two candidates – Tsu Koon or Dr. Goh Cheng Teik.

The Gerakan CWC took the final decision on Tsu Koon as the Penang Gerakan Chief Minister to replace Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu in 1990 and the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was not given two names by the Gerakan President to decide on who should be the Gerakan
Penang Chief Minister.

If Mahathir could respect Gerakan’s right, power and prerogative to decide on who should be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister, why is this political situation not respected by Abdullah 18 years later?

Why should Tsu Koon and Gerakan surrender its power to pick the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister – if the Gerakan had not been terribly marginalized in the past 18 years since 1990 that it dare not even stand on its unchallenged prerogative less than two decades ago?

Is Abdullah prepared to return the list of three names back to Tsu Koon, stating that he would respect the Gerakan’s prerogative to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister?

The instances of MCA being relentlessly marginalized in the Barisan Nasional in the past few decades will fill volumes.


62 Replies to “Samy Vellu’s days are numbered – Subra as next MIC leader”

  1. Yes I too! I am not interested in internal politicking by Umno or the opposition. I personally would like to see Samy Vellu contest and lose and enjoy the drama and excuses after that. A fine addition on the dramas we have on Lingam’s case, ACA, Hindraf & Bersih and the DPM Mongolian’s case.

    DAP must unite to spearhead the next Malaysian government, all of use have our shortcomings, it is how we focus on our strengths that will make the difference.

  2. If BN Regime carries on, with Khairy and other Kris Waving Despots at the Helm, soon all ministers will come from UMNO.

    Take heed. Unite and Vote for Opposition!
    Vote DAP!
    Vote PKR!
    Vote PAS!

    With new BA government, we can see more Chinese and Indian leaders in their places.

  3. samy or subra? they’re all the same if you ask me…as long as its MIC its not gonna change. Probably should change it to Malaysian Indian Curse!

    I really wonder what the future of the indians in this country will be. Discrimination in private and public sector is a fact.

    Good education infrastructure is not there…mostly because they can’t afford it, unlike Chinese schools. As a result, poor teaching/learning conditions, influences and what do you get?

    A recipe for dropouts, crime and gangsterism..sad.

  4. Subra???? It will be just more of the same….the culprit is UMNO’s greedy ways……in cahoots with elements in the MCA, GERAKAN, MIC…etc. Subra will just sell out the Indian community but will perhaps get a little more concession for the Indian community. To have equal rights and opportunities in this country……the BN along with all its hangers on MUST GO…..otherwise get set for the NEP for another 100 years…….

  5. Nooooo…!!! Don’t drop Semi Value out of the election race yet… He should be there to jinx bn in the election.
    At least let him lose his deposit, get shamed in public and then when his usefulness is all gone, comes the ACA to throw him into jail to boost bn’s image of fighting corruption. Spend his lifetime corrupt and amassing his fortune but in the end, he dies in jail with his head in the dirty toilet where a piece of turd should be…
    Semi Value is still useful to bn so dont drop him yet…

  6. Its time to go lah Macha! Dont be so thick skin and keep sitting on your arse and giving excuses about this and that……its time to go ..learn from Keng Yaik, TDM, Ling Liong Sik….or you will be humialated like Lim Chong Eu!

    The choice is in your hands…………Ai yo yo Samy!

  7. “Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has become the most unpopular politician in the country and probably in Malaysian history.” Kit.

    No,no, no, it is not Samy, # 1 unpupular should be Bodohwi !

    UMO is stupid. UMO should get rid of Bodohwi first b4 calling for GE.

    BN’s 2/3 majority is assured if Bodohwi is dumped first!

  8. It’s rather funny to see that people doesn’t know when they should sit down instead of standing. On one hand, it might be a good thing, as the next person standing in line doesn’t know how to stand at all.

    As for Gerakan, it is the same as MCA and MIC. Both are succumbing to their political master, UMNO. This is another funny thing. While Chinese and Indian earn money the hard way and pay taxes for the Malays to spend easily, the parties representing the two ethnics actually shamed them. So why should we keep voting for dogs?

    The world is indeed funny.

  9. By the way, the parliament has resolved. The BN is still in power to make all decisions.

    How can we stop last minutes abuses by the ministers/state EXCO members from making critical decisions that are favoring them personally?

  10. ///Why should Tsu Koon and Gerakan surrender its power to pick the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister – if the Gerakan had not been terribly marginalized in the past 18 years since 1990 that it dare not even stand on its unchallenged prerogative less than two decades ago?///

    I do not believe that AAB had the guts to ask for a list of names to select, since he himself would not be able to choose. Tsu Koon only shirked his responsibility, trying to be friend with all the three and dared not take the decision to offend the other two, if he did submit only one name. Why did he not follow LKY’s style of having the decision made by the CWC of Gerakan? Tsu Koon is simply hopeless.

  11. In the long run, the Indians’ problems would be our problems too. The MIC had represented Indians since independence, yet now MIC cannot count on the Indian votes. Once MIC is not voted in, no Indian MPs, no Indian minister.

    Najib suggested MIC re-invent itself. Rumours “leaked” that Samy would not be selected. But Samy’s response was fierce. An army cannot stop him but would he alienate the Indians further? A few months ago, in this blog I said Samy would be selected, and he would deliver the vote. Now I am doubtful. So it’s the coalition’s big problem – talk about problems in other political parties!

  12. All BN component parties (except ARMNO) has a standard vocab very much like VK Lingam’s video clip. ‘Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct Correct correct’

  13. This best that can happen to Malaysia now is for the BN to loose 2/3 majority to the opposition. After that let new enlightened Malay leaders who know what is best for the country kick the obselete race base parties in the BN into extinction and open a whole new chapter for our beloved country. Really given the racial balance in the country, only a very dedicated and enlighten group of Malay leaders can save us. Anything less we are heading to the poor house and obscurity.

  14. 28 years is a long time. The Indian community has given him many mandates and now see what happenned. If they are to give him another 5 more years before another mandate, it would be nothing but giving him the chance to enjoy another extended term of good life. Money, position, influence. 5 years is a right time. Anything more than 10 years should be considered too long especially if the politician is not genuinely helping the people.

  15. Putting another face to represent MIC is easy. Any dumb-dumb can do it.
    There must be grass-root changes from top to bottom in MIC. All the clowns have to go. That goes for all BN component parties too.
    Change the whole lot of them. Bring in the new, now,…or sadly there will never be another better chance.

  16. If UMNO’s BN drop Samy Vellu as candidate in the coming election, does that mean the issue of marginalization of Indians is true and that Hindraf has a very valid reason to take their grievances to the street because their leader has failed them, rr it is just a case of UMNO sacrifices the plum tree in order to preserve the peach tree?

  17. To, YB L K Siang,

    All please take note,

    Think positive, adopt positive attitudes at all times.

    ‘…Why should we not embrace all these parties as our ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘ by which we begin to bring about the change that we want in our country?…’

    In 2004, I was confused by ‘ BA ‘ slogan.

    I thought it stand for ‘ British Airway ‘.
    I was wanting to vote for a New Front which can form a New Government.

    Alternative Front is very confusing to me .
    It confused the common people.

    When you come with ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘.

    Bingo! It is so easy to understand.

    My lawyer friend understood it as ” People Front ” immediately.

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Syabas to your effort to coin a clear decisive slogan .

    ” Barisan Rakyat ” speak volume by itself.

    It connotes ‘ Unity ‘ in ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.


  18. Subra is no angel. All the sudden he is pretending to be a saint.

    He was and would be worst than Samy. We don’t need all these idiots anymore. We should not rely on MIC any longer.

    Badawi cannot determine who should represent the indians.

    A new system / agency should be created to help the indians.


    The indians should be represented by the opposition at the parliament. Hence we need more indian candidates in the Opposition.

  19. Someone should really do a poll and who would be the most popular choice to lead MIC even if it include Hindraf 5. That is the most just thing for the Indian community but of course the hegemonist in UMNO would not tolerate that.

    If Samy Vellu was a patriot and fighter for Indian cause, he would conduct a open, anyone can apply caucus for the post of next MIC president to break from the past completely and redeem himself, renew the party and set a new standard for the Indian community itself.

  20. I hope that Indians can translate their frustrations into votes for DAP, KEADILAN OR PAS!!!

    To the Indians, hold your heads up high.
    At this point, BN are very sweet to all of you, right?
    Please do not be takenin by the swet talk!

    In spite of the sweet talk, did Pak Lah give a firm undertaking that (1) Body snatching by Islamic Officials will not happen again
    (2) Demolition of temples will not take place

  21. Samy or Subra? they’re all the same if you ask me…as long as its MIC its not gonna change.

    Yes, you took the words out of many peoples mouth.
    Barisan Rakyat is the only way to move forward.
    We must not be deceived by any election motivated moves of UMNO.

  22. We are counting on our Chinese and Malay brethrens to support us.

    Agreed. The Chinese people, just like any others are easily swayed by simple gesture like promising them a new school, cleaning up their drains once in ever four years or worst still making a road to the kampung.
    They fail to see bigger issue like economy, inflation and abuse of power.

    To show an example: I was travelling in a taxi . This Malay driver managed to get a licence. When told that our leaders are highly corrupted, he said it is ok because the leaders want to make money whild in power!!! So simple in thougt.
    They did not realise that they are manipulated by politicians and businessmen. They did not realise that they loose even more with corrupted politicians.

    I hope the Malays and Chinese in Sg Siput can follow their Indian friends to reject Samy Vellu who is very arrogant!!!

  23. In the last Elections, the MIC won ALL the Seats they contested. Wouldn’t it be a fitting reward for them to lose most, if not all the seats they contest in this Elections?
    That would be a Great Gift to to ALL Malaysians especially our Indian Brothers & Sisters!
    As for Semi Value, he should be allowed to contest in Sg. Siput one last time so that when he loses, he will disappear into oblivion with the rest of the BN “Nest of Vipers” who will lose in this GE.
    The BN (Read: UMNO) better be warned, GOD is watching!
    All fair minded & decent Malaysians will be praying hard that we finally get a worthy Malaysian Goevrnemnt where corruption, cronyism, nepotism, Non-transperancy, Body Snatching, Religious & Racial Fanatism, Non-equality, unfair practices will be a thing of the past.

  24. “The Chinese people, just like any others are easily swayed by simple gesture like promising them a new school, cleaning up their drains once in ever four years or worst still making a road to the kampung. They fail to see bigger issue like economy, inflation and abuse of power.” – Grace

    It is not that Chinese couldn’t see the big picture. They have it too big and far. That is why they prefer status quo, even though it is not the same status quo each time. But it is better than something uncertain and extreme. Basically that is the mindset of our elders, which is why, we the youngsters have to change our own destiny.

  25. anyone can talk big over national issues as they are looking at the prospective of each issue from their own angle. we must wake up and learn about the reality of our national issue are larger than the entire total population of Malaysia and the ‘marketing’ impact of promoting this country are ‘chewing up’ our resources including human capital, natural wealth, financial distribution and moreso our rights of existence as citizen.

  26. when everything goes, color are no longer the factor here. It’s those wealthy ‘people’ that will just packed their bags and walk to their next destination. those left behind like you and me will be the one that have to ‘rebuilt’ this country. let us get ready for that task rather than spilling anger all over and wasting time and effort to accept reality.

  27. Why must we say that we deprive BN the 2/3 majority?. Let us say BN Bye,Bye and welcome BA. Let us all have positive thinking. Badavi,Ong,Samy are past history. Anuar,Lim ,Hadi are present history. Let us all bring a change to this country. Afterall, BA representatives are also malaysian citizens. Am I right. Thank you.

  28. Let us all Malaysian say enough is enough.Vote all BN CANDIDATES OUT.Just look look around and see what has the UMNO led goverment has done to the country in the last 30 years.

    UMNO LEADERS CAN EVEN GET AWAY WITH MURDER.WAKE UP ..We now have Bumiputra and Muslim Bumiputras…MALAYS and UMNO MALAYS.Each and everyone of us who has made up their minds to vote opposition must go out and campaign for the opposition.


  29. In 1999, the elections saw the entry of Malaysiakini, with a news team of 4 led by senior journalist Steven Gan.

    In 2008, the elections will see the entry of, with three senior journalists – Jacqueline Ann Surin and Cindy Tham (formerly the Sun and the Edge) and Danny Lim (formerly Off-The-Edge). They will cover election news on mobile basis in battleground states like Penang, Perak, Kelantan and Klang Valley.

    We should thank Vincent Tan for giving the final push of journalists into this new venture.

  30. Samy Vellu always used the claim that “he is still very much needed by the Indian comminity” and the MIC.

    Without him around, both the Indian community and MIC will crumble, he claimed with threatening stance. So MIC members and the community he claimed to represent are hammered into submission. No one would there to dissent.

    Off you go any dissenters in MIC, they are all kicked out of the party in no time. Samy can be so vicious, whether it is typical of him or of the culture he represents, is a question to be observed here day in and day out.

    How he mercilessly “chopped’ his detractors and those who dissented can be seen in recent cases happening in MIC, look at the ending of of his many years deputy in waiting!

    Subramaniam had been in waiting as deputy president for a long long time one can remember, at the end of the day he is still being chopped, for waiting for too long, that Samy got jittery that he may revolt. It is safest for him to be axed so that there will be no challengers to President post for a long time.

    He said he is need. That is what he claimed. It is not the aspiration of MIC members or the community they represent. Others just keep mum because he welded absolute power in the MIC, the power as prosecutor, the judge and the enforcer all in his hands.

    The balloon has to burst and the last straw has to break the camel’s back. The wide outburst of the community come at the opportune time when the general election comes now.

    This has proven to be the best time and opportunity for the community to show their sentiment to him. And he is now tasting the bitter fruit of his own dictatorial leadership with general support waning but he still is shouting he is direly needed and wanted by his Indian community? Self deceiving prophecy?

  31. I noticed buses loaded with Malaysian Indian passengers being driven into PULAPOL compound to have their particulars and statements recorded as to why they are in Kuala Lumpur. What kind of nonsense is this in a supposedly democratic country like Malaysia? This is a blatant disregard of Human Rights and it is a shame that Malaysia is a country in the United Nations that endorsed The Human Rights Charter.

  32. Barang Naik Regime,You have done enough damage to Malaysia and the Rakyat. You have bled and sucking dry our natural resources to fill the coffers of the elite few cronies in the Regime. How many % of the Rakyat ever enjoyed any developments?
    We the Rakyat stand firm against these blatant disregards of inhumane treatments and corruption!We the Rakyat say no more Racial and Religious discriminations!We the Rakyat say no more to Police brutality towards the Rakyat!We the Rakyat will vote you out of the government!We the Rakyat had enough of the incessant price increases of our essential items like Petrol!


  33. Malaysian !!!! Wake up lah !!!
    All the development that BN government brought to us comes with a price …
    Infrastrucutural comes with premium price on buildings and tolled roads, corrupted officer to approved the utilities commissioning, pay to get things done by civil servants …
    They can tell you all many development will be done and in planning, the only thing they always hide from telling you ” You’re paying for all these anyway “

  34. Subra may emulate Sambanthan who came from a high loft but embraced the groundswell effectively. Samy is fitter person who lasted because he embraced only loyalists during his tenure. Sambanthan has a fitter gene who did not last because he embraced his detractors as well but his ensuing legacy still lives in the MIC.

  35. Samy have to go already…All the buddy already leave from the center of power .Going to enjoy life…..
    Too long handing the MIC is not healty to MIC..
    Now can see the many indian are unhappy , Samy have to take resposibilty, why?I think every one Malaysia indian know it…
    If Sub take over Samy , hopefully MIC can be changes and the Minister for the MIC handing menthid also hope can be changes.

    Benefit to malaysia or all people.If Samy still holding minister after election.Please get prepare the highways toll fee increament.Every time few election like same thing happen.May be is not the brother sammy problem.He don’t know it will happen.It from the boss instruction.HA!ha!
    Now a day people are not stupid as what he think.Every time the election given the caddy sweet.may be small group of the people get it only.Majority people are not invlove.

  36. SAmy Vellu is a mere smouldering wick left and the smoke is hurting not just the Indian community’s eyes but all malaysians as well.

    It is well if this Samy is put off to pasture; an old horse like him deserves some dignity in retirement and he has enough hay to last for 3 generations.

  37. Tickler said,”I noticed buses loaded with Malaysian Indian passengers being driven into PULAPOL compound to have their particulars and statements recorded as to why they are in Kuala Lumpur. What kind of nonsense is this in a supposedly democratic country like Malaysia? ”

    Tickler, this is a f###up country! When I was travelling in Singapore, you can see how well treated Indians are. Travellers from India are treated like gold being ushered in gently to the door.
    That is the reason why IT experts flocked to Singapore. Remember the Indian IT experts were arrested! How to progrees la!
    People in Sg Siput must be wise when they cast their votes.
    Vote opposition and NOT BN!!!

  38. In Malaysia, Pandithan represents the Tamil outcastes. That’s why he was thrown out of the MIC by the caste Tamils. Is this something that Umno knows?
    No. The caste Tamils not only throw out the outcaste Tamils but also other Indians like the Malayalees etc.
    Pathmanaban, a Malayalee, was put in MIC by Tun Razak but eventually he was thrown out by the Tamils.

  39. Uncle Lim….what happen to my posting? Going through the censor board? Hhhmmmm….let me re-write it

    Tickler Says:

    Today at 12: 46.26 (4 hours ago)
    In Malaysia, Pandithan represents the Tamil outcastes. That’s why he was thrown out of the MIC by the caste Tamils. Is this something that Umno knows?
    No. The caste Tamils not only throw out the outcaste Tamils but also other Indians like the Malayalees etc.
    Pathmanaban, a Malayalee, was put in MIC by Tun Razak but eventually he was thrown out by the Tamils.

    It was not Tamils…..but it was by MIC. MIC means Samy Vellu…and this old scum is running the party with gangsters (may not need these henchmens as he is the biggest gangster himself).

    The history of MIC from establishment untill now can show what they have contribute to the Indians and what is SV have “contributed”.

  40. Hi guys..I got a forwarded sms from a friend and in the sms,a group that calls themselves as Om Sakhti (please note that Makkal Sakhti is alligned to HINDRAF). This Om Sakhti is sending out SMS-es that is against the opposition parties.. I also heard from a friend that there is some video they have posted in internet against opposition parties. I and my friend couldn’t locate the video. My friend’s source also didn’t provide him the link. Did any of u guys came across this video? Pls send me the link if u guys have watched it. Just want to know what these guys agenda is..Thanks.

  41. I don’t think we are fair in blaming Samy Vellu for the Indian dilemma. As a minority race in Malaysia, I believe that Samy Vellu has the Indian’s community interest at heart. However, his struggle and fight throughout the years must have been deflected by the corrupted UMNO warlords who are short sighted/corrupted/evil. Imagine being the only Indian Minister for the past 30 years. What power do he has? He is only a puppet.

    For the Indian’s community to improve, the Opposition must win in this election. Period.

  42. ///They (MCA), too, have to kowtow and plead for some bread crumbs just like MIC. They are equally powerless.///–Samy Vellu

    Samy Vellu shows by making that statement that he is in fact better than MCA leaders, who pretend that they were serving the Chinese community. Having 28 years in the government, and he must have been convinced that the situation would only get worse when MIC and MCA served as wall flower to UMNO for them to do what they please, Samy Vellu should now be brave to leave MIC, and contest his seat in Sungai Siput as Independent. He will at least save his name, even at this late hour.

    There is no way UMNO would be willing to share the country equally with all Malaysians. 50 years have seen two and a half generations getting ready to compete with any imaginary adversaries, when there were none. When 20 years, a generation was ample to change the capacity of any family, the other thirty years offer them opportunity to exist as parasites, and worse, the time to produce more parasites to burden the society, if being parasites was the sole objective in taking advantage of the special position. After all, competition has to be carried out in the real environment. If it was the intention to live up to real competition, then, the actual competition should have started in 1972, 15 years after Article 153 and Independence.

    Of course the ordinary UMNO members would like to take the route of no work more pay if they can. The UMNO leaders have found that in making their members dependent on the organization, they would be there forever, and positions in party can be handed down from father to son, like royal household with connection to government tills. Yes, the honour of the Malays general public is utilised to keep them in power; when they say Malays still require help, it is clear to all that UMNO leaders are smart, and in addition to taking care of themselves, they have to be responsible to the weak, and the Malays public are always weak, as far as they are concerned. To the UMNO leaders , those Malays with PhDs are also weak, and that is why you find over 90% university lecturers are Malays when the ratio should have been 60 per cent, following the racial proportion in the country when it is believed that all races are equally intelligent. The high percentage of Malays university lecturers says only that Malays are preferred over non-Malays, and that is needed because they are weak, and require special assistance. Obviously when a larger proportion of the lecturers are from a single race, it can be concluded that the weakest among the PhD are accepted into the teaching staff. Should we wonder why the Universities in Malaysia are losing out to others in the world, by the year. Yes, we can pretend we are the best, and carry on dreaming.

    MCA is powerless to make the country attain its potential. MCA officials have not the intention to do so. The people in power in MCA are only interested to make use of their position in the party or government to enrich their family. Just count the number of the new candidates who are the children of the past MCA politicians. The fathers could not serve the community, and they have trained their children to continue with exploiting the political rights of the Chinese in the country. Why can’t the Chinese vote to see what can happen if MCA is wiped out rather than waiting for the rights to be taken away, bit by bit, in keeping MCA in play.

    The Chinese know full well that UMNO has been tightening the rope around Chinese necks, year after year. Over time, we would face the situation worse than the slaves in America. The American slaves were getting a change of live for the better while we attained independence in 1957, and we had racial equality save for the few provisions under Article 153. We are now slowly forced into slavery status, travelling in reverse direction to the blacks in USA.

    There is still so-called parliamentary democracy when we can still vote, though the weights are unequal. We know UMNO to be the devil, and yet we fear the unknown by voting the devil we know. We are brainwashed to believe that PAS is a bigger devil. Let us set the bigger devil to fight off the known devil, and if we have to experience the worst, let it come down early. PAS are manned by god-fearing religious people. Let PAS teach UMNO what true Islam means. It cannot be dead body snatching to gain religious merit!

    To continue voting for BN is to vote for fatality, dying slowly.

  43. (…don laugh too loud~) samy vellu’s malay…never improve
    1) Samy Velu on pos laju ‘BESOK

    2) The one on TV when in trying to
    say he was ashamed, he said :`Kemaluan
    saya besar`

    3) On drugs, ‘Jangan hisap dada’

    4) Samy said in a ceramah ‘Kita akan
    bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong
    kampong disini’ , one pakcik
    asked, ‘Datuk, sini takde sungai,buat
    apa bina jambatan?’ and Samy glorious
    replied ,’Kalau takde sungai, kita
    bina sungai!’

    5) Samy’s favorite quote on national
    television ‘Toll naik sikit, manyak
    marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll
    saya punya bapa punya kah!’

    6) During the water shortage
    crisis : ‘semua orang diminta jgn
    membuang aiyerr..!’

    7) During blood donation campaign in
    Sg Siput : ‘..marilah kita semua
    menderma dara..’

    8) During the opening speech of
    various function: ‘…selamat datang
    saudara-mara semua..’ (actually
    is ‘saudara-saudari’)

    9) At an opening
    ceremony: ‘mempersilakan datin paduka
    rafidah aziz naik ke pentas utk
    membuka kain’

    10)Commenting about his
    modesty: ‘sebenarnya, kemaluan saya
    sangat-sangat besar ‘

    And lastly u know why our N-S
    Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.

    PLUS = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy

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