Po Kuan incommunicado

Media Conference Statement (2) by Lim Kit Siang at the Perak DAP State hqrs in Ipoh on Tuesday, 19th February 2008 at 1 pm

There are four days left to Nomination Day on Sunday. It is most unfortunate that in the past few days, particularly in the past 72 hours, the DAP had shifted from pace-and-agenda setting for the 12th general election, which is the “Battle of the Century”, to one of complete disarray because of party problems particularly over Fong Po Kuan’s shock announcement that she will not contest in Batu Gajah parliamentary seat and other general election and candidature questions.

DAP leaders have been trying to reach Po Kuan since Sunday but have not been successful as she is incommunicado. From the public responses to her and my blogs, she should know that she is held in very high regard as the voice of the oppressed and beacon of hope of the marginalized.

We all hope that Po Kuan can reconsider to return to the frontline of the Battle of the Century in the 12th general election for the third contest in the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat.

I fully respect the right and responsibility of the media to report and chase news and undoubtedly, Po Kuan and the DAP’s general election problems are newsworthy.

However, the media should be fair and balanced in the coverage of all newsworthy party developments, not just of the DAP but also of Umno, MCA, Gerakan,, MIC and all other Barisan Nasional component parties.

The media should not play up Opposition problems while playing down even more serious BN problems in the run-up to the 12 general election.

All political parties, including those in the Barisan Nasional, have general election problems but there has not been a balanced coverage of BN problems.

One of the biggest political news not only in recent times but probably in Malaysia’s political history is the transformation of MIC President and sole Indian Cabinet Minister for over 28 years, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu into the most unpopular and most disliked politician in the country – being booed, jeered, car blocked, thrown stones, rotten eggs and even slippers almost every day in public places.

If this had happened to a DAP leader, this will be reported on the front page, back page and the inside pages.

In a majority of cases, the problems faced by the DAP are minuscule as compared to the gargantuan problems of the Barisan Nasional but it is the DAP problems which are played up in the media while the gargantuan problems of BN are played down or even “blacked out”.

I am not asking the media to side with the DAP but to be fair, balanced and responsible in their reporting in their general election coverage.

The Po Kuan issue has been fully exploited by Barisan Nasional parties and leaders, with one Minister after another jumping into the fray.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that Po Kuan is “a calibre MP” and criticized the DAP as not being able to keep its house in order and therefore lost the right to deal with governance issues.

Najib is right that Po Kuan is a “caliber MP” and this is why she had been fielded and elected twice as DAP MP for Batu Gajah. Why has Najib taken eight years to realize that Po Kuan is a “calibre MP”?

Najib should not forget that Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other Barisan Nasional parties have even more problems than the DAP about keeping their houses in order – and if Najib is right then all of them would have to get out of government themselves!

For instance, in the run-up to the 2004 general election, Pak Lah had wanted to drop four Mentri Besar/Chief Minister from the Barisan Nasional slate of candidates to project an image of integrity but he was blocked by the Umno warlords and could only move one Mentri Besar – and by pushing him to Parliament and Cabinet!

In MCA, a National Vice President and Cabinet Minister was brought down by a high-level party conspiracy exposing a sex video tape scandal – showing the MCA “house” in complete disorder. By Najib’s logic, should MCA be part of government at all?


186 Replies to “Po Kuan incommunicado”

  1. These elections are of critical importance to Malaysians and …no person is an island…..The DAP should just move on and forget about the Po Kuan issue…..any further dwelling on this issue will only hurt its chances in the impending elections…….let go…toughen up….and move forward…..

  2. Why such a move at such a time?
    Calculated move on her part to inflict maximum damage possible to the party once she called her own?
    But it is so illogical & irrational to have come from her, an experienced DAP general (not ordinary soldier who may not understand the full meaning of serving the people).
    In the end its the Malaysian citizens who are the ones that are being punished.
    DAP must move on.
    Back to total focus. Malaysian citizens should NOT continue to allow BN so much power as to bulldoze their ways with mindless agenda. Deny them the 2/3 majority for a start.
    Together let’s JUST CHANGE IT!

  3. We will move along, who needs someone who shrugs off responsibility of the nation and inflict maximum damage to the favour of the BN at the time like this. Po Kuan has proven herself to be a deserter, a loser and a coward, let’s just drop her! Don’t spoil the momentun just because of her,who does she think she is?Chiu! She think got nobody to replace her ah?

    Come On Already! PKR already has a “Cili Padi” in their ranks with their candidate Nurul Izzah!DAP has other more dedicated and stronger women like Teresa Kok who have the responsibility and calibre, so what Po Kuan?!

    Rejuvenate the Election Machinery! Move ahead! Aim higher than just denying BN Regime their 2/3, we may even win and form the government now!


  4. Uncle kit,

    I think DAP must be prepare to nominate an alternative candidate. From po kuan’s blog i can see that she is very determined with her decidion. No more time to waste, DAP should proceed with an contingent plan right now. BTW, not sure whether you have read my mail. you might be too busy to reply. However I have a feeling that my instinct is correct on po kuan’s whereabout.

  5. Seems like FPK has been Lee Lam Thyed.

    Making such decision and damaging announcement at this critical moment has completely destroy her credibility (whether as Opposition or potentiallya as Barisan Nasional lapdog in future)

    If she is sincere, she should have just get out graciously. Why so selfish and smear the party?

    Foget her, but just deny the 2/3 of BN

  6. You r right YB Lim, why Calibre after 8 years Why the stupid DPM .did not make a praise on her and support her at times of the Bocor incidence as well as during the time when she was banned for 6 months for parliament meeting. This rascal is nothing more than a hypocrite. Distributing sweets in the Chinese press but forgotten what he had done at the Kg, Bahru Stadium in 1978.
    Apologise Lah if he is still a man otherwise dont talk ‘C’ lah!

  7. Although she decided not to contest but she haven’t quit the party. Poh Kuan probably can’t handle the pressure, please try to understand. We should thank Poh Kuan for all her hard work as BG MP! She did not contest in this GE doesn’t mean she won’t contest in the next GE right? Even she go BN we hope that she can make a different there, she deserves our well wishes! :)

  8. I am sad to say that there is something fishy in this Poh Kuan’s case. Is she being bought over like some previous DAP’s generals? Sorry for my suspicion. Unless, of course, our dear Poh Kuan would come out and say like a great leader that she realised her small mistake and is prepared to continue her big mission to fight for a better nation for all the people of Malaysia. What say you , my dear Poh Kuan?

  9. Dear Madam Fong Po Kuan,

    Life isn’t fair, and it will continue to be the way. Accepting this will help you quickly get over negative events. Life’s not fair to you and it is not fair to billion of others in this world.
    We have all felt victimised by other people or hard done by unfavourable events. Nevertheless you have been blessed with strength and talents to deal with various bends life likes to throw your way. Once you accept life isn’t fair, you will be at greater peace with yourself and the world. Life will throw many balls your way, but you will be able to hit your share and home runs and grand slams. The more you can hold up to the trails and tribulations of life, the successful you will become.
    To expect to be the person you would unrealistically like to be is waster the person you are, and can be. If you want to be a politician, then be one.

  10. FPK said in her statement “…….due to the development of internal party events in the DAP Perak over the last few years…….. ”

    If they have been problem “over last few years”, why not quit last few years ago?
    Why now?

    It is the TIMING of her announcement that is damaging.

  11. I think DAP has to move on……may be FPK is History! She should have thought about the party when she made the decision…..she should put the party first before herself just like Saudara Karpal Singh who is giving up his seat for Lim Jr. Lets forget the past and move on to deny BN 2/3 Majority……Focus Focus Focus!

  12. early don’t go, late don’t go,… now whole team need to go to battle, say want to pull out.. helloo… where are the sense of resposibility,.. age show mid 30s but acted like just like a kid.. don’t tell me she don’t know the damage she going to cause pulling out in the mist of a major battle… aih… only think I can think of she is pregnant.. morning sickness… we all should move on, battle is ahead, we should do what we are suppose to do..

  13. I have been following the numerous views expressed by readers in regards to Fong Po Kuan in this blog. To those who would not vote for the DAP following this unfortunate episode, I SINCERELY urge you to re-think your decision in all sincerity. Yes, FPK is a good parlimentarian and have served Batu Gajah well, but PLEASE, look at the bigger picture! Do we want another BN government that rides roughshod over policy matters that AFFECTS US, amend the constitution AS AND WHEN to suit their whims and fancies, allow “Little Napoleans” to flourish, etc.? If these issues are not close to your heart, what about our children’s future – their education? Haven’t you heard or read enough of the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE our Chinese and Tamil schools faces? Haven’t you contributed to your children’s school building funds at some time? (Why, when you have already contributed through your income tax?).

    Yes, the BN in order to win the Chinese votes have handed out tens of millions to built new, relocate/improve existing Chinese schools. BUT don’t you think this only is a paltry sum compared to Port Klang Free Trade Zone fiasco which cost us, the RAKYAT, RM4.6b?

    Think again! If the BN is returned to power on March 8 with more than 2/3s majority, you can be sure they would arbitrarily re-delineate the state and parliament constituencies to ensure they remain in power for the next 50 years!!

    Let us keep sentiments aside. FPK or no FPK contesting BG, this is the mother of all elections! It’s time we speak up for our rights and vote for the DAP, PKR, PAS, PSM candidates in our constituency!!!

    God bless.

  14. Face the facts, Kit Siang. She’s gone. Its time for Plan B.

    Batu Gajah, Ipoh Barat and maybe evn Ipoh Timur together with whatever State seats in them, are very, very shaky.

    That’s the problem with your party. Too many Little Napoleons, mavericks and loose cannon. You can’t control them and unite them as one. You lack sensitivity, you do not plan in advance. Your parachute candidates and gerrymandering will be your own down fall.

    You will be the cause of your own failures and lack of success. I hear two other big guns are sulking and will cause another bombshell. If you don’t know where or who they are, you are out of touch.

  15. It does sound suspicious especially calling it quits at the very last minute before elections. This is what we call politics. This has some BN minister criticising the DAP for not fielding woman candidates. Not all BN woman politicians are doing well either, even though they are given their respective portfolios. Somehow they still want a man to lead.

  16. “Although she decided not to contest but she haven’t quit the party. Poh Kuan probably can’t handle the pressure, please try to understand. We should thank Poh Kuan for all her hard work as BG MP! She did not contest in this GE doesn’t mean she won’t contest in the next GE right? Even she go BN we hope that she can make a different there, she deserves our well wishes!”

    Yes, FPK deserves our well wishes! BUT it’s was her remarks of internal party conflicts, and the timing of her announcement!

    Just Change It! Let’s all now move forward with greater strength and deeper convictions to deny BN 2/3 majority. Let’s bury this unpleasant episode for good and brace ourself for the greater challenge that lies ahead of us!

  17. Kit,
    Let this be you final blogging on Po Kuan. Just forget her and move on.
    I am convinced that she some sugar daddy from BN may have banked in RM 1 million in her account. Maybe next month she may be given a Datukship and Chairmanship of some some stupid institution.
    Such people are worth just 2 sen.
    Her actions reeks of malevolence.
    And she dare refer to the DAP as her family. Her words belies her actions and vive versa.
    As for Najib, you were even unable to take care of your family and your former wife. How can you be take care of your country?

  18. Kit,
    Some donkey years ago I met your former DAP MP, Gooi Hock Seng and he told me that each DAP MP was easily worth RM 1 million if they are willing to cross over to the BN.
    He was then handling a habeas corpus application in the High Court when he said this.
    I presume the price tag is higher now.

  19. Sometimes we need PAS is because :-

    From the Star

    No apology for ‘orangutan’


    KOTA BARU: An unrepentant Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat said he would not apologise for calling Umno members orangutans, as he had meant it.

    “Sometimes one has to be a bit rough for the message to hit home,” the PAS spiritual adviser said of his statement made on Sunday.

    “When someone does something wrong, we should be in the position to correct him. Sometimes I advise, sometimes I use the rotan (cane). In this case, it is the rotan.

    “Even the West uses the word ‘animal’ quite liberally. I am not even using the word ‘animal’. I am only using the word ‘orangutan’, which is not as bad,” he told reporters at his office here Tuesday.

    On the PAS candidates selected to contest here, Nik Aziz said in an interview that as far as he knew, they were all non-smokers.

    In the past, Nik Aziz had said party members who smoked did not fully understand Islam, as smoking was considered haram (forbidden) or makruh (allowed but not encouraged).

    He had even likened smokers to animals who did not think before hurting themselves.

  20. YB Lim admitted there is leadership problem in DAP. Let learn from Po Kuan incident, DAP top leaders should be fair to all members and MPs. No everyone like to polish shoe for promotion or nominated.

    Let her go off peacefully since your DAP people have tried your best to persuade back.

  21. sheriff singh Says:

    Today at 22: 58.35 (17 minutes ago)
    Poh Kuan wasn’t even in your “Just Change It” video.


    Woman is very sensitive regardless she is a MP or not. YB Lim and other national leaders are accountable for this incident.

  22. “Opting out” at such a crucial time, is one thing. Making insinuation attacking DAP Perak is another. Being insensitive to DAP and its Leadership is intolerable because party must always be above self.

    There are many ways of doing things, but unfortunately intentionally or otherwise, she chose to do it in one swoop and has done much damage to the party.

    Such behavior coming from a 2-term MP is to say the least, insensitive and most unbecoming.

    She is history, just forget her!

  23. Very disappointed in Fong Po Kuan’s decision. It is all ill-timed, or maybe it was a calculated decision by herself, doing it at such timing really raised people’s suspicion.
    Something fishy is going on. From a DAP and people’s heroine, she has now became a quitter, betrayer of trusts and a nobody! Probably a very very rich nobody though.

  24. Let’s move ahead and thrash the 50 year old political monster.Time will tell if she is another LLT or like one of the few surviving traitors in Negeri Sembilan.If she is sincere,she should not have made such a shocking announcemrnt during such a critical time when the party is in the midst of fighting the battle of the century.The hypocritical praise by Najis on her was uncalled for.He should have offered her sincere praises when she was humiliated by his two ‘bocor’ idiots.Probably there is some implication for him to say she is a high calibre MP.Anyway time will tell the truth.However if she chooses to remain as a loyal party member,she should campaign whole heartedly for whoever is her successor in BG.Vote DAP and deny BN 2/3 majority.

  25. Jong Says:

    Today at 23: 21.59 (2 minutes ago)
    “Opting out” at such a crucial time, is one thing. Making insinuation attacking DAP Perak is another. Being insensitive to DAP and its Leadership is intolerable because party must always be above self.


    Are you running a communist party?

  26. Stop that CRAPS! Leave her alone.That’s Insane!
    I don’t think she loves DAP.She looks like a TRAITOR
    to me.What’s the big deal,life has to go on.Stop that bickering
    or this will makes the BN starts spinning nonsensical stories.
    March On!WE will vote for a change.
    Vote for DAP,PKR and PAS.

  27. lobster Says:

    Today at 23: 22.21 (6 minutes ago)
    Very disappointed in Fong Po Kuan’s decision. It is all ill-timed, or maybe it was a calculated decision by herself, doing it at such timing really raised people’s suspicion.
    Something fishy is going on. From a DAP and people’s heroine, she has now became a quitter, betrayer of trusts and a nobody! Probably a very very rich nobody though.


    No point bashing her, at least she stand out in 1999 to contest in DAP black area and sacrificed her own career.

    Whether she is another LLT, only time will tell.

    Come out plan B and move on.

  28. To lobster,

    Everyone has own problem, do not “forced” your value onto others.

    She may be recognized as a BN heroine and got Tan Sri after the election. Let it be, afterall this is her choice.

    This is a democratic society, she has freedom to abandon ship or jump ship.

  29. ok…so this is the way how dap and dap supporter treat FPK? your 2 term MP? I thought, at least think in the position of FPK, after all that she had done for you guy? blaming her? forgetting her? betrayer? who betray her first? Why don’t you go find out the people that causing the internal conflict? Just know to blame FPK announce her decision at wrong timing?

    applause to FPK that dare to step down, as opposed to those who gila power.

  30. ‘…Just Change It! Let’s all now move forward with greater strength and deeper convictions to deny BN 2/3 majority. Let’s bury this unpleasant episode for good and brace ourself for the greater challenge that lies ahead of us!…’

    Think positive, act positive.

    In MT, SV Singam suggests ,

    ‘…Why should we not embrace all these parties as our ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘ by which we begin to bring about the change that we want in our country?…’

    In 2004, I was confused by ‘ BA ‘ slogan.

    I thought it stand for ‘British Airway ‘.
    I was wanting to vote for a ‘New Front’ which can form a New Government.

    Alternative Front is very confusing to me .
    It confused the common people.

    When SV Singam suggests & come with ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘.

    Bingo! It is so easy to understand.

    My lawyer friend understood it as ” People Front ” immediately.

    Barisan Rakyat ( DAP/PAS/PKR/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Syabas to SV Singam ‘s effort to coin a clear decisive slogan .

    ” Barisan Rakyat ” speak volume by itself.

    It connotes ‘ Unity ‘ in ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.


  31. lobster: to you, FPK sacrifice the future of millions malaysian, to me, the ppl that start the internal conflict is the one who sacrificing the future of millions of malaysia….

    One won’t cause any conflict if they are really care for malaysian. Those who cause the conflict and who are very care about the position, I don’t think they will care about malaysian….

  32. There have been many great GENERALS and HEROES of DAP who are great and well respected (even by the BN) have went through this path before since the 80’s. Poor Po Kuan is just another case in the Statistic. Who’s the next one tomorrow? Lim Hock Seng or Phee Boon Poh?

    I’d like to ask DAP : when will the “SUPER SENIOR” Leadership recognise their Dictative leadership and management style no longer effective and applicable in this professional and information age? Please, start improvise and change. Otherwise, DAP is just another SHELL – Looks Good, Strong Echo, But Empty Inside!

  33. YB
    FPK has made her decision. Sadly, I wonder why?
    FPK is not DAP and DAP is not FPK only.
    Now that they are separate, threat them as separate and move on.
    Our continued worries about FPK when DAP is about to go into the election of “changes” 2008 is misguided.
    Get back into positions man…..”the fat lady is about to sing”……

  34. Uncle Lim

    Without doubt, FPK is not DAP and DAP is not FPK. We need to stay united. I love the party for what it stands for and what it expounds itself to fight for. FPK was a good candidate for Batu Gajah. Time has passed and it will never be known why she had not seek solace and advise from party leaders closest to her. We will never know the reasons. Only the test of time will tell.

    It’s time … follow what this leader once said

    “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    If she is not even willing to take that step, let her be. Much admiration for what she has done. I am certain the battle lines must be drawn.

    If you are unaware, FPK wrote this on her blog today. Clearly, she is standing firm on her decisions. I am she has her reasons but if she is willing to do what the great man has done, then the light at the end of the tunnel will be brighter.


    Let’s roll – well said by an unidentified voice on Flight 914.

  35. TO, YB L K Siang’

    Better take note & pay attention.

    I said previously, it is very risky for those who appeared on videos or detained in last year ,& this year rallies to offer themselves as potential candidates to stand against BN.

    Disqualified by EC once the ruling BN Govt charge the potential candidates from Barisan Rakyat in a Court of Law for illegal assembly, etc.

    The ruling BN candidates will ” win by default”.

    This is cruel you may say & shout !

    What can you do to avoid these from happening ?

    It is like nomination papers got rejected for ‘simple errors’ or ‘gaps’ during nomination days. Disqualified on technicalities ?

    It happened in 1990, 1994, 1999, 2004 right?

    Many BN candidates will ” won by default ” again & again.

    Do not let this happened again by all means.

    Two- cornered fight is good.
    Once a Candidate got disqualified by the Election Officer during nomination day, all our efforts wasted & ‘vanished’.

    Now how to solve this ‘ grey area ‘ which is a real ” threat ” .

    Better be alert & come out with a election strategy on how to overcome these ” legal traps “.

    I did proposed ways to counter BN dirty tricks 3 months ago.

    Have you all forgot to read & take note.

    Please use ” Replacement Candidate ” on standby .


  36. Yes, we have to look at the BIG PICTURE now!

    Say bye bye to Po Kuan, all the best to her in whatever she undertakes.

    DAP HAVE TO ‘JUST MOVE ON’ from this moment. Field in the next best candidate for BG. It the voters there want to vent their anger over the Po Kuan case, just too bad; they should look at the larger national policy picture!

  37. I’m afraid, so afraid that the BN dirty politics of buying out potential
    & talented opposition politicians as it did with Lee Lam Thye. I have a theory, it’s surely’s an entrapment or blackmail or worse, a ‘corrupted gomen’ using a man(or woman) weakness for financial gains ie money, to pull out of an election at the last & worst possible moment few days before the crucial nomination day, how can be so irresponsible, the nation’s fate is at stake, another 5-years of screw-up,corruption-filled, inefficient, economic & social mis-planning, M’sia will be ruined, our country simply cannot take it another 5-years of abuse, I’m telling u, in this competitive new-world economic order, only the Best will survive & thrive, even 2nd best will whittle & die (with the NEP & its supporters)

  38. To, YB L K Siang,

    Please do not call yourselves “Malaysian opposition parties”.

    It has negative connotation.

    Use the term ” Barisan Rakyat ” instead as suggested by SV Singam
    under heading posting “DAP PAS PKR PSM MDP PASOK …. = BARISAN RAKYAT “.

    Do you know College students thought ‘BA ” stand for ” Bachelor of Arts ” Degree without Honors ?

    Do not confuse the young Voters.

    Young Voters are the “Agent for Change “.

    Many wanted a New Government , not a ‘BA’, ok.

    I support ” Barisan Rakyat”.


  39. If FPK supporters think that by voting for BN as a way of getting back at DAP then all I can say is “YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU VOTE FOR”.

    FPK is indeed a capable leader and we will miss her. We will still support her if she makes a sudden turn around but lets not praise her till the heavens. We hv more things to worry about right now. The damage she has inflicted upon DAP has been done and the message delivered to other DAP supporters has been confusing.

    THe time is for us now to regroup and refocus the task at hand. It is our duty to tell the rest that we need to look at the bigger picture… to deny BN 2/3 majority otherwise by sabotaging DAP means we are just kicking our own butts!

    And my message goes out to those DAP supporters who are thinking of teaching DAP a lesson….think again.

  40. We all know what we want… a better Malaysia for Malaysians.

    Voters… pls vote for the opposition… whoever they are.
    Opposition… close rank to challenge bn. Pls forego personal interest.
    Voters… time to change the government or at least deny bn 2/3.

    50 years bn rule is more than enough. Bring in an equally strong alternative government to safeguard our future and our children’s future.

    Two or more (lets start with two) strong changeable government (through election) will make each one of our leaders to be accountable for their actions and remind all to be clean… else OUT you go. This is democracy to protect our rights as Malaysians.

    Many malpractices/corruptions are swept under the carpet during this last 50 years of bn rules. Lets clean them out now. Future government beware… this can also happen 2 u if you don’t toe the line. Of course alternative government can dig old records when in power to charge those responsible for laundering our hard earn money.

    We are born Malaysians and will die a Malaysian.
    We are not Chinese as we are not born in China.
    We are not Indians as we are not born in India.
    We are as Malay as you are as we are Malay sian.
    Except we do not share a common religion but respected each others religion and beliefs.

    VOTE in the Opposition and let them form the new Government. Let them move us forward. If they don’t perform well we still have our rights in the next GE.

    So forget FPK and move on.

  41. yinhau Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 52.11
    lobster: to you, FPK sacrifice the future of millions malaysian, to me, the ppl that start the internal conflict is the one who sacrificing the future of millions of malaysia….

    One won’t cause any conflict if they are really care for malaysian. Those who cause the conflict and who are very care about the position, I don’t think they will care about malaysian….


    As long as there is two people and above in a party or company, there is “politicking”.

    If Fo Po Kuan cannot take politiciking is a part of life, she will be disappointed in her new career life or even in her new family life.

  42. I hate to say this, but I believe denying BN that 2/3 majority is a way bigger agenda than FPK.

    If she comes back, great. If no, lets move on as nobody is bigger than the party than our agenda of a better and free Malaysia.

    Can we all stop commenting about FPK like now? Infact, lets stop all posting in this FPK thread and focus our energy on what lies ahead, the 12 GE.

    This GE is our best and last chance to deny BN that 2/3. You guys game for it??

  43. rakyatmalaysia1957 Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 57.30
    There have been many great GENERALS and HEROES of DAP who are great and well respected (even by the BN) have went through this path before since the 80’s. Poor Po Kuan is just another case in the Statistic. Who’s the next one tomorrow? Lim Hock Seng or Phee Boon Poh?

    I’d like to ask DAP : when will the “SUPER SENIOR” Leadership recognise their Dictative leadership and management style no longer effective and applicable in this professional and information age? Please, start improvise and change. Otherwise, DAP is just another SHELL – Looks Good, Strong Echo, But Empty Inside


    Penang MCA said 56 DAP ex-Adun and MP had quitted DAP!!! I do not deny some quit for money.

    YB Lim and junior Lim have to realign DAP leadership style to make DAP relevant to internet age.

  44. smeagroo: what if, the people don’t see any difference in DAP from BN? Same another party that full of people that only like power, that only want to use the power for own benefit?

    Mr Lim, and other, show me, show everyone else, that DAP is not the kind of party with leader that gila power. DAP IS NOT JUST THE SAME!!!!

    Wish the best for DAP

  45. # malaysiatoday.com Says:
    Today at 00: 18.42 (7 minutes ago)

    yinhau Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 52.11
    lobster: to you, FPK ….


    As long as there is two people and above in a party or company, there is “politicking”.

    If Fo Po Kuan cannot take politiciking is a part of life, she will be disappointed in her new career life or even in her new family life.
    politicking is an absolute reflect to our country current situation, which PM decision above everything. It is not democratic.
    Nobody can question his decision. This is not something should happen in democractic country.

    We should try to remove this from our country system…which every opinion is taken care. Politicking concept is totally wrong…

    if dap is party like this, then there is no difference with dap with BN.

    we have to make not only one person important. we have to make everyone is equally important. That is democracy….

  46. I am a Batu Gajahan. I believe I speak for most Batu Gajahans. We have voted for DAP in the past and we will continue to vote for DAP in the future because we strongly believe in the principles which DAP fight for. It’s the party we vote for, not the candidate. We Batu Gajahans are wise voters. To those concerned supporters who think that FPK’s decision not to contest may affect the performance of DAP in the coming GE, please do not be afraid. We the wise voters of Batu Gajah will not allow emotions get the better of us. We will stay cool. Come Polling Day we shall give DAP a thumping victory.

  47. To yinhau…I did say no saints in the politics, politics itself is “gila power” battlefield.

    Fo has freedom to call it a day as long she feel happy with her decision in this crucial moment. She shall know her decision is helping BN to win 2/3 again.

  48. Madam Fong, we know how you feel if you are unfairly treated for a Party that you loved and sacrificed so much. Being the fairer sex probably, you also feel that you had been bullied.

    Likewise please think of the MILLIONS of non-Bumis that has been unfairly treated in a country where we are all born and with so much love and sacrifice for it. At times (in fact most of the times we are being bullied) by UMNO who claims they represented all the Bumis in the country. Henceforth it would be easier now for you to empathize how the non- Bumis feel in this country and hope this will give you more strength and impetus to fight for us.

    We share your feelings. We also hope you are a better person now to know our feelings.

    Thank you.

  49. To yinhau..you misunderstood “politicking and dictatorship.

    Politicking is a survival skill in the modern society, even orang utans have to learn politicking skill.

    I am not a DAP member and do not know how YB Lim made their party decision.

    He may overlook sentiments of locality or MPs in his macro strategy planning, but as long he is willing to retrieve his original decision for the sake of party and nation, I see no reason Fo cannot accept his offer to contest in BG.

  50. malaysiatoday.com: you see, the problem is just right here. dap say: change the fate of country, you decide.

    my question here is, if dap is another politic that so hold on to the concept politicking….what is the difference with BN? how dap is going to change this country even if dap won? just another dictactor?

    I hate lier. You say it, you mean it. If you say you are for rakyat, then better only do something for rakyat, not for other purpose. Own benefit should be minimum.

    But, ok well, it is really a blow for FPK decision at the time like this.
    Let’s hope no other people repeat this history, either causing conflict, or make such a decision at wrong timing.
    For the time being, let’s do like this, if we don’t forgive her, we don’t forgive the other people that related to this. And vise versa.

  51. malaysiatoday.com: no matter how..it is about one person….
    we just hope less thing like politicking. if politicking is not so wrong…i think orangutan is not so wrong either….they just wan to survive….

    nothing wrong with surviving…but make sure you stick to some principle….

  52. Three clear pointers on Po Kuan’s actions clearly demonstrate that her decision was timed to cause damage to the party, for whatever reasons she may have,

    1. Her media statements on her reasons for stepping out, citing internal party conflict over the years as her main reason for her decision. This is taboo to any political party member who decides to abrogate his/her accountabilities. This was done with premeditaton and intention to cause damage to the party image at this crucial stage during the coming national election.

    2. The timing of her announcement will inflict damage to the party image. There is an underlying reason for this.

    3. Her strong recommendation, instead of the party leaders’ recommendtions, for a named successor to stand in as her alternative has serious implications.

    The damage has been done at this crucial stage of the GE process. Many voters in favor of the opposition will have second thoughts. Voters should not view this normal and small incident in a negative context but must look at the bigger picture. 50 years is enough! Good or bad, getting the opposition to have some say and clout in parliament will be a good for all!

    She has vowed party allegiance but will not contest. Party leaders must conduct a thorough autopsy and decide if she needs to be expelled from the party. In top corporate management, this course of action by a member will be viewed as totally damaging to the organisation’s image and responsibility, and the culprit will be removed, irrespective if he/she had a good record in the past.

    I am not affected by her negative party media-publicised comments, and will support the opposition this coming GE, and so should all voters who want to see a change in our messed-up race-biased political system. You want another 50 years?

  53. politicking is an absolute reflect to our country current situation, which PM decision above everything. It is not democratic.
    Nobody can question his decision. This is not something should happen in democractic country


    You are not in the cabinet, how you know PM is not listening to others.

    Who picked Ahmand Badawi to form agovernment? Majority of rakyat choosen BN. PM has to make decisions, otherwise this country will be in anarchy.

    If Ahmad Badawi is not democratic, this blog will be banned like in China.

    Sorry to say, you are still too raw to discuss politics and democratic matters.

  54. This type of incident can happen in any political party and for the party to withstand such blows, the party should be based on principles and not personalities.

    The DAP should respect her decision not to stand. Perhaps it is for personal reasons and she may just need a break to adjust to married life. If the matter is handled in a sensitive manner, it may be possible for her to return to a more active role in the future.

    After all even DM stepped down after 22 years and the country can still survive without his manipulations.

    GROW UP, Malaysians!

  55. yinhau Says:

    Today at 00: 51.56 (9 minutes ago)
    malaysiatoday.com: you see, the problem is just right here. dap say: change the fate of country, you decide.

    my question here is, if dap is another politic that so hold on to the concept politicking….what is the difference with BN? how dap is going to change this country even if dap won? just another dictactor?

    I hate lier. You say it, you mean it. If you say you are for rakyat, then better only do something for rakyat, not for other purpose. Own benefit should be minimum.

    But, ok well, it is really a blow for FPK decision at the time like this.
    Let’s hope no other people repeat this history, either causing conflict, or make such a decision at wrong timing.
    For the time being, let’s do like this, if we don’t forgive her, we don’t forgive the other people that related to this. And vise versa.


    I cannot fully understand your message, I try to guess.

    I do not know other DAP politicians, but YB Lim is holding on his principle for last 40+ years to fight for Malaysian Malaysia.

    DAP was never choosen to form government, how do you expect YB Lim serve all rakyats fairly and justly?

    YB Lim serve as an opposition leader is already serving rakyats who voted opposition parties.

    I don’t care opposition party is from DAP or MCA or UMNO, I will make sure no governing party is too strong in the parliament.

  56. DAP team, our Hope Team, our future,

    FKP has decided for what ever the reason, Lets move ON. WE WILL make a difference in this election. Our Trust and hope is with YOU.

    IM absolutely ,without a doubt, sure it is not the reason she mentioned.

  57. Whenever nature leaves a hole in a person’s mind, she generally platers it over with a thick coat of self conceit.

    Why fools are endured by nature with voices so much louder than sensible people possess is a mystery. it is in fact emphasized throughout history.

    But remember, when the peacock struts his stuff he shows his backside to half the world.

  58. Please ignore all the ” noise “.

    Please adopt positive attitudes at all time.

    I just want to Vote for “Barisan Rakyat ” .

    I want a New Government that show ‘Compassion and Love ‘ for all Malaysians.

    Malaysian Love Malaysian.

  59. what has happened has happened…gotta think big picture and move on now….irregardless what she decides to do…..

    anyway, with the entire mainstream media of the country now waiting to pounce on any negative mojo within the party, its very likely that more negative news will get front page coverage…kinda funny though, during election time, opposition gets major coverage, albeit for the wrong reasons…eg FPK, monkey eating banana, iron lady meltdown bla bla…

    although these incidents are depressing, the thought of denying BN their 2/3 majority and wiping their constipated smirks of their faces prompts me to move forward and leave these negative vibes behind.

  60. ” Just Change it” and move on. FPK action is childish and it raises a lot of suspicion why it has to be now. Why not earlier? She is playing and gadai BG into hand of MCA. I am a supporter of opposition parties and let’s forget about FPK and move on whether you win or loose BG this round.

  61. Don’t lose FOCUS! With due respect to PO Kuan, please stop spending the precious time to look for her if she prefer to seclude herself; this is terrible, especially at this point of time!

    This will be my last posting on FPK issue. NO MORE!

  62. Politics is every where. Office Politics, NGO Politics Union Politics, Temple Politics, Church Politics. Wake up and smell the rose. Welcome to the real world.
    I have seen too many “crocodiles” tears from such “politicians” in Office, Church, Ngo.
    Forget FPK and move on to deny 2/3 majority to BN.

  63. Mr. Li,
    Admittedly that Po Kuan is highly respected by the residents ans has done a lot for the people. Practically every one would like her to come back.

    Yes, you and LGE have done your very best to coax her to change her mind . In fact you were not given the chance to reach her inspite of the good telecomunication available. No one can blame you for that now.

    BG residents must understand your dilemma. Life has to go on especially at this point in time when you are most busy campaigning for change.

    Since Po Kuan has suggested a candidate, let us hope that youpick the said candidate to stand in.

  64. I feel so ashamed by what’s in the media, its hard for me to substantiate the reason when I talk to my wife when I read the newspaper this past few morning.

    As a Hokkien, my parents always shared with us the noble Chinese values, of which one of them is togetherness in good and bad times. Most of us will understand this saying ” when you have a family quarrel, make sure no neighbours will know, becuase its shameful..- never let people laugh at us!”

    If you look at the progress of responses since Monday, I personally feel what FPK have done have the same intangible damages like what LLT did. What both of them have done is beyond forgiveness in history, becuase they have not uphold the values when they joined DAP-the family that they chose, and left when we all know everybody in BN are just waiting to humilate this “daughter” …against her family (the least expected of all possibilities)

    What she had done for the past two terms, I have written off all of her good deeds, only remember the greatest deed that she did early this week that made the headlines!

    Anyway, life goes on….we will find a way….

  65. Cili Padi’s exit makes me respect LKS more. It takes incredible self sacrifice and will to stay in the opposition business (especially when most of the time it’s at the losing and demoralising end). Let’s face it, some people just can’t handle that.

  66. There will be more of capable generals to fight the battle other than FPK, her retirement will be a good thing for the party as DAP is getting more media coverage than any other party, we can use this as an advantange to the party…

    God speed…

  67. MP ???,





  68. There is a fear that Fong Po Kuan’s abrupt withdrawal from the DAP election line-up will hurt the opposition party’s overall performance against the BN monolith. Hence some of us vent our frustrations at her.

    Our thinking is that no matter what, her feelings and self-interest cannot take precedence over the party’s and the larger cause of fighting the incumbent coalition that has used every dirty trick in the book to stay in power.

    We are even willing to vote for PAS even if (say) there were evidence its party leaders were corrupt as BN’s or it promises an immediate theocratic state; we would fight the cause of the DAP even if there were evidence that its leaders were dictatorial and evince the promise of doing exactly what BN’s leaders are presently doing when they come to power – as long as it also means one less vote for the BN.

    That is where we are – a state of suspended judgment on any issue that the Opposition party can do absolutely no wrong, and the BN can do absolutely no right! That is because we’re not just marginalized but oppressed. What we hear – the appeals to FPK to reconcile and to return the frontline of DAP’s fight – are the cries of the oppressed.

    In the first place, I don’t think Fong Po Kuan’s abrupt withdrawal would have that significant overall impact precisely because of these feelings of being oppressed. As someone said, if they put a donkey against a BN candidate, we’d vote for the donkey. That’s the pathos of the whole situation.

    Be realistic : it is an uphill in the best of circumstances to even deprive them off 2/3, much less dislodge them. They’re like HIV lodged in the body politic and HIV victims have to learn to live with buoyant spirit even if confronted with prospect of death anytime with no reprieve or cure at the moment. Secondly they will never allow themselves to be dislodged by the ballot box – never!

    You would then have to bear your pains and sorrows with as much stoic fortitude as you could summon.

    It however need not be this way. And I don’t mean you support or vote for the BN.

    I mean nobody can oppress you if you don’t allow yourself to be so oppressed. Like they say, it is not poverty that is shameful and pathetic, it is the shame of being poor that is. Likewise it is not oppression that is terrible it is the feeling of desperation and hopelessness about it that is. So don’t feel so bad : you are discriminated against not because you are inferior but that you are feared as superior. You have skills and education and the whole world beckons you. It is not so easy to culturally dominate you to extinction. Your children will find a way. The adverse environment only makes them more resilient and competent.

    On a personal level, if the corrupt and discriminatory system cannot be purged, learn to live in spite of it, circumvent it and even take advantage of it in what ways you could whilst at the same time coalescing with others feeling equally oppressed to engage in whatever collective action for social and political change (eg participation in various NGOs) that fits your fancy and circumstances but whatever it is, don’t feel such despair and frustrations as to lose yuur capacity of objective judgment of what is right from that which is wrong, and what is truth from that of a spin from whatever any side tells you.

  69. Bro Kit,

    Since when has the Malaysian Media been fair & balanced. In this case they are going to get the maximum benefit for UMNO (notice I did not say BN as the MIC, MCA & Gerakan are a complete waste of time).

    Po Kuan has decided to move on. We should thank her for having servered the Rakyat for 2 Terms. Now the DAP should do the same & move on. Who is goint to take her place? That is more important now. Once the candidate has been decided, the Po Kuan issues should be forgotten (until after the GE at least).

  70. Please lend me your ears.

    Please take & adopt positive attitude at all time.

    Please do not call yourselves “Malaysian opposition parties”.

    It has negative connotation.

    Use the term ” Barisan Rakyat ” instead as suggested by Haris Ibrahim / SV Singam under heading posting “DAP PAS PKR PSM MDP PASOK …. = BARISAN RAKYAT “.

    ‘…Why should we not embrace all these parties as our ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘ by which we begin to bring about the change that we want in our country?…’

    In 2004, I was confused by ‘ BA ‘ slogan.

    I thought it stand for ‘British Airway’ .
    I was wanting to vote for a ‘New Front’ which can form a New Government.

    Alternative Front is very confusing to me .
    It confused the common people.

    When you come with ‘ Barisan Rakyat ‘.

    Bingo! It is so easy to understand.

    My lawyer friend understood it as ” People Front ” immediately.

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Syabas to your effort to coin a clear decisive slogan .

    ” Barisan Rakyat ” speak volume by itself.

    It connotes ‘ Unity ‘ in ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.

  71. I think she’s pregnant already.How to become an MP?Forgive her.There are many more kids to come.Anyway,this is a blessing in disguise.Please Guan Eng,stop wasting time on her.DAP has so many potential candidates with better calibre and charismatics values to become a good leader.Batu Gajah will be BLESSED WITH A BETTER MAJORITY.BATU GAJAH WILL BE BLESSED WITH A GOOD AND BETTER VISION LEADER

  72. I agree with some of the contributors here. Lets move on with our llives. She might opt out of the battle today, but lets hope along the way she joins us again. I am certain the battle to fight for a better Msia is still a long way to go. No one is indispensable. That includes Po Kuan.

    The fight to deny BN a 2/3 majority is more impt and bigger than Po Kuan’s decision to withdraw from GE.Let us get back on track and show BN that 50 years is enough. We want to vote for justice and good governance in Msia.

  73. Please do not call yourselves “Malaysian opposition parties”.

    It has negative connotation.

    Use the term ” Barisan Rakyat ” instead …….

    ” Barisan Rakyat ” speak volume by itself.

    It connotes ‘ Unity ‘ in ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.

  74. FPK’s dessertion makes it even more necessary to support and vote for DAP in the coming elections! This is because we must not fall for the dirty tricks played by BN! BN was hoping such things will happen and it DID happen! Was it pure coincidence or was it pre-arranged? Only FPK would know about this.

    As I have said in my earlier blogs, FPK who was able to get herself elected as MP for two terms, should have known that joining DAP means she had to forego riches, prestige and all the perks enjoyed by BN MPs and had to work very hard to gain herself the reputation she deserves. Realizing all these to be a mistake after two terms as MP is truly unacceptable and would only prove two things, either FPK had been suddenly “enlightened” and saw no future in her remaining in DAP or that she had been “lured”. Either way, it just shows that her ideology is still very immatured and she could be easily swayed! If the same had happened to LKS, DAP would not be around today!!!!!

    Maybe it is fated that DAP should suffer such shortcomings, first with LLT, then Wee and now FPK! But I sincerely hope this is the last and final play out and DAP has my blessings for a smooth sail.

  75. Dear All,

    Someone sent me this today. Read it, it says it all:-

    While walking down the street one day a Malaysian Boleh Minister is
    tragically hit by a truck and dies.
    His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
    “Welcome to heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”
    “No problem, just let me in,” says the man.
    “Well, I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is
    have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can
    choose where to spend eternity.”
    “Really, I have made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,” says the
    Yang Berhormat.
    “I’m sorry, but we have our rules,” says St. Peter.
    And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
    Everyone is very happy and dressed in the finest batik there is. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people and robbing the nation. They play a friendly game of golf and then indulge themselves on lobsters, caviar and the most expensive food there is.
    Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a
    good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.
    Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.
    The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.
    “Now it’ s time to visit heaven.”
    So, 24 hours pass with the Yang Berhormat joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St.Peter returns.
    “Well, then, you’ve spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now
    choose your eternity.”
    The Yang Berhormat reflects for a minute, then he answers: “Well, I
    would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful,
    but I think Ai yam better off in hell.”
    So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.
    He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and
    putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
    The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.
    “I don’t understand,” stammers the Yang Berhormat. “Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there’s just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?”
    The devil looks at him, smiles and says, “Yesterday we were
    campaigning just like you during an election…… Today you voted.”





  76. I think its time to move on…….I am sure DAP has other suitable candidates to fill this vacuum. Lets move on and get this moving. No point of sitting on it and crying over spilt milk……..VOTE FOR DAP in the GE!

  77. Why must members within political parties or social organizations fight among themselves? I have seen enough of these! Each time I see election of committee members being conducted by social organizations, there are sure to be two factions, each accusing and fighting the other. Look at MCA, with its famous Team A and Team B, look at Hoklian Holdings, and the many, many more organizations who profess “UNITY” as one of their objectives. They end up fighting, what the Chinese term “Devil against devil”.

    It is not only disgusting but indeed a sad thing to see such things happen and I see DAP is no exception to this principle! MCA top leaders used to hold hand and sing “Tuan Jie Jiu Shi Li Liang” (Unity is Strength) at all of its functions but when you turn around, each one is stabbing the other in the back. So what unity are we talking about.

    Big brother UMNO is no exception! Remember when Mahathir was making noise after he retired from premiership, AAB threatened to throw him out of UMNO! So what does UMNO (United Malays National Organization) stand for? Just how united are these people? As I have suggested earlier, perhaps they should change UMNO to mean “UNITING MALAYS NATIONAL ORGANIZATION” as they have failed to achieve its objective even though it was formed in 1946!

  78. Dear leader Lim Kit Siang and Guan Eng,
    We love all of you and wishing that DAP will gain a great victory on 8 March 2008! Let us strive for win and bring hope for the people ! millions of Malaysian need your help! Please cheer up, rejoice and be glad that DAP will win a greater victory this time!Come on, go on ! Vote for DAP to stop UMNO from bullying and cheating the RAKYAT! RAKYAT BOLEH !

  79. It would appear that women make only great leaders after menopause. Eg Indira Ganhdi, Margarette Thatcher, Golda Meir etc.
    This is because many of human and animal behaviors are dictated by the homones.

    As for Ms Fong, I would advise her to overlook nitpicking individuals and issues and look at the greater pictures.

    But then her action could be none of the above. We shall see.

  80. I am a Batu Gajahan. I believe the majority of Batu Gajahans share my opinion. To the concerned supporters of DAP who think FPK’s decision not to stand may affect the performance of the party in Batu Gajah, please be not afraid. We will continue to vote for DAP as we had done previously. We strongly believe in the principles DAP are fighting for. We vote for the party whoever the candidate may be. If FPK changes her mind, well and good. Otherwise, we move on. We have no time to dwell on the subject. We need to focus on the Battle of the Century, as Kit says. Batu Gajahans and DAP supporters, be united. Please do not allow emotions get the better of us. Come Polling Day, we shall give DAP a thumping victory.

  81. Bravo.

    Stay focus.

    “Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Now finally we have ‘ Unity ‘ , ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.

    Syabas to Barisan Rakyat (DAP).

  82. Dear Lim Kit Siang,

    Please don’t waste any more of youir energy and limited time on FPK at this critical moment.

    Move on and prepare the next candidate for Batu Gajah.

    Wise voters will know what to do.

    Even if FPK comes back, be extra cautious!!! If I am BN, I will also not accept person of FPK “quality”.

  83. There are big difference between a Child – Father responsibility/mentality.

    A child can walkout anytime from the family but a Father will always wait for his/her return. Just like the Prodigal Son.
    LKS will alway be a father to us . . . and as for FPK, one day when you are a mother, you will understand – “never to give up on your child even how much it takes”

    FPK – Everybody can have a good start but its how you end the race that matters most.

  84. YB Fong, Thank you for putting everything into prospective and waken up most Malaysian about their homeland issue.
    As the force are larger than Malaysian, we can see that chances are changes cannot be avoidable.

  85. Fong Po Kuan is not a saint nor is she a sinner. She is not a terrible person for not running nor is she a wonderful person for not running. She has played her part, and perhaps some would think that the story should have continued, but well it is not to be so. She has played her part – let’s thank her and move on.

    Someone here talked about not forgiving her. Does she need forgiveness from us? I don’t think so. With or without her, the momentum has started. Let us ensure that it will carry on and not let slight blocks like this ebb the flow.

  86. Aii yoh… What lah POH Kuan is only one person.When she was in DAP,did she get this kind of good publicity from BN, A big NO.now all BN LEADERS are saying how good she is,What a big lose to DAP.

    She is a two term MP..She knows what damage she can cause.But i know her.End of the day i bet she will go all out and campaign FOR D.A.P.SO PLEASE LET HER BE …

  87. The DAP leaders of all levels had tried very hard and indeed sincerely to persuade Fung Po Kuan to reconsidered her 11th hour decision, which inadvertently shook every body becuase of the timing of her decision, however if she is bent on avoiding seeing any one, then DAP as a party should let her go, and prepare for other capable candidates to take over and carry the torch.

    She may be a leader of calibre but you can see that she carries with her the raw brute charge without that subtleness and resilience in her outlook, partly due to her short stinct in politics and in the social environment, when we are talking of tens of years of rolling in the politics. That is the oomph she is direly lacking judging from the way she threw in her towel like throwing her tantrum around.

    It si quite obvious that she is not a team players, forgetting that she is a member of the team in the party, and it was the party that nurture her and provided the opportunity for her to express and develop her talent and calibre, for her to be where today.

    Throwing her towel at the 11th hour is definitely to rock the boat, but, as party DAP is still capable to handle the matter.

    It is just that this action of her has greatly tarnish her own image that she she had tried to cast in the past.

    DAP and its leaders should now move on with the challenges at hand, and not waste preciou time on Fung Po Kuan any more. There many capable leaders of calibre in the party.

    If DAP can train and develop a Fung Po Kuan, it can train and develop many more and better leaders in time to come.

    There is no such thing that Batu Gajah seat becomes dangerous to DAP because of the absence of one person. DAP as a party cannot be held ransom by just on Fung Po Kuan.

    DAP must move on fast to restrategise the BG seat in order to continue to capture the seat in the coming election.

    God bless DAP

  88. I think let us respect Po Kuan wish and move on. Lim, being the elder in the Party has done his level best to contact he but to no avail.

    Now oming to BG voters, please do not vent your anger by voting BN. That would be the greatest mistake. You might have tought that your aim is achieved if DAP loses. But in the final analisis we are the biggest losers.

    BN people are like spoit children in a family eating away our resoureces and wealth . In Hokkien it means “Chiak Kei Huay”. Here the “Kei Huay” belongs to you and me and everyone in Malaysia. But those vultures in BN are gobbling up like there is no tomorrow.
    Yes, TO BG VOTERS, DO YOU WANT IT TO HAPPEN? By the time your grand children grew up, “Kei Huay” sudah habis lo! It is too late already!!!!!

  89. Po Kuan,

    I’m not sure if you’re going to read this but I have to say this.

    I suppose willingness to let go of power is part of a good leader. Just take a casual look at Malaysia, and we see so many ‘leaders’ who overstay their welcome.

    But for Malaysians who’ve been waiting for so long to change this country for the better, this hurts like a stab in the heart.

    We need every single seat that we can win in this 2/3 number game. Why should we give up a guaranteed victory for something less sure?

    For all we know, they may not nominate your preferred candidate. Or they may nominate someone whom the voters may think is the person who squeezed you out and vote against. What then?

    You may have enemy in BN and in DAP itself but never in the people. When you give up the fight the only party you hurt is the people.

    I always respect other/s decision. But this time… It’s Malaysia.


  90. Tuesday February 19, 2008
    MYT 5:02:17 PM

    No apology for ‘orangutan’


    KOTA BARU: An unrepentant Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat said he would not apologise for calling Umno members orangutans, as he had meant it.

    “Sometimes one has to be a bit rough for the message to hit home,” the PAS spiritual adviser said of his statement made on Sunday.

    “When someone does something wrong, we should be in the position to correct him. Sometimes I advise, sometimes I use the rotan (cane). In this case, it is the rotan.

    “Even the West uses the word ‘animal’ quite liberally. I am not even using the word ‘animal’. I am only using the word ‘orangutan’, which is not as bad,” he told reporters at his office here Tuesday.

    Think I`ll agree with him on that at least.

  91. I am so sadden by her action. I voted for her twice.

    The hottest rumour that circulates in my area now is that she has been bought over by BN.

    If the rumour is proven to be true, I will spit at her the next time I see her.

    If the rumour is false, I must say that she is not a good politician (although she is a good MP).


    This whole FPK and DAP drama could have been staged! After all, there is no such thing as bad publicity. This drama could very well be a spark for many conversations starting last week lasting all the way to the eve of Nomination Day where, lo and behold, FPK and LKS are hugging on stage, making amends and with the whole Msia watching – they ask for their votes. BRILLIANT!

    Only time will tell. And you heard it from me FIRST!

  93. An unrepentant Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat said he would not apologise for calling Umno members orangutans.

    Nik Aziz is such a gentleman to call UMNO members orang hutan. That is too much of a respect for them.
    I would use the words donkeys.
    Orang Hutan is more intelligent than those targetted groups. Donkey would be more apt!!!

  94. As a voter in Ipoh, I’ve seen over the last year years the cohesiveness displayed by the Perak DAP. Now, according to some reports that say FPK hasn’t been supportive of the state DAP and having difficulty working withe them then her departure, to me, is not such a bad thing afterall albeit this came in the worst moment.

    For, DAP can’t afford to have someone who is not a team player; this goes in any organization one can think of. No one is indispensable not even PM, LKS, DSAI, so are you FPK.

    FPK, I was once your admirer (Perhaps still am) and thank you for your service to the people and this nation.

    Now, DAP stop all the crying (Chong Eng isn’t really helping here) and explaning!! Just bite the bullet and move on.

    Focus on tasks ahead rather than thinking of ways to pursuade FPK to stay. If voters, like me can be so focus now to want to give thier vote to you, the Opposition, you’ll have to show us you’re doing the same and that you’re in control!

  95. Grace, I take exception to your calling of our BN delegates – donkeys. Donkeys are hard working animals. They may be dumber than a sack of rocks but their loyalty is unquestionable.

    If you’re looking for a more suitable candidate, may i suggest – a regular house fly? They do feed on crap you know.

  96. I think we are in agreement that the DAP should move on. There are lots of other more important things to do. I heard that the DAP & PKR may be in for a 3 corner fight with BN in 4 of the 7 Chinese Majority Seats in Sarawak (I pray I am wrong)!
    The Opposition might as well give the Seats to BN if they are going to go at each other

  97. Enough, I think have been said regarding the FPK episode. Irregardless of the pros and cons that have been expressed, I think it is definitely time to move on. Outsiders need not take part anymore. Just let the leaders of DAP resolve the situation themselves. I think from YB Lim’s statements and actions of the last few days, we know that he has done what is right, although I must say that it had unnecessarily distracted many valuable hours from YB Lim’s tight schedule. I think he has shown great magnanminity in the light of the onslaught by the MSM of the BN caused by this incident. Please let us all agree to move on and concentrate on the difficult task in front of us – DENY BN A 2/3 MAJORITY . This will be a most deserving belated Birthday present to YB Lim.
    On this day when most of us would have retired to enjoy a well earned rest, YB Lim is still struggling to lead us to a better future. I and my family wish YB Lim Kit Siang “A VERY HAPPY 67TH BIRTHDAY”. I urge all Malaysians who care for the future of the country and want their children and grand children to live a happy and secure life here to give your votes to the DAP. A very special wish also for the people of Batu Gajah to rally behind the Rocket and vote them back to power.
    YB Lim, may you be well and happy on this day and forevermore.

  98. Get Viets, dogs missing.
    Get Bangla, girls missing.
    Get Indon, money missing.
    Get Chinese, husband missing.
    Get Malay advisor, Mongol missing.
    Get Malaysia judges, truth missing,
    Get Toyol, temples missing.
    Get Lingam, memory missing.
    Get Samy, saham missing.
    Get Ali Rusty, pigs mssing.
    Get Ali Kazam, info missing.
    Get Khairy, samseng missing.
    Get Hisham, keris missing.
    Get Ah Lek, viagra missing.
    Get Ka Ting, do nothing.
    Get BadAwi, he’ll be sleeping….zzzzzzz

    Undi Dacing, dapat cacing!!!

    Get Ak Kuan, something kuan(courted) already!

  99. Hey Folks, just move on! What opposition party need to do now is to be unified. List out what DAP will do or promise to do in term of country economy, education, culture and politic. I feel that BN and opposition have missing their point in this election.

    Malaysians hope something can be changed after election( change to good way). Try to approach to other races not only Chinese.

    The slogan for the election does not limit to deny BN 2/3. It should be more specific. such as make our country more develop, more environmental friendly and explain HOW. Don’t use simple slogan, we are in 21st century not in 70′, 80′. Many ppl have educated. They have their own thought.

    Good luck to MP Lim and good luck to all malaysian

  100. Dear leader Kit Siang,
    I had read STAR newspaper today, reporter quoted you describe Fong Po Kuan like your own daughter and all DAP loves Po Kuan. Yes ! that’s great, so now the world must not have any negative comments on DAP top leaders about Po Kuan’s decision. Fans, you see, our good DAP leaders LOVE our Batu Gajah MP ! There is no problem between them ! don’t worry, VOTE FOR DAP ! DAP boleh!

  101. Dear Mr Lim,

    If Po Kuan already made up her decision and nothing much could be done to reverse her decision, what we need to do is just to bless her in her future endeavour!

    If Po Kuan does not show up from now on until the Vote Casting Day on 8 March 2008, then I think all of us might have to start worry about her personal safety in the first place.

    I am inclined to imagine that one of her family members could have been kidnapped or blackmailed and she is forced to say something which will hurt DAP in the General Election.

    I will uphold her in prayer and I hope you and your family will do the same for her too!

    May God bless you!

  102. So be it lah. We do not need politically unethic leader. Why annouce at this time? Uncle Lim, i m sure u guys r racing against time. Don’t waste time on her. Get a replacement immediately. I personally feel Kor Ming can do much much more better. Good luck.

  103. It’s time to forget about Po Kuan. Put anybody there, DAP will win! Po Kuan’s new husband must have a role to play in her decision making. Maybe, they need the money from BN to start their nest. Hope they are not selling their souls away………;-)

    Ronnie Liu for Batu Gajah!

  104. It is time to move ahead. Give Po Kuan a break. She needs a rest and grow up. We must give her support once she realized her mistake, and welcome her back.

    So please focus on the battle ahead and think of the winning strategic. Kit is our leader and we the people are ready to sail and sink together!

  105. Judging by the huge response and the expressed support for DAP over Po Kuan’s decision, there may be a silver lining to this disappointment after all. No doubt her decision is a big disappointment to many but at the same time it also stirred a lot of emotion and fear. This will tranform DAP to being the underdog which cannot be a bad thing alltogather.

    Don’t waste any more time on her. Get on with selecting a good candidiate to replace her and get on with the election or you’ll lose momentum. Good luck.

  106. YB Kit says

    “Stop all derogatory, hurting and unfounded allegations against Po Kuan for I can vouch for her sincerity and dedication….”

    So perhaps limkamput would like to take heed of YB Kit’s appeal to stop all derogatory comments about party stalwart Po Kuan:

    Limkamput said earlier:

    “Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is final”. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.” limkamput

  107. Many of us had said our piece and majority are asking her to reconsider. A few have their right to say negatively about her but now is not the time to argue whether she is right or wrong.

    It will be very kind of her if she would change her mind to contest at BG as this election is very critical (so different from previous elections) where each and every seat won is so crucial.

    Please read the DAP Secretary-General statement here.

    We hope that he can work out a solution and convince YB Fong to return and we have a win-win situation.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  108. Darkhorse @ personality disorder: when I used the term “sitting MP”, with honesty, I was thinking about you who may say that the Parliament has been dissolved. It turned out exactly as I expected. It is a wonderful feeling in me really. It is confirmed you are who you are! Yes FPK is the sitting MP, and I think everybody understands what I am talking about with the exception of some idiots of course.

    Yes, the US constitution is stated in “principles”. You coconut head may conveniently miss the debate on that one also.

    Yes FPK is responsible too for the present problem within DAP, no doubt about it. Why, what is your problem? Trying to get Sdr LIM to kick me out again is it? Honestly, I think even an ant will not listen to you.

  109. DAP must concentrate on the coming Election.Lets Po Kuan leave as what she want.It is no time to think this problem again.She is good leader but on this kind timing leaving the election from DAP.It is like “BOM” to DAP.Why timing?How like that?NO need waste time again.Please accept her request it is benefit and fail for all people & Po Kuan.

    After The elction hopefully DAp have to review & think why tha capable people will leaving from DAP.MAy be it is not the new thing but must keep continue improve & hearing from all level.

    I perosnally hopefully DAP can win more seat for all the state and hopefully DAP continue represent people to on different view from common people.Malaysia govement is need yours to be come guardian.

    Keep it UP.Rokect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. If Po Kuan chooses to stay incommunicado, she may be trying to do some damage control on behalf of the party that she still loves. It would be regrettable if she comes out swinging during the campaign period with any negative sentiment as this would make her look bad amongst DAP supporteters for trying to spoil the election campaign.

    Whatever it is, of course, Po Kuan as an ordinary citizen will still have all her rights as a citizen but the real danger is if she is used by opportunists and evildoers to throw a spanner in DAP’s campaign at a time when nobody needs any distraction from the primary task at hand.

    I hope Po Kuan will keep her grievances for the moment and seek a proper forum for them way after the election dust has settled.

  111. I do not want to sound too negative, but people change, dawsheng. Quotations are what they are, quotations.

    We always like to use the word “serve” for most political positions -ministers, deputy ministers, Parliamentary secretaries, political secretaries, MPs, and ADUNs. Don’t forget, while they “serve”, they also get compensated quite nicely from the government coffer. It is not a pure sacrifice and there is no need to treat them like saints.

  112. limkamput says

    “Darkhorse @ personality disorder: when I used the term “sitting MP”, with honesty, I was thinking about you…”

    Please do not think of me too much. I am homophobic like many of the guys here.

  113. Yes, EVERY CHINESE MUST READ THIS ARTICLE ! and for sure Darkhorse will not be able to read, lol. Can we get a Tamil translator to do the translation.

    homophobic? don’t be too sure. those who make explicit claim are usually the opposite of what they claim.

  114. i am sure i read and write more languageS than you. Oh yes, i am a malay who read Chinese if that is what you want to hear. But unlike you, I wouldn’t claim so pathetically that one is homophoblic.

  115. QUOTE : limkaput said “homophobic? don’t be too sure. those who make explicit claim are usually the opposite of what they claim.”

    you mean darkhorse like a girl , girl’s mouth like to say ” don’t want la..” but actually their heart ” say YESSSSSSSS I want it ”’

  116. If you say so, pilihanraya. But what I said is more than just hypocritical, if you know what I mean. Darkhorse is a “fun tung”. I am sure he will ask you what that means. That is the problem of those who only know one language, and that also not knowing well enough.

  117. pilihanrayaexpert Says:

    “…girl’s mouth like to say ” don’t want la..” but actually their heart ” say YESSSSSSSS I want it ”

    Believe me, when it comes to limkamput you don’t want to know where his mouth has gone to!

  118. See, those who show repulsive tendency toward homo are themselves homo, simple. Look, laifoong @ darkhorse, you people have to learn to accept the fact that you can’t out talk me because you are not as smart as those with Kg Attap education.

  119. “…If Po Kuan does not show up from now on until the Vote Casting Day on 8 March 2008, then I think all of us might have to start worry about her personal safety in the first place….” Desmond
    It reminds me of Sothinathan , the BN MP from MIC who challenged Po Kuan for a fist fight. If FPK is missing, Sothi will be a person of interest. After all, Sothi’ boss Samy keeps alot of gangsters.
    Po Kuan, if you are fine and safe you should show up to clear the cloud. If you continue hiding people like Sothi will have to eat the dead cat.

  120. ha ha we keep disccussing about her because we don’t have new fresh and interesting topic
    Baby Po Kuan, if Sothi or anyone else bullies you, tell Uncle Kit. Remember at the time when Sothi challenged you for a fist fight? We all stood behind you. If he does it again we will hold him down and let you kick at any part of his body.

  121. “It is not a pure sacrifice and there is no need to treat them like saints.” Limkamput

    Quote from St. Augustine above is about having faith, not about treating politicians like saint. Obviously you missed the whole point but since when you do not but it is ok, nevermind.

  122. If Po Kuan doesn’t want to stand to reason and if she thinks that she is indispensible, then it is time that DAP look for local Perak leaders who are equally or capable.

    The voters in BG voted for her to champion their cause, not to go on a ego trip. If she fails to see the larger and current political scenario in the country where racial bigotry has marginalised the minority races, then it is time that she goes.

    Being incommunicado only drives home the point that she does not really care for her voters. If as she claims that she has differences with other leaders in DAP, she should have thrashed them out at CWC meetings or graciously resigned without giving the BN more ammunition to shoot through the controlled media.

    It is sad and unbecoming of her to let her supporters in the lurch at a crucial time in Malaysian politics where people like could make the BN and UMNO bigots to sit up and take note of their failure.

    Anyway Po Kuan is not DAP and DAP is not Po Kuan. Nobody is indispensible.

  123. Yes. Enough has been said. She chooses to be incommunicado. We cannot be spending precious time at this crucial hour to deliberate on this issue. Respect her wish. Focus on the larger battle looming ahead of us. We Batu Gajahans look forward to welcoming the new candidate whoever he or she may be. We shall walk with him or her to cover every square inch of Batu Gajah to hand BN an even greater defeat than in 2004. BN’s spin media have gone too far thiis time, making a mountain out of a mole hill and insulting the intelligence of Batu Gajahans. Wise Voters like us cannot be fooled by them.

  124. I want to see the common Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action .

    My lawyer friend understood it as ” People Front ” immediately.

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    1)In 1984, I cannot see any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    Look East Policy,
    Malaysia Incorporated.
    Privatization of Highways
    Buy British last.
    Hicom saga.
    1987 World Stock market crash
    Operasi Lallang ISA detention orders nightmares .
    (Fear & confusion forgotten after 2 years)
    Constitutional Crisis
    NEP going to end ?

    In 1989, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    Iraq invaded Kuwait.
    1990 NEP not reviewed- ignored & forgotten
    YAB Tun Musa Hitam saga
    Unmo Baru saga
    Semangat 46

    In 1994, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    NEP/NDP not reviewed
    more privatization.
    Sultan Royal power trimmed.
    1997 currency crisis
    George Soros the hero.
    1998 YAB DSAI saga
    Commonwealth games ‘eyes to the World’
    PKR saga

    In 1999, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    NEP/NDP not reviewed
    More Privatization of Highways
    No more open tenders.
    Promises for Minotities forgotten
    Religious freedom saga
    Civil Court, Shariah Court juridictions, Islamic Jurisprudence
    TUN Dr M departure

    In 2004, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    AAB as Mr Clean policies
    National Service expenditures for boys & girls.
    YAB DSAI released
    No Bridge Saga contract
    YAB Tun Dr M renewed attacks episodes
    NEP/NDP not reviewed. Policy head resigned
    More Privatization of Highways
    No more open tenders.
    Mongolian submarine MIG saga
    Promises for Minotities forgotten
    Religious freedom saga-
    Civil Court Shariah Court juriduction
    Bar Council Judiciary march….. ( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )
    Bersih electoral reforms….. ( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )
    Hindraf minorities saga
    ISA 5 ,UK overseas supporters …..( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )
    Lingam Saga….( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )
    Candle lights gathering cancelled. ( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    In 2008, Parliament dissolved early .

    My ‘Allah’ saga
    Children red yellow rose peace gesture.

    Still no spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action.

    How come, I asked in despair ,heavily burdened & mixed with amazement .

    …Bravo…….Stay focus.

    “….Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”………..( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    “Syabas, Bingo.” Lend me your ears.

    “More Food for Thoughts.”

    ‘…The rakyat want straight fights : Barisan Rakyat (BR) vs. Barisan Nasional (BN)
    Posted by Raja Petra Thursday, 21 February 2008…’

    ‘…And no 3-corner contests. Let the best candidate from ‘Barisan Rakyat’ take on what BN will send forth. Please harken to this.

    Do this and we are all walking together with you as the ‘People’s Front’….Posted by Haris Ibrahim …’

    MT “…the opposition is shooting itself in its own foot…” should be replaced by….. “Now finally we have Unity ” , ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “. Example “one-on-one fights”.

    I want to see the common Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action .
    = Barisan Rakyat =( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK )

    6)”….Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”……..( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    ‘Malaysian Love Malaysian’

  125. ( One Unity , One common struggle , One Voice & One Spirit) Example “one-on-one fights”.

    I want to see the common Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action .

    My lawyer friend understood it as ” People’s Front ” immediately.

    ‘Barisan Rakyat’ consists of ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    1)In 1984, I cannot see any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    2)In 1989, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    3)In 1994, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    4)In 1999, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    5)In 2004, I cannot see any any spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in Parliament.

    -Bar Council Judiciary march…( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    -Bersih electoral reforms… ( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    -Hindraf minorities saga – ?

    -ISA 5 ,UK overseas supporters …( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    -Lingam Saga….( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    -Candle lights gathering cancelled. ( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    6)In 2008, Parliament dissolved early .
    YAB DSAI cannot contest.

    Still no spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action.

    7) How come, I asked in despair ,heavily burdened & mixed with amazement .

    …Bravo…….Stay focus.

    8) “….Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”……
    …..( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    “Syabas, Bingo.” ….. “More Food for Thoughts.”

    9) ‘…The rakyat want straight fights :
    Barisan Rakyat (BR) vs. Barisan Nasional (BN)
    Posted by Raja Petra Thursday, 21 February 2008…’

    10) ‘…And no 3-corner contests. Let the best candidate from ‘Barisan Rakyat’ take on what BN will send forth. Please harken to this…Do this and we are all walking together with you as the ‘People’s Front’….Posted by Haris Ibrahim …’

    11) MT “…the opposition is shooting itself in its own foot…” should be replaced by….. “Now finally we have “one Unity , One common struggle , One Voice & One Spirit “. Example “one-on-one fights”.

    I want to see the common Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action .
    = Barisan Rakyat consists of ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK )

    6)”….Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”……..( Spirit of ‘Barisan Rakyat’ in action )

    ‘Malaysian Love Malaysian’

  126. Why like that

    Without going through the reasons and details, lets look at what are the consequence or effect of this Bickering.

    1. This bickering is a campaign against DAP.
    2. DAP will suffer an erosion ( a few % ) of voters’ confidence.
    3. It only encourage all FPK sympathizer and fence sitter to swing against DAP.
    4.BN ( Najib already) will seize this opportunity to discredit DAP.
    5.DAP’s possible wining seats have now been reduced

    I don’t know whether FPK has a role with a few committee members or she is having a role with the Party. But FPK’s action is favoring the few committee members ( by stepping aside), but causing severe damage to the DAP.

    If you truly love your Party ( or dislike BN ), you will not cause damage to the Party and make sure DAP will get a lesser support.

    Yes, that being said, will like to ask again why like that.

    People get tired, people’s ideology may change. If that is the case you should quit at a more appropriate time, and not now.
    But if you have quarrel with the committee , you need to fight it out ( And I thought you are a fighter) .
    But then, some people can be bought. In return you have to inflict the greatest possible damage.

    So, DAP move on.
    FPK or no FPK, there is still a seat to be won at B. Gajah.
    We still have the ideal to fight for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.

  127. Najib should not forget that Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other Barisan Nasional parties have even more problems than the DAP about keeping their houses in order – and if Najib is right then all of them would have to get out of government themselves!…..YB Lim

    Uncle Lim, you forget to mention about PPP to Najib.
    The fun just have begun in BN camp….

    Video: Kayveas: ‘Be gentlemen and return our seats’ (good one)

  128. YB Fong,

    I studied in Batu Gajah in the sixties for 4 years. Although I have not been there too long I still feel a bit of affinity.

    So let me go direct to the point. I absolutely agree with Menang atau mati post no. 283. Further, I like to emphasize again please do not go down the path of Ex YB Lee Lam Thye. When YB Lee did that, the natural conclusion was drawn. I believe you are brave enough. Mistake are but lessons learnt. So either you are afraid or brave…..

    “Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity.”
    – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Menang atua mati says…

    I am posting a second time again.It has been said you are a chilli padi..In my own way ,I am one too.So I will give it to you straight in the face without mincing my words.
    From all the postings ,you can conclude all the people are behind you.
    You cannot loose.
    But loose you will,if you do not change your mind.
    You will loose the respect of the people who are behind you for your action give rise to deep suspicions that you have been bought over.Can you or your generations to come live with it for the rest of your life?If you can, I cannot and I believe many of your supporters too cannot. “Tak Boleh”
    Can I trust you again? Never – if you stick to your decision.Whether you have actually been bought over or not ,in my mind, you will always be tainted just like what many feel about Ex YB Lee Lam Thye.
    And if you feel that it matters not with you,then you have actually shown your true colours– an opportunist?Taking the people for a ride?In my heart I sincerely hope that you are not,but what can you expect me to believe if you act in such a manner at such a critical moment.
    Rise above the pettiness in your party,rise above those who were out to undermine you and show them you are made of sterner stuff.
    If you quit,you have actually delivered to those who are against you what they wish to have i.e to get you out.If you wish to quit politics or DAP ,quit only after you have won BG again.Then you would not disappoint all those who have placed their trust and hope on you.If you must quit,then quit in an honourable way but definitely not like this.
    Rise above the wickedness of your colleagues.There is no embarassement in changing your mind because it seems everybody is behind you.There is still time to reconsider.

    If you stick to your decision,then honestly ,I will have to say to you- “Chilli padi my foot!It is really pagar makan padi”

    Please see THE BIG PICTURE.

    As one saying (my) goes –“ We may lose our life but let us not lose the kingdom of God-(our ideals)”

    “Victory or death”

  129. yeahh!!!!!po kuan returns…we wanna the best team of DAP to attact BN…we need DAP in taiping… kayveas is look like monkey….taiping people dont like monkey….monkey balik zoo lah…..we want DAP….uncle lim is the best….yeah!!!!!

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