Just Vote opposition to deny BN 2/3 Majority

by Richard Teo

I would like to refer to the Malaysiakini article ‘Finally a chance to wrest Penang.’

In this article, Ronald Quay seems to contradict himself.His caption seems to suggest there is a good chance of the opposition wresting Penang from B.N and yet in the same breathe predicted that’B.N will still win the General Elections ,hands down’What is perhaps galling is his statement that’the Barisan national is still the best party to govern Malaysia today’.

If Ronald is so confident that his theory of opposition contesting the State seats as oppose to contesting the parliamentary seat is workable then there should not be any reason for B.N winning ‘hands down’.

What the people of Penang should do is not try to play God. Trying to be smart by voting B.N for state seats while voting for opposition in Parliament may not always turn up as planned.

For the country as a whole B.N will end up with a massive majority in parliament and in the other state seats.This is by virtue of the strong rural support which have traditionally supported UMNO irrespective of rain or shine.

Therefore it should be the goal of every urban voter to vote for opposition in order to counter the strong rural vote for B.N.Only with this strategy of voting can there be a possibilty of denying B.N a 2/3 majority in state and Federal seats.

I certainly dont agree with the writer’s statement that’the Barisan National is still the best party to govern Malaysia.’On what basis is he making the statement.?I can only conclude that he is not aware of what transpired during Mahathir’s 22 years
tenure and what happened during the current P.M’s 4 years of administration.

Every aspect of B.N’s last 26 years tenure has been nothing short of failure.Corruption is rife, the Police dept is in shamble, the Judiciary is tainted, the civil service is a disgrace,foreign investors are avoiding us like a plague.If not for our oil and the
good export price of oil palm we would have followed ZimBabwee’s path to economic destruction.

Even in matters of race and religion the govt has not handled it with care and sensitivity.This has resulted in further alienating the various races which if not properly addressed would have dire consequences in the future.So please do tell me what is the record of B.N’s governance that has so impressed the writer
that made him conclude that’ B.N is the best party to govern Malaysia.’?

We inherited a good system of governance from the British during the colonial era and most of these institutions were already in place after Merdeka. So there is no reason why another party albeit an opposition party cannot continue to govern without any difficulty.With better accountabilty and transparency maybe the new party would do a better job.So please dont listen to the B.N leaders saying that the opposition has no experience in governing the country.We will never know if we dont give them a chance. Do we?


87 Replies to “Just Vote opposition to deny BN 2/3 Majority”

  1. that’s why some ppl think that we should vote for gov know how to “spend” money than to “save”. gov spend money so rakyat become merry, that’s our gov motto, why suffer so much to become developed nation, we don need to depend on human resource like sg or japan, malaysia is blessed with abundant natural resources! no petrol, try with balak! no balak try with oil palm!

  2. Correct,correct,correct.Ronald is a BN ‘anjing lari’.Enough is enough.For the past 26 years,we have been fooled and we are no longer fools now.Vote opposition and at least deny BN 2/3 majority.You do not need to study rocket science to know the importance of sending more ‘rockets’ into Parliament and State Assemblies.Destroy the UMO ‘s hegemony and arrogance.

  3. Uncle Kit, please do not move Phee Boon Poh and Lim Hock Seng from Sg. Puyu and Bagan. These 2 are like Po Kuan to Batu Gajah. The voters there do not need Karpal to be here, they need Phee and Lim. Karpal himself is already a star candidate by himself, he should be going to places where DAP lost in the last GE and wrest it back. That is the only way to increase the number of seat for the DAP. Instead of securing more seats, please do not put star candidate in safe seat, DAP may end up with no seat at all in the Penang state assembly if the local sentiments are being ignored.

  4. Good of you to tell Ronald Quay off Teo, what is a Quack to preach that BN is still the best party to govern Malaysia today.
    Have he just came out of from hiding under a rock after all these years? Maybe yesterday he just faced society.
    If he wants to be BN stooge at least be pro BN and sing for them all the way.
    Anyone can run a country – you just hire a goup of experts with good credentials especially who have a good track records of doing so and pay them hefty salaries with all the perks.
    What the big deal about running a country, even if the person in charge of the nation fails – just blame it on someone or something (a scapegoat).
    But to run a corporation or conglomerate is totally different – facing great competition, having to make the right decisions.
    I agree with Teo saying: We inherited a good system of governance from the British during the colonial era and most of these institutions were already in place after Merdeka.
    When the British left, just to talk about our economy – was ahead of even Taiwan and S. Korea if I am not mistaken, I was very young then. What has happened? Need we need to talk about S’pore. Lee Kuan Yew is laughing at us.
    What did TDM do for us? Even if he should lead us again all these problems (Corruption is rife, the Police dept is in shamble, the Judiciary is tainted, the civil service is a disgrace, foreign investors are avoiding us like a plague) that we face today will still be us. In fact most of these were started by him. Proton was and is still a failure. 27,000,000 of us is now supporting 15,000 Proton staff.

  5. The letter in Malaysiakini shows the actual mindset some chinese have. I also was told that it was the best way by some of my chinese friends and collegues 2 general elections back when it was the first time I was going to vote. The worst mindset of chinese voters was that if the Opposition candidate was from PAS, die die must give Barang Naik regime. I made my mind then and unfaded till now I vote 100% for the Opposition whether it is a DAP or PAS or PKR(1 general election ago) for both state and parliament seats.
    What nonsense is it to give state to BN but parliament to BA?
    All votes must go to BA or else we should be the ones to blame when the Barang Naik Regime increases the Toll, the Petrol, the cooking oil prices anything.


  6. To helpless, with regards to postal votes as told to me by my brother, he was in the army, postal votes are a bigger sheet of paper with the voters name, rank and other particulars. The lower ranking soldier would have to “vote” in front of his commanding officer. So naturally, the CO would have standing instructions that the soldier “should” only “vote” BN.This is done at their respective camps without any third party to witness. That’s why they can almost guarantee each postal vote is a vote for BN. If I am wrong on the process,well I a sorry but that’s what I heard of postal votes and each time they(EC) tally a slim win for the Opposition, suddenly a sealed box arrives and eventually our Opposition candidate loses by a few hundred or even less than a hundred votes due to the postal votes. That is why it is imperative this time round for a total swift of support of the voters to the Opposition. This way even their postal votes threat can work! Let’s all come together and vote for the Opposition!


  7. Just vote for the Opposition lah!
    The BN has enough people to vote for them, especially the 200,000 Postal Votes they will be using in all the Opposition Strong Holds.
    Don’t try to play God, but by all means pray to God for help because if the BN gets their majority again, one can only imagine what “horrors” will befall us all!

  8. Rakyat Teraniaya,

    Yes, that is what I have been told also. Why else would they stop 3rd Parties from witnessing? Talk about Free & Fair Elections!
    The worst part about all this is that noone can do anything to halt it & that is why they are so bloody arrogant!
    Just look at them on the TV day in & day out. They insult & mock the Rakyat & treat us worse than little children (most of us rational adults do not mock or insult our children). Show them that we will not tolerate this anymore!
    Vote for the Opposition.

  9. About the blanketed biased reporting by MSM(TV,newspapers,radio,now also Astro-pd tv),as parents we are always fair to our children and we also try to inculcate fairness in them to earn their respect.Without fairness,there will be havoc in the family.Simple logic,the idiotic BN is being unfair to the citizens by controlling the media and by giving one sided reporting.

  10. Richard,
    I agree with you. Don’t bothe about many double headed snakes.
    Concentrate on giving the opposition votes both State and parliament.
    Yes, it is only the urban voters who can turn the tide. Usually in Penang they would go around telling people that we need a Chinese PM and these people will listen to them. They did not realise that the CHINESE PM is not only toothless but is also SPINELESS and BALL-LESS. So it is as good as no CM!!!

    My advice to voters is that a cast of Vote for BN wil bring us nearer to bankruptcy – a fact that they should be aware.
    To give a better tomorrow for your children and grandchildre, we need Opposition to check these corruption and abuse of power!


  11. These are called ghost writers, either paid for by BN and themselves BN leaders.
    Ultimately, it boils down to the intelligence of voters. Are we going to allow ourselves be insulted by the media day after day. Do they think we are stupid?
    Let’s teach them a lesson. A defeat in Penang and elsewhere is the best message we can give the media – that they have lost their power of influence over our thoughts.

  12. To those who want to see yet another Billion ringgit paid to Russia to send up yet another spaceflight participant, go ahead and vote BN. But be warned that the Billion ringgit will come from your own wallets because it will in be in form of price hikes and reduced petrol subsidies. Look what the Pakistanis have just done— at least they have to brains to vote for change and a brighter future by dumping Musharraf

  13. BN can do better???? MY BIG FOOT!!!
    After 50 years with a very big big lead among Asean countries at Independence, today we are a minnow among them.
    Only Pak Lah and BN dongs think that they are better.
    Pak Lah is just like a dumbo jetting to conferences after conferences giving speeches thinking that others are impressed!!!
    Real dong la! He must know that his IQ is among the lowest among the giants in the likes of Lee Hsien Loong, Mahmahan Singh and so forth. DO you think they want to listen to you aaa?

  14. Ronald Quay certainly did not contradict himself – not even apparently.

    Here’s what he wrote, “With the electoral pact between the DAP and PKR, there is now, finally, a semblance of a chance for the opposition to win the Penang state elections. As a matter of fact, this is the best opportunity an opposition party has had to win the state of Penang since Gerakan (then an opposition party) won the seat in 1969 – a gap of 38 years.”

    What is it that you, Richard Teo could not understand regarding what is written above?

    There is now according to the writer, a “semblance of a chance” for the opposition to win in the upcoming state elections. He went on to write that it is in fact “the best opportunity” since 1969.

    After observing that Penangites have always favored voting for the national coalition at state level, and the opposition at federal level, he went on to write:
    “Admittedly, this has served the Penangites fairly well in the past, but it may not be so easy in future if we choose to ignore….”

    This is hardly about “playing God”. This is about what the writer rightly referred to as “wanting the best of both worlds”. In the writer’s opinion, it worked for Penangites “fairly well in the past” but cautioned that it may not work as well in the future. He saw it fit to place a caveat which you conveniently ignored so you could score points at his expense.

    If you want to launch a scathing criticism of any writer please first understand what is written. If you don’t then you end up misleading readers on this blog. Please do not distort the facts just to prove your argument.

  15. BN is one of the worst government that promote a route to failure .

    For example their double standard treatment to different races with quota system and special rights given only to Malays.
    This would only discourage unity among the Malaysian citizens.

    Their inability to be successful in almost all projects lauched by the goverment , some example like MEC appliances and Proton.

    Infact , Proton has taken away all Malaysian’s rights to buy the dream car they like as the government has to imply between 40 to 100% duty on all imported cars just to make sure that Proton become the cheapest choice in the Market.

    Models like Saga and Wira has not been changed since their lauch between 1985 to 1990.
    Imagine buying a car with the same design for 17 to 20 over years , where as manufacturer like Toyota wich changes their Models every two years.

    Don’t you think we are being cheated by the government since you are paying for a new car with a 20 years old design???.

  16. “With better accountabilty and transparency maybe the new party would do a better job” Richard Teo

    Why “maybe”?? Are you saying you have reservations about the DAP being able to do a better job than BN?? After all the passion you express here for DAP, it is only a “maybe”? That’s pathetic.

  17. Let ,s see … M.I.C is saying it,s the only party that can help the Indians.. M.C.A is saying they are the only party that can help the chiness.. Please lah ,they are not as stupid as M.I.C AND M.C.A THINK.

    The M.P for Telok Kemang and CAMERON HIGHLANDS both from M.I.C tried to speak up for the Indians. One was suspened without pay for 6 mts the other was forced to apoligise.

    In penang two M.C.A adun was suspended for going againts UMNO LED BN.M.I .C and M.C.A MEMBERS DO THE RIGHT THING VOTE OPPOSITION. SHOW this UMNO LEADERS THAT YOU GUYS HAVE THE BALLS .

  18. DAP has my Vote for sure this tiem Infact , I have been voting for BN for the las 3 elections. Maybe I was being very patient in thinking thigs will change for the better. But it is getting worse. So you have my Vote and also contribution. What does dissapoint me is that the last thing we need at this time are issues at the Opposition ranks like Ms Fong not contesting in Batu Gajah and issues on some other cadidated moving around. This has alsways been my fear. Please do your best to bring back Ms Fong. We need leaders like her. Also, do nt gibe BN any chance to pose problems because of internal problems in DAP.


    1. Barisan lost 2/3 majority once, in 1969. Only briefly.
    2. Since 1957, it has amended the constitution 690 times to propagate its power. By comparison, USA which is more 200 years old has only amended its constitution 27 times; Singapore as little as only 4 times.
    3. Barisan’s ability to amend the constitution as it likes (and make unjust and unfair constitutional changes) must be stopped now.


  20. Yes, who says opposition can’t manage the country especially DAP (dominated by Chinese). Who says chinese can’t manage the country well. Singapore, taiwan, hong kong, japan & korea (considered chinese blood) not to mention China – All developed countries. Malaysia? Developing & developing & developing !!! 50 years of Merdeka. Shame shame shame. PM yesterday said don’t compare with Singapore. Why don’t compare? S’pore was once part of Malaysia and now they r doing so well. Doing well not bcos they have lots of natural resources & population. Bcos they have good management & brain. Ask PM to compare with Indon lar. Then they r proud. Useless & hopeless guy.

    DAP, u will have my votes for parliament & state for PJU. Hope Tony & Dr. Cheah can win.


  21. Yesterday a friend came and discuss GE. Yes the friend a big supporter of DAP and showed me his big pay in slip of donation to DAP fund. Dwarfed mine. So malu la! Immediately made another donation to DAP although still no match to him.


  22. Musa warns hindraf and campaigns for UMNO:

    Police today advised election candidates or their representatives to obtain permits to hold ceramah (talks) during the campaign for the poll on March 8.
    [ ]
    “At the ceramah, their speakers should not use vulgar language or slander others,” he told Bernama when met after a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and employees of government agencies here. About 2,000 employees from Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Tenaga Nasional and Pos Malaysia attended the meeting.


  23. But that is not to say that we disagree with PAS on the monkeys in UMNO:

    PAS hanya risau berdepan dengan ‘Orang Utan’
    Helmi Khalid
    Sun | Feb 17, 08 | 11:44:34 am MYT

    ALOR STAR, 17 Feb (Hrkh) – “Saya yakin Kelantan akan terus menang dan saya bergantung pada Allah, tetapi yang menjadi masalahnya kerana kami berdepan dengan orang yang tak tahu undang-undang, tak tahu undang-undang macam Orang Utan; Orang Utan tak reti agama dan tak reti undang-undang,” tegas Menteri Besar Kelantan, Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

    Even if it upsets a monkey lord:

    PARIT, Feb 18 (Bernama) — Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today it was habitual of PAS to hurl abusive remarks at others and therefore it did not come as a surprise when its spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat equated Umno members to orang utan.

    Nut-jib owes his position to a monkey even bigger than him – the PM`s SIL.

  24. “the Barisan national is still the best party to govern Malaysia today’.”

    Barisan Nazis is the best in Governance.

    for the past 50 years we’ve witness:

    1. Racial riots.

    2. escalating price, cost of living.

    3. depletion of our limited natural resources

    4. marginalization of race and racial polarization.

    so BARISAN is capable of that kind of governance only, do you still want more of that kind of governance?

    I think not.

    50 years is enough.

    50 years is 2 lost generations.

    say no to B N, say no to S H I T S

  25. If you run parallel Malaysia as a Company( called Malaysia Berhad), yes Malaysia Berhad is a big Company with solid assets. Unfortunately Malaysia Berhad are run by a crooked team of directors and managers who are siphoning away all the assets slowly but surely. Worst still many of them are morons and just do not have good ideas of generating wealth for Malaysia Berhad but only good at stealing the wealth of Malaysia Berhad. Well so far God had been kind to Malaysia Berhad by endowing it with plenty of natural resources but there will come a time even God will not tolerate these thieves as they are finishing off the assets faster than God can replenish.

    So Ronald if you still think that Barisan national is still the best party to govern Malaysia today, yes I can only agree for “today” but what about tomorrow when all the natural resources are gone. For that matter even fools can manage a Company with plenty of assets but it is a matter of time it will go bust because they have no idea of how to generate assets into bigger assets. They are just corrupted to the cores and if you still do not believe that they are diligently corrupted, you must be acutely myopic. .

    These thieves are just hood-winking many including my dear Ronal as obviously they make themselves looks like good government, act like a good government and talk like a good government but at the end of the day we must apply our analytical intelligence and not get cheated by them again.

  26. Opposition to take on opposition


    KUCHING: A “battle of the giants” is shaping up in Bandar Kuching with Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Padungan assemblyman Dominic Ng Kim Ho likely to take on DAP incumbent MP Chong Chieng Jen.

    Ng, also Sarawak PKR state liaison chairman, broke his silence and declared Tuesday he would contest the hot seat if the DAP refused to withdraw from contesting in Stampin. The DAP has named its Batu Lintang assemblyman Voon Lee Shan as its candidate for Stampin where Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Datuk Yong Khoon Seng (Works Ministry parliamentary secretary) is seeking a third term.

    PKR has shortlisted its Stampin chief See Chee How, former political secretary to then DAP Bandar Kuching MP Sim Kwang Yang, to challenge Yong.

    PKR has asked the DAP to give way to its candidates in either Bandar Kuching or Stampin (in Kuching), Sibu or Lanang (in Sibu) and Miri. But the state DAP leaders are standing firm and have named candidates for all seven Chinese-majority seats.

    Ng said if the on-going negotiations on Sarawak parliamentary seat allocation between PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng fail, he would contest in Bandar Kuching.

    “I want to stop the speculation that PKR will concede all the Chinese-majority seats to the DAP. I do not like to fight the DAP. If there is no choice, I will do it,” he told reporters.

    Ng said he had withdrawn from contesting in Bandar Kuching in 2004 to make way for a straight fight between Chong and the Barisan Nasional’s Wee Kok Tiong.


  27. If you vote for BN, habis la all of us! No future!
    Just look at all the scandals exposed, when do you ever see Ong Ka Ting, Koh Tsu Khoon or Big mouth Hishamuddin coming out to support the investigation.
    In Lingam’s case, we did not hear a whisper from all these dongs!
    In English Silence means consent. Therefore they are for the evil doers!
    Look at MCA, just kept quiet! Gerakan? Pohda! UMNO? No hope, serupa punya!

  28. ‘If you want to launch a scathing criticism of any writer please first understand what is written. If you don’t then you end up misleading readers on the blog. Please do not distort the facts just to prove your argument.’. Godamn Singh.

    Fair comment, Singh and we have already have some commenters all worked up hurling brickbats at Ronald Quah for a position wrongly alleged by you (Richard) to be Ronald’s because you have conveniently ignored a caveat placed there by Ronald so that you could score points at his expense as pointed by Singh.If that is the case then you clearly owe Ronald an apology.Maybe the best way to clear this up is for you to put up the section of the article (if not the whole article) where Singh mentioned that there is a caveat.That way we can all come to our own conclusion whether Singh is right in his judgement.

  29. AhPek,

    I think so too.

    What’s even more important to note is that Richard Teo, by his misleading comments and remarks attributed to Ronald Quay in a short article published by Malaysiakini, has alienated and belittled Penangites (who honestly believed they were forced into adopting the dual strategy of voting for BN at state level and federal level) by questioning their loyalty to opposition principles of equality, fair play and justice for all.

    Richard Teo should be careful when he writes and not expose YB Kit to unnecessary criticism from BN foot soldiers who are all too eager to attribute his sentiment on the issues to that of YB Kit. Penangites are not to be belittled for their views. Instead we should convince them that voting for the opposition is voting for the future and not the past; and when you take into account rapidly changing demographics as Ronald Quay rightly pointed out, there is nothing certain about the future. Our Hokkien friends need to be gently persuaded into changing positions now rather than later. They don’t deserve to be chastised or ridiculed for adopting a practical attitude to the politics of race and divide and rule of the Barisan Nasional.

    It is easy to write and pander to the gallery, in the same tradition as those keris waving misguided and unthinking fanatics in UMNO. Fanaticism or blind loyalty has never been known to win friends both from within and without.

    What DAP needs to do in Penang is to win over friends who are so far with us only half the way – not to further alienate them by ridiculing them for their views.

  30. ah pek, i read the article….and there was a caveat placed by ronald quay. i don’t think…he’s so stupid not to…and i find his opinion fair n balance…. not as what richard teo wrote here….

  31. I would have to agree that Richard Teo, whilst demanding that the BN led government in Penang show more sensitivity, is himself guilty of showing insensitivity to the people of Penang.

    Penang was my home for a good part of my life and I believe I have earned the right to speak for Penangites on this issue. As Dark Horse said Penangites do not need to be insulted and ridiculed for their “shortsightedness” . If you want Penangites to change their ways, you first need to win them over by the force of your arguments and not through meaningless rhetorics. You also need to go into specifics.

    If Richard Teo wants readers to take him seriously he should first acknowledge that the electorate today is a more matured electorate and with increased access to the internet, a more informed electorate and he should stop being condescending when he writes.

  32. I just want to say this. It is irreversible now that the urban folks will vote the opposition and the rural folks, BN. We will end up with BN securing majority, but in terms of support of the entire population, BN may lose its legitimacy. And that’s what all the opposition and right thinking members of the society to strive to achieve in this coming election.

  33. Darkhorse says: Why “maybe”?? Are you saying you have reservations about the DAP being able to do a better job than BN?? After all the passion you express here for DAP, it is only a “maybe”? That’s pathetic.

    For you every damn thing is not right and every thing must be written to your exact liking. Have you ever realized that you may perhaps suffer from some personality disorder – the penchant to find fault and the preoccupation for perfection according to your moronic standard? So what do you want RT to write? How about “With better accountability and transparency surely (instead of maybe) the new party would do a better job” Knowing your genetically biasness, you will ask why is RT so cock sure. You will probably tell him to be humble instead of pathetic.

    You and Godamn Singh are probably the same person and I have seen you both argued with RT before. This is just to get even, I know.

  34. the dual strategy of voting for BN at state level and federal level, darkhorse

    NO this is not called the dual strategy.This is called an opportunistic, kiasu, kiasi, kia chen fu and no dignity strategy which has served Penang nothing over the past 40 years. Penang today is nothing but a garbage of the orient.

  35. If you want Penangites to change their ways, you first need to win them over by the force of your arguments and not through meaningless rhetorics.

    Why Penang people so special? Why do they still need convincing? Why can’t they wake up from their slumber and see for themselves. Penang people are just trading short term expediency for long term misery. There is nothing clever about Penang people, the kiasu people who have no dignity. Penang people do not need further arguments. Penang people need a kick on their back.

  36. BN has some outstanding ministers, for instance a medical minister insisted that motorcyclists shall henceforth light up their headlights during day time. Actually, he should have insisted that vans, lorries and huge trucks light up. Could such trucks usually travelling at higher than 90 kph with great momentum stop in time when these drivers see a motorcycle in their way? It would be better if a motorcyclist “sees” a truck with headlights on and take easier action to maneuvre out of the way than vice versa.
    The minister then assured that lighting up would not cost the motorcyclist a sen. He puts to shame all engineers not only in Malaysia but all over the world. He should also be nominated for the Nobel Prize for being smarter than Einstein for creating energy from nothing! If not then motorcyclists are paying more for petrol to charge the batteries which run the headlights. Also, as the bulbs are on more of the time they would tend to blow sooner. More money needed to change the bulbs more often.

    At another time, he also put his forefinger and thumb almost touching on National TV to demonstrate the microcracks on the railway tracks. These tracks gave way in a derailment and an American lady was quite hurt. If microcracks were the cause of the derailment, we could be sure that there are more microcracks along the rails from PB to JB and from JB to KB. We are not sure what actions were taken to make sure the rails are now safe so many years after the accident. He had tried to outsmart the engineers again. No engineer said anything. But even science school students know that the rails are not continuous and there are many, many air gaps to allow for expansion. Are not such gaps larger than the microcracks? But the gaps are not the cause of derailments. If microcracks caused of the derailment, are KTM using the mechanical devices to regularly inspect the rails for microcracks since the rails are all very old to ensure the rail travel is not only pleasurable but also very safe?

  37. Limkamput, I believe your above postings are not a true reflection of your ability to debate on the issues. I have read some of your postings and I have said and I will say it again that you are capable of making intelligent inputs from which all who read stand to benefit. But it all goes to waste when you let yourself be consumed by bursts of anger.

    Let us take cognizance of the ominous signs appearing over the horizon and heed the warnings given.

    According to a writer in Malaysiakini:

    “….good incumbents who cannot stand dirty tactics by their own members making way for others as what DAP’s Batu Gajah Member of Parliament Fong Po Kuan was forced to do. She has thrown in the towel due to internal politicking in her own party.
    BN will be the ultimate winners if the opposition is in disarray. The common people will be the ultimate losers if corrupt and incompetent incumbents return to power due to opposition infighting. It will be business as usual for them…”

    There are talks of candidates being “parachuted” to contest state seats in Penang, of arm twisting, of secret deals etc and of an opposition in disarray. This is fodder for BN propagandists to feed on.

    The nation is at the cross roads, and history is being made. There is finally hope for change and talk of hope that will never die – but what is ‘hope’ when it remains nothing but a flicker.

  38. Undergrad,
    I fail to see why you take umbrage at Limkamput’s hard hitting criticsm of comments from bloggers like Goddam singh, Darkhorse who have deliberately poured venom on the writers comment.I would accept it if they were valid and relevant but as pointed by Limkamput their comments were made out of vengeance carried forward from the previous thread.Even your accusation that the writer had ridiculed and insulted the people of Penang is without merit.Can you please point out where I have erred in that respect.And how exactly have I been condescending.?I believe I can include you in the group of Darkhorse and co. for hitting at the writer because of previous altercation.You keep on harping about Limkamput not contributing anything substantive. Looking at some of your comments I really cannot see anything substantive beside the often caustic and sarcastic comments of other bloggers contribution.
    I stand by what was written in the article regarding the writer’s contradiction when he said there was a possibilty Penang could be wrested from B.N and at the same breathe said B.N would win hands down . If that is not contradiction then what is.? And did he not say that B.N was the best party to govern Malaysia?I suggest Darkhorse, Goddam singh, undergrad read the substance of the article first before making undeserving and critical comments which only serve to reflect on their infantile mentality.

  39. richard teo,

    what about the caveat that ronald quay made….n which you conveniently ignored…? u didn’t address that…? why… why refer to yourself as the “writer”? to confuse readers…?

    why single out these posters….ahpek made similar observations about your writing….? u have nothing to say to that…in fact he asked that u apologize…the others did not ask u to apologize…

    “Fair comment, Singh and we have already have some commenters all worked up hurling brickbats at Ronald Quah for a position wrongly alleged by you (Richard) to be Ronald’s because you have conveniently ignored a caveat placed there by Ronald so that you could score points at his expense as pointed by Singh.If that is the case then you clearly owe Ronald an apology.Maybe the best way to clear this up is for you to put up the section of the article (if not the whole article) where Singh mentioned that there is a caveat.” ahpek

    what ronald meant by BN being the “best party to win”….is having regard to the situation….he thought it is going to be a repeat … i.e. more of the same…definitely not a contradiction….but an objective assessment…

    please stop insulting other peoples intelligence…by calling other people who criticize your writing …..as having an “infantile” mentality… if you cannot stand the criticism….then don’t write….singh says it more accurately….perhaps u would like to respond to his criticism …point by point..?

  40. Richard Teo says:

    “I fail to see why you take umbrage at Limkamput’s hard hitting criticsm of comments from bloggers like Goddam singh, Darkhorse…”

    Took umbrage? No, I did no such thing.

    I reminded limkamput of talent wasted – his own. I feel he could contribute to this blog in ways that he has yet to fully realize, if only he could put a lid on that anger of his. I told him several times before and he courageously admitted to having difficulties in that area.

    As for you, I can understand where you are going with your comments. AhPek in fact called for your apology to Ronald Quay for having distorted his comments on Malaysiakini. I believe I stopped short of that.

    I do not wish to prolong this conversation except to remind you that readers are more matured then you give them credit for, and that the electorate today is better informed then it was before the onset of the internet.

    I regard myself as half a Penangite and I cannot help but feel offended by your twisted response to Ronald Quay’s comments on Malaysiakini. I feel you manipulated his comments for reasons best known to yourself, ignoring the caveat Ronald Quay had placed on his statement, and which Laifoong referred to. There are others who feel the same way.

    Too bad, you just have to deal with it.

  41. Argghhhh…! The return of he who has the brains and others who show no more than a “kindergarden” attitude! (Note the misspelling).

    You have been running away from my request made to you on another thread and which I am re-posting here for your convenience and of course your comment.


    I would consider myself privileged to have your response then to the issues I raised:

    “But calling another commentator “unintelligent” and a “kindergarden” school kid that needs to be corrected at every turn” … just because he disagrees with you is doing a disservice to this blog, and certainly asking readers to shut up is a betrayal of everything YB Kit stands for which is freedom of speech. Richard Teo is behaving exactly like those BN goons do in Parliament to YB Kit.”

    Your response please!

  42. In Australia, they did it!
    In Taiwan, they also did it!
    In Pakistan, they just did it!

    Just do it, Malaysians!
    Time to boot out the self-enriching, incompetent, and anti-national BN politicians!
    Time for change!

  43. AAB likened Singapore to a first class orange and we first class apple! Cannot be compared.

    Yes, AAB meant:
    Singapore = world class orange
    Malaysia = sour grapes, infested with self-fattening no-spine worms, and definitely no way can be put on the same pedestal as the classy orange

  44. “Even your accusation that the writer had ridiculed and insulted the people of Penang is without merit.” Richard Teo

    Why refer to yourself as “the writer” as if the reference is to a third party?? You are trying to mislead readers, aren’t you?

  45. I think some people here (besides undergrad2 perhaps) are jealous that RT’s letter was posted here. All these phua tang sai people, especially blackeye, just know how to suck up and condemn others’ postings but they themselves have hardly written one serious piece on anything. Please face the cold hard fact.

  46. Forget about the controversial FPK and her betrayal to DAP and millions of expecting for change voters.Just think of Saudara LKS and other DAP leaders.They have been relentlessly and selflessly fighting for a just and clean Malaysia for everybody for more than 40 years.From young and vibrant young men ,they have been working very hard for the holy goal until they are now old but still very enthusiastic and remain steadfast in their beliefs and principles.Just ponder this little FPK is nothing compared to LKS and his team.Think of their enormous sacrifices in the past and their invaluable contribution,we should salute and respect them.Without LKS and DAP’s consistent opposition both in Parliament and in the state legislature,Bolehland would have become even worse today.Donate to Dap and vote Dap.Deny Bn 2/3 majority in the coming GE.Give also a thunderous DAP victory in BG.

  47. Thank you Rakyat Teraniaya for the clarification.

    It is shocking to know this. My guess is no many Malaysian know this.

    I can’t believe it. There must be way to stop this or otherwise our donation to DAP could be wasted by at least 50%.

    Yesterday at 09: 54.24
    To helpless, with regards to postal votes as told to me by my brother, he was in the army, postal votes are a bigger sheet of paper with the voters name, rank and other particulars. The lower ranking soldier would have to “vote” in front of his commanding officer. So naturally, the CO would have standing instructions that the soldier “should” only “vote” BN.This is done at their respective camps without any third party to witness. That’s why they can almost guarantee each postal vote is a vote for BN. If I am wrong on the process,well I a sorry but that’s what I heard of postal votes and each time they(EC) tally a slim win for the Opposition, suddenly a sealed box arrives and eventually our Opposition candidate loses by a few hundred or even less than a hundred votes due to the postal votes. That is why it is imperative this time round for a total swift of support of the voters to the Opposition. This way even their postal votes threat can work! Let’s all come together and vote for the Opposition!

  48. Mr Richard Teo,

    I see you have conveniently ignored what I have had to say about the allegations leveled against writer Ronald Quay by yours truly, but have seen it fit to let loose your tirade against the others including Dark Horse and AhPek. I am not sure who has an axe to grind here.

    I know you are reading this.

    Perhaps you would like to rebut the allegations made against you here. It is easy to allege that a writer on Malaysiakini (who is not here to defend himself) that he in fact has contradicted himself. I am here to lend my voice so to speak to Ronald Quay whom you have accused of contradicting himself and Penangites whom you accuse of wanting “to play God”. I cannot see how by voting for BN at the state level and voting for the DAP at the federal level is like “playing God”!

    Your tirade against the other commentators who share the same opinions is completely unnecessary and, if I may add, for YB Kit a let-down. More in the tradition of those BN ‘bocor’ MPs rather than in the DAP tradition of engaging those who have different views over an issue in a rational discussion.

    You are like someone YB Kit would like to throw to the deep end of the pool hoping to see you prove yourself by swimming back. Except in this case you choose to blame others for your lack of ability to swim.

    Perhaps you would like to comment on what dark horse said:

    “Richard Teo should be careful when he writes and not expose YB Kit to unnecessary criticism from BN foot soldiers who are all too eager to attribute his sentiment on the issues to that of YB Kit. Penangites are not to be belittled for their views. Instead we should convince them…” dark horse

    I believe this statement by dark horse deserves a response from you. If you do not think dark horse deserves your response, then I think you owe it to YB Kit.

  49. Huh?? What did you say Richard Teo?? I poured “venom” on your comments?

    You call this “venom”?

    “Richard Teo should be careful when he writes and not expose YB Kit to unnecessary criticism from BN foot soldiers who are all too eager to attribute his sentiment on the issues to that of YB Kit. Penangites are not to be belittled for their views.”

    But it is true, I have been a long time critic of your writings here. Hey, if you use public space to publish your views you should be able to take criticism. Guess who has an axe to grind?

  50. Examples of Richard Teo’s interactions with commentators and commentators’ responses to his ‘contribution’ to this blog.


    Richard Teo Says:
    February 9th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 18: 13.58

    “No one is forcing us to watch you hang so its alright. Got that dummy?”

    sybreon Says:
    February 9th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 19: 08.11

    “Darkhorse’s logic is right….”

    scorpian6666 Says:
    February 10th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 00: 56.53

    “Richard Teo,
    Yes I switch off the radio when I get to that part… am I also unintelligent ? If you are a Malaysian, you would have known why Darkhorse said what he said …”

    Richard Teo Says:
    February 10th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 01: 08.50

    “Scorpian 6666,

    Please dont act like a kindergarden school kid…”

    BlackEye Says:
    February 10th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 01: 56.12

    “Forget about Richard Teo!

    He cannot write English more than a few lines without making grammatical mistakes. You see those in his ‘contributions’ to this blog which lack any substance. When criticised for what he wrote (not his poor English) he calls commentators names!”

    Richard Teo Says:
    February 10th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 02: 22.57


    I recall you were the naive guy who made the idiotic statement about what’s wrong …”


    Look at what he had to say about Undergrad then –

    Richard Teo Says:
    February 10th, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 02: 06.27

    “Undergrad made an eloquent theory …”

    **On this current thread Richard Teo went for Undergrad’s jugular because he could not take the criticism. If that is the kind of ‘contributor’ Richard Teo is to this blog, then I think readers would be better off not reading and commenting on his ‘contribution’. That way they would be spared his attacks on their character like having an “infantile mentality” etc.

    It is so childish and immature for a man his age.

  51. YB.
    Please look into postal votes,i come to know in penang all the ARMY,FRU,POLIS. are forces to vote for BN.So thats why they are afraid that if they vote For Opposition they will be Black least.
    sorry im not good in englis here but this is what i can tell u from the information i got.
    All Malaysia think think ? SAY NO to MCA-UMNO. MIC-UMNO. GERAKAN UMNO. PPP-UMNO.

  52. Best wishes for DAP and all ! DAP will win a great victory on 8 March 2008 General Election! Indian is not weak, they are stronger than any UMNO leader can ever think of.. don’t under estimate this little community who can turn up to be the strongest! DAP boleh ! Vote for DAP !

  53. bLACKEYE, stay on the current issue being debated. NO point digging up grandmother stories because others can do the same to you. In fact, you, darkhorse and colonel are the ones with the most chequered past.

  54. Is this how you “stay on the current issue”??

    “For you every damn thing is not right and every thing must be written to your exact liking. Have you ever realized that you may perhaps suffer from some personality disorder….” limkamput

  55. ..and this??

    “Penang today is nothing but a garbage of the orient.”

    “There is nothing clever about Penang people, the kiasu people who have no dignity. Penang people …Penang people need a kick on their back.”

  56. …and to think that this Richard Teo refers to it as “hard hitting criticism”!!

    I fail to see why you take umbrage at Limkamput’s hard hitting criticsm of comments …”

    It is really pathetic! No doubt about it. You two deserve each other. Birds of the same feather.

  57. Dracula, darkhorse and whatever handles you people use,
    Basically all of you are just a group of racists. When we see two Indian robbers, we must say two dark skin robbers otherwise it is racial profiling and racism. Has it ever occurred to you that it is precisely people who think like this who is a racist? Let me ask you, if you are not a racist, does it matter who were the robbers? The reporting, either in the newspapers or to the police is essentially to help potential victims to be aware of robbers of certain racial origin on the prowl. I see no reason why such reporting is considered an issue unless one is ultra racist. When I read the discussion on this in another thread, I almost want to puke.

    Oh, there is no need for you to quote what I said. I stand by every word. Narcissism, well I learned this word when I was in lower secondary school. For you, may be you just got to know two days ago and you fell in love with it because it is such a big word for you. I am sure I will get to hear this word ad nauseam from now on.

  58. ..and this comes from someone who thought a song by a pop group The Pet Shop Boys is “too intellectual” and “in the Oxford tradition”.

    That was before a poster on this blog exposed the DAP theme song for the general elections as having been lifted from the Pet Shop Boys!

    I hope you don’t go around to the nearest pet shop to buy the CD!

  59. if you keep LOL, you may end up in tanjung rambutan for sure. And if you care to read carefully, the word “intellectual” was put quote. I don’t care the song was lifted from, my concern was it is too wordy for ordinary folks.

  60. Please dont misconstrue my absence from the blog as avoiding some of the accussations hurled at me.I have not done very much blogging for the last few days as I will be in Kelantan to do some campaigning for PAS.
    Just because I used the third person in my response to an earlier comment is surely not my attempt to deceive when everyone can see that Richard Teo is the writer and the writer is RIchard Teo.I dont try to hide that fact. In fact that is my real name. I take full responsibilty for what I writes and I am prepared to face the consequences.I am as old as sdr Lim and I have no reason to be deceptive.Time to me is a precious commodity because of my age and I dont want to waste my time in verbal combat with some people who trys to be pickety even with my lack of spelling proficiency.
    However I cannot say the same for all those bloggers like, Blackeye, Darkhorse, count Dracula,Godamn singh, Undergrad and a few others. All of you choose to remain faceless and yet chose to remain venomous in you criticism to bloggers contribution not necessary mine alone.If you wish to be critical in your comments surely the right and proper thing to do is to reveal your true identity and not hide under a cloak of annonmity. This will surely render more credence to what you have to say. I view it as a cowardly act to comment critically on someone’s contribution while remaining annonymous.
    In future I will not respond to any annonymous comments no matter how caustic or sarcastic they may be but I definetely reserve the right to criticise their comments for the simple reason that I do not hide under any cloak of annonymity.In fact if you bother to visit my blog I have even posted some of my photos for everyone to see( including the Special branch).So please dont accuse me of deceptive.

  61. Yes, but when you read the word ‘intellectual’ together with “in the Oxford tradition” we know where you are going with that!!!

    C’mon admit it! Muaha..ha..haha…!

    Yes oxford tradition is to remind Tony Phua not to be too cocky over his oxford education because apparently the lyric was compiled by him. For you without know the head and tail but come to the conclusion is an obvious candidate for Tanjung Rambutan. By the way are you the ex patient there and may be it is time for you to revisit the place.

  62. IN fact blackeye is a more recent invention. The original ones are darkhorse, dracula, colonel, diaperhead, bodo singh, godamn singh, laifoong, and now perhaps ladygovina. These are the cowards and spineless people who can’t even be truthful in using the handles. What credibility have they got to come here to talk about fairness, justice, transparency and good governance?

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