Po Kuan – Malaysia needs you to create history to deny BN 2/3 parliamentary majority

It’s 2.45 am. Endless series of meetings, internal and external, in the past 72 hours, putting me on the road from Petaling Jaya to Perak, Penang and down to Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, including two ceramahs with Po Kuan in Batu Gajah parliamentary constituency on Friday night and the launching of two election operation centres (Tebing Tinggi and Menglembu in Perak) as well as visit to traditional DAP stronghold in Kuala Lumpur, the Bukit Bintang parliamentary constituency, but which has now become a “danger” seat because of electoral manipulation in the influx of over 6,000 postal voters.

Have been up for 22 hours – including a five-hour marathon meeting of DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat leaders which ended with primary agreement for one-to-one contest between DAP or PKR with the Barisan Nasional in Peninsular Malaysia states – with the last meeting just ended an hour ago.

Very tired but no thought of sleep until I blog about Fong Po Kuan. Not just because I have been made the villain causing Po Kuan’s announcement that she would not contest in the 12th general election but also because of her qualities.

At about 2.30 p.m., I received calls asking why I had forced Po Kuan to retire from politics, as AIFM (Chinese) received by motorists had carried news flash that Po Kuan had announced her resignation from the DAP because of her unhappiness with me in forcing her to contest in another constituency.

I never did such a thing and Po Kuan never resigned from the party – but the damage was done, as first impressions (however false) are most lasting, that I had forced Po Kuan to resign from the DAP because I was forcing her to contest in another constituency apart from Batu Gajah. Talking about “eating dead cat”!

The party never asked Po Kuan to change constituencies, as all party leaders had expected and fully supported her to contest for the third time in the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat.

I will not be speaking the truth if I say that Po Kuan’s announcement yesterday had come as a complete surprise to me, although it was a shock to the overwhelming majority of DAP leaders, members and supporters.

I had tried to head off Po Kuan from making such a decision because she is a great asset to the party, Malaysian Parliament and the cause for justice, freedom and democracy but I failed. For this I take full responsibility.

I had skimmed through both the avalanche of comments on her blog and my blog. Po Kuan should know that she is looked up as a beacon of hope for Malaysians in the hard and grueling battle for justice, democracy and a Bangsa Malaysia.

I fully associate with the outpouring of public appeals to Po Kuan to reconsider and rejoin the DAP frontline in the great electoral battle looming before the nation by again standing for the parliamentary seat of Batu Gajah – as DAP, the people and nation need her to create history to deny the Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority on March 8, 2008 to usher in a new democracy and a new Malaysian politics.

Before I conclude, let me confess that in the past 72 hours, I had departed from my practice since the start of my blog to read every comment published on my blog whether before or after publication – but with the dissolution of Parliament, time simply does not permit it.

As a result, I have not been able to respond to the many legitimate questions raised particularly over donations to the DAP Election Fund. I thank you for your support and let me assure you that every sen of the on-line donation would be fully accounted, audited and made public after the general election.

We need far more financial support from you as what the DAP Election Fund needs to prepare for the “Battle of the Century” in the 12th general election is many many times more than the amounts which have come through online.

Thanks are in order for volunteers led by GKT for taking over management of this blog since the past 72 hours till the end of the election campaign. Let us give GKT and team the time to go through the queries of the past 72 hours and to respond to them.


238 Replies to “Po Kuan – Malaysia needs you to create history to deny BN 2/3 parliamentary majority”

  1. YB Po Kuan,
    As I read this post by Uncle Lim, tears just welled up in my eyes.
    Its never easy to be in politics & to find yourself as opposition in Malaysia is a million times harder. Yet against all odds (especially against Ong Ka Chuan, he thought he could easily turn you into meat balls) you have victoriously sailed through.

    You have become a symbol for democracy & Justice emerging from the much needed 2nd wave of younger generation to take the baton from Uncle Lim. Constant pressure not just from BN but from within will come at times to deal you with a killer blow. It is at times like this that one rises above the occasion, like pure gold being refined 7 times ferocious heat in the furnace.

    Of all the many opposition leaders coming from the younger generation, YB Po Kuan, you are one of that rare pure gold!
    So, I urge you & encourage you to take the bigger picture, it is noy just DAP that needs you at this crictical moment in history with every tell tale sign that the nation is facing grave danger of turning into a dictatorship regime, Malaysians need you!

    May God grants you the wisdon & understanding & overwhelms you with love & affection & May He protects you with a shield for your coming in & going out. Amen!

  2. If Po Kuan is not standing in BG for the Parliamentary seat, who is? If she is a loyal DAP member, she should abide by whatever decision the DAP leadership has taken after weighing the overall interest of the party, a party she has dedicated her life to working for. Sending her off to Johor is in the best interest of her party and she should put that interest before her personal interest.

    Is she saying that her loyalty comes with a price?

  3. Uncle Lim
    Generally, the entire fiasco is now under the BM’s media circus. Let alone the intention of making the announcement at such hours. If needed so, she needs to reconsider. It’s never too late and not that the country is going to be empty without her. It’s important all party members reach out to her. But if she herself wants it that way, we need all have to accept it, gracefully and concentrate on a bigger picture

  4. She should know very well she had to suffer when she offered herself to DAP. DAP is not like BN or any of its component parties where one can enjoy life and merriment each day. Being in DAP means sacrificing wealth, riches, prestige, time, dedication and lots more for the rakyat. She should have known this right from day one, not after 2 terms as MP! How come it took her so long to realize it???? Or is it another LLT in the making???

  5. Respect her decision and wishes.

    Po Kuan knows when it is time to let go…..with her support, the new candidate could do better.

    The first flower was found in China…about 130 millions years ago.

  6. YB Fong,

    You are looked up to in BG. Do keep up your good work and retain the seat. If it is help you need in the constituency, call for volunteers and we will come out to help. You will need this help as you have now started a new chapter in your personal life. We all wish you well in this, but we still wish for you to lead BG.

    God bless!

  7. This shows her immaturity and selfishness. She should not have done it at this last hour. Putting self first ahead of the interest of the people. Lives goes on, people who vote DAP will continue to support despite her resignation. This is a temporary setback nia. But if she comes to the realization that it is the party that makes her what she is today than I do hope that she will reconsider.

  8. Dear YB,
    Looking through YB Fong’s blog, we can see how popular she is among us. None of the 90 comments I read so far wants her to quit. She is really an asset to the country and any other party will want her to be theirs. So, I really do wish she can be persuaded to contest in this coming election. May God bless this country.

  9. I don’t think you forced Fong Po Kuan to resign. But the question remains, what is the problem between Fong Po Kuan and DAP? She is turning down her own seat as I understand it. No matter how you look at it, a failure of leadership is part of it.

  10. “The party never asked Po Kuan to change constituencies, as all party leaders had expected and fully supported her to contest for the third time in the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat.”

    Poh Kuan acted on rumors that the party had betrayed her? If so, it was certainly unwise on Poh Kuan’s part to go public to express her grievances, moreover, the impression I got when I saw the announcement in TV was that of a vengeance. Only time will tell the real story now.

  11. YB Po Kuan,

    Whatever your feelings and those swirling thoughts, I understand. There will always be moments in our lives when we get a little overwhelmed by the exigencies of the occasion.

    However, (and I believe this is where most Malaysians and DAP supporters would agreee), there are times and critical moments in the course of our lives when we extend beyond the furthest reach of our arms and exert our fullest with little thought for ourselves but for the ‘task’ at hand (such as when a boy plunges into a mining pool to save a kid, thinking nothing of the dangers or when a mother buries her child beneath her frail frame to protect her child in a head-on collision).

    This is one such moment in Malaysian History, Po Kuan…when all those fiery speeches you have made are now heaved onto the burner to test its mettle. Long after the dust has settled, we will have time to reflect…we pray the nation will remember the sacrifices made by those indefatigable souls that plodded on whilst other wearied colleagues fell behind. Wasn’t it the Scouts Movement that has its motto: ‘Service before Self’? Why should polticians who answer the call in the hour of battle for the soul of the nation have a lesser clarion call?

    Po Kuan, some day I hope to shake your hands and thank you personally for your steadfastness and sacrifices at the expense of your personal safety and comfort.

    Meanwhile, whatever you decide, please be assured that the nation and we, your friends and supporters, owe you enough.

  12. Po Kuan should know that she is looked up as a beacon of hope…….says Lim Kit Siang.

    Fong Po Kuan, get back to work and stop being so childish. This is an order!

    Says who?


  13. Do you think that Po Kuan is having personal problem instead of party problem and it leads to her decision for not taking part in this GE?

    DAP central should take the prompt action to persuade again if it is for the benefit of DAP and the people of Msia for CHANGE.

  14. I take LKS words in good faith. Being the pillar of DAP you should know what is best and what will work for DAP. Nevertheless what it is more important at this point of time is to ensure crisis does not crop up within DAP or opposition parties simply for seat allocation and favorite candidates did not get to choose.
    We the supporters do not want to see bickering (if there is please resolve quickly) in Oppositions as in our mind they are our Alternative for BN. Should someone smart and upcoming politician like Po Kuan were to come out openly accusing unfairness and cronysm polluting DAP and other opposition especially at time like this it will a credibility issue and for fence sitters, it may as well be end of story for DAP.

  15. Guys, The battle is out there and NOT among yourselves! Lets get it right, if you cannot get it right among your selves, how you going to fight all the Aligators of BN? Lets work towards denying BN 2/3 majority……..DAP Boleh!

  16. Malaysia Politic are never a gentlemen ground and corruption level are always the highest stake in town. When we talk about power and wealth, no one will want to let go that opportunity to rule.
    We have been reading far too many issue over the current government and far too many more to be digest by us.
    YB Fong, it’s never easy to understand what’s really going on as being where you are today and given the duties that you have rendered. At end of everything, we are still human that made mistakes, selfish and greed. It could have been that others in your camp are ‘chewing’ you up with pressures and speculations, yet, coming from that kind of grounds, you must not quit.
    Kindly look beyond the horizon of doubts and depairs, tell yourself that you can do it and moreso, you will benefit more by learning from it.

  17. Looking at it on the bright side, the ever over zealous BN owned media has latched on to this with intent to a negative `song and dance`.
    Now all it needs is a reversal just as Badawi`s hindu war of roses. Then they fall on their faces and get jeered.

  18. Po Kuan,
    I feel like watching my favourite Liverpool losing to 2nd Div. Barnsley; hate it but there’s nothing I could do. You are still young, so all the best to you and your young family.

  19. ///I never did such a thing and Po Kuan never resigned from the party/// – but “never resigned from the party” does not mean Po Kuan is contesting in Batu Gajah or any other constituency.

    Out of respect for YB LKS, I will acept his words but still why is Po Kuan not contesting in Batu Gajah or any other constituency and what are the circumstances that led her to withdraw from the frontline in first place?

    Very sad that the mainstream papers are now having a field day exploiting the propaganda value of this deveopment. Read : The Star 18th Feb page – “Fong drops a bomb” with prominent byline – “I’ve had enough. The development of internal party events in Perak DAP over the last few years and currently has made it impossible for me to continue serving effectively….”

    How could DAP national leadership have no control or not aware of “internal party events in Perak DAP over the last few years and currently”?

    You’re not supposed to be “somnambulant” leadership that you accused Badawi’s of! Or it is suggested here that Po Kuan is not telling truth? I don’t believe this.

    On page N3, another opposition member MDP’s head Wee Choo Keong gave his take under “Beware the daggers in DAP” and spoke of how DAP’s “potential leaders are marginalised, if not killed off politically” due to nepotism in DAP where “selfish and personal ambitions” were placed above principles and ideals for the people….[Ref Pg N3 of The Star Monday 18th ].

    On the very eve of general election, the DAP is now attacked not just by BN but by a fellow Oppositionist – MDP’s Wee – the very man that was parachuted in 1990s to contest the Bukit Bintang Constitutency over the head of loyalist, KC Cheah.

    You have a big problem. Please solve it.

  20. I believe both DAP and Po Kuan’s reputation is on the line here. Coming so close to the elections, it demonstrates a certain chink in the leadership of DAP, and at the same time shows a certain lack of moral responsibility on Po Kuan’s part. For what it is that Perak DAP can do to really make it difficult for her to carry out her work? Has she been backstabbed? If so, it is not circulated in the national rumour mill.

    It raises the question of whether Po Kuan is aware of her importance in Perak electoral politics. If she is, and she took it to the press stinging comments about Perak leadership, then it would seem like she is playing politics, and worse, the possibility that she has been “bought over”. I pray that this is not the case, and that fences can be mended. For a start, Perak leadership should give a full and frank account to national leadership of what is going on, and everyone have a sit down session with Po Kuan.

    We have to bear in mind that whatever it is, damage is done. Should Po Kuan now return to Batu Gajah, she may be accused of creating this drama. If she does not come back, Perak DAP may be punished by her supporters.

    Why on earth must this happen at this very critical time? Such is the rough and tumble of politics.

  21. Dear Po Kuan, pls continue to serve the people especially those from Johor. We in Johor also need a strong representative like you. Come to Bakri/Muar/Segamat/Sekijang/Labis to create another history. What r u afraid of after beating Ong Ka Chuan? For sure ur husband must encourage you to serve Johoreans. If you can’t even handle internal pressure, how can you handle external attacks that are more dangerous! This is the experience that every great leader must go through! Stand up! Po Kuan!!

  22. Dear YB, much as I hate to say it, you are right:

    You have failed and rightfully, should be accountable. If one cannot keep one’s house in order, I shudder to think how one may manage a country.

    What could possibly the best chance for the Opposition to wrest away seats from the ‘Bedebah Nasional’ now seems another exercise in futility. And you expect us, the rakyat to just vote blindly??

    I will still vote the opposition, not because you are better, but because BN is worse! And that, my dear YB, is a damning verdict of what I think of politicians these days!

  23. YB Lim,

    Please do more to retain YB Poh Kuan. We need more people like her and YB Lim to stand up for the people in Parliament. To quote YB Lim, it’s Time To Walk The Talk, not time for internal crisis. Thank you for reading.


  24. It was indeed a shocking news for news this Monday morning. YB Fong, regardless of any internal party bickering which I am sure that it has taken a toll on you, please be mindful that the entire BN machinery will capitalise on this episode to broadcast to the entire nation that DAP is a disunited party and should be rejected. This will cause DAP the precious votes it needs to get considering the timing of the announcement. The damage has been done but we should not give up to convince the rakyat that still the corrupt BN regime should be rejected at all cost.

    Enough is enough
    Time for change
    Deny BN 2/3 majority

  25. LKS, it’s sad to hear about FPK’s decision not to contest in the upcoming 12th GE.
    two things need to be done,
    1. there’s been too much of political in-fighting over the years. if party is serious about the rakyat’s welfare, plse stopped this immediately, irrespective of who’s who! I strongly urge you and your son to convince FPK to stay on in BG for the good of the locals whom she has grown to be part of them. also to be fair to the local rakyat who have grown to like her and supported her.
    2. FPK, plse, i urge you to reconsider your decision. there have been outpouring of public appeals for you to stay on. come what may be, stay on to fight whatever internal squabbles there may be. since the DAP leadership had informed that you’ll still be the candidate for BG, give it another try. you are needed by the rakyat to deny the BN its 2/3 majority

  26. Bakri/Muar/Segamat/Sekijang/Labis or Batu Gajah doesn’t matter.

    What matter mosts is Fong PK shouldn’t doubt Lim KS’s sincerity. He gave you a chance last election, again he is appealing you to re-consider. Should you stay, that’s more than enough to send a message to the Perak DAP leadership that you’re RELEVANT!

    Good luck!

  27. YB Fong, live up to your title of cili padi and don’t disappoint us. You owe it to us to perform, not to please anyone in the DAP by resigning. If the going gets tough, toughened up more! No pain no gain. If you give up now, you will see yourself ridicule by your very adversaries not only within DAP, but the laughing stocks which is the BN and the component parties alike. If you feel committed to the democratic righteous cause, rethink…………..you should look at the bigger pictures, beyond just Batu Gajah, but the plights of others in Malaysia as we are suffering now in PJ because of BN policies.

  28. Po Kuan is perceived as ‘fresh blood’ and ‘hopeful young female leader’ in politics. She should keep on fighting in politics. Malaysians will surely appreciate her contributions and efforts. Don’t give us impression that DAP cannot keep its house in order. Don’t give us impression that Po Kuan is not having a fighting spirit. Give us hope just like Barack Obama offers Americans a dream of hope. One of my most admired politicians is Lee Kuan Yew who fought in 1965 against powerful UMNO and MCA till Singapore was forced seperated from Malaysia. Look at his speechs in 1965, it is full of fighting spirit.

  29. I would like add to what I said earlier. I have just read Po Kuan’s blog that is being flooded with request to change her mind. Differences in opinions and choices are something you can never get rid of in any parties be it Opposition or BN. I believe YB LKS is still within reach to get Po Kuan change her mind despite her claim. It is very important, anything from now no matter how tiny it could be, BN and their media will play big on them to portray a bad picture. Star gave such a big coverage to Po Kuan statement, it did not end there, they have stories on insiders who came up with reasons to substantiate their claim. Do you think they will do if it involves BN? ALL THESE ARE VERY BAD AND WILL WORK AGAINST OPPOSITION IF NOT RECTIFIED AND WEE CHOO KEONG MADE IT WORST.

    In my comment I have requested Po Kuan to change her mind and I am going to ask all my friends to do the same. I request all who read this to do the same if you haven’t until we see 1000 or more. Truth is we have joined the battle to destroy the evil and we can’t afford to lose anyone on our side before the battle is over.

  30. It is an open secret that Chinese education background DAP leaders are always sidelined by those banana men who cannot speak and write their own mother tongue.

    Anyway, as a professional politician, Po Kuan shall not abuse general election to express her unhappness against Perak state DAP top leadership. There are better ways to resolve DAP internal strife and please don’t give opportunity to BN to tarnish the image of DAP and opposition parties.

    I appeal Po Kuan to withdraw her decision for the sake of country and party.


  31. She maybe put her new familiy life to first place afterall she already reach 35-year old. Time is running out for any girl at that age to have baby.

    She may not wanted to be first pregnant MP in Malaysia. :-)

  32. I say let her go. Personally I won’t ask her back. If she can’t handle DAP Perak, how can she handle UMNO? It’s just silly, at the stage she pulls this type of stunts. Let her go, even if she got reelected, I can see the next Lee Lam Thye in the making. Shame on her!

  33. I read from newspaper today about the Feng Shui master told that the BN will still win the 2/3 majority.
    I really hope that it is not true.BUT after YB Fong’s case, it looks like the possibility of what the Feng Shui master said. Very sad!
    Another case is the Sg Puyu & Bagan case, it will definately affect the vote.I really do not understand if DAP can place Karpal to contest in Bagan.

  34. “I read from newspaper today about the Feng Shui master told that the BN will still win the 2/3 majority.”

    Unfortunately it is true. I consulted an internationally acclaimed psychic who came out with the same view. Coincidence?? I don’t think so.

  35. Dear Mr Lim Sr & Mr Lim Jr,
    Please appreciate talent and thier voice in the party as what you request on bn. successive internal fighting would ruin party and would be destructive if it was start from the top leadership level.
    Cannon should only point out!

  36. DAP is not a military junta, everyone is free to make their choice to come and go. Come and serves the rakyat, go quietly if you had have enough, everyone know DAP is a tough place to survive. Join BN if you want to get rich!

  37. Let her go, she might have plans.

    A politician’s job, how to describe it? It is thankless. Get scolding for nothing. I was at Po Kuan’s age when offered to stand under BN. NO, I didn’t jump excited, instead I looked at what I wanted in life. I hated sleepless nights, hated long meetings, away from family. I hated (and still is) greeting people ‘datuk-datuk, tan sri, datuk sri..’ I didn’t have dreams of richness, big fat contracts etc.

    On the other hand, I had a job, not great but good job, and young family. I could say what I think fit and enjoyed the freedom of being an unknown. When I weighed one against the other, the choice was obvious.

    Now Po Kuan made her choice. Sad and disappointed you might be, respect it.

  38. Firstly, Po Kuan should not opt out even being marginalised by the main stream DAP leaders. The reason being : 1. U are a capable politician with ideals and principles. 2. U can retain the BG seats with your personal charisma which took 8 long years to cultivate. 3. U need not run away from the bunch of selfish leaders who look for personal glory. Instead u should continue 2 build up your grassroot foundation and network with other similar personalities within the party like Teng Chang Khim, Boo Cheng Hau etc to bot out the present leadership which deemed “soon to become irrelevant”. U should learn a lesson from Wee Choo Keong as he is struggling now without a party base.
    Dear LKS, as rakyat who have always supported opposition since attaining the eligible age of voting, i must say that i am very disappointed and frustrated with one man show policy adopted since the 70’s era till now even though i admire your conviction and contribution to the Malaysian at large. I know this comment will attract a lot of criticism from your loyal supporters. But i must say its time to change. Guan Eng should also realise younger generation is not as tolerant as the older generation. They are more result oriented and could not wait if the outcome is negative.
    May be i m wrong, but i m still believe a lot of good leaders being marginalsed within DAP for the obvious reason not being told. Take the case of Teng Chang Khim & Wong Swee Lim, the only 2 SA of Selangor are being sidelined for almost all state party function and even state committee. They are left to campaign and strive on their own efforts. On the other hand, Au Yong Ean Wah and Ronnie Liu, even totally lack of leadership charisma still being groomed to be state or even national leaders. Most frustrated being Fong Kui Lun, an MP being considered not relevant anymore by general public still retained as a candidate in BB. Please go to ground and hear if there is murmur that this chap is not up to the mark. These are examples of why the public are accusing DAP is practising cronism.
    Last but not least. may i extent my best wishes to DAP in the upcoming GE. Get the problems fixed without fear and favour, practice meritocracy and the outcome may be beyond your imagination. Thank you for long years of struggle for Malaysian.

  39. DAP may lose many Chinese educationists’ votes if Po Kuan incident is blown out and manipulated by MCA.

    Po Kuan already sent a strong signal to banana men in Perak and elsewhere, without the grassroot support of chinese educated ah pek and ah soh, banana men are irrelevant in Malaysian politics.

  40. Dear Po Kuan,
    I hope you read this. Did YB Lim Kit Siang really ‘direct’ to contest in another constituency or is this the work of enemies. Please search your heart. DAP and Malaysians need you in Parliament, need you as a MP. Please do not abandon ship now. Your conscience will haunt you for the rest of your life if you insist on stepping down.
    Even if YB LKS wants you to go elsewhere, You must be feel honoured. You have done enough for Batu Gajah, kindly take your ability and ‘service’ to another deprived area- to serve the voters there. Complete faith in you could probably been the reason, if there was any directive in the first place!

    YB Poh Kuan- please reconsider, don’t let your principles be aborted, for the enemies to exploit. Don’t let DAP down, Don’t let DAP members down, Don’t let Malaysian down. Please reconsider and it will the right decision you would ever make.

  41. YB Fong,

    I hope you can withdraw your announcement not to contest in the coming GE or quit DAP. Let bury the hatch and whatever past is past and consolidate for the sake of DAP and the people to deny the 2/3 majority. BN is taking chances now to publicise your non-seeking of nomination. We can’t let the idiot BN machinery to harp on this issue. Please reconsider and contest again.

    I am sure you are mature enough to forgive whoever have hurt you as GOD knows what you are doing. Everyone has been supporting you including the DAP leaders when you were condemned by the ‘madman’ from BN UMNO in the Parliament. Do withdraw your resignation and contest as YB Kit and SB Guan Eng had already sincerely offered you to contest in the same place.

    Wee Choo Keong – please stay away form condemning DAP, you mind your own business if you still want to contest in Bukit Bintang. Are you trying o be hero??

  42. Brother Kit,

    We need you to pull this together but only if you are well & healthy. Remember we can help to pull you up and lift your weight.

    YB Po Kuan, its a BIG dissapointment to see you leave (so much inspirations) after comparing you with my state DAP comrades won big in 2006 State. But its respected and may good fortune be with you

    Hidup DAP!

  43. It may sound unprofessional, but to leave a company or a party during the crucial time is a best weapon to teach them a hard lesson.

    I did tender my resignation when the company’s new project in a half-way. Why? Top management favoured a faction and all promotion opportunies went to this faction regardless other hardworking people. Besides, I was offered opportunity to return to company at anytime by MD.

    I had never change my quit decision from that company although that dominant faction head was appealing me to stay on and wanted to put me under his faction.

    It’s different with my personal case, Po Kuan shall change her mind for the public interest.

  44. Dissappointed with her for quiting esp at this time. This is the first time that I am feeling the opposition are going to do well in the coming election.We dont get much chances all this while. Let her go.A person who cant resolve their problems within shouldnt be pity or whatsoever.As far as I am concern she is not a good leader. A good leader doesnt quit. Really disappointed!!!!

  45. Po Kuan, the people of Batu Gajah wants you, DAP has no objections to you standing another term there as clearly stated here.

    Put aside any personal matters and do it for the Rakyat.

    That is the oath you took, to SERVE THE RAKYAT. Your job is not done yet …..

    However, if you choose to step down and make way for others, The Rakyat wishes you the best.

  46. Dear YB Lim,

    This morning I’m both happy and sad….happy because DAP and PKR have reached agreement to face BN one-to-one in all states in the Peninsula, hopefully same can be agreed upon for Sabah and Sarawak. Sad because of all the negativity surrounding YB Fong Po Kuan’s decision not to contest at all in the coming elections. The BN-controlled media is, as expected, blowing this issue out of proportion for its own advantage. I sincerely ask all parties concerned, especially YB Fong, to reconsider and make a decision based on the best interests of the Batu Gajah constituents, the party and party supporters. Let’s give BN a run for their money and retain Batu Gajah. As rightly pointed out, Ms. Fong has become a beacon of hope and the voice of the oppressed, both men and women, in parliament. Let’s not walk into BN’s traps so easily.

  47. I was with PKR public rally in Taman Bukit Anggerik yesterday. I was quite impressed with PKR manisfesto and the quality of their leaders. One of the speakers is DAP ex-adun in Pahang.

    Those Chinese cannot “tahan” some banana men in DAP shall consider to jump ship to PKR.

  48. Newspaper and tv reports are using Po Kuan’s announcement, Phee Boon Poh’s threat to withdraw and other ex-DAP MPs eg. Hu Sepang’s article & Wee Choo Kiong’s press statements to paint a the DAP as a house in turmoil. The negative vibes have shaken my resolve to vote DAP/opposition in GE12. Many of my friends feel the same way.

    Something is wrong with the DAP! Pls put your house in order before nominations get underway!

  49. Dear daniel,

    Just because of a little ‘tremble’ in DAP house your resolve to vote DAP/Opposition have been shaken??

    Do you really want a better Msia? Do you want to deny BN that 2/3 majority?

    If yes to the above two questions, may I suggest you see beyond this little ‘tremble’? Life are bound to have challenges. At the end of the day, lets vote for the Opposition symbol.

    The other alternative is to vote BN and go back to the status quo.

  50. NO need to praise FPK too much. She is responsible too for the present problem. She thinks she is bigger than party now, being popular with the people in general. Tell me who is she if she was not given the opportunity to stand in a DAP stronghold during the last two general elections. Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is final”. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.

    Of course many others too within Perak DAP have also harboured unrealistic ambition to stand in the coming election. They think it is a sure bet given that the government is less popular now. The selfish intent is so apparent.

    As I said earlier in this blog (I can’t remember where I put it), the quality and integrity of potential candidates are so important. Otherwise, no matter how hard we work, there is nothing to prevent some of them from crossing over to BN after the election. Please DAP. Please don’t just put up any donkey; chose a thorough breed, not a “dark-horse” even.

  51. It is not a question of Po Kuan’s indispensability or interest being more important than DAP’s interest. She has cultivated goodwill of Batu Gajah constituency. They want her. It is a safe DAP’s seat.

    So why, in these circumstances, parachute someone else into that constituency when that effectively means Po Guan sowed the seeds of goodwill and somebody else harvests the fruits – is that fair? The DAP rides itself that it proceeds on principles so how can this be the case? One can’t argue that it is DAP’s national strategy plan – how can this be compromised with popular Po Kuan remaining in Batu Gajah, a sure win for the DAP ?

    Its all politics, wanting to accommodate the DAP Perak chiefs (the Ngehs and Ngas).

    But politics and bickering for positions should not override principles of fair play for Po Kuan : why should she sow for others to harvest, tell me? And there’s nothing at national level or her performance in parliament to take away any credit from her. So why push her to this position?

    Whatever happened in Park the DAP top leadership cannot absolve itself from complicity or responsibility unless it wants to admit that it is “somnambulant” leadership like that of Badawi’s that is mocked at!

    It is important DAP’s leadership acts principled because otherwise we voters will ask what’s the difference if you kick the BN’s fellas out – its all the same, politics and jostling for positions without regard to fairness and equity. Isn’t this the issue?

  52. i couldnt believe it when i read one of the tough generals of the DAP is quiting. I’m not a DAP member but reading that is as shocking as it is. The theme of Check and Balance to the ruling government is well received by the rakyat and YB Fong along with other fearless stalwarts held such qualities. Retain her by all means Mr.Lim because she is not only an asset to your party..but also the asset to the rakyat also. Wish you blessings and luck…

  53. YB LKS, I am just a normal citizen with no political involvement, no parties. The poeple just want YB Foong Po Kuan to continue to serve us, we need her. I believe you have what it takes to resolve the differences internally. Please make her stay one way or another. I am from Batu Gajah, I am extremely sad and angry with the development. Please reolve it ASAP else DAP will most likely lose many Batu Gajah voters as emotions overrules their heads. The ball is now in your hand…..

  54. if anyone saw an opportunist lately he is probably wee choo keong of mdp, whose personal traits can be quite significant when it comes to adding salt to injury, who has he help if not only himself? at least lle lam thye was accepted to join bn, but wee is a cast away in malaysia politics who tries to reincarnate with a party called mdp, must be quite a place to be if yiu like back stabbing people.

  55. I hope all of you would agree that any bananaman or Chinese educated Ah Beng is better than the clowns from UMNO. Our country is going down the drain as we speak. Certainty FPK should understand that. Her “annoucement” had made the Perak MB laughing all the way going into the election. I hope that she would someday “grow up” and learn that how ridiculously silly about what she just did.

  56. Some readers here seem to be rattled by Poh’s resignation and wondering if they should vote for DAP?
    Please look at the larger picture, the larger interests. We are going for war and if you withdraw because another soldier stepped on your foot, how are you going to win the war. You too will lose the war.
    Anyone who rattles now is a weak fighter. Remember, our bigger enemy is BN. Puts aside small differences.
    As for Poh Kuan, I am not surprised as I have participated in seven general elections and such withdrawals have happened at every single general election. Despite all these I have sruck with the DAP and voted for it seven times.
    If DAP crumbles because of one Poh Kuan, then it is a weak party.
    Come on friends, look beyond Poh Kuan.
    I like her but I don’t like the way she went about her resigning in this manner on the eve of a great war.
    She says DAP is her family then why publicise your family problem to the world? Will you tell the press about your problem with your husband?

  57. Dear Uncle Kit,
    I am quite dissapointed with DAP’s inability to put its own hourse in order at these crucial moments. I can’t see the rational of transfering Fong to other constituencies as she has been such a vocal and well supported leader at Batu Gajah. DAP representatives for the up and coming general should put the people’s interest above their personal interest if they were to fight for a more democratic Malaysia. Should internal party bickering continue to rear its ugly head, DAP will pay a hefty price for it.
    I sincerely hope that Po Kuan will reconsider her decision. It was a long night yesterday. I recalled and kept thinking of what she said during the press conference. She must have undergone mind-boggling and self conflicting moments to make such a decision. It is a blow to not only to DAP but the entire nation. In particular, those who have been giving her the fullest support find it hard to accept the decision. They are let down in the run-up to the election day amidst hopes of yearning for fairness and democracy.
    Po Kuan, you are well supported and respected. I believe that you will be able to overcome the obstacles lying ahead with your determination to serve the people. Po Kuan, Parliament need you. Please reconsider your decision.
    I would like to appeal to all fellow Malaysians to give DAP their fullest support in the coming general election despite the hiccups. It’s the love for our nation that drives me to support DAP all this while.

  58. Libra2 – well said. I did the same with the party for the 5th time now. We shall overcome and we will make a difference. Looking at the bigger picture….it’s beyond the Poh Kuans, the Lam Thyes,…it’s about freedom and bringing about change. I am sticking on with the party, like I have always done

  59. A family will always have problems; but we do not quit from a family.
    Second, politics is service to the people, and being in a political party gives one the strength and courage to serve the rakyat.

    So forget about quitting, stand in Batu Gajah, and do not worry about the announcement (which BN carried so happily). Blood is always thicker then water.

    This election is very important to all Malaysians.

  60. Funny how we clamour for change and yet with the same stroke we seem to want to maintain the status quo.

    I’m referring to the ‘banana’ statement. So what if they are banana’s?? As long as they can represent the constituency, I care a damn if its a monkey with 5 tails!!..

    Geez..we are all so entrenched in the ‘Chinese can only take care of Chinese, Malays for Malays etc etc’ line of thinking. Seriously, forget a Malaysia for all if at the end of the day you still insist on practising race-based politics!

  61. you all ppl really believe MSM writings arr ??? if i’m MP for DAP, i oso quit lar, not because i hate DAP, in-fighting, bla bla, coz really cannot tahan being bullied in parliament. imagine being elected have to travel to kl to be jested, mocked and villified – can take it or not? and how confident that oppos can take > 33% parliament seats ?! as MP to serve rakyat, oppos has to play “hollier than thou” like saint, has to be hardworking to do study, collect statistic, ask question that instead of answered it gets being mocked! she oledi serve 2 terms, and she has been THERE oledi, so maybe it’s time to pass baton to others who has the stamina and energy to travel, be jested, mocked, scolded, vilified, and play saint!

  62. Libra2 – right. Let her go with our best wishes. DAP has no quarel with her and she has no quarel with DAP. If we don’t get too emotional over this, we get over it faster and our focus is on the election. She is a good MP, and it’s time to say goodbye. Don’t blame her for her action.

  63. Sir,
    It is sad :( and disappoint to see this scenario happened again and again in DAP during every elections.

    But what I do believe is admit mistake, take action and make necessary changes will be the ultimate way to success.

  64. Poh Kuan is one of the great fighters for justice and equality.

    Her decision will not affect the growing dissatisfaction with BN…leave her alone to sort out this matter with her family, leaders and party.

    The Mother of all flowers was found in China…going back 130 millions years.

  65. I believe that all of us wish her to stay fight for us… No matter how much reasons being given… still we will feel disappointed, unless we have her back in participation… She is really great for the pass few years and all of us saw it before…

    Although she already mentioned that her decision is final… but I still hope that we can create miracle…

    PS: Please come back at least for all of us… please consider to fight for all of us again… some internal conflicts might cos you feel sad… but still general public will sure touch your heart always, if you decided to come back for all of us…

  66. And what was BN Perak MB immediate reaction?
    “For me I cross the bridge when I come to the bridge. How do you know that she is not standing? Last minute, she might be standing there. So our preparation must be geared to the situation that she will be defending her seat”

    But from her announcement (see Video Clip) she was a determined angry woman out to settle some old score troubling her for years. Personally she cannot accept the fact that as the elected MP she has to take orders from State leaders – or for that matter anybody. Seen her in any demos or protest gatherings? Even if asked to contest elsewhere, she could have taken up the challenge and used her experience and reputation to win another DAP seat. She is too egoistic, larger than life and place her self above the party without realizing it is the DAP party that has given her a life as an MP and now to enjoy her pension. More details T

  67. Po Kuan;
    you are giving a Big ang pau to the Barisan Natiomal.
    Enough is Enough!
    DAP supports know your situation
    please reconsider your decision.
    Sdr LIM KIT SIANG and supporters of DAP will be very sad .

  68. Let’s be rational. Let the heat cool off. Everybody will then return to their good sense. It is no point of us pinpointing who is right and who is wrong as by nature everybody thinks they are right and the other is wrong. What is important is let’s consolidate and do not let the corrupted vultures a chance to take advantage of this scenario. Look at how they front page the story when all these while they have left DAP out of any news in their media.

    I am sure YB Poh Kuan will find its right balance again within the next few days as I remembered that she at one time also wanted to withdraw from politics because she couldn’t stand the barrage of attacks from BN and which also resulted in her from being suspended from Parliament for 6 months. As humans after every fall, we find our steps firmer and Poh Kuan is definitely getting firmer on her steps and since she has a long way to go, we must let her know that we need her firm steps to make Malaysia a better place for every Malaysians and not let the vultures roam fearlessly so much so even the corpses are not spared.

  69. I totally agree with you, ftem! History repeats itself and it is no surprise this can happen to DAP! Perhaps there is something wrong with the Feng Shui at DAP HQ? Just like what happened umpteen years ago to MCA where they engaged a Feng Shui Master and then put up two unicorns at the entrance of the HQ!

  70. If FPK still insists on quiting,nobody can do anything except to wish her well in her future especially now she is just married.But to choose this critical time to make the decision is really treacherous and unpardonable.A lot of people out there are speculating whether she is another LLT or another Datuk or Tan Sri holder soon.If she still loves the party,she should change her mind now.She must think of the bigger and more important picture:to topple BN 2/3 majority,to stop the incessant bullying on the minorities by the UMO gangs for the past 50 years,to end marginalisation of the non Malays etc.Do not be affected by this ‘tremor’ if nothing can be done to the FPK issue.Let it be.All voters be united behind the ‘BA’ and YB LKS to deny the 2/3 BN majority.

  71. YB

    I think the YB Fong case is BN propaganda machinery working overtime, thanks to our main stream media.

    As in any political party, jostling for position is normal. I.E. Obama vs Clinton (that’s call “party election”), our 2 BN Ministers in Perlis fighting the CM (that’s labelled as “in the hands of the PM”), MIC leaders not offering themselves as candidate (that’s written as “reinventing”), PPP fighting everyone else (that’s said as “negotiation”). But when it is from the opposition, FRONT PAGE = BOMB SHELL=PARTY IN DISARRAY etcs etcs.

    YB Fong certainly had won the trust + heart of many. If she can be persuaded to run again fine. If not we should respect her decision. Mind you, it is not EAZY BEING AN OPPOSITION MP IN MALAYSIA.

    MPs from DAP had crossed over many times, some capable, some opportunist. But for all this while, the party had stood by those who were sideline + bullied. The party’s history is more solid than any personality. I’ll back the party at this crucial moment, and hopefully any dispute will be overcome in the interest of the party + country.

    I had make my trip to DAP HQ in PJ to make my contribution. Had also volunteered my self to Damansara Utama, Kajang, Kepong + HQ to be an election worker……have you?

  72. As I have said earlier, PK should have known the consequences the very first day she joined DAP and “realizing” it now only makes everyone think she will be another LLT, soon to be conferred a Dato’ or Tan Sri! She should withdraw her “decision” and stand in BG in the coming election to prove her “innocence”. We have seen enough of dirty tactics – LLT and Wee Choo Keong are classic examples!!!!

  73. [It is an open secret that Chinese education background DAP leaders are always sidelined by those banana men who cannot speak and write their own mother tongue.]

    [Po Kuan already sent a strong signal to banana men in Perak and elsewhere, without the grassroot support of Chinese educated ah pek and ah soh, banana men are irrelevant in Malaysian politics]
    It is obvious that someone is using this blog to exploit situation by driving a wedge between the Chinese educated and the English educated members of DAP.
    By calling some DAP leaders “banana men” proves that you are not a friend of DAP. DAP needs leaders dedicated to the cause of justice, equality and freedom for all Malaysians. It doesn’t matter whether your education background is Chinese, English, Malay or Tamil.

  74. Since ‘The Star’ is so biased in its reporting,stop buying it.I have stopped reading the paper for quite some time and I will read it again if it adopts a fairer approach in reporting like ‘The Sun’.

  75. Gawwddd……just what the opposition needs now…….Ngeh guy better clean up this mess……or maybe put his sister who was an ex magistrate in Fong’s place…..she is pretty good tooo……but sought it out mannn….and fast……

  76. This is all BN,s properganda.. Head lines in all major papers ,just because of G.E, If not for G.E do you guys think that she will get this kind of publicity.

    We will read more of this kind of half truth in the BN control papers..Why dnt the papers write anything about, the bad blood that is flowing between BN compornent parties.The best one is about PPP ,asking their members not to vote for M.I.C. candidates

  77. Thats the trouble with young blood especially woman (am a woman too) that when they are in power, they think the whole world owe it to her! Uncle Lim, moves on and take good care. Rest whenever you can cos’ there is so much more to one FPK. Just a 2 time MP, she is already so big headed. Imagine if she is elected again?

    We can’t turn the clock backward for the damage she made. Carry on with your plan and the issue will die off. My family will continue to support DAP!

    To FPK, there may be tonnes of anger in you right now, but you will live with regrets till you wake up from your fantasy world.


  78. Yes, Poh Kuan, Malaysia needs you! Please reconsider your decision. As a Muarian, we would like you to come down south to contest in Bakri Muar (ex-Health Minister’s constituency) since you are now forming your new family here (hope I’m right). This will be a big threat to BN. I’m sure Muarian Ah Pek and Ah Soh will go all the way to make sure you would topple BN! I give my assurance I will take 1 week off my job to help you to campaign in Muar!

    Incidentally, I wish also to express my regret over your such shocking move. Really, it’s a big blow to both you and DAP! I really hope you would try your best to make it up.

  79. The timing of this is critical. However the DAP and the OPPOSITION is not about 1 person. If anybody for whatever reasons want to quit right now is the best time. Don’t reach the nomination time then quit, then the Opposition lose out a seat due to disqualification it would be worse!
    If YB Fong wants to quit, wants to give up the fight, wants to let down her supporters and let the BN male chauvinistic pigs who bully her for whatever reason then so be it.
    We must move ahead and ensure we do not lose Batu Gajah seat just because someone wants to quit at a time like this. Stop the incessant squabbling about why she wants to quit or what caused her to quit.
    We must unite in full force and VOTE FOR DAP! VOTE FOR PKR! VOTE FOR PAS!

  80. I strongly recommend that Sdr Thomas Su Keong Siong to be the ideal candidate for this seat, due to his dedication, being action oriented and sincerity …….bla bla ……. the Party decides to field Sdr Thomas as a candidate of Batu Gajah Parliamentary seat, I will personally assist him in the election campaign.

    so she mean if it’s not thomas, she will not help, just like betty vs kerk in kota melaka and the result to wong nai chee !! i thot she wants to follow her husband to johor instead ? whatever it is, if she thinks she’s indispensable, she’s damn wrong, just like an employee in MNC. it’s obvious that in oppos there will be NO job satisfaction since they will be deprived, low benefit, insulted, mocked, scolded, jested, vilified, ridiculed, just like a small kompany in globalization vs MNCs. if she doesn’t like it and feel oppressed, quit and join MNC (ala BN) instead!

  81. If FPK wants to quit for family reasons etc, there are much better ways of doing so. In addition, the timing could have been much better. I therefore have to summise that these are not the reasons.

    It is not just a matter of FPK not wanting to contest. What is more worrisome to me is the internal bickering and the inability of the party leaders to keep their own house in order. The leadership of the party has to take responsibility and be accountable. Period.

  82. One important factor to note: Both Senior and junior Lims through their statements clearly confirmed Fong Po Kuan is very much needed by DAP. This only shows they and others (majority) in DAP want her to remain active. I see this as positive and a form of strong endorsement of her services. This alone I believe can be good reasons for Po Kuan to reconsider her decision.
    Whatever reasons let it be as I am sure it can’t be bigger than the CHANGE we are talking about. And base on her post at her blog her heart is very much with DAP and its struggle and I’m damn sure she would not want to be seen responsible in anyway for DAP’s downfall.

  83. Reading through some of the comments make me laugh. Someone say he loss confidence with DAP. for having such infighting. One comment how can one run a nation if you cannot manage your own party. Let us keep our sasses and be mature and think.

    Now, infightings are everywhere “people are people”. Do you think that BN no infighting meh? I tell there is worst infighting in BN BUT all conceal by the media which they control. But. when it comes to opposition infighting it is being exploited by BN propaganda machine.

    Poh Kuan already leaves no room for negotiation when she says that her decision is final. Then we wish her the best in all her future undertaking.

    Maybe it is marital pressure as she is newly wedded; maybe she is a young lady in a hurry, maybe political pressure. We do not know. But she insinuates that it is party infightings and change of constitution, lah….. And her timing is just perfect and she must surely know the damaged it causes to the DAP election plan

    A young man I used to be but now I am old, I see a young lady that did not put party above self. I do hope that I am wrong but she may be a LLT or Wee in the making.

  84. kanthanboy Says:


    Some power crazy banana men in DAP are destroying DAP than anyone else.

    Why Lee Lam Tye and many other capable DAP men left DAP?

    I call it self-destructive, and don’t blame others for your failure.

  85. some ppl thot dap is “holier than thou – everybody in the party is saint”, and bn “is ok to have black sheep and corrupted”…… if i’m lks, i gulung tikar long long time and join bn, why suffer and drag along his son for dap sake. some ppl think dap=lim dynasty, if i’m lks son i would feel very terrible coz have to struggle for the party, have to play saint (no gamble, no bookie betting, no visiting spa, no kopi-o, etc), and masuk jail and isa for other ppl coz (are you stupid to do this, me cabut for me to do this). i would prefer to be kj, lky son, or ling son who can turn me billionaire by 28! .

  86. The decision should be left to Po Kuan; she is both adult and parliamentarian to boot. There may be many sides to the story, as some have speculated. Be that as it may, the fight must go on. Malaysians must remain focused on the Battle Royale and not be sidetracked by fringe differences and petty squabbles. Squabbles are an inevitable facet of life but life goes on & the larger battles of life must be waged. Distractions like broken nails must be filed and we must raise our shoulders to the wheel….PUSH, PUSH, PUSH.

    Malaysians must rally behind DAP and PKR to score a resounding victory against all the enormous odds; what with lack of funds and media coverage! We have to be resolute to spread the message of CHANGE by word of mouth and on foot.

    GO! GO! GO! We must win.

  87. i posted my comment this morning and it disappeared just an hour later. is my comment to harsh that someone up there can’t swallow that warrants it to be destroyed. if being so, what is the different U and ACA.
    Kudos to the editorial of this blog. but before that, let me assured u that i m 110% pro DAP and not an undercover for BN. however, i could not stand the top brass of DAP who are selfishness and indispensable attitude which will kill DAP sooner or later. we need fresh blood (old or young), new ideas but not dead woods and holier than thou leaders.
    Let’s be realistic, we need unity and meritocracy to survive and win the election. this what DAP always believe and preach. get rid of factionalism and cronies, the future of DAP will be bright.
    Lastly, let me thank Mr LKS for his long period of service and contribution to Malaysian at large.
    It’s time to face reality and don’t kill the golden opportunity to deny BN 2/3 majority.

  88. What has this got to do with the so called banana men? What’s so great about being chinese educated? Do you think that being chinese educated is more superior and China will take you back with open arms? Come on, You need english to survive in this competative world. Just look at singapore. without english singapore can never succeed.

  89. Just let her go! No need to persuade her to reconsider her decision.

    Why some of you people are being so stubborn? If she(FPK) had DAP in mind, she would not go to the press conference and blasted Perak DAP. Who she think she is? Above the party? She was being too impulsive.

    Let us stand from Perak DAP’s point of view. I am a member of DAP too. She had married to Johor. What’s wrong in asking someone like Nga Kor Ming(who’s more outspoken than FPK, mind you) to contest in Batu Gajah [i am assuming this is the likely reason for of this FPK issue]?

  90. To: Fong Po Kuan

    Having met you (introduced by Guan Eng) and spoken to you at the DAP PJ’s dinner on 1st November 2007, my family, friends and I know that you are made of better stuff – speaking without fear and favour. You have done a great job and are an asset to DAP, of which we are eternally grateful.

    Having party squabbles just before election is part and parcel of a democtratic process. Being effective and popular, you will attract unnecessary attention and jealousy to herself. As the Chinese proverb goes, “A tall tree attracts strong wind”

    My two cents worth of advice, “Po Kuan, the country needs you. Be strong. Be part of history – deny BN their 2/3rd majority. Just change it. Remember the success of person is not measured by the number of times he/she falls but the number of times he/she stands up after the fall”

    God bless

  91. Typo error

    Having party squabbles just before election is part and parcel of a democratic process. Being effective and popular, you will attract unnecessary attention and jealousy to yourself (herself). As the Chinese proverb goes, “A tall tree attracts strong wind”

  92. “Why Lee Lam Tye and many other capable DAP men left DAP?” malaysiatoday.com
    The reasons are:

    He is now Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

    He is now the Chairman of the National Service Council.

    He is now the Non Executive Director, Arab-Malaysian Corporation Berhad

    He is now the Non- Executive Director of Media Prima Berhad (Media Prima

    ps. I don’t mean FPK is like LLT. As a matter fact FPK is still a DAP member. I’m not judging her intention.

  93. Oh, woe is me!!

    Whenever I have my meals, I must have my cili padi.

    But now I hear Ms Cili Padi is not going to tanding. Oh woe, how can I ever enjoy my meals again?? Things are just not going to be the same anymore without you, Ms Cili Padi.

    You have stood firm and conquered Kinbatangan. You have put Jerai to shame. What more, the one-eyed jack.

    By why, Cili Padi, why? Is it because of Ngeh and Ngah? Surely these two are no match for you, my Cili Padi.

    Oh, please, please, please, my Cili Padi.

    Please reconsider. There are bigger issues involved. More mountains to overcome and we need you.

    You are Batu Gajah.

    I dedicate these to you :



  94. pohwatchdog Says:

    Today at 08: 39.24 (8 hours ago)
    What so great about YB Fong Po Kuan? Let her go…. noone is indispensable. One flower gone ….another millions come.


  95. I am not sure whether YB Fong is reading all the comments at this blog and her own blog. Will the moderator please call YB Fong to read all the comments and come out with a posting at her blog.

    YB Fong,

    If you are reading all the comments, you will see that 99% are very strongly against what you are doing.

    For the sake of the country and the rakyat call Malaysians, please cool down and reconsider your decision. Give the racist islamic state umno a big kick in their asses.

    Your decision had given the racist islamic state umno the biggest ammunition that they needed.

    I had beg, plead and even willing to kneel down to you to change your mind.

    As time is not there for us to drag on this matter, would you please make an announcement here or at your blog so that we can move on.

    Whatever your decision after reading all the comments, we will have to accept it. We hope that you will give us a very positive answer.

    May GOD Bless You.

    Fellow Malaysian
    Although this is an ugly episode, let us not be distracted but continue with our support for the oppositions to teach the racist islamic umno a lesson that they will never forget.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  96. seems to me from lim statement FPK should stay at BG, but probably she wants changed to johor to be with her husband, just maybe. or she cannot tahan in-fighting in perak dap and the leadership style overthere. anyway, if her decision is final, this is it. but some overzealous voters and opportunists want to exploit this to bring down DAP in BG/Perak, just like betty vs kerk vs wong nai chee in kota melaka.

  97. The harsh reality in Malaysia – it is never easy to be an opposition politician.

    If you want reward, $$, and title, just sacrifice your principles and conscience, and become a BN politician.

    Just look at “Mr. Opposition” Tan Chee Khoon ‘s son. He decided not to follow his father’s footstep. He became a BN politician and his smooth-sailing path is so different from that of his late father.

    Just look at LLT and many others.

    Politicians are humans and mortals too.

  98. It is most disheartening to read the negative comments that have appeared over Fong Po Kuan’s desertion of the party that for the past 8 years she professed to love and to represent. Most of the commenters do not understand the intricacies and complexities of the field of politics and take things at face value and thus have erroneous opinions of the situation.
    Just ask yourself a simple question. How much does Po Kuan love the party to deal it such a body blow? Over the years has Uncle Lim not served the party selflessly? Does he deserve such a stab in the back at this critical hour? In spite of his back pain, he has to rush up and down the country trying to get things organised and sacrifice his sleep also. A lesser man would have given up if he was ask to “swallow a dead cat” as in this case.
    I fully appreciate and am thankful to the great leaders of the DAP who have all these years trudged the thousand of kilometres, many hours and days of suffering to represent us. All because we do not know and many of us who do not dare to face the difficulties. I salute leaders like YB Lim and his family members, YB Karpal Singh and many others. I was at the PJ open house yesterday and had the privilege to shake the hand of Dr. Chen Man Hin, such a steadfast and humble man. Such are the types of leaders we need in the DAP, people who will stick with the party through thick and thin. In politics,inevitably you will meet with differences of opinion at all times. If you are a committed party member, you do not wash dirty linen in public. What more in this case, you call a press conference in front of the national TV and press and present the BN with a million dollar present and deal a body blow to your comrades. Search your conscience, Po Kuan. Did you not betray your friends?
    I have full confidence in the leadership of YB Lim Kit Siang and his team. I implore you all to do the same and let us get on with the battle that is looming ahead. This time round, WE MUST WIN & WE WILL WIN. Long live the DAP

  99. DAP needs to show more sincerity in persuading Fong Po Kuan to return to Batu Gajah. One blog post is not enough. Where are all the other DAP leaders? We as opposition supporters or BN haters will be very disheartened if Fong Po Kuan is allowed to leave in such a bitter note.

    Why must DAP allow the stupid BN media to capitalise on such issues at a time when public impression matters most?


  100. From the little we know of her fighting spirit, I do not think the decision was easy. She must have gone through a lot of soul searching before arriving at the decision.

    Having said that, the infighting must also have been really bad and to allow this to deteriorate to this stage, I am sorry to say the top DAP leaders must be held responsible for not having stopped it earlier. For it to happen just before the GE, the fallout is not just the BG seat. The damage is to the whole party especially someone of FPK’s stature. The general public will view this as a serious failure of the DAP because if it cannot even control the infighting among its own members, how is it going to stand up against the BN?

    Those that help precipitate this disastrous episode must be reminded that Batu Gajah is not a shoo in for the DAP. Much of the electoral success is due in no small part to the high esteem FPK enjoys from among the voters. The next DAP candidate may not enjoy the same support. Unlike the BN candidates, where voters vote them because of the party, for the DAP, it has much to do with the individual candidate. Those that has vested interest in forcing her out for personal gain should be condemned for betraying the peoples’ trust and be relegated to the political scrapyard permanently.

    As for FPK, inasmuch I respect and understand your feelings and frustration, I also feel you should have spared a thought for the massive damage done to the party and Opposition with this move, not to mention destroying the hopes of many people who thought they finally saw some light in this GE to deny BN the two third majority in a long, long time. Surely this infighting is not an overnight problem and if indeed you had felt so strongly about quitting, you should have done it long before the announcement of Parliament dissolving.

    Anyway, the damage has been done. I hope the DAP leadership can salvage whatever is left.

  101. YB FPK

    On one hand I want to give you a motherly hug and tell you to pull yourself together and be the cilipadi that you are reputed to be. I wish to think that you must be facing stress that has overwhelmed you and need a little rest.
    On the other hand, I wish to wag you and tell you girl, dont be so sensitive, think of the rakyat, the oppressed, the neglected, the marginalised who cant get out of their sorry state without help from fortunate people like you who has God-given brains and money to get an education!
    Plse, I think you still have the fire burning! If being a politician is as smooth-sailing as we wish it to be, there would be an abundance of them!
    Now when the iron is hot, dont abandon ship for you may regret it later..what are you going to tell your children, grand children, great grand children when they read about this episode sometime to come? ” Mommy, POPO/ Ah Mah was angry with……….so I quit lah!!”
    Come on girl! berkhidmat untuk negara and the whole nation will love you for that till posterity…
    -A little advice from a pensioner who is also a cilipadi in my own way..

  102. Po Kuan should stay because she represent the new generation.

    Po Kuan should stay because there are so few female candidates around!

    Po Kuan should stay as she serve Batu Gajah and Parliament well!

  103. ///The general public will view this as a serious failure of the DAP because if it cannot even control the infighting among its own members, how is it going to stand up against the BN?///– Cinapek

    BN can easily control its members because they were all waiting for goodies, and they cannot afford to have their differences surfaced. The oppositions are a group of people of the willing, against the same enemy, but with very different outlook, and freedom; they are not there to share the spoils. DAP therefore cannot exercise the type of control BN could.

    Fong Po Kuan has decided to quit, and she is not going to work against the interest of DAP in Batu Gajah. Yes, she has shown herself to be a capable MP, and she would be welcomed had she decided to offer to stand again. But if she had decided that to quit the contest was the best solution, for her at least, we should respect her choice.

    Quite obviously her adversiary are also members of DAP. Now that Fong has left, it is hoped that the next candidate would receive support form the people, and make BN lose its seat there.

  104. As I said earlier,it was treacherous and unpardonable for FPK to let off this bombshell at this critical time.Her action deeply hurts and aches the hearts of many a DAP supporters.Whatever infighting (if there is) should not have propelled her to take such a drastic action.As opposition politician,she should place party interest above anything else.I think she is too impulsive and immature.Her action has caused irreparable damage to DAP and the opposition.It is especially so when the MSM is biased and controlled by the 50 year old ‘DEVIL’.We hope she is not another LLT,waiting to be showered with wealth,position,title and what not.Anyway,time will reveal the truth.Meanwhile,all voters should cast your votes for DAP.PKR and PAS to deny 2/3 majority of the 50 year old political monster.

  105. kanthanboy Says:

    Today at 16: 32.20 (2 hours ago)
    “Why Lee Lam Tye and many other capable DAP men left DAP?” malaysiatoday.com
    The reasons are:

    He is now Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye


    Money is only factor changing Lee Lam Thye?

    Lee was a respectful politician when he was with opposition. As a matter of principle, he is still not joining any political party to fight back DAP.

    Although he is aligned with BN, he has contributed a lot to society and nation than a bunch of “commentators”. With BN itself is not a sin or guilty.

    DAP has to be more “democratic” to accept dissenting views in the party. Many of DAP leaders still do not understand democratic spirit.

  106. Surprised by Po Kuan’s reaction (or over-reaction). No matter how bitter, leaders must learn to keep emotion in check and always put the best interest of the greater good first and foremost. Knowingly or unknowingly … she has given the enemy weapon and ammunition to shoot and kill her own friends and family ….

    Washing dirty linen in public … everybody will stand to lose …

  107. P.O.T.S Says:

    Today at 18: 11.48 (46 minutes ago)
    DAP needs to show more sincerity in persuading Fong Po Kuan to return to Batu Gajah. One blog post is not enough. Where are all the other DAP leaders? We as opposition supporters or BN haters will be very disheartened if Fong Po Kuan is allowed to leave in such a bitter note.

    Why must DAP allow the stupid BN media to capitalise on such issues at a time when public impression matters most?



    I remembered she used same tactic in last GE in saying no contest.

    She already made those “small guys” in Perak DAP knew that don’t simply bully a little woman.

    It’s time for her to recall her “final” decision and work hard to deny BN 2/3. At least BN controlled media have given her a free coverage, she already won the political game to defeat “DAP small guys” judging from many responses in internet.

  108. Bro Kit,
    You will need lots of luck & prayers. We hope you keep well especially in this trying time.
    As for Po Kuan, for someone who says the DAP is a 2nd Family to her, she sure chose a good time to quit!
    It’s stuff like this that will make the “Fence Sitters” decide who to vote for (or not to).
    The DAP needs to sort this out. The DPM has alreday started “shooting” at her so-called 2nd Family!

  109. Mr Lim Kit Siang, you should use all your political skills to convince YB Po Kuan to continue the journey and not back out at the last minutes. The soldiers are preparing for the final action , day and night staying away from home to fight the enemy and we need every able bodied leader to boost the moral. The departure of YB Po Kuan shall demoralise our grassroot support and handover the victory to Ong Ka Chuan.

    YB Po Kuan, you are a leader representing the people and be brave to face the challenges as people are solidly behind you. This is a leadership process and you have to face the enemy from within and outside but show them you are made of steel. Stay to fight the battle and serve the people who put their hope in you. Who will benefit when you leave and it is not DAP but Barisan.

    Pray that you will change your mind.

  110. hopefully,she is not on the same track as with the lee nam tye guy years back!!i’ve never addressed that guy as a tan sri till todate…!!i hav been calling him a jerk since the day he sold his soul n principle…anyway,i’m a nonpartisan!!

  111. I subscribe to the notion that there is no smoke without fire. Whatever happened to force MP Fong’s hand I know not for sure but definitely malaysiakini had carried am article of her been squeezed out of Batu Gajah a few days earlier.
    Will she reconsider to put back some faith in the current DAP leadership?

  112. Many unfair and unnecessary comments are made on Fong Po Kuan. Stop it.

    Lets look at all the bright smart people commenting on her, calling her arrogant, weak, insensitive, failure to sacrifice – what else? Are you Po Kuan? Which one of you leave university with a LLB and sacrificed the prospect of chambering and called to the bar? Which one of you sacrifice youthfulness and marriage and entered politics? Which one of you had done MORE for this nation than her?

    I can understand if you express regrets and sadness, but to brand her with all sorts of label, isn’t that unfair? What had she done to deserve all your scolding? And all the older uncles and aunties, you have 24 yr old sons or daughter, give him/her to politics. And you, young men/women, join DAP now.

  113. I went to read the press statement by Poh Kuan. Sounds to me she has never or not successful in expressing her goal or wish for herself to DAP leaders. She must have some BIG plan for DAP but it was not been looked into by DAP decision makers. Thus the result is DAP leadership is planning something else, unaware of Poh Kuan’s wish, to battle the 12th GE, and this decision has hurt Poh Kuan.

    Poh Kuan should realize not all leaders are born to read mind. She should make her intention clear to DAP leaderships, such as the press statement she made about her resignation. If she has problem, she should talk to boss; not to keep in the heart and explode it during critical time.

    All DAP members must lend a hand to Poh Kuan and welcome her back to the mothership. It is a growing pain and we must give opportunity and patience to her.

  114. “oknyua Says:

    “Today at 20: 49.13 (14 minutes ago)

    “Many unfair and unnecessary comments are made on Fong Po Kuan. Stop it.”

    oknyua is right. Stop all derogatory, hurting and unfounded allegations against Po Kuan for I can vouch for her sincerity and dedication although I cannot agree with what she has done.

    I still hope Po Kuan can heed the party and public pleas for her to reconsider and return to the frontline of the DAP battle in the 12th general election.

    Nothing will give the ordinary Malaysians greater satisfaction and hope or the Barisan Nasional leaders greater trepidation and fear than for Po Kuan to again contest in the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat come Nomination Day on 24th February 2008.

  115. Just two minutes ago on prime time news, RTM1 cunningly sowed seeds of doubt about the DAP leadership and the exit of YB Fong, through crafty words. I could sense the glee behind the words – gleeful about DAP’s current BG issue. DAP supporters, do not doubt the DAP leadership at this crucial time. To err is human – we need to have big hearts to weather misunderstanding, unkind words spoken hastily amongst party members. Suspend judgement, keep a cool head – many a disaster is turned to triumph when patience and forgiveness is given more room than criticism. WE NEED TO BE UNITED – to see history change for this nation. Dear people – Go to the polls and change history.

  116. Juat_True,

    Yup, DPM actually labelled Po Kuan a “Ahli Parlimen Yang Berkaliber”, now that she has decided not to contest. You could see how he was anjoying the moment!

    Po Kuan,

    Come back & give the BN a “good slap” in the face!

  117. Stop blaming YB Kit and Guan Eng on this issue as they have never said want transfer Fong out. Am sad with some accusation by some bloggers here. Do you know many of MCA MPs and SAs have been dropped too and this was not highlighted in the press.

    My support for DAP will not change unlike some bloggers here so confused with the BN propaganda blowing out Fong’s case.

    You are still relevant- DAP! Together we will deny BN 2/3 majority!!

  118. I hope the opposition politicians do not make any negative announcement during this period. Whoever wants to step down should do it after the election, party comes first. As we know the local media is control by BN which is like hungry ghost also look out for any negative news about opposition and publish it big. I know that MCA has its internal problems but little we know from the media.

  119. YB FongPK,please reconsider your decision.Your decision to contest again in BG will tear down the ugly faces of the UMo leaders.DAP is the party that can bring back justice and progress to the country.A lot of people are behind the party and their support is unwavering and is growing even stronger now.

  120. DarkJustice,like you said it! We are all behind YB LKS, DAP, PKR and PAS! We need to be united. Seeing how FPK’s resignation is used by Media is laughable!
    BN component parties also have squabbles like MIC with the recent problem of Batu Caves seat. Did they highlight it like FPK’s resignation?
    I say, drop the FPK resignation issue. She wants to resign, wants to give up her constituents, wants to give in to BN pressure and bullying, want to be a loser,let her be. God prove me wrong.
    We will continue to be United no matter what 1 person wants to do as the battle of the Rakyat and the Opposition is bigger than this 1 person.

    We shall Vote DAP! Vote PKR! Vote PAS!
    Vote BN out of the parliament!

  121. Yes, Kit is right, ” Stop all derogatory, hurting and unfounded allegations against Po Kuan for I can vouch for her sincerity and dedication although I cannot agree with what she has done.”

    How many female MPs can fight like Po Kuan did in Parliament?
    How many Malaysians have sacrificed like what Po Kuan has done in her life so far?
    How many people in Malaysia can stand those stupid idiot SOB UMO and gangs abuses at Parliament?

    Po Kuan must not quit!
    Malaysia needs you more than ever!

  122. It is very normal to have problems while we are actively fighting for our Rights, unless you are like the corrupted BN who are Nato and Sleepy one ! However crisis always gives rise to opportunity, it is important now for DAP to show the Rakyat you got the Wisdom to solve all the problems !

    You can do it !

  123. ‘On the one hand I want to give you a motherly hug and tell you to pull yourself together and be the cilipadi that you are reputed to be.I wish to think that you must be facing stress that has overwhelmed you and need a little rest.
    On the other hand , I wish to wag you and tell you girl don’t be so sensitive, think of the rakyat, the oppressed,the neglected, the marginalised who can’t get out of their sorry state without help from fortunate people like you who has God-given brains and money to get an education.’. Celia.
    Great sensibilities only a woman is blessed with, is displayed by Celia and I reckon this should be the best tonic for FPK if she takes heed of what Celia says.
    Good on you Oknyua for telling all others who are making unfair comments on Fong Po Kuan to stop it.Just leave it to Uncle Kit to get this problem sorted out.

  124. Lets look at the big picture.Po Kuan did a wonderful job when she was an MP.If she want to quit now,I think all her supporters in Batu Gajah should give her a farewell dinner and wish her all the best.
    There are a few more people like her who are waiting to be discovered.He or she can be a rough diamond waiting to be polished.
    The next person who take her place has a very big shoe to fit.

  125. Fully agree with cinapek that to certain extent, the DAP top leaders should be held responsible for the situation. I believe the problem must have been brewing for quite a while until so much so that FPK arrived at the point of no return and made such decision. Like the Chinese saying “3 feet of ice was not caused by a day’s blizzard” the top leaders would have sensed the problem and foresee it will give rise to grave consequences if without early intervention.

    Much have been said and I think it’s not the time to witch hunt now, I hope all concerned can put in their concerted effort to salvage the situation. There is still a ray of hope.

  126. Lim, take a good rest no matter how busy you are.

    Fong, do not give up. life is full of disappointing but just depend on you how do you see and handle it. come on, lot of people support and back you up.

  127. alaneth Says:

    Today at 20: 43.27 (2 hours ago)
    Whether Poh Kuan is in Batu Gajah or not – I think the votes will be wise – they will still & always vote DAP!


    You are ignorant about Malaysia grass-roots politics. Armchair politicians will think like you.

  128. Dear YB Lim Kit Siang,

    YB FPK is an asset to DAP. Why is there a lukewarm response to get her to stand in BG? She has done very well, in the past. Is she a trojan horse? If not, is there an under current to move her out cos she is getting more popular and attention?

    Personally, if you are not a trojan horse, which I don’t think you are. Stand up, YB Fong Po Kuan, fight for your rightful place!

    Stand as DAP, MP for Batu Gajah. We need you in Parliment, YB.

    Please reconsider.

  129. Now I have seen everything! The opposition is no different from BN! UMNO (United Malays National Organization – better known as Uniting Malays National Organization) had so many rounds of internal fights, MCA too was no better and they had the guts to hold hands and sing “Tuan Jie Jiu Shi Li Liang” (Unity is Strength) at every one of its functions! Such hypocrites!!!!! At this crucial hour, shouldn’t the party be united and have its guns facing the enemy, but look at what happened? Guns are facing inwards and firing among members from the same party! I think before the GE, corpses will be lying at its HQ!

  130. YB Fong,
    Malaysia still needs You and Your service to All to
    deny BN 2/3 majority!!

    We beg You to stay at this crucial period. Think of
    the Malaysia public first before making such drastic
    decision to quit.

    You are our SOUL to Democracy and Rightfulness and
    we still need You. You are a very outstanding YB and
    we Malaysians give You 100% full support to back You
    up to contest at Batu Gajah. We strongly denounce all
    those who want you to quit BG!! We condamn such

    We want You as our Batu Gajah MP!!! For goodness
    sake, please stay and serve us…! Thank you.

    Please cheer up and remain our beloved Batu Gajah MP!!

  131. i don’t mind if she decline for the nomination as she might fed up sitting in parlimen without any positive cause (all proposals are vilified, jested and ridiculed). i don’t mind if she decline because they are some candidates/grassroots are sux (do you think DAP members are all saint, high EQ!). but the worse thing is that she only lend support “only” her recommended nominee. and her message reverberating all BG not to vote DAP due to internal strife phrase. why can’t she be gracious for the sake of DAP she married for 8 years…….

  132. malaysiatoday.com : Fully agree with you!

    melurian : Because it’s the people that she’s been “married” for 8 years is trying to oust her. I think DAP will not be able to field the 2 candidates now that the news have been publicized. They stand a higher chance to lose than win.

  133. FPK sacrifices for 8 years? Sacrifice her LLB or whatever? Sacrifice her personal time and whatever for the people before? Sorry, folks, I bet to differ here. The perk and pension after 2 terms as MP DOES compensate some of her so-called “Sacrifices” which I think she has herself to be blamed for “sacrificing” her previous “sacrificesx8”.
    My fellow war mate, please let her go, let her go, please! Stop glorify her from now on, she is so arrogant and thinking of herself as great and indispensable, the very fact of “My Decision is Final” and press conference in National TV at THIS hour shown she is the worst kind of arrogant and it is DESIGN to feed bullets to Bee End, it could be a well-planned occasion for her to inflict maximum pain to DAP, us and suffered-rakyat. I will the last to surprise if some time down the road, she join the so-called “great” guy like LLT. Corrupt BN people maybe behind this as well, in politic, you won’t know what’s behind the scene, or else, it won’t be call “behind the scene” (read: Lingam gate in 2002!).
    I am a DAP member in KV and will vote DAP or BA, come what may, not the so-call BN cybertrooper.

  134. Several thousand multiracial rakyat attended Anwar’s public rally yesterday in Taman Bkt Anggerik. The mood is great for opposition to teach BN a lesson in this election.

    I hope Po Kuan can put aside her internal strife for the sake of a better Malaysia. You have kick the ass of Perak DAP state top leader hard. By now they have learned a lesson don’t steal your harvest and also don’t against the voters.

  135. OldManoftheSea Says:

    Yesterday at 14: 20.13
    Reading through some of the comments make me laugh. Someone say he loss confidence with DAP. for having such infighting. One comment how can one run a nation if you cannot manage your own party. Let us keep our sasses and be mature and think.

    Now, infightings are everywhere “people are people”. Do you think that BN no infighting meh? I tell there is worst infighting in BN BUT all conceal by the media which they control. But. when it comes to opposition infighting it is being exploited by BN propaganda machine.

    Poh Kuan already leaves no room for negotiation when she says that her decision is final. Then we wish her the best in all her future undertaking.


    If this is a laughing matter, I will gladly laugh along with you. :)

    Sure there is in-fighting within BN but with all due respect this is no justification for what is happening between DAP and FPK. Leadership of the party has to ensure that there is a united front even though there is disagreement within the party. Disagreements may actually be good, IMHO, as they often lead to better decisions. However, I would not categorize this disagreement as a healthy one.

    The opposition cannot be as good or as bad as BN. It has to be better.

    The fact this matter caught the DAP leadership by surprise is as good as or as bad as Badawi saying “I don’t know”. Not good enough, I am afraid.

  136. Fully agree with DAPismyparty, if FPK can publicly declare on BN TV that she’s not going to defend her constituency, the timing and the motives are rife with suspicion.
    Every general election there must be some sad soul who wants to back down at the crucial moments to portray a weak opposition.
    The BN TV never fails to try capitalize on the situation, the BN regime will praise the loser and this situation is hoped will throw the support of the Rakyat to the BN.This dirty tactic seems to work all the time that the BN uses it to try and win some votes from the Rakyat. Shame on the pawn of the corrupt BN.

    However this time round, I am confident that the Rakyat has had enough with this old trick.
    The fight is not about this one person and DAP has got many many capable people to fill in this 1 gap.
    We as the Rakyat must move along and forget this 1 loser and give our undivided votes to DAP,PKR and PAS!

    On to 8-3-2008! We shall deny BN their sacred 2/3 majority, we shall throw them down from their lofty palaces. We shall win!

  137. Fong Poh Kuan,

    You should know that to be one of the top leaders is not an easy task. Not everybody will have to like you or hero worship you like an idol. There will always be lots of tongue waggings, unfound rumours, internal conflicts, back stabbings, etc, just like working in a big MNC.

    I use to hear the chinese saying : Warrior Chao Chao (baddie) has his set of best friends, and General Kuan (righteous Kuan Kong) also has his problems with enemies.

    You just got to be terra firma against all adversities and soon it will all prevail.

    Grow up girl, I am sure you can make it there.

  138. “…With BN itself is not a sin or guilty…” malaysiatoday.com
    If you are sharing a bed with a bunch of thieves, it is OK to do anything to cari makan provided you toe the line and don’t rock the boat. You will also look like them and sound like them.

  139. I am equally upset on the entire episode coincidently timed so close to the GE.

    I’m sure FPK has her reasons … either politically motivated or not… only she will know and for us to find out in the near future. Let us not speculate further and distract from our Malaysia for Malaysian objective and focus on the real issue i.e. put more opposition voice at federal and state level to gertak bn to be more sincere in managing our (tax-payers’) money or better still form a new united government to serve us better.

    We are all Malaysians and we deserve better governance.

    For opposition members and supporters … keep up the good work and pls pls refrain from destroying our dream for a better Malaysia with negative comments which can (and are) be manipulated by BN media. All your sacrifices and conviction to the Malaysian society for decades will come to nothing or compromised if members & supporters continued sending perceived negative feedback to our fellow Malaysian fence-sitters.

    For FPK, our society needs more young leaders with your attributes and qualities to serve. If you are able to resolve your concerns b4 nomination time pls stand up again for Malaysia and continue as our rep in parliment. If not, pls consider to publicly support yr successor (whoever selected by the party) in the GE and remain steadfast in your believe for a better Malaysia.

    I would hope that when I woke in the early morning of March 9, BN is the opposition.

  140. Re: Po Kuan

    “Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is final”. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.” limkamput

    I do not think this is the way to show a party stalwart our appreciation for the years of service to the Party. She has shown leadership, courage and selfless dedication and loyalty – more than many would or could dream of doing. She has the confidence of the DAP leadership including that of YB Kit.

    Whatever is troubling her, finally the choice is hers to make. You should not disparage her for her choice. Who are you to judge her?

    There are 230 postings and expressions of support for her on her blog, and climbing : http://pokuan.blogsome.com/

    Of the many expressions of support for her, there is one that strikes me –

    “You may not have noticed but you gave hope to others where they have no hope and dreams to many who may not have dreamed.

    I believe you are where you are because you have an ideal and passion for the weak and downtrodden. Now more than ever, people that have no voice desperately seek those that have them in mind, heart and soul to speak for them and bring about differences. “

  141. Badak is right. We should thank Po Kuan for the 8 years she gave the Rakyat. How many of us can claim to have done the same (very, very few)? We have no right to disparage her. All the best Po Kuan but please change your mind, come back & as I said before give the “BN a slap in the face”!
    We should wish her all the best. I am sure she will help / support the candidate who will take her place in this next GE.The BN is LAUGHING at the Opposition & especially the DAP now.
    Let’s not be distracted from our GOAL which is to deny the BN a 2/3rds majority or even better, vote them out!

  142. YB Fong Poh Kuan,
    I was devastated to know that you withdrawing from BG Parliament Seat.Last Friday I was at DAP ceramah in Pusing sitting right infront of the mike listening to your thunderous speech and Comrade LKS ended the ceramah with his speech, at the end I went up to him and introduced myself.On Sunday, I went to BG Chinese Tokong for ceramah, to my dismay,there was no ceramah, only screen shows going on. Later I came to know that there was an urgent DAP mtg in KL.Anyway,YB Fong dont bother about a few guys in Perak DAP, we are in the hundreds of thousands behind you. You had served BG for 2 terms and you know each and every corner of BG and also the problems faced by the Rakyat.What is the idea of fielding a newcomer where he/she had to start all over again.THEREFORE I HOPE YOU STAND FOR BG AND WILL THE SUPREME COMMANDERS OF DAP SOLVE THIS PROBLEM ASAP, WE DONT WANT TO BE A LAUGHING STOCK TO BN WHICH IS HAPPENING NOW.

  143. kanthanboy Says:

    Today at 02: 32.46 (8 hours ago)
    “…With BN itself is not a sin or guilty…” malaysiatoday.com
    If you are sharing a bed with a bunch of thieves, it is OK to do anything to cari makan provided you toe the line and don’t rock the boat. You will also look like them and sound like them


    People must joining opposition to look like saint?

    Don’t be childish to stereotype people not in your camp?

    99.99% BN people like opposition ppl have no chance to be corrupted.

    Some opposition leaders would be as corrupted as some BN leaders IF they can acess to same resources. This is a part of human nature.

  144. By saying her decision is final, PK is closing her doors for further negotiations. Was she a victim of “buying out” by BN? Otherwise, why is not possible for negotiations? I remembered the same situation during the times of LLT when he was a “strongman” in DAP. At this eleventh hour just before the GE, such action by any candidate for any political party can be very serious and PK should have known it.

  145. YB Po Kuan, the final day is approaching fast and you are one of the icon that could bring changes to the people,community,DAP and the country. The young and old are with you, please change your mind and say ‘ YES’.
    We know you will not let us down. Your presence will add fear in the heart of the Ong Brothers ( Ka Ting and Ka Chuan) . Be with us to fight the battle and come victorious on 8th March 08.

  146. Rumour has it that she was bought over by BN.

    I was devastated by the rumour because I voted for her in two previous GE. If the rumour is confirmed, I will consider not voting for anybody anymore in the coming GE.

  147. “99.99% BN people like opposition ppl have no chance to be corrupted.” malaysiatoday.com
    Wow! BN government is 99.99% cleared of corruption. No wonder most cases of reported corruption are closed without investigation. Malaysia will surely rank No.1 as the least corrupt country in the world. Maybe the BN government should shut down the ACA because there will be almost no corruption to investigate. All those commentators who talk about corruption must be talking rubbish.

  148. well, i wrote something like this (in fact quite same msg i posted here b4, with she replace you, no vulgar words involve):

    … decline for the nomination as she might fed up sitting in parlimen without any positive cause (all proposals are vilified, jested and ridiculed). i don’t mind if she decline because they are some candidates/grassroots are sux (do you think DAP members are all saint, high EQ!). but the worse thing is that she only lend support “only” her recommended nominee. and her message reverberating all BG not to vote DAP due to internal strife phrase.

  149. Postal votes and phantom voters all part and parcel of the dirty tricks by BN to win B.Bintang. Don’t worry we will prevail on 8th of March! Im looking at DAP getting a much better results than 2004. all rise to DAP!

  150. “# AntiRacialDiscrimination Says:
    Today at 12: 56.43 (1 hour ago)

    Rumour has it that she was bought over by BN.

    I was devastated by the rumour because I voted for her in two previous GE. If the rumour is confirmed, I will consider not voting for anybody anymore in the coming GE.”

    To all, whatever the reason, whatever the rumour, whatever the excuse FPK gives, whether she is the next LLT or not, We must not give in to such dirty tactics! It sure does smell of corruption, it smells of a BN trick and it makes me sick!

    Forget her! If she is a LOSER, let her be! We shall stand united behind the Opposition! Don’s lose hope just because of 1 bad egg. The fight, the struggle, the dream of a new government is not made of 1 person. Forget her like straight away! Do not cloud our minds further by her malicious act!


  151. “Some opposition leaders would be as corrupted as some BN leaders IF they can acess to same resources. This is a part of human nature.” malaysiatoday.com
    “That’s part of your human nature, not mine!” dawsheng
    Thank you, dawsheng
    Just because he shares the same bed with BN bunch of thieves he thinks everyone else is like him. He not only looks like them, sounds like them, he also acts like them.

  152. LKS and LGE

    There is a man who may be able to convince FPK to stay and stand again as a candidate for BG. He is Teng Chang Khim. The reason is simple and obvious. He has been in the same shoes as FPK before, but the only difference is he did not quit and choose to carry on with his will power. The result is he manage to make Sg Pinang or Klang his stronghold and even help Ng Swee Lim to wrest Sekinchan from MCA. He is capable to help FPK to visualize the bigger perspective of Malaysia’s political future.

    Set aside the difference between you (LGE) and TCK and tackle the problem immediately. Other wise LGE may head to a disastrous 12th GE and your political career is finish. Be a man to admit your mistake and move on as a true warrior.

    Weigh the various reactions from the ground in Bagan and you should understand the implication. Think and act fast.

    “Soh chow ko hou mo teng tap”

  153. To my dear leaders of Lim Kit Siang, Guan Eng and Po Kuan,
    Please work together happily and forgive one another for Malaysia need all of you to be together and be strong ! DAP must be strong to win a great victory on 8 March 2008 which happen to be a woman day! Come on our lovely Fong Po Kuan, stand up and don’t let us women down ! we are weak and we need you to help us to be strong like you! Pls, reconsider as our good leader Kit Siang and Guan Eng released the public statement of 100% support you ! don’t bother about the naughty one lah…punish them by saying YES, I DO, I WANT TO COME BACK and beat your pat pat pain pain for naughty…you naughty bad bad guys…opp..

  154. To be honest, the great names within DAP that any Malaysians would know by heart, like John, Paul, George and Ringo of The Beatles, include Kit, Karpal, and now Po Kuan. The rest are insignificant. So Po Kuan, you are now one of the torch bearer of DAP and its success is heavily dependent on you as well. Don’t matter if you have a handful of party members who are being spiteful but you don’t need their support. You have all our support throughout Malaysia. You even have earned the greatest respect from many UMNO members. Not many DAP leaders can claim that. You are among the first few STEPS that will lead us to a 1000 miles journey of hope. We need your strength for our children’s future.

  155. I believe Po Kuan had watched one too many drama serials. Politics is an arena for grownups. This is no time for sandiwara or shadowplay. The fact that she made this decision without consulting the DAP hierachy shows how childish she is. To air your grievances/ dirty laundry so close to election time is tantamount to betrayal or worse treason.

    Mr Lim, i would suggest you give her a pass on this election. Her credibility is shot upon her verbal diarhrea. Despite all the good she has done in the past, no intelligent person can respect much less vote for her again in the future. It is like a child “fat lan jah” (canto) when she did not get her way.

    In fairness, if she was indeed asked to make way for someone else, DAP must revisit this policy of theirs. In my humble opinion, an incumbent must be allowed to contest his or her seat (even if they were to lose). Why? Because it was theirs to lose in the first place.

    Let me sign off by saying this to DAP – please be fair to your members. Anything less would be mimicking BN. I believe that was never your goal or intention.

  156. Time to forget this one person.In fact after writing this post I will never ever mention the ex MP of BG ever again. She is history to me, and this chapter I am throwing it with my day’s thrash.

    We should all do the same thing. Do not cry over her. She cannot change our commitment to our struggle.If it’s true Barang Naik Regime got the best of her, let her be. She has proven herself that her constituents and the party mean nothing to her. She has gone to BN TV to try her best to hurt the party and the Opposition.

    My last post in her blog is this:-
    “So you gave up the fight, you concede defeat, you let others walk all over you. Well that’s good and I learnt something today. Some people can be so insensitive to other’s feeling, hopes and wishes. When you became MP, the Rakyat put you there. Now you let them down, you shown them that the Barang Naik Regime has won you over. I don’t know what is true but this is what you have shown to everybody. Congratulations that you tried your best to harm the DAP and the people in your constituent at the BEST time ever. The timing could not be more opportune for you and Barang Naik Regime, with them relishing in your defeat. Time will tell what is your true motives to throw in the towel on the eleventh hour. No,we cannot understand why you hurt the people and the party at the moment of truth. Sorry just will not cut it. You gone to BN TV and told everyone your decision which is final. Even though so many people appealed to you, begged with you you still let us down, so you know, you are not Member of Parliament material, so just leave.

    The Fight will go on without this 1 selfish person.

    Regime Barang Naik is going down.”

  157. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 12: 11.41 (4 hours ago)
    “Some opposition leaders would be as corrupted as some BN leaders IF they can acess to same resources. This is a part of human nature.”

    That’s part of your human nature, not mine


    From past history record, those ppl pretend they are saint are most evil. See what happened in the US church, fathers sodomized boys.

    DAP branch chairman in my kampong ran away after borrowing money from ah peks and ah longs.

    No saints in the politics except illusions from some idiots.

  158. She knew very well what her action would do to the DAP with her announcement. Why she had to do it at this time? Why didn’t she do it earlier (since this is not a “last minute” decision)?

    These are the questions that will linger on…

  159. I agree with Rakyat Teraniaya. No time to look back. Her timing of her announcement was very bad. If that was not the intention what is…

    As long as DAP put in a creditable candidate, there will still be a chance. I hope residents wants a better future for their children and not look at 1 person whom the idolised gone out of politics. People come and go…DAP is still around. Lee Lam Thye has gone, Sim Kwang Yang also gone, Hu Sepang also gone.

  160. kanthanboy Says:

    Today at 14: 52.03 (2 hours ago)
    “Some opposition leaders would be as corrupted as some BN leaders IF they can acess to same resources. This is a part of human nature.” malaysiatoday.com
    “That’s part of your human nature, not mine!” dawsheng
    Thank you, dawsheng
    Just because he shares the same bed with BN bunch of thieves he thinks everyone else is like him. He not only looks like them, sounds like them, he also acts like them.


    Only people live in illusion can come out to say BN people are thieves. The fact is 99.99% MCA members in my kampong are better human beings than a DAP local branch chairman.

    The world is not decided by what you think, you sound and you say, but your action speaks out who you are.

    Many commentators here are talking cock, when comes to action, majority of them are chicken out. You may be one of them.

  161. Dear Po Kuan,

    It is at times difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong. But at this critical moment of General Election, it is unwise to do the things that create uncertainty. All the while I always believe in the balance of power both within and outside, as I realise that power without control leads to disaster. So my suggestion for you is to think within yourself what is good for Malaysia. Reckless parting from your important role in parliament is not a good thing. If you really need help, you can write to me: [email protected]

  162. jbhlee Says:

    Today at 17: 01.39 (4 minutes ago)
    I agree with Rakyat Teraniaya. No time to look back. Her timing of her announcement was very bad. If that was not the intention what is…

    As long as DAP put in a creditable candidate, there will still be a chance. I hope residents wants a better future for their children and not look at 1 person whom the idolised gone out of politics. People come and go…DAP is still around. Lee Lam Thye has gone, Sim Kwang Yang also gone, Hu Sepang also gone.


    Agree, no one is dispensable.

    The core issue is no other better DAP candidates from Perak is good enough to replace her. Those idiots are just wanted to rob a paddy field harvested by her.

    An DAP idiotic youth chief announced in NTV 7 for his intention to contest in Batu Gajah long before DAP central committee announcing candidate list.

    If Perak DAP plans to swap her to other constituency, the decision has to be made five years ago for her to build up her support base in other constituency.

    I say let sack the DAP youth chief for violating party’s codes.

  163. toyolbuster Says:

    Today at 16: 05.39 (1 hour ago)
    To be honest, the great names within DAP that any Malaysians would know by heart, like John, Paul, George and Ringo of The Beatles, include Kit, Karpal, and now Po Kuan. The rest are insignificant. So Po Kuan, you are now one of the torch bearer of DAP and its success is heavily dependent on you as well. Don’t matter if you have a handful of party members who are being spiteful but you don’t need their support. You have all our support throughout Malaysia. You even have earned the greatest respect from many UMNO members. Not many DAP leaders can claim that. You are among the first few STEPS that will lead us to a 1000 miles journey of hope. We need your strength for our children’s future.


    Not many Chinese MPs can speak well in parliament, many are mumbled with bahasa pasar look and sound like my illiterate grandpa.

  164. “From past history record, those ppl pretend they are saint are most evil. See what happened in the US church, fathers sodomized boys.

    DAP branch chairman in my kampong ran away after borrowing money from ah peks and ah longs.

    No saints in the politics except illusions from some idiots.” malaysia-today.com

    Phew! Talking about looting a house on fire and catching a fish while the water is disturbed, where can you find a better example.

  165. YB Po Kuan,

    Please set aside you differences with your colleagues in DAP and stand again in BG.

    You have represented all of us not only voters of BG.We need you to speak up without fear for all Malaysians irrespective of their race, creed or religion. You have done a wonderful job so far.Let it not go to waste.

    We need you to stymie the voices of the racial and religious bigots in Parliament. Some of them see ladies as chattel with nothing but derogatary terms such as ‘bocor’ and having ‘terowong’ between their legs to describe them.That is the type of monkeys we have in our Parliament which is supposed to be an august body.

    The BN ladies will not lift a finger to admonish their male counterparts because they are all subservient to the UMNO MCPs.

    Please do not let your voters down when the nation needs you most.

  166. “Only people live in illusion can come out to say BN people are thieves. The fact is 99.99% MCA members in my kampong are better human beings than a DAP local branch chairman.”

    Kill with a borrowed knife? Quick! Shut the door to catch the thief!

  167. YB

    Firstly, i must congratulate you on all the scacificies you endured for the Rakyat + Country, during your 2 term as an MP. Being a non BN MP, is a thankless task.

    Being having been a party worker both here in Beautiful Malaysia + another country, i understand “The run” up to election is never really a pleasant time. But you are not any ordinary people, You are infact an Icon to many young Malaysian. People like you give the Rakyats hope. Infact many odinary Malaysian remain in the country, rather than living illigally else where, because of people like you.

    True, the opposition is not only about 1 personality, but that ONE can make the difference between good + better.

    Whether it is internal politics or politics in general, i believe it is the conviction of Social Democracy that led you to politics in the 1st place. You had shown Social Democracy can better the welfare of the people + i assure you, it will prevail in the end.

    Internally or externally “No one can walk all over you, until you lay down + let them to.” Think it over, it will be good if you campaign actively for the DAP + better if you can stand again.

    Regardless, i as a Malaysian again salute you, for 2 good terms + hope a better future for our kids, with you as an Social Democrat MP.

  168. pilihanrayaexpert Says:

    Today at 17: 39.27 (28 minutes ago)
    DAP still have Teng Chang Khim , let’s hope he can win the Klang Parliament in General Election !!!!!!

    but please DAP give him a chance to contest !!!!!!


    This guy is also not a “favoured son” to DAP.

    Let forget parachute in foreign candidates and win under the DAP logo. This old tactic is not working anymore.

    Nowadays people are only willing to vote a quality candidate who can serve local community and also can talk in the parliament.

  169. Dear YB Kit Siang,

    This is the best opportunity to win the hearts of all po kuan’s fans and to unite DAP’s leaders. We all have to be one heart , one voice to convince po kuan’s change her mind.

    If not, vice versa, this will be the nightmare for DAP and for YB Po Kuan as well….

    I strongly hope DAP’s leaders and Po Kuan’s fans will stand together and make this happen. Don’t let YB Po Kuan’s Fall and don’t let DAP crash…..

    from my deepest heart~~~

  170. The DAP should just move on and forget about the Po Kuan issue…..any further dwelling on this issue will only hurt its chances in the impending elections…….let go…toughen up….grit your teeth…and move forward…..

  171. A priest sodomized a child, so all priest are evil. A DAP politician stole money from old folks, so all politicians are crooks! But MCA village politicans are 99.99% better human beings so the rest are idiots! Ok! OK! I believe you!

  172. Latest posting in her blog confirms she already made up her mind for no contesting in BG.

    Her new home in Johor is just a few km away my kampong. I will say to her if I got chance to meet her, “You pull our legs!”

    Let’s respect her decision to quit politics.

    Let forget this incident and move forward to deny BN 2/3.

  173. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 19: 35.56 (2 minutes ago)
    A priest sodomized a child, so all priest are evil. A DAP politician stole money from old folks, so all politicians are crooks! But MCA village politicans are 99.99% better human beings so the rest are idiots! Ok! OK! I believe you!


    Why on earth someone like to slap his own face.

    I say politics is not for you to find saint. When I say all politicians are crooks?

    IF oppostion wins 2/3 in the next election, these ppl are becoming today’s BN leaders. This is human nature except you.

    American founders know this human nature better than you, they put up a good check and balance system.

    Only idiots believe opposition leaders can always “clean”. They remain clean because they have no opportunity to access national wealth as BN leaders.

  174. Allow me to slap my face the second time! You said not all politicians are crook, but you also said they remain clean as long as opportunity did not arise for them to steal, but eventually they will steal because they are opportunist, but an opportunist politician who steal is crook. In this case, all opposition politicians are thief and crooks in the making. Oh I see!

    Gandhi was once an opposition leader!

  175. “American founders know this human nature better than you, they put up a good check and balance system.”

    I have to slap my face numerous time if I have to, just how did the “American founder know this human nature more than you” they put up a good check and balance system, care to explain?

  176. Gandhi was once an opposition leader


    I only said they are becoming BN leaders.

    No all BN leaders are corrupted. There are always have a few rare and good human beings here and there. You are slapping your own face again by saying ALL opposition leaders are corrupted when they hold on the power.

    Gandhi was murdered before he got chance to be corrupted. The history may be rewritten if Gandhi was not murdered. Who know?

  177. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 20: 32.11 (7 minutes ago)
    “American founders know this human nature better than you, they put up a good check and balance system.”

    I have to slap my face numerous time if I have to, just how did the “American founder know this human nature more than you” they put up a good check and balance system, care to explain?


    Do not trust people, but good system to ensure clean and good government.

    Go study why American president must step down after 2 terms and US political and judicial system.

    BN government is so corrupted because there is no effective check and balance system in place.

    Court can be “lelong” by Vincent Tan and parliament is over controlled by BN.

    I support opposition not because they are more clean or “saint” than BN politicians, but it is to ensure a stronger opposition in the parliament.

  178. The Twenty-second Amendment of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for the President of the United States. The United States Congress passed the amendment on March 21, 1947.[1] It was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 27, 1951.

    Franklin Roosevelt, who served from 1933 to 1945, is the only president to have been elected to more than two terms.[2]

    George Washington, the first President of the United States, is often said to have established the tradition of limiting service as President to two terms only. His Farewell Address, however, suggests that it was because of his age that he did not seek re-election. Thomas Jefferson also contributed to the convention of a two-term limit; in 1807 he wrote, “if some termination to the services of the chief Magistrate be not fixed by the Constitution, or supplied by practice, his office, nominally four years, will in fact become for life.”[3] Jefferson’s immediate successors, James Madison and James Monroe, also adhered to the two-term principle.

    Prior to Franklin Roosevelt, few Presidents attempted to serve for more than two terms. Ulysses S. Grant sought a third term in 1880 after serving from 1869 to 1877, but narrowly lost his party’s nomination. Theodore Roosevelt, who served from 1901 to 1909, sought to be elected in 1912 (non-consecutively) for a second time—he had succeeded to the presidency upon William McKinley’s assassination and already been elected in 1904 to a full term himself—but he lost to Woodrow Wilson. In 1940 Franklin Roosevelt became the first person to be elected more than twice, with supporters citing the war in Europe as a reason for breaking with precedent. In the 1944 election, during World War II, he won a fourth term, but died in office the following year.

    After Roosevelt’s death, the newly Republican 80th United States Congress desired to establish a firm constitutional provision barring presidents from being elected more than twice. The rationale was a concern that without limits, the presidential position could become too similar to that of a benevolent dictator lasting not just four years but a lifetime, that the position could become too powerful and upset the separation of powers, and that he could become so powerful that elections would become dispensable. Hence, the Twenty-second Amendment was adopted.


  179. “I support opposition not because they are more clean or “saint” than BN politicians, but it is to ensure a stronger opposition in the parliament.”

    BN is not clean, opposition is also not clean, what is the different then? If that is the case why vote for a stronger opposition when it is the possibility of both the government and the opposition can steal from us? For a good check and balance system to be in place we needs clean politicians.

  180. To Poh Kuan:

    A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense. It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way…………at this 11th hour shouldn’t THE CAUSE BE ABOVE SELF

    Sorry mate you have lost the plot. However much you portray yourself as a tough sheila you have cracked under pressure.

    There is certainly no place for atuism in this battle of wits and brawn

  181. Dear Poh Kuan,

    I think it is wrong to say that Batu Gajah seat is yours…as you please don’t forget that u are riding on the DAP ticket. Since you have been recognised as one of the strong DAP leaders….then you MUST lead the way to take up more challenging role by taking on more competitive constituencies against BN candidates instead of hiding at so-called “safe” seat & looking forward for your retirement benefits upon 3 terms of continuous victory in election. As a senior, moving on to the next stage…u will actually encourage more young & caliber DAP leaders to come forward & shine in the eyes of the public through their service track record & eventually bring up more reputable DAP leaders to fight on…& for long term DAP succession plan..to benefit our future generation.

    A real DAP leader must be like our Uncle Lim..building up his reputation as a respected politician in the country. He can takes on any BN-MCA candidates without fears.

  182. dawsheng Says:
    Yesterday at 17: 53.04

    “Only people live in illusion can come out to say BN people are thieves. The fact is 99.99% MCA members in my kampong are better human beings than a DAP local branch chairman.”

    Kill with a borrowed knife? Quick! Shut the door to catch the thief!

    dawsheng, you are absolutely right! We got him, he is an impostor working for the den of thieves.

    Earlier, he tried to drive a wedge between the Chinese educated and the English educated members of DAP. Now he is using the name of Teng Chang Khim to instigate hatred against the DAP leadership.

    This is a classic example of looting a house on fire and caching fish while the water is disturbed. Well said.

  183. “when comes to action, majority of them are chicken out. You may be one of them.” Malaysiatoday.com
    As a layman I just do my part to help DAP. When I got the news that Parliament has been dissolved, the first thing I did was to make an online donation by Visa to the DAP election fund and this was before Kit’s appeal for support for DAP Election Fund. I left a note with my donation to introduce myself as kanthanboy.

  184. Ruling BN ignored us , even water- canon us, teared-gas us,..

    What to do, you asked , as your tears flow down in pain.

    Simple, just vote the ruling BN out.

    ‘…In fact, the battle cry for all Malaysians in the 12th general election should be “Heal Malaysia”…’


    Stay focus.

    “Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Now finally we have ‘ Unity ‘ , ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.

    Syabas to Barisan Rakyat (DAP/PKR/PAS/PSM/MDP/PASOK ).

    Time for action , no more complacency.


  185. YB Kit says

    “Stop all derogatory, hurting and unfounded allegations against Po Kuan for I can vouch for her sincerity and dedication….”

    So perhaps limkamput would like to take heed of YB Kit’s appeal to stop all derogatory comments about party stalwart Po Kuan:

    Limkamput said earlier:

    “Tell me why FPK put in her letter of resignation: “my decision is final”. It is so bloody arrogant because it does not provide avenue for compromise, negotiation and work out. PK, I think your decision is not yours alone if you know what I mean. You are a sitting MP. You have a greater responsibility than those that affect you, your friends and family. You may be a two term MP, but I think there are still many things you need to learn, my friend.” limkamput

  186. Dear Poh Guan,

    This election is not about yourself, the DAP or BN. It is about the future of the country, the future of our children and descendants because we know jolly well that if the incumbent government and ineffectual leadership continue uncheck this will be the END of Malaysia. Every single ounce of strength from every thinking man and woman in the country is needed to counter so many others who do not even recognize the symptoms let along problems that are besetting us. Every single seat that the opposition can gain is a step nearer towards possibility of change, improvement, accountability, advancement and salvation of a country that has gone astrayed and in failing mode now.

    Please do not forsake us at this crucial moment when we need you most. The DAP, the opposition and most important of all,the people of Malaysia who has high hope for a better future are hoping that you will reverse your decision and assist us this uphill battle. We must put country above self and be counted when it matter most.

  187. Yes it looks like the MP Fong will not contest this general elections.We have to respect her right not to do so though it will be more helpful to the opposition cause if the circumstances of her departure are more cordial. Even with her on board all the foreign based analysts that I read in malaysiatoday amd malaysiakini predict a 2/3 majority for BN. With this development I dare not even hope against hope – well, whatever will be, will be!

  188. Darkhorse @ personality disorder, what is your problem? Didn’t you say earlier to Richard Teo that this blog is a public space? If so, then why can’t I express my view? Sdr Lim of course can advise and since then I think many who shared my view have toned down. Whether or not I take heed is none of your business. Please don’t suck up!

  189. I don’t know this is true or not, if is true than MP PO KUAN act is not matured, maybe she lost her mind ( crazy) or being forced , but let her go , by this timeconcentrate on big election,i mineself and others second class citizen on this election please voted for others private candidate party (except BN ) because TO MUCH POWER AND TO LONG ON IT make one danger situaition on all field(last time kingdom rule, one men show, nowaday one small group show,so beware like to much coruption /miss use of power/benefit their own small group only even Malay also not all get the real benefit from this country goverment, they treat you like children only , like when you shout/cry ,they give you small candy and you quiet, later you cry again they give some candy and this will continue ,already 50 years so what you want to do about it mine brothers and sister ,like somethign suppose can be give 20 years ago or after they give recently making a lot of people suffer from waithing for what they hope for , ( this is tactic to get support , like easy get no value/ memory for thankfull, hard to get you will remenber it for ever ,thank them like got,people very easy to forget their past suffering that maybe cause their marriage/live/health/ building your business and wealth/having more children/children chance for eduacation/ employment,..so that this big bad thing you and me won’t know forever if no body from outside like others than BN people get in and find it out ,like we don’t know our neighbour family bad thing or problem if we were not the family member, maybe what we got is modifiy news, like no insider ,real or bad news never get out,there is outsider in the house they will wacth your every move, that’s good for all malaysia and country,i did not support any party,i support the balance of power,because human are not right, every body is the same not the SAINT, every body make mistake without intention, but bigpowerfull people make wrong doing( they said make mistake as excuse) with intention to make them or somebody who got connection with them , got the benefit of it, be wise malaysian secondclass citizen…

  190. These are 2 postings I made on YB Fong Poh Kuan’s blog which I would like to share:

    Dear YB Fong,
    I do not know you but your reputation precedes you.
    If you quit at this hour and in such a celebrated way,you give rise to much suspicion.
    Nothing is perfect in life.It is also not perfect in your party or any other.The many battles before the decisive battle in the war for a better tomorrow for all Malaysians and its future generations is fraught with disappointments as well as internal politics.Take it in your stride as a woman/man,forgive those who you feel have wronged you,see the big picture and help it come true.Then you are truly a noble politician.It is the/your final battle that matters.
    If Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang quits in a similar manner,they will also be forever remembered as a villain no matter how much they are wronged by their colleagues.But the show must/will go on with or without Karpal or Lim kit Siang.
    Many sense this will be a historic moment in the history of Malaysia.You have done so much good and have every right to be part of this historic moment.Do not quit now.

    If you do,you will be judged in bad light,no matter how much good you have done, and no matter how much wrongs your colleagues may have inflicted upon you.Be magnanimous enough to forgive those who have wronged you so that the more noble objectives and the big picture can be achieved ,if not for yourself then for the nation.

    “Victory or death’

    Comment by Menang atau mati — February 20, 2008 @ 11:30 am

    Dear YB Fong,
    I am posting a second time again.It has been said you are a chilli padi..In my own way ,I am one too.So I will give it to you straight in the face without mincing my words.
    From all the postings ,you can conclude all the people are behind you.
    You cannot loose.
    But loose you will,if you do not change your mind.
    You will loose the respect of the people who are behind you for your action give rise to deep suspicions that you have been bought over.Can you or your generations to come live with it for the rest of your life?If you can, I cannot and I believe many of your supporters too cannot. “Tak Boleh”
    Can I trust you again? Never – if you stick to your decision.Whether you have actually been bought over or not ,in my mind, you will always be tainted just like what many feel about Ex YB Lee Lam Thye.
    And if you feel that it matters not with you,then you have actually shown your true colours– an opportunist?Taking the people for a ride?In my heart I sincerely hope that you are not,but what can you expect me to believe if you act in such a manner at such a critical moment.
    Rise above the pettiness in your party,rise above those who were out to undermine you and show them you are made of sterner stuff.
    If you quit,you have actually delivered to those who are against you what they wish to have i.e to get you out.If you wish to quit politics or DAP ,quit only after you have won BG again.Then you would not disappoint all those who have placed their trust and hope on you.If you must quit,then quit in an honourable way but definitely not like this.
    Rise above the wickedness of your colleagues.There is no embarassement in changing your mind because it seems everybody is behind you.There is still time to reconsider.

    If you stick to your decision,then honestly ,I will have to say to you- “Chilli padi my foot!It is really pagar makan padi”

    Please see THE BIG PICTURE.

    As one saying (my) goes –“ We may lose our life but let us not lose the kingdom of God-(our ideals)”

    “Victory or death”

    Comment by Menang atau mati — February 21, 2008

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