Police crackdown on Hindraf rose campaign – another day of international shame for Malaysia

Another day of international shame for Malaysia – the firing of tear gas, chemically-laced water cannon and use of excessive force by the police against peaceful demonstrators and children during today’s Hindraf rose campaign in Kuala Lumpur .

Over 200 people have been arrested, reportedly including children, with allegations of manhandling by police.

Why was it necessary for the crude display of police force against peaceful Malaysians and children who wanted to use the Valentine Day to present roses to the Prime Minister at the Parliament grounds and to appeal for the immediate and unconditional release of the five Hindraf leaders unjustifiably detained in Kamunting Detention Centre under the Internal Security Act?

Why couldn’t the Police show a humane and sensitive face demonstrating its respect for human rights by allowing the peaceful Hindraf rose campaign to be conducted without incident?

If the Police could be so high-handed, tough and insensitive for human rights when Parliament has just been dissolved for the conduct of the 12th general election, I dare not think what the Police would do after polling day on March 8 if the Barisan Nasional wins another huge parliamentary majority.

The Royal Police Commission of Inquiry which was set up by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi four years ago when he first took office recommended that respect for human rights should be one of the three core functions of the Malaysian Police to achieve world-class status – together with the objective to keep crime low as well as to eradicate corruption in the police force.

It is clear from the Police crackdown on Valentine Day and the Hindraf rose campaign that the Royal Police Commission Report and its 125 recommendations for police reform had completely fallen on deaf years.

Abdullah, who is also the Internal Security Minister, and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, should publicly apologise for the excessive use of police force against the Hindraf rose campaign and utter disregard of the Royal Police Commission recommendation that the police should respect human rights of Malaysians.


110 Replies to “Police crackdown on Hindraf rose campaign – another day of international shame for Malaysia”

  1. Greetings,
    Looking at the video on “Malaysiakini.com” , what I can comment Malaysia is fast becoming a dictatorship country, with elections as a disguise. I just can’t fantom why the police have to use such high handed way to a group of unarm citizens of Malaysia crying for better living standards? They are only armed with roses. Or perhaps the police think the thorns of the roses are dangerous. Maybe they should wave the ‘krisses’ instead. God save this country.

  2. TIME FOR CHANGE,there’s no respect for the people… it’s obvious to which political party our votes should go.
    BN tarnished their own name over these years, n today they dug their own grave, they may never rest in peace.


    Lets make some thoughtfull, trustfull and determined changes in this coming election.


  3. Pak Lah should responsible for the whole situation, now he owes another apology to the Indian comunity. i condem the arest of Ramaji, Chief of the Tharma Maamandram and Kids. Hope the whole world will respond to the ugly event by the Malaysian Police. PM you can forget about our votes.

  4. The BN (and MIC) government has sent in a strong message to the Indians. They do not need your votes; they are not going to reduce discrimination; and there is no room for reconciliation or negotiation.

  5. The police in Malaysia is real shameless.Look at Philippines,the people in Manila ,many thousands of them demonstrated for the outsting of the corrupted Aroyo.But were the demonstrators there ill treated by the police?Moreover demonstration in Philippines,Indonesia,Thailand are just common scenes.Unlike here peaceful demonstrations even with the participation of children are treated by the police as if it is the end of the world.




  7. Please correct me if I’m wrong I’m willing to learn.

    I don’t think we have Royal Police answerable to our Agong,serving his rakyat. We only have BN Police bulldozing their way following orders from their BN masters to harrass Malaysian citizens.

    And this must be CHNAGED!

  8. Is this how the current government of Malaysia show its care to the citizen ? as a matter of fact, it just shows that, they don’t give a F care about all of us ! even in the heat of election, they still can choose to ignore us ! I’m really saddened by this, the ppl have no said on whatsoever …

    I pity the way HINDRAF members were treated …

    DAP keep fighting !

  9. Al Jazeera has been reporting this whole afternoon. This is a good one:

    temenggong Says:
    February 16, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    Children detained and separated from their parents! While only about 4,000 or less people took part in these street protests, and dispersed as they were, it was more electrifying that the earlier Hindraf rally of Nov 25th, the most fearful and dramatic being at the Pudu Temple, near Puduraya, where the whole area was cordened off to traffic and with thousands of people watching including several tourists. While it was an all Indian rally, there was support from passing malay motorists. There is acknowledgement of the greivances.

    For the first time I noticed discontent within the police force, especially the Indian officers. Mutiny is not for away!

    Indian women have ascended to the fore in these protests as new leaders of a mass movement. This changes everything, quadruples the effects.

    Now Indians and BN have breached a point of no return. Yesterday, Feb 15th 2008 was the last day of peace, and it will be that way for sometime. There will be no peace in Malaysia until BN is taken down, ripped apart, shredded and cremated, next starting with the chinese parties MCA and Gerakan.

    While awareness is growing daily, the elphant in the room is clearly visible, the faster the malays and chinese respond positively to the enormity and gravity of this situation, the better for their community and business. I don’t how how else to say it!


  10. Self-exiled Hindraf chairperson P Waythamoorthy in a statement issued immediately after learning of the arrests said he was extremely disturbed by the manner in which the police handled the matter.

    “Peaceful struggle, gesture of Love and cry for justice of the poor and underclass Indian society has been met with violence and brutality by the state sanctioned by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The attack on peaceful poor and underclass people who came with roses is appalling,

    “I invite all peace loving people throughout the world to condemn this brutal attack on innocent citizens who were exercising their rights under Article 10 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution and Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” he said.

    Police have declared today’s event illegal as no permit was given to the group.


  11. Today I saw a picture of Australian Teachers stagng a demo for more pay. The police, instead of harassing or arresting them, used the patrol car to open the way for the demostraotrs which total 10,000.

    Here the Shit people are so scared of children. The police are made up os numb skulls. With children tagged along, defintely the protestors would be a peaceful ones. need not use tear gases or chemically laced water canon. SUPER DUMBO!!!

    Again. it is a reminder to the Indian voters. REmember the sacrifices of HIDERAF leaders sufferingin the jail.

  12. I’m sadden by this highhanded barbaric approach by Malaysian Police led by the Home Minister non other than PM himself. What he has done today will be subject to maximum condemnation not only by Indians also other brothers and sisters of this country.
    What would have been the outcome if the delivery of roses was successful today? As fellow Indian and Malaysian I would have been impressed if:-

    – The way the PM received the roses and showing his empathy to the children and parents
    – I would have felt appreciated by the comment of PM ” I am very concern and I assure you That I will be fair in my decisions concerning Indians”
    – A peck of PM on the cheek of “Vaishnavi- Uthaya’s daughter” would have made most Indians melt and forgiven him and BN to some extent.
    – Using the same platform to address the affected Indians who were present there, telling them He is people’ prime minister and he would ensure Indians’ concerns addressed in every possible way.

    BUT these possibilities did not materialize. What happened today is another grave mistake on the part of PM, not the police as police are mere robots, acting on remote instructions.
    It also shows why this man is not fit to be a PM, not even a leader of small fraternity. All in all it only shows the regime of BN is ending soon, I’m saying this as it is time for them to pay not only to Malaysian Indians but also to the Almighty for demolishing his house known as temple. And Samyvellu will not be able to wash his sins even in the next 7 incarnations.

  13. PM is a big fat liar. Talk alot about Hadhari.

    10 fundamental principles of Hadhari.

    1. Faith and piety in Allah (Allah don’t like liars)
    2. Just and trustworthy government (Lingamgate to Klang FTZ)
    3. Freedom and independence to the people (Still waiting, )
    4. Mastery of knowledge (Look at the Uni s- crap)
    5. Balanced and comprehensive economic development
    6. Good quality of life for all (only cronies need apply)
    7. Protection of the rights of minority groups and women
    (Malaysian Indians r surely being protected, behind bars, like
    Buhary Syed Abu Tahir)
    8. Cultural and moral integrity (Please don’t make me puke)
    9. Protection of the environment (MB of Selangor with a clear
    view fr his office could not see the the development)
    10. A strong defence policy. (C4, half billion profit for subs to
    cronies,when the defence ministry could hv bought it directly
    for the manufacturers.)

    Water Cannons & Tear Gas against Women & Children with Roses?!
    Shame on you Bodohwi! Shame on your Government. Shame on your so called Islamic Hadari Concept! Shame on your Police force! Shame on your Judiciary!

  15. Totally unacceptable! Why is Pak Lah so inhumane towards the Rakyat?
    We must reciprocate by giving ALL our votes to PKR,PAS and DAP!
    We shall bring down this cruel dictator.
    MALAYSIANS! Practice your rights and vote BN out!

  16. To all Malaysian Indians, the deputy minister of interior had said it ‘ show your disagreement at the ballot papers’!!!! What are you all waiting for? Show it to these arrogant self-proclaimed saints! They are not going to talk about fairness nor prick their conscience to ask if they have acted as national leaders! they are not bothered!

  17. If UMNO members go to street, will the police deal with them?

    Khairy led thousands of UMNO youth to protest against the arrival of Condolezza Rice a few years ago, did the police deal with them?

    When opposition parties lodged reports against BN leaders, did the police probe the cases?

    As a chinese saying goes,’bully the kind but dread the fierce and powerful.

    The police are challenged to stop applying double standard.

  18. Pak Lah, as the Home Minister, must be held responsible for such a cowardly and disgraceful display of force by the Police.

    Nothing, and I repeat, nothing, can possibly excuse the police display of naked force on a peaceful gathering of protestors seeking the human rights for their incarcerated community leaders.

    I can only say that malaysians must voice their anguished cry for sanity and justice through the ballot box, come Mar.8. BN and their cowardly and unjust rule must be wiped off the Malayisan map.

    All Indians and Chinese, yes, and Malays too, must unite to put an end to the dictatorship of a corrupt few. Malaysia must be returned to right-thinking Malaysians. The silent majority must speak loudly to replace the evil that now plagues our land.

  19. Grace, you are comparing Australia, All civilized and
    developed countries to Malaysia, a country should be
    termed 4th world country if it exists!!

    Malaysia is fast becoming a country of ‘kiasu’ culture
    and it just cannot afford to loose face!! A country ruled
    by tyrants and practise all tyrany and racist acts..!! That
    is Malaysia!!

    We do not want tyrants to rule the country!

    Please Do Not fail DAP and All Opposition Parties. Just
    vote them if we still want brighter future for our younger

  20. I am saddened at what has happened to Hindraf supporters.
    If the Police has granted them a permit, I believe there will not be anything untoward happening. The police in not giving a permit is tantamount to being not interested about the plight of the Indians.
    This will only cause greater anger and resentment against the govt.

    If as the Police say that there are children involved, it seems to me that it is unlikely that they will cause trouble or even riot. Don’t you think they will not be afraid that their children are hurt in the process?

    It does seem that the police have no problem arresting so many Indians and charging them in court. Is there even racial discrimination in arresting people in Malaysia for illegal assemblies??
    What about the many illegal ceramahs which UMNO politicians held recently all over the place?

  21. for the past decades n even now, currently,what actually happened to malaysia is these umno/BN goons are running this country like their private property,hence to change our fate n future is we must act to kick their butts on 8-3-2008!!as simple as that!!go for the change,a change we must believe in!! where’s democracy?there’s no democracy here except false democracy potraited by the umno/BN super-hypocritical machines!!!

  22. all the while,”1984″ by Geoge O’well is a fiction …but it is becoming a reality in Malaysia!!pathetic…it is happening to hindraf now,n could be happening to anybody soon if we let the rot run loose!!fellow malaysian,we are the ones to stop the rot..!!give the ‘cross” to any opposition on 8-3-2008!!

  23. Sun, 17/02/2008 – 00:51 — Makkalvoice
    Actual ,what is happening here…?
    Dear Fellow Indians ,
    I was there today morning, it was so brutally beaten up,dragged on the streets & arrested , … Actually I do not understand Why is the Goverment is so Badly Stupid!!! , They are thinking by doing such things will bring down the anger and the frustration of the people or fighten the public…but actually it is becoming bigger and worst……
    If you see now happen between rallies to rallies , people are NOT afraid anymore, when a person get arrested they are being support and given a hand clap by the people around him or her… this show that the goverment is so screw up and becoming cheap untill they are not worried about getting arrested..And some say it is ` FUN’
    Most of the public either Muslim, Indian ,Chinese,etc knows what’s is realy happening here.. They CANNOT paint another picture by the media or other means because the majority are seeing the actual condition here….And now ,most of the public stop trusting the media..Stupid isn’t it !!
    This Act today shown by the goverment proofs they are soo badly un-educated and also tell how their rotten brains works, well they just score again!
    IF they were educate properly there is always a easy way out , by just talking to the related person or bodies which now the public respect…. Even thou there is war between Countries , at the first thing the both countries do is…`TALK’ , Gangster also calls for a table talk first to settle the problem on the table where most them are not educated but here, what is our goverment doing..?comparing them together the gangster much more civilise and willing to talk to related bodies to avoid any further action to take place. …
    WHO is the main Windows here…… not the MIC’s which suppose to the leader but too bad they have lost their voice amounts the indians , hindraf they are beaten the MIC faster and came to the top majority all the Indian in malaysia.And now all Indians listen and support them…
    By not doing such meeting ,now it could be a peaceful rally but some day soon maybe , some crazy people might doing thing in a very rasional way. Our country has a very good name , why do we need to spoil it if the goverment only take a minute just to THINK and to Talk …!~!!

  24. Anarchy rules again. The inability of the so called PDRM to solve a situation peacefully clearly depicts the deteriorating of law in Malaysia. DAP – this election is for the Opposition. God Bless.

  25. Let’s not waste time on the ‘Zam’but..it is only good for healing cracked heels.Just a thought…can we have recorded YouTube’s of all their barbarics behaviour or Malaysiakini,AnwarIbrahim’s,Uncle Kit and all a kind videos and broadcast it with projectors at stragetic locations to counter their lopsided ‘Dacing’ policy.

  26. Where is BBC and CNN now ? They should ask Malaysian Govt. thier hippocritical stance , Malaysia truely Asia indeed, Actually it should Malaysia truely Bull, If BBC and CNN has got the concience , they should stop airing those stupid Malaysia truly Asia ads. ,Malaysia gomen is indeed truely racist, corrupt and inept. NEP my azz, no wonder they got no otak.

  27. “To all Malaysian Indians, the deputy minister of interior had said it ‘ show your disagreement at the ballot papers’!!!!”
    By waterfrontcoolie 16-2-2008 at 22:05



  28. I see this battle as that about the NEP and so-called ‘special right’. How each side react is how they really view it.

    Hindraf is not questioning the so-called ‘special right’. In fact, they are asking for the ‘special treatment’. What they are saying is that its detrimental to them and its not a long-term tenable system. The system has been in place for nearly 40 years. The ill-effect is quite clear and will get worst over time. The PM asking for another 30 years is as close to ‘ethnic cleansing’ as you are going to get without spelling it out.

    This act of using children does not come easily to the community. It speaks of desperation and exasperation – a systemtic desperation and exasperation not a symptomatic one.

    Badawi’s reaction to this is exactly the same reason why they had to resort to using children in their campaign. He did not come up with anything new to what is without regard another ‘first’ in Malaysian public discourse. Not only did he fell back on tried and true tired lines, he in fact lost perpective what clearly is slightly out of control response i.e., the cracks are showing personally and managerially.

    The PM, like NEP, are tired and expiring ideas in the face of new and harder challenges.

  29. If the Police could be so high-handed, tough and insensitive for human rights when Parliament has just been dissolved for the conduct of the 12th general election, I dare not think what the Police would do after polling day on March 8 if the Barisan Nasional wins another huge parliamentary majority..
    Well said, Mr Lim
    After March 8, if BN wins again with A BIG MAJORITY – how are we to live in peace and freedom.
    So Daring before the GE, what after –
    RELA arresting people for looking at them,
    police beating the daylights out of us for speaking our minds,
    judges handing out pre-arranged judgments by influential people, like Lingam,
    Opposition Politicians ISA-ed, as before.
    Therefore let us vote wisely.

  30. Come to think of it, I BELIEVE there is a real conspiracy and secret agenda going on in UMNO. Lets think logically. What and why the need for an upper- hand in issues involving HINDRAF now when election is about to take place. Common sense will say this is a wrong move at wrong time. They tried to win Indians by bribing here and there but it did not seem to work. After this incident yesterday, Abdullah lashed out at the demonstrators calling them extremists who are planning to disrupt the election on 8.3.08. Can one smell something there? My prediction is that the UMNO will GO to Malays in rural areas; instill fear in them calling the race to be united in order to protect Malay rights, Islam and Language failing which extremists like Indians and followed with Chinese with a help of foreigners US and UK will once again take control of Malay land. The poor rural Malays who lack exposure and truth will be swayed by this opportunist UMNO to vote them in to gain control once again. This is DANGER.


  31. HINDRAF should have avoided these sought of dramatics……it is after all election time…..better to use the resources to ascertain every Indian votes out the MIC and BN and give Sammy a hard time….not sure now if even PAS, PKR or DAP would like to be associated with this sought of demos…..the really hard work involves going down to every voter, house to house and see them face to face, write them an email and continue the interaction right till election time ….this is hard work and will require organizational skills…..it is science….the science that has brought Obama this far…..HINDRAF needs to change its strategies if it is going to be known as a serious party…..the last thing anyone needs is a gangster like MIC movement…….which every Malaysian including Indians will reject……

  32. HINDRAF should have avoided these sought of dramatics……it is after all election time….- posted above.

    All the more reason to do it. It is the right time.
    ‘More police intimidation at Anwar ceramah’

    Is the BN so gutless? If they are SOOOOOOOOO invincible, why don’t they just let the Opposition hold ceramahs (talks/rallies), demonstrate on the streets, be featured in the media especially on TV, or give flowers to the PM?

  33. ..the really hard work involves going down to every voter, house to house and see them face to face, write them an email and continue the interaction right till election time ….this is hard work and will require organizational skills…..it is science – posted above

    Badawi`s War On Roses did it in less than a day:

    “I am appalled. Wow, thanks, government. Thanks for showing your true colors again. S.V., I’ll like to take you up on your claim that “the majority of Indians would vote for the ruling Barisan in the election.” We’ll see about that. Indeed… especially after today.”

    This very costly dramatics to the BN, and very effective it could well turn out to be.

  34. I just watched BCC and I concluded that the Malays existence in the Malaysia is definitely in jeopardy … therefore I called upon all URBAN MALAYS to realise from where you are coming from …. being modern is simply being idealistic but being MALAY is for our survival … calling on the well-known urban Malays …DR. Farish, Dr Azmi, Dr. Bakri ….. do not allow yourself to be the vehicles to crush your own Malays existance ….

  35. I totally agreed with ‘I Malaysian’ , the gathering will be made use of by UMNO to ‘psycho’ the rural Malays into defensive action by voting for BN! There would not be any positive hand-out by BN. By now, the only action left is the ballot box! The energy and time spent for this gathering should have been spent to call all voters to vote against these unscrupulous bunch who had literally taken every of their selfish action for granted!! And you have one bloke who justified the actions of the GOMEN by listing a couple of ball licking Indian who had made it big. As if they had sweated for it! We all know they have to release their quotas to the MASTERS!!

  36. temenggong Says:
    February 16, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    Children detained and separated from their parents! While only about 4,000 or less people took part in these street protests, and dispersed as they were, it was more electrifying that the earlier Hindraf rally of Nov 25th, the most fearful and dramatic being at the Pudu Temple, near Puduraya, where the whole area was cordened off to traffic and with thousands of people watching including several tourists. While it was an all Indian rally, there was support from passing malay motorists. There is acknowledgement of the greivances.

    For the first time I noticed discontent within the police force, especially the Indian officers. Mutiny is not for away!

    Indian women have ascended to the fore in these protests as new leaders of a mass movement. This changes everything, quadruples the effects.

    Now Indians and BN have breached a point of no return. Yesterday, Feb 15th 2008 was the last day of peace, and it will be that way for sometime. There will be no peace in Malaysia until BN is taken down, ripped apart, shredded and cremated, next starting with the chinese parties MCA and Gerakan.

    While awareness is growing daily, the elphant in the room is clearly visible, the faster the malays and chinese respond positively to the enormity and gravity of this situation, the better for their community and business. I don’t how how else to say it!


  37. Let me make my stand clearly; I would be voting for DAP this coming election in Penang.

    Yes the police should be more tactful in handling the rally but my main concern is, why the parents are bringing their small children to this kind of rallies? Children are God’s gift to us and they should be protected. We all know that rally is illegal because the government did not issue a permit. Also the mob mentality comes in play here, when a group exist, they are more bold, more strong and of course more violent. I read papers that there is also one wanted man among the rally. As responsible parents, is it not our job to protect the young??

    I will not vote blindly for any party nor I will be swayed easily by empty promises. This year vote is for DAP and opposition to create more stability for Malaysia. As matured, thinking adults, no matter what the reasons, children should be protected and bringing them to join rallies are absurd knowing how stupid our policemen are.

  38. As responsible parents, is it not our job to protect the young?? – posted above

    A facetious comment implying Indians do not know how to take care of their kids. There are hundreds of kids of various races who accompany their parents out daily.
    While the police shoot tear gas at the 11 year old? Does that not make the police child abusers?
    Why didn`t the police arrest the `wanted man` in that crowd?
    Why is that monkey Khairy allowed to orgainise illegal UMNO demos?
    Why is the Gerakan Disciplinary Committe unable to come up with a decision on this after 2 months:

    In an audacious move, a notable Gerakan politician has taken Barisan Nasional coalition leader Umno to task for inciting racial sentiments among Malays to gain political mileage.

    “They incite racial sentiments among their community in a petty attempt to further their political career,” Gerakan Youth vice-chief S Paranjothy alleged today (Dec 21).

  39. For all the readers who had friends and family having connection to foreign press, news reporters, editors: Tell them the plights of the non-bumiputra. How the minority is oppressed and discriminated.

    Tell them not just to report the incidents but the underlying truth, the chain reaction from the NEP.

    Tell them Malaysia is the second country in the world that practise Apartheid under the disguiese of NEP. Discrimination based on race and religion is not going to be tolerated in this day. Let them spread the news. Let the world know about it and come to our aid.

  40. KTK the Gerakan chief befits the chinese saying the mute has eaten ‘hwang lian’ ( a very bitter stuff) meaning he can not speak out his real feeling towards repercussion caused by Paranjothy.

  41. Kevin Rudd and his administration in Australia admitted their country’s past mistakes and genuinely apologise for the wrongs done to the aborogines.

    AAB’s administration not only refuses to admit the wrongs done to the other races in this country, they chose to use force even on women and children to intimidate them when the minorities bring up their plight. It is a clear sign of arrogance arising from the saying, “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Gandhian or Martin Luther King approach is a waste of time on these monsters. It is time to teach them a lesson. Vote Opposition and do not for one minute be swayed by the BN claims that they have done a lot for the people while the Opposition has done nothing. The BN could have done a lot more if there were less corruption at the highest levels, less cronyism and nepotism, practise true meritocracy and no racial discrimination for education, Govt. employment etc. And the Opposition could have done a lot more if they had the same access to the nation’s resources the BN had.

  42. Badawi continuously demonstrates a continuing failure to govern effectively and innovatively. Every demonstration he clamps down only infuriates the people more. He may not have wanted to have anything to do with Hindraf, but he could have sent someone to take the flowers from the children. The police could have imposed conditions saying no more than 15-30 Hindraf representatives could meet up with such representatives. There are so many ways for Badawi to skin the cat, yet he is moved to demonstrate the harshest and the most ineloquent method of them all.

    An aside. If you look at Badawi’s picture when he first became PM and his pictures now, you will notice a subtle difference. It’s called arrogance.

    Once must take one’s hat off for Mahathir. This man ran the country for more than 20 years, but resigned (though by reason of international pressure). Badawi is not even 1/10th of this man, and he’s already displaying an unusual amount of arrogance. Power may corrupt absolutely, but it took a while for TDM to be fully corrupted. It’s only taken 3 1/2 years for Badawi to be like that. It goes to show a weakness of character.

    We must not allow this PM another day in the office. And the fact is since Najib is not doing any better, we would have better luck voting the opposition wholesale. Seriously.

  43. Simplyjustice,it is because they are happy with what they have now.Except those who are kowledgeble and are fully aware of the political reality facing them.Nobody can deny that the minorities, Chinese and Indians alike have been marginalised for decades.It is especially so after the implementation of NEP when we are categorised as second class or the non bumis.It is shit on the UMNO idiots who practise apartheid and put us in the current pathetic situation.

  44. We should unite under the primary objective which is to wrest control of the government from BN which has lost the legitimacy to govern as a result of decades of excesses and abuses of political power, and set a new direction for a fledgling and fragile democracy and stem the tide of Islamo-fascism which is threatening the unity of this nation.

    Hindraf which is not a political party, because of the communal nature of its demands is dividing us more than it is uniting. We can tap the energy it is generating among some Malaysians but we must be circumspect when doing so especially when the men in blue trying to control the demonstrators are mostly from one race and the demonstrators are from another.

  45. Viewing the Malaysiakini.com video posted in youtube makes me think the video was taken from some war torn country like serbia or something where the government tortures and victimizes it’s Rakyat. To think this happened in downtown Kuala Lumpur by our FRU on our Rakyat holding nothing more than banners, pictures of Agong and roses.
    Despicable and Deplorable. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should resign as he has failed his Rakyat time and time again. No need for the Rakyat to vote him out. He should take the responsibility and resign.

  46. Marginalization of any ethnic minority in any country is a serious issue and no one can be neutral over an issue like that. Hindraf leaders should have declared their support for a political party instead of remaining aloof and unresponsive to attempts to court them.

  47. All non bumi BN supporters = masochist. They support someone to ill treat them, marginalize them etc, they are psychologically sick. Come on Non bumi, U know BN cannot lose, so pls support any opposition to hv some check n balance on ruling party

  48. 50 years is too long
    50 years past like a horrible nightmare under BN
    Please wake up from this long nightmare
    So that another 50 years of hell will not come
    To a nation already full of BN corrupts and sins

    All our DAP and opposition supporters, there’s a need to publish a complete chronology and history of all Barisan National scandals and damages done by BN to the nation over the years under the leadership of Bodowi as well as those BN coconut leaders before him. List of facts and figures should be published before and during the election so that people will not forget about all the dirty sins conducted by Barisan National all these years, with the hope that history will not repeat itself in the future.

    The internet can play a great role in this.

  49. Remember they used 300 fully-armed FRU men to disperse 300 peaceful demonstrators holding candles? Now they use the same force on people trying to present flowers. Is this action called for? And what threat is there that these people have created? Utilizing 300 FRUs to disperse 300 helpless citizens would mean a 1:1 effort. Does that mean the armed forces in Malaysia are only good for that kind of job? So what would happen when the enemy attacks us? Would they come in a 1:1 proportion or ratio or is our army going to set a ruling of 1:1? But even at 1:1, I think our army would be incapable to handle; don’t forget the enemy is ARMED!!!!

  50. if you are doing business at those areas see if you support this kind of campaign or not.

    What really turn international shame for Malaysia is the Hindraf & those – to start road demonstartions. Police are doing their job, maybe a bit over react. But who started this culture?

    Do it peacefuly, we have the voting rights – lucky for us.
    Go for demonstration if you are staying in Myanmar, I suggest.

  51. apa lah du. kamu cakap apa? who create all the trouble for the businesses? Police or Hindraf. I never see Hindraf blocking or diverting trafffic but i certainly see police doing that. kamu ini kalut la. kalau tak tahu, diam diam cukup. Yes, the police is telling the whole big wide world that they are criminal, bukan hindraf.

  52. This apa fellas is too short sighted, who create this trouble, it is BN, if BN treat every citizen fairly, then no Hinraf lah!.
    If all keep quiet like this, soon Msia, when petrol run out, no future business for everyone lah!
    Who use violent, polis ! so polis = criminal !
    So apa, r u saying No to polis?

  53. lu sudah buta, lu ekstream, lu tau tak? tak tau wa kasih tau karang.
    kerana ada orang macam kau, dunia akan kaput bukan kamput.

    bila satu hari hang kena pasai, jangan cari polis langsung. “The next Hindraf march may carry C4 grenades instead of roses”

    hang jangan pakai kereta, pakai kaki. hang jangan makan nasi, makan kulit kayu. Itu semua ada subsidi. Myamar perlu orang macam kau.

    rasional sikit lah. waras sikit lah. Orang yang ekstream hanya bawa bencana.

    kerana kau ekstream, aku terpaksa ekstream sikit, namun kau mesti tak insaf lagi.

    nasib baik bukan semua DAP ekstream macam kau.
    sekurang-kurangnya, saya tidak.

  54. polis just doing their job, BUT why bring children?
    Polis might be a bit over but why bring children? U want to bring your children for this? If you are polis what u do? Hindraf is not criminal, if no crime happens, if no “The next Hindraf march may carry C4 grenades instead of roses”.

  55. “It semua ada subsidi,” kereta ada subsidi ka? Harga kereta di Msia adalah antara yang termahal sekali di dunia lah!
    Setuju, bawa kanak2, pakai C4, memang salah. Siapa yang telah pakai C4??
    Polis tak boleh buat kerja mereka secara aman? kena guna cara ganas semacam tu?

  56. Pak lah is one smart man,He knows he lost the indians and chiness votes,So he is now going all out to win the malay votes by using race , religion and money .RM 900 Million was given last month to MARA to give out as loans to Malays.( UMNO Malays )

    UMNO is going house to house (Malay Houses) saying if UMNO loses ,Malays will lose everything,BA will take away the Malay rights,Bahasa Malaysia will be second language and only UMNO can defend Islam. I,M not saying B.A is good ,but at least give it a try.

  57. I for one like to sound the stupidity of Indians being lied upon by Samy Vellu (“I don’t look like him, ma name does sound like him but I am not him”).

    After 50 years, we let a Banana Govt to divide the country racially so that they can have 2/3 (more like 7/8) majority. Very much like the lifespan of a typical building, its time for the old Malaysia to be demolished and a new one built, one with a great deal on check and balances.

    DAP, PAS and Keadilan, for Christ sake, screw the religion, race and self centredness for now. Unite and whack the corrupt BN

  58. Not Keris (that reminds me of Ketuanan Melayu).

    Wave the Indian Hindu dagger instead & show on TV & YouTube.

    I can confidently say Indian votes (7%- 20% in some areas) can be ‘King Makers’ this election. At a ‘split’ area btw UMNO-Keadilan or MCA-DAP or MCA-PKR/PRM, you Indians can tip the scale off-centre towards opposition!!! Make that happen & see the surprises on BN’s face how great an effect a small minority group can cause in this GE.

    Just do it! – Vote DAP/PKR/PRM.

  59. It is a shame for PM Abdullah

    16/02/2008 is a shameful day for BN Government and Badawi and another sad day for Indians and Malaysians. The 5year old little girl wrote a touching letter to Badawi to accept roses for the release of 5 ISA detainees and the 18 basic demands for Indians. She even personally asked Badawi for protection from police brutality, tear gas and chemical laced water. What is the harm of receiving some flowers from our future Malaysians. Badawi did not even reply to the little girl’s letter which was personally handed to his secretary one month ago. What kind of a leader is he ? What is this complete ignorance and arrogance of him and his Government. Even if he has no common sense of his own are there no advisers to him, are they all sleeping like their leader.

    Do we need this kind of a man to run Malaysia? Badawi said that people should use “PROPER CHANNELS”. Please advice us which is the proper channel. Writing letters…? but you won’t reply. Go to MIC?…….that is waste of time. We Indians don’t want MIC anymore. 50years is enough. Indians can be represented by any other party. For instance I think DAP spoke more in parliament for Indians than MIC. Lim Kit Siang showed more sympathy and understanding for Nov25 and 16thFeb. I think this election we should all vote for Opposition. Give them a chance and there will be a difference.

    We Malaysians don’t want corrupted ministers, ministers who abuse their powers, ministers who use ISA instead of law and order, ministers who swindle taxpayers money, racist MPs who threaten the minorities, MBs who break temples and most of all a minister who will not accept roses from a five year old. We need ministers, MPs and politician who are dignified, educated, knowledgeable, trustworthy and do their job. They must be professional in their line of duty and they must listen to people who have real grievances and problems.

    This election all peace loving Malaysians should deny BN completely. 50 years of marginalisation, discrimination and depravation is enough. We need change, without change we will never see the end of corruption, police impropriety, independent judiciary, equal rights, end to discrimination, fair opportunities, freedom of religion, media, peaceful assembly and so on. All of which portrays a true democratic nation. If we do not achieve the above we are doomed.

    This time we should use and vote wisely to a party that is capable of bringing the much needed change. I have personally listened to the voices of DAP and will vote for them without any hesitation. If we have put up with the current situation for the last 50 years, we can give a chance to the opposition to show their true capability for the next 5 years.

    We peace loving Malaysians cannot put up with the grievances and problems that are slowly but surely seeping through the system. We need an end to this .


    Liberty for all,

  60. Interesting comment by “I MALAYSIAN SAYS”.

    Its true if BN Gov./ Police can do such brutal actions just before elections there must be a conspiracy of some sort. Why else would they be dissapointing a certain race when they should be going all out to convience them for votes. They know, they don’t need the Indian votes. Apart from going to the rural I fear what ever BERSIH is fighting for is going to be true on this election.

    SDV Samy

  61. Limkamput,

    Be more lucid when you write! This is what Kg. Attap type education does to you. You misunderstand what writers post on this blog and you end up as usual having a quarrel with yourself! What’s worse, you end up in name calling!

  62. Black rat eye, I have already issued you a challenge. Write me two paragraphs on any of the issue here and debate with me. If you are really good and credible, I shall leave this blog and not to participate in it again. You have my word. I am still waiting because I know you have nothing in your head and you can’t write. For someone who is incongruous in thought and incoherent in writing, how can he/she qualify to teach others to be to be more lucid? A crab can never walk straight. So don’t try, it is futile.

  63. ‘…In fact, the battle cry for all Malaysians in the 12th general election should be “Heal Malaysia”…’


    Stay focus.

    “Our understanding is to ensure one-on-one fights and deny Barisan a two-thirds majority,”

    Barisan Rakyat ( PKR/PAS/DAP/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) = so clear , easily understood.

    Now finally we have ‘ Unity ‘ , ” One common struggle, One Voice & One Spirit “.

    Syabas to Barisan Rakyat (DAP/PKR/PAS/PSM/MDP/PASOK ) ).

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