Parliamen dissolves today despite Pak Lah’s assurance of “no” yesterday

Parliament is being dissolved today despite the assurance by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday that there will be no dissolution of Parliament today.

This is the New Straits Times story today:

‘Parliament won’t be dissolved today’

BANGI: Parliament will not be dissolved today.

The prime minister dismissed intense speculation that he would seek to dissolve parliament on the basis of his penchant for the number 13.

“No such thing,” Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told reporters after the launch of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Institut Islam Hadhari.

Pressed further if today’s cabinet meeting would be the last for the 11th parliamentary term, he asked back: “What makes you think it’s going to be the last?”

“There will be more (meetings to come).”

My sources tell me that Abdullah had an audience with the Yang di Pertuan Agong this morning on the dissolution of Parliament and the Prime Minister has called for a media conference at 12.30 pm to announce Parliament’s dissolution and the 12th general election.


81 Replies to “Parliamen dissolves today despite Pak Lah’s assurance of “no” yesterday”

  1. Abdullah is a very confused man. Less than 24 hours he changed his mind, do you think investors will come to invest in our country with a freaky Prime Minister like Abdullah? I hope Agong will not allow him to disolve parliament in view that the Chinese New Year celebration is still on going.

  2. Anyway I am quite amazed by the performance of KLSE, where in recent weeks other bourses in the region has been hit hard because of the subprime crisis, but KLSE movement was not affected at all, a lot of money must be used to stablize it. I am afraid the sell down of KLSE will come after the election.

  3. Malaysia PM to call for snap poll Wednesday -source

    Wednesday February 13 2008

    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13 (Reuters) – Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has received consent from the country’s king to dissolve parliament and call for fresh elections, a source close to the prime minister said on Wednesday.

    Separately, an aide to the premier said Abdullah would hold a news conference later on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. local time (0430 GMT), though he declined to give further details. A senior editor at television station TV3 said the channel was on standby to air an important announcement from the premier.

    The source said the Election Commission would decide on the poll date in coming days but it was likely to be held within the first 10 days of March.

  4. “Parliament will not be dissolved today.” by AAB on 12 Feb 2008

    The shortest of memory among those afflicted by whatever form of amnesia cannot be shorter than the credibility and trustworthiness of this so-called ‘affable’ limp-wristed w***k*r of a wimp.

  5. quite unbelievable of the pee em’ to tell such a straight face lie which he knows will be very easily found out because he is the one who will be announcing the dissolving of parliament!!!
    how much more idiotic can this guy get!!???!!??
    Seriously… to call him a retard is an insult to real retards.

  6. No Cabinet meeting?

    The Flip-flop man strikes again.

    Maybe Jeanne twisted his big ears last night.

    Dissolution : 13 Feb

    Polling: 1.3 (1st March)

    Days for Nominations and till Voting after Elections Commission meets : 13 days.

    13, 13, 13. Heck Pak Lah will look forward to a landslide win. The stars are in his favour. His feng shui master said so.

    This is what islam hadwhateverdari teaches you, to be a liar, to be corrupt, to be racist, to be enemy of your own people to stay in power.

    My Fellow Malaysian

    The time has come to fight the battle of our lifes. Go out now to spread the bad news about umno and the running dogs and to get all your friends and family members toVOTE FOR CHANGE.

    If we do not make the change now, there will not be another chance and our future will be doomed.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  8. Yesterday AAB officiated the ISLAM HADHARI day in UKM.

    So guys, you have a sample of what hadhari really stands for; he can lie without eyes blinking. So, get yourself prepared for another 4 yrs of hadhari – unless we do the right thing this gen. election.

  9. Its confirmed today Parliament is dissolved. Every voters must have one objective. Vote for the opposition. Get the 2/3 majority and also take over the ruling of the government.

    Lets jointly say that BN this election will loose almost in every state and stand together to unite the oppostion to give the votes to form the next government.


  10. Lies after lies witout fear of God! He preaches Islam Hadhari and yet he tell white lies!
    Even the biggest crook cannot tell so many lies.


  11. If this is true, it should be of big concern to the public because it meant the PM lied IN PUBLIC. We know they hide the truth all the time but lying in public is something else.

    What is happening to our society that we are not outraged by lying of our leaders and let them get away with it. What does it teach our children about what kind of values are acceptable.

    Already in the Lingam affair, I heard over the TV someone described the recent revelation by his secretary that Lingam was guilty of contempt. Its far graver. Its perjury. Lingam on top of all that he has done has commited prejury to the RCI. So has Eusoff Chin, Dr. Mahathr and likely a few others.

    We are a laughing stock of the world with a PM, supposedly with impecable religious credential becuase he does not sleep around, steal directly, that think nothing of lying and conspire to hide criminals for political reason.

    Frankly, I rather this PM sleeps around and steal directly. At least then I know exactly what the loses to me.

    Lying in Public! What do I tell my children????

  12. Confirm, Parliament dissolved. At least we are happy for about three weeks as bodohwi is no longer our pm and umno and its running dogs are just normal human like me and you.

    So fellow Malaysian,

    Do you still want liars, racist and corrupt leaders to lead our country?

    Cast your vote for any opposition to ensure that these liars, corrupted and racist leaders are not re-elected.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  13. Anyway, he is always a liar, remember what he said two years ago- no increase in petrol but later increase. how can we trust this type of PM.

    Forget about him as it’s time to call for “Makaal Sakti” – People’s Power and deny the two third majority in Parliment and State Assemblies and teach them a lesson.

    Let me share with you – the promises of allocation given to temples or to Chinese/Indian schools are not in cash but will get their crony contractors to do the job and in the end they will make a mess out of it and the temple has to spend more money to rectify their mess. So, dont be fooled by the newspaper report, they are giving allocations but to enrich their cronies.

    Good luck DAP in this General Election outings and whack BN flat this time and God blessed DAP and all Malaysians to kick out the evil.

  14. Denied that he was going to wed Jeane, but a few weeks later got married.
    Now this!
    Look at the beatifyl slogans he can coin. All those empty slogans are pure white lies too.
    Call himself a caring PM. But when the South was inundated by flood, happily jetted to Australia to makan nasi kandar.

    Oh yes, now at this point in time, you can see all the HIPCRISY AT ITS BEST BY BN CANDIDATE!!!

  15. PM told at the press conference the date for dissolution of Parliament must be confirmed by the King. Then only he can say anything. What he told the press yesterday, he replied, that his papers to dissolve Parliament was signed by the King today.

  16. Yes, we have habitual cheats and liars among people who hold the executive, judiciary, and administrative powers.

    And the sad sad fact is that most Malaysians willingly remain subordinates of these habitual cheats and liars. They willingly believe the lies of these habitual cheats and liars and continue to vote BN to power, even >2/3 majority.

  17. This morning news: Parliament will not be dissolved today.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi put an end to such speculation, telling reporters here yesterday: “Esok tak ada (No, it won’t be tomorrow)”. [Esok is today]

    Now, the latest news: Parliament dissolved, elections on.

    There are still people who believe in AAB! Really buta.

  18. When come to lying this PM is second only to VK Lingam. Lying to the whole country on the eve of general election. Is he foolish or just a habitual liar?

    Let’s do our part to help DAP in this election campaign.

  19. Made up my mind… Vote him out. Such a incapable leader with a host of silly antics. Better ask him to bring all the cronies including himself to go other countries. Not accepted in Malaysia anymore….

  20. Liar liar, pants on fire
    See you squirm, see you perspire
    Not a word you say is true
    There’s never been one out of you

    Smoke & mirrors, bait and switch
    You and your friends are getting rich
    Picking pockets, pulling strings
    And other more dispicable things

    Liar Liar, pants on fire
    Preaching only to the choir
    Photo op in front of the steeple
    How did you manage to fool these people?

    Talk the lingo, dress the part
    Even put your hand on your heart
    Bomber jacket, emperor’s clothes
    You can’t even reach the end of your nose

    Liar liar, pants on fire
    Chain of command doesn’t get any higher
    Orders come down from the top
    Punish the guy who pushes the mop

    Throw away the key and forget about bail
    The likes of you ought to rot in jail
    Guilty! Guilty of the highest crimes
    And the lowest ones at the very same time

    Liar liar, pants on fire
    Teleprompter, hidden wire
    Who’s this G-d that speaks to you
    Who would authorize the things you do?

    Bend the rules, twist the facts
    Make excuses, cover your tracks
    Why won’t you let anybody see
    The flag-draped coffins on tv?

    Liar liar, been found out
    Whistleblowers talked about
    How you classify & cook the books
    For the benefit of a bunch of crooks

  21. A feng sui master made this prediction a short while ago:

    DAP 37
    PAS 34
    PKR 17
    Total Opposition 88 (39.7%) and 57% of popular vote

    BN 134 (60.3%) and 43 % of popular vote

    BN to lose Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu

    Significant casualties : Samy Vellu, Kayveas, Najib (!!!)

    DAP will win 5 seats in FT, win in PJ Utara, and Kota Melaka.

    JB (!!!) and Seremban will fall to Opposition this time.

    Wow. I hope this comes true.

  22. AAB has to call for election ASAP becoz they have finished all the goodies which they believed are the best for all Malaysian expecially Chinese which should have been given out for the past 50 years and used up all the money to boost KLCI. So no more good news from them except possible bad news like one of the them caught by CCTV in doing something illegal or haram.


  23. Great, games on been waiting for this moment for quite some time. These are what I have done last few months and will do to help DAP election campaign: joined as permanent member, attended the fund raising dinners, donation, convinced my relatives to vote for DAP in Melaka and Teluk Intan during Chinese New Year and lastly put a big ‘X’ for DAP in the election day.

  24. Would you be happy to have your PM that lied in public?

    He is setting a WRONG precedence for his cabinets. Let me tell you, this joker will be totally get out of control with this monkey cabinet. He will eat his own medicine real soon.

    I predict that even if he won to become PM, he will not laet the term!!

    I ill not vote for BN for sure. Will you?


  25. Wow. I hope this comes true- Sheriff Singh

    Don’t under-estimate the power of the darkside! (Star Wars).

    Sheriff, BN has many powerful feng shui masters – that can reverse – I mean really reverse the results.

    Seriously, Sabah might go the way to the opposition.

  26. Desperate man do desperate things.This is the last auspcious date in his feng shui calender.I just wonder since when feng shui was part of Islam.Can muslims please include it in your future decision making process.

  27. From YB Kit respond to the matter, it is learn that the Agong was reluctant to sign the letter. YB Kit had stress that bodohwi present the signed letter for public viewing.

    See the utube Here

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  28. He keeps mum while his keris weilding ferocious pitbulls spit out racial slurs threatening non-Malays, destroyed Hindu temples, chemically sprayed, dragged and cruelly locked up Hindraf protestors under ISA. Next minute he claims to be PM of all Malaysians?

    He has been called a liar, a village idiot, a dumb and a mental retard. If we allow him and him and his BN/UMNO another term, it just goes to show we Malaysians are no better …another bunch of “retards” who aren’t concern for the future of this country!

    We desperately need a new government. Vote DAP, PKR and PAS
    and go for change, change for the better. We can’t be any worse than now.

  29. Jong, that is the problem; yr/my words don’t extend beyond this computer screen.

    During the CNY I managed to meet a few relatives but they are already converts, hardcore DAP. Don’t forget the strength of UMNO is in Jengka, Ulu Tiram, Ulu somewhere… As Sheriff mentioned (predicted), they might lose popular votes, but they still get more MPs elected. Major problem indeed.

  30. If lies and non-ccounatbility are the order of the day, if ACA and judicary corruption is the accepted norm, hijacking of telekom shares by Cabinet Minister to 2 dollar companies are acceptable, what makes the Rakyat think that the Ballot box wont be rigged?

    Think about it.

  31. All the visitors to this website, do you all think sitting in front of the computer and pledge support to DAP then DAP will win? Since the Parliament already dissolved, let’s we talk less here and go out campaign for DAP. Do your part, donate to DAP and go to any DAP branch to lend your help.

    Good Luck DAP!

  32. The BN promises to the chinese & indians over the last few weeks will never be true, just like this announcement, yesterday he said no but what happened today!!!! To the indians & chinese you will look not only silly but also stupid if you will to vote for BN. Wake up everyone, you need to vote for change, change is always for good, cannot be worst than the BN.

  33. Physcological explanation for habitual liars

    “Pathological liars can’t always tell truth from falsehood and contradict themselves in an interview. They are manipulative and they admit they prey on people. They are very brazen in terms of their manner, but very cool when talking about this.”

    Aside from having histories of conning others or using aliases, the habitual liars also admitted to malingering, or telling falsehoods to obtain sickness benefits…”They’ve got the equipment to lie, and they don’t have the disinhibition that the rest of us have in telling the big whoppers”

  34. The Star carries the same statement of the PM. It makes me wonder who his advisors are. To show himself to be such an outright liar, he must think he has much to gain. Let’s hope this is but another nail in the coffin that will see the BN’s 2/3 majority buried.

  35. The worst Prime Minister in Malaysian history!!!
    Wonder why Tun Dr Mahathir would believe in him the very first time? With him around for the second term, Malaysia’s richest will be suck up dry.
    Aye! Aye! Malaysia Boleh…….!!!
    Tipu, I would say.!

  36. Pak Lah’s creditability is down the drain and a total
    ruined and collapsing reputation that no one can bet
    the trust on him as PM of Malaysia any more.!!

    He has just screwed up himself and do not blame
    others if he looses the election!!!

    Inflation is a Definite Hardship for all immediately after
    the GE! It is unavoidable now due to BN’s Poor Governance!!

    Please Vote DAP and All Opposition Parties.

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