DAP target – win 30-40 parliamentary seats to help defeat BN in 75 seats to deny 2/3 majority

DAP must concentrate on winning 30 – 40 Parliamentary seats while PKR and PAS focus on winning another 40 – 50 Parliamentary seats if a historic result is to be returned in next general election to deny BN two-thirds parliamentary majority

The next general election, however, is more important than just about Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s premiership, his breach of his five famous sayings and pledges in his first 10 days as Prime Minister, his somnambulant government, his “half-past six Cabinet” and the rise of Little Napoleons and Little Mullah Napoleons (LMNs) in the public service.

The next general election is shaping up to be the most important of all 12 general elections in the nation’s 50-year history.

Former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has warned that a thumping victory for the Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno in the next general election would end up as an endorsement for a coalition “centred on nepotism and corruption”.

Mahathir is not the most ideal person to make such a prediction. However, what is most important is the song and not the singer, and for this reason, Mahathir’s warning must be taken very seriously.

Mahathir has said that even if Umno loses 20 or 30 of their candidates, the Barisan Nasional is going to win.

Mahathir is again right. The issue in the next general election is not whether the Barisan Nasional and Umno will be returned to power but whether Umno’s political hegemony stemming from the unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority of the Barisan Nasional could be ended to provide for an effective and meaningful check-and-balance in the system of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia.

With a total of 222 Parliamentary seats in the next general election, Barisan Nasional must be defeated in at least 75 seats if Malaysia is to bring down the curtain to Umno political hegemony in Malaysian politics and parliamentary democracy.

The denial of 75 parliamentary seats to the BN in the 12th general election should be the single-minded and common objective of all opposition parties, civil society and Malaysians who want to see the beginning of a new democracy with an effective check-and-balance for the first time in Malaysia’s system of parliamentary democracy.

To achieve this historic target, the DAP should concentrate on winning 30 – 40 parliamentary seats. Can Parti Keadilan Rakyat and PAS focus on winning another 40 – 50 Parliamentary seats? With a 85 per cent success in this electoral approach, Umno and BN would still be returned to power but bereft of its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority.

I believe the DAP winning from 30 to 40 parliamentary seats is an achievable goal in the next general election, based on the following targets for the following states:

Penang – 7
Perak – 7
FT KL – 5
Selangor – 4
Sembilan – 2
Malacca – 1
Johore – 2
Sarawak – 6
Sabah – 4

For the past few decades, the Barisan Nasional leaders have been frightening the voters into believing that if it loses two-thirds parliamentary majority, there will be chaos and anarchy, with some irresponsible elements even raising the spectre of May 13 riots and bloodshed.

Malaysia has just celebrated our 50th Merdeka anniversary and one meaningful way to mark the nation’s half-a-century of nationhood is to exorcise the May 13 spectre once and for all.

Irresponsible BN politicians wont to raise May 13 spectre must be identified, isolated and condemned one by one as the greatest enemies of successful plural and democratic Malaysian nationhood.

I challenge the Prime Minister or any Barisan Nasional leader to come forward to say that the Barisan Nasional cannot form a stable government if it loses 75 parliamentary seats – when it would still have 147 seats or a simple majority of 72 seats, which would be the envy of all governments in Commonwealth democracies.

The denial of two-thirds majority should also be the objective of all opposition parties, NGOs and the civil society in the two DAP front-line states in Penang and Perak.

In Penang, the Barisan Nasional must be defeated in at least 14 seats if it is to be denied two-thirds majority in the Penang State Assembly of 40 State Assembly seats. DAP may be able to win from eight to ten State Assembly seats. If Parti Keadilan Rakyat can win from four to six seats, then the denial of the Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in the Penang State Assembly is within sight.

Similarly for Perak, the Barisan Nasional must be defeated in at least 20 seats if it is to be denied two-thirds majority in the Perak State Assembly of 59 State Assebmly seats. With DAP focusing on winning 15 state assembly seats in Perak, this denial of two-thirds majority could only be achieved if Parti Keadilan Rakyat, together with PAS, can secure five to seven seats.

(Speech 2 at the Penang DAP Open House at Cheah Association, Penang on Sunday, 10th February 2008 at 11 am)


48 Replies to “DAP target – win 30-40 parliamentary seats to help defeat BN in 75 seats to deny 2/3 majority”

  1. bumiputra make up 60 percent of the population but have 87 percent of government jobs. They receive discounts of 5 to 10 percent on new homes and are allotted 30 percent of stock shares in initial public offerings. Newspapers are filled with notices of government construction contracts exclusively reserved for companies controlled by bumiputra.

    “It’s completely unacceptable that you cannot get awarded a contract just because of the color of your skin,” said Lim Guan Eng, an ethnic Chinese Malaysian who is secretary general of the Democratic Action Party, the leading opposition party in Parliament. “That grates tremendously. We are treated as though we are third- or fourth-class citizens.”

  2. I am dismayed by this constant talk of “DAP winning 30 – 40 seats” as though it can do so without the cooperation, covert or overt, of PKR and PAS. It’s time for Kit to show some statesmanship and lead the Opposition thrust in conjunction with Hadi and Anwar. Show the country that the Opposition is united in denying the thieves their two-thirds majority. Individual chest-thumping isn’t going to do the job. In certain constituencies, three cornered fights may be necessary to “split” the Chinese votes or the Malay votes to allow a fellow Opposition nominee to win. If all you are talking about is to agree on one-to-one fights, then you are not maximising your probabilities.

  3. It’s time for Kit to show some statesmanship and lead the Opposition thrust in conjunction with Hadi and Anwar. Show the country that the Opposition is united in denying the thieves their two-thirds majority. – Godfather.

    Excellent suggestion and it needed to be done without alienating the Chinese vote, like it did the last time. If indeed it can be pulled off, then DAP is truly by Malaysians and for Malaysians.

  4. The recent CNY family reunions, gatherings, open houses and visits have been useful to spread the message why the BN should not win two thirds of Parliament seats again. Of course there were some disagreements and even glares at some public discourses but I think the message that the reduced majority is necessary to stem the growing tide of power abuses, body snatchings, religious extremisms, etc have got across quite well. It dawned on many that if they do not do something useful with their votes, very soon that same Chinese New Year may have to be celebrated behind closed doors.

  5. It is important that we keep focus why we should exercise our rights in the coming GE. It is not about denying the 2/3 majority of BN but electing clean MPs into the Parliament.

    Given the level of corruption in the current crop of BN MPs, it is easy for BN to loose more that 1/2 of their seat in the Parliament if Malaysian exercise their conscience. However, I would not hold my breath hoping majority of Malaysian would cast their votes selflessly.

    So, it is better to list questionable characters instead of constituency so that voters will know who to vote out.

  6. RTM is showing the video of Mr Lim, Anwar and Hadi at the Bersih Rally and titled “Mereka Berpakat” together with other screens of other violent protests during the mandarin news at 8pm, they trying to associate violence with opposition

  7. Numbers are nice. But who the candidates are will also be important.

    And the people must be united in wanting to vote for you. I suspect that will be some who will be putting spanners into the proposed straight fights. Do you have all your pacts and agreements in place? Are you ready for a total media blitz against all of you?

    The DAP, the PKR and PAS will all have to achieve their best performances to date. Can you all do this? Time will tell.

    They say it will require 3 times effort for any potential conqueror to overwhelm the incumbent.

    Its about time the DAP (and PKR, PAS) to come out with an elections website to aggressively communicate regularly with the voters to let us all know what is going on, what to do, how we can help etc.

    But also beware that all your websites might be brought down during the critical period.

  8. BN does not need 2/3 majority except to amend the Constitution, which for the current term in power, it has abused with EC Chairman’s retirement age.

    BN only needs 50% +1 seat majority in Parliament to rule the country. For stability, it would probably need a few more, but not more than that. The most seats that BN needs is 120 seats, leaving the remainder 102 to the opposition parties to provide the much needed checks and balances.

    My heart really cries out to Malaysia because the majority citizens seem so oblivious to the need for such critical instrument of checks and balances that they continue to vote for BN in particular UMNO just so that they could have their roads tarred, some angpow money, maybe a packet of rice, or slightly better a small sewing machine. What they fail to realise is they are betraying the next 2-3 generations of Malaysians who could have grown up, lived and died in a far more equitable and prosperous nation that what BN could manage today.

    Malaysians should really stop thinking about their own pockets for a while. Short term pain is the much needed remedy for long term health of this nation. Malaysians will only have themselves to blame for another 5 years of UMNO supremacy at the expense of everything we hold dear about a nation – freedom, equality, fairness, justice, peace, security and dynamism.

  9. Uncle please watch out for ‘postal votes’ coming from oversea Malaysians ( only CIVIL servents & their spouses and FULL time students & their spouses are eligible to votes) and there is no knowing “HOW MANY FUNNY VOTES” will turn up against the opposition!!!!!

  10. DAP must prove it is able to thrive against adverse circumstances in order to convince voters DAP can manage the country. Issues like corruption, judiciary rot, quality of education, Islamization and freedom of speech will always take a second place compared to the economy and personal safety. DAP needs to prove it can manage its finances well before declaring it is able to manage the nation’s economy. A party that relies heavily on donations to survive may not inspire confidence among voters who are primarily concerned about their livelihood.

    DAP is the only party that has been totally consistent in its struggle and principles. With more cash and assets and human resources, DAP can achieve so much more.

  11. After the landslide win by BN in April 2004, there was a glimmer of hope for reform and change in Malaysia.

    The PM launched the National Integrity Plan (NIP) soon after the landslide win and one of the aims is to improve the CPI (Corruption Perception Index) from 37 in 2003 to 30 by 2008.

    In 2004, there was a deterioration to 39 and 43 in 2007.

    I lost my hope for reform to take place to eradicate corruption.

  12. Anwar came to Karak (Pahang) and he displayed leadership qualities. This is what we want out of DAP. As we are doing these; please Saudara Lim, get the volunteer group organized.

    Last minute preparation will not be professional enough and may not achieve expected results.

  13. shown on RTM, “MEREKA BERPAKAT”?

    In fact, most of us now wish the opposition front to be MORE BERMUAFAKAT

    And urges them to spruce up their acts. Are we ready for American style of Republicans/Democrats?

    None are opposition. Opposition too can become government.

    End of day, it is PEOPLE’S WISH & PEOPLE POWER.

    We must all wake up and realize, WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT!

  14. Denying BN of 2/3 majority is indeed very important. Check & Balance is very important in any country. Just take a look at how many time our constitution has been amended in mere 50 years of independence. This is very dangerous for the minority races.

    But can the opposition do it?

    Can opposition parties come together & work out seats allocation in the first place?

    Let us all hope that they (& we can do it). Please do not contest against each other this time around. Then I see HOPE.

  15. alphoti Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 22.12
    Just take a look at how many time our constitution has been amended in mere 50 years of independence. This is very dangerous for the minority races.
    To correct , this is very dangerous for all races! It is only a BIG pity that the majority race do not see that BN is dangerous to every Msian!

  16. In each of the last 11 general elections, despite the opposition winning between 35% to 50% of the popular votes it had not, bar once, been able to capture that elusive at least one-third of the seats in Parliament. That one odd occasion was the 1969 elections.

    And, attendant with any ‘crisis’ (note the Chinese character for it) of course was the opportunity. In 1969 the NOC was effectively having a free rein to run the country for about 21 months and upon its cessation of power saw the passing of the Constitutional (Amendment) Act. This alone was bad enough. With the newly formed Barisan Nasional in the 1970s swallowing up about any spineless opposition party, most Malaysians then were even sold to UMNO’s diseased brainchild that there was no need for Opposition. Whatever was left of any credible opposition then was reduced to a mere token. And guess who stood firm?

    Election after election since then, notwithstanding the so-called ’10-year-swing’, Malaysians not only voted for but generously gave more than 2/3 majority to BN perhaps after being foolishly and blindly cajoled on various hypocritic premises not the least of which were development sake, spectre of instability and in later years the threat of Islamic state under PAS. The latest 5 pledges of RukunAbdullah of Nov 2003 too were taken in hook line and sinker giving BN an unprecendented 91% of seats.

    It is this untrammelled, albeit undeserving, BN’s hold of excessive power that is the root of all the ills plagueing the country today. From it has stemmed the shield of protection for the corrupt to rape the country’s wealth, the assumed legitimacy of excuses for decadence and misgovernance, the seemingly endless fountain of courage for over-zealous bigots, the cocky stance of perpetuating divisive policies and handing down and blatant misuse of draconian laws and most of all the inspiration to assume and the will and temerity as though divinely bestowed to usurp independent arms of the government.

    Based on its record and recent displays of public discord BN knows that this time around it can be a close fight and that it might even cop a good number of right jabs and left hooks. Imagine a fighter, though wounded, coming out of this victorious; we can only expect little, if any, mercy from there on.

    If Malaysians are still unwilling to come to their senses, the steadfast group of 35% to 50% whose votes are rewarded with only 10% to 20% of opposition seats will grow to a much bigger group of disgruntled yet sheepish voters who can only dream of more democratic ideals and principles in future. There is NEVER going to be a later election to vote in sufficient opposition MPs to keep those BN [deleted] honest.

  17. DAP and All Opposition Parties must work hand in hand.
    They cannot contest each other and split the votes!!

    Must deny BN 2/3 Majority votes and 75 Parliament

    We give All Opposition Parties our full support…Go go go!!
    Go and win the GE.

  18. “In 1969 the NOC was effectively having a free rein to run the country for about 21 months and upon its cessation of power saw the passing of the Constitutional (Amendment) Act. This alone was bad enough.” ALtPJK

    What’s this Constitutional (Amendment) Act about? What does it do?

  19. clean up the EC first before thinking of winning..duh.. you guys know it and yet talk about winning or denying 2/3… come on..fight for clean election first …. don’t tell me uncle Lim don’t know about this cheating …. else our vote is wasted.. election is not clean, …

  20. I don’t have the actual wordings but gleaning from various sources I understand it covers issues deemed potentially ‘sensitive’ because they might arouse racial emotions and that it would become an offence to raise them in public…issues like citizenship rights, special ‘position’, quotas in higher learning…I don’t need to say more!

  21. HI

    IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL WE WIN. Keep moving. Too much corruption in the Barisan National Goverment. The public should know by now if never change the Goverment we will bankrupt because price will increase after the Election if BN Win

  22. I do not think that the May 13 incident is going to repeat itself, at least not by losing the majority 2/3rd of the Parliamentary seats. I certainly hope it won’t happen when we are out of natural resources one day.

    I don’t mean to demoralize anyone, but I doubt that the opposition could win 75 seats. At the height of Anwar’s issue back in 1999, BN won 76% of the seats. I don’t think there’s anything bigger than that to cause an upset this time round. Nope, not Lingam-gate. Probably the long awaited increase in oil prices ;-)

  23. “…the cocky stance of perpetuating divisive policies and handing down and blatant misuse of draconian laws and most of all the inspiration to assume and the will and temerity as though divinely bestowed to usurp independent arms of the government.” AltPJK

    So who says the Constitution is supreme?

  24. YB,

    DAP and opposition needs to gain more than the 1/3rd. It should work hard to reverse the situation and have 55% vs 45% for BN. Thats the only way to begin undoing what wrongs bn has done. It will also be the opportunity to dig up all the bn’s wrongdoings and prosecute the guilty.

    Go for it! As the Nike ad says…..Just Do It!

  25. I fully agree that this election is about check and balance of government more than anything else.

    We have always known of the waste and abuse of goverment to some extent during Dr. M tenure but not to the degree with the recent revelation of the Lingam-tape RCI. Its not just about a corrupted judicial system but the entire government system itself.

    No modern nation can survive long without proper checks and balance. Our original constitution and system gave ample power to the executive if it had control of the legislative branch of government. Given that, the independence of others institution of the government – judicial was suppose to be untouchable. The burden on average voter was NOT suppose to be so difficult.

    Without it we have a monolithic government that feeds on the very soul of the people and that is what is happening. We may not have a dictatorship but we have hegemonistic rule – the exact opposite of what our founders intended this nation to be when they designed the system to have division not only between between branches of government, among political parties, among state and federal government and even among East and West Malaysia. We even had independent elected local authorities at one time.

    We are suppose to ba a nation that was going to discuss, negotiate and compromise to a consensus to build a nation based on each other strengths It was not supppose to be a hegemonistic rule based on the weakness of each race. There is no real future in that.

  26. The Done Master have completed our country race for fame using far too many ‘shortcuts’ that he never knew what’s the price to pay. He just took away our children future in the attempt to compete with the world standard. It’s like wearing a hat that bigger than our own head here.
    We have to understand that all shortcuts will lead to our own cut shorts result.
    We are rich with natural resources which were applied to drive our country economic up for the past 25 years. We opened up lands and cut down trees with national projects where we have to pay the contractors for their services. These contractors can sell anything from the land and make ‘extra’ income from these. After everything is cleared, those with power to make changes to the lands started to claimed ownership of the lands and become rich.
    Richness comes with discipline and devotion for mankind future.
    In Malaysia, it’s the crooks that make their way to riches and never changes their mindset. They are linked to the dark side of the mankind as life are full with fun, girls, power, monies, drugs, entertainment and controls. Even those within the Royal communities are involved with these network. Who to blame? They have a life style to life up with and a lot of monies to flash away to look like one that can afford to walk the red carpet. They can’t get all these by just working throug hthe proper channel, it’s the dark side world that will provide all these to them.
    As mentioned, these landowners are short sighted in managing their own wealth and they have not enough wisdom to claim their wealth after all.
    We have to understand have Allah teaching works in mankind.
    Most of us just want to be GOD ouselves.

  27. “DAP must concentrate on winning 30 – 40 Parliamentary seats while PKR and PAS focus on winning another 40 – 50 Parliamentary seats.”

    Are these realistic targets, in view of the dirty tactics of BN?

    BN has already started campaigning for the next GE by using taxpayers’ money and all public resources. Generous ang pows have been given to all racial groups.

    All local mass media have already started spinning wonderful achievements of BN and negative news about the opposition parties.

    Photos of smiling narrow-minded racist politicians gathering together started to appear in our mass media. Where is the keris?

    Lies after lies were published. One minister said: “Be grateful, be happy, our GDP has gone up impressively. 40%, no 55%.” He does not even have the basic intelligence to lie convincingly.

    With this sort of maths, no wonder the BN government cannot, up to today, give us the % wealth owned by bumipturas. And our multi-portfolio PM declared to the world that he is a hard working chap. Yes, a newly-wed chap working with his hard tool.

  28. BN has been known to make use of government machinery including TV stations for propaganda during GE, while the opposition is denied of such access. So how can they claim themselves to be “adil” and “bersih”? They are given “handicaps” and that shows they are “handicapped”

  29. Arrghh…….moderator couldn’t take the ‘deleted’ word any longer. I hope the meaning is not lost after that deletion. It was meant to echo the rhetoric made by an opposition party in a nearby and vastly more democratic country.

  30. I Hope DAP does not only concentrate on getting seats away from MCA, MIC and GERAKAN but also make an effort to help the other opposition parties who are standing against UMNO candidates. Remember what some UMNO leaders had said, the Chinese and Indians will only hurt MCA, MIC and GERAKAN if they vote for the opposition because UMNO do not need the Non-Malay votes to win.

  31. Yeah. Kit, please don’t be over confident. I believe in UNITY. If DAP wants teach BN a lesson, please do it with concerted effort. It’s for the betterment of Malaysia. Please join hands with PKR and PAS.

  32. As of today, DAP is the undisputed opposition leader in Malaysia. DAP is also the most open political party where its leaderships accept criticisms from its supporters with an open hearts, which I think DAP believes it will only makes the party better and stronger, at the same time it reflects on their commitments toward transparency and good governance. DAP leaders will also not be hesitated to take good and fresh ideas from the common folks, and uses it for the betterment of the party and fellow Malaysians. DAP is a role model for other political parties in Malaysia, we must have faith in the DAP leaderships and trust that they will be able to perform where all political parties has failed. When Lim Kit Siang said DAP should concentrate to win 40 parliamentary seats you can be sure that he is not joking, at least I am sure that he is one person that do not simply utter nonsense. We have to understand that for all opposition parties to agree on an electoral pact is not an easy thing as all oppositions also have the commitments to win as many seats as possible, this is a good sign.

  33. Undergrad2, your question “So who says the Constitution is supreme?” is a moot one.

    I recall we had a small discussion on this some months back. Among others we had cited points such as the 600+ amendments to the Constitution, that the Constitution is not only a ghost of its former self but even the spirit has left it, the role of consecutive 2/3 majority in the ruling party’s favour in bringing about this plunder.

    But I suppose further discussions on this might be somewhat premature given the impending GE. If there is a substantial change in outcome compared to previous GEs perhaps the climate might be more conducive for a meaningful discussion. For the time being perhaps we should devote space in this blog and our time and energies on matters closer to YB LKS’s effort/attempts to spearhead changes to the political landscape of this country.

  34. ALtPJK,

    I think you misinterpreted my statement. The Constitution is expressed as being the supreme law of the federation: Art. 4(1).

    But a constitutional law history student would be tempted to ask if whether in our case or at least under the BN run government, Parliament might be more supreme.

  35. More often than not, when I mentioned about voting for the Opposition to the older generation and those who read only the mainstream media (mostly in the rural areas)

    The reasons they gave for not supporting the Opposition are:

    1) They (Opposition) cannot do anything to change the status quo
    2) There will be chaos a la May13 riots if the Opposition wins
    3) Voting Opposition means they are anti-Government

    Tried explaining to them about the importance of check and balance in the parliament and state assemblies but somehow they find it hard to accept due to the overwhelming influence of the 3 reasons above.

    I will do my part by continuing to spread the word but at the same time I hope that DAP and other Opposition parties will find measures to overcome these misperceptions

  36. I casted my first vote in the last general election. To my surprise, the ballot paper was printed with SERIAL NUMBER, and my name and the serial number were recorded before casting the vote. I felt that it was totally not secure and not free to vote. Somehow which party I voted for can be traced. I felt not free to vote at my will. In addition, I was told civil servant must vote for BN. If so, how can we say the election is democratic and fair?
    I have been reading the Star, http://thestar.com.my/elections2008/story.asp?file=/2008/2/14/election2008/20080214143819&sec=Election2008, hoping to see the new elements in coming general election include the removal of serial number on ballot paper. However, I can’t find it. Will serial numbers be removed from the ballot papers in the coming general election? Thank you.

  37. Realistic or not… the message is very clear. We need a strong Malaysian opposition in parliament.

    MCA – Only Malaysian Chinese accepted
    MIC – Only Malaysian Indian accepted
    UMNO – Only Malaysian Malay (or Bumi? whatever it meant) accepted

    These are race party designed to “look after respective race”.. indeed. (More like look after a few pockets)

    Gerakan – Any Malaysian race…accepted. Good but from Opposition to Government… so got Penang as reward… for now.

    All of them plus other race base parties forms bn. Why?

    I could accept this so called arrangement in the past but now after 50 years, we are still having race division even at Government level.

    DAP – Any Malaysian race …accepted. (except not many Malay brothers because most still have that racial feeling and joined UMNO / PAS instead)

    PKR – Any Malaysian race …accepted
    PAS – As long as Malaysian muslim …accepted.

    We were all made to believe respective bn component parties look after their respective kind. Why?

    Disband MCA, MIC, UMNO and form a single multi-racial party… then we can say we are heading towards a Malaysian party designed to look after all Malaysian. bn? no its only a camouflage.

    The one true Malaysian party does not discriminate based on race and religion.

    Recognised ourselves simply as Malaysian. And not Malaysian Chinese, Malaysian Malay, Malaysian Indian, Malaysian Kadazan, etc.

    I read some articles in the media saying DAP-a Malaysian Chinese based party. Not true because any Malaysian (who believes in the struggle) can join as member. Unfortunately, many Malay brothers shy away still thinking DAP stands only for Chinese.. simply because at the helm is a Malaysian Chinese.

    Voters… we are already 50 years old. Pls progress and think why we are still lacking other countries in terms of progress. I don’t deny we have progress but the pace is much slower compared with our neighbours. Poverty (all races included) still exists.

    We have the natural resources (I still hope we do) meaning money to develop. But billions have disappeared into a few fellas in power. Eventually, we will run out of money and chaos will rein.

    For now, we need to vote in a strong opposition.. be it DAP, PKR, PAS. Better still get them to run as a Government. Return the power to the People… us Malaysians. The Government now is acting as they wish (including cover-ups, influencing the judiciary, etc.) because they divide and rule us (even though they are merely our “servants”).

    Take the sweets from bn but vote wisely… i.e. Opposition or some called it Barisan Rakyat.

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