Wo Men Du Shi Yi Jia Ren

by penarik beca

Gong Xi Fa Chai

Xin Nien Jin Bu (May the New Lunar Year bring us progress).

Wan Shi Ru Yi (Everything is just as what you wish)

Wo Men Du Shi Yi Jia Ren (We are all one family)

Po Jiu Lin Xin (Break the old and establish the new)

Gong Xi Fa Chai, at this blessed moments as “the era of cheap food is over”.

Gong Xi Fa Chai, at this blessed moments as the roti canai gets smaller, Milo and Nescafe gets diluted.

Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when our country enjoys a whopping 13 percent spike in violent crimes and the Prime Minister can do no better than asking “Apa yang sedang berlaku? Mengapa tinggi sangat?”

Gong Xi Fa Chai, at this blessed moments as the crime rate shot up by an even more alarming 45 percent in the four years of (Datuk Seri) Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) premiership.

Gong Xi Fa Chai, at this blessed moments when the IGP proudly told us, “Imej PDRM tidak tercalar” [sic!]

Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when the Prime Minister told us, “Don’t use crime rate as poll gimmick”.

Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when the police force wages a war on peaceful rallies and not crime.

Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when we are nowhere to claim there is no acute corruption problem in this country – thanks to the PM unforgiving effort to curb corruption. And, please dont say he has forgotten what his mother told him, “Kerja baik-baik, jangan selalu berbangga diri dan jangan lupakan orang bawah.”

Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when Raja Petra Kamarudin alleges the IGP is the patron of the underworld.

Gong Xi Fa Chai in this prosperous country of sham democracy.

Gong Xi Fa Chai and please allow this kutu to repost my previous wish because nothing has change:

Gong Xi Fa Chai

Xin Nien Jin Bu (May the New Lunar Year bring us progress).

Wan Shi Ru Yi (Everything is just as what you wish)

Wo Men Du Shi Yi Jia Ren (We are all one family)

Po Jiu Lin Xin (Break the old and establish the new)

Have you read the Prime Minister’s Chinese New Year message?

My Chinese friends, you are indeed very lucky to celebrate New Year at this RM1 trillion feel good moments. Malaysians enjoyed a high standard of comfortable and happy family life, the Prime Minister said.

If you are a matador in a bullfight, as a very lucky Malaysian (very, very, very, very, very, very lucky actually! Endlessly!), this is the time you make the kill!

Every moment is the most bullish moment under our most astute Prime Minister!

After all, the Prime Minister has cheered us with his heavenly, better than the best assertion:

• The study showed the index on comfortable and happy family was at 8.2 from the highest scale of 10

• Foreign and local investments have exceeded RM40 billion. The capital market is active, with high performance, volume and index

• Malaysia’s trade last year was RM1.06 trillion, which was 10.5 percent higher than the preceding year, with the superlative performance aided by exports rising 10.3 percent to RM588.95 billion and imports up 10.7 percent to RM480.49 billion

• On February 15, The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index, closed at 1,258.63, a new 10-year high.

What are you waiting for! Go and have the world’s best tasting chiao tzu. You are Malaysian, what? Loaded, maa!

1 trillionnn!!! Historic!!!

Datuk Seri Perdana Menteri yang bijak dan jujur, i dont get anything?!! Hey kutu!! hang sapa!! (Who are you!!) Go fly a kite, laa!!

[To read the original blog with its myriad of links, visit the penari beca blog.]


5 Replies to “Wo Men Du Shi Yi Jia Ren”

  1. “Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when our country enjoys a whopping 13 percent spike in violent crimes and the Prime Minister can do no better than asking “Apa yang sedang berlaku? Mengapa tinggi sangat?”

    Gong Xi Fa Chai at this blessed moments when BN is heading for a defeat in the coming 12th GE and the Prime Mininster shouldn’t ask “Apa yang sedang berlaku? Mengapa kalah teruk sangat?” :)

  2. Gong Xi Fa Cai to one & All. MCA is losing CONFIDENCE in the coming general election and has called this early election most inappropriate. WHY?
    In an exclusive interview with NTV7, Ong K T , MCA President declared in Mandarin (brief translation below)
    “When the Chinese community is still unhappy and dissatisfied, we face a bigger challenge; we have to explain to let the community understand that the points raised by the opposition are wrong, not good for the community”.
    And Chan K C is also playing safe saying all seats contested are considered “unsafe”
    PM responded: “Anytime is appropriate when I decide” and Mohd Toyo fired him not to question the PM. This Poor MCA Church mouse always never have a say, not even in the year of the Rat (Mouse). More details at
    and watch the Video clip(2.15min) with Ong Speaking in Mandarin 40 sec, Abdullah responding & SMSes and M Toyo reply “the best time, might not be the right time”
    = == =
    Or see More Pics & video Malaysians ushering in the year of the Rat go here,
    and wishing –
    “May all the Rats including the biggest one (25ft) gnawed away BN 2/3 Majority in the Coming Election.

  3. they are scared,that’s why they are giving ‘sweet’ news everyday,most probably it’s all empty promises,dont get caught again,dont get foolled again,you believe pirates can suddenly become niceguys?like the kerisman?you bet!

  4. last time one mamak from UMNO went to Chinese Assembly Hall to challenge fight,now they donate rm1.5 million for refurbishment,you know why?i tell you the truth!,the gomen wants to see it as height as it is now forever!many applications of constructing a new hall or premise had been submitted but to no avail!

    with the chinese businessmen’s supports,we can actually construct a 99-storey sky-rocking building,but their agenda is not going to allow it!

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