“Fu: seized Bible copies returned to owner” was the headline in yesterday’s Star – on copies of the Bible taken from a woman at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal recently which were promptly returned to her within 24 hours of the matter being highlighted in electronic media like Malaysiakini and foreign agencies and press like the International Herald Tribune and the protest of the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM).
The question every Malaysian is asking is – why is the government so super-efficient and super-responsive only when the general election is around the corner but such traits are totally forgotten after polling day?
It is just no good enough for Fu to say that the confiscation of 32 Bibles from a woman who had just returned from a visit to Manila was done by a Customs officer and did not involve his Ministry.
This is the account of missionary Juliana Nicholas on her ordeal, as reported by Malaysiakini, which vindicated Malaysiankini columnist Helen Ang’s coining of the term “Little Mullah Napoleons” (LMN):
“On Jan 28, missionary Juliana Nicholas returned from a trip to the Philippines carrying with her two boxes containing 32 bibles meant for her church group.
”Upon arrival at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Kuala Lumpur, she was told to declare and open the contents of the boxes.
”Having done so – and despite showing them a letter from her parish priest stating the texts were for use by the church – Nicholas was shocked to be hear subsequently that the bibles would be ‘referred’ to the Internal Security Ministry’s Publications and Al-Quran Texts Control Division.
”Protestations that they could check the bibles there and then without the inconvenience of referring them to the ministry fell on deaf ears, said Nicholas.
“’When I objected as these were English bibles, the ministry official I spoke to said, ‘Oh, we do this even with the Qurans that come through this way’. But these are not Qurans, these are English bibles!’ Nicolas said when contacted.
”As to when the bibles can be returned to her ‘would depend on those people at the division’, Nicholas said she was told further.”
Faced with the rise of LMNs in the public service and the growing number of incidents showing an alarming change in the bureaucratic mindset from liberal acceptance and respect for the multi-religious characteristics of Malaysia in the first four decades of Malaysian nationhood to an increasing intolerance of the rights and sensitivities of other religions, the time is well past for Fu to indulge in hair-splitting and buck-passing in the latest insensitivity for a plural Malaysia of diverse races, languages, cultures and religions.
Everybody knows that the LMNs are not within the remit of Fu to contain and discipline.
Malaysians want to know from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi whether the custom officer who had seized the 31 bibles had been suspended pending a full inquiry for more severe disciplinary action to be taken in view of the gravity of the action.
Even more important, Malaysians are asking whether Abdullah can check the rise of LMNs in the bureaucracy or his Islam Hadhari is creating the opposite effect – providing fertile ground for the LMNs to bully their way in the civil service!
Premier Abdullah Badawi, acknowledging “insecurity” among the Chinese, has urged them to support the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and Gerakan in the coming elections.
If they fail to support the two Chinese parties, he warned, the would lose the opportunity to participate in the government.
The ruling Barisan Nasional (National Fornt) coalition would then become a mono-ethnic government, he told Chinese language Sin Chew Daily in an interview published yesterday.
“If both MCA and Gerakan are defeated in the elections and lose many seats, you can imagine what kind of situation it would be. There would be no Chinese representatives in the cabinet,” he said. – The Straits Time, Singapore
But unfortunately, maybe Abdullah Ahmad Badawi also don’t know what is going on. Even some other major problem face by the Rakyat, he just keep quiet. We all also seldom see him appeared in the news, not like during Tun Dr. Mahathir time.
“But these are not Qurans, these are English bibles!’ Nicolas said when contacted.”
Confiscation of Christian bibles for ‘vetting purposes’ would be consistent with the government policy of restricting visas to Christian missionaries.
It could easily be said that Mr. FAK (of the MCA) engineered the whole episode, and this further proves the `Stokholm Syndrome` mentality of the MCA.
“The mainstream media have not reported that when Fu Ah Kiow, Deputy Internal Security Minister and MP for Kuantan, visited the affected areas, the flood victims screamed and threw stones at him. The Deputy Minister had to leave the scene in a hurry.”
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed.
What would happen if a Christian European country confiscate copies of the Koran at entry point for vetting? There will be riots from Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia and there will be a Fatwa to kill the customs officer for insulting Islam. There will be a demo in front of the embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
The unfortunate thing is that the Government actually condones such random acts of insult against kafir religions and consider them virtuous in Islam. The custom officer instead of being reprimanded will be rewarded.
“Even more important, Malaysians are asking whether Abdullah can check the rise of LMNs in the bureaucracy or his Islam Hadhari is creating the opposite effect – providing fertile ground for the LMNs to bully their way in the civil service!” Kit
You would have to ask the CEO, Najib. Abdullah Badawi is the chairman. He only makes policy statements.
When the BN Government said like this, this shows the BN is not sincere helping others. The Government only help those who voted for them. We Malaysian must help among Malaysian no matter which party you come from. We all must view DAP latest video “Malaysia Belong To The People”. Let’s we Malaysian reject racially Government. This is absolutely against our Perlembagaan Malaysia. Please take note of the Rukun Negara:
Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang Undang
Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan
Rukun Negara has been replaced. It is only useful as an excuse to that MCA candidate who`s going aroung giving `High5` election goodies.
This is just another example of the failure of Abdullah Badawi’s leadership.
At times, we feel that there is no leadership at all, that the government is indeed headless. The LMNs do what they like.
If what dawsheng mentioned above come about, so be it. If non-Malay component parties are not able to function effectively in bringing up naked truths to the emperor, make way for the opposition MPs like those from the DAP. Hopefully, soon all those members of defeated BN component parties without a sense of belonging would seek comfort in the opposition parties and swell their memberships in order to have a united voice.
It happened before. When a group of non-Malay MPs of BN submitted a memorandum on concerns of non-Muslims over religious matters in some amendments to the constitution which were deemed unfair to non-Muslims to Abdullah Badawi, they were asked to withdraw the memorandum, and they withdrew immediately. Abdullah Badawi received applause when he mentioned it to UMNO members. What an exercise in futility!
BN, if it truely believe in a multi religious country based on the Constitution, must strongly confront the grossly misguided LMNs in all government depts to ensure this incident does not happen again.
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
If Christ can say that, so should we.
Kong Xi Fa Cai to all those who celebrate Chinese New Year.
Badawi does not have the mental fortitude to understand that the Chinese have failed miserably when fighting from within. Now it is time to throw our lot with those seeking to fight for non-Malay rights from the outside.
This is not an isolated case :-
Malays are more concerned of the election and control of the government.
Most non bumi are very independent and resourceful and do not require assistance and handouts from the government.
The backbone of the economy consists of INDIVIDUALS who worked very hard and sacrified their personal assets and family lives to make their business/investment successful to create real, permanent and rewarding jobs without any assistance or favour from the government.
Everybody knows that the LMNs are not within the remit of Fu to contain and discipline… kit
To be exact, everybody also knows that LMN’s (Little Malay Napoleans would be more apt) are within the remit of any non-Malay ministers. LMNs will show their middle finger to them if they try to exert their power.
The Rise of Christianopohobia
MCA & Gerakan can always join DAP, PKR & PAS to form a New Cabinet (BA) if we Rakyat give them the full support !
“are not within the remit”
Rmember the cooking oil shortage. So quick they acted. But why the shortage in the first place. Someone sleeping on the job or an engineered (false) crisis to paint the BN in good light. Same crap here. Why did it happen in the first place? !!!
The Rise of Christianopohobia – ihavesomethingtosay
Hinduphobia also:
“…Kitab-kitab agama Hindu ini walaupun telah dirubah dan dikotori dengan begitu teruk…”
The little napoleans do not take instructions from ANY Politician. They can choose to be ROBOTS to carry out orders from their superiors or interpret instructions to suit their own hidden agenda.
They create problems so that they can solve it!!!!
Many years ago, when my company was awarded trasnport licences, we were asked to attend in person to collect these licences. The office was in Muar, so you have to travel a fair distance from JB to get there.
Upon arriving there, there were many people waiting to collect the licences. After being made to wait for an hour or so, we were asked to enter the meeting room (which could not accommodate all of us) and the Pengarah who wore a skull cap, looked around the room and said……in malay
” I see there are many of you non-malays collecting these licences. Well enjoy it while it lasts. In future we will be giving only to Malays.”
Why waste all of our time to listen to such cr..ap? These are the LMN’s that exist all over the civil service.
Have you heard of applications for licences conveniently disappearing? How many times have you heard of cases of deserving students being denied seats in uni due to ‘admin” errors? LMN at work again.
And all this from BN’s Islam Hadhari!
Isn’t the incidents related to LMN a form of anarchy? Actions that are not governed by rule of law.
Even then some laws are not that appropriate.
If the LMNs are so ignorant -enrol all LMNs in Bible Course . They will be a more rational being after that
“KanNinNeh Says:
Today at 15: 22.49 (4 hours ago)
MCA & Gerakan can always join DAP, PKR & PAS to form a New Cabinet (BA) if we Rakyat give them the full support ”
You have left out MIC (SAMMY BELLO)
Islam Hadhari is still Strict Islamisation in Politics = Malaysia as an Islamic Country.
This is already acknowleged (unfortunately) in the world.
You see, when Badawi goes on his diplomatic tour worldwide, he will discuss Islam, Palestine etc etc. He never openly portray Malaysia as a Multi-Racial country directly.
The Bible confiscation is part of his network of Hadhari govt servants. If it is not for the election, the Bible will not be given back.
In today’s paper. Now BN is threatening if not enough Chinese/Indians in BN-formed Cabinet, we will suffer. So must vote MCA/MIC… They (BN) claim they have already enough Malay voters…
What nonsense!!!
I want to see in divided Malay areas where UMNO is contesting, the non-Malays vote opposition. I have a feeling, if PKR/PRM is standing there, then high chance minority non-Malays in these areas will tip the scale off balance to swing over to opposition. (Of course, provided the opposition is not PAS). Or else just make spoilt vote.
Vote DAP/PKR/PRM – always!!!
catharsis Says:
Today at 20: 12.07 (1 hour ago)
“KanNinNeh Says:
Today at 15: 22.49 (4 hours ago)
MCA & Gerakan can always join DAP, PKR & PAS to form a New Cabinet (BA) if we Rakyat give them the full support â€
Hey, that’s a good idea… But have to include MIC & exclude PAS.
I hate fanatics…
I would risk a Cabinet without any Chinese representation by MCA and Gerakan. I consider Gerakan and MCA as traitors to the Chinese in Malaysia. A vote for MCA or Gerakan equals a vote for UMNO. Without MCA or Gerakan in the Cabinet will take away the bragging right that this is a multi racial cabinet.
Lets see how the country would fare when we do not have a single chinese representation in the Cabinet. As it is, Chinese is not represented in all government decision.
Lakshy, You should have had asked him, ‘can I be your partner?’.
All they wanted is the 30% ‘qouta’!! Talking about Road Transport industry, very soon with AFTA, you will find our operators could not compete with the Thais or the Vietnamese. We started the container haulage with 5 oligopolies,they caused so much problems that the ‘new’ power decided to ‘open’ up the industry with maybe hundred or so operators. this had eased the situation somewhat but still cannot solve the daily ‘inefficiency’ which has made our overall operating cost much higher than it should be. Of course, the so-called opening-up saw many non-Bumis getting involved, at a price! Not FREE for sure.
As things are, the industry is burdened with poor quality drivers, [ most if not all], increasing toll rates and upon cutting-off subsidy for fuel, we will face a real issue of competitiveness.
Talking of Chinese respresentation in the Gomen, what different would it make? Ada atau ta’ada? Without being part of the conspirators, at least the community would not be held accountable for all the wrong doings and corruptions that are talking place and will continue to take place after the GE!! Personally, I see no difference. At least the conscience of the community is clear and blameless!! Otherwise, we are morally burdened because we put them there!!
Earnest says: It happened before. When a group of non-Malay MPs of BN submitted a memorandum on concerns of non-Muslims over religious matters in some amendments to the constitution which were deemed unfair to non-Muslims to Abdullah Badawi, they were asked to withdraw the memorandum, and they withdrew immediately. Abdullah Badawi received applause when he mentioned it to UMNO members. What an exercise in futility!
Yes, you are right on target. But there is one hope for us – vote very one of MCA, GERAKAN, MIC and PPP out. EVERY ONE OF THEM, PLEASE – even their presidents, deputy presidents, vice presidents candidates, every one and without exception. We have to bite the bullet, for once just to it. Please don’t trade short term expediency for long term misery anymore. Enough is enough. They can not reinvent themselves. They are not capable of reform. They have no gut and are hopelessly incompetent. JUST DO IT!
I totally agree with UzMiNoOnist. The reality is UMNO has been running the government not BN. UMNO “BERMAHARAJALELA” dalam BN dan Malaysia.
What Chinese and Indians representations ? UMNO bribes MIC, Gerakan and MCA a few seats in Parliament to make them invalid political parties. MCA, Gerakan and MIC are running dogs. They are musuh negara dalam selimut! They in cahoots with UMNO to steal and rob the country of its resources and riches. They do not represent anyone but themselves.
We are at war!
The Bible makes it clear that this warfare involves foes that are not of this world: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places†(Ephesians 6:12).
The Bible is God’s instruction to mankind. He expects all who are willing to read the Bible, to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good†(I Thes. 5:21). Surely this God would not then expect us to assume His existence, while instructing us to prove everything else from His Word!
The God of the Bible has shown the way to peace, happiness and abundant life for all people willing to study His Instruction Book. Doing this would rid mankind of the confusion and evils that encompass this world. But, it is not our purpose here to prove that the God of the Bible is the one true God of creation.
“We have to bite the bullet, for once just to it. ”
Waah…! Must bite bullet….? Why….not enough to eat arr??
In Saudi Arabia, you are not allowed to bring in the Bible as it will be conficated. Now, Malaysia is becoming more and more like Saudi Arabia. No thanks to Mahathir Mohammed.
It is a fact that cannot be denied that many Muslims all over the world hate the Bible, Jews, Israel, Christians, Americans, and non-Muslims. They have been taught to hate by their Pakistan & Saudi Arabia-trained ustad, imams, mufti, and ulama. If more and more Muslims in this country are like the extemists in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, then there is no hope for non-Muslims in this country. Is that what the UMNO-led government really want? Why UMNO is not doing anything to stop these Little Mullah Osamas (LMO)? Is UMNO ignorance of the fact that these Little Mullah Osamas preach hatred not only towards non-Muslims but also towards UMNO-led government at madrasahs?
If you do not believe in supernatural way, please see this fact –
Because the American government regularly broke its treaties with the various American Indian tribes, the Indians placed a course on the White House. That is why, from 1860 until 1980, every President elected in the 20th year died in office. You can trace that back to 2 things. The American government’s unfaithfulness to the American Indians and the fact that Abraham Lincoln, who was the President elected in 1860, premitted a spiritist seance to be conducted in the White House by this wife. She later died in a mental institute. See how involvement in such activity doesn’t just affect individuals, it can also affect whole nations.
President Reagan would also have died in office – an attempt was made on his wife early in his presidency. However, just before he took the oath as President, a group of pastors in a large meeting, combined in prayer and faith and released not just him but also the presidency from the curse (from Indians).
You see how close the curse came to being fulfilled, the bullet lodged within an inche of his heart. That was God’s vindication of the prayer that released the curse.
This is no abstract theory; such things negatively affect the lives of people and nations everywhere!
So, pray for justice in this country and for revival in this 2008. You shall see justice prevails and political revival if we pray for this to happen from the mighty God.
We pray for blessing from the God for DAP and for Hon. Mr Lim Kit Siang. DAP has been trying to prevail justice and fairness for this country and for all Malaysians. It was the Malaysians themselves blindfolded by the evil force (of money, of power, of greediness, of selfishness, ….)
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone, irrespectively of race.
Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, a day of rejoicing. Forget about hatred. Forgive me if I had offended any of you. Embrace mudita.
Mudita means “happiness at another’s happiness, achievement and success in life.†To show mudita is to celebrate happiness and achievement in others even when we are facing tragedy ourselves.
I believe in mudita and utilitarianism.
Trying to practice what I preach, I would like to assist those who would like to use streamyx broadband service by assisting in free online registration, advice on installation and type of modem required, and the cost involved payable to Telekom or your vendor, not me. Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to create business here.
Broadband services range from 9 x (512K) to 18x (1024K) faster than normal dial-up, costing RM66, and RM77 per month respectively and you can go online 24 hours a day. While online, you may receive and make calls with the same line unlike dial-up.
Be careful about Telekom’s so-called promotion package – free modem at RM77 per month for the 1st 2years, RM88 per month thereafter, and once signed up, you can not change for one year, even if you buy your own modem later. A broadband modem is cheap, from RM60-70.
Access to broadband service may be useful for those like laifoong who could improve their vocabulary and knowledge on practically anything. For example, the definition of the expression “Bite the bullet†below was extracted from the internet. You do not need to pay for usage of most online dictionaries, encyclopedias and news from around the world. If you need some tips on protection of your PC from virus and spywares using free software, you may also drop me a line at my email address below:
My email address is ernest_hw@yahoo.com
Idiom: Bite the bullet
If you have to bite the bullet, you have to accept or face something unpleasant because it cannot be avoided.
bite the bullet (Slang) — To face a painful situation bravely and stoically.v., Face a difficulty and grapple with it without avoiding it
Definition: endure in a difficult situation, face a difficult situation bravely; work hard
Explanation: Used when having to undertake difficult steps to get something done, often used in a work situation when having to work especially hard
Examples: I have decided to bite the bullet and begin working ten hours a day to get this project done. – I’m afraid I’ll have to bite the bullet and take a lower paying job.
Synonym: cross the Rubicon, leap into the breach, take the bull by the horns, grasp the nettle
I refer to the news article abt PM statement yesterday……
“If both MCA and Gerakan are defeated in the elections and lose many seats, you can imagine what kind of situation it would be. There would be no Chinese representatives in the cabinet,†he said. – The Straits Time, Singapore……duh? What’s the big deal?
So what?, For all this time, especially lately, the MCA, MIC,Gerakan are only there for ‘cosmetic’ purpose or window dressing’. Can anyone honestly tell me, they can actually make any difference
by being in the cabinet, all decisions by Umno, the rest yes-man..
temple demolition, MIC squeak, body snatcher,MCA squeak, Penang total public transport failure, Gerakan squeak, judge fixing
MCA-MIC-Gerakan squeak, what a welcome to the Year of the Rat,
it’s high time we boot these stinking rats out, this election ….
We all know what Umno stand for, total domination, no dissention allowed, no compromise except near election-time. The problem
with the failure of oppositionso far, has a lot to do with our own ‘tidak-apa’ attitude, I work in S’pore where there is an unbelieveble no. of M’sian workers here in the middle-level service & engineering sector. when asked ” are u going to vote in this coming Mar election?
Answer- No lah not my problem anymore, does’t effect me leh?
Duh…then why are u toiling here in a foreign land, if your home country 1,000x the size of S’pore cannot give u job, but tiny S’pore can? With this kind of attitude, sadly to say strong opposition is very unlikely, How else to explain why Umno is so confident despite all the scandals going on, they still want to hold the election so soon in Mar. The Indians have woken us, from the injustices, & shown what can happen if u demonstrate so M’sian chinese better wake-up, election is the only avenue, u can tell the gomen we know & we want our rights back
Thank you for giving us an elaborate explanation on the phrase “bite the bulletâ€. But despite your effort, I am afraid some mentally challenged rats, like laifong, may not get it and would continue to eat without biting it.
What’s wrong with you old man Earnest? If readers need a dictionary it’s not that they have no access to one.
“I would risk a Cabinet without any Chinese representation by MCA and Gerakan. I consider Gerakan and MCA as traitors to the Chinese in Malaysia. A vote for MCA or Gerakan equals a vote for UMNO. Without MCA or Gerakan in the Cabinet will take away the bragging right that this is a multi racial cabinet.
Lets see how the country would fare when we do not have a single chinese representation in the Cabinet. As it is, Chinese is not represented in all government decision.”
This is a good move! I have been having the same thought for the past few days. This will remove totally the psychological burden of non-malays about the non-representation in the cabinet. A total Malay cabinet will pressure the Malay cabinet ministers to be more cautiois in whatever move they want to make; they will be answerable to whatever ill effect of their implementation, the whole world is watching them, not only Malaysian!
It is true that with a few non-Malay ministers inside the cabinet, they can easily push the blame to them.
Do you think the Indian fate in Malaysia would be worst off had MIC pull out of BN after the HINDRAF incident? I’m 110% confident it will shake up the UMNOputras to be more fair to them; the whole world is is watching you!
Certainly, Semi Value is not going to do that! But we can force this on MIC by voting opposition in all constituencies they contest.
‘Having done all, stand!”
What is new? All of this is nothing new….just being highlighted in the media now….this incident has happened in the past
Chiakchua, well articulated. Fully agreed. For once, let’s get rid of the syndrome of Chinese and Indian representation in government. It is enough. Vote them out, every one of them, including, presidents, deputy presidents, vice president candidates. Our situation can not be anything worse than we already are. Let it be, bite the bullet.
If UMNO maintains Ketuanan Melayu, do you think there is any place for MCA, MIC and Gerakan members to stand in the government? MCA, MIC and Gerakan are nothing but “leaves on a stalk of flower”, used as an ornament to make the flower stand out more prominently! It is only with stupid leaders from these political parties who willingly succumb to such suppression that the race they represent has been pushed down the ravine! So what upholding of the constitution was MCA talking about when its youth leader held up the Malaysian Constitution so high during its assembly? UMNO has attained a position more superior than the constitution!!!!!
“…For once, let’s get rid of the syndrome of Chinese and Indian representation in government.” limkaput
Syndrome….?? what syndrome….? let’s hear from the mobile dictionary, Earnest!
Laifoong, please do yourself some honour. By now, anybody who reads this blog would know that you have nothing to offer. Please face reality; you don’t have the intellect and faculty to participate meaningfully here. So, just concentrate in reading first.
***“If both MCA and Gerakan are defeated in the elections and lose many seats, you can imagine what kind of situation it would be. There would be no Chinese representatives in the cabinet,†he said. – The Straits Time, Singapore***
The saying goes that if you don’t have something, you cannot lose it!
In the first place, the non-malays are holding mostly unimportant portfolios and, even then, they can’t make independent decisions without consultation with UMNO or make decisions which conflicts with UMNO ideology.
So without chinese and indians representations in the cabinet, there will be no loss to the non-malay communities. In fact the reverse is true; it will be better for the non-malay communities for the following reasons:
1. the non-malay communities will be more united and forceful in the demands for their rights . There will no longer be sabotageurs against the rights of these communities; there won’t be a need to look over the shoulder to UMNO each time a demand is voiced out or the communal rope being pulled in opposite directions.
2. UMNO will no longer have “whacking boys” to put their blame or vent their frustrations on. UMNO will then be more accountable for their actions and decisions because they know more eyes will be watching their every move! Remember how UMNO (and, yes, even the sissy Puteri UMNO) chided MIC, Gerakan and MCA for inflaming sensitive communal issues when actually it was UMNO who raised the kris and vowed to bathe the kris in non-malay blood?
3. UMNO will not be able to say the chinese, indians or kadazans agree to a certain decision unilaterally made by them just because a minister happens to be from that race. Still remember what Badawi said about OKT being the guardian for buddhists, Dompok for christians, SV for hindus and yet the carnage against other religions continues unabated?
4. errors and economic plunders made by UMNO will be clearly seen made by UMNO and UMNO alone. No longer can they blame it on the “bogeymen” or play the “divide and conquer” game that much effectively.
In fact MIC, Gerakan, MCA and other non-malay component parties should have given up their posts a long time ago and become a more effective representation of their communities.
So when Badawi threatened the lack of representation as a loss to other communities, I’d say BRING IT ON – it’s the best thing that could happen to the non-malay communities!
If in doubt, ask nicely. Maybe it was inadvertent, but take the trouble not to ridicule others, because you yourself could be wrong.
Another thing, do not mix with or be influenced by wrong company, like Colonel, else you might as well ask him to explain what limkamput said, and he will probably lead you astray because there is something wrong with Colonel’s propensity to mischaracterize and distort exchanges. To him, some biological facts can become sexual perversions; your attempt at altruism can become something wrong with you.
BTW, the word syndrome has 2 distinct meanings. limkamput is using the first definition. See below:
Can you read Chinese? There is also a Chinese definition below:
1st definition
• noun: a complex of concurrent things (Example: “Every word has a syndrome of meanings”); things that form pattern: a group of things or events that form a recognizable pattern, especially of something undesirable, like a disorder.
2nd definition
• noun: a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease. A group of signs and symptoms that collectively define or characterize a disease or disorder; signs are objective findings such as weakness, and symptoms are subjective findings such as a feeling of fear or tingling in a finger.
Definition in Chinese:
Syndrome – ????????? ????????????
If in doubt, ask nicely. Maybe it was inadvertent, but take the trouble not to ridicule others, because you yourself could be wrong.
Another thing, do not mix with or be influenced by wrong company, like Colonel, else you might as well ask him to explain what limkamput said, and he will probably lead you astray because there is something wrong with Colonel’s propensity to mischaracterize and distort exchanges. To him, some biological facts can become sexual perversions; your attempt at altruism can become something wrong with you.
BTW, the word syndrome has 2 distinct meanings. limkamput is using the first definition. See below:
Can you read Chinese? There is also a Chinese definition below:
1st definition
• noun: a complex of concurrent things (Example: “Every word has a syndrome of meanings”); things that form pattern: a group of things or events that form a recognizable pattern, especially of something undesirable, like a disorder.
2nd definition
• noun: a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease. A group of signs and symptoms that collectively define or characterize a disease or disorder; signs are objective findings such as weakness, and symptoms are subjective findings such as a feeling of fear or tingling in a finger.
Definition in Chinese:
Syndrome – ????????? ????????????
If in doubt, ask nicely. Maybe it was inadvertent, but take the trouble not to ridicule others, because you yourself could be wrong.
Another thing, do not mix with or be influenced by wrong company, like Colonel, else you might as well ask him to explain what limkamput said, and he will probably lead you astray because there is something wrong with Colonel’s propensity to mischaracterize and distort exchanges. To him, some biological facts can become sexual perversions; your attempt at altruism can become something wrong with you.
BTW, the word syndrome has 2 distinct meanings. limkamput is using the first definition. See below:
Can you read Chinese? There is also a Chinese definition below:
1st definition
• noun: a complex of concurrent things (Example: “Every word has a syndrome of meanings”); things that form pattern: a group of things or events that form a recognizable pattern, especially of something undesirable, like a disorder.
2nd definition
• noun: a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease. A group of signs and symptoms that collectively define or characterize a disease or disorder; signs are objective findings such as weakness, and symptoms are subjective findings such as a feeling of fear or tingling in a finger.
Definition in Chinese:
Syndrome – “????????? ????????????”
If in doubt, ask nicely. Maybe it was inadvertent, but take the trouble not to ridicule others, because you yourself could be wrong.
Another thing, do not mix with or be influenced by wrong company, like Colonel, else you might as well ask him to explain what limkamput said, and he will probably lead you astray because there is something wrong with Colonel’s propensity to mischaracterize and distort exchanges. To him, some biological facts can become sexual perversions; your attempt at altruism can become something wrong with you.
BTW, the word syndrome has 2 distinct meanings. limkamput is using the first definition. See below:
1st definition
• noun: a complex of concurrent things (Example: “Every word has a syndrome of meanings”); things that form pattern: a group of things or events that form a recognizable pattern, especially of something undesirable, like a disorder.
2nd definition
• noun: a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease. A group of signs and symptoms that collectively define or characterize a disease or disorder; signs are objective findings such as weakness, and symptoms are subjective findings such as a feeling of fear or tingling in a finger.
Definition in Chinese: sorry, rejected by WordPress…
Sorry about the duplications above. Reposted because of repeated WordPress rejection messages, and postings all came out one shot after deletion of Chinese characters.
FYI, the word “syndrome†used in name of Hollywood movie…
The China Syndrome – the Movie
The title refers to the concept, mentioned only jokingly in the film, that if an American nuclear plant melts down, it will melt through the Earth until it reaches China . The film was released on March 16, 1979, just twelve days before the real-life events at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania. The Three Mile Island incident helped propel The China Syndrome into a blockbuster. – Wikipedia
Earnest, you are very kind, I hope laifoong, being a young innocent girl, will take notice and learn from here. If she continues behaving the way she has been doing, I am afraid she may not get a nice husband.
So “For once, let’s get rid of the syndrome of Chinese and Indian representation in government” would according to you, wise EARNEST. be this “inadvertent mistake”.
I may have given myself a self deprecating handle for the same poster to make fun of but I’m not that bodoh to know that this is an example of “hollowed sophistication” that this poster characterized someone he called “a Cambdridge brat”.
Hi Bodo,
That is all you got to comment on my posting? It is not that my posting is a “hollowed sophisticationâ€; it is your hollowed mind that does not understand it. A bodo is a bodo, there is no point to evade or conceal. Cambridge brats, Oxford brats, and Iwantogo Uni brats – what difference.
Such desperate behaviours and fear for the People of the Scriptures would only reinforce that Islam cannot stand on its pillars of truth ……………
BoDo Singh,
I meant laifoong inadvertently ridiculing or perceived to be ridiculing limkamput… and this was deemed provocative.
It is not only limkamput’s view that we should “get rid of the syndrome of Chinese and Indian representation in government”. There are many others who have eloquently supported good riddance to bad rubbish.
Somehow, what limkamput said about Cambridge brat’s “hollow sophistication” in retaliation for what Cambridge brat said stuck. Nobody seem to remember what Cambridge brat said which provoked his reply to attack, that his reasoning was simplistic.
We need to have a fair and balanced view and not take something out of context to disparage a person.
Also, please change your handle to something more respectful of yourself. You need to respect yourself first if you want others to respect you. Mohammad Ali, 4 times world boxing champion once said if you are so good like him, to be humble is to be hypocritical.
If you are not going to blow your own trumpet, nobody is going to blow for you. If you call yourself BoDo, how do you expect others to take you seriously?
Can the legal department of the DAP consider this situation with regards to body snatching from houses of NON MUSLIMS. The Islamic religious department has no jurisdiction over non Muslims. Should they not get an Order from a Civil court before they enter non Muslim property? It is trespass, a lawyer told me. The Polis Dia Raja Malaysia instead of going after criminals should also be sued for trespass because they enforce federal laws not state enactments.
A dead body does not belong to the islamic religious department . Start educating us of our rights. Inform non Muslims that the islamic religious department can be sued for trespass. The Police as well
Earnest, you are the master, seriously.
You’re right, Earnie. I should change my handle to “You Dirty Old Man”