67 Replies to “Video: “Malaysia Belongs to The People””

  1. Good Job DAP.
    I will share this video with all my friends locally and overseas.
    Uncle Kit, i’m very touched to see you on this video.
    We love you and you are our Hero.
    We want you and we need you for a better Malaysia.
    Good Job and MAY GOD BLESS DAP.

  2. YB Lim,

    Congrats ! This is a Good Start, it would be better if you could put a link at the Video to your Blog ! Should put up more Videos and Slideshow at the sidebar of this Fantastic Blog to tell the World more about how the BN Government rape off our Rights and Taxpayers’ Money for the past decades !

  3. As long as we Chinese and Indians are treated as second class citizens .

    Where as the Malays are enjoying their special rights and quota policies . I personally will not listen to all the lies BN is saying.

    MCA and MIC can not do anything about this as they are sitting in the same boat with Umno. I do not expect them to quarrel with Umno so why vote for a party that could not help you.

  4. I personally agrees that Malaysia belongs to the people and not the bunch of corrupted politicians in BN.

    Vote for your future and let us all not let Malaysia’s progress fall in a standstill because of some selfish politicians’ policies which side only one race.

  5. Wow! Kit Siang, the video clip is real cool.

    Who said, “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks”

    BN has a much bigger budget and Limkokweng University will be all out to support BN with all the media advert campaign as in previous elections.

  6. The country does not belong to Sleepy, nor Dopey, nor Dumbo nor monkeys, nor AliBaba & 40 thieves. Not even UMNO or BN.

    The country Malaysia belongs to the People.
    Malaysians, are you ready for People Power?

  7. Nicely said YB Lim although i cant vote yet but ill try to change other ppl minds about our current political Situation by showing this video and others too show them that BN is not totally truly portrayed in the main stream media….but again too few young ppl care about politics but instead new hand phones and fashion…

  8. We have been talking of helping DAP all this while….

    … lets do our part by spreading this Video over to our friends – including the educated Malays – we can get their vote too. Show DAP is not a ‘Chinese-only’ party, but a party for all.

    Put it into all other blogs we can find on the net. I just forwarded it to all my contact list in email without hinting DAP in my mail. They will know when they see the logo during the close.

    By that time, the short video may have captured their hearts…

  9. I have been a follower of your blog for 2 years now…

    After seeing this video, I cannot resist my temptation anymore. I just want to say that:

    Uncle Kit, I will be beside you all the way! Keep up the good work!

  10. Say, do you have a Malay, Chinese, Indian and Kadazan version?

    Now if only the TV and radio stations will play this.

    By the way, why only 4 or 5 personalities featured?

    And the Rocket on Parliament House. Man, that gonna annoy some people.

    By the way. I am told many BN MPs and Ministers, including a female Minister, is using free government mail (Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda) to send Kong Hee Fatt Choy greetings to all her Chinese constituents. UMNO’s logo and her service center’s address is also shown. Is this allowed?

    Can she use her Ministry’s chop to get free postage for her party’s business? Might this be considered “abuse” of public funds? Is this “Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda”?

  11. Very nice indeed, but alas majority of older people do not have internet connection, or many rural areas have very poor or slow internet connection( don’t know if this is deliberate attempt by
    gomen to curb internet usage). But many people, even the poorest have handphone, so to put this on handphone in MMS form, or enable people to download to Hp is a very powerful mass media weapon against total UMNO 100%-media blackout for the opposition. Don’t underestimate the HP, during the filipino uprising againstEstrada especially, Hp messages was used to rally almost 1million people-power participants to help bringdown a corrupt dictator.
    Just my idea, also should include a Malay( should really get one progressive one) a Kadazan, a Sarawakian, so that it will mirror DAP to represent all races,all those underprivileged & voiceless….

  12. I am so happy to see this. Ofcourse, it would be good if this could be plastered all over TV. But I have my doubts if the Powers-that-be will allow it. I hope that I am wrong. The TV and radio stations do afterall belong to the rakyat, and not to any one political party.

    In the meantime, I hope that this is widely spread throughout the nation. I will do my part to at least inform some friends.

  13. Hi Father Of Democracy,

    A Nice and meaningful video for all our Malaysian. This is what I’m hoping for a long time, my inspiration to make Malaysia for all Malaysian. Come on Malaysian! Let’s Together! Let’s Unite! I Love you all Malaysian!

  14. Msia Chin… b4 u vote remember, “the keris in yr blood, and burnt down yr Sel Chin. Assm Hall, n accet yr suqiu b4 GE, then brand yr suqiu as xtremist (after GE 1999), convert yr sick love one to Mu.., then snatch body when yr love one passed away, etc etc.”
    U should know whom to vote!

  15. Uncle Kit,

    You always inspire me & make me feel homely…

    You and your team are true Malaysia Malaysian who’s fighting for the good of fellow Malaysian who’s always forgetting you when receiving “goodies bag” from the “screwed” government…

    if Penangites are BUTA by grave yard digger government, I really “bor wooi kong liao” and they really “thang si liao”…

    Dear fellow Penangites, please stand on your own feet and stop carrying “BN” balls… stop selling your body and soul to BN…! the best, they cruising you NO WAY..!

  16. Can you imagine only 6 of them walking up the stairs toward the Parliament house against hundreds of you know who and yet they do their battle so bravely for Malaysians from all races & religions & cultures. DAP, we the people salute you!!!

    It is time to send more “rockets” into the Parliament, I mean to vote in more DAP MPs.

  17. YB LIM,
    great video!
    im looking forward for this coming GE.as for me it’s simple,we vote now for the next generation,is between racial politics or a hope for free and justice country.
    DAP, you can have my vote.

  18. From Ireland.
    YB this is a good job.iam so touch by this video.we all need a change for the better future of our children.
    To all indian please do not vote for MIC UMNO,-MCA UMNO.,GERAKAN UMNO.they are like a dog when the master ask them to shurt up they cant even barked to UMNO.they cant fight for the all malaysia.so whts the point vote for them.
    GO FOR DAP .
    Lets all of us pass this video to all the kampong people.
    Let them see .Let them think twices for the future if they vote UMNO.Tell them vote MIC,MCA.GERAKAN is vote for UMNo.
    We need to move fast.Help DAP

  19. Fantastic and a very good job.

    May I suggest a professional voice over in Malaysian languages, Malay, Chinese, Tamil, English, and some of the other languages spoken by natives in Sabah and Sarawak.

  20. Much better. Still don’t like the slogan.

    This country has been hijacked by a very small group of self-righteous, self-interested, unaccountable neo-cons that have held the country and key leaders hostage since May 13, 1969.

    Malaysians have a vision despite the fact the leaders don’t and that is promises made must be fufilled.

    Vote for opposition, vote against lying, deceit, selfishness, and arrogance.

  21. Yeah the slogan is a little cheesy and the message is too subtle for ordinary folks.

    Your second video should focus on the rising costs with the following story-line:

    Shrinking ringgit in the pocket
    Rise in toll rates – secret toll agreements signed by BN
    Cancer of corruption in society after 50 years of BN – police, Judiciary
    Crumbs handed out while billions of ringgit are lost through special and very private tenders.

  22. Yes, it is very well done indeed. A great step towards reviving our beloved country!

    Yes, we should have 4 languages instead of only English; and also in Dayak and Kadazan languages if possible!

    Noted there isn’t any Malay representative? Was the man to the right a Chinese or Malay? This is very important as race is still very sensitive at this point of time. Beware, don’t let people catch your leg! Or it is DAP’s strategy to highlight Chinese and Indian representation? May be its good to do some revision if still in time.

    I’m not able to produce them in VCD to pass around though I really wanted to because of my burning frustration of UMNOputra; ABB speak highly of Islam -West interaction but never speak a word on the ‘Allah’ and bible confiscation issue. He only sweet talk to ‘shiok’ people, he doesn’t really mean what he says! He is doing the same thing now during the recent Sin Chew interview; WATCH OUT! DON’T FALL INTO HIS LIES AGAIN! He is the man that Chan Kwong Choy refers too (Criticise DAP only talk to shiok themselves).

    If the VCD is available in Kuantan DAP branch, I will buy 300 copies and make an effort to drop into the mail boxes of 300 families in my election constituency. Please make announcement in this blog when VCDs are available.

  23. Looking back, goodies promise by Be End b4 past GE, to non bumi, hardly ever materialize after GE, may be less than 15% only.
    So this time, any promised goodies must be discounted by at least 85%, then why vote for Be End?

  24. Have made it into a VCD (plus the Malay version), the one one crime was also good, and have included it. I have also included the 4 parts of Kulas’s talk (in Tamil) into it. All assistance from a good friend of mine.

    I never realized that one day I will be “extracting contents and making illegal copies for free distribution”.

  25. A very nice video indeed. But allow me to point out a few fawls on a communication point of view.
    First the passing of the baton gives more the a sense of opposition job ( I will carry your griviances to the Parliament) rather then a Gov commitment. Second the group of politicians are all chinese. That makes the use of the indian girl as instrumental (fan on fire..) as the same falls with the insertion of the indian politician face which doesnt appear in the group. I guess indians would still like to see an indian face representing them after all…and the group itself doesnt give very much the impression of a multiracial party. Malays are also forgotten set aside the first image of the girl wearing tudung. In a video like this they are the last few photograms that last in the mind of the viewer.
    Hope my comments would be helpful…..

  26. Datuk Bandar KL thinks Malaysia belongs to Islam Hadhari:

    Islamic authorities getting out of hand

    Concerned Citizen: DBKL has recently replaced all street sign in Taman Seputeh. Now the street names also appear in Jawi script apparently to attract Arab tourists. When the mayor was informed that Arab tourists never come to Taman Seputeh, his spokesmen replied that having street names in Jawi was in line with Islam Hadhari.

    I hope that he is not pulling a fast one on us residents of Taman Seputeh. I appeal to the PM to make a clarification. In the event what DBKL says is true then other residents in housing estates in Kuala Lumpur should also enjoy what residents of Taman Seputeh enjoy.


  27. Do you realise that both the mayor and his spokesman have no clue as to why Jawi scripts appear on the signboards. Arabs and Islam Hadhari have no bearing on the issue. Both these guys are emulating what the Prime Minister and his Government does. A good thing the reply was not the people in Taman Seputeh are given free Jawi lessons and the Mayor will nod his head and say yes.


    The MP for Taman Seputeh is from DAP. Is UMNO sending a message?

  28. The video convey a clear message to all Malaysians. Thanks.

    Yes, there are still many people (especially rural areas) do not have assess to internet. But, the Negarakuku’s ,Lingam’s, and Chua SL’s videos are spreading like wild fire in Malaysia. These videos in Youtube raised many people awareness and also highlighted issues to people in an effective way.

    If not because of video available in Youtube, i would not really bother about Negarakuku and Lingam issues. To buy 15 seconds advertisement in TV is costly and subject to approval from relevant authority. Video in Youtube is affordable (personal opinion)and available anytime. We all hope that there will be more videos forthcoming to highlight certain issues that affect all Malaysians, be it high crime rate, stagnant income, high cost of livings, human right, democracy system, corruption, wastage of public funds….etc.

  29. Dear Sir,

    The video’s a fantastic idea to reach out to your potential voters. Like many others who have posted their comments here, I too personally feel it would be even more effective if this could be done with voice overs in other Malaysian languages. The other thing you might want to consider is telling everyone what your stand is on the People’s Declaration set out by Raja Kamaruddin Petra and members of the civil society. Your response to this would be definitely invaluable. Regards.

  30. Also very good Feng Shui for the Rocket to move upwards on the Parliment Bldg & also DAP members & Uncle Lim to ascend the stairs, bringing the aspiration & voice of the Rakyat in the ‘baton’ along with them.

  31. Can we have a less formal version that is targeted at late teens? This will get the conversations started in the adults.

    I believe is segmentation. This message is good for all but the ‘mood’ of delivery is more suitable for oldies.

    I am of the opinion that we need one for yuppies and one for late teens.

  32. Very touching, good work uncle Lim.

    I strongly agree with chinaNA, can we have a version that potraits youngsters. I believe many youngsters are pro DAP. Only old uncles & aunties are pro BN.

    My family will 100% vote for DAP. I salute u, i salute DAP. U r still the best. BN go to hell.

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