If Parliament is dissolved during CNY, BN leaders must apologise for another insensitivity

The general election is one step nearer with two further developments:

• the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi declaring that he now has “inspiration” for the 12th general election although he has not fixed the date;

• the announcement by the Election Commission secretary Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Noor that the main electoral roll, including those who registered as voters throughout last year, will be gazetted today.

A fly in the ointment in all the hype and escalation of preparations for the impending 12th general election is the spoiling of the spirit and mood of the Chinese New Year beginning on Thursday by a possible dissolution of Parliament in the midst of the Chinese New Year.

There is very strong speculation that Parliament will be dissolved to kick off the 12th general election campaign during the Chinese New Year period itself – with the 8th day of Chinese New Year (14th Feb) even mentioned as the likely date for the dissolution of Parliament.

Abdullah should give a public assurance that the Chinese New Year celebrations would not be marred by the dissolution of Parliament and the kick-off of general election campaign – and that any dissolution of Parliament will only be after Chap Goh Mei on Feb. 21.

The MCA, Gerakan and SUPP Ministers and leaders should impress on the Prime Minister the importance and significance of allowing the Chinese New Year festivities to be completed before the dissolution of Parliament and the kickoff of the general election campaign.

MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, Gerakan Acting President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and SUPP President Tan Sri Dr. George Chan should explain and publicly apologise if they cannot convince Abdullah to fully respect Chinese New Year celebrations and not to dissolve Parliament to kick off general election campaign until after Chap Goh Mei (21st Feb).

If Ka Ting, Tsu Koon and George Chan cannot even convince Abdullah on such a small though significant matter, what can Malaysians expect from them on larger and more important matters affecting the community, the state, the nation and future generations?

If Parliament is dissolved during the Chinese New Year before Chap Goh Mei, public apologies from these three Chinese leaders in the Barisan Nasional would be in order – especially as this appears to have become a season of apologies.

The Prime Minister should be reminded of the offence last year when the Umno general assembly was held during Deepavali, a shocking display of insensitivity of the diverse races, religions and cultures in plural Malaysia.

UMNO leaders, branches and members would be the first to take offense if MIC, MCA, Gerakan or SUPP should hold their national delegates’ conferences on Hari Raya Aidilfitri for instance – underlining the insensitivity of Umno leaders in giving offence to Hindus and all right-thinking Malaysians in holding the Umno general assembly last year on Deepavali Day.

This insensitivity of the diverse and great cultures and religions which have found confluence in plural Malaysia should not be repeated by dissolving Parliament during the Chinese New Year.

The ball is now in the court of Abdullah, Ka Ting, Tsu Koon and George Chan.


35 Replies to “If Parliament is dissolved during CNY, BN leaders must apologise for another insensitivity”

  1. “If Parliament is dissolved during the Chinese New Year before Chap Goh Mei, public apologies from these three Chinese leaders in the Barisan Nasional would be in order – especially as this appears to have become a season of apologies.” Kit

    It is now clear what the “Mother of all apologies” is gonna be.

  2. YB Kit says “If Ka Ting, Tsu Koon and George Chan cannot even convince Abdullah on such a ..”.

    Have they ever shown they have any spine in their dealing with BN (read UMNO), let alone expect the Chinese to view them as anything other than impotent?

  3. UMNO is greater than Allah!
    UMNO is stonger than Agong!
    UMNO are arrogant fools!
    UMNO are liars!

    What makes you think UMNO gives a damn calling election during CNY?

    Indians and Chinese should really kick these [deleted] out in the next election. Vote anything except Barisan Nasional! [deleted]

  4. Forget about what the Chinese Chief Minister in Penang and the Ministers from MCA, Gerakan and MIC, they are good for licking for some Crumbs for the past decades ! We want our Right, not only Crumbs !

    MCA, Gerakan and MIC can have their slow talk and “romance” with the UMNOPutera at their “Mating Room”, but we Indian and Chinese have lost our Rights after their Romance !

    Vote them out no matter what they apologise and promise now !

  5. “There is very strong speculation that Parliament will be dissolved to kick off the 12th general election campaign during the Chinese New Year period itself – with the 8th day of Chinese New Year (14th Feb) even mentioned as the likely date for the dissolution of Parliament.”

    Then we should give BN a BIG ANGPOW. A rousing TRASHING in the 12th GE.

  6. Hello Badawi!!

    Whether you dissolve Parliament before CNY or even during CNY, my family members, relatives, close friends and myself are not voting for BN.

    We have had enough of your UMNO-BN nonsense like abuses of power, rampant corruption, racist policies, declining education & health care standards etc.

    And by the way, I am chinese but I see myself as a Malaysian first. And just for your info, should PAS contest in my area, I have no problems AT ALL voting for PAS.

    50 years … time for a change.

  7. Election seems to be very near and March 1st as suggested (rumored) may become right as most rumors in Malaysia do.

    The Hindraf Rose march would be interesting for all to join if the BN actually dissolves the parliament before Chap Goh Mei.

  8. The fourth floor boys can’t think of a more original phrase that AAB still has to copy MM’s “inspiration” to declare the GE.

    What is so illusive and thrilling of keeping the GE date so secretive? AS if you can catch the opposition parties “with the pants down”? Stop been so childish, Be like a gentleman, Declare the GE date just like any of the matured democracies.

    Otherwise, maybe Kit can out manoeuvre the sleepy head by suggesting a few dates for him to choose when he has awaken from his slumber.

  9. Not surprise if they do that. they had been insensitive all along, so another “insensitive” is nothing to them.
    “Happy Lunar New Year” to all Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese in the World. (and other minorities in China who also celebrate).
    This present govt , if in other advance countries, already “OUT” long time ago!

  10. Could they care less? They are so sure that they will win without the non malay votes. The umno goons famous quote:

    Calling all members and supporters of mca, mic and other components of bn,
    WAKE UP BEFORE YOU ARE ALSO DOOMED TO KINGDOM COME. Go for change before they skin you alive. Are you so sure that what they promise to you will be implemented after the election. Dream on. Do not be conned by these liars again.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  11. I think it is time we be careful with our words. Do not play racial politics that UMNO wants you to play. Remember, UMNO is UMNO but UMNO is not all Malays in this country. Najib, when asked if BN is denied 2/3 majority in the parliament, will racial tension cause another May13, he have this to say;

    “I don’t think we can assume there will be a racial riots just because we dip below two-thirds margin,” Datuk Seri Najib said. “But it means that Malaysia will have a very unstable government.” The Straits Time, Singapore

    Now, read the words “I don’t think we can assume”. But, if you don’t think can you assume?

    What about this reply, “I think we can assume there will not be a racial riots just because we dip below 2/3 margin but we may have a very unstable government”

    So, no promises if UMNO will run amok if they lose. Najib’s brand, race politics!

  12. They dare not do it this time….they know chinese means business.The best ang pow the chinese can give us Malaysians is to vote out BN or at least deny them 2/3 majority in the coming election.Even the devil has said umno will not change within.So its up to us to make them change…this is our defining moment…history is waitinig to be made..

  13. BN is “ruled” or “directed” by a group of young 4th floor (Sei Lao) boys, no wonder all their policies become “SEI” (die in cantonese). All ladies should not vote for BN, as one of their Sabah MP (Kinabatangan) famous quote on rape, if “U cannot resist it, lay down n njoyit). so u ladies should know better

  14. People say Pak Lah strongly believes in feng shui and the like, that his lucky number is 13 etc etc. So he has no choice about it as April will be his bad month.

    So he’s “pantang di-cabar” and will do (announce) as is beneficial to him. Other considerations are not important.

    The Chinese can continue to celebrate CNY but he will do what he needs to do.

    But isn’t he 1/8 or 1/16 Chinese of Hainanese or Hakka descent? He no celebrate CNY too? Does he know how to say “Gong Xi Fa Cai”?

  15. Why apologise?

    Legitimate reason to give ang pau – but the joke, of course, is that the money comes from taxpayers!

    Also good strategy – outstation voters (esp those who vote for the opposition) may not be bothered to go back again to their hometowns, where they are registered, to vote. Good for BN.

    Are people ready for change or tsunami? Or just empty talk and distant thundering sound?

    Happy CNY to all who celebrate on 7 Feb 2008!

  16. I have been getting up early and face West every morning……
    Guess what i am doing??
    Waiting for the morning sun to appear from the West.

    You want apologies from them… then do what i am doing.

  17. Election on CNY? Thats the way the sleepy head will lead all his stone age BN to the bottomless pit. THE BLIND LEAD THE BLIND.

    Uncle Kit, line up all the stone age BN and kick their butt one by one into the grave they have dug.



  18. All ladies should not vote for Be End, many of their MP, or ADUN, had insulted ladies many times, eg, “bocor”, “terowong”, “skirt too short”, “lay down njoy rape”, “challenge lady MP to fight” etc,
    All Chinese should also not vote for them, they wan 2 soak keris with yr blood? They make yr schools run down, desparate short of teachers, etc
    All Indian also should not vote for them, they demolish yr temples here n there, they forced one into religious faith.
    Malay also should not vote for them, Many Be End leaders claimed to be Muslim, but do not live like good Muslim, for good Muslims are not greedy, corrupt, or suck nation’s wealth n do not lie!

  19. You can always expect a Bedol & Co to sucker-punch the rakyat, afterall he pulled that one 4 years ago with false slogans and manifestos. CNY or not, we’ll be ready as there’s nothing much to ‘celebrate’ for the last 4 years. Bedol & Co, Corrupt to the Hilt!

  20. Muslims should not vote for Be End, Many Be End leaders claimed to be Muslim, but do not live like good Muslim, for good Muslims are not greedy, corrupt, or suck nation’s wealth n do not lie, etc
    Christian should not vote for them, they force you to change the name of your God, they do not allow u to use cross at many places etc
    Hindu sholud not vote for them, they demolish yr temples here n there.
    Taoist should not vote for them, they do not allow u to erect yr statue

  21. The 8th day of Chinese New Year (14th Feb), that is Valentine’s Day. The UMNO general assembly last year during Deepavali should give you all a hint on who to vote for.

    Pak Lah believes in feng shui ? Isn’t he preaching Islam Hadhari ? But what did last year’s feng shui did to this year ? And what will this year’s feng shui do to next year ? God is great !

  22. “Malay also should not vote for them, Many Be End leaders claimed to be Muslim, but do not live like good Muslim, for good Muslims are not greedy, corrupt, or suck nation’s wealth n do not lie!”

    This is a good one! Malaysians must tell their Malay friends this is the reason they should vote opposition!

    Whatever is the day, let it be! have we not been looking forward for that BIG DAY to vote nothing but OPPOSITION? Waste no time on the date, put forth more ‘BN SINS’ on this blog to gain more support for opposition.


    They are the most ‘double-faced’ (ABB remark on Anwar) in Malaysia!

  23. I thought Chinese believe in unity during Chinese New Year, dissolving Parliament during Chinese New Year shows disunity and is inauspicious. If BN choose to do such an inauspicious act during this auspicious period, they are headed for trouble.

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