Caretaker government suit may be filed tomorrow

Thanks to all for views on whether the “caretaker government” public interest litigation should be instituted.

Time does not permit me to respond to the good arguments canvassed on both sides. The caretaker government suit may be filed tomorrow.

Thanks also to those who have pledged financial support to the suit. Your financial donation will be sought on this blog shortly.


127 Replies to “Caretaker government suit may be filed tomorrow”

  1. Just heard it over NTV7. DPM promising peanuts to MIC delegates. If it had really taken care of non-UMNaziO, then there wouldn’t be any HINDRAF in the first place. Two days ago MOE promised to build some Chinese schools. And they really believe that the Chinese and the Indians would actually believe them!

    It will only take a few months after the election when UMNaziO ppl will start pulling out their crooked knives and sticking out their fingers. “Don’ test our patience. We Malays can run AMOK!” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it.

  2. Sdr Lim, you have my support. This is fundamental, not just making the point. Just look at Ijok by-election some time back. It simply has got out of hand. We know DAP need financial resources even without this suit. We will do whatever we can. On the way…..

    Let the government takes care of the poor and needy for now. We have paid our taxes and the government has got enough oil dividend and taxes. Undergrad2, I hope you are not being sarcastic when you made those statements.

  3. time is running out.what is of paramount importance is UNITY AND COOPERATION AMONG THE OPPOSITION TO WIN THE BATTLE.There should NOT be any bickering among DAP/PKR/PAS for seats.The idea is to get as many oppositions regardless of parties in the bandwagon to deny 2/3 majority for BN.
    SO WE ARE READY ARE YOU ALL READY.My best wishes and good luck to you.

  4. Granted the state of the judiciary, I feel the action is like hitting one’s head againsta brick wall. Nontheless , on a matter of principle I support the filing of the suit. If the need arises, I will contribute RM100

  5. Reconfirming my RM200 pledge. Undergrad2, for your info., I have donated much RM to the poor and needy all these years, and sometimes, wakil rakyat like DAP needs RM support too to kick asses for us. they don’t live on sunshine and water only.

  6. I feel sad that DAP had lost its sense of priorities.

    Right now the priority is to ring to Anwar,PKR leader, and tell him to finalize the seat allocation between DAP and PKR for the coming GE.Without an agreement on this matter both parties will commit suicide as it is very unlikely that an opposition party can win if opposition votes are split.So don’t you want to spend all your time and efforts to find ways how to achieve an agreement on such an important matter and to do so urgently. The public will not vote for opposition if opposition cannot agree among themselves as to the allocation of seats.They will consider opposition parties as greedy and not worth to vote for them.

    If a High Court could not even agree to allow Gan’s family to have the Chemistry dept to examine whether or not the thumbprint of Gan was genuine, it will be a fat chance that it will grant DAP an Order for a Caretaker govt.The risk of having to pay the RM 50,000 is great and with the distractions this will cause, it is therefore simply not worth it.
    The money and the energies could be better spent in how to make the public have a better perception of DAP.

    DAP had earlier spent unnecessary time and money to do a survey to show that Gerakan Govt. had done a pretty good job in Penang and this was given wide publicity in the mainstream press.Similarly,DAP gave the number of seats where the Indians form a large miniority and BN might be vulnerable.The BN responded immediately by holding meetings with the Indians and addressed by both the PM and the DPM as they now realised the large number of seats which Indians might sway. Why gave BN this sort of information and gave them the good results from a survey done?

  7. Nothing is a waste of time. File it. We all know that it will be throw out by the courts but its the principles (which is lacking in this country) that counts. However has anyone in the DAP thought about the scenario where after the next GE results when the opposition had won a substancial amount of seats (maybe form goverment in one or two states) what will the current BN GOV will do? Will the BN go quietly or will be expect some incident where emergency will announced? What will be opposition do then?

  8. For the record, in 1959, Tunku Abdul Rahman, temporarily resigned as PM and appointed Dr Ismail as caretaker PM so he could tour the country for a few weeks and do some preliminary campaigning before the 1959 General Elections. That was the first and last time such a gesture was made.

  9. “The risk of having to pay the RM 50,000 is great and with the distractions this will cause, it is therefore simply not worth it.
    The money and the energies could be better spent in how to make the public have a better perception of DAP.”

    Like another poster said, the money is perhaps better spent on the poor and needy among the marginalized Indians.

  10. RM50000 cannot lift the marginalised Indians out of their malaise. That needs more fundamental structural changes to the existing political reality. That involves redefining or replacing the twisted political thoughts, beliefs and cultures which have enslaved and imprisoned our nation and our people for so many decades. Nothing less than dismantling the political monopoly and grip of the BN, in particularly UMNO and the MIC within the context of our Indian brothers, would work to lift the marginalised Indians out of their doldrum. RM50000 would not even allow us to give 10 sen to each and every Indian. But RM50000 spent on the contemplated law suit would have a much better impact in our efforts to effect that fundamental structural changes that will ultimately benefit all Malaysians. As I have said in another thread, win or lose, the suit will set forth another round of discussion and deliberation by and ultimately education of the people on the excesses of the BN or the quality and integrity of our judiciary which would definitely serve to advance the cause for liberty, equality and fraternity in our country.

  11. DAP & PKR are working very hard on seats allocation for sure it is not an easy task & will require lots of patience & sacrifices coming from both sides.We wish them all the best and may God grant them the wisdom to do the tough job.

    Full support for the suit just to show that we the public wants to see a clean & fair country and we mean it!

    Apart from the Public bank a/c mentioned by Limkamput do you have a Maybank a/c?

  12. Good idea. Actually Malaysia is not really moving forward despite having buildings that look very futuristic. What is that again ? First class infrastructure. Third world mentality.

    Most of the mass media is government controlled. They even pinch RTM’s new readers to join their bandwagon.

    Yes, RM 50, 000 is a lot. But ask the Barisan Nasional. If they have been doing something or anything, why are there still poor people out there ? They have the whole nation’s money in their hands. How have they been gambling with our money ?

  13. “RM50000 would not even allow us to give 10 sen to each and every Indian. But RM50000 spent on the contemplated law suit would have a much better impact in our efforts to effect that fundamental structural changes that will ultimately benefit all Malaysians.”

    I’m all for it but I’m also a pragmatist. RM50k may be a drop in the bucket but if it could lift a poor family out of its misery why not?

  14. The concept of a caretaker government has never been adhered to. What makes you think it will with the suit or without the suit?

    What we’ll see is more government resources being used to campaign for BN incumbents to political office, more opening of schools, more grants to schools, more pledges, more ribbon cutting etc. Government controlled media will be used to send out political messages for BN at tax payers’ expense, the announcements of new projects etc. More publicity for BN incumbents doing their jobs.

  15. Why is it that Najib took so long to realize his mistake and only now he apologises to the Indians for demolishing the Hindu temple? It is so obvious that this is election gimmick to secure the position of Najib himself, BN and Samy Vellu. So, by apologising, can it help to revive the already demolished Hindu temple? And this further goes to show that BN acts hastily without thinking of the consequences. Had BN ever considered the consequence and the interests of other ethnic groups, the temple will still be standing in one piece today and Najib need not look like and idiot, apologising for what his party had done.

  16. 30,000 screaming Indians said you were wrong. – Undergrad2

    Please don`t worry about the Indians, many of whom are also DAP members. But if you really want to champion the cause, then they invite you to the Rally Of Roses on February 16:

    As Mr,Uthayakumar finished one of his speeches he sang’ Aadi Adangum Valkaiyada, Aaradi Nilamae Sonthamada…….”( After all its ups and downs and ins and outs, this life does come to an end…… an end that we all share in 6 feet of this earth…..) Truely moving – coming from someone who has worked on the ground for so many years standing up for the injustices perpetrated by the system.
    [ ]
    You can lock up 5 people, but can you lock up 50,000 people. If the powers that be do not want to hear it from the 5, let them then hear from the 50,000. The leaders have done their part, now move aside, it is time for us the people to do our part. We have to have the truth heard. Now we absolutely must do it by getting together at the Rally of the Roses.

    Just as you all did, in busloads from all over the country, please organise the same thing one more time, let us get together and let it be known that what happened on the 25th of November was only a prelude. it was no flash in the pan, HINDRAF and what it stands for is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored.

  17. Sometimes we are so narrow in our focus. No doubt RM50,000 is a big amount to the poor. But to get our attention and contribution is also a way to get us involved in the course of democracy in this country. Talking is cheap. The moment we are asked to do something tangible either in terms of our time or money, all the reasons will start to emerge. I think this is typical among Malaysians. We want good life, but we want others to fight and sacrifice for us. This can not be. Sometimes we must also accept the responsibility that we deserve the government we get. So do something, in whatever small ways we can.

  18. “You can lock up 5 people, but can you lock up 50,000 people. If the powers that be do not want to hear it from the 5, let them then hear from the 50,000.”

    49,995 people? …maybe final solution?

  19. “No doubt RM50,000 is a big amount to the poor. But to get our attention and contribution is also a way to get us involved in the course of democracy in this country. Talking is cheap.” limkaput

    I suppose it is too much to expect someone like you to understand the economic concept of “opportunity cost”.

  20. I suppose it is too much to expect someone like you to understand the economic concept of “opportunity cost”.

    Explain quickly what is opportunity, using your own words. Don’t trying to copy from any one of the elementary economics textbooks because i will know.

  21. “The concept of a caretaker government has never been adhered to. What makes you think it will with the suit or without the suit?” Undergrad2

    I share your sentiment. There are many ways where abuses and misuses can be done, where no accountability will ever be asked. I have gone thru many elections.

    Any real accountibility would only be possible if there is a change of government.

    If you go thru the process of the law, how would you enforce it? I am not a lawyer but I see a problem in enforcement. Then, are we doing this for publicity? I also think we can it afford the time and resources for this at this time.

  22. Kit,
    There is a pertinent point you have to consider before you file the suit tomorrow.
    The court might throw out the suit on a technicality – that your petition is premature as elections have not been called and there is no evidence to show that government machinery and funds will be used by the care-taker government.
    The court, if it knows the meaning of justice and fair play, can still make a ruling on the functions/role of a care-taker government.
    Thus, the suit would also ‘test’ the independence of the judiciary.
    However, if would depend on the presiding judge. If he is one from the ‘wrong camp’ then all he has to say is some mumbo jumbo to avoid hurting the government.
    Thank God, Eusoff Chin and Ahmad Fairuz are no more.

  23. Colonel, I think the Indians will be prouder and have more dignity than you not to accept the RM50,000 because they know this money will be better used for the course of democracy in this country. But if the RM50,000 is offered to you and your gang, oh, for sure, you people will gladly accept it and spend it in SPA and pubs.

  24. Jus legitmum, do you really trust a guy with a Kg Attap education to remit RM200.00? What he said was “I pledge” and anybody can pledge without actually sending the money.

    Let’s see proof that he remitted the money as he said he would.

  25. “Thanks also to those who have pledged financial support to the suit. Your financial donation will be sought on this blog shortly.” KIT

    Limkamput, you may want to put your money where your mouth is.

  26. Colonel, if you can’t afford, we will understand. Please don’t pressured in anyway. If you don’t want to give or can’t afford, you still can come here to talk and insult because these are free.

  27. At least I’m honest when I say I’d agree with some posters here who think RM50k is too high a price to have to pay to make a point – assuming that the suit would succeed in making that point.

  28. A new book presents the view that 1969 race riots were instigated by ambitious Malay politicians. Now it seems the book will be banned by the government.
    [ ]
    Officials of Malaysia’s Internal Security Ministry Tuesday confiscated 10 copies of the book from a Kuala Lumpur bookstore, advising the store not to sell it as it may be banned. According to a letter issued by ministry officials, the book is suspected of being an “undesirable publication.”
    [ ]
    “Declassified Documents on the Malaysian riots of 1969” by Dr. Kua Kia Soong, the principal of New Era College, is based not directly on Malaysian sources but on now-open British documents held at the Public Records Office in Kew Gardens, near London. These consist of contemporary British diplomatic and intelligence reports which suggest that the riots were not spontaneous acts of communal violence, as is constantly alleged by UMNO, but were fanned by Malay elements, with support from the army and police, wanting to discredit the accommodating prime minister and impose a much more rigorous Malay agenda. One British document concluded that the goal was to “formalize Malay dominance, sideline the Chinese and shelve Tunku.”
    [ ]
    Bookstores have been advised not to sell Kua’s book and a formal ban looks likely on the grounds that it will stir up racial animosities, which it could well do in the short run. However, from a broader perspective it is hard to see how a multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia can flourish if events such as May 13 can only be discussed in private, while the public is fed a distorted official version in order to sustain the legitimacy of UMNO politicians.

  29. Why must the suit be successful before we can make a point. Again the thinking is simply moronic. The court did not approve Hindraf rally. But did Hindraf prove a point? I know the suit will be thrown out. But will our action per se prove a point? The ANSWER IS YES. IF YOU CAN’T SEE IT, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. We can’t expect much from the mentally challenged.

  30. “However, from a broader perspective it is hard to see how a multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia can flourish if events such as May 13 can only be discussed in private, while the public is fed a distorted official version in order to sustain the legitimacy of UMNO politicians.” Tickler

    I would not think this makes much sense in future. The age of information free-flow would render it impossible to monopolise any particular info. We see it very, very clearly in this coming GE. Even this blog itself is a good example. Any true version would surface, otherwise misinformation would hurt them more. That book by Kua might not be available in the store, but believe me, being being listed as banned makes people more curious. I would be available int he net soon.

  31. Also:

    Dr. Kua Kia Soong said it is his hope to smash TWO MYTHS with the publication of the book.

    # (The first myth) is racial riot will occur when the Malays are not happy, that’s why you need the New Economic Policy, affirmative action policy et cetera, otherwise the Malays will be unhappy and there will be riot. This is the first myth we should dismantle as documents showed some people were involved in MAKING it (the May 13) happened with the connivance of the police and army.

    # The second myth is academicians and pluralist theorists who uphold the views that riots and conflicts will occur naturally in multi-racial country. “I am questioning this. The role of the state is very important at a particular historical conjuncture. Malays, Chinese and Indians DON’T suddenly decide to fight in conflict, it doesn’t happen like that,” he said.

    Dr Kua stressed:

    “The (official) history of May 13 is full of nonsense,….

  32. If no leader spreading lies, carry out extremely discriminating policies, instigate hatred towards other races, ordinary folks (be they Malay, Chinese, Indian or any other races) will not suddenly wan to fight the other races.

  33. Even Pakistan hv caretaker govt, In Zimbabwe, they already know their polling date 29 March 08, a few days back.
    Msia may hv another world record, ie shortest period between announcement date n actual polling date. It was much longer way back in the 60s, or 70s

  34. The High Court judge might just say “I have no jurisdiction to hear your case. Please go to the Syariah High Court as the PM is a Muslim and the leader of the Hadhari thing. Besides, we are an Islamic country run mainly on Islamic principles”.

    Why Bolehland still cannot determine an election date way in advance like many other countries like Zimbabwe?

    You forgot already? We have leaders still looking for favourable signs and advice from feng shui masters and the like, and “ilham” (inspiration) from the divine spirits, or when Jeannie says it is OK to do so. Or when he wakes up.

  35. BTW, has anyone thought about this as to why Mahathir is naming his bread shop “The Loaf”?

    Maybe this is one way to belittle Badawi as a Loaf!

    It was Mahathir who kneaded the dough to form a LOAF!


    I’m out of here!

  36. Hi Tickler,
    The Asiasentinel article you quoted was dated May 2007. In Oct/Nov 2007 there were stacks of Dr. Kua’s books still on sale! Not sure about now…either already sold out like hot cakes or did the ban really materialise?

  37. Please don’t pretend and please don’t divert the issue here. Are we supportive of the suit or not. If so, are we contributing to the fund? It is useless to talk eloquently, passionately, and intellectually if we are not committed to what we say. And stop contemplating, procrastinating and assuming like you Darkhorse talking, “…RM50,000 is too high a price to have to pay to make a point – assuming that the suit would succeed in making that point”. Well, you can go ahead assuming, musing and mulling…. We are going ahead. The world will not be changed by a gang of good for nothing armchair critics.

  38. Are we supportive of the suit or not. If so, are we contributing to the fund? – limkamput

    Yes lah. LKS already said details of the destination of donations will be announced in this blog. So we can do nought but wait.
    Those who don`t want to, well just let them be. They are proud enough in their beliefs and as some have pointed out will be making donations directly to Indians.

  39. I suppose it is too much to expect someone like you to understand the economic concept of “opportunity cost”. BlackEye

    You studied one semester in defunct economics and you want to talk economics as if you are the expert. How often did you use the concept of opportunity cost in decision making? Really all these phua tang sai people piss me off.

  40. Let us not fight over this, let Uncle Kit makes the final decision.
    GE is very near and time is critical (08.03.2008???). For us to play our part, please visit ALLl our friends & relatives during the CNY and explain to them why the parliament needs a louder voice from the opposition as we have been bulldozed left right & center all these years. They (BN) only come round to throw a few pitiful sweets when it is election time, other than that, they don’t take care of us, they just go about their own way to build massive personal wealth by all corrupt means.
    Tell them to visit ALL their own friends & relatives & to do the same down the line.
    Don’t miss this golden opportunity!
    Happy chinese New year 2008 to all for you!

  41. Violence is a product of fear and insecurity.

    If the irresponsible, divisive and dangerous politicians/leaders are allowed to continue to create and instil fear and insecurity in the hearts of the ordinary people with their dangerous and divisive politics, there is a high possibility of 513 repeating.

    Decades of bad leadership and role models are doing enormous damage to the country……we have not moved very far since independent in terms of race relationship – we have actually moved backward.

  42. RM 50,000 is a lot of money to an individual, but when it comes to “testing the government” it is a small one. It is not a question of winning or loosing, but continuous struggle.

    I have criticized Saudara Lim many times on this blog, but I still keep coming back; for only in him have I seen this “continuous struggle” for the past 30 years.

    So if possible let us support in what “he believes is right”. Some times we feel we are right, this time let us help him in what he feels is right.

    My support and donation stands.

  43. Thank you Saint. Sometimes we just have to take chances. There is no perfect information and there is no perfect decision. Perfect information and perfect decision only belong to armchair critics, who don’t believe in what they are saying here.

  44. limkamput, don’t just talk! YB Kit needs your money. Please also forward your name, address and telephone so we could confirm your donation. I’m waiting to make mine and will match every ringgit you donate!

    So put your money where your mouth is!

  45. Colonel, who are you to see proof of me banking in the money? Are you a rat running around somewhere in Kampung Attap? Who need to account to a rat? As I said earlier, if you can’t afford or you are here just to talk cock (because it is free entertainment for you), we can understand. We are not pressuring you in anyway. You are one of the most degrading and destructive elements here? Seriously, you have no class. You are a scumbag, a rat, a spineless A–. If you are selfish and love money too much, please don’t assume others are like you. By the way, greed and love for money are not directly proportionate to how much money a person has. I don’t love money as much as you, but I think I am much richer than you financially. To you may be RM200 is your one month’s meals.

  46. My decision stands. He has until noon tomorrow. colonel

    Seriously, if you want to donate, you donate. It is only RM200. What do you expect DAP to do, open his contribution fund for you to see first before getting your RM200.00? That is why i said you have no class. If you want to be so difficult, you can keep your money. DAP can survive without your lousy RM200.00.

  47. Saint says: I have criticized Saudara Lim many times on this blog, but I still keep coming back; for only in him have I seen this “continuous struggle” for the past 30 years.

    Yes, I watched the 8 o’clock news just now and I saw Karpal and Sdr Lim and others filing the suit. The two look so aged now. So many things come to mind when I saw them on tv. Who is going to do all these job when they retire? Who have the tenacity to go on like them? Many Malaysians hardly appreciate the contributions made by them. Frankly Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Dipertuan Agong should give a Tun-ship to Sdr Lim and a Tan Sri ship to Karpal Singh. They have contributed so much to government governance and yet there is not a single recognition by the King and country. Shall we start another movement: petition the King to give Sdr Lim a Tunship and Karpal Singh a Tan Sri ship.

  48. “To you may be RM200 is your one month’s meals.” limkamput

    What’s wrong with you??

    Why must you continually insult posters by referring to their financial position. Don’t you have any sympathy for the poor and the needy? Don’t you think the money all $50k is better spent on a poor Indian family marginalized over the years through no fault of their own? $50k could easily help three poor families of any race for a year or two.

  49. Darkhorse, I have repeatedly said you can not see your irony. It is confirmed beyond doubt that you are mentally challenged. Who is insulting who? When I suggested each blogger here contribute RM200 to DAP fund, why are you doubting and insulting me and others who have contributed or made pledges. You want to talk about insulting; I think you are the worst kind. If you can’t afford, just shut up and let others who are willing contribute to do so without having to get all the stupid insult from you. I give you and colonel till noon tomorrow to bank in the money; the account number is Public Bank Berhad 306 382 8309 in case you conveniently forget even though I have stated here many times. For others who have made their pledges, please do so as soon as possible.

    OH one more thing. You said “We?? Since when were you appointed spokesman for anybody? I certainly did not”. Yes, you certainly did not do any damn thing here other than talking cock and insulting me and others who disagree with you. I guess that is free so you don’t mind doing it. Come on, I challenge you again, put your money where your mouth is.

  50. In case you miss what another poster has had to say about you:

    “limkamput, I do not wish to be dragged into the arena of your disputes with or dislike of the other. But seriously, this is not the place to ventilate very personal matters. It would be better if everyone would just stick to the issue or subject being discussed.” HB Lim

    Same person different handle too??

  51. Boys! Boys! Time to stop!!

    Looks like limkamput here has difficulty in holding his own.

    Limkamput, you cannot take on the entire blog. You should show more respect to YB Kit who provides this platform and uses his precious time to get across important messages and not for you to show how clever you are.

  52. HB Lim, i did not ask for your support. I can fight my own battle. Please don’t behave like you are a great guy. I have told you several times regarding bank account and how to donate and you will keep asking how to do it as if you never read it before. But for this one particular case, you will immediately give me a response. Please don’t need to be a hypocrite.

  53. ladygovida, it is not the whole blog. it is mostly one moron using different handles. i am not showing how clever i am. i am just responding to them. if you can’t be fair, just shut up. I know you, consistently siding with them even when argue with others.

  54. Rashid the EC Chairman has said and it is worth repeating:

    “The commission sometimes received reports of abuses of power and authority, allegation of vote buying activities, misuse of government machineries, etc all of which are channeled to the police for their action. The best channel would be the courts of law if proof of all the wrong doings are available. Candidates may file petitions and election courts will decide.”

  55. Unfortunately, all applications to declare election results void start from the High Court, and cases used to be presided by none other than the Eusoff Chin who would grant UMNO all the declarations they needed, declaring elections void when UMNO lost and declaring others good when Opposition lost.

    After the GE rest assured there will be lots of cases. The fight for control will move to the courts. The RM50k is better spent in pursuing all these cases through the court system.

  56. After the GE rest assured there will be lots of cases. The fight for control will move to the courts. The RM50k is better spent in pursuing all these cases through the court system. darkhorse

    No, I don’t think the fight for control will move the courts. At most there will only be some marginal seats. Besides, if we know the court system is not fair, what is the point of using the RM50k to fight the cases AFTER the election? But if the 50k is spent before the election (even though we know the court system is not fair), at least we can create awareness among Malaysians and international community of the hopeless electro processes in Malaysia.

  57. “But if the 50k is spent before the election (even though we know the court system is not fair), at least we can create awareness among Malaysians and international community of the hopeless electro processes in Malaysia.”

    Elections are never won on awareness.

    Dark horse is right. The fight will enter its second phase and into the courts system. It may not make a difference to the overall results of the elections but certain constituencies may see a swing to the Opposition, some a return to the Opposition. Every seat counts when we are talking about denying BN of their two-thirds control.

  58. Undergrad2, Awareness of voters to the gross abuses is certainly one of the factors that decides whether an election is won or lost. How can you be sure it is has never been. May be you want to tell me what determine election victory and defeat. I wish it is that easy. As i have said many times, there is no perfect information and there is no perfect decision. Sometimes we just have to make a decision and proceed from there. You are entitled to your opinion of course, and others are also entitled to how they look at issues.

  59. “In the summons, Kit Siang, who is the Ipoh Timur MP, sought from the High Court a declaration for a caretaker government to replace the government of the day during the dissolution of Parliament until the swearing-in of the new Cabinet after the general election. ”

    It is not gonna happen.

  60. The suit has been filed. The court would fix a date. The EC and AAB would ask for a postponement, duly granted. Due to election business going on, the suit would be heard sometimes around June or July, long after election is over.

    It is not being unsupportive of the suit or the money; it is the priority at this point of time. Secondly, the abuses and misuses are already going on now; even cabinet meetings discussed party matters and the election. Thirdly we would need countless spies and cameras to record the abuses.

    Pushing for interim non-political based government, I think could be better pursued through parliament. As in the past, it would be a tough job to get parliament to accede, but that is exactly where the present election fight lies; we have to do better.

    Our priority is an electoral alliance, a common platform, a unified theme. I read a few commentators giving suggestions in the same line had since then remained quiet. I too might just leave the blog, especially after reading continually all the personal comments and insinuations; genuine contributors are silenced.

  61. YB Kit says the filing, court costs and attorney costs (?) would cost some RM50k. I’m not sure how YB Kit arrives at this figure. But assuming this is the correct figure then in my opinion it does not appear to be worth the money if it is merely for the sake of filing the OS.

    Especially when you say

    “…the suit would be heard sometimes around June or July, long after election is over.” oknyua

    I expect there will be a lot of electoral offenses committed by all parties since we could assume that the elections will be the most hotly contested elections in the history of the country. Some of these cases will make their way to our courts and if past events are any indication DAP and PKR will need a war chest to contest the results. I worked under Zaki Tun Azmi the future CJ (?) and I can tell you that working pro bono is going to be tough for the attorneys.

    Every seat counts.

  62. Undergrad2, I am speaking from my past experiences. I was an election agent and I heard many reports from the field. Some of these reports were compiled and an official complaint was lodged.

    After the election I was asked to give more evidences; things like receipts, vouchers and eye witnesses. I didn’t have them. I agree we need a war chest – not an empty but filled to the brim. We need not only to win in the court, but to record the abuses as well.

  63. I refer to oknyua’s posting above.

    First, I think you are admitting defeat before the battle starts. Why are you so sure the suit will have no effect at all on election results? The oppositions are already so restricted in terms of highlighting issues and galvanising support. So one extra avenue, even costing RM50k (this is also an estimate, it may be less), is worth the effort because we will never know what the effect will be like.

    Second, if the abuses and misuses are already on-going, does it mean we just have to accept it and let it be. The suit is not about winning it in court, if by now you still don’t get it. Your argument about countless spies and cameras I believe is for suits after the election.

    Third, if pursuing it through the court system is futile, pursuing it through parliament is a non starter. I think the Parliament will not even allow for the debate on this if one gets to table a motion. I am aware you may be referring to future Parliament after the election. Well, if we have a Parliament who is willing to consider care-taker government after the election, we no longer need any suit.

    Fourth, your priority on electoral alliance, a common platform and a unified theme is but one opinion. Like your criticism of other opinions, I too can say that it is probably very idealistic and difficult to attain.

    Fifth, with regard to you leaving the blog because seemingly those who shared your views have remained quiet, I just wish to say that the feeling is mutual. Election is near. This is DAP’s and Sdr Lim’s blog. I think some of us are doing great disservice to the party and to him. Ok, I can leave if that makes some of you happy. Didn’t all of us are just expressing our opinions here. What make us think that ours is better than others’ and can not be challenged? May be that is why I am an odd ball. I also have had enough for now.

  64. limkamput, I took note of the Public Bank Acct you provided and recorded the no immediately in my hand phone. I asked only once and I thank you for supplying the info that I needed. I did not mean to behave like a great guy.I am not being hypocritical when I said what I said. I am sorry if I appeared that way to you. I am completely flabbergasted at your reaction towards me but that does not matter and I wish your misunderstanding of me will end here with this explanation.

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