Armed robbery – just happened to me

(received 10.23 am)
by NKK

I just faced up to four Indian armed robbers this 3am morning in Alam Damai Cheras, KL

This is a true story about my lifetime first-hand experience with an armed robbery on 30 Jan 2008. I was eating and reading a late-night newspapers in a “mamak” (Indian Muslim) restaurant at Alam Damai Cheras of Kuala Lumpur at about 3AM morning.

Suddenly four Indian robbers broke in from nowhere, three of them ski-masked and armed with 2-feet matchet each.

The gang leader ordered cashiers and all (four) customers, including me in the shop to surrender our money and phones. All were robbed except me, I managed to escape from their seizure. No advisable to fight armed robbers with your bare hands.

Two police patrol cars arrived at the scene after about 20 minutes of reporting. I will try to get CCTV photos from the shop-owner and publish robbers’ photos in this webiste.


156 Replies to “Armed robbery – just happened to me”

  1. To side track:
    Could everyone do us a favor?
    When you see any cracked Gomen buildings, bridges, elevated highways, can you take a picture and e-mail it to Kit or other influential blogs?

    If it is hard for you to take a picture, pls pin point the location and inform us bloggers.

    We need to show all Malaysians the extreme sorry state of all Gomen buildings and bridges before the GE. Such photos bring lots of votes!

    I am sure there are many more MRR2s out there!
    It is time to expose them all!

  2. You are looking for cracked, leaking and broken gomen (public) assets and you can’t find any? You serious?

    As for the chap who managed to escape the robbers, tell us how you escaped from the robbers carrying 2 feet machetes. I just gotta know. It could be my turn next. By the way, what you doing up so late at 3 am reading newspapers ah? Ghana vs Benin?

    Is this robbery another sign of frustration and lack of opportunities for the marginalised community? Did they snatch any bodies?

  3. Now come off it. How in the world were you to know the length of each matchet ? And if, as alleged if “all (four) customers, including me in the shop to surrender our money and phones”, how did YOU escape? Did they (perhaps) recognize you an one of them? And how SURE were you that they were Indian Robbers when, as you said, they had ski-masks on? Please don’t assume that all (dark skinned) robbers are Indians! It is a bit spooky!

  4. Hey u can also highlight the robbery to bring votes., look what has NEP done to most of the poor indians , some of the hardcore poor has turned to a high life of crime, all this while for more than 50 yrs the Gomen has the neglecting them., this is not the last , i’m sure that there will be many more robberies and other crimes committed by them , Kerisimuddin , najib and nazri can all bark , maybe one day they will also be looted, its time they taste thier own medicine. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

    The greatest achevement in malaysia after 50yrs by the BN in malaysia is SEGREGATION , akin to aparthied :
    Bumi / Non Bumi, Islam / non Islam, and they called themselves democratic & fair; All they do is sow more hatred day by day , and its culminating to a point of catastrophy. All good brains in this country is being drained out, slowly but surely.
    Pls use the Election to stop th bullshit that is going on. Vote for DAP and other opposition parties, that will take out this segregation policy, we want to live as malaysians, not Bumi and Non Bumi. Cut this crap out, No civilized country in the modern world has this type segregation.

  5. Singh, I want all the shit buildings and bridges to be shown in the media so that all Malaysians can see from their own eyes, whether they are from Sabah, Perlis, KL or in Johore.

    Remember the MRR2 fiasco? It really created a super big havoc for the Gomen.

    Such blunders gain votes!

  6. Moral of the story is that crime rate is going UP, inflation is going UP, Jobless people going UP, everything is going up except PM’s and Sam’s popularity…looks like times have changed, have you? Show your frustration in the next GE, dont be a coward and mark for the sake marking, mark the rocket for your own and your kids future!

  7. What is intriguing is that the writer has had to say that “this is a true story” as if he expects readers not to believe! As for the specificity of some of the details, the reference to the 2′ long machetes could be his powers of imagination running wild just as the wrong spelling of the word.

    Could the writer be a policeman in a patrol car who has too much time on his hands??

  8. DAP blames PKR for deadlock PDF Print E-mail
    Posted by Raja Petra
    Wednesday, 30 January 2008

    (NST) – They are eager to win as many seats as possible from Barisan Nasional (BN), but they just can’t agree on the seats to contest.
    It’s not just in one state, as the problem prevails in many states where the DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) are trying to avoid three-cornered fights with BN.

    To DAP, the ball is in PKR’s court. At least that’s how DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng explained it when asked about the progress of the seat negotiations.

    The negotiations have stalled in several states, including Perak’s Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency held by the DAP, as well as in Chinese-majority parliamentary seats in Sarawak.

    “Why are the negotiations going so slow? That’s a question for PKR.

    “We have done all that we can. They are the ones slowing down the negotiations,” Lim said.

    The Penang agreement between the two parties was an act of goodwill on DAP’s side, which Lim’s party had hoped would lead to a speedy conclusion of seat negotiations in all states.

    However, he claimed that some PKR state and junior leaders were treating the DAP as an enemy or a component party of Barisan Nasional.

    “I have a good working relationship with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR adviser), Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah (PKR president) and Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (PKR secretary-general).

    “I sense that it is the other junior leaders who are in disagreement with us and slowing down the negotiations,” he added.

    When asked to comment on Lim’s statement, Anwar, who is accepted by PKR members as their de facto leader, disagreed that the negotiations were slowing down.

    “There has been progress but sometimes negotiating on constituencies take a long time,” he said here yesterday.

    On PKR’s hostility towards DAP, Anwar said that tension was bound to occur during negotiations but the situation was really not that bad.

    He expected more breakthroughs in negotiations in the days to come as agreements on the majority of the seats had been reached.
    Set as favorite

  9. The authori could have been really traumatised and his message is posted here to show that crime is rampant.

    But I am just curious how the author knew they were Indians when they had ski mask on. Were their arms exposed? Did they speak Tamil or some other Indian dialect? Dark does not mean Indians.

  10. Another instance of “police assurance”? Remember what our police chief said publicly when he was asked why the crime rate in our nation was so high? He said, “The police is short-handed.” This statement should not have been made public and in fact should be classified as “secret”. Making this known publicly is indirectly giving the green light for criminals to carry out their task. They are “assured” they won’t be caught so easily because the police force is short-handed.

  11. Start with Parliament House. Then go to Putrajaya. And any government hospital. And the Police Housing complexes e.g. in Kuching. And don’t forget the white elephants like PKFZ. The abandoned hotel resort in Kuala Selangor, the collapsed motel and office buildings in that lake in northern Perak etc.

    If you need further help, ask the “leak” in the Works Ministry.

    Go for it friend.

  12. Side track, off topic.
    Sorry YB Kit for using your blog to write this letter. You can delete if you deem fit.

    Open Letter To Anwar Ibrahim And PKR

    First I am not a member of any political party but a full supporter of DAP all my life.

    But for this coming GE and the need for change I am in full support of any opposition willing to really co-operate and make the change.

    I was very happy to learn that DAP and PKR had concluded the agreement to fight bn on the one to one basis for the Penang State.

    For other states, the crack is showing and the umno control medias are having great time in highlighting these cracks to discredit the oppositions.

    After reading through the blogs and online news ( I am not saying it is true) I can assume that PKR is not really wanting to co-operate to form a strong opposition to fight bn.

    First, PKR must understand that you are still young and in the tender stage but for DAP they are over 40 years old and at least some respect must be given. They have fight and won many battles but for you, what have you shown in the past two elections?

    Do not be arrogant. You think that you have the support of the people and want to grap most seats including seats won by DAP in the last election.

    You must teach your members what respect is and negotiation skill. You do not tell the people off if you cannot agree on certain matters but to resolve them in a friendly manner.

    Allocation of seats must also be based on past performances and not on assumption that because you are Anwar Ibrahim, you are sure to win.

    There is no time to fight among you all but to give in a little so that this coming GE will see a big win for the oppositions.

    If you choose to let your negotiators fight for what PKR wants only and not giving in return, the oppositions are doomed.

    And my suggestion to DAP if PKR cannot compromise is to go alone even if there are three corners fight. I am sure DAP can still survive but can PKR survive? Remember “Semangat 46”?

    Thank you

    Richard Loh

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  13. Please remember, the good will of the ppl alone is not sufficient to win votes for the oppositon. The dice is loaded agains the opposition. The media, the EC, the UMNO power structure, the unlimited financial resources of the UMNO and BN components, cumulatively works agains the Opposition parties. For every one unit of work by the BN requires 5 units of hard work by the oppositons.

    The good will of the ppl towards the opposition must be translated to winable votes. Nothing can be taken for granted…

  14. To a Malaysian @ Richard Loh,
    May be you want to take note that the crack is also showing within Selangor DAP between Guan Eng and the Selangor Opposition leader, sorry forgot his name. You see, sometimes Chinese is like a basket of carrots. Anyone you pick up is a head. That is our problem. It is not easy to be an opposition leader because you don’t have much to offer to make your followers to fall in line.

  15. Two things; one mendela’s approach is good, not only cracked buildings but repaired roads with pot holes still glaring at you. Check the contracted price and surely some retired engineer can give an opinion if the cost hasn’t been high. Two, if DAP, PKR and PAS cannot find a equitable understanding among themselves to share the available seats based on COMMON SENSE, then they DON’T deserve even to be in the opposition!!! In which case I can only conclude that MALAYSIANS must pay because of their KARMA!!!

  16. Two things; one mendela’s approach is good, not only cracked buildings but repaired roads with pot holes still glaring at you. Check the contracted price and surely some retired engineer can give an opinion if the cost hasn’t been high. Two, if DAP, PKR and PAS cannot find a equitable understanding among themselves to share the available seats based on COMMON SENSE, then they DON’T deserve even to be in the opposition!!! In which case I can only conclude that MALAYSIANS must pay because of their KARMA!!!

  17. limkamput,

    The pact among oppositions to fight bn is what I am trying to say.

    Yes there are differences within each political party. This the leader should be able to handle it. Even umno, mca or mic also have differences within their own parties. It’s because the medias are control by umno that any bad news from the oppositions are front page news and they will not report about their own problems.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  18. Why did Mahathir continue his vicious attack on Abdullah? Because Abdullah let Anwar walks free. He cannot RIP.

    Any period within six months makes no different as to whether Anwar can legally contest in the coming general election. In fact it makes no different if support for Anwar from the majority Malays are overwhelming. If so, it only proves that the Prime Minister position is rightfully his. But so far this is not the case.

    BN is disintegrating, so it will be within MCA, Gerakan and MIC.

    Voters are very confused.

  19. PKR and DAP should offer 5% pay increase to all civil servants, including 10% more to the police and army within one year if they elected as govt. This promises are essential and can be easily fulfilled.

  20. If KLCI suffers a big drop after Chinese New Year and stays around 950 to 1100 points, the election will be likely in March 2009, then it will be very nasty, so keep your fingers and toes crossed.

  21. Boneka Says:

    Yesterday at 17: 27.21
    Now come off it. How in the world were you to know the length of each matchet ? And if, as alleged if “all (four) customers, including me in the shop to surrender our money and phones”, how did YOU escape? Did they (perhaps) recognize you an one of them? And how SURE were you that they were Indian Robbers when, as you said, they had ski-masks on? Please don’t assume that all (dark skinned) robbers are Indians! It is a bit spooky!


    Read carefully before let your racial emotion blow off your mind.

    I am the one wrote to LKS. I was told by shopwoner CCTV footages will be submitted to Kajang Police HQ. Feel free to contac them to have a look on CCTV videos. You may want to learn how I escape, a skill you cannot learn in classroom.

    My military training helped me a lot, I kept my head cool and pretend to remove my waist bag when I stand up, then I sudden ran towards opposite site.

    I faced up another masked gang member who was busy to tie up shop workers. He blocked my way and wanted to chop me with his 2-feet knife (sorry i am not good to estimate the length to inches tolerance, the length may 23 inches or 25 inches or 10 inches!),

    I stared at him and warned him don’t be crazy and then I quickly slip away through a small passerway. I ran nonstop for about 50 meters and observed their movement from far distance.

    Three malay hawkers ran to rescue mamak shop after they asked me why I ran like a world champion racer. The robbers were gone when they rushed to the scene.

    I faced up unmasked gang leader within 2 feets distance who is a typical Indian face I see in Malaysia. Another three gang members spoken to shop workers and other three Malay customers with typical Indian slang and showed off their Indian eyes.

    More than 10 victims reported to police that four robbers are recognized as Indians.

    I do not think Indian workers in the shop want to discriminate our Indian Malaysians and made false report to misled police the robbers are Indians.

  22. Jeffrey Says:

    Yesterday at 16: 46.11
    //All were robbed except me, I managed to escape from their seizure// – NKK.

    How come, what’s your formula for managing “to escape from their seizure”????


    Two reasons I decided to escape.

    1. Actually I thought no robber at the passway on my back side.

    2. My hand movement to hide my purse was detected by gang leader. Stand still like a lamb is more risky. So I decided to find a way to escpae for my own survival.

    I think I can defend myself against a small body masked robber who blocked my way if he decided to attack me.

    I am not very worry robber armed with 2-feet matchet. My main concern is the gang leader may have “hidden” firearm.

  23. Actually masked robbers spoken to indian workers in a language I do not know. I am not sure is’t Tamil and Hindi language.

    Unmasked Indian gang leader used bahasa melayu when he ordered me and a Malay folk sitting in a table beside me to surrender our purse and waist bag.

    Indian only make up of 7% population, but a half of gangsters in Simpamng Reggam detection center are Indians.

    This country is approaching an anarchy state, eating in mamak shop in early morning also no safe nowadays.

  24. DiaperHead Says:

    Today at 04: 07.02 (2 minutes ago)
    It is all about corroboration – CCTV, eye witnesses.


    The shopowner promised to give me a copy of CCTV footage since I am his regualar customer. He did not want me to touch his CCTV system yesterday because police wanted to conduct video forensic study first.

    May be someone like Lingam insists only original copy can be authenticated. :-)

  25. I am more interested to get the photo of unmasked Indian robber and send MMS to my phone contacts. I am sure his face will be MMSs like wildfire.

    The morals of this real story is

    1. Crime is a serious issue affecting everyone.

    2. Indian-turned-criminal is a worsening trend.

    I don’t think my posting mentioning Indian robber is inciting anti-indian sentiment.

    IF the robbers are Indian, why I must hide their race?

  26. BoDo Singh Says:

    Yesterday at 19: 40.49
    On the other hand, the story could be true – a case of marginalized Indians who have to work overtime to make ends meet, Robin Hood and his merry men.

    Blame it on Abdullah Badawi.


    This is my hidden message which was fully understood by YB Lim.

    But let think again, any right-minded and religious persons will not let their own poverty to push them to become criminal.

    Be remembered that why you were robbed by robbers identified to a race, your personal perception against them may be not the same as before.

  27. DiaperHead Says:

    Today at 04: 07.02 (2 minutes ago)
    It is all about corroboration – CCTV, eye witnesses


    I am more willing to be a witness in court if the robbers get caught and charged.

    CCTV footage is damned good enough to prove that unmasked gang leader in any open court.

    The robbers get caught and punished in court is more important issue to me rather than to argue with faceless people in internet on my story is real or fake.

    I also urge BN government to help poor indians and resuce their children from the evil trap of poverty like gangsterism and crime activities.

  28. limkamput Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 24.52
    I think we should ask Sdr Lim or the moderator why this story/incident is put up in the first place. Alternatively, can the author NKK please elaborate further. Just have too many questions!


    There is a hidden code inside my “racist” posting against Indian robbers. I do not feel guilty to point out those robbers I faced up are real INDIANs.

    From micro perspective, I totally hated (or 4 letter word) those Indian robbers who threaten our lives.

    From marco perspective, crime problems related to Indian have be to addressed through social and economic macro programs.

  29. hiro Says:

    Yesterday at 20: 39.58
    The authori could have been really traumatised and his message is posted here to show that crime is rampant.

    But I am just curious how the author knew they were Indians when they had ski mask on. Were their arms exposed? Did they speak Tamil or some other Indian dialect? Dark does not mean Indians.


    Read carefully b4 asking….

    If there are 4 persons and I said 3 of them are ski-masked. Are you able to see 4th person is an Indian or Negro?

    Masked robbers are talking with Indian workers with an alien language to me. I assume robbers know Tamil language.

    Four or five Indian workers from India could postively recognise masked robbers are Indians. None of victims consist of Indian, Malay and Chinese said these robbers are not Indians.

    I think I am only one not traumatised.


    The full report of my encounter with Indian armed robbers is ready today.

    I just faced up to four Indian armed robbers this 3am morning in Alam Damai Cheras, KL

    This is a true story about my lifetime first-hand experience with an armed robbery on 30 Jan 2008. I was eating and reading a late-night newspapers in a “mamak” (Indian Muslim) restaurant at Alam Damai Cheras of Kuala Lumpur at about 3am morning.

    Suddenly four Indian robbers broke in from nowhere, three of them ski-masked and armed with 2-feet matchet each.

    The gang leader ordered cashiers and all (four) customers, including me in the shop to surrender our money and phones. All were robbed except me, I managed to escape from their seizure. No advisable to fight armed robbers with your bare hands.

    Two police patrol cars arrived at the scene after about 20 minutes of reporting. I will try to get CCTV photos from the shop-owner and publish robbers’ photos in this website.

    How I manage to escape?

    I was told by shopwoner that CCTV footage will be submitted to Kajang Police HQ. Feel free to contac them to have a look on CCTV videos. You may want to learn how I escape, a skill that you cannot learn in any classroom.

    My military training helped me a lot, I kept my head cool and pretend to remove my waist bag when I stand up, then I sudden ran towards opposite side.

    Unfortunately, I faced up to another masked gang member who was busy to tie up shop workers. He tried to block my way and want to chop me with his 2-feet matchet. I said 2-feet because I was not good to estimate its length up to inche tolerance, the length may be 23 inches or 25 inches or 15 inches!.

    I stared at him and warned him don’t be crazy, he was hesitating a bit. I took the opportunity and quickly slipped away through a narrow passerway. I ran non-stop for about 50 meters and observed their movement from far distance.

    Three Malay hawkers ran to rescue “mamak” shop after they asked me why I ran like a world champion racer. By then, the robbers were gone when they rushed to the scene.

    Why I decided to escape instead of being a slaughtered lamb?

    Two reasons I decided to make escape,

    1. I thought no robber standby at the passerway on my back side. I was wrong.

    2. My hand movement to hide my purse was detected by the gang leader. Standstill like a lamb is more risky to my life. So I decided to find a way to escape for my own survival.

    I believe I can defend myself against a small body masked robber who blocked my escape way if he decided to attack me.

    I am not too worry those robber armed with 2-feet matchet. My main concern is the gang leader may have “hidden” gun.

  31. Correction: Unfortunately, I “ran into” another masked gang member who was busy to tie up shop workers. He tried to block my way and want to chop me with his 2-feet matchet. I said 2-feet because I was not good to estimate its length up to inche tolerance, the length may be 23 inches or 25 inches or 15 inches!.

  32. I am trying to get at the moral behind the unfortunate event narrated by you. One is, perhaps, crime is so rampant, don’t venture out and eat at “mamak” (Indian Muslim) restaurant about 3am morning??? “ No advisable to fight armed robbers with your bare hands” – that is agreed, and that the other, be alert and think of an escape where you said “You may want to learn how I escape, a skill that you cannot learn in any classroom”.

    Hello would you not agree that what you did, having regard to entire situation, is riskier than to just stay put and surrender possessions as applied to rest of us who may not have your “military training” or spending too much sedentary time reading this blog may tend to be overweight and could not run fast like you?

    Brother, you thought there was “no robber at the passway on my back side” and you thought wrong! You also said “I think I can defend myself against a small body masked robber who blocked my way if he decided to attack me”. You even added, “I am not very worried about” robber armed with 2-feet matchet. My main concern is the gang leader may have “hidden” firearm.” Hello, many of us without advantage of perhaps your military training (don’t know what kind, could be armed to armed combat with martial art) would not have your confidence to take on someone with a machete or matchet who blocked the path – you said “I stared at him and warned him don’t be crazy, he was hesitating a bit. I took the opportunity and quickly slipped away through a narrow passerway” – hello, what hapens if he didn’t hesitate or flinch but lunge at you with the weapon? And also what happens if the other gang leader behind you actually had a gun and shot you from the back? You won’t be here to tell the story.

    So would you not agree that your story of how you escaped would be too dangerous and risky a venture for advice to rest of us? :)

  33. ha ha ha
    damn ! he must be the leader of the gang, the one without the ski-mask who also act as one of the four customers, else how did he know which one is the gang leader or that they were Indians not Negro. He didn’t escape..He transformed from a customer to the gang leader. He may also be the shop owner which is why he is going to get the cctv footage instead of the police..
    All set to rob the real three customers …DaP , Pas & KPR

  34. aiyah why you guys are all jealous that the chap ran like a champion racer? its good that he ran the race of his life, and came out of it a better person.

    he is just stating facts and narrated his experience mah! if you dont want to believe, then dont!

    some of you guys here should change jobs and be a lawyer or judge la. some of you guys here may do a better job at critical thinking than some of our judiciary members.

  35. eh brother, while I don’t deny this could have happened, the way you narrate it and put all your ‘stunts’ make it sound like some Stephen Chow movie la…or maybe Jackie Chan.

    But more than that, you are also coming across as one racist SOB. Crime knows no race la…yes, the indians maybe PR in Simpang Renggam and are involved in violent crimes whether robbery or gangsterism…but so are the chinese and indons and malays..

    the chinese are probably worse…organized crime, prostitution, illegal gambling, pirated discs, manipulation of govt, CBT…you want me to go on ah??

    Just because the indians are not that ‘sophisticated’ in their crime ventures doesn’t mean you need to round them all up in one fell swoop..30 years ago, the chinese were doing what the indians are doing today…just that they moved up to another level..

    sheesh! Bloody racist!

  36. So would you not agree that your story of how you escaped would be too dangerous and risky a venture for advice to rest of us?


    Other three Malay victims agreed with me on one thing, just bring 10 to 20 ringgit when eating out in mamak shop during the wee hours.

  37. optimuz Says:


    There is a small different between old Chinese gangster and today’s Indian gangsters.

    Chinese gangsters never (hardly) robbed customers happened to be in the bank or shop when they robbed their main target.

    Those Chinese gangsters in my new village including some gang members of Mo Tak Chin’s “360” gang did not disturb other communities like Malay folks in the neighbouring kampongs and Indians in the estate.

    At least three main races are living peacefully side by side for past 50 years in my hometown.

    As a matter of fact, many Chinese gangsters know that crossing race border will be a disaster to them and Chinese community.

    Hindraf called kamppng medan incident as a small scale etnic cleasing by Malay. I am telling you none of Chinese residents I know from kampong media agree with Hindraf on this accusation.

    I was told by local residents, they were too fed up with daily crimes in their neighborhood happened to be dominated by Indian. An unrelated incident between a malay and indian family sparked hatred feelings caused by chronic crimes.

    Crime knows no race is true, but this statement is not very true in Malaysia. Those people never learn a lesson from the kampong media incident will see same incidents again in future.

    Those Indian gangsters or robbers running wild on the street just only disturbing our public security, they are also creating more racial friction.

    You can call this as a racist thinking, I accept it, but this is race relations reality in Malaysia.

  38. optimuz Says:

    Today at 12: 07.59 (1 hour ago)
    oh! and YB Kit, whats the big idea of having this on the blog?? No doubt, your prerogative…but still? Crime happens daily and there are worse things happening…you gonna put all of it here??


    Wildfire starts from a small spark. If you do not check a “small” problem, it will become a big problem in future.

  39. optimuz Says:

    Today at 12: 05.47 (1 hour ago)
    eh brother, while I don’t deny this could have happened, the way you narrate it and put all your ’stunts’ make it sound like some Stephen Chow movie la…or maybe Jackie Chan.

    But more than that, you are also coming across as one racist SOB. Crime knows no race la…yes, the indians maybe PR in Simpang Renggam and are involved in violent crimes whether robbery or gangsterism…but so are the chinese and indons and malays..

    the chinese are probably worse…organized crime, prostitution, illegal gambling, pirated discs, manipulation of govt, CBT…you want me to go on ah??

    Just because the indians are not that ’sophisticated’ in their crime ventures doesn’t mean you need to round them all up in one fell swoop..30 years ago, the chinese were doing what the indians are doing today…just that they moved up to another level..

    sheesh! Bloody racist


    I already mentioned in my early posting that you miss out an important point on Chinese organized crime. Chinese gangsters usually contain their money making criminal activities inside the Chinese community.

    Small “rakyat jelata” do not feel the heat compared to what Indian gangs do today. Chinese gangster do not simply go robbing poor customers like me in a mamak shop for petty cash. They do not forced me to buy VCD, to prostitute, etc.

  40. your reasoning lacks logic and smacks of stupidity!

    Let me break it down for you based on your comments:

    1)Chinese gangsters never (hardly) robbed customers happened to be in the bank or shop when they robbed their main target.

    A) So what you’re saying is that its ok to rob a bank, maybe shoot a security guard dead, make away with millions (compared to the pocket change you get at the mamak shop), put the staff & customers in psychological state of duress (which is no different from the mamak shop) – so long as you don’t ask the customers in the bank for their h/p or spare change?? Ok..whatever..

    2)Those Chinese gangsters in my new village including some gang members of Mo Tak Chin’s “360? gang did not disturb other communities like Malay folks in the neighbouring kampongs and Indians in the estate

    A)aahh…so must only target fellow race, is it?? then it makes the crime more acceptable?? So as to avoid race friction…makes sense (the idiotic one, I mean).

    3) At least three main races are living peacefully side by side for past 50 years in my hometown.

    A) I’m sure it is. But what has that got to do with this? You’re saying that because of this there is no crime? Or that no race violates the other?? Not even once? And if it were it should be a racial issue?

    4)As a matter of fact, many Chinese gangsters know that crossing race border will be a disaster to them and Chinese community.

    A) Yes, yes…as long as they can run their prostitute dens, illegal gambling and racketeering (for which the patrons are mostly chinese anyway), without hassling the ‘other’ communities, that makes the act acceptable, right? Let’s not go into what it does for the fabric of society, the potential of STD’s or AIDS, or that it may break up marriages etc etc…its all good, so long as you get a good screw and the gangsters get paid! Which town is this, 3rd century Chungking??

    5)Hindraf called kamppng medan incident as a small scale etnic cleasing by Malay. I am telling you none of Chinese residents I know from kampong media agree with Hindraf on this accusation.

    A) Who the heck gives a tuppence of what the Chinese thought??!! Did they get slaughtered? Were their family members harmed?? Isn’t it a fact that the Chinese will never have the nerve to voice their issues in a more radical manner, for fear of losing their rice bowls? Oh yeah, I forgot, they’re the smart ones, they do it at the GE..damn! And all this while I thought they were gutless!

    6)I was told by local residents, they were too fed up with daily crimes in their neighborhood happened to be dominated by Indian. An unrelated incident between a malay and indian family sparked hatred feelings caused by chronic crimes.

    A) Dude, if your current job doesn’t work out, you can try journalism since you have many ‘interviews’..,.but then again, judging from your pattern of thought, better not..

    7)Small “rakyat jelata” do not feel the heat compared to what Indian gangs do today. Chinese gangster do not simply go robbing poor customers like me in a mamak shop for petty cash. They do not forced me to buy VCD, to prostitute, etc.

    A) Typical Malaysian – apathy at its worst!

    Damn…I can go on, but I think I’ve just wasted my energy trying to educate a fool! A racist fool at that.

    Kit, seriously, you need to filter some of this nonsense!

  41. For the record, I am not condoning these acts. And I do not deny that, based on mainstream reporting, the Indians seems to be the chief perpetrators of violent and petty crimes.

    However, there are various crimes being committed by various people of various races. A crime is a crime – no two ways about it.

    You may not view the prostitute den in equal light as a mamak shop robbery, but the effects are nonetheless the same – people will be impacted, one way or another. Some directly, some indirectly..

    We should move away from stereotyping and racist tendencies…myself included. Otherwise, forget about malaysia and being malaysian. It will never materialize!

  42. scorpian6666 Says:

    Today at 09: 11.58 (5 hours ago)
    ha ha ha
    damn ! he must be the leader of the gang, the one without the ski-mask who also act as one of the four customers, else how did he know which one is the gang leader or that they were Indians not Negro. He didn’t escape..He transformed from a customer to the gang leader. He may also be the shop owner which is why he is going to get the cctv footage instead of the police..
    All set to rob the real three customers …DaP , Pas & KPR


    You can be a crying fool with Malaysian-typed denial syndrom.

    Out of proportion Indian youth indulge in criminal activities is not a secret anymore except Samy Vellu who will deny this fact.

  43. optimuz Says:

    Today at 14: 50.11 (7 minutes ago)
    For the record, I am not condoning these acts. And I do not deny that, based on mainstream reporting, the Indians seems to be the chief perpetrators of violent and petty crimes.

    However, there are various crimes being committed by various people of various races. A crime is a crime – no two ways about it.

    You may not view the prostitute den in equal light as a mamak shop robbery, but the effects are nonetheless the same – people will be impacted, one way or another. Some directly, some indirectly..

    We should move away from stereotyping and racist tendencies…myself included. Otherwise, forget about malaysia and being malaysian. It will never materialize!


    Unless our education and political systems are revamped to non-racial based systems, racial stereotyping will be a norm in Malaysia forever.

    As a small law abiding rakyat, I am more concern on those things like inflation, robbery, etc. impacting my daily life directly.

    Yes, prostitution may be as bad as robbery, but I have choice not to prostitute.

    Do I have choice of not being robbed by Indian robbers? Which one is more serious for me as a small and poor rakyat?

  44. optimuz Says:

    Today at 15: 15.21 (9 minutes ago)
    The more you open your mouth, the more stupid you sound!

    You are not worth my piss, let alone my time, energy and intellect.


    How good is good your intelligent level? You worth a lot?

  45. How good is good your intelligent level?…evidently, better than yours.

    You worth a lot?..spoken like a true chinaman!
    The pimp and conman probably earns more than I do, but does that make them a better person?? Therefore, if material wealth is the measure of oneself, then I say I am a pauper.

    But I recall a famous verse ‘What does it profit a man, that he gaineth the whole world, but loses his soul?’

    This is my last response to this idiocy. Keep up the good work mate! You made my day.


  47. Very puzzling … riddle?

    At least not for me, my life was in danger under a knife blade is not fun at all.

    A Malay teenager had to beg Indian robber not to kill him when he failed to escape like me.

  48. From what i gather, considering the fact that the 3 “other” folks were in ski masks and spoke in a language nobody understood.

    The perception on whether it was an indian, indonesian, chinese or malay would come from the individual’s personal experience with any form of stories or exposure to such a crime. If it were me, i would have assumed it was an indonesian, cause near my area, many a time indonesians are the culprits in snatch theives incidences…with masks…. in other parts, some would assume it was a malay, as you commonly see a whole lot of mat rempits hanging around the area, clearly speaking in Malay, and well, by skin color too…..and in kepong, chances are, the “alien” language u hear would probably be chinese….and it could jolly well be true…as it is nothing unique when one stereotypes…as with the common malaysian man, ( well in’s case, since he was an ex military man, oh well)….

    NOW………since’s claim was that there were indians. we have given him enough on the racial issue.

    Yes it is not safe. ANYWHERE in the world, running in the streets at 3AM reading newspapers in coffee shops, is not exactly the brightest idea. Even poor chaps in 7 eleven shops worldwide are on guard during night shifts. My friend had a personal experience of drunk australians running amok and being racial and start hurling beer bottles at her and her boyfriend, and all these happened slightly past 9PM……now u go figure that one out….

    The bottomline is, nobody, in their right mind, should be running around so late at night. If it is a bad case of insomnia, do something less harmful, like watching the TV, or try seeking medical help.

    I seriously think our country too, should ban teh tarik, as it is the most common drink that gets folks into robberies ( like in this instance) , fights, and even a massive case of verbal diarrhea in mamak shops…

    In many developed countries, ( well, at least more developed than ours), (e.g: smaller states in US, and even Ireland for example) people there shut off around 7 in the evening, and all’s well.

    So, all in all my dear friends, malaysiatoday and optimuz…..

    Moral is, dun go out so late at night… pointed out by previous bloggers…..

    My dad made a small pocket knife (stainless steel with traditional malay carvings) for my sister’s safekeeping, even though she is back around 8 PM or 9 at the most as she is a budding journalist.. tells u how “safe” it is these days, but we work on prevention….

    Go to brightly lit areas, dun go alone out laaate at night and u will be alright =)…cliche??….yeah….but i suppose, we are all intellects right?? when a kid can understand RED IS FOR STOP…i think we adults can understand that 3AM is bedtime right?


  49. to :

    Now u tell us no CCTV footage to see….sigh….u lost ur credentials big time my dear friend…..big big time…..any eyewitnesses?? well 3AM would be difficult hor??…..

    Yeah bTw, go listen to Matchbox Twenty’s 3AM…read the lyrics too =)

  50. No one said the CCTV footage was lost or destroyed forever as ex-MIC porno tape case.

    My promoise is try my best to get the footage or photo of the robbers, never a MUST promise was made to public members insofar.

    Four separate police reports were made, I doubt no witnesses will appear in Court to testify Indian gang. FYI, no every chinese or malay is “kiasi” to be witness to testify against Indian robbers.

    The onus to prove I am a liar is the prosecutor or those you don’t believe my story. This is basic principal in the jurisdiction for any civilized county, but as usual many people in this country are either ignorant or blurred in everything.

  51. iyamwhoiyam Says:

    Today at 17: 07.06 (2 hours ago)
    From what i gather, considering


    Your mindset is quite similar with those ulamaks from a state in East coast. They said girls with sexy dressing is too seductive to potential rapists, so the fault shall be on sexy dressed girls.

    Now you advise me don’t go out to take supper or dinner (for my case) at 3AM because no safe in the wee hours nowsdays. 3AM is a no-safe hour is never a good logic because crime knows no time limit. The root cause(s) for rampant crimes is not sexy dressing or 3 AM.

    I do not think you need to have a PhD to see why more Indians (and also Indonesians without permit) turn into criminals.

    Lack of employment opportunity is one of factors to hypothetic on why many Indians are resorting to illegal activities. Many argue that there are plenty of jobs in Malaysia, unfortunately many jobs are robbed away by cheaper paid foreigners.

    Don’t you see something is very odd in this country, local indians have to rob mamak shops staffed by Indian nationals.

  52. malaysiatoday, i think it is better for you to either stop or organise your thought first before writing. Nobody is asking you to prove anything. It is just that others are getting confused or impatient with what your saying.

  53. limlamput,

    No CCTV to see means what? It’s so hard for you to comprehend this “no CCTV…..sigh…no credibility…” in someone’s posting.

    We may have to show CCTV footage for every police report we make to convince police our stroy is real IF CCTV is a must item to prove a case.

    I believe my own eyes and testimonies from other victims to say those robbers are Malaysian Indians. Somehow I became a “bloody racist” after pointing out robbers are Indians is truly amazing how some Malaysians think.

    You may get confuse IF I said he looks like Indian, sounds like Indian, but I am not sure he is Indian.

    I only say the robbers are Indians even I have to repeat thousand times.

    What is the fuss?

  54. “I do not think you need to have a PhD to see why more Indians (and also Indonesians without permit) turn into criminals. Lack of employment opportunity is one of factors to hypothetic on why many Indians are resorting to illegal activities. Many argue that there are plenty of jobs in Malaysia, unfortunately many jobs are robbed away by cheaper paid foreigners. ”

    Indonesians need permit to turn into criminals, and jobs getting robbed! I’m not sure I understand you.

  55. “I only say the robbers are Indians even I have to repeat thousand times. What is the fuss?”

    What’s the fuss? I don’t blame you because racial profiling is not illegal or wrong in Malaysia. Journalists and the police indulge in racial profiling all the time.

    People being robbed and the fact that the robbers being Indians. What has the latter got to do with the former? How do you feel if a Chinese reporter writes, “Four Malays raped a Chinese girl …. etc” in a Chinese daily?

  56. People being robbed and the fact that the robbers being Indians. What has the latter got to do with the former? How do you feel if a Chinese reporter writes, “Four Malays raped a Chinese girl …. etc” in a Chinese daily?


    Gang rapes in JB was reported that way in some Chinese dailies. Some Chinese related that incidents to racial issue.

    Crime knows no race is true only in theory in Malaysia.

    Kampong Malay folks were mad when a young Malay girl was raped and murdered by a rubber tapper from new village. The incident almost turned into a racial riot like Kampong Medan incident.

    Don’t be naive to think that crime in Malaysia is free from racial sentiment.

  57. DarkHorse Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 42.17
    Couldn’t you have said “Four dark skinned robbers etc instead of “Suddenly four Indian robbers broke in from nowhere..”??


    Personally I feel is more insulting to relate dark skin to Indian people after a fact is known.

  58. DarkHorse Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 40.29
    What has the crime committed gotta do with the race of the perpetrators?


    Unchecked violent crime dominated by a race is going to destroy delicate race relations and social harmony in this country.

    I prefer to be called as a racist in the blog to forewarn a crime in Malaysia is not purely a crime rather than wielding parang to defend or kill someone when a series of crime turning into a racial conflict like Kampong Medan incident.

    My kampung folks, me too did take out parangs to defend ourselves when a Malay girl’s rape incident turned into chaos. Last minute negotiation led by MCA and UMNO leaders managed to defuse the tension.

  59. DarkHorse: Couldn’t you have said “Four dark skinned robbers etc instead of “Suddenly four Indian robbers broke in from nowhere..”??


    “Personally I feel is more insulting to relate dark skin to Indian people after a fact is known.”

    “More insulting to relate dark skinned people to Indian people”?? Why so? Aren’t Indians mostly dark skinned? Aren’t Malays dark skinned. What’s wrong with being dark skinned??

    You will not be equating anything with anything. Just describing features to help police. Sometimes police themselves do that. It is called racial profiling. It is wrong because of the stereotyping that it involves i.e. robbers are likely to be Indians and vice versa!

    You evade the issue by referring to your feelings on the issue. Your feeling is not relevant.

  60. 1 little, 2 little 3 little Indian………………………….. Aren’t they cute ?

    Criminals are just criminals …

    Aiyo … why bother if they were Indian or not, I would thank God I didn’t piss on my pants..

    DarkHorse right all the way.

    My wife is black and I am yellow .. so what ?… she still my wife.

  61. Seriously ..
    Your views is actually very dangerous…
    Just because more than a handful did what they did, doesn’t mean the rest of them are likely to follow..
    I believe the Muslim too hated to be associated with those so call “suicide bomber” who are right now mostly associated with Muslim.
    These are social problems not racism not even religious..
    Told you … go and have some fresh air and look on the other side of the mountain. It’s Okay

  62. You will not be equating anything with anything. Just describing features to help police. Sometimes police themselves do that. It is called racial profiling. It is wrong because of the stereotyping that it involves i.e. robbers are likely to be Indians and vice versa!

    You evade the issue by referring to your feelings on the issue. Your feeling is not relevant.


    I could seen one of them within my hand reach distance, he is supposedly to be a gang leader, I could identify him as Malaysian Indian without any doubt.

    Other three masked robbers are recognized as Indians by shop workers through conversation and face features.

    What the heck I should used dark skin to confuse police? Who know Africian students in my residence area may be arrested for such “dark skin” clue?

    CCTV footage is good enough for police to investigate this case.

  63. scorpian6666 Says:

    Today at 02: 20.34 (25 minutes ago)
    Seriously ..
    Your views is actually very dangerous…
    Just because more than a handful did what they did, doesn’t mean the rest of them are likely to follow..
    I believe the Muslim too hated to be associated with those so call “suicide bomber” who are right now mostly associated with Muslim.

    These are social problems not racism not even religious..

    Told you … go and have some fresh air and look on the other side of the mountain. It’s Okay


    Group behavior is quite different with our individual behavior.

    Rwanda ethnic cleasing tragedy should awaken you that rational thinking failed miserablely in certain extreme circumstances.

    My viewpoint is based on my actual experience dealing with race relations in Malaysia. Talking cock reseach paper from your university may be a useless guide when it comes to Malaysia.

    I do not profiling Malay as Islamic extremists, in fact Malays in my neighbouring kampongs are good people and some of them are our friends.

    A spark from a rape case nearly ruined the good relationship between Malay and Chinse communities in my hometown always reminds me how fragile racial relationship in Malaysia.

    Most individuals will agree criminal is criminal, it has nothing to do with race provided it’s an isolated case.

    Unfortunately most Malaysians do not look at that way when a series of crime is targeting a race from another race. It will evolving into a racial issue slowly for sure.

  64. Hello! Are you a person or a website?

    Please answer the question asked by Dark Horse:

    “How do you feel if a Chinese reporter writes, “Four Malays raped a Chinese girl …. etc” in a Chinese daily?”

  65. BlackEye Says:

    Today at 05: 31.10 (1 hour ago)
    Hello! Are you a person or a website?

    Please answer the question asked by Dark Horse:

    “How do you feel if a Chinese reporter writes, “Four Malays raped a Chinese girl …. etc” in a Chinese daily?”


    I see nothing wrong in this kind of true reporting as long as culprits are positively identified by victim and/or after sentenced in the court.

    The worst news is rumours flying around through SMS or email against a censored news in local English newspapers.

    Government blamed Chinese dailies sensitized a serial gang rape against Chinese girls by a group of Malay. I beg to differ with government, true reporting alerts people to watch out potential perpetrators.

    Right to know a full truth is a basic human rights which should be granted to all people.

    Indian community is still dissatisfied with official explanation in Kampong Medan inccident because a request to have a public inquiry was rejected by BN government.

    Hindraf described this incident as a small scale etnic cleasing. See both Indian and Malay communities are angry after reading half-truth stories given by different parties.

    This is why I feel it is alright to mention culprits are Indian in my robbery case instead of using dark skin people to indicate Indians.

    As a Chinese descendant, I feel it is an insult IF a reporter describes Chinese as yellow color skin people publicly.

  66. just described that it was his perception that the robbers were Malaysian Indians. (He based judgment on skin colour of yes or hands or perhaps the intonation, accent and inflection of the way they spoke bahasa to the Malay victims – and even here interestingly nobody questioned how he knew the victims were not dark skinned non malays). He also said “more than 10 victims reported to police that four robbers are recognized as Indians…” (Police would ask the race to help in identification and racial profiling of who were the robbers to facilitate investigations). One may question the accuracy of his identification or whether it was necessary for him to volunteer the added information of what race he thought the robbers were, to give a fuller picture, but still it is hard to understand (at least for me) how based only on just what said (if true) and the volunteering of information of what he thought, as a matter of fact, was the race of the robbers, he has now to defend himself and go out of the way to prove or justify why he is not racist.

  67. Jeffrey, readers are responding to what he wrote here – and not to any description he may have given to the police which involves the issue of identification of the robbers. He can say anything he likes to help police in their investigation., I am referring to what you wrote here and not what you may have said to the police to help them in their investigation or on the witness stand after the robbers have been apprehended and if the case comes to trial.

  68. I’m discontinuing further comments out of frustration because does not seem to get the point. He misses the point but I don’t think it is his intention to do so. Poor powers of comprehension or poor writing skills or poor control of the English language or a bit of everything? I don’t know.

  69. “As a Chinese descendant, I feel it is an insult IF a reporter describes Chinese as yellow color skin people publicly.”

    By the way before I leave this thread, I am curious to know why people in your view should be sensitive to their skin color? In the U.S. African Americans are routinely referred to as blacks, and Latinos are referred to as browns. Often you hear politicians say, “It does not matter if they are blacks, browns or yellow the law is color blind”.

  70. I understand we’re all responding to what he wrote here but has our country reached such a stage that it would be wrong just to say as a matter of fact that he thought the robbers were of a certain race (say) Malaysian Indian descent ?? That is the issue, isn’t it whether we could call a spade a spade as we witnessed certain event or whether we have now reached that stage of sensitivities that just to mention about race in connection with something negative like “robbers” would make us politically incorrect or racist.

  71. Read carefully what the writer wrote, there were four robbers and only three wore ski masks, so I think it is fair enough for the him to comment that the robbers were probably Indians. I used to tell people that if you see a gang carrying parangs, they must be Indians. Read the news and observed, probably 80% of cases of gangs carrying parangs are Indians!! I know of a case in KL where an Indian gang who hid their parangs near a house belonging to a Chinese, far away from their own homes. So parangs and Indians are synonymous in Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh. Samy Boleh. “I will stop voting for Samy till the cows come home”.

  72. “…has our country reached such a stage that it would be wrong just to say as a matter of fact that he thought the robbers were of a certain race (say) Malaysian Indian descent ?? That is the issue..” Jeffrey

    When someone writes as a journalist, for example, in the manner he did (though I think did not mean it that way) that “Indian robbers …etc” instead of dark skinned robbers speaking a language believed to be Tamil (or something else) Indians are in danger of being criminalized for just being Indians. There is racism in the language used.

    Of course, Malaysians are racists and racism has been institutionalized by our government. Racial profiling is not illegal or wrong.

  73. He misses the point but I don’t think it is his intention to do so. Poor powers of comprehension or poor writing skills or poor control of the English language or a bit of everything? I don’t know. Darkhorse

    For once i have to agree with you. I wanted to say this earlier, but was afraid for being insensitive again. Now, if what you said and what i think are about right, it is time to stop this never ending arguments.

    “Unfortunately most Malaysians do not look at that way when a
    series of crime is targeting a race from another race. It will evolving into a racial issue slowly for sure.”
    That is exactly what I meant ” your viewpoint is very dangerous ” To soften racist issue should be our main target especially for reporter like yourself. Any truth is only the truth when proven, not what you percieved.

    “How do you feel if a Chinese reporter writes, “Four Malays raped a Chinese girl …. etc” in a Chinese daily?”

    It would be much better … “13 year old girl raped by 4 men”

    The Criminal are men not INDIAN would be better reporting for society such a Malaysia.

    I remember a story about a man who told her mother the truth “Dad has a girlfriend ” . She commit suicide …

    Yes … another May 13 is always awaiting for all of us, that is why we all have the responsibility to report the TRUTH as in the story …..4 Men robbed … not 4 Indian robbed… And when proven, Sammy, Kapal, Singh, Hasan robbed, not Indian

    Which bring us to the underlying problems of why more Indian than other race would rob (if it’s true). was it ..Government policies not working…which I think should be our main issue.

    Maybe it’s all about Jobs, Employment …that is why maybe we do need some kind of a balance….giving more jobs to the Indian men. Remember we all are born …… cute.

    Pork to the Muslim is dirty not the Chinese or Indian. So the truth is how you see it. Even the 4 men could be women if not proven. LOOK LIKE ME, SOUND like ME. but it is not ME……maybe that’s the truth……

    I respect you for your stand for The truth, but let’s preach malaysian .a little and tolerance and respect.

  75. DarkHorse Says:

    Today at 07: 55.57 (6 hours ago)
    Jeffrey, readers are responding to what he wrote here – and not to any description he may have given to the police which involves the issue of identification of the robbers. He can say anything he likes to help police in their investigation., I am referring to what you wrote here and not what you may have said to the police to help them in their investigation or on the witness stand after the robbers have been apprehended and if the case comes to trial.


    I am not a reporter, but I would say more truth than reporters.

    Ok, let refer to what I say here.

    It’s so perplexing to see your people to imply a statement like “robbers are Indians” is politically or socially incorrect.

    Calling indian as keling definitely is wrong, but what on earth calling an indian as indian is also fishy?

    A term like “Indian minister” is alright for you? Shall we ban “indian robber” from appearing in the newspapers?

  76. limkamput Says:

    Today at 10: 41.21 (4 hours ago)
    He misses the point but I don’t think it is his intention to do so. Poor powers of comprehension or poor writing skills or poor control of the English language or a bit of everything? I don’t know. Darkhorse

    For once i have to agree with you. I wanted to say this earlier, but was afraid for being insensitive again. Now, if what you said and what i think are about right, it is time to stop this never ending arguments.


    When you people cannot convince others to buy in your point, you would say people do not understand your English, your cheap crap, etc.

    Worst still is someone shamelessly said that his got superior intelligence.

    Anyway, I do not expect too much to see Malaysians from BN education system can think intellectually like YB Lim or Tony Phua.

  77. That is exactly what I meant ” your viewpoint is very dangerous ” To soften racist issue should be our main target especially for reporter like yourself. Any truth is only the truth when proven, not what you percieved.


    A robber’s race is either Chinese or Indian is nothing to do with truth. That is just another piece of official data.

    My viewpoint is not dangerous at all. Real danger is people tend to deny or hide a problem under the carpet.

    Looking good reporting cannot soften racial tension IF our top government leaders have denial syndrom and keep saying that Indian community is richer than Malay.

    Crime profiling based on race is a good source of data for government to pinpoint where is the problem or to verify perception like Indian is criminal number one in Malaysia is true or not.

    For example, statistical data may reveal Chinese is main source of criminals, then resources shall be channeled to help poor chinese in new village like me, not the Indians in estate or flat housing area.

    I mean let talk with data, not using our gut feeling or perception to make a decision.

    How can you gather reliable data if you are too shy to mention “Indian robber” in the newspaper?

  78. Anyway, I do not expect too much to see Malaysians from BN education system can think intellectually like YB Lim or Tony Phua.

    Since many of us are not YB LIM’s generation and have no opportunity to study in Singapore, may be what you said was directed at us. Let me show you how you should write your last sentence:

    Anyway, I can’t expect much from those who studied under the BN’s education system to be able to think intelligently like YB Lim or Tony Phua. Yes, no doubt at all, one of them is!

  79. Limkamput… anyway, I like my style of writing, short and direct…

    a grammar correct sentence does not make your point shining.. go read emperor’s T-shirt article from YB Lim to learn what is called point.

  80. You sure don’t write like a Chinese. Your thought processes are those of a Malay in his early twenties. BlackEye
    Here comes another linguist. How does a Chinese write? Thought processes of a Malay in his/her early twenties? Please don’t ignore the female. Other than that, you are a genius.

  81. //You sure don’t write like a Chinese. Your thought processes are those of a Malay in his early twenties// – BlackEye. Wonder what DarkHorse has to say about this form of racial profiling that up-the- ante even over what said. :)

  82. It’s clear people educated under BN racism education system only capable to spell out cheap crap when they lost in any arguments.

    If BN eduaction system produced malay islamic extremists as they proudly claim, these people are mirror image of malay. A spade calls a pot black!

    They so naively thought they are “fighting” for justice and equality for Malaysians with tons of crap in this blog. I now realise this Bolehland syndrom is called emporer’s new cloth.

  83. were there any other posts that had more tha 131 responses since 30 January ar??…i would like to see it =P sounded a lot like a sour grape which i had debated with in my college years. After missing out the whole point, he drew a slew of personal attacks on the debaters, and in the end, the judges saw right through that chap, gave him a good pat on the back, and told him to sit down and shut up….

    Hear Hear, Hear hEar

  84. “No, not by half. A quarter is more than enough.” limkamput

    When you’re caught flat footed you make evasive comments. At least if you’re proven wrong you could at least admit it and move on.

  85. 134 comments and counting…

    DarkHorse Says:

    Yesterday at 08: 00.51
    I’m discontinuing further comments out of frustration because does not seem to get the point. He misses the point but I don’t think it is his intention to do so. Poor powers of comprehension or poor writing skills or poor control of the English language or a bit of everything? I don’t know.

    so now, i guess u’re picking on limkamput eh ?? ;P

    cheers =)

  86. You know what, come to think of it. may just be right. You people are just a bunch of bigots. May be you people are the “fairer Indian” type, if you know what I mean. Indians with fairer skin type are usually arrogant and cocky. They think they are smarter, more handsome and therefore cocky. I think Darkhorse is definitely one of them. Thambi, be humble ok. What have you got to say others are evasive? I gave you a two paragraphs reply and what have you got – a one word reply “waffling”. Please don’t for minute think you are smarter than others here. You write lousy English too.

  87. iyamwhoiyam Says:

    Today at 09: 49.38 (3 hours ago)
    were there any other posts that had more tha 131 responses since 30 January ar??…i would like to see it =P sounded a lot like a sour grape which i had debated with in my college years. After missing out the whole point, he drew a slew of personal attacks on the debaters, and in the end, the judges saw right through that chap, gave him a good pat on the back, and told him to sit down and shut up….

    Hear Hear, Hear hEar


    How could YB Lim was so nice to keep my postings here if I did launch personal attack on some posters? “Debaters” are too high standard for your ppl.

    I only able to see your “point” is mentioning “indians are indians” is a racist remark.

    To satisfy this group of Indians, may be you should use words like this:
    I saw four dark-skin look like Indians, sound like Indian robbers. If one of them is fat, you have to say one of them is weight challenged. If one of them is short, you have to say one of them is height challenged. And, if the other two are retard, you have to say they are mentally challenged. We have to be careful here because we are talking to a group of fair Indians who is mentally challenged.

  89. DarkHorse Says:

    Today at 11: 10.19 (2 hours ago)
    “After missing out the whole point, he drew a slew of personal attacks on the debaters…”

    Just like limkamput


    The original article was from me, how could I missing out points in my story?

    It seems my insistence on robbers are indians make you sick. Dun happy, go sue me for defamation….huh huh…

  90. limkamput Says:

    Today at 13: 33.20 (3 minutes ago),
    To satisfy this group of Indians, may be you should use words like this:
    I saw four dark-skin look like Indians, sound like Indian robbers. If one of them is fat, you have to say one of them is weight challenged. If one of them is short, you have to say one of them is height challenged. And, if the other two are retard, you have to say they are mentally challenged. We have to be careful here because we are talking to a group of fair Indians who is mentally challenged.


    I will do so after I pass my lawyer buruk exam…hohoho…

  91. “….I will do so after I pass my lawyer buruk exam…hohoho…”

    By whom did you get inspired – VK Lingham?

    I read this posting by somebody by the handle “poor doctor” who made this comment in a blog frequented by doctors called Malaysian Medical Resources who made an interesting comparison between lawyer and doctor. Poster claimed he extracted from this Blog. He commented:-

    ‘I saw this in LKS blog:

    “I can only say, a lawyer is much more “cunning” than a doctor. Doctor is taught to be honest but lawyers are taught to play with words.

    Lawyer can simply reply,” I cannot remember whether I hold a practising certificate. It looks like I dun have a practising certificate but I would not say I have a valid practising certificate or I dont have a valid practising certificate”

    But a doctor will confess to his wrongdoings “I am the man in the tape”

    Looks like I wrote this piece of comment – did I? but it may or may not be written by me. I can’t confirm or deny it.” ‘

  92. Common guys…please don’t cross examine this guy. The salient point is that Malaysia is fast becoming a heaven for ‘hell’ in Asia. I guess that’s what one can say based on the type of crimes here. I won’t be surprised if these criminals are organised under one banner and the chief could be seating in one the many ‘comfortable’ political chairs under BN. Our Prime Minister is wakefully ‘asleep’. Unaware of the rising crimes and the atrocious nature of the crime. Don’t blame the Indians for everything that’s happening (that does not mean that I support this sort of subversive activities). The sole responsibility to ensure the peace and order in a civilised society lies in the hands of the elected government or ‘somehow managed to get elected’ government. BN should pass the burden to MIC to tackle problems of Indians, nor to MCA to tackle problems of Chinese. There should be a collective approach to solve this social ills by creating more opportunities for all races to participate. To arrive to this approach the NEP should be reviewed. The non-Malays and non-Bumis here are too eligible Malaysians, born unto this beautiful land. Please don’t create a subtle apartheid regime under the name of Democracy.

  93. Jeffery. I think the technique of escape will be best thought by the ministers in the corrupted BN that with “cover your ass” certificate.

    The best Malaysia police can do is working for the personal interest of the members of the BN team. E.g. bomb foreigners, they are also extremely efficient to expose sex tape scandals if handed to them with pos laju, bribery or duit kopi, road blocks for unnecessary speed traps.

    The police are the gangsters with licensed gun and badges! We can’t get rid of them nor we can have too much of them. So best, stay home or move to Singapore or Australia. That is why most who can afford already moved to Singapore or Australia. We don’t have to face this nonsence in this country.

    We don’t live forever. Life is short. Move when we can!

    PM. Buckle up and stop spending like just a sour-faced kid. You don’t have the charisma of the former PM. So you have to live up to that with your own style. Spending unnecessary is not a respectable style!

  94. Another robbery by Indian gang in the same area.

    Met up a friend in a restaurant at Bandar Perdana Chears this morning, he told me his neighbour also got robber by a gang of Indian robbers days ago.

    I moved to KL 4 years ago and witnessed three crimes, all involved Indians.

  95. Malaya communist party did try to form ally with Chinese secret societies in 70s. In 70s, Moh Tak Chin’s gang was running like Robin Hoods to salvage poor Chinese with money from the bank robberies.

    The idea to work with communists was rejected by bosses of secret societies.

    Indian gangsters are not just causing public safety problem, it may evolving into national security threat if this social ill unchecked.

  96. Count Dracula Says: Don’t mind limkamput, dark horse! Limkamput will always be a retard.

    Haven’t I just taught you don’t use word like retard? But then if someone is mentally challenged, then i guess he can’t discern the difference btw the two. So Dracula, do your pick, retard or mentally challenged. Your choice.

  97. Why I said lawyers (mean Malaysian lawyers) are spinless? Making money is their main goal.

    Instead of asking their deep pocket client to settle a dispute with me out of court based on the legal and technical reasons, Malaysian lawyer was writing 2-feet tall and a full of rubbish affidavit.

    At the end of the day, they are like a dog chasing its tail, hit the dead wall.

    My lawyer estimated that GLC has to pay at least a half millon RM fees to their lawyer for producing a several thousand pages of affidavit.

  98. There are good as well as ‘bad’ lawyers just like there are good as well as bad doctors or professionals and you have been unfortunate not to get a good one – if it is not due to incompetent judge or the inherent weakness of your case which your unscrupulous lawyer did not tell you outright but encouraged you to fight a hopeless case so that he could earn your fee.

    When I say ‘good’ I mean someone who not only have technical competence and experience in ghis professed calling on which public and client rely but the right attitude of pride in his work, translated, it means to take care of your best interest and not being overly concerned with money being first consideration.

    However I agree that the last 10 to 20 years, increasingly there are more not so good professionals remaining but many commercially driven ones being spawned – whilst the ones who had traditional pride in professional work and ethics have died or retired. I won’t say each and every of the younger ones in law as well as other professions are no good or have no potential.

    However, because so many professionals are pouring into the market competition becomes very keen and many professionals put their own commercial well being above all considerations. (This should not be in professions. A profession is a knowledge calling; it has tradition and ethics; it is given social respect precisely because of these and not because it makes money which is cornerstone of business, as distinct from a profession).

    No doubt the business and commercial opportunities are more nowadays but measured by Lorenz Curve they are not evenly and fairly distributed for all to survive meaningfully according to their perceived station in life. The well connected, especialy politically connected and large firms get the bulk of the plums. Many of the rest put their own survival higher than your interest as client. Very sad state of affairs, I would say.

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