Abdullah and Samy ignore Makkal Sakti at their own peril

Today’s press reported that Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Seremban that the people must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the opportunity.

Apart from aiming his shots at the Opposition, many must be wondering who in the ruling coalition could Najib be directing his fire.

Could he be referring to Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, who is fighting for his political life after being MIC President and sole Indian Cabinet Minister for over 28 years – and who was recently snubbed internationally when the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, M. Karunanidi refused to grant him “an audience” despite Samy Vellu waiting for an appointment from him for three days in Chennai or after following Karunanidi to New Delhi!

Or could Najib be referring to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who, to use Lingam-lingo, “looks like the Prime Minister, speaks like the Prime Minister, but nobody can 100% say is the Prime Minister”?

Abdullah has been Prime Minister for four years and his four-year report card is one of dismal failure.


68 Replies to “Abdullah and Samy ignore Makkal Sakti at their own peril”

  1. Malaysians now feel more unsafe in the streets, public places and even privacy of their homes because of endemic crime as compared to when Abdullah became Prime Minister four years ago.

    Corruption in Malaysia has become even more rampant and uncontrollable today as compared to four years ago when Abdullah started his premiership with the pledge to make anti-corruption the distinctive hallmark of his administration.

    Malaysians today have never been more disunited, alienated and polarized, particularly over religion, than when he first became Prime Minister four years ago.

    Today, the marginalized groups, particularly the Malaysian Indians who have become the new underclass, felt never felt more aggrieved, discriminated against and marginalized!

    (Pt 2)

  2. This is why Abdullah’s approval rating had plunged in four years from a high of 91% when he became Prime Minister to a low of 61% in December last month, according to an opinion poll conducted by Merdeka Centre.

    Even more serious, Abdullah’s approval rating among Indians plunged by a shocking 54% before and after the Hindraf demonstration on Nov. 25 last year.

    In Sept. 07, Abdullah’s approval rating among the Indians polled stood at 82% but by Dec. 14, when the last poll was conducted, his approval rating among the Indians have plummeted to 38% – registering one of the sharpest drops in so short a time.

    However, an opinion poll conducted now would show an even lower approval rating of below 30% or lower for Abdullah among Malaysian Indians, if the 30% to 50% lower turnout of the Thaipusam crowd at Batu Caves last Wednesday is any indication.

    Makkal Sakti (People’s Power) is in manifestation throughout the country and Barisan Nasional leaders, whether Samy Vellu or Abdullah gnore it at their own peril.

    (Speech at Penang DAP Ceramah 26.1.08)

  3. Today’s press reported that Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Seremban that the people must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the opportunity.

    I definitely agree with Najib. Since Pak Lah is also given opportunity to perform but fail SO WE MUST REJECT LEADER like the PM.

  4. While it matter to keep pluggin on the ignorance of BN, I keep waiting for the opposition to come up their next act. With popularity down to some 38% for Indians and only slightly better for Chinese. If you assume that something like 30% are hardcore MIC supporters and 25% are hardcore MCA supporters, the only way to move these numbers significantly is by moving the Malay votes first. Move the Malay votes significantly and all these numbers will move along side it.

    Its time to move the issue to more about about Mat Deros, Altantuya, PKFZ, Fairuz & Eusoff Chin, Musa Aman etc. Its time to go for overdrive on these issues.

  5. Yes, DAP must move in to garner Malay support; without which it is difficult to shake the UMNO dominance. UMNO uses NEP and religion as carrots to ‘lock-up’ Malay votes, DAP must do something to assure our Malay fellow citizen that the DAP economic plan would be better than what they are being ‘spoon-fed’ now by the UMNO.

  6. You don’t expect Najib to be pointing at someone he is actually acting for …our sleeping beauty
    Najib must be referring to those leaders that ” got caught with their pants down “

  7. And who is this Najib to say so., its the pot calling the kettle black., tell him also to make sure those responsible for Altantuya’s murder are given the apppropriate sentence, or the whole thing is gonna to be swept under the carpet, just like the RCI drama that is going on now.

  8. Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Seremban that the people must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the opportunity….These are noble words coming from someone who knows what he is talking…Najib sir, can we start with you please…thank you very much.walk the talk please

  9. hi Bigjoe Says:
    Its time to move the issue to more about about Mat Deros, Altantuya, PKFZ, Fairuz & Eusoff Chin, Musa Aman etc. Its time to go for overdrive on these issues…..These are definite vote winners and need to be strongly emphasised.well said

  10. Yes! The people must reject leaders who cannot perform.
    And the majority of them are the Umnoputras !

    Reject them !

    They are causing disunity among the people !

    They are plundering the country into bankruptcy !

    They are discriminating the people !

    They do not care much about the other races !

    They must never be trusted !

    We must unite to reject them !

    Uncle Lim,please use the following as your election manifesto:

    They have destroyed the future of one generation.
    Please vote to safeguard the future of the next generation.

  11. I don’t think the kampung folks pay as much tax as the urban folks.

    Tell the kampung folks. How they have been robbed their dreams. The future of their children, their grandchildren. Robbed by the very people whom they entrusted and voted into power.

  12. With Najib Razak asking people to reject the leaders who have failed to perform, I’m looking at his statement with a little amusement. Najib is no better than any other UMNO leaders out there. Perhaps Ku Li may be suitable, but perhaps thats not possible.

    Is this Najib’s way of getting ready early to kick Pak Lah in the gut? Choosing Najib would be disasterous as the saying goes ‘keluar dari mulut buaya, masuk ke mulut rimau’.

    Barack Obama won the South Caroline primary by stunning Hillary Clinton with 55% compared to 27% by Hillary. Listening to his speech makes one very proud, even though I’m not an American, I find his speech to be a hope of all mankind. Like Obama, can we have a charismatic leader like him to chnage our country from the spell of UMNO. We need a leader like Obama to give people hope. As I see it, there is no one like that in our country. Perhaps there is, but the evil system in our country is preventing them from shining. With the current system, the half baked Malays ( I’m not refering to all Malays) are ruling the country, managing the universities and governing our finances. When these half baked bumiputera’s wake up and decide to give everyone an equal chance to compete in governing the country, perhaps we can produce someone like Barack Obama to make waves of change.

    May God bless Malaysia.

  13. Jong, total Malaysian 28 million
    Working Malaysians 10 million
    Paying tax Malaysians 1.5 million

    Rural Kampong folks play racial and religions, not tax. Dreams? None other than dreams of having enough to fix an astro, hold kanduri and buy Myvi. Future children – like father, so son be. After all everything kerajaan bagi lah.

  14. A small plane entered our Malaysian air space and no F18/Sukoil fighters were dispatched to intercept. Our neighbor fighters flew in to intercept. Why is it our air force base in the East coast didn’t sound the alarm and allow the plane to fly all the way to Spore? According to news report, it is a small plane and no need to intercept was the reply. What logic is this? All our defence dept must be sleeping on the job!! Imagine if it is an enemy plane, it could have caused havoc. Our defence department must answer this!!!

  15. Jong, sorry, you were responding to ‘azk”s posting.

    Many of the comments we posted here are ‘not relevant’ (copying one famous judge’s word) in the rural community. The issue of body snatching, judiciary, tape, NKFTZ, Mangolian, kickbacks etc make little impact to the rural voters.

    Rural Kampong folks are concerned about TV reception, Astro, harga barang naik, Myvi (not proton anymore), YB melawat, Penyanyi datang. Election time, they gossip, a strong media there.

    But they are passionate about religion and race. BN knows this and exploits this to the maximum, even a MCA MP can threaten us with the memory of May 13.
    (Note: Was she born then?)

  16. Fundamental Liberties are being curtailed
    Corruption is still as rampant
    Racial and Religious Divide is getting worse
    The poor gets poorer, income distribution between the rich and poor is getting wider
    Rising inflation hurting the poor
    Malaysia losing competitive edge comparing with other developing nations
    Rising crime rate
    Transparency index down

    These are the score cards of the present administration. Let us not repeat our mistake this GE. Enough is Enough! Lest we forget. Malaysians mudah lupa…..

  17. Let them and the other BN leaders continue to ignore the People’s Power. Perhaps that represents the best chance to teach these arrogant leaders a good lesson in the elections. If the opposition can deny the BN that 2/3 majority, I believe we’ll see many changes towards a more civil and democractic society.

  18. SAMY: Let MIC worry about Indian community


    The MIC has reminded other Barisan Nasional component parties not to meddle in the Indian community’s affairs without the party’s knowledge.

    Its president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said there were some BN component party leaders who had been meeting the Indian community and trying to get the community to voice their problems.

    “They are trying to stir the pot by doing that. Let MIC worry about the Indian community. The other parties should concentrate on helping their own communities,” he said, declining to name the parties.


  19. OCT,it shows that Najis is not doing his job,so he should be sacked immediately!

    All those clowns in the parliement,Nazi,Moktar,Badrudin,Syed,Zam,Raja…..they are the bad MPs,not doing their job,should also be eliminated!

  20. “looks like the Prime Minister, speaks like the Prime Minister, but nobody can 100% say is the Prime Minister”

    uncle lim makes joke as well! this ‘looks like, speaks like, not 100% like’ is referring to a GHOST

  21. The Opposition will be defeated badly, especially its leaders.


    I hear that thousands of postal votes have been slated for the seats of Opposition leaders to ensure they are defeated. Without the heads, the “bodies” will soon die away.

    Remember how Najib “won” In Pekan when he was soundly beaten? Postal votes.

    The elections commission have the legal powers to put the postal voters where they like. So they will put it where it counts.

    So the Opposition parties should now address this issue to ensure they don’t lose because of postal votes.

    Postal votes especially from the armed forces, should ideally go to the voters’ respective constituencies but this is usually not the case. They are dumped where the election comission deems fit. The Chairman of the EC has said so recently, citing its powers under the law.

    So don’t be too optimistic.


    “Makkal Sakthi (People Power)!” thundered speaker after speaker.
    “Valga (Long live)!” roared back the crowd.
    I thought I would check out the atmosphere at the DAP ceramah at the Penang Chinese Town Hall in George Town tonight. The theme: “Bebaskan Hindraf 5 (Free the Hindraf Five).”
    [ ]
    Total turnout was around 3,000, including the few hundred outside the hall.
    [ ]
    Guan Eng told the crowd he had asked quite a few Hindus what they were praying for on Thaipusam and they replied, “For the release of the Hindraf Five.”
    “But what did Abdullah Badawi give you?” he asked. “A public holiday!”
    [ ]
    All the DAP speakers received a rousing welcome as they entered the hall, including a big cheer for Karpal, who is the senior lawyer for the Hindraf leaders under detention. Karpal, speaking while seated on the stage, told the crowd the DAP was “adopting” Makkal Sakthi.
    [ ]
    Even as more Malaysians were being detained in KL earlier today, the mood in Penang – at least among these 3,000 people – was one of newfound strength and solidarity, a community that had awakened from their slumber.
    And the mood was infectious. Even the Chinese DAP volunteers outside were calling out, “Makkal Sakthi!“

  23. The RCI hearing on Lingam Tape for the past two weeks has taught us the following:

    If you are a crook,you are one no matter how cunningly you argue

    You can deny
    you can lie
    You can pretend to lose your memory or
    You can cheat yourself

    You may even get off scot-free although
    you have committed untold crime

    But your conscience(IF YOU ARE STILL A HUMAN BEING)
    will prick you until you die

  24. Wait a second… people
    Najib’s ” not performing ” is definitely not what you fellaws are writing about.. it may dangerously be racism including the act of keeping the 5 Indians in jail under ISA or the act of getting the Pas and the Dap to destroy one another and most importantly, the act of staying in power thro’ all means …
    Just Don’t be fool by him …. he is not addressing “us” but the people in Seremban.

  25. all malaysian.
    Its good news that now all indian has wake up .the turn up for the dap ceramah show good respond.well done DAP.you have to work more hard .go all out to ask the young people to help the DAP. pass the massage to all the kampong people to vote MCA,MIC.PPP OUT.We need change for our future.
    LETS all go out now to help DAP.

  26. Samy!!! Please resign now before it is too late. Take all your money and run to Tamil Nadu, they will make you a movie star there, and you can continue to be rich and popular. Make full use of your false hair.

    Malaysian Tamils will love to see you in the movies. they will be proud, cause according to one Tamil fanatic here, all movie stars in Tamil movies must come from Tamil Nadu and speak perfect Tamil.

  27. MIC Fighting
    -coming soon the your cinema-

    Everybody was bashing Sa-my Vellu
    Angry voices echoed from the hall to the loo
    In fact he had no choice but to stay put
    To yet win again in Sungai Siput

    They were funky Badawi men, running out of wind
    They were thinking of Thaipusam and they had to win
    It’s an ancient Hindu fest and everybody can be bought
    From canned sardines to bicycles, such a fine thought

    Everybody was watching Sa-my Vellu
    Tamil movies echoed from the hall to the loo
    In fact nobody can deny
    Samy is better off, exiled in Chennai

  28. If all these credit card salesmen, direct selling (multi-level marketing) folks, mutual fund consultants can help to promote the Opposition, BN will be history. It seems like they never give up. They almost reach every corner of the society. That’s the people’s power.

  29. Since we are talking about ignoring people wishes, I like to talk about DAP’s slogan for this election ‘jom, tukar’ or Just Change it. I don’t think it quite capture the mood of the people with the exception of the Hindu population.

    The slogan smells of Obamaism. I don’t think the mood of Malaysian is the same and Malaysian are NOT American. People here don’t just want change, they have a definite idea of what they want changed. In fact what Malaysian want this time around is just promises fufilled – promises made by Abdullah that 91% of the people say they support 4 years ago. I don’t think that has changed.

    The BA slogan and DAP slogan should be about fufilling promises, they they are the only means to force the BN to fufill promises made. Some suggestion:

    ‘If not now, when? If not us, who else?’ Or
    ‘Change begin by saying we want it now’
    ‘The time for justice is Always now, the time for injustice is never’.
    ‘The time to fufill promises is yesterday’.
    ‘Its not just unIslamic to break promises, its just wrong’.

    Here is a clue, Badawi is STILL UMNO biggest asset despite his lower popularity and his message clearly is to want more time. Isn’t opposition election slogan should be to negate that?

  30. The Opposition should make election banners using the words of Najib.

    [People must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the opportunity – Reject Samy Velu]

    [People must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the pportunity –
    Reject Abdullah Badawi]

    [People must reject leaders who fail to perform when given the pportunity –
    Reject Ong Kah Ting]

  31. “I like to talk about DAP’s slogan for this election ‘jom, tukar’ or Just Change it. I don’t think it quite capture …”

    “Jom, tukar” translated means “Come or let’s go, change”. It does reflect the mood of Makkal Sakhti or ‘people power’.

  32. YB Lim, this Makkal Sakti is making me sakit. Each day I read about PKR-DAP’s inability to form an alliance.

    The whole of yesterday I was in a Finance seminar and from the “tea-time” conversation, AAB has to GO, but who are there to remove him? The opposition? No way, they could not even sit down with each other – that was the general consensus. Even if PKR, PAS and DAP jointly won majority, the government would still be under BN with UMNO the main coalition partner.

    Now Anwar is releasing another “damaging” video. I am tired of this tactic from Anwar especially at this time when the election fever is heating up. He is embarassing the BN, no doubt, but what is urgent now is an electoral pact.

    Furthermore, how much damage can that video do when the present “RCI needs a RCI”? Releasing videos one after another is not going to win any further votes – unless his intention is to force AAB to resign. And that is unlikely to happen.

  33. “The whole of yesterday I was in a Finance seminar and from the “tea-time” conversation, AAB has to GO, but who are there to remove him? The opposition? No way, they could not even sit down with each other – that was the general consensus.” oknyua

    The Opposition does what it knows how to do best i.e. oppose. But this time with the power of Makkal Sakhti behind them, it could well get enough votes to make a difference. That difference is not between running the next government and not running the government. The difference is between the BN government having the power to amend the Constitution without the support of the opposition and having the power to amend only with support from the opposition.

  34. Bernama reporting the Man-With-False-Head:

    Samy is a confused man over the “candle light” vigil – not inside a temple

    January 27, 2008 23:10 PM
    Samy Vellu Demands Apology From DAP Chairman For Insulting Hindus
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 (Bernama) — MIC president Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu Sunday demanded DAP chairman Lim Kit Siang to apologise to all Hindus for insulting their religion. He said Lim and his deputy chairman, M. Kulasegaran, had call for Hindus to bring candles into their temples, which Samy Vellu described as tarnishing the holiness of the religion. “He doesn’t know anything about Hinduism. He belittles the religion. Kulasegaran, despite being a Hindu, is also insensitive in the matter because as Hindus, we are only allowed to light a certain type of lamp or fire for religious ceremonies in temples, not candles,” he told reporters after closing a forum for Indian youths, together with Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said here today.

  35. Dear Malaysians,
    Samy Vellu continue to look like someone who has been asleep for many years. The Hindu religion does not compel anyone from doing certain things to please the gods and godesses. The light in Hinduism represents or signifies the victory of good over evil within every human being. As such, it doesn’t matter if the light comes from a candle, an oil lamp or any light. The light is a symbolic meaning of the manisfestation of the victory of good over evil, a battle thats playing inside every human being.

    Perhaps Samy Vellu is too conditioned with the evil that he doesn’t see any light anymore. As such, I urge Uncle Lim, who has personally shown more enthusiasm towards the improvisation of the Indian community to not bother about apologizing to him. He can convince the people in the estates, but he cannot fool many Indians in the country. It’s a shame that he is still leading the Indian people. Please throw him out in the coming election. He is a nightmare for the Indian community. He has degraded Indian’s dignity to a level that will be difficult to mend in many years to come. Let’s pray that he realizes his mistakes, repent and step down voluntarily. May God shed this light in him ( whether in the form of oil lamp or candle light )

    May God bless people of all walks of life in Malaysia.

  36. Lingamgate can be address in such a comedian way to the public, can you imagine how powerful SV and the rest of those ministers ?
    For whatever we all can argue, politic world are blessly dirty and dark.
    It’s takes people like them to hold those portfolio and enjoy the wealth…
    We, human created monies to control us and also allow it to ‘kill’ us.
    Afterall, it’s all about number only ….

  37. While the creation of the Royal Commission gave Malaysian public some hope that the credibility and integrity of the Judiciary might be restored, we are unimpressed with the proceedings and the procedural decisions made by the Commissioners thus far. The Royal Commission must operate with the highest level of integrity and transparency so as not to be seen as feeding the rot which has tarnished the Malaysian Courts. I submit this new piece of evidence to the public, and extent my full cooperation to the Commission’s ongoing proceedings. – Anwar

  38. The fasting came to a end on 25/01/2008. More than 5000 people attended the prayers on that day. Highly spirited shouts of ‘Makkal Sakti’, ‘HINDRAF’ and ‘Hindu Samayam’ could be heard all over the temple. The people who attended the event was so emotional till there were many tears of joy among them. May The Almighty Blesses All.

    We at MIBCLUB are extremely delighted to be the top notch website to offer a detailed and comprehensive report on this event. Tq for your support. Makkal Sakthi.

  39. While Lingam is getting himself into more trouble denying the video, some people like Samy still can’t get the picture and step down. At least that will safe him face than being voted out when he contests in the next GE.

    While on the topic, let me stray and say that it is going to get ugly, lets see what Lingam has to say after the 3rd video. He is not on the handset this time. He couldnt claim that he was bragging and talking to George Bush this time can he?

  40. YB Lim, now I am really sakit.

    Watching the new tape over lunch, now he can’t say “look like me, talk like me… but not me” because if there is no audience, he is really mad. He is talking and talking. The look of it, he does not look like someone who consumed alcohol.

  41. SV: “because as Hindus, we are only allowed to light a certain type of lamp or fire for religious ceremonies in temples”

    SV is furious that LKS and others are starting a trend that will destroy SV’s rice bowl. Most likely in Malaysia SV and his relatives have a monopoly on the sale of ‘certain type of lamp or fire’ for religious ceremonies in temples.

  42. Seriously, do you really think that AAB, SV and BN are worried about Makkal Sakti in the coming GE? Or the opposition parties?

    Certianly not! Because BN has the kingpin – Election Commission Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid, a person indebted to BN.

    Like VKL boasted: “Pom, pom, pom!” All kow tim.

  43. oknyua Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 14.42
    oknyua Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 37.55

    This is the first time I am visiting this thread. It seems like me, sounds like me perhaps but definitely not me! Hey oknyua, you need to wear glasses and if you are already then get your eyes checked! :D

  44. oknyua,

    Yes, I saw Lingam III.

    It shows he’s drinking red wine. Don’t know why he’s drinking red since he does not eat meat. I’m assuming, of course. You can see how he handles his wine glass which shows he’s not a drinker. Probably that was his second glass in the hour. He puts down his glass hard which shows he’s beginning to feel the effect of intoxication.

    I said earlier that he probably acquired a taste for alcohol during his stay in the U.K. and when dining at the Inn in London during which port is traditionally served. I never knew him to be a drinker and if he says he often gets drunk and starts to brag and bullshit, that’s an outright lie. It is so out of character for him.

    Was he speaking the truth in the tape? Yes. Is the conversation he’s having by itself evidence enough to convict the guy for bribing judges etc? No.

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