“Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” now – Sharlinie -Nurin stark reminders that crime knows no race, religion or politics

It is so heart-rending for Malaysians that so soon after the tragedy of the eight-year-old Nurin Jazimin, who was abducted and murdered with her body found in a sports bag a month after she was kidnapped there is now the case of five-year-old Sharlinie Nashar, abducted in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya on Wednesday – a few kilometers from where Nurin’s body was found.

The hearts of all Malaysians go out to the aggrieved parents, Mohd Nasyar Mat Hussain and Suraya Ahmad and pray that no harm would come to her and that she would be returned and reunited with her family immediately.

The manhunt for Sharlinie must be supported by every Malaysian in the country and all DAP MPs, State Assembly members, leaders and members join in the call to the abductors to return her to her parents and family safely and immediately.

The cases of Sharlinie Nashar and Nurin Jazimin are stark reminders to drive home three sad but salient points about Malaysia which had just celebrated its 50th Merdeka anniversary:

• The Malaysian society has become a very dangerous and unsafe place for adults, women and children with crime reaching endemic proportion, with the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi expressing alarm at the 13.4% rise in crime rate for last year;

• Crime knows no race or religion as all Malaysians are potential victims of crime including violent crimes, regardless of their racial and religious backgrounds..

• The urgent need for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or political beliefs, to unite as one people to demand that the government deliver “Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” as its first duty to citizens, visitors, tourists and investors and to restore to Malaysians the twin fundamental rights to be free from crime and the fear of crime!

It is for this reason that a “Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” theme will feature prominently in the DAP campaign for the forthcoming general election expected to be held within 65 days.

In the past 11 general elections for the past half-a-century, law-and-order and low crime have never featured as a significant election campaign theme.

DAP has decided to set the precedent to make law-and-order and low crime a top election issue because of the endemic crime in the country – as Malaysians have never felt so unsafe in their own country today as compared to the past 50 years or even just four years ago!

I call on all political parties, both Barisan Nasional and Opposition parties, to make “Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” a common top election theme – to recognize that the failure to protect the personal safety and property security of Malaysians, visitors, tourists and investors is one of the country’s greatest failures after 50 years of nationhood and the need for a national resolve by all Malaysians and political parties to give topmost priority to make Malaysia a safe country again for her citizens,visitors, tourists and investors.

During the weekend, I will join Perak DAP leaders in a two-day “whistle-stop” visit to 12 centres in Perak to carry the message that all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, political party, gender or age, should make “Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” the common national objective to make the streets, public places and privacy of the homes safe again!

Among the areas to be visited will be:

Saturday 12/1

1. Bidor Market – 8 am
2. Sungei Siput Market – 11 am
3. Taiping – 1 pm
4. Pantai Remis – 3 pm
5. Sitiawan – 4 pm
6. Chui Chak – 6 pm
7. Teluk Intan – 8 pm (ceramah)

Sunday 13/1

1. Pasir Pinji Market – 8 am
2. Ipoh Central Market – 9 am
3. Lawan Kuda – 12 noon
4. Kampar – 3 pm
5. Bercham – 8 pm (ceramah)


28 Replies to ““Good Cops, Safe Malaysia” now – Sharlinie -Nurin stark reminders that crime knows no race, religion or politics”

  1. On the recent abduction case..i strongly condemn the parent for not taking care of their children..haiz..some people only repent after tragedy happen to them..just couldnt understand..i thought prevention is better than cure? anyway im not surprise on this matter..i use to see small kids running here and there in the road side without being accompany by adults….anything happen to her..the parent should be bring to court…after the Nurin tragedy, it still doesnt alerted those parents out there to take extra precaution towards their child…anyway she(Sharlinie Nashar) only 5 years old..i pray she will be safe….

  2. Uncle Kit,
    Nice election theme..but is the visit only held in Perak? what about other states? I hope this will be the wake-up call for all the Malaysian on the crime rate in Malaysia which is rising under AAB tenure….after 4 years only AAB realise the crime rate is increasing..during his appointment as AAB, he pledged to reduce crime rate..haiz..wat a hopeless PM in history…come on all the MALAYSIAn out there..vote for the better future of your children..

  3. The key to the fight against crime begins with reform of 1) the independence of judiciary and supermacy of civil courts and 2) police reform as can only be comprehensive under a REAL IPCMC.

    Take these two out of it and all we have are bandages to the problem – UMNO-led BN formula for everything since May 13, 1969. Pak Lah is the king of putting bandages on problems, you might call him ‘administration by bandaging’.

  4. The fact of the matter is PDRM would rather spend resources going after dvd pedlars rather than after murderers and snatch thieves. more monetary benefits. If only nurin case has been solved and the murderer caught, then sharlin would have been safe.

  5. YB Lim,

    I suggest you start visiting every state to promote the
    “Good Cops, Safe Malaysian” national objective. Make sure your every visit is made loud & clear so that everybody knows…!!!!!!
    Please provide your visit schedule so that we are there to support !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Forget about AAB and the crimes in Malaysia. Each time I read the rate of crimes my blood boils. Sleeping PM. He has all the body guards, sure not scared of robbers. Take away the police and guards, even his Putra Jaya official home will be ransacked! One day if his close relatives are robbed and mugged, what woudl he say? “Saya sangat terkejut…” from sleeping.

  7. The key to the fight against crime begins with reform of 1) the independence of judiciary and supermacy of civil courts and 2) police reform as can only be comprehensive under a REAL IPCMC. – Bigjoe

    Will that happen? Right now Police is an extension of political domination, tools used for political ends. Remember Judge Datuk Hishamudin judgement?

  8. Dear Uncle Lim,

    Almost every month there is a kidnapping (see the attached news).

    I see some sort of different standard adopted by the IGP. In the latest case (News A), the IGP doesn’t seem to mind if the photo of Sharline (the kidnapped victim) is being flashed in the TV news which can easily reach EVERYONE including the kidnappers.

    Less than two months ago, the police did not like it when a kidnapped victim’s photograph (News C) was uploaded in blogs.

    So, the question for Malaysians would be, why the police head (IGP) and the police themselves have different set of rules / standards i.e. the head allows the show of the kidnap victim’s photos but other police do not allow it. Please do note that majority of people own TVs but not everyone owns a computer.

    In News C, it was stated that revealing the photo of the kidnapped victim would jeopardize the victim’s life. So for Sharline, her photo will be shown on TV and do Shahrizat, the IGP, Donald Lim, Abdul Wahab and Zainuddin Maidin know that it would jeopardize the victim’s life as stated in News C less than 2 months ago?

    What about News B ? Why aren’t action being taken upon the parents of Nor Amira for negligent?

    I already mentioned Before…..


    I weep for malaysia

    News A
    NST – 11 January 2007
    Shahrizat: Don’t let this be another case like Nurin’s

    PETALING JAYA: An urgent appeal has been made to the media to highlight the disappearance of Sharlinie Mohd Nasyar.

    It was made by the Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil who stressed the importance of finding the 5-year-old girl as quickly as possible.

    “If we have learnt anything from Nurin’s case, it is that time is of the utmost importance and we don’t want Sharlinie to be in any danger,” she said.

    “I hope TV stations will flash pictures of Sharlinie every hour or half-hour so that everyone will know and remember her face.”

    She also revealed that she had enlisted the help of Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin to publicise the girl’s disappearance.

    “We also want to remind the abductors not to harm her,” she said at a press conference at the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters.

    Also present were Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Petaling Jaya Selatan MP Datuk Donald Lim and Taman Medan Assemblyman Abdul Wahab Ibrahim.

    Shahrizat then reminded parents that the safety of their children was in their hands.

    “It is not the responsibility of the police. Don’t assume a playground is safe. From what I see, no area is safe.”

    Shahrizat also did not rule out the possibility of taking action against Sharlinie’s parents for negligence.

    “The parents are being interviewed by the Welfare Department and they will come up with their findings soon.”

    Later at the Lembah Pantai Maal Hijrah celebrations, Shahrizat urged local councils, the Federal Territories Ministry and relevant parties to install more sophisticated closed-circuit television (CCTVs) cameras, especially in high-density areas.

    “We must have good quality CCTVs that can enhance the images and provide security. If we want to install CCTVs, then they should be the best, like in London and New York.

    Shahrizat also suggested that local councils could make CCTVs part of their requirements for building approvals.

    However, she pointed out that even with the best security system in place, the public must still take care of their own safety.

    News B
    The Star
    Friday December 14, 2007

    Girl, 12, rescued from house

    KULIM: Nor Amira Fatihah Mohammad Rosdi, 12, has been found, 10 days after she was reportedly kidnapped after a Quran class.

    Her mother Asmah Ismail, 45, received a tip-off that Nor Amira was held in a house in Nagalilit in Padang Serai and rushed there yesterday with seven relatives to rescue her.

    They found the girl safe and sound but looking confused,

    Nor Amira had been staying with a family at the house.

    Safe and sound: Nor Amira (second from left) with her parents Asmah and Mohammad Rosi Md Noh and Supt Ghuzlan.
    “We were allowed into the house, which was full of people. At first, my daughter appeared confused and frightened.

    “Then I hugged her and told her to follow me home and we brought her out of the house. Nobody tried to stop us,” a relieved Asmah said at her Taman Kota Kenari home yesterday.

    She added that some strangers approached her at her house on Wednesday night to inform her of her daughter’s whereabouts.

    On Wednesday, the Kulim/Bandar Baru MCA service team distributed about 200 photographs of Nor Amira in Padang Serai town and here in a move to help locate her.

    It was reported earlier that Nor Amira was abducted while waiting for her mother to pick her up from a Quran reading class in Taman Kenari on Dec 3.

    She was waiting for her mother at about 8pm when a couple in a white Proton Iswara Aeroback picked her up and drove off.

    Kulim acting OCPD Deputy Supt Ghuzlan Salleh said that police picked up a 40-year-old man at about 9am in Kulim town yesterday.

    Police also took statements from Nor Amira and her mother.

    “Although Nor Amira appeared traumatised, she has not been physically hurt or abused,” he said.

    “We are not certain about the motive for the kidnapping but will be recording statements from a few more people.”

    News C
    Source: The Star
    Friday November 30, 2007
    RM3,000 ransom paid to free kidnapped woman
    SHAH ALAM: A 25-year-old woman who was kidnapped from her office car park in Glenmarie, Subang, near here, was freed after her family paid a RM3,000 ransom.
    The woman, who was kidnapped by three men at about 8.30am on Wednesday, was released at about 7.30am in a housing estate in Cheras after the money was paid.
    Her family members picked her up and sent her to a hospital for a medical check-up.
    Police have quizzed several people who they believe could help them in their investigations.
    The woman’s kidnapping was witnessed by several people and the news spread like wildfire when they sent out SMSes urging the public to be on the lookout for a Toyota Camry with the registration number 7641 driven by the kidnappers.
    The message also urged the public to contact the police or a particular cellphone number.
    However, several bloggers went further by posting the woman’s photograph, much to the ire of the police who felt the action could have jeopardised the woman’s life.
    Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed the woman’s release and said investigations were in progress.

    News D
    New Straits Times (Malaysia)
    September 22, 2007 Saturday
    IGP: Parents under probe for negligence

    PUTRAJAYA: Nurin Jazlin Jazimin’s parents are being investigated for possible negligence.

    Jazimin Abdul Jalil and Norazian Bistaman may face charges under the Child Protection Act if investigations show that their negligence had contributed to Nurin’s death.

    “The search for Nurin is over and now we will focus on catching the killer and see if the parents had been negligent in looking after her safety,” said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

    “This is a two-pronged investigation.”

    Asked if Nurin’s parents could be the first to be charged under the legislation, he said police would first need to establish if there was evidence of negligence.

    “If there are, we will make recommendations to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.”

    Musa said while there was a provision under the law to charge negligent parents, it had never been used.

    “It is high time for parents to be more responsible for their children’s safety,” he said after briefing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Police Commission on efforts to enhance the force.

    On investigations to nab the killer, Musa said there were strong leads but declined to elaborate. He also said police had increased patrols in several areas in the city, including Chow Kit, Kampung Baru and Masjid India.

  9. UMNO killed so many Malays unnecessarily in the past fifty years they govern, under UMNO, Malays’ life are cheaper, but in order to prove that they are not the worst, UMNO marginalized the Indians so they became the cheapest.

  10. Old Big Ears should wake up from his noonday slumber and assume all responsibilities for the kidnapping because he is the internal security minister. The buck has to stop on him, and not be passed by him to some other subordinate. The crowd should be baying for his blood for his lacklustre approach to busting crime

  11. come on guys.. if crime rate is zero, even if the child is out of his/her parents’ sight, people will bring her back home… so that mean those who got raped, mugged, etc etc, all those are parents fault? crime not only happen to children, it happen to any of us.. our police don’t work for us, they work for bn.. assuming our pm’s wife lost her undies, I think the whole police force will sniff around for it..

  12. dear Abductors,

    if you happen to read this message, please release our poor Malaysian…

    if you looking for money, better spend some time to understand the abductee background… please find those parent manage the Malaysian coffer whose is sucking Rakyat bloods…

    beside giving you $$$, they also could provide you more $$$…

  13. Pingback: Uncle Kit in town~
  14. The Malaysian Police should have no problem catching up with the abductor as they are first class abductors themselves having taken and putting so many people away for no good reason eg the five Hindraf ISA detainees. The Malaysian Police are busy planning and executing havocs in peaceful demonstration. They are busy creating stories and collaborating with UMNO, MI? and MCA to harrass, arrest and detain the innocent. They are busy looking for DVD’s. How could they still have the time to protect people from being abducted by others? Since when have their priorities been for the people?

  15. Our police are like blind rats entering the wrong hole. They always get their priority wrong. Thy will do anything and everything to please their UMNO master first and the rakyat last. Hence by the end of the day they are already a spent force.

    Secondly the evil of corruption has taken its toll and finally it has to bend somewhere to even out. This is only the begining of the malaise and for all those who are safe, thank God for protecting us.

    Thirdly we have third rate or maybe fourth rate police officers as exhibited clearly in the Mongolian girl murder trial. Of course there are hundrerds or maybe more of them of the same calibre or maybe worst. This is the product of Keutamaan Melayu and the special privilege policy. RIRO (Rubbish In Rubbish Out). We cannot run away from this law of nature and anybody who had some knowledge on computer science or programming will know this. Leave the low ranking policemen alone. They cannot even qualify for fifth grade. They are only qualified to hide behind some trees or pillars to get some pocket money.

    That is the price we have to pay and as what brother Kit has said, “crime knows no race”. It is high time we rise together as one entity irrespective of race to kick these UMNO (Useless Money-swindlers Nincompoop Organisation) out

  16. Uncle Lim, sorry for brining this up. I know this is not a Parti Keadilan website but I would like to add to HB Lim’s comments. Tian Chua got hit by a police outsite Parliament while being arrested but now he is being charged for biting the police. Isn’t this a waste of our tax money ? Why go through the trouble of charging Tian Chua in court when there are clear evidences in Youtube showing Tian Chua being hit by a police man for instance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4joFEtOG5nE ? The police man should just apologise and stop wasting our tax payer’s money. I am sick of all the lies. come this election, EVERYONE please vote any of the opposition parties.

  17. Well, this is a sick country. It Malaysian still “tak apa” we will rot. So many unsolved cases.

    50 mil microchip heist in Penang – No News
    1 mil microchip heaist in subang – No News
    Choped body parts in Fridge – No news
    Nurin case – No news

    On the contrast to Hindraf case and Tian Chua.. very fast responce and all type of allegation had been imposed

  18. swee_ann_tweety, I am not the Lee Hwa Beng of Subang Jaya. Thank God I am not associated with the MCA or the Barisan Nasional! I would have been very ashamed of myself. Government posts should be filled on the basis of merits. If there are favoritism or any criteria used other than merits, the rot will set in and eventually destroy the goverment, at least its credibility, and society as a whole. Of course, in certain circumstances, less fortunate people like the really poor, the handicapped, women and children etc have to be given certain special consideration. Otherwise, all must be judged on the merits. That is why we have now half-past-six, inefficient, ineffective, tidak-apa, arrogant, unprincipled, hiding-behind-trees, foreign-worker-harrassing, back-road-negotiating, cheap, shameless, racist, extorting, robbing, stealing, bullying and generally disgusting policemen and officers. It makes you want to puke every time you deal with the police. There are of course good ones but generally speaking, the Malaysian Police have a lot to do to gain the people’s admiration, respect and trust. For a start, they should agree to set up that Commission to investigate and punish police misconduct. Why are they and the government so fearful or reluctant to agree to an idea which would be best for everyone in the long run, including the Police force itself? This inertia, reluctance, fear or outright refusal to change in the face of a rotting system is so utterly irresponsible to future generations of Malaysians. I am at a loss for words to describe my absolute abhorrence of all the racially-based policies in my country. The people claiming and living on subsidies are getting more and more arrogant.

  19. haha LOL. sorry. I even got the surname wrong. you are Lim and that BN fella is Lee :D anyways, you are correct Government Posts should be filled on the basis on merit.

    Zainuddin Maidin is selected based on merit and that’s why he could present himself so well during the Al-Jazeeraaaraaraa raatatoulie interview.

    Some other capable people include those who suggested that Batu Gajah leaks once a month, challenged a woman to a fight, compared woman to toilets, etc. etc.

  20. Quoting Leo,

    50 mil microchip heist in Penang – No News
    1 mil microchip heaist in subang – No News
    Choped body parts in Fridge – No news
    Nurin case – No news
    —-> Above related to police and BN is the government

    On the contrast to Hindraf case and Tian Chua.. very fast responce and all type of allegation had been imposed
    —–> Above are related to Opposition Party

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