Stop misallocating limited resources hunting Chua Soi Lek sex DVDs when top police priority is to fight endemic crime

The Batu Pahat magistrate’s court yesterday sentenced three persons to jail and hefty fines for possessing and reproducing the sex DVD of former Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, viz:

• Tay Bee Bee, 29, owner of a beauty salon, was jailed for five days and fined RM10,000 or default six months’ jail for having in her possession three DVDs;

• See Tooh Choy Yoke, 26 (Tay’s employee) and farmer Lim Poi Keong, 51, each jailed for four days and fined RM15,000 or in default seven months’ jail for making 11 copies of the DVD.

The fourth person, Tan Kim Chong, 48, has claimed trial in the Johor Baru magistrate’s court to the charge of possessing the DVD.

It is reported that two more men in Johor Baru have been arrested for having six Chua Soi Lek sex DVDs each.

While public opinion is in general agreement that the trio had committed offences under Section 292© of the Penal Code, it is also the general consensus that the sentences of jail and fine were excessive, unjustifiable in the public interest and therefore detrimental to the cause of justice.

Public confidence in the administration of justice and police maintenance of law and order are not served if it is perceived that the law enforcement agencies are overzealous in a case which affect a former government Minister when similar zeal has not been shown to make the streets, public places and homes safe for Malaysians, visitors, tourists and investors.

Police should stop misallocating their limited resources to try to hunt down all who possess the Chua Soi Lek sex DVD when their total focus must be to make Malaysia a safe country again and to restore to Malaysians their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime. Continue reading “Stop misallocating limited resources hunting Chua Soi Lek sex DVDs when top police priority is to fight endemic crime”

Who is Khairy to tell everyone including Ministers to stop speculating on when the general election would be held?

Who is Khairy Jamaluddin to tell everyone, including Ministers, to stop speculating on when the general election would be held when he has not even been elected as Member of Parliament?

Of course, everybody knows that he is the most powerful man in the country, presiding over the fourth storey of Prime Minister’s Office in Putrajaya and who controls and manipulates the Prime Minister’s moves and decision-making.

But such unaccountable and even unconstitutional exercise of power should not get to his head to make him publicly rebuke Ministers for speculating when the next general election would be held, although his statement was specifically directed at the Election Commission and made no mention of Cabinet Ministers.

However, when Khairy called on all parties, including the Election Commission Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman , to stop speculating on when the general election would be held, claiming that “it was Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s sole prerogative on when to call for the election”, it was clear that he was carrying out an Umno proxy war and his target was not Rashid but Cabinet Ministers like the Home Minister and Umno Secretary-General Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad and Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid.

It was only three days ago that Azmi said publicly that the general election was near – and in the past ten days, Radzi had been declaring that “It’s time for a leadership change in Perlis”, openly advocating that the current Perlis Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim should be replaced by Azmi.

However, standing in the way of Radzi and Azmi is Khairy, who is aligned with Shahidan as the Umno warlord in Perlis who could deliver what Khairy needed in Umno power stakes – to the extent that the scandals of Shahidan which Radzi had brought to the personal attention of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had been completely neutralized by Khairy. Continue reading “Who is Khairy to tell everyone including Ministers to stop speculating on when the general election would be held?”

New method of crime by snatch thieves

by Joyce Ho

We have been reading about snatch thieves incidents. I witnessed for myself today a new method adopted by them.

Please pass this on to friends – Alert them of this NEW METHOD adopted by snatch thieves.

I was driving along SS2/22, Petaling Jaya going towards Damansara Jaya. This street is totally residential one street off the main road.

About 10 houses in front of me was this young lady walking by a car parked along the grass patch outside one of the terrace houses. As she was reaching the rear end of this clean decent looking Silver Proton Waja, I noticed the engine started and the left rear passenger doors window was being wound down.

Suddenly a man emerged out of the rear passenger doors window his entire torso! and making a grab of this ladys handbag!!!! As this man emerged from the cars window, the Silver Proton Waja was pulling out of its parking position slowly not in a hurry with the man from within just dragging the lady and her handbag along until she gave it up!! Then they drove off slowly no hurry!!!

All the above happened in front of my eyes in less than 30 seconds!!!!!

Her screams and cries did not help! No one came to her rescue in fact a middle age woman ran into her house upon seeing this happening right in front of her house only to come back out to lock her gates after the car has driven away! Do you blame her? The thieves were so bold!!!! Continue reading “New method of crime by snatch thieves”