DAP-PKR reach agreement on allocation of seats in Penang for next polls

Democratic Action Party and Parti Keadilan Rakyat have reached agreement on the allocation of parliamentary and state assembly seats for Penang for the next general election, expected in less than 70 days.

A joint media conference by leaders of both parties will be held in Penang on Wednesday to announce the details.


133 Replies to “DAP-PKR reach agreement on allocation of seats in Penang for next polls”

  1. hope there will be an agreement to conquer Penang…
    chase Gerakan out from Penang…

    mind to chase some Perak sleeping MP out too…

    those always talk rock in the Parliment, please show them out too… :-)

  2. DAP, PKR and PAS must have the same agreement in other states.

    Opposition must go full swing to send the right message to change the BN governement.

    Nowadays I dont see any DAP, PRK gatherings organised in Klang Valley.

    Can we have the date and venues.

  3. We sincerely hope MCA will not put up the poster of YB Lim KS and YB Nik Aziz to cheat the new village folks again . All young generations should explain to their elderly at home and make sure they won’ be tricked by Money Cari Agency ( MCA ] again!

  4. JD says:”Mr Nalla you have the right to ask Mr Anwar that question.Now I am asking you the same question,What have you done for the Malaysian Indian community other then start a new party affilating it with the Barisan Nasional.When Mr Anwar was in power you were one of the few people who was carrying him on your head and dancing.

    Today you are questioning him, why didnt you question this when you were with him and publish it to the Malaysian Indian community a few months ago when you were part of his team.This is the politics you play at the expense of the community.

    Let me tell you this Mr Nalla, maybe Mr Anwar never did anything for the Malaysian Indians but it is better then believing people like you who behave like a snake to your friends when it is only your self interest that you have been looking out for.

    The snake around Lord Shiva neck is more then enough for the Malaysian Indian community to appreciate,we dont need a snake like you around our necks choking us to dead”.

  5. Good for the general citizens ! Aim for denying bn 2/3
    majority in Penang and anything beyond that will be
    an added bonus.

    Read that YB Kit was in Ayer Tawar and AI was in Teluk
    Rubiah last week end. Glad to hear that and assure you
    that we in Sitiawan will vote no other party other than
    an opposition. There must be check and balance for the
    policies of the govt both at state and federal level.

    All voters out there, get ready to vote out every single
    one that are corrupted, under performed, arrogance like
    those that talk nonsense in Parliament and also they that
    appear that fear not man nor God ! Don’t be cowed by
    them but stand up to be counted for our children sake.

  6. Well, as responsible citizens, one should vote. If you are a citizen and you do not vote, then you are not fit to be a citizen. In countries like Australia, if a citizen did not vote, it is considered an offense and possibly jailed.

    Here it is so free. Besides, I think something is so wrong with our country’s allocation of seats and voting system. It seems so lopsided. It is hard for BN to loose you know or for the opposition to win.

    Besides, most of the candidiates are Malays. If Obama makes it to be the next president, US has proven that she is colour blind. Can Malaysia prove too that she is colour blind, religion blind, race blind.

    The whole political structure is so racial and religious. It is a headache to commoners like us. We want a free, just and good government.

    Can religion be taken out off politics? Is it possible not to have prejudice with people of different races? What is wrong with Malaysia and Malaysians?

    Can Malaysia ‘boleh’ happen positively in politics?? The legalism in religion stinks. It is demons in the name of religion that makes it tough for everyone.

    Tell me YB what guarantee do we have, if we vote DAP or now the DAP PKR coalition that there would be a smooth transition of power?

    Most of the Malaysians would only vote for opposition for a voice and not for governing. How do you plan to guarantee that DAP is capable of governing the nation? Do you think the people would hear you out or give you a chance?

    Remember, Malaysians seem very timid as till today opposition have failed to win many seats. Nations like USA and Australia have a very strong opposition. Governments in these nations win only by marginal votes.

    What kind of strategy is in your mind to make the election more interesting?

  7. That’s a good kickstart for the opposition alliance (Malaysia)

    My take on the US presidential candidates winner:-

    Republican presidential candidate- Senator Rudy Giuliani, although I support John McCain

    Democrats-Hilary “The Dragonlady” Clinton

    I hope thr Republicans wins the the most powerful seat in the White House. After Iraq, I hope they “go” for Iran AND THE REST OF THE WORLD. i AM A TRUE SUPPORTER OF aMERICAN dEMOCRACY.

  8. Dear LKS, this is the BEST news I have read so far after 12 months of following your blog. Now, mobilise all division to do the same then, and only THEN, will an Opposition -Alliance Coalition be capable of denying BN, as the saying goes..”United We Stand…” Do this for the sake of all the rhetoric of DAP, PKR and PAS which will come to nothing in the end.

  9. Happy to hear about it. Kick out all those morons. Penang is ready for change, but we must always be on guard of dirty umno and the ec. They are also planning all their dirty tactics to ensure Penang does not fall.

    We need change and change we must for the sake of our country and countrymen.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  10. Once Penang, Kelantan, Kedah, Terengganu and Sabah are wrestled from the dying grasp of BN, the rest of the country will follow suit. To prevent a reoccurence of the rigged Kenya elections, international observers need to be placed in the polling stations

  11. Goodnews indeed!

    Seriously opposition parties should form a workable coalition the soonest with a shadow cabinet in place if the nation truly wants a real chance to enjoy just & clean & fair Malaysia. A fistful of loose sand hurriedly gathered once just before a GE is not going to change any nation for the better.

    I hope & wait to see the birth of a BARISAN ALTERNATIVE asap.

    All the best to PKR, DAP & PAS.

  12. Way to go, DAP-PKR. If you can capture Penang, it would be a great start for the opposition to showcase it’s style of government to the rest of the country. It doesn’t matter who gets the majority of seats there as long as you deprive the BN from continuing with the pillage of the country. It can prove to the fence-sitters and current BN supporters that there is an alternative government, a government that is fair to everyone irrespective of race and religion. Penang, Sabah and perhaps to a certain extend will provide a catalyst for change.

    I hope Uncle Kit, Annuar and PAS sort out the seats allocation in the other states quickly before they become a drivisive issue amongst the oppositions. Looking forward to voting for you.

  13. Mmm, it’s good news indeed but the opposition still have a long way to go when it comes to uniting under a single banner and a joint manifesto. Agreeing on the seat allocation can simply mean “you stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours”.

  14. Good start.

    Now the war has started.

    The oppositions must seem to be strong enough to challenge the current idiotic government.
    There is no way to challenge them through the medias as all are controlled be them.

    I still believe one of the best way to channel info to the people is thru the compilations of all the wrondoigs of the governmnet into VCD.
    It can be an extremely effective tool to channel info and will cost minimal.
    Many of us are more than willing to do the distributions either thru cyber means or physically by hands.

    Somebody please do it now.
    Lets strike when it is hot and lets fight this idiotic government as true Malaysians.

  15. SYABAS, YB and all DAP and PKR leaders.

    The nation needs a sea change. BN says PKR/DAP could never do it. BN says PKR/DAP has set its sights too high. Well, they said the same things of BArack Obama.

    PKR/DAP will sock it to BN in 2008!

  16. The next important step is to select creditable and reputable candidates for each seat. Do not give the seat to members based on gratitude but based on someone whom the voters can relate to…. Penang DAP has to change their website if they want to reach voters of all ethnic groups. They should emulate the national DAP website….

  17. Finally DAP and PKR are Putting the country first above all else.Lets hope PAS will an able partner as well.Anything but BN lah.And lets hope there AREN’T ANY HICCUPS LATER and watch out for BN dirty tactics too.

  18. “I hope thr Republicans wins the the most powerful seat in the White House. After Iraq, I hope they “go” for Iran AND THE REST OF THE WORLD. i AM A TRUE SUPPORTER OF aMERICAN dEMOCRACY.” Harrisonbinhansome

    Republicans have lost control of the U.S. Congress. What makes you think they can retain the White House?

    The American people are fed up and is looking for ‘change’ – any ‘change’ according to most polls. Barrack Obama came in with his catch word ‘change’ and won the Iowa caucus; and now all the presidential candidates talk only of ‘change’. Even Hillary Clinton now spoke of her record of ‘change’ over the last 35 years! If the American people want ‘change’ then Hillary is the wrong choice as she is closely identified with the status quo.

    The United States cannot just “go” for Iran. That’s political naivete.

  19. I look forward to read the papers each morning just to see AAB’s quote. It’s a new hobby.

    Strangely for the past 2 weeks, silence. Questions:
    1. Too busy preparing for election?
    2. Forced to keep silence after his sleep-talking?
    3. OVERHELMED with the possibility of being the first PM going the John Howard?

  20. “Democrats-Hilary “The Dragonlady” Clinton” harrisonbinhansome

    Hilary is never referred to as “dragon” anything. She is strongly disliked by many Americans who think she is a flip-flop and too close with the special interest groups. With all her millions in campaign funds and organizational resource and backed by former husband President Clinton she came up third in the Iowa Caucus when she was expected to win!

    Americans want ‘change’ and Hillary is old school.

    As for Rudy Guilliani he is depending too much on 9/11. Security is not the hot button issue it was in earlier elections. but economy and illegal immigration are.

  21. YB,
    Congratulation.. way to go.

    Please consider the VCD idea from our fellow blogger cancan. I do think its a great idea. If we need Police Permit to distribute the VCD then have them all posted in you tube. This is going to be effective as most voters have short memory and need to be reminded until the very last day of campaigning.

    Also, it will also be great that we come out with some catchy slogans like
    “A vote for MCA, MIC or Gerakan is a Vote for UMNO”;
    “Ask what BN has given you and not what BN has promised you”
    “Pas practiced better religious freedom than UMNO”
    “When you vote in BN again, you just given your freedom away, and this time for good”

    Thank you, thank you !

  22. YB Lim,

    Nowadays, Videos uploaded at YouTube can attract very huge crowd and the News can spread very fast (e.g. Dr. CSL’s Sex DVD at Youtube has attracted more than 1.17 million hits in less than 5 days), maybe YB can form a Team to specialise in using YouTube to spread whatever DAP wants the Public to know using Videos (such as show the people PAS practised better religious freedom than UMNO using Video & etc).

  23. Vote for BN if you like to see :–
    yet more corruption
    yet more Mat Rempits
    yet more spaceflight participants
    yet more price hikes
    yet more NS deaths
    yet more increase in school fees
    yet more lies from ‘mr big-ears but small-balls’
    yet more polarisation of the races
    yet more crime in the country
    yet more racial discrimination
    yet more pillage of the nation’s coffers
    yet more ISA arrests
    yet more dark days in the country

  24. It’s nice that we’re patting each other’s back here… but waitaminute, we are all already converts… the real question is how not to let BN media behemoth sway public opinion in Penang and elsewhere to the extent that they will continue thinking that the opposition is up to no good.

    There has been so many examples all over the world about the electorate voting for change, yet Malaysians are so timid everytime BN pulls that May 13 rabbit out of its hat.

    I’m hitting the ground spreading the message of what DAP has stood for, and I am encouraging others to read for themselves and form their own judgement who they should vote.

    I am encouraging youngsters to vote and telling them that that there’s no use sitting at home complaining about the government if they plan to stay at home instead of going out there to vote.

    We politically conscious netizens are all over Malaysia. It’s time to mobilise and go out and courteously encourage people to take a serious look at the possibility of having a greater deal more opposition in the Parliament to provide real and effective checks and balance. If the opposition could cut off 2/3 majority in the Parliament, they would also have secured various other states. Then let those states be the beginning of the new experiment – showing how well a party in federal opposition can rule far more effectively than BN – that will really give them the run for their money the next time round at the federal level.

  25. The Election Commission has yet to display any indication of acknowledging the necessity for immediate short-term reforms, amongst 8 other longer-term reforms, to the electoral process as brought up in BERSIH’s petition to DYMM SPB YDP Agong. It would be with such empty hope that we expect the EC to acquire the will and vigour to carry out these 4 reforms viz:-

    1. The use of indelible ink to prevent multiple voting;
    2. The abolition of postal votes except for diplomats and overseas voters;
    3. A complete revision of the electoral roll to remove existing irregularities;
    4. All contesting parties should enjoy fair access to state-owned media especially television and radio.

    YB Lim’s proposed urging of the EC Chairman to consider applying the ‘Caretaker Government concept’ as part of EC’s role to ensure free, fair and clean elections (on the thread 6th Jan “EC Chairman Rashid should implement “caretaker govt” concept…”) is very welcome news to every right thinking Malaysian and a timely act as well, now that the GE is imminent. The concern is whether such a call would end up in a heap of numerous other unheeded calls.

    We, of course, remember that this EC Chairman has openly portrayed himself faithfully beholden to the ruling coalition by declaring statements like

    “A lot of people are anxious to determine the type of regime that is going to handle Malaysia in the coming years. They are always talking about regimes. I never talk about regimes. There is only one regime in this country that is capable of running the country.”


    “People get angry with me whenever I say this but people don’t seem to understand the critical scenario in the country. What is it that can take over from the present one given the political scenario we are in?”

    And we do remember that his tenure of Chairman has been extended by the record-breaking rapid execution of Constitutional amendment barely a fortnight ago.

    Hopeful as I would like to be in expecting a lot more seats to be won by DAP and other Opposition parties, the question remains as to whether a rising tide of support to the Opposition is sufficient to nullify and overwhelm the effects of unresolved irregularities and lop-sidedness of the contest field with the EC remaining passive and paralysed thus far in its effort to carry out any of the reforms.

  26. Let’s pray for a divine blessing that Dap & PKR can successfully capture Penang . Sarawak, Sabah, Perak and Selangor too . That missing link PAS. could you Uncle Kit and Anwar made a breakthrough with them to deny BN a 2/3 majority. Please work up on this..The silent majority is waiting/hoping for this miracle.. 50 years is too long ..Every righteous malaysian should stand behind Dap and PKR.

  27. Fantastic news for a new year 2008. Concentrate all effort to capture Penang.Show the country what the opposition can do to help us..the poor “malaysian”. Mobilised the Hindraf brothers n sisters to help out in Penang.
    If they can travel the country to gather at KLCC.. show them what a force they are when united in Penang.

    Winning 1 state in each election is good enough.After 11 elections then we have a new Govt.

    Good ridden with the kris waiver and his ABC deputy.

  28. I was upset to read a report that Tian Chua suggested fighting every seat that DAP takes on this election. I wish this is not true. If opposition has any chance of denyimg BN 2/3 majority, there never be a better chance. BN is weakest at this point.

    Batu Kawan is actually an opposition hold. The votes DAP and PKR combined was bigger than BN vote. Meaning Opposition could have won very easily. It was the same with Bukit Tambun, a state seat within the Batu Kawan Parliamentary seat. Regretfully, because of someone’s sellfishness and stupidity, BN easily pulled it off from underneath Opposition’s feet.

    Please , please, please do not make this mistake again. If the opposition is united, not only Batu kawan, other seats will fall into opposition hands. Just be careful. BN will pitch opposition parties against each other and will get its media machinery spinning people’s mind. It is also our bad fate that people like Nalla puts ‘sand in opposition rice’. These are traitors to Malaysia.

    Opposition, please stay united. We all know that the most difficult is for DAP to work with PAS. But this is the chance. These leaders should start walking hand in hand from now onwards … show unity, cooperation and beat BN to its game. Settle your differences later over the table. Please lah …grow up. Beating BN is more important.

    It is better to have a chance than not having one at all.

  29. darkhorse, please don’t talk like an expert in US politics. It is so obvious that you are bias against the Republicans, and within the the Democrats, you favour Obama simply because you heard “change” being said here and there. The reality is it is too early to call and nobody really know at this moment. May be if Hillary wins the next one or two states, you may start to say different things again. That is you, for sure.

  30. No. No. No. No. In fact, Thank You Bro darkhorse for showing interest in my comments. I’ll debate with you since Newt gingrich days. Looks like I’ll have to rephrase my obliterated writings again.

    “Republicans have lost control of the U.S. Congress. What makes you think they can retain the White House?” =DARKHORSE

    Over the period of US style of democracy, the dichotomy of the Congress is usually dissected over the origin of the US presidency. Say, the interim President is George Bush Jr. a Republican, the Americans would normally give more mandate to the Democrats in Senate and Congress and vice-versa. That has been the norm in denaturing the balance of power.

    Bush popularity was marred by his unpopular war in Iraq that resulted Former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s resignation over irreconcilable dispute with Bush’s hawkish powerplayers, architects of the Iraq war- Vice President Dick Cheney and the then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld.

    And the “US Patriot Act” enacted by President Bush to eavesdrop
    Americans’ privacy of e-mail, telephone, etc intercepts which supplanted the core of US protectionism of it’s citizens’ privacy-“Bill of Rights” also drew anger from Americans which even plummets his credibilities. Only Linda Tripp may have been inspiring in this.

    However of late during the US Presidential debate/speeches on the countdown in New Hamshire, all the Republicans Presidential candidates were throwing plaudits for Bush for his successful forstalling steps of domestic securities after 9/11 even to the extent of applauding Bush’s foreign policy in amplifying troops to Iraq in guaranteeing domestic securities.


    And the interim President of Iran once said ” Israel must be wiped off the map!” and the procurement of uranium by the Iranians are dubious and can be dubbed as the “silent-Nazis”.

    Every Americans knows Hillary Rodham Clinton is a harridan. She’s a clear frontrunner over Barrack Obama (who won the Iowa Caucus)and others in overall primaries and very much calculated to be the Democrats winner. I can bet with you on any amount on this. My take is Hillary. She may not be leading by votes from the distaff sides but of Bill Clinton whom irrefutably assails Bush in almost any area.

    *You can easily figure out why Mrs. Anwar Ibrahim is ever popular?

    i only googled this for references of Hilary:

    On your qeustion that the Republicans has lost the seats in Congress, what makes me think they can retain the White House?

    Dear Bro,

    Never have I mentioned the any Republican candidates are clearly or presumably heading for the WHITE HOUSE as an elected President but I RATHER support a Republican President over a Democrat. That’s my choice.

    My perspective winner for the US presidency-Hillary versus Rudy Giuliani which I speculate Bill Clinton wil be made another intern at the White Horse, sorry, White House but I am 100% sure that Hilary will affirmatively ensure that all the interns will be male and no one by the name of Monica Lewinsky.


  31. My two-cents on the US politics.
    I wonder why people fall the “change” slogan. Candidates always say that because they know people are fed up with Washington. Once elected, it is back to usual. Even a newcomer will learn the old ways.
    Wasn’t that what Bush also said before becoming president? Turned out to be a change for the worst.
    The reality of US politics, because of the better check-and-balance mechanism unlike in Malaysia, is that the executive and the legislative branches have to work together to get things done. Bill Clinton was hampered by the Republicans during his presidency. Monica spoilt his presidency. Still wonder why she did not throw away the blue panties or at least washed it.
    But Bill Clinton managed to get things done especially with the budget deficits, though not as much as he wanted; but he learned that he had to adopt a give-and-take approach.
    Unless the president’s party has a 60 votes majority in the Senate; otherwise the minority can fillibuster to a stalemate.
    I don’t like Hilary’s liberal stand on illegal immigration, that mimicks the Democratic party line. But I can see no better alternative candidate. I know undergrad2 and darkhorse are rooting for Obama.

  32. “…Most of the Malaysians would only vote for opposition for a voice and not for governing. How do you plan to guarantee that DAP is capable of governing the nation? Do you think the people would hear you out or give you a chance?…” awesome
    In politics, the value of a guarantee is dependent on its guarantor. It is up to you to decide whether YB Lim is good enough as a guarantor. On the other hand if you continue to vote for BN I can guarantee you that the present situation will only get worst. There will be more corruption, abuse of power, racial and religious polarization and people like Kerismudin and SIL of AAB will tell you to get out of the country if you don’t like the policies of BN because the rakyat support BN. Awesome, the choice is yours.

  33. Here comes limkamput to mess the thread with his personal comments about the commentator rather than his comments! Have you not listened a lesson? Will you ever learn a lesson that your comments are not welcome if the object of your comments is the commentator – and not his or her comments?

    When did anybody claim to be an expert on anything?

    Harrisonbinhansome as handsome as he is does not claim to be an expert on anything, and neither does ‘ol Geezer. Deprecating as his handle may sound, he is only giving his 2-cents. Certainly Dark Horse did not claim to be an expert on anything. He’s also giving his 2-cents. I don’t think he wrote on the subject like he is an expert.

    So don’t you go putting words on the mouths of posters here!

  34. Hi Handsome!

    You’re passionate about your views and that is a good sign of character.

    Let me quote what Obama has to say in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”.

    “In a country as diverse as ours, there will always be passionate arguments about how we draw the line when it comes to government action. That is how democracy works. But our democracy might work a bit better if we recognized that all of us possess values that are worthy of respect…” Obama

    This is something UMNO leaders would do well to acknowledge.

    It has led YB Kit to comment on the meteoric rise of Obama.

  35. We all know that BN with EC full backing and high power involvement will continue to create desirable results favoring them in the coming GE. They will retained the 2/3 majority by hook or by crook and the entire national ruling will make sure this are the only result make avialable.
    I am not be negative here as I have seen enough of these in the past 30 years where these activities are growing concern and worsen at each stages.
    As for our government, by only employing majority Malays into their workforce have been very rewardful and plentiful to go around in every GE seats.
    We can’t blamed the service level of these workforce as the government intention are not to provide the right service to publics but their vote in each GE.
    Most ofthe officers in government offices are merely “mandor” to ensure the results are sure win to guaranteed their rewards.
    This is where corruption started….

  36. At this point in time, Obama is odds on favourite to be Demo candidate and odds on favourite to be the President of USA. Rudy is odds on to lose its candidacy to represent Republican. Mike Huckabee is odds on favourite to represent Republican and outsider to beat Obama. That is my view of US presidential election.

  37. Perhaps the opposition in Malaysia should concentrate on the few “key” states, Penang, Johor, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak and Selangor. These are crucial states where Malaysia has contact with the outside world in terms of trade. Controlling these states ensures that trade in Malaysia is carried out smoothly. Our main ports are located in these states remember?

  38. “At this point in time, Obama is odds on favourite to be Demo candidate and odds on favourite to be the President of USA. ” bystander

    Just saw the FACTOR with Bill Reilly on FOX.

    Bill attended Clinton rally hoping to get a word with Hillary. Her supporters according to Bill O’Reilly numbered some 200 hundred. But when he tried to approach Obama at his rally he was blocked by Secret Service and his supporters numbered 3,500 according to Bill. Obama rally according to Bill “is on fire”.

  39. i am from penang. i would love to see opposition wresting the state from BN but unfortunately i came across lots of penangites, esp. those chinese business-people, who will throw their support for BN. why, even my own family say penang should not fall to the opposition. thier reason being opposition got no money to develop the state, that if opposition take penang, penang would suffer!

    sad. how to overcome this mentality of them?

    yes, say no to BN!

  40. Mr. Lim,
    I hope DAP do not have such a pact with PAS. I am not against PAS. But the BN will spin stories that DAP condone Islamic state. This would be very detrimental to DAP.

  41. At last Uncle Lim, you have achieved the most important first step towards a united and challenging opposition “Front”. Normally I don’t put my comments a you have already tons of them. Most likely this will not be read by anyone, (including you). But this time I just want to let all know that WE care for DAP, even tho we do not voice out. Rest assured we will vote opposition (DAP) as always when the time comes!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  42. cancan Says: “I still believe one of the best way to channel info to the people is thru the compilations of all the wrongdoings of the government into VCD.”

    Yes, I agree this is one of the good ways to spread the message. Willing to donate for the cause.

  43. cancan Says: “I still believe one of the best way to channel info to the people is thru the compilations of all the wrongdoings of the government into VCD.”

    Yes, I agree this is one of the good ways to spread the message. Willing to donate for it.

  44. What the Govt-In-Waiting should offer the Malaysian people is:

    1.All first time house owners` bank repayments will be tax exempt, to enable home ownership. Make it retroactive at least 2 years.
    2.Same for Ist car purchased.

  45. I share Lucia’s view. was in penang 3 weeks ago. asked the bridegroom what is the general feeling on the ground regarding the forthcoming GE. The answer is that he and others will continue to vote for gerakan. penangites seem to be very apolitical or naive or apathetic about the present unhealthy political situation. they are more concerned about their assam laksa.

  46. YB Lim,

    You are an old hand at strategies, so there not much I could say.

    Right now, I suggest you make use of this blog to organise ground support. Give us the report on the ground. Where are the points that we can contribute? What are the logistic needed?

    By the standard of commentators here (and the words they use), each one is waiting to put in their contribution. Lucia in Penang – ready to work or not?

    Thank you.

  47. Saints,
    That is a good idea. Document all the wrong deeds of BN in CD and distribute to the masses. Majority of the people are fed with propaganda of BN. They do not know how corrupted some of the ministers and officials are.
    YES! I am willing to contribute to this fund. Just like the fund for defence of HINDERAF which drew quite a good response from Tony Pua’s bloggers.

  48. limkamput,

    Are you here to pollute the thread with your obscenities like you always do?

    # limkamput Says:
    December 23rd, 2007 at 16: 03.12

    no problem to be in front of an ass like you so that i can fart on you.

  49. To win a seat (whether state or federal) on paper is totally different from winning a seat in real life, especially for candidates from opposition parties.

    Yes, great to see opposition parties working together to win seats. Hopefully the cooperation is sincere and no back-stabbing or hit-below-the-belt tactics or self-destruction statements by different groups will surface later.

    However, a lot of efforts will be needed to convince voters, even those from Penang, Perak, KL, and Selangor, to change their votes from BN to opposition candidates.

    All these years, BN did not have to do much to win – just used the nation’s machinery to spread words of fear and greed to different racial groups, and people voted for BN out of fear, insecurity, and attitudes like “crumbs are better than nothing”, and “can live will do, even though corruptions, injustice, human rights violations continue to flourish with BN’s rule”.

    It would be a great change for the nation if opposition political parties can win Penang and subsequently govern Penang properly and effectively – to show all the alternative way of governance.

    However, if opposition parties win Penang and then screw up later because of squabbles, then it’s the end of them.

    May the forces be with the opposition parties in the coming GE for they have a high mountain to climb. But climb every mountain, they must!

  50. Friends, commentators

    Please, don’t respond to what you might think are obscenities. Don’t waste effort at a time like this.

    Picking up where Grace left out, can we produce the video? Secondly can you receive the fund, YB Lim? I mean you can receive contribution for Party Fund, but this video? Put opinion here.

    Start the ball rolling. The BN is already putting their banners in my place.

  51. Colonel aka Private, May be you want me to use it again if you think fart is an obscenity. You should perhaps go back to find out why fart was used on people like you in the first place. When I put forth a serious argument about you people putting the cart in front of the horse, the response that came back from one of you was I should be put in front of the horse. Look, you have no credibility to say any damn things on me or others. I will pass my comments whenever deemed appropriate so long as no vulgar or obscene words are used, unless you people want to start again. Your good friend or may be it is you, laifong, use vulgar words all the time, did you ever counsel him/her? You can’t counsel yourself, can you?

    Jong, if I can contribute to samy losing his deposit, I am happy to drop my pants. Darkhorse or Colonel can video and distribute for me, lol.

  52. limkamput, I hope you don’t take that bait above. Sometimes, it is more gentleman to walk away from a fight.

    “Just saw the FACTOR with Bill Reilly on FOX.” DarkHorse
    When I noticed that they were always bashing the Democrats, especially that racist O’Reilly’s Factor, I deleted Fox News from my TV so that it will skip that channel when I scan. Make my life less stressful that way.

  53. YB lim, dont count the horses soon… i was in penang, i agree with lucia and bystander.. those who bitch and moan about the govt are either hardcore opposition and those who havent even bother to register. those quiet ones are gerakan people, for i dont know what reason, yes maybe their penang laksa or their chao koay teow.

    you will need a lot of help in penang island. dont take for granted. what can we do?
    you have heaps of readers here!!!! let us know lah damnit!!!!

  54. “He was given the Pulau Jerejak seat.” ..sheriff singh
    China Press quoted Tian Chua “as saying that his party was willing to take on DAP and Barisan Nasional (BN) for all seats”.
    That guy is a real lightning rod. He seems to be either courting controversy or creating one.

  55. I retract what I said above about Tian Chua. My apologies to him.
    It appeared Anwar also said the same thing:
    “Anwar announced that PKR would go into it alone if it could not reach a consensus with DAP over seat allocations.”..the Star

  56. Jong,

    Limkamput said he would drop his pants in video only if Samy Vellu lost his deposit. Limkamput is 100% safe. There is zero chance for Samy to lose his deposit. Look like you are smiling. Sorry, no show and no video.

  57. GREAT NEWS UNCLE LIM! First we must UNITE. Topple the BN then only think about PKR and DAP. For now, PKR and DAP must stand united. Even if you unite with PAS, go ahead. I want to see a major topple in BN. I am fed up with BN. I am fed up with how the news paper and the major news are reported. I will take the incident where Tian Chua of PKR was whacked by a polis but the next day, NST reported that Tian Chua bit the polis. I will take the incident where Sothinathan challenged a lady DAP MP to a fight. I will take all this in mind and vote in the hope that 2/3 majority does not go to BN!

  58. I will also take into the election hall, the incident where Ronnie lodged a police report on the seditious posting on the PM’s website as highlighted in many blogs. But sadly, nothing was done. How can all this double standard happen?

    I also take into the election hall where Soil Lick can have a gathering of 2000 to 3000 supporters but when the opposition party organised one, water canons are used.


  59. “When I noticed that they were always bashing the Democrats, especially that racist O’Reilly’s Factor, I deleted Fox News from my TV so that it will skip that channel when I scan. Make my life less stressful that way.” Old Geezer

    I did the same but then I thought by doing so I’d miss out on what “the other side” is saying! But one thing I like about O’Reilly is that he is an independent (or so he says) and so is Lou Dobbs on CNN who is an independent (or so he says).

    Lou Dobb or O’Reilly? At least O’Reilly is entertaining to watch as he would invite guests to his show who dare to appear and slug it out with him. But Lou Dobbs, he mostly invites guests to his show who share the same views with him! Lou Dobb limits himself to issues like illegal immigration ( he himself has a Mexican wife) and the war waged according to him by both Democrats and Republicans on America’s middle class. Why is he so strong on the latter? Simple. He wants to sell his books. The same goes with O’Reilly.

    The same reason why Ann Coulter appears on TV and makes controversial statements all the time bashing the Democrats. She wants to sell her books!

    It is all orchestrated, don’t you think?

  60. Ya, Jong, i am smiling, you are smart lah. I don’t understand why some are spending so much time here discussing US presidential election and politics. We can all get from Tv and newspapers and magazine,ok. So darkhorse, please, we don’t need your two cents worth analysis here. If there is any good come out of this coming US election, it is the fact that Americans are more colour blind than us now. Look like we still have long years to go before we judge a person based on his ability and character rather than the colour of his/her skin.





    I need your help and opinion.
    1. Last year I sign up as a member of MCA, with the intention joining politics and voice out my opinion. But within a year I already fed up with the president attitude, he’s not forming this youth chamber for the good of local’s Chinese benefit, but his own reputation and his personal benefit. How am I able to get out of MCA and joining another party?
    2. DAP is now cooperating with KEADILAN, will it be another BN, that Malay still hold majority in the opposition party? If that is true, how is it going to assure Chinese’s benefit, if the next election is won by the DAP and KEADILAN?

  63. some of us must be NUTS, we are talking about Malaysian issues, pops come in the US politics! If you are so interested in US politics, call CNN. Here we should concentrate on Barisan Alternate gaining at least 35% of all the seats at Federal level. To the Opposition parties, please be realitic of your own strength, don’t bite more than you can chew!! Fighting against each other will only ensure you lose out in the end! The incumbents have more resources than you all [ after 50 years of plundering the nation],
    hence sincerely discuss amongst yourselves the real support each can get at each location. Once this is done than, just work for that candidate.

  64. YB Kit devoted an entire thread to Barack Obama:

    “Yesterday, political history was made at the other side of the world when a black American, Barack Obama, created an upset and won the Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus, demonstrating that white Americans are prepared to elect a black president.” YB Kit

    So do not insult YB Kit.

  65. “I don’t understand why some are spending so much time here discussing US presidential election and politics. We can all get from Tv and newspapers and magazine,ok. So darkhorse, please, we don’t need your two cents worth analysis here.” limkamfart

    YB Kit devoted an entire thread to Barack Obama:

    “Yesterday, political history was made at the other side of the world when a black American, Barack Obama, created an upset and won the Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus, demonstrating that white Americans are prepared to elect a black president.” YB Kit

    So do not insult YB Kit.

  66. I am so sorry to “waterfrontcoolie”. Sorry to dissapoint you a bit, but bro darkhorse and I has put the US Presidential race to a cynosure here but I promise I am gonna make it short.

    Just to recap your links, Senior bro Darkhorse,

    “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that Hillary Clinton’s national polling lead continues to plummet. Her advantage is down to three points in a survey with a four-point margin of sampling error. Before the Iowa caucuses, the former First Lady held a seventeen-point advantage”.


    Sen. Barack Obama won seven of the 10 votes cast for Democrats in the first balloting of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday in the northern hamlet of Dixville Notch, while Sen. John McCain won the Republican balloting.

    I really couldn’t beleive my eyes when Obama made such an awe-inspiring sweep. The Republicans are relentlessly playing on
    domestic securities.


    Allow me to have your relevant viewpoint of Barrack’s book on Malaysian political parties:-(extract)

    Let me quote what Obama has to say in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”.

    “In a country as diverse as ours, there will always be passionate arguments about how we draw the line when it comes to government action. That is how democracy works. But our democracy might work a bit better if we recognized that all of us possess values that are worthy of respect…” Obama

    This is something UMNO leaders would do well to acknowledge.

    It has led YB Kit to comment on the meteoric rise of Obama.

    Very well elucidated. But the facts here with UMNO is that they impenitent avarice lots with the “Mother of All ( )” that is the NEP.

    Can proceed to the axis like the “keris waving, blood-bathing” threats, the dracanian ISA/OSA detaining anyone based on unfounded and/or speculated theories and fairy-tales allegations. Even Pauline Hanson wouldn’t be that blatant.

    For those who think that your uptake on US politics are shallow, I seriously doubt they know who President George Walker Bush’s father is.

  67. waterfrontcoolie said: some of us must be NUTS, we are talking about Malaysian issues, pops come in the US politics!

    Thank you waterfrontcoolie for finding the most appropriate word to describe people like darkhorse and dracula. They are just nuts, big nuts, small nuts, brainless nuts, coconuts, just nuts.
    I have every right to go where I want to go and say what I want to say, so long as no vulgar words are used, unlike nut like you who never hesistate to use vulgar words on others.

  68. dracula said “YB Kit devoted an entire thread to Barack Obama, So do not insult YB Kit. Like I say if you must be an asshole go elsewhere!”

    Please don’t think too highly of darkhorse and yourself. Your writing and Sdr LIM’S posting are between sun and moon. So please don’t harbour ambition you can write like him. You will never be. And don’t insult his blog by using all the vulgar words in every of your posting.




    Are Malaysians READY for CHANGE???
    YES! YES! YES!

    To the leaders of DAP, PKR & PAS:
    Unite Now!! Compromise Now!! Don’t delay the coalition!! Don’t miss this golden opportunity! Many Malaysians are hungry for CHANGE!!

  70. “For those who think that your uptake on US politics are shallow, I seriously doubt they know who President George Walker Bush’s father is.”

    Living in the U.S. for so many years as I’m sure you once did or still are (I’m guessing of course from the way you write) and you being of mixed parentage gives you that rare insight into the kind of politics, values that one day hopefully would lift Malaysia out of the abyss she now finds herself in.

    I am a novice as far as U.S. politics is concerned – having lived through only two U.S. Presidential elections, but at a time when the U.S. changed and when the world changed with her. I think that is important to me because it gives me the opportunity to witness the ‘change’ first hand.

    I admire Obama because he is passionate about his beliefs, very honest, very inspiring and very intelligent. My admiration for the man will not cease even if he were to lose the nomination.

    Take care.

  71. Obamamania

    As Paul notes below, Obamamania is in full swing in New Hampshire. At the margin, that might help Mitt Romney, as independents join the stampede to vote for Obama in the Democratic primary.

    Obama is getting the kind of fawning press coverage that John McCain received in 2000, the difference being that in Obama’s case, the positive coverage will continue if he gets the nomination. One aspect of Obama’s rise that the press avoids mentioning is the extent to which it is a fad. It is odd to think of political candidates in those terms, but we here in Minnesota know it can happen. The closest thing I’ve seen to the Obama phenomenon was in Minnesota in 1998, when Jesse Ventura was elected Governor on a third-party ticket. In the closing days of the campaign, it literally became a fad to support Ventura. Thousands of Minnesotans who had never voted before, mostly young people, turned out for him. Some voted for Ventura as a joke, thinking it would be funny to elect as Governor a former pro wrestler. Most, however, saw Ventura as “refreshing,” an agent of “change” and an antidote to partisan politics in St. Paul.

    The Ventura experiment did not end happily. His support peaked on election day and eroded quickly as the novelty wore off. In Obama’s case, fortunately, there is plenty of time for the fad to wear thin and for hard questions to be asked and answered before ballots are cast in November.

  72. Be wise in your selection of next government in the coming GE. Enough of the FAILED SYSTEM adopted by the ruling government.

    We need a fair government to bring TRUE National unity, TRUE justice, IMPROVE wellbeing of rakyat, progressive growth and equal distribution of opportunity and wealth to ALL Malaysian.

    DAP and opposition, it is time to rise up and make Malaysia a better place to stay.


  73. Legalsabahan, no legal guys seem to answer your question.

    So let a jack-of-all trade try to help you. I think membership is also tied up to your dues ie payment, of which it lapses automatically if your dues are not settled. In any case, you can always write and post a AR registered letter to them.

    Secondly, the PKR case; that is my worry too. But I take comfort that for UMNO to reach this present level of notoriety, it takes them 50 years. Before UMNO was okay. The other point is, there will be two fronts in future, a good check and balance.

    Hopefully something good is in my advice.

  74. I admire Obama because he is passionate about his beliefs, very honest, very inspiring and very intelligent. My admiration for the man will not cease even if he were to lose the nomination. darkhorse

    Ya, you are right, so easily taken in by all these talks. Tell me which President, from Carter, Reagan, Clinton and G.W. Bush did not campaign based on being a “Washington outsider” and promise change to America. Ya, the more they talked about change, the more America stay the same.

  75. As soon as you give us your e-mail, name and address.

    Meanwhile, don’t litter the thread with your rubbish you call your ‘contribution’ to the blog.

    Why are you hiding under an old thread?? Scared you might be spanked again?

  76. colonel, you want me to give you my email? hmmm, let me see….., no, you can not be trusted. you know what, this line “Why are you hiding under an old thread??” sounds so familiar. I must have heard this from undergrad2 too.

  77. Vote BN out simply b’coz there are far too much of
    non-sensical and fishy things going on in the party!!

    Do not accept their empty promises! After the GE,
    price hike of all goods will flood and literally ‘drown’
    everyone because of INFLATION…!!

  78. Here is my private e-mail for you to communicate with me.

    [email protected]

    I think it is time you stop littering the blog with your personal remarks about commentators. You’ve been after Dark Horse even though he has not written anything that concerns you. It shows your continued abuse of the platform provided by this blogger for Malaysians to express opinions on public issues that affect their lives.

    Nobody is interested to read about what you think of commentators.

    So stop littering the blog with your personal remarks. It is disturbing to others and it is time you show some respect to YB Kit.

  79. Good news Uncle Lim, I wish all Malaysian will be rationale coming this election. Pls vote for your future of your loved ones.

    And for DAP & PKR, pls be stronger to counter BN.

    I’m for BA.BA.BA.BA.BA.BA

  80. No doubt is a good news.

    I hope both parties are able to stick to the agreement and truly prepare physically and mentally to follow what your had discuss.This is because so many bad experience happened before although so called “agreement” had fixed.

  81. Colonel,
    I so bad meh, going after darkhorse? Come on la, I only comment on what he said mah, like that also cannot, then what you want me to say. You just want me to come here and read all the half bake views is it. I also got brain mah, I also want to contribute to the debate la from time to time. Like for example, the great darkhorse talk so much about Obama as if he is the next US president la. May be this is the first time la he watching the US presidential election, easily impressed by all the rhetoric la. I am sure now he shut up already after New Hampshire. See I told him so earlier, but of course he and you think I talk cock la. We shall see la.

    Why you want to give me your email address? I also never ask for it. What do you want me to write to you, love letter is it? I not so stupid la, one fellow pretend to give email, the other fellow pretend to call you by this name su kong. I think laifoong you better call you lou kong la. You people are a group of ****. Sorry better don’t use the word, after create problem for YB Kit. I agree with you la, Sdr Kit already got lots of work to do, so please don’t stress him up for nothing. I really really hope he or Guan Eng gets to become CM of Penang la. Penang people wake up la, the whole city is like a garbage dump, the public transportation is like non existence, the beaches stink, and new investment also hardly coming in. Although state government has not much power, but never mind la, I think YB Kit and Guan Eng can bring in fresh ideas to see how we can circumvent the constitution and bring new vitality to Penang. I hope darkhorse, undergrad2 and Jeffrey would not start to say, no no no, under our constitutional arrangement articles what what what, the state can not do this and that la, the court will say no. That is why I am so fed up with you people – a group of experts wannabe. You people really talk cock la, not me, hahahaha.

    As for you laifoong, you are right la, I simply have nothing to say to you. You can’t write and you have no idea. I just wonder why you keep coming here. How is your day? You man or woman today?

  82. Mr Lim,

    Although I am not s supporter of DAP I believe you have the best chance this time for making a change in Penang. Penang Chinese are sick of Gerakan and Penang Malays are not that hot about UMNO either. They have both failed the Penang voters miserably.

    Barring any widespread cheating DAP and PKR now have the best combination to force a change in Penang in the coming election. You must take advantage of this fact seriously as it won’t be an easy fight knowing how dirty BN can be.

    They will promise the heaven and earth but you only need to focus on the simple and obvious issues at hand.

    1. If BN wins Malaysians will have to pay a high price for petrol.

    2. If BN wins price of all commodities will increase.

    3. If BN wins they will continue to use the rakyat’s money to fund their corrupt lifestyles. No government official has been caught for corruption.

    4. There has been no change in Malaysian quality of life since PM Badawi took over from Mahathir. If has gone from bad to worse.

    5. Crime rate is at its highest. BN has failed to change our corrupt Police force even after conducting a Royal Inquiry.

    6. Malaysian law is at its lowest ebb and judges are playing to the politicians tune. (Be doubly careful of this!)

    7. Malaysian transportation system is still beset with a multitude of problems causing untold loss of Malaysian lives.

    Mr Lim, this is your best chance. Make the best of it. MALAYSIAN BLOGGERS WILL SUPPORT THE FALL OF BN.

  83. Tsu Koon,
    Please pray hard because most of your supporters have made up their minds to vote PKR,DAP and PAS.As for MCA,save your effort,praying is too late,my advise to you is,look for a job or else you will be jobless after election.For MIC,never mind,no comment.

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