Indian marginalisation – Hishammudin’s ultimatum to Tsu Koon threatening severance of ties (Breaking News)

UMNO Youth leader has issued an ultimatum with the threat of severance of ties to the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon to explain the statement by the Gerakan Youth vice chief S. Paranjothy on Friday that the 30,000 Indians had taken part in the November 25 Hindraf demonstration in Kuala Lumpur “to express their frustrations and anger” because the community has been “marginalized, oppressed and ignored”.

Paranjothy blamed Umno leaders, particularly the Umno Youth Leader Hishammuddin and Deputy Umno Youth Leader Khairy Jamaluddin for racial posturing and inciting racial sentiments among Malays to gain political mileage – citing against the former the keris-wielding episodes and against the latter his berating of the Indian news vendors when the Umno presidential address of Prime Minister and Umno President, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was not carried in the press the next day as Umno general assembly fell on Deepavali, with the next day an annual press holiday.

Paranjothy had described the Indians as “fourth-class citizens” who form the most neglected group in economic terms, as shown by key performance indicators such as tertiary education.

He said: “Where the Indians predominate over their fellow Malaysians is mostly in prison, violent crimes, gangsterism, suicide and social ills. Government policies have failed to improve (their situation).”

Paranjothy also criticized the government’s hardline stance against public demonstrations, hitting out at the government for practising double-standards in the issuance of police permits.

He said: “I have participated in street demonstrations and rallies organised by Barisan Nasional Youth, spearheaded by Umno Youth, to handover a memorandum… over certain issues that had taken place (abroad) which I believe would not have benefitted Malaysia.

“Did BN Youth obtained a permit to hold the rallies or demonstrations?… Looks like the government is one-sided when it came to the issuance of permits for public gatherings. BN started this culture of street demonstrations and now others have emulated it.”

In his ultimatum which appeared in today front-page of Mingguan Malaysia, “Kata dua Hishammuddin kepada Gerakan”, Hishammuddin threatened a break of ties by Umno Youth and Barisan Nasional with Gerakan if Tsu Koon fails to give a reply or or his explanation is unsatisfactory.

Mingguan Malaysia reported:

MACHANG 22 Dis. – Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO mendesak Pemangku Presiden Parti Gerakan, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon segera memberi penjelasan berhubung kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda parti itu, S. Paranjothy yang mendakwa UMNO adalah salah satu punca mengapa kaum India terpinggir.

Ketuanya, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein menegaskan, sekiranya penjelasan tersebut gagal diberi atau tidak memuaskan, tidak mustahil hubungan Pemuda UMNO serta Barisan Nasional (BN) dengan Parti Gerakan akan putus.

“Buat masa ini kita tidak mengeluarkan sebarang pendirian berbentuk mengutuk dan sebagainya tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat penjelasan Gerakan kerana bagi BN, apabila timbul isu dari kalangan parti komponen, kita perlu dengar penjelasan.

“Namun ini bukan bermakna Pemuda UMNO beralah. Sekiranya penjelasan tidak memuaskan, kita sanggup putuskan hubungan. Hal ini bukan main-main,” katanya.

At the DAP forum on “ISA arrests of Hindraf 5 – Ops Lalang2 coming?” at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall on Friday, I had commended Paranjothy for stepping forward to speak the truth although it has taken him one month after the 30,000-strong Hindraf demonstration on Nov. 25 to find his conscience and voice, but it is better late than never.

I had asked when Samy Vellu and the MIC leaders will wake up to the truth and find their conscience and voice?

This question must be widened to Tsu Koon, Gerakan and all other Barisan Nasional component parties and their leaders as the marginalization of the Malaysian Indians as a new underclass is not just a Indian problem but a national problem.

But Tsu Koon and Gerakan has a more pressing question to answer – Will Tsu Koon and Gerakan wilt under the ultimatum by Hishammuddin threatening severance of ties as to dissociate from and penalize Paranjothy and even to apologise to Umno Youth when Paranjothy’s only fault was to speak the truth?


150 Replies to “Indian marginalisation – Hishammudin’s ultimatum to Tsu Koon threatening severance of ties (Breaking News)”

  1. Well done Paranjothi. Don’t ever bulk under threat or pressure from this keris wielding maniac.
    He thinks he owns the country. He wants to own our thoughts too. Just tell him to fly kite. Even of your party wants to sack you, so be it. Stand up for what you believe in. You did not break any law.
    It’s time UMNO stops threatening other BN leaders.

  2. No need to reply to Kris…dn. Let him severe whatever tie he wan 2 severe.
    Soon, he may ask all non BN supporters to explain or else he may severe dont know what tie (maybe not collecting income tax or any tax from them??)

  3. UMNO youths just a group of idiotics that always like to threaten his brothers,MCA,MIC,GERAKAN,PPP,i had repeated this all over and over again,if you all still have pride and dignity,leave UMNO without second thought!!

    This time,if you ppl converted to BA,if BA is ruling,if you ppl are good leaders,i m sure you still sharing the pie(as MPs),right?

    Dun b selfish,dun aim on personal interests,put public interests as priority,wherever you go ,you earned respect,not hatred or scared!

    if the other 13 party components quit BN,letalone the gangster party,i think mayb there will a littlebit of riots here and there created by umno(after all,they are most ‘kuang ajar’ppl),so when things subside,we undo the NEP,this is the sacrifice that Malaysian need to go thru!

    God bless us,Merry X’mas and Happy 2008!

  4. UMNaziO Youth expects nothing short of an apology. Gerakan leadership will disassociate itself from Mr. Paran. The only ppl who will defend him are Hindraf and other marginalised Msians. As an MCA life member, but not holding any posts, I too, accuse Keris of being a racist, bigot and a bully.

    His side kick, SIL, is an opportunist and trouble maker. He will cause chaos in the country. He will cause Msia to be sanctioned by the international community one day.

  5. in bn, one cannot say out things which anmo don’t like to listen.. anmo think they are the king of the land but they are actually the jokers of the land…mca,mic,etc…all of them are their playing toys… umno make use of these ppl for own gain..

  6. “Farce in general is highly tolerant of transgressive behavior, and tends to depict human beings as vain, irrational, venal, infantile, and prone to automatism. In that respect, farce is a natural companion of satire. Farce is, in fact, not merely a genre but a highly flexible dramatic mode that often occurs in combination with other forms, including romantic comedy. Farce is considered to be a theatre tradition.”

  7. The political strategy of the Opposition prior to HINDRAF I believe was to unite the races against the UMNO run government which is fast losing control. If DAP, PKR and PAS could agree to an electoral strategy then we may be able to give BN a run for their money. The BERSIH demonstration showed to Malaysians of all races what unity of purpose could do. Let’s not underestimate. Our strength lies in our diversity – just like the strength of this blog depends on the diversity of its opinions.

    My reading of HINDRAF is that their leaders felt that they should break ranks with the Opposition and go their own way. Uthayakumar said clearly in his interview that he and the others felt they could not depend on the Opposition to do their job for them. The Chinese, he said, have economic power that UMNO could not ignore. The NGO are what they are. They have their vested interests to protect. The Malays have PKR. When it comes to Indians, he says they have nobody to fight for them.

    He is essentially right and I would be with HINDRAF had the demonstration been held at a different time and within the broad political strategy of the Opposition, needed to unseat MIC and give BN a run for their money. But no – they had to go their separate ways and manipulated their supporters with their promise of a U.K. citizenship and $2.0 million each.

    It should have been obvious to them that the demonstration held so soon after BERSIH – which got the police blamed for everything that could go wrong which went wrong – would provoke the kind of response that they got. Their leaders chose instead to play the ‘game of chicken’ and they lost. They in fact gave the UMNO run government the excuse they needed. More important they scared the urban Malay voters many of whom would have conceivably given the Opposition the break it needed and voted for a stronger opposition. They never understood the Malay psyche.

    When hopes of winning is premised on the obsolescence of the old electoral formula used by first the Alliance and then the current national election, the resurgence of the politics of race and the divide and rule tactics of UMNO leaders together would likely act to ensure a BN victory in many of the constituencies that could have gone to the Opposition. We will never know that now.

    Right or wrong that is my objective analysis of the situation facing the Opposition post HINDRAF.

    What Kit is doing, I believe, is to try and repair the collateral damage caused by the HINDRAF leaders. But it could be a case of too little too late.

  8. IS not Paranjothi you people should be worried about. Since he has the guts to question and look for the righteous path, he should have the right material. It is those cowards within GERAKAN namely Koh Tsu Koon himself that might lean towards Hishamuddin and buckle under threat like this.

  9. If Tsu Koon buckled under this pressure, he should be kicked out of the party. A person who has no moral principle and cannot stand up to do the right thing should never ever hold a post of a leader. All he can do is lead people to hell.

  10. More instances of UM..NOts bullying tactics.. its time the supposedly equal partners stood up and fought for the communities that put them there. Will they do so? why would they, after all, their backyards are being taken care of. Who cares about the community?

    The ‘leaders’ and mouthpieces of UM..NOts shoot their mouths off in any direction and the whole gov., judicial and security sectors support them. Y? so that they can continue to make themselves rich and powerful. scare the majority and deprive the minority. Beautiful..Intelligent..Cunning but “sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat, akhirnya….!”

    Mr Paranjothy, back up ur words with the right action. If they force u to bow, please do so but with ur butt facing them. tell them to shove it up their nether regions and walk out of there like a real MAN.

    Undergrad, u may not like the timing of The Hindraf rally but as i see it, we are 40 years late. You may not like them voicing this out internationally and petitioning a foreign gov. but the fact is, no one in Malaysia was willing to look into or support them. all hindraf got was silence and lies. Now they have international attention. the suit is a mere ploy n i am sure that should be clear to u. do not forget that in South Africa, apartheid was dismantled by international action. Malaysia is now a south africa, we “blacks a.k.a minorities” cannot find anyone to fight our cause so we will fight it somehow. be with us cos we r righteous and peaceful. we mean no harm.

    What Uthaya did was right in distancing himself from political parties. it is better to be non-partisan esp since the BN gov is so fond of scaring its gutless supporters by playing the race and religion card. it can so easily say that this was all set-up by the opposition parties. They can’t really do it now cos of uthaya’s stand. This is a just cause and it is only right for all parties whether opposition or BN to support the voice of justice.

  11. The UMNO youth had threatened MCA before and now threatened Gerakan. How can the component parties perform its responsibilities when they are constantly under threat by UMNO, for the former cannot speak the truth but just have to tow the UMNO lines.

    Is that what you call “Power Sharing” or ” Fearing the Powerful”?

  12. Paranjothi should start looking for another political party to join because cowardly Ah Koon is going to take the easy way out by expelling him from Gerakan. Ah Yak will question Paranjothi’s loyalty to Gerakan by asking him what the blazes was he doing behind the rubber trees….

  13. Hi! Tsu Koon, I really feeled ashamed pf you being our Old Chung Ling Boys! As a leader of Gerakan, You are just a Lapdog of Umno since became CM of Penang. Forget about being a Mr. Nice Chief Minister of Penang, be a TALL MAN and QUIT BN for GOOD and be part of the Opposition Brothers. You got a lot to learn from your Master Dr.Lim Chong Eu when he was in the Opposition before the May 13!

  14. If you turn on BBC, there are equal and fair coverage on the UK opposition parties.
    So is NHK (Japan National TV station), so is CNN, so is KBS (Korean), so is CBC (Canadian), so is ABC (Australian).

    Even in our neighboring Thailand, their TV coverage is fair for both ruling and opposition parties!

    Only in this UMO hijacked country that you find most lop-sided idiotic coverage on UMO and its running dog partners!

  15. ….just like the strength of this blog depends on the diversity of its opinions. Undergrad2

    No you are wrong, it is a hypocritical statement again. You are only interested in reading your own opinions. When others provide opinions different from yours or challenge you for an answer, you turn evasive and defensive. You would label that person trying to portray cleverness. That is what you are. Please don’t deny this. You owe yourself some degree of honesty.

    ….I would be with HINDRAF had the demonstration been held at a different time and within the broad political strategy of the Opposition… undergrad2

    There will never be a better time or a different time. What difference does it make if the demonstration is held a year ago or a year later? Are you saying that UMNO led govt will react differently? To you, others, HINDRAF leaders and opposition can never do right. You are the smartest.

    …..manipulated their supporters with their promise of a U.K. citizenship and $2.0 million each….undergrad2

    Factually not right, besides, you have no evidence that all demonstrators are lured by UK citizenship and money. To say so is an insult to those who were there and some having to endure hardship and imprisonment. There is a saying, those who can do, those who can’t teach. This is precisely who you are, giving cock and bull analysis.

    …the resurgence of the politics of race and the divide and rule tactics of UMNO leaders…undergrad2

    the politics of race needs no resurgence. It has never waned in the first place. Where are you from, the moon?

    …..Right or wrong that is my objective analysis of the situation facing the Opposition post HINDRAF….

    Right or wrong, the reality of Malaysian politics is that oppositions, NGOs and Hindraf have to use whatever resources and avenue they have put across message and bring awareness to greater number of Malaysians. There is lots of difference pre and post Hindraf, and not all are negative as portrayed.

    What Kit is doing, I believe, is to try and repair the collateral damage caused by the HINDRAF leaders. But it could be a case of too little too late. Undergrad2

    Don’t suck up to Sdr. Kit to try to knock me out again! What repair, and what collateral damage?

  16. Actually what Hissamuddin is doing is smart in some ways although a very calculated risk. He specifically blames what happened on Gerakan as a whole rather than that of just one member unlike what happened with MIC’s Cameron Highland MP. Its a recognition that the problem is bigger than just a few disgruntled members.

    The truth is given that there are Indians in several key parties of BN, this was going to happen. First, you have the Cameron Highland MP, now this one in Gerakan. If this one did not, someone in PPP would also have said some thing sooner or later.

    Hissamuddin is trying to head of a problem from getting out of control by pushing the coalition members to take a harder line against a broad trend. Otherwise, UMNO have to keep putting out fires here and there.

    The problem is that he is pushing Gerakan which have a minority group Indian members only. Other Gerakan members, mostly Chinese may not feel it fair to put the onus on to them especially coming from Hissamuddin rather than the PM or KJ. Gerakan members had thought that Hissamuddin keris thing was wrong and now he is blaming Hindraf on them when Gerakan have the least to do with it. The audacity to summary threaten a senior BN member like Koh Tsu Koon which have a strong personal relationship with the PM will not make the members happy.

    Gerakan members while loyal BN supporters have always had a maverick streak and they are not as pliant as MCA members. Hissamuddin will not threaten them and in fact could alienate them. This thing should end here unless someone add oil to the fire like KJ by raising the vitriol which he may given his ambition to overtake Hissamuddin someday. If not, he should be keeping quiet to let this thing pass because its not in interest given his projects there.

    Its a very very calculated risk by Hissamuddin but if he pulls it off, its not a bad move. But it could blow up in his face again like the Keris incident

  17. “UMNO Youth leader has issued an ultimatum with the threat of severance of ties to the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon to explain the statement by the Gerakan Youth vice chief S. Paranjothy on Friday that the 30,000 Indians had taken part in the November 25 Hindraf demonstration in Kuala Lumpur “to express their frustrations and anger” because the community has been “marginalized, oppressed and ignored”. ”

    UMNO in Barisan Nasional is just like a TAIKO in Triads Organisations…. The ‘Boss’ can do what he want-followers must not question or object……. or else………!

  18. “…Ah Koon shud bring in the retired Ah Yak to request him to give those UMO jerks a good lecture!” mendela

    The first reaction from Ah Yak will be cursing and swearing at Paranjothi with all the 4 letter words he can think of. Then he will start yelling at Ah Koon: “Why do you allow this slave of yours to shave the eye-brow of Keris Hishamuddin? Couldn’t he find a better way to die? Go and apologize to Datuk Seri Keris and tell him that this Paranjothi has mental illness. Otherwise you will be like a dog waiting to be slaughtered”

  19. UMNI is deliberately creating issues like the haram to use “Allah” and the threat against Gerakan.
    Its a trick.
    The PM will step in and settle both issues amicable and bingo, Gerkan and Catholics will love UMNO and BN and vote for them.

  20. UMNO youth shows they have no intention to make malaysia a true accpeting the truth others races is true..those chn or ind that still success is by thier own will..own will not marginalised by thier country….there is nothing malaysia can alim the success from them…although many tycoon will said..malsysia is a good place for biz..n blah blah blah….

  21. Who the hell Hishamuddin think himself to be ? Al Pacino ? No ,I think he want to instill that he is better than th PM ? That’s why he always goes many steps further like weilding his kris and what not, Next time he may showcase an AK47 and start shooting, He is the one that should be locked up under the ISA .He is a threat to national security, what an overzealous idiot?

  22. I see this as a positive incident. If Tsu Koon apologizes, it is going to drive away whatever little Indian support it has. Hishammuddin is not making it easy for MIC to patch up things. He is adding fuel to the fire. Good for the opposition.

  23. Do not worry abt Ah Koon; he is an opportunist. He make used the Chinese Education Issue to become Chief Minister and the Paranjothi issue is a small matter to him becuase a soft-backbone snake will know how to squise in between.


    December 23, 2007 17:02 PM

    Gerakan Moves To Act Against Paranjothy Over Sensitive Remarks

    PENANG, Dec 23 (Bernama) — Gerakan has initiated disciplinary action against its Youth vice-chief S. Paranjothy over his racially sensitive remarks against Umno.

    Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said Sunday the party viewed the matter seriously and that the case has been referred to the Disciplinary Committee for a decision on the action to be taken before it was to be brought to the party’s Central Working Committee (CWC).

    He said the action against Paranjothy could be in the form of a suspension or explusion from the party.

    “We will abide by the party’s procedure before deciding on the form of action to be taken,” he told a news conference at the Gerakan state head office here.

    Paranjothy is alleged to have issued a press statement claiming that he was not happy with Umno and the way Indians in the country were being treated.

    Koh said Paranjothy had disregarded the team spirit in Gerakan because as the party’s Youth vice-chief he should have consulted other party leaders before making a major statement.

    “His action is clearly contrary to my advice for Gerakan to always find constructive solutions to all problems, no matter how difficult, including matters related to the problems faced by the Indians,” he added.

    He regarded as inappropriate Paranjothy’s open verbal “attack” of another BN component party.

  25. Well, there you are, typically a tortoise head Koh Tsu Koon. Gerakan may have just lost all the Indian votes as well. Paranjothy, I’m sure the opposition will welcome you to join ranks with them. As for the rest of the Indian Gerakan members, your time is almost up to decide. They can only accord one Tan Sri-ship to Gerakan, and thats been taken up by the tortoise head. Forget about Dato’ship cos even my VCD supplier is also a Dato.

  26. Spineless people sacrifice their conscience and integrity on the altar of self-preservation.

    How could we expected Dr. Koh to sacrifice his position for a hapless individual?

    His response is expected, being motivated by economic self-interest, rather than his conscience.

  27. Well done MR Paranjothi,TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.I can predict 10years from now penang will be under UNMO like wht they did to SABAH.Well Mr Paranjothi you can see the future of penang but not your collegue.Your collegue are much bothered abt their pocket than the public.

  28. “Undergrad, u may not like the timing of The Hindraf rally but as i see it, we are 40 years late. You may not like them voicing this out internationally and petitioning a foreign gov. but the fact is, no one in Malaysia was willing to look into or support them. all hindraf got was silence and lies.” teluyalam

    It has nothing to do whether anyone likes the timing of anything. I think undergrad meant that hopes of winning more seats in the GE would be better if HINDRAF had chosen a different time and not so soon after Bersih. But I think the leaders were exploiting the situation and it worked i.e. for hindraf – because it got the Chairman of MUBARAK, the association of former MPs and SAs worked up over the issue as to refer to them as opportunists and traitors.

    Hindraf leaders did what was right in their opinion. But I think they over played their hand.

    It garnered more Tamil Indian votes to be sure (not Chinese, not Malays and not other Indians who are not Tamils) but since when has Tamil Indian votes helped to win any GE? I don’t mean to sound sarcastic. But how else can I put it?

    The strategy, it is hoped, this time round would be for the Opposition to take advantage of the feelings of growing alienation among urban Malays. Leave the Malay hinterland to PAS to work it out.

    It is obvious that after hindraf we have lost a lot if not all, the ‘swing’ votes among them which are concentrated in the urban areas. I say ‘swing’ because these votes could go both ways. That was before. Now these same votes after hindraf could only go one way – the BN way especially since PAS is seen as pro-DAP/PKR! I say ‘swing’ because it could determine the result of the election in that particular constituency.

    No one really believes it could deliver the kind of votes the Opposition would need to win the GE.

    I mean c’mon we have to recognize reality. And the reality is without the electoral reforms, the possibility of the Opposition taking over a substantial number of the seats in Parliament is remote!

    Having said that the marginalization of any ethnic minority anywhere in the world is unjust and unfair. Malaysia is not unique in that department. Countries all over the world are guilty to some degree or another of marginalizing their ethnic minorities. But of course that does not mean we should condone it when it happens in our own backyard.

    There are cries of ethnic marginalization of Malays in Singapore. If that were to be true do you think UMNO would stand by and watch?

    And of course nobody believes they could win the public interest law suit they started in London. That is a non-issue.

    The hindraf demonstration is a public indictment of MIC under the leadership of Samy Vellu. The failure of the Indian leadership in this country in reversing the effects of marginalization say in the last 35 years is their support of the MIC under Samy Vellu – with a little help of course by UMNO.

    Now even if Samy Vellu were to lose his deposit in Sg, Siput he would likely be appointed senator – and then given back his Cabinet portfolio. That’s ‘democracy’ for the rest of us. To name but a few who came through the back door – Ghazalie Shafie, Rafidah Aziz and Farid Arrifin.

  29. “What Uthaya did was right in distancing himself from political parties. it is better to be non-partisan esp since the BN gov is so fond of scaring its gutless supporters by playing the race and religion card.” Teluyalam

    I thought the reason why the Indian leaders in India did not want to put their weight behind HINDRAF was because it was exclusively Tamil and it made use of religion.

  30. how arrogant this krishudin is, this is not the first time he shows no respect to leaders of the component parties. I suggest Gerakan members quietly vote for opposition to teach the umno a lesson.
    Under umno government (not BN) it is the fact that root cause to problems will never discuss, they like to bush around thinking that rakyat are not that intelligent to understand the situation. years after years, problems add to problems and we are living in the timebomb. Wake up MCA, MIC & GERAKAN members, is time for change before it is too late. You know many issues are not solved and umno leaders are taking this country to the wrong direction. You know component leaders have not say in BN, think about the future of your children and vote for oppositions in the coming general election to show umno without you they will fail.

  31. Limkamput is a rare vintage contributor capable of giving out fiercely independent opinions, without fear or favor.

    Contributors should not take his opinions which differed from theirs as personal attacks, but rather as reflecting his courage of conviction.

    I agree with his arguments, which come straight from his heart and mind, without being diluted by niceties.

    Contributions such as his, which are characterized by undiluted intellectual honesty are what give strength to this blog, not a great diversity of rubbish.

    “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).

  32. “I thought the reason why the Indian leaders in India did not want to put their weight behind HINDRAF was because it was exclusively Tamil and it made use of religion.”

    Yep, it is exclusively your thought.

  33. Now even if Samy Vellu were to lose his deposit in Sg, Siput he would likely be appointed senator – and then given back his Cabinet portfolio. That’s ‘democracy’ for the rest of us. Darkhorse

    Sound so easy, then why are you here? Go play some marbles, why waste time because there is nothing we can do. If no hindraf, we are helpless, got hindraf we are also helpless. Typical talking cock lah you are your gang of hopeless good for nothing fellows.

  34. I thought the reason why the Indian leaders in India did not want to put their weight behind HINDRAF was because it was exclusively Tamil and it made use of religion.- darkhorse

    How do you know? To you foreign relations is conducted on official statements? Typical no brainer talking.

  35. “Koh said Paranjothy had disregarded the team spirit ..”

    Koh Tsu Koon, where are your balls? And you might be sleepy too just like Pak Helah.

    When did team spirit ever exist under BN when UMNO are the one that keep on issuing threatening messages to other BN component parties. Go ask M.Kayveas for more info la. What a pathetic Gerakan leader you are.

  36. “It is obvious that after hindraf we have lost a lot if not all, the ’swing’ votes among them which are concentrated in the urban areas. I say ’swing’ because these votes could go both ways. That was before. Now these same votes after hindraf could only go one way – the BN way especially since PAS is seen as pro-DAP/PKR! I say ’swing’ because it could determine the result of the election in that particular constituency.”

    How can it be obvious when it is not even general election yet? Even if there’s something like an opinion polls that suggest the opposition had lost Malay votes due to Hindraf, let’s keep it there as it is a matter of opinion only. Nobody can justify what Hindraf leaders did was wrong as nobody qualify.

  37. It garnered more Tamil Indian votes to be sure (not Chinese, not Malays and not other Indians who are not Tamils) but since when has Tamil Indian votes helped to win any GE? I don’t mean to sound sarcastic. But how else can I put it? – darkhorse

    How can you be so blind? My characterization of you as a no brainer is an under statement.

  38. There can be bo doubt as to the Gerakan’s leader course of action. Like the other spineless leaders of other mosquito parties in the BN fold , he’ll run to his UMNO masters with his tail between his legs. It matters not if trurh and justice is sacrificed. What the UMNO master says must be obeyed.

  39. This darkhorse should be here. I think he is a bad influence.
    Dawsheng, we will never know there is a swing or no swing. But one thing is sure, darkhorse and his gang is talking everyone into it.

  40. 50 years in the circus, what more can you expect from the barisan component parties. When the ring master waves the kris, everyone is silent. When he says “sit”, all will sit. “Take action”, and ksk will quietly do it. Good doggy, good doggy. Now you can go and play with samy. Guys, please don’t pay for this type show. Your votes must not go to this circus.

  41. “Contributions such as his (limkamput), which are characterized by undiluted intellectual honesty are what give strength to this blog, not a great diversity of rubbish.” EARNEST

    I suppose these to you are examples of limkamput’s “undiluted intellectual honesty”.

    QUOTABLE QUOTES of one Limkaput or should I say ranting and tirade.

    “You know what, you are the most moral person on earth!!!! When give an opportunity, you will sell your mum and dad for a cent more.”

    “This is precisely who you are, giving cock and bull analysis.”

    “Where are you from, the moon?”

    “The no brainer Colonel is parroting again”

    “Don’t suck up to Sdr. Kit to try to knock me out again! What repair, and what collateral damage?”

    “Go play some marbles, why waste time…Typical talking cock lah you are your gang of hopeless good for nothing fellows.”

    “To you foreign relations is conducted on official statements? Typical no brainer talking.”

    “How pervert can they be!”

    “My characterization of you as a no brainer is an under statement.”

    “This group of useless asses are making it worse by interpreting all kinds of nonsense based on their half bake imagination.”

    “You have inhibited brain. If everybody shares your idea, there is no need to come here.”

    “I think they are perverts, hypocrites, and bulls.”

    “Coconut head, Asshorse, Evil Dracula, and Colonel with a private brain, all of you are self righteious hypocrites!!!”

    “The political of race needs no resurgence. It has never waned in the first place. Where are you from, the moon?”

    “Hello ARA MATI, just shut up. this all part of the game. we can all play, no problem. you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

    “By the way ARA Mati above is a sidekick. This is the cowardice spineless game they play.”

    “Kcb, I know you are not one of them (yet, but we shall see).”

    To Jong, he says “ So, frankly, I no need your good advice…”

  42. It will be interesting to watch if Gerakan youth will stand by its vice chief. It must for the following reasons:

    1. If Koh thinks it is wrong for Pranjothi to criticise UMNO, why is it Ok for UMNO to criticise Gerakan. (Remember Khairy accusation of the marginalization of Penang Malays by Gerakan).

    2. Why is OK for Ali Rustam to mock at PPP and he was not even admonished by his party?

    3. Why is a non-issue when PPP and MIC had a war or words recently?

    Its only when UMNO is criticised it become a issue.

  43. Paranjothy will be forced by Garakan to apologise. I hope he’s man enough to stand by what he said and not backed down although he spoke the truth. His days as a leader in the party are numbered anyway and he’ll be treated like a pariah. Knowing how the system works, nobody will even dare to be seen talking to him. If Garakan think that he’s doing great damage to the party, wait till he join the opposition. In the eyes of the Indians and others, he’s already a hero.

    Krismuddin is a very insecured person. He acts like a ganster. When in a group, he likes people to think he’s fearless but deep down, he’s just a coward. Stand up to him and he’ll whimper like a rat.

  44. “I thought the reason why the Indian leaders in India did not want to put their weight behind HINDRAF was because it was exclusively Tamil and it made use of religion.”

    India is not like Malaysia. They have much more experience in diplomacy and have tackled major issues in an international arena and with major political, economical and military powers.

    My only guess is they will be using “bask door diplomacy” to tackle the issue. A direct confrontation is not good PR, and further more not to make it worse to the local Indians. I am sure they are more polished then our ministers.

  45. Aiyo…Hisapmudin wants to ask for apology again ya….or else keris keluar lagi ya….??

    The truth is MALAYSIA = UMNO’s playground….

    SO we Malaysians, no matter whether you are Kadazan, Murut, Iban, Kenyan, Indian, Chinese, orang asli, Kelabit and of course our Malay brothers and sisters, SHOULD VOTE UMNO a.k.a. B.N. OUT!!!

  46. You’re right, Saint.

    Indian politics is much more complicated and more complex. Tamil Hindus are only one segment of the population. Then there is the probability of a backlash which is not good for the Indian community in Malaysia. Not a good start for hindraf to go around in that manner because of claims that Indians in Malaysia owe their loyalty to another country. The U.N. provides the forum hindraf leaders need.

  47. Well, I guess with the present UMNO’s slanted political sentiments towards other ethnic and religious groups, wouldn’t it be wise for Gerakan to break off from the coalition and join the opposition? This shud be for the good of the rakyat as the opposition will be stronger in a sense. It is time to create a stronger oposition and if all such parties can unite to create one multiracial opposition party then the political awareness of the nation will be realised as there will be a much stronger opportunity to deny the coalition the two thirds majority.

  48. Koh Tsu Koon, are you a mammal without a set of spines? Shame on you for wanting to either suspend or expel Paranjothy from Gerakan for speaking the TRUTH. Where on earth is our country heading to? Hishamuddin is really ‘kurang ajar’ for saying ” Sekiranya penjelasan tidak memuaskan, kita sanggup putuskan hubungan. Hal ini bukan main-main”. What explanation is needed to explain further on a pice of truth? What does he mean by “kita sanggup putuskan hubungan”? If Koh Tsu Koon was really a mammal with a set of spine, he will gladly break ties with Barisan Nasional and stand behind Paranjothy for speaking the truth. Looks like Koh Tsu Koon’s personal welfare is more important than to observe the truth.
    Paranjothy should resign from Gerakan and still contest in the election under DAP. I’m hoping that he doesn’t buckle under pressure and be spineless like Sothinathan who was suspended by Pak Lah for bringing up the concern of the Indians. Sothinathan shamelessly accepted the suspension instead of throwing his resignation to Pak Lah’s face.

    Wake up Malaysia. Wake up to the continuous stupidity shown by UMNO leaders. Wake up for our freedom to voice out our discontentment.

    I’m totally upset and angry with whats happening!

    God bless Malaysia and hoping that God shed some light into the hearts of Malay and Indian leaders who are blinded and seems to be charting a dangerous path that might create racial tension. I pray that people get strength to fight the current injustice in a non-violent manner.

  49. Then there is the probability of a backlash which is not good for the Indian community in Malaysia – Condemn Singh

    Surely you must have spent lots of research into what I said. Very good, thank you for keeping the record for me. What do you call a person who can not see their own irony? It is called oxymoron. And you are one the biggest oxy around.

  50. DarkHorse Says:
    Goddamn Singh.
    Do as I do. Exercise your free speech right under Article 10 of our Constitution and ignore this guy’s ranting!

    Ohoh, who is talking now about ignoring ranting and uncalled for comments. What an irony. By the way, article 10 gives you nothing.

  51. A series of event make me think Chinese has no balls. Indian has!

    Change Gerakan’s head to Indian lah. Retire Tsu Koon!

    If Tsu Koon has balls, quit UMNO and join Opposition!

    In fact, all parties should just leave UMNO and let UMNO alone.

  52. Condemn singh,
    On second thought I think you are lousy researcher. You should go to other threads and compile all what I have said. You see, just one simple task and somehow you can’t do it properly.

  53. I thought the reason why the Indian leaders in India did not want to put their weight behind HINDRAF was because it was exclusively Tamil and it made use of religion. -Diaperhead

    hmmm, may be we should send a few useless singhs like this diaper @ coconut head to Kamunting to prompt India to act.

  54. One cannot be so senseless and selfish as to defend his own ego here when he is not even using his real identity.The only person that is losing from all this exchange of irresponsible comments is Uncle Kit.

  55. Sure Dawsheng, now everybody can feel it and suddenly Sdr Kit is in the picture. I think i admire and respect him more than anyone else. You tell me should I get all the incessant insults from people like Diaperhead, Godamn singh, Darkhorse, Dracula, Colonel and undergrad2? These people are perverts.

  56. Hello moderator, why my postings are being censored. Why can’t you apply the same rule to those morons when i am at the receiving end? they want to play the game, so let the rule be fair. it is level playing field right?

    [This has got to stop. limkamput did not throw the first stone to break the brief civility. He has however more than paid back in abundance and kind – and it is just not considerate to drag this blog down the drain. To protect this blog, it is now proposed to place those who are deliberately offensive on the moderator’s list, which may take from 1 -5 days to be attended to for clearance. – Admin]

  57. I wonder if Gerakan can hold Penang if they leave BN? IIRC, they did, after all, only join BN after they secured Penang. Either way, it’s up to Dr KTK to act now. There’s always the slimmest hope that he’ll do the Right Thing.

  58. What Gerakan told was the truth and it is from their heart.
    Uthaya and his team were standing for the Poor Indians regardless (Hindu, Indian Christian or Indian Muslim) not for rich Indians. Firstly, they should shut their big mouth rather making empty noise, If they are concern, should help the poor suffering Indians.

    If, PM Badawi and his team spoke from their heart and genuinely concern for the Indian’s welfare. PM Badawi always claim he is Prime Minister for all Malaysian and always talk about Islam Hadhari,

    In the first place PM should call the Hindraf Leaders for meeting which they have requested, I understand they have submitted more then 100 over letters to the Government but all was ignored. But what happen they cannot face the reality and cannot answer their questions and to solve their problem they place them under “ISA” and to run away from the truth. All educated and civilized Indians, Malay and Chinese condemn PM Badawi in his team for placing the HINDRAF leaders in the ISA rather calling them for meeting. It is not Gentlemen. God knows the truth.

    Hashimuddin, I believe he is not very or highly educated or man can reason things. He just play racial Malay card to attract the Malays. But most of the Malays are not stupid, Most of my Malay, Chinese, Indian and other race friends always feedback this Guy and his team talk nonsense and they know what this guys up too. Hashim have few nick names and one of them, they label Menteri KRIS.

    There is a proverb say. A dog bark in the housing area. When you ask the dog why are you barking, the dog replied a car pass by, so I barked. Another lane another dog barked, when you question the dog in the other lane and reply from the dog because the dog barked so I barked. That’s what happening in the Parliament and outside parliament they do not know the real issue the just bark and bark to get names from their leaders but they forget the leaders knows ini hanya bodek sahaja. Empty vessel makes most noise.

  59. to Mr. Koh tsu koon….never forget that Umno people are trying to take over the post of chief minister in penang from a chinese to malay….bear that in mind n join the opposition. you will get more supports…let uncle lim ks bless you.

  60. Goddamn Singh, DarkHorse,

    Goddamn Singh’s compilation of likamput’s QUOTABLE QUOTES is a harbinger of a potential best seller, “MEMOIR OF A BLOG CONTRIBUTOR, limkamput”.

    Of course, the above compilation of QUOTABLE QUOTES is only highlights of some of limkamput’s rebuttals for the purpose of advertising.

    The final “MEMOIR OF A BLOG CONTRIBUTOR, limkamput” will include a forward on the commendable contributions of limkamput by YB Lim, Parliamentary Opposition Leader and owner of this blog that is highly regarded and/or respected.

    It will include the full contexts wherein the limkamput’s QUOTABLE QUOTES were used to demolish half-baked ideas and somniloquys by a bunch of contributors, including XXYs, in the fashion of Kungfu Hustle.

    There will be one chapter on the failed mob attacks and the failed attempts (almost successful) of a bunch of provocateurs to kick him out of this blog.

    There will another chapter on his original opinions on various issues of great national importance with great likelihood of international repercussions, and also his online great debate with a Cambridge PhD graduate.

    The cost of advertising and publication will be borne entirely by Godamn Singh. Advance payment of a substantial amount will be paid to the original author, limkamput, the royalty is 90% of sales proceeds, and is non-negotiable.

  61. A series of event make me think Chinese has no balls. Indian has!
    Change Gerakan’s head to Indian lah. Retire Tsu Koon! — patriotic1994

    Samy Vellu is an Indian. You mean he has balls? I thought he was reduced to a note taker.

    What make you think that facing political reality of “team spirit” and conscienceless politics, an Indian Gerakan head will not lose his balls soon?

  62. Undergrad2,

    “In all my writings my aim has been to spare sinners and assail sin”
    — Marcus Aurelius quotes (Roman emperor, best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy, AD 121-180).

    Likewise, we shall spare the messenger and assail the message.

    It is a lovely picture and beautiful Christmas message from you. Merry Christmas to you.

  63. Pingback: mental jog
  64. I just have one simple question: Why does the head of a BN component party need to deal the youth head of another BN party? Where is the protocol? This reminded me years back when a deputy MCA minister had to make an appointment to see an official at the Education Dept. I think sometimes we have lost touch of what government is all about.

    By the way this is my last posting for now. I shall take a voluntary leave until such time when I feel comfortable to come back again. It is a frightening experience to see my computer jammed up, don’t know due to coincidence or some intervention. So, Earnest, you take care and thank you for watching over me.

  65. “I wonder if Gerakan can hold Penang if they leave BN? IIRC, they did, after all, only join BN after they secured Penang…” sybreon

    You have mentioned only the half-truth. Gerakan did not win Penang all by themselves. You left out the important fact that there was an electoral pack between DAP and Gerakan to take on the Alliance. After they had secured Penang they backstabbed DAP to join BN.

  66. “After they had secured Penang they backstabbed DAP to join BN.”

    Sure, they did, but when they are well in Penang, all these years, they are still voted back into power by the very same people on Penang themselves. Amazing isnt it?

  67. That’s UMNO.
    They have been giving life threatening words to chinese and indians as long as i can remember.
    Sweep them off and nail them in the cofffin.Who the hell is he to utter rubbish.They are the greatest BULLY!
    Vote them out!
    We want a change!

  68. When someone looks at Malaysia and cannot find even a bit of differentiation, this will be called democracy according to its’ actual meaning. As long as it is like what it is now, when people look at her and they immediately pick up Malay culture, Islam, Bahasa Malaysia and all that, that is called Islam Hadhari. Even other internet websites have explanations to it. Actually Malaysia has been practising Islam Hadhari since her birth but because of the need for support, this issue was kept in the dark until now. May be it is the rising power of Islam in the world that we now know there is a Islam Hadhari in Malaysia. Malaysians cannot escape from all these. From the first day our ancestors decided to live here like the ancestors of the Malays, they have determined the path of our lives. May be this is also the reason for an insensitive Barisan Nasional politician to rudely tell the unhappy Malaysians to leave Malaysia. He forgets that it is not just the Barisan Nasional people who make Malaysia. So who are the real national threats if not the Barisan Nasional itself ? The day they laid down the principles of Islam Hadhari ( 31st August 1957 ) is the day that a demarcation is made between the Muslims and the non Muslims. We have to go back to history to find out why are things done the way they are. Before Barisan Nasional do things Ikut ( I ) Suka ( S ) Aku ( A ), think, who are the real initiators to an unfair condition ? Hishamuddin and Khairy have the full trust of the top ranking Barisan Nasional politicians. Therefore they can do what they like. A thinking Barisan Nasional politician would want the best for Malaysia instead of just listening to what these two have to say and do. Penang is full of opportunities. Will Barisan Nasional take the risk and cast her out ?

    Season’s greetings.

  69. What BN did to Sabah wasn’t much a surprise as they have carefully placed enough advantage over the years to get where they want today.
    Penang will be the next in line as that’s the last spot whereby Non Malay are sitting at the top.
    They have planned all these way before some of us was born.
    That’s a great political move that stung us without even have to lift a single finger.

  70. Who is this Hisham? Who is he to speak on behalf of BN. Not even the chief of UMNO, a component party in BN. Memang kurang ajar!If Gerakan has principle, they should get the guy to shut up and apologise. If Gerakan doesn’t respond accordingly it just show the party is useless and hopeless. All under the thumb of UMNO! If nothing done, how can they represent the people who vote for them?

  71. Hisapputing did that because he knows he can! As simple as that. There are a lot of Gerakan sympathizers in Penang. You know, Ah Koon received a lot of pressure from Umno… hehehe. It is very common to shoot the whistle blower in Malaysia, and Malaysians have gotten used to it so many people think this is normal. If we are really showing support to Paranjothi as Malaysians, vote these hisapputing out. Sadly, Malaysians again think short term, not thinking about their children, but just for a few tarred roads. This justify their vote to barisan najis for dewan undangan negeri… very common, but we need to change the mind set. Don’t exchange your kids’ place in the university for a few street lights… hahaha, the so-called development. Let’s change ourselves, then help our elders in the family change as well. I know it is tough, but if we dont change now, it will be even tougher to change later when barisan najis demands the same worship like “Kim Jong Il Manse Manse !!!”

  72. Did you guys hear Koh Tsu Koon’s comments over the TV news? He said that Paranjothy would be referred to the Disciplinary Committee to decide whether he would be suspended or removed from Gerakan for voicing out about the marginalisation and the method of conveying his message.

    But he did not say there was anything wrong in the content.

    The only mistake is that in this democracy of ouors, you as the member of bn cannot speak up. You have to toe the line. That is bn’s definition of democracy.

    So Koh Tsu Koon, you also should not have spoken out and criticized Kerismudlin. You should have taken his boss to task and asked him to rein in his man. Unless of course you did talk to the boss man, and it was the boss man’s son in law who asked you to chastise the mudlin dude to clip his wings and his ambitions!

  73. /// limkamput Says:

    Yesterday at 15: 16.41
    ….just like the strength of this blog depends on the diversity of its opinions. Undergrad2

    No you are wrong, it is a hypocritical statement again. You are only interested in reading your own opinions. When others provide opinions different from yours or challenge you for an answer, you turn evasive and defensive. You would label that person trying to portray cleverness. That is what you are. Please don’t deny this. You owe yourself some degree of honesty. ///

    Well said limkamput, and this from someone who has been observing from the sidelines for a long time. Stick to this kind of rebuttals without calling names or using vulgarities and the true picture will emerge.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.

  74. Its a matter of time befor the post of Penang CM will be in Malays hand. A lot of things “changing hands” is happening. Its soon before the CM post will change hands.

    I hope BN component parties should realise by now that by boot liking UMNO will leave them nowhere eventually. Maybe the top brass will reach somewhere like MIC Mr. Semi value. But the followers will be kicked around like dirt.

    Maybe DAP or other opposition parties should try hard to convert those working for BN component parties to work for the oppositions. Then we will have a united opposition and single party UMNO to stand for election. Lets see how UMNO fair..

  75. KSK has played right into UMNO hands. It is a shrewd game of one upmanship played by UMNO when they had Hisham issue the threat and rebuke. KSK should not have responded. Hisham is NOT his equal in the BN coalition. AAB is. By responding, KSK has reduced his level to that of Hisham and confirm the subordinated status of Gerakan to UMNO. From now on he can expect to treated as a subordinated member. For someone so well versed with Chinese philosophy I am surprised he fell into this trap. It is a reflection of his lack of confidence.

    Furthermore, this threat and ultimatum to Gerakan is also an UMNO test to find out how far they can push Gerakan in order to wrest Penang CM post from Gerakan. Because who is Hisham to issue the threat of severance? Such threats should come only from the BN council. Is Hisham saying that he is bigger than the BN council?

    The right person to respond to Hisham’s threat should be the Gerakan Youth Chief. What KSK should have done is to get the Gerakan Youth Chief to tell Hisham off and ask him who he thinks he is to make the threat. Did any BN partner threatened him and UMNO when he kiss the kris? Did any BN party asked UMNO to explain with the ultimatum of severance when their UMNO members threatened to bathe the kris in non Muslim blood?

    But as a bystander, I am enjoying this BN spat.

  76. who is this stupid hishamuddin to issue threats to severe ties with anyone in any political this is one of those big headed idiots who think that they own malaysia or thinking that hes the only one running the whole damn see now how this idiot talks?why shud tsu koon owe any explaination to him and bowing to him like a dog?…so what if paranjothy voice out his opinions and speak for those thousands of people.being a good leader u dont threaten someone to come up with a good explaination to satisfy and to show off ur ego.malaysia doesnt belong to umno.get that straight into ur head mr good for nothing.and i really hope tsu koon will really stand up like a man and give a word or two to this big headed idiot. and as for paranjothy…u did the right thing for speaking out ur mind.thr is nothing wrong with that.facts will remain facts.any barisan aides dont hv to bow to people like hisapmudin in umno.we dun need people like him to run this country.

  77. If there is anything wrong with the statements from Paran, you are entitle to engage in rational public debate with him. Anyway, since you hold a LLM degree from London, i expect you are able to argue rationally. Don’t simply issue warning or ultimatum without rational arguments.

  78. YB

    Paranjothy jolted the manhood out of goody two shoes Tsu Koon, with the simple truth.

    The BN Power-failure had reached Penang! Should be “Jingle Hell” in Gerakan land.

    All Penang people wanted is a CM with 2 front teeth……….guarantteed he had none. So he will swallow the Keris whole sale.

  79. Yes, all Gerakkan members should not go by the rule with the idiots. Stay in BN but vote opposition to let their grievances heard!

    You can’t be transparent with people who don’t meant what they say.

    Teach them a lesson; blame on the UMNOputras if BN lose the state in the next GE. make it happen!

  80. *Sigh* I return from a few days of rest with no access to internet, and what do I get ? The usual torrent of abuse between Limkamput and his detractors. Rather symptomatic of the state of the Opposition, isn’t it ?

    The simple fact is that as far as UMNO is concerned, only one Indian in Bolehland matters, and that is Semi Value. He matters because he has “invented” a role for himself within the UMNO culture of stealing in broad daylight. He has done well for UMNO as the enforcer of all leakages in construction contracts, and has made himself indispensable to UMNO. Heck, UMNO can’t even trust its own kind when it comes to collection of monies.

    Nallakarupan breaks away from PKR, forms his own party, and immediately registers interest to join BN. At every general election, RM 50 or the promise of a sewing machine is enough to buy an Indian vote. At every MIC election, promises are made by Semi and his henchmen of rosy days ahead, and they get elected year after year.

    The Indians must help themselves. No amount of words or encouragement from the Opposition is going to make a difference if the vast majority continues to support the den of thieves and its enforcer, Semi Value.

  81. “Well said limkamput, and this from someone who has been observing from the sidelines for a long time. Stick to this kind of rebuttals without calling names or using vulgarities and the true picture will emerge.” WrathOfGrapes

    “You would label that person trying to portray cleverness.” Well said limkamput??

    Show me one line when I label another poster anything and I will quit this blog.

  82. When I said I am taking a voluntary leave from the blog, what I meant was I will not participate for while. Instead, I will continue to login to read. However, when comments are made that directly or indirectly related to me, I would like to give a response.

    You are very clever indeed with your comment, “Show me one line when I label another poster anything and I will quit this blog”. By so doing, you again try to portray me as the only person having problem here.

    You have no problem with others may be they are polite, may be they don’t care what you were saying, or may be they have this false sense of what freedom of speech is all about. They therefore let you roam this blog with your half bake analysis and inconsistency. As long as others leave you do as you please, I am sure you have no problem.

    Although many of us are fierce government critics here, the reality is most of us are behaving like a typical Malaysian where we shall rock no boat among the bloggers, we shall be nice and diplomatic and crouch our thoughts and opinions with niceties to the extent that the whole message is lost. Worse still, we are here to exchange pleasantries and niceties to feel good about ourselves that we are clever and that others have complimented us.

    Occasionally, you will get an odd ball like me who rattles the comfortable domain that some of you have come to associate with. Consequently when a challenge is directed, the response first became evasive and then later became defensive. I am not making stories here. Perhaps you should revisit some of the issues we debated like your poorly thought out views on the supremacy of constitution and how absolute freedom guaranteed in the constitution would ensure enduring freedom and your view that the due process (both procedural and substantive) will ensure fair trial, never mind that the cases brought to the courts are politically motivated, ill-conceived, and exercised through abuse of power. The fact that you have a problem with me is because I am the only one that has consistently challenged you. Your right to free speech does not exclude the rights of others to comment on what you say. Please remember that.

    This was what I said of you earlier. Do you want to defend this?

    “You want to show you are being fair and objective. But the reality is you are not. When I hit back at all the insults being heaped on me, you would quickly side them and even tried to get Sdr Lim to knock me out. Why, are you afraid that finally there is someone able to challenge your half bake views? When others supported me and tried to rebuke some of the unfair criticism labelled against me, you would immediately tell those supporting me that the criticism was legitimate. What are you trying to get at? Frankly, my characterization of you as being intellectually corrupt is not far fetch. You are.”

    Yet another example was what you said to WrapofGrapes above. Please don’t threaten to leave the blog too many times. Nobody cares really. See the difference btw you and I. I only said I am taking a voluntary leave for now – which means I will come back later because this blog is too important for me not to participate. And when I participate, I want to participate meaningfully, not to exchange pleasantries or solicit support to see who is more popular.

  83. /// Show me one line when I label another poster anything and I will quit this blog. /// – undergrad2

    undergrad2 Said:
    April 20th, 2006 at 05: 06.21
    Abdullah is [deleted]

    undergrad2 Said:
    March 19th, 2006 at 19: 01.23
    whatever you do for a living, loh, i bet you have nothing to do with the world of finance and international trade.

  84. I really think you should take serious heed of the warning given by the Moderator and the wish expressed by YB Kit, who provides this platform so public issues could be debated in a civil manner, and to stop using the blog to continue with your tirade against bloggers.

    Remember before undergrad2 to whom you showed respect until he expressed his opinion on constitutional issues over which you have no training in (undergrad2 I believe is a trained lawyer, trained in constitutional law and you’re not – you could at least acknowledge that) there was the ‘Cambridge brat” and Jeffery with the ‘hollowed sophistication’ using your very own words and others. However, passionate you are about issues, there are others equally passionate if not more. None has resorted to name calling like you have and I have been a regular visitor to this blog for a number of years.

    To: the Moderator

    Before others start responding to this posting, I seriously think this poster who keeps coming back for only one purpose i.e. to trash this blog with his personal comments which have nothing to do with any of the issues raised on any of the threads should be censured if not banned altogether.

  85. If you scroll up and read again what undergrad2 posted:

    “Show me one line when I label another poster anything and I will quit this blog.”

    The posting was not in response to a posting by you but by another poster. It was not about you. There was no threat of leaving or doing anything. He never implied anything like what you said – just a statement that he’d quit if he in fact resorted to name calling just because he disagrees.

    If you want to continue to trash the blog with your personal comments do it on the latest thread. Let others see it. I have a feeling that you have no desire of doing that because you know that you’d be doing just that i.e. trashing the blog with your personal comments which have nothing to do with the issues being discussed.

  86. To: WrathOfGrapes

    What’s your beef really? You’re encouraging him to keep trashing the blog with his personal comments which has absolutely nothing to do with the issues of this thread.

    If calling Abdullah Badawi (a poster?) spineless is labeling, then many if not most would have to quit this blog!

    Saying “I bet you have nothing to do with the world of finance and international trade” is labeling?

  87. yep….when the same poster keeps ignoring the appeal not to trash the blog and insists on coming back to litter the blog again with personal remarks and nothing else, something gotta be done!

    the message has not got through to him. last time it did. this time it did not.

  88. Sure I take serious heed of Sdr Lim advice but that is not because you said so. It is people like you who did not take heed of the advice and continued to abuse me until I have to retaliate. So you have no moral decency left to advice me in this regard. You are one of the main architects who engineered the campaign against me for reason best known to yourself.

    You said that I shouldn’t have responded because Undergrad2 did not address the posting to me. So, may I know why are you responding on his behalf? At least I have more locus standi than you. That is why I kept saying earlier you people can’t see your own irony. I have refrained using the word that rightly describes this kind of personality. So please don’t test my patience again.

    You know nothing about me, so you don’t assume that I have not read constitutional law. But that is not the point. Debating issues rightly should not base on academic qualifications. If that is the case, then why are doctors and engineers in politics? We should leave it to political scientists and lawyers then. Having said that, why should I take your word that Undergrad2 is a trained constitutional lawyer and therefore his views should not be challenged? If that is your argument, then perhaps each time Undegrad2 and Jeffrey open their mouths on laws and constitution, we should all shut up.

    It is not so simple for you people to trash others nicely and after that pretend like nothing has happened. It is people like you who like to resort to insulting and abusing others when you cannot win an argument on substantive issues. You people did not just do it to me, but also to Earnest. So don’t come here to talk as if you have no fault at all.

    I will go where I wish to go and there is nothing you can do about it. The reason why I am not participating in the latest thread is because I have great respect for the blog. Please be reminded that respecting the blog and respecting you people are very different things. I am not participating in the latest thread because I want a cool off period. Chances are you people will harass me again and I will start to retaliate. Out of respect for the blog, I have decided to stay away. I only respond on matters that directly affect me now. So if it is none of your business, I think you should back off.

    Sure you can continue instigating and appealing the moderator to knock me out. I think this has been the intention all along. I will leave it the moderator. I will not put forth counter arguments. I leave it to their judgement. I know I was guilty and that was why I have openly admitted my transgression earlier. But you people will not let it go and continue abusing me based on old stories especially when you can’t win an argument over substantive matters. You talked about I spewing uncalled for personal comments. Why don’t you read what comments you people have heaped me before I retaliated. You people think you are saints, but the reality is you are probably more rotten than anyone else. At least I know I am rotten, but do you?

  89. But sir, I don’t understand what “rot to the core” means but I do understand what “rotten to the core means”. Bodo is my name, sir! You now want to insult my mother for naming me bodo? Are you now going to insult the Sikh religion as well?

  90. Godamn Singh a.k.a. undergrad2 – you think anyone will fall for your split personally? Want to know where you revealed your tail? Pathetic, isn’t it? Having to resort to the cheap treat of using different nicks to defend yourself. Just one last word undergrad2 – l don’t limkamput from Adam, but I will defend his right to his comments and opinions here. Who are you to ban him? He is doing exactly what you undergrad2 @ Godamn Singh had been doing in the past, to quote your own words “trashing the blog with his personal comments which has absolutely nothing to do with the issues of this thread”.

  91. limkamput emerged from the woodwork to continue with his tirade with undergrad (rather than jeffrey or lee weng yang etc) because of you….the moderator can read…don’t you think?…you gotta go back two years to dig and you came back with something not even relevant!…so you could settle scores with a poster who was merely asking you to show substantiate your allegations….i think you have some scores to settle.

    you’re worse than he is….

  92. “…I will defend his right to his comments and opinions here. Who are you to ban him? ‘ Grapefruit

    funny….don’t think i read anywhere any poster who wants to prevent limkamphut or any other poster from exercising his right to post comments…you are now trashing this thread and the blog with your comments

  93. laifoong – read my posts very s-l-o-w-l-y and tell me which part(s) is(are) trash. All I am asking is let people have their say – after all this what the forum is for. Now, compare to the trash you have written above – ass licker.

  94. Now what??

    We have limkamput coming back to continue bashing undergrad despite the warning not to continue. Then we have Grape accusing both of trashing the blog:

    “He (llimkamput) is doing exactly what you undergrad2 @ Godamn Singh had been doing in the past..”

    Grape, you just said it! It is ‘in the past” So why are you opening up old wounds when both really wanted to move on.

    What did both do to you?? They want to move on, let them move on!

    It’s true I too find it difficult to believe why anyone would want to search two years of postings to look for something suitable to quote! Sounds like you have personal scores of your own to settle like laifoong says.

    You have another nick and nobody has accused you of trashing the blog.

  95. “All I am asking is let people have their say – after all this what the forum is for.” Grape

    I think what you meant to say is to let you have your say – and what is your say??

    Nobody is preventing you from having your say. Nobody is preventing limkamput from having his say. We don’t know where you’re coming from and where you’re going with your comments.

    Scroll up the entire thread if you need to, and tell us where limkamput or anybody else is being prevented from having his say?? Asking the moderator to consider censuring or banning altogether any poster who insists on continuing his tirade against another poster surely is NOT preventing! He is referring to the warning made earlier by the Administrator.

    Looks like, you merely want to play agent provocateur for a reason. Wonder what that reason could be. On second thoughts, nobody really cares. Just don’t trash or instigate others to do the trashing for you.

  96. Colonel @ bodo @ godamn @ darkhorse @ aramati @ undergrad2 @ diaperhead,
    I am enjoying every minute of this. Very good, are you now feeling a sense of hopelessness? Why can’t we move on, you said. Yes, precisely, why can’t you move on? You people think it is so easy to ridicule and insult others and after that pretend like nothing has happened. Not so easy. You people have no right to lecture or say anything from now on. Why is this Undergrad2 hiding under the bed and sending his ma-chai here?

    You machai people can’t even see their own irony. You fellows did MORE THAN preventing others from speaking. But of course you can’t feel or see it. What to do, one is bodo, the other “rot to the core” and the last one the “in between people” who will never hesitate to use vulgarities. See, I am very focussed. I did not start all these vulgarities and I hope the moderator is here to watch too.

  97. Wrath of Grape, thanks for the support. These are the XXY people that Earnest aptly described earlier. You should go back to the earlier thread to read about them. It is so funny, LOL. The XXY people.

  98. I don’t understand what “rot to the core” means but I do understand what “rotten to the core means”. Real Bodo said.

    Hello, SPM grade 3 with a P7 or P8 for English. What do you know about the finer nuances of English? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. If you want to know stuff, I suggest it is important for you to know enough to know the exception and not just the general rule. I hope this is not too difficult for you again. Come to think about it, am I wasting my time here or what with this bunch of losers.

  99. huh?…grapeface just said that YOU along with undergrad, goddamn trashed this blog….he just kicked you in the butt…..and you say thank you!!

    poor undergrad just said this to you…perhaps you should let the matter rest?

    undergrad2 Says:
    December 21st, 2007 (6 days ago) at 12: 20.23

    A piece of advice to you, limkamput – if I may. You need to have some humor, and accept the rough together with the smooth. Do not feel like everybody is after your blood i.e. out to prove you’re wrong and they are right. It may appear that way but it is not.

  100. My mother may have named me bodo but that’s my Sikh name. So pls don’t insult my mother!

    But even I could see that if someone went so far as to search two years archives to find something, he must be strongly motivated to do so. This poster must have an axe to grind!

  101. Good to see that recalcitrant limkamput has seen the light!

    The lesson here? It does not pay to spew hatred (because you will be reduced to reading postings on the blog when you should be participating and contributing) on to any commentator for whatever reason, becoming territorial in attitude (much like a dog in the manger) on a blog provided by the blog owner for all who visit it to express their opinion on national issues – not personal issues.

    There was a commentator in Susan Loone’s blog some time back who goes (and still does) by the handle ‘monsterball’ who behaved like a dog in the manger and mauled almost every poster (local and foreign) who so much as expressed a different opinion to his – becoming personal and insulting at every opportunity. His behavior was somehow tolerated over the years. He was finally booted out and banned from her blog after years of expressions of support for her.

    Blog owners through their administrators, of course, would do well to nip the problem in the bud by dealing directly with such recalcitrant commentator before his comments are allowed to taint, trash, and destroy the blog’s reputation with frivolous and irrelevant remarks personal and insulting in nature, especially when it is a blog run by a man long regarded the leader of the opposition in Parliament.

    Sometimes especially when gentle persuasion and diplomacy fails to achieve the desired results, it is time to respond more directly as Susan Loone did. What the blog owner is reluctant to do for obvious reasons, the administrator can and should.

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