Hishammuddin’s antediluvian pledge of “no closure of Chinese primary schools”

“Hisham pledges no closure of Chinese primary schools” is the front-page headline of Nanyang Siang Pau today. Similar headlines also appear in other Chinese newspapers.

Education Minister and UMNO Youth leader, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Barisan Nasional spinmeisters must have regarded this a coup and sure vote-getter after his unforgettable “keris-wielding” stances and his determination to repeat them every year until the non-Malays are “desensitized”.- what I had said in Parliament as manifestation of the “boiling frog” syndrome.

But I am really astounded by two things, that 50 years after Merdeka:

(1) the nation’s Education Minister could seriously believe that his “pledge” not to close Chinese primary schools would be regarded as a boon akin to a message of deliverance from heaven; and

(2) that it could be taken so seriously as to merit being treated as front-page headlines by Chinese newspapers – when it is totally ignored by other language newspapers.

Hishammuddin’s pledge is 50 years behind time. It would have some relevance even during the time of his father, Tun Hussein Onn, who was Education Minister and then Prime Minister from 1976-1981. But it is totally antediluvian today.

Let me tell Hishammuddin and the Barisan Nasional spinmeisters that what the Malaysian Chinese and fair-minded Malaysians want is not a pledge not to close any Chinese primary school but a pledge to build new Chinese primary schools whenever and wherever there is the need arising from demands for such school-places by the pupils and their parents.

Then and only then is such a pledge deserving of front-page headline treatment!

When will such a pledge be forthcoming?


68 Replies to “Hishammuddin’s antediluvian pledge of “no closure of Chinese primary schools””

  1. they can built school for Indo who lives in Malaysia BUT was unable to allocate fund for building Chinese and Indian school..but eventually more and more Malay are sending their children to non-national school just to learn another language due to the rising of China and India influence in world economy…I don’t knw when will the Kerismuddin “sedar diri”…do it for your country…NOT ur race…!!

  2. The same pledge, same time, during or near election time; this shows that such a strategy will work with the Chinese and probably with the Indians. A time tested statement practiced on Malaysian citizens.

  3. Building Chinese and Tamil schools or promising to build Chinese or Tamil schools before the General Election has always been a tactic employed by BN component parties. If at all MCA is sincere in opening up more Chinese Schools in Malaysia, then they should begin with the Damansara Chinese Primary School which has been closed for nearly eight years.

    The reason this school was closed still remains a mystery till today. Despite having moved the school, the old school building still stands, desserted, till today. What exactly has been planned for that piece of “prime land” has not been made known to the public but the count continues on the billboard in front of the Chinese Assembly Hall. That is a total disgrace on MCA who claims to champion the interest of the Malaysian Chinese and I bet it will utilize this fact again to deceive the Chinese in the coming GE.

  4. Now if they are desperate for Chinese voters here is one guaranteed method:

    They will pledge a matching grant for each ringgit raised by the community, they will contribute another ringgit.

    If fact anything less than this can be deemed a poor performance – after all people pay taxes and a lot of that monies gets lost according to the Auditor-Gen’s Report.

  5. What he probably said (and I am guessing here as I tend to take what is dished out by the papers with a heap of salt these days) was that no more chinese schools will be built so he can impress the same people who were impressed with his wielding of the keris. Otherwise dielah he…how to become VP in next elections? If he doesn’t get to VP in coming elections, he will be staring at political wilderness, as Harry J, is waiting. Harry wants a double promotion as everyone knows. This has even got DPM stressed up!

    Then the spin doctors turned it around and forced the chinese papers to front page it. End of story!

  6. So the PM has met with the indians and has promised to look into issues etc. So is everyone happy? Really?

    Look wouldn’t it be wise to look into the grouses of the Kadazan, Bidayuh, Iban, etc and importantly the Chinese too? Do we have to wait for further rallies before anything is done?

    Come on mr pm, wake up from your slumber!

  7. They dont need to clsoe any chinese schools themselves. Just stop the fundings and let them die a natural death.

    [deleted] If the chinese can believe a single word from his filthy mouth then yes cows can fly.

  8. Aiyah! same old tactic lah, every time GE come, many promise lah, then just forget them after winning GE, Non Malay should be “de-sensitized” by now lah! Don’t be so easily taken by Krismdn words lah. Closing of Chinese or Tamil primary schools is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ! So what MCA is doing for this “Damansara Chinese Primary School” case? Who threatened to burn down Chinese Assembly Hall? Who threatened to soak kris in whose blood. Remember? “Memory cannot be so short!”
    Does it means that IF opposition team win GE, Opposition team will close Chinese n Tami Primary schools ? Answer=NO , so this krismdn words are useless!!

  9. Talk cock. They have an unwritten policy not to build any Chinese schools on Gov land. The state director has told our reps, no new Chinese schools. Keris talks as if he is doing the Chinese a big favour.
    Wht he should do is to resign and go back to his kampong and rear cats. Let intelligent people run the country. Then there will be no more Hindraf, Bersih or Suqui. It’s bigots like him that created the problems. [deleted]

  10. Hissamuddin is spending a lot of time shoring his support among the Chinese. To be honest, the fact he is doing so leads me to believe that support is weak. Hissamuddin, who have a significant Chinese community in his constituency, and quite a good MP, should be be guaranteed support from the Chinese even in his constituency no matter what the politics now is.

    I have always said Hissamuddin is not that bad a choice as the next PM compared to what is on the bench right now. He is not fantastic but he does not take things for granted. Frankly, I rather have him for PM than Badawi. Dr. M would have done this nation a great favour if he had put him there in the first place.

    Hissamuddin is not fantastic leader and that is why adding new Chinese school is a pipe dream with him. Firstly, it was the PM who instructed to stop closing Chinese primary school. Not him. Shameless to take credit. But UMNO leaders especially youth leaders have to sink to new lows and his by other standards is not bad.

    How about keeping the promise to move the schools as promised by PM/MCA? After four years, they break ground on only a couple of primary schools whereas they build hundreds other that cannot be filled. Giving crumbs and then making a big deal out of thing just don’t fly with many anymore..

    To me a larger issue is really about teaching Math & Science in English for Chinese primary school. For Chinese primary schools, there is no need and frankly better not to. Not that there is no need to improve English in Chinese schools but teaching Math & Science is not the way for Chinese. It is the way for Malays and likely Indians but not for Chinese. Why? Because teaching math & science is better in native language provided there is sufficient text and tools for it.

  11. Do Msian realize that the famous act of waving kris n threaten to soak in somebody blood was made publicly n is broadcasted around the WORLD not just in Msia? If people outside Msia can remember, how can Msian can forget!

  12. Bigjoe, I agree, but… he took the Keris to show UMNO he had more Malay patriotism than KJ, the SIL. He knew he was threatened then. The Keris was his way.

    But then, at whose expense? The bottom line is his determination to stay in power and when that happens he showed what he would sacrifice.

    He is better than the incumbent, that was also what we thought about AAB; Mr Clean, Mr Righteous, Mr Pious, Mr Thrift, Mr Accountable. AAB had no blot before that, and the fact he aligned himself with team B lent credential to this image.

    I may be wrong Bigjoe, but it would be an uphill effort for HIsham to remove what had been ingrained into our mind. Let him prove himself first.

    Thank you.

  13. “No closure of Chinese primary schools” from Hisap is sweet promise to MCA. This is already a massive achievement and concession. Thank heaven thank earth. Forget about an increase in the number of Chinese primary schools.

    Coupled that announcement with the statement of MCA vice-president OTK, published in theStar (17.12.07): Chinese voters should not think about supporting the Opposition for the sake of wanting to highlight their grouses.

    “Should the Opposition win any parliamentary and state seats in Chinese-dominated areas in the general election, it would always be at the expense of the MCA, thus reducing the party’s political clout in the Government,” OKT pointed out. Clout or clown?

    At least Hisap is not raising his keris, with the accompanying voice of “When will it be covered with blood?”

    Even when he did that in public and live on TV not too long ago, Hisap was not charged under ISA. More privileged than the Hindraf lot.

  14. “You Chinese better understand that you are pendatangs at our mercy, but we are going to be nice to you. We will not close down any Chinese schools for the time being. Stop asking for additional Chinese schools. We are already being fair to you.”


  15. Why must the government guranteed that the Chinese Primary school won’t be closed, wasn’t this protected by the constitution?
    If so, the minister should be reminded of what is stated in the constitution; If so, this is equivalent to give a guruntee that the sun will come out in the east tomorrow. Or is he trying to remind the chinese that if need to he can close down all the chinese primary school?Why must the chinese paper put it on the front page as if we need this garuntee from time to time.

  16. Sick of this mudindaft who always put his foot in his mouth. Why say “Not Close” instead he could say “Open Up” new Chinese or Indian Schools? I must agree there are unwritten policies not to build any Chinese and Indian schools on Government lands. The mudindaft has NO GUTS to give Chinese & Indian community that kind of assurance? Dare to shout out loud with swing the “keris” but no courage to say something positive and encouraging for the nations???? Why can’t the ruling party for once think for all Malaysians and being positive and be objective about it instead of self serving & selfish bunch no confidence fools. Malaysia for all and not for malay only..!!! With such a mindset the country will surely a gone case one day.

  17. Add to madmix, BN govt, will NOT
    1). Bar Chinese n Indian Msian to go oversea to study, to invest, to seek medical treatment, to holiday etc
    2). Imposed a surcharge on passport issued to Chinese n Indian Malaysian or charge an exit tax on them.
    3). Disallowed Chinese n Indian Msian to practise Buddhism, Hindu, Confuscism, Toaism, Christianity etc
    4). Imposed surcharge on road tax, excise duty or tol rate on cars own by Chinese n Indian Msian.
    5). Ask Chinese n Indian Msian to subsidize MORE on the houses purchased by Bumi.
    6) Ask them to show their loyalty by staying to work in Msia for 5 years before they are allow to work Oversea.
    7). Disallowed U to use Mandarin or Tamil when U deal with people from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan , S’pore, Macau, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines etc
    8). Officially impose permit application to state “Mandarin” or “Tamil” requirement in advertising for jobs, but may state Japanese or French or Arabic if applicable.
    So what more U Chinese n Indian Msian want, U should be GRATEFUL !

  18. If that guy is sincere,he should first of all open the Damansara Chinese school after all the school with its facilities can serve the needs of at least another 1000 students living in the vicinity.As it is,the school is being forced to be left idle and the school board was compelled to make use of a nearby chinese temple to house students using donations from the public.It is a shame on MCA for the school still in good condition has been left vacant for almost eight years.He should allow more chinese schools to be built in order to cater to the needs of the students.Such call has repeatedly been made to one after another minister of education until the voice of the caller becomes coarse and his throat runs dry.Yet very little is done.Wake up also OKT.

  19. Do Not be swayed away by this Big Crook who pledges
    ‘No Closure to Chinese Primary Schools’…!!

    By saying this, he is hoping against hope that The
    Chinese are silly enough to be fooled by him.. later on
    he Will unsheath his Kris jubilantly and hold it aloft and
    tell all The Malays, Umnoputras and Ketuanan Melayu
    that he has succeeded winning over the Chinese votes
    without any problem at all …!

    The Chinese are meant to be fooled by us and they can
    be fooled with ease…!!! No sweat man!!

    The Chinese are really BODOH, at times! Just praise them
    little bit or give them some sweets and lesen to trade and
    they will be damn happy to vote BN ma… says KerisMuddin!!

  20. Lee Kuan Yew once said we Chinese in Malaysia had been marginalised. Why? Because MCA is the running dog and serve the UMNO.Well done Hindraf. Do not treat we Chinese as begger. We contributed most in this country.

  21. I was once having very high respect of Hisham; may be because of our Johorean’s high respect for the late father Tun Hussein. I felt so proud of him. But now, ….. after his kris act (he should hold his heart and tell the truth of his feeling at that moment if it was for peace of Malaysian or for the fight of the Malays against other races in the country?), I had totally written him off. I’m committed to advise my relatives in Kahang (his constituency) to vote for any opposition party except him. I feel so sad for such action!

    I feel it is not necessary for him to promise continuity of Chinese school as it has already been provided as a ‘right’ in the constitution. He should promise ‘to ensure no stumbling blocks being placed here and there’ by the majority Malay dominated administrative staffs in the MOE; stringent punishment must be mete out if they do such a thing! This will be more realistic.

    And of course, should make it a policy to build new Chinese school in area where there is a need; with guideline such as minimum Chinese population in a particular area where a new school to be built to guarantee minimum number of student.

    ‘Seeing is believing’; when you see what the government is doing, how could you believe their promises? The mission schools’ fate has scared away most Chinese, surely they will not agree to the so called ‘sekolah wawasan’!

  22. boh-liao:

    “Should the Opposition win any parliamentary and state seats in Chinese-dominated areas in the general election, it would always be at the expense of the MCA, thus reducing the party’s political clout in the Government,” OKT pointed out.


    OKT, it doesn’t matter. As of now, most of the Chinese are already spitting out of the mouth when hear of MCA.

    Even before, election – MCA holds not much meaning to the Chinese.

    We have awakened to the fact it is better to progress together. Rather than be under a new – suppression of a divide and rule method (which BN successfully copied from British).

  23. “I have always said Hissamuddin is not that bad a choice as the next PM compared to what is on the bench right now.” Bigjoe.

    I once was told by an UMO party guy that nothing is secret for Hisham. Hisham would leak any classified information too easily to anyone!

    Having him as our PM? A big no no!

    Let’s join force and make Anwar as PM instead!

  24. keris-mudin as pm? He is not even 1/10th of 10% the man his Grandfather was. He may be 1/10th the man his father was. No, he can go down in history as the man who divided the malays and non-malays. No need an insensitive clod like him as pm. And in future, the history books can erase his name from existence in the same manner his ministry has made refences to Parameswara, Hang Tuah et al disappear.

    Anwar as pm with cooperation of DAP and PAS would be acceptable. Given the current mess the nation is in, such a change would be most welcome.

  25. Wah OKT so bankrupt ah? Must be due to the close association with the likes of Keris-mudlin. He is practically telling chinese to vote for opposition. Lets all heed his call and do him a favour.

    Perhaps from the demise of MCA and MIC, we can see a change in the political horizon of this nation.

    And we have to make the decision and choice to do so.

  26. My daughters are studying in a SJKC school in Semenyih and for 5years the road outside the school leading to the main entrance of the school is not tarred and pot hole is every where.
    I called JKR once and they said that the road is not under their map.
    This year , because of an increase in student intake , the school is building a new 4 story block and they depend mostly on public and parents donations to build the classrooms.
    These schools are all belong to the government but when it comes to expansions , the funds do not come from the education ministry or government.

  27. The fact that Hishammuddin has to make such a pledge says it all. We just celebrated 50 years of independence and if after 50 long years, the Minister of Education has to make such a pledge it simply means that the BN Govt and their eunuch coalition partner MCA has failed and failed miserably. Rightfully, as they say in golf talk, such things are a “given”. By having to make a pledge, it confirms that the Govt. has been closing the Chinese schools and the people do not trust the Govt.

  28. If this krismdn sincere. then he should enacted this very clearly n in details (with NO UNCERTAIN WORDS OR TERMS) and become part of laws, policies and enshrined clearly in the constitution ! then only useful ! How can anyone take a personal pledge on this matter?

  29. I smell something fishy about the whole thing.
    He might as well said that if you Chinese cast your votes on BN, then no closure of primary schools is ensured.
    This is merely a cheap con job trying to win votes from the naive Chinese Malaysians. What a shortsighted politician!

    Unless we see plenty of new Chinese primary schools coming out in places where they deserve, no amount of cheap shows will gets in the votes!!!!!!

  30. Where on the earth that a “keris” use at official ceremony to potrait as symbol of harmony or whatever purpose?

    I believe that is an uncivilise and crazy act.
    To promote peaceful, the police shall detain him under ISA.

    The root cause of it which I believe was the “corruption” in different form within the government department.

    It is widely known that there are still many Malaysian influence by those dirty trick due publicise over the media by the government.

    It is undeniable that TV and newspaper is still the main source of news.

    For those people either live in poverty or contended of their current living condition. Even “one simple empty promise ” is suffice to cheat their heart as compared to nothing. It is hard to rule out “an empty good promise” is worst than none.

    Unless there are public assembly, internet website to assess the very different view of those ” empty promises” or with the help of each and everyone with ability to compare the value of illusionary promises, it is sad that struggle to work for a more efficient society is easily go to the drain.

  31. “No closure of Chinese primary schools”

    Education Minister Keris Hishammuddin, posts the above sign.
    “Three hundred ounces of silver are not buried here.”

    The thief who has stolen the silver posts the above sign.

  32. To me a larger issue is really about teaching Math & Science in English for Chinese primary school. For Chinese primary schools, there is no need and frankly better not to. Not that there is no need to improve English in Chinese schools but teaching Math & Science is not the way for Chinese. It is the way for Malays and likely Indians but not for Chinese. Why? Because teaching math & science is better in native language provided there is sufficient text and tools for it.–Bigjoe
    I agree with you here. If we want to improve our English all we have to do is simply add in another hour or two to study English (Read more Lim Kit siang’s blog is one good way!) but NOT AT THE EXPENSE of maths & science. It is a poisonous tactic by SICK PEOPLE to kill Chinese natural talent in Maths & Science!!!!!!

  33. it’s not promising at all…
    why the stupid newspaper put onto frontpage…
    UMNOputra propaganda…

    as we know the nation is growing…
    we need more school rather than empty promises from UMNO…
    by the way, the taxpayer $$$ got bloods and sweats…
    dont misuse my bloody $$$…

  34. I think it is about time leaders stopped preaching the different teaching mediums found in Chinese Schools, Tamil Schools, Malay Schools, etc. No wonder this multi-ethnic nation has branched off into it’s divergent “nations within a nation” scenario, where the different races especially in rural areas, can hardly communicate effectively with those of another race. Whatever happened to the true Bangsa Malaysia ideal, which is surely the most effective way of moulding the way forward for the country? Pupils from diverse cultures who have been exposed to a common medium of learning and communication, under one roof, integrate better and differentiate less later on in life. I believe that the emphasis which has been placed on the different Ethnic Schools in this country has slowed down the nations progress, compared to a neighbouring country whos pupils are much further ahead as a result of greater emphasis on a more international common medium of instruction.

  35. Greatstuff is correct but short of saying set up English school. May be he is scared of ISA!
    English school could be a good ‘melting pot’ for all anak Malaysia. However, to make sure of its success, it is advisable not to based any Ustaz in such school (certainly I’m not anti-Ustaz). Islamic class can still be a must for all Muslim students like in the seventies. It could be the ‘silent pressure’ from these Ustaz that has resulted in a lot of Muslim teachers trying to outdo one another in religious piety beyond the limit. Such practices has made non-Muslim students feeling uneasy or not getting used to it and distant themselves rom their Muslim classmates.

  36. The members of MCA who were equal partners with UMNO & MIC in negotiating for independence and the subsequent running of the country for a good 10 years or so from 1957, were then of a different class than the present crop of minnows. After late Tun Tan Siew Sin, as MCA president, left the Finance Ministry the Chinese people in Malaysia never had anymore respectable representation in the ruling coalition. The MCA representatives in the Alliance/BN of the last 35 years were and are reduced to mere apathetic spectators.

    The complete silence from MCA as reaction to this Kerismuddin’s pledge can only be likened to a neglected first wife too mute and unable to speak the truth when the husband slyly declares “I will not abuse my children any more”.

  37. Just as David Beckham made the word ‘metatarsal’ become known to most football fans, and just as Mahathir gave most Malaysians an opportunity to learn the new word ‘recalcitrant’, now this Hisahammuddin has just taught many of us another word – ‘antediluvian’ – meaning old, outmoded, primitive, antiquated.

  38. Yes, it is true that the MCA has been “cold storaged”. The days when the MCA Chairman held the post of Minister of Finance were still glorious, so to say. But today, look what ministerial posts are allocated to MCA, what Minister of Health, Minister of Housing and Local Government, Minister of Transport and Minister of Labour, all third or fourth class ministerial posts.

  39. Some MCA leaders has been doing a fine job defending the closure of Chinese school, no doubt about it. But that’s MCA is all about, defending what’s left for the Chinese community, they are defending our rights, my question is why when it is our rights?

  40. k1980 Says:
    Yesterday at 09: 49.28

    The inconvenient truth is that some moronic Chinese will still keep on voting for BN even if all Chinese schools are closed down


    Well my mum was one of them. I still remember TV3 show 1 news about a new relocation Chinese Primary School and she was so proud of it, saying MCA is doing a good job. See how easily these old aged people get sway away by just simply watching a government control TV channel. There are still lots of these people around and they are the majority supporter of MCA. This is why lauzy pathetic tactic like this are still being use in our country because its still WORKING!!

    As a sane younger generation like us, it is our job to show our old citizen like our parents THE TRUTH BEHIND THE TRUTH! Keep nagging them about the bad stuffs of MCA! Nag at them everyday till the coming election. Show them all the proves to support your nagging from the webs. Ask yourself, will you let your future decided in the hand of these blindly voters. To me, HELL NO!

  41. cheng on soo Says:
    Yesterday at 10: 16.16

    Do Msian realize that the famous act of waving kris n threaten to soak in somebody blood was made publicly n is broadcasted around the WORLD not just in Msia? If people outside Msia can remember, how can Msian can forget!


    I will remember this Kerismuddin event till the day I die! Let alone the famous phrase from our AAB ‘Saya pantang dicabar’!! Let me tell AAB this, ‘Saya suka MENCABAR’!! Come on guys, lets said ‘TAK NAK’ to UMNO, MCA, MIC and the rest of BN parties!

  42. Oi! Hisham, are you half asleep? This pledge is out of syn with today’s global era, what with China’s rising!
    The Americans, half a world away are clamoring to learn Chinese at all costs, yet we who are nearer to China with sizable Chinese citizens among us (this’s our geographical & linguistic advantages) are being ‘assured’ nonclosure of Chinese primary schools! This smacks of ‘reversal of intention’ assurance! Call this reverse psychology!
    This is Malaysia Boleh!!! ZZZZZZZZZZ

  43. Yes, what kwKean says is right. I will also have to nag and ‘warn’ (we are very close of course) my mum on this; she is also one of them who think GE means crossing the ‘daching’ (chin-qia).

  44. Even if they pass a BILL saying they will build Chinese schools I will still vote this useless bloke out and here are the reasons why:

    1) He practises and believes in racial discrimination. Time and again he showed us that he is a firm believer of Ketuanan Melayu.

    2) He does not know anything about improving quality of education hence he is not the right person for the job and must be fired.

    3) He has no integrity.

    4) He is so busy to protect his job and helps UMNO to churn out brainless people from local universities that he forgot to do his real job.

    5) His actions are in full contradictions with what he said about pledges. So no way I am going to trust this guy to run the country’s education.

    6) You may add on to his resume full of incompetence.

  45. English school could be a good ‘melting pot’ for all anak Malaysia.


    This is a total BS, spun by UMNO/BN, look at USA, and you will notice although it is a melting pot, but people still practice their own cultures, and their own religions, their own lifestyles, so long it does not goes against the Law and Constitution. That is why USA has AMENDENTS.

  46. Yes, he is “right”!

    Try ask him how many Chinese schools applications (even is relocation) he had approved since he in position as Education Minister?

    Try ask BN how many Chinese schools have been build for the past 50 years vs. Sekolah Kebangsaan?

    Big “joke” for Malaysia Chinese community and big SHAME for MCA!!!

    P/S: Watch out for the new DBKL city plan, they are targetting our Chinese schools in the city centre now and we have about 10 of them.

  47. Whilst Malay is ‘Cepat Lupa”, we have Chinese who are ‘Cepat Puas’ and Indian ‘Cepat Ampun’.

    Given this as the mindset for Chinese and Indian BN voters, UMNO will still be given the absolute majority come the next GE.

  48. On this token, I urge you to spread the words and influence these Chinese and Indian BN voters in your own way. Take advantage of the situation like demolition of Indian Temples and Chinese school. It has to be now or never.

  49. Never trust this guy who insists on brandishing the ‘dagger’ and has even been reminded to use it on the Chinese by his comrades during their party’s assembly.The non Bumis should open their eyes and also their mind when they vote.

  50. As Minister of Youth and Sports, he led a group of hooligans and threatened to burn down the Chinese Assembly Hall!
    As UMNO leader, he pulled out the kris and threatened to soak it with blood of others!
    Now, as Minister of Education, he is trying to show the world he is concerned with Chinese Education? What contradictions!!!!!!!


    Population increases = Demand increases

    Hishamuddin’s promise = BN’s objectives?

    These are simple calculations for those with mathematical minds.

  52. “The keris swinger may be a minister but uncultured…!!! (Mei Wen Hua)” – De_5thElement

    He is not only uncultured but totally BARBARIC!!!!! So how can he be the Minister of Education? He will make the whole population of Malaysia BARBARIC too!

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