Special Complaints Commission – totally different creature and very negation of IPCMC proposal

The Special Complaints Commission proposed in the bill tabled for first reading in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday is a totally different creature from the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) and the very negation of the independent external oversight agency for the police recommended by the Royal Police Commission.

No wonder the Chairman of the Royal Police Commission, Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah said yesterday that he was “very disappointed” as the proposed Special Complaints Commission was not what the Royal Police Commission had in mind. Dzaiddin described the Special Complaints Commission as “something entirely different from what we recommended”.

Another member of the Royal Police Commission, Tunku Abdul Aziz, former Transparency International Malaysia President, is also a disappointed man.

He said: “The whole purpose was to ensure that no only were the police protected against unfair criticism and allegations but also that there would be a return of public confidence in an organization that had lost it. If the new bill is watered down, obviously we are not going to achieve this purpose.”

How can the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Cabinet expect the 26 million Malaysians to have confidence in the proposed Special Complaints Commission when the leading lights of the Royal Police Commission like Tun Dzaiddin and Tunku Aziz are totally disgusted by the breach of faith and the complete watering-down of the IPCMC proposal to produce something quite nonsensical? Continue reading “Special Complaints Commission – totally different creature and very negation of IPCMC proposal”