Hindraf demo – Pak Lah’s “Big Ears” hearing problem

The Star’s front-page headline “PM: I hear you” is symptomatic of the grave hearing problem of the Abdullah premiership which is entering into its fifth year.

Abdullah should ask why despite his pledge from the first days of becoming the fifth Prime Minister that he wanted to “hear the truth however unpleasant” and his claim that he has “big ears”, Malaysians are convinced that he is not hearing anything?

Is this because his gatekeepers have erected an unprecedentedly high wall as compared to the four previous Prime Ministers cutting him off from ordinary Malaysians — I have for instance given up attempts to ask for a meeting with the Prime Minister because it is just impossible to get through his handlers — or is it because he could not hear anything even with his “big ears” if what he is told just enters one “big ear” only to exit the other “big ear” without leaving any impressions?

The very fact that Abdullah must start his fifth year as Prime Minister to shout “I hear you”, “I have big ears”, are the most eloquent proofs that Abdullah is having a grave hearing problem and had not been listening to the people despite having “big ears”!

The letter to Malaysiakini by Penang State Exco Dr. Toh Kin Woon breaking ranks with the top Barisan Nasional leadership dissociating himself from its condemnation of marches, rallies and pickets which were “centred on their illegality, potential threat to peace, the possible destabilization of the economy including frightening away foreign investors” is further proof of Abdullah’s “Big Ear” hearing problem.

When will Abdullah “walk the talk” of his pledge to “hear the truth” and listen to Dr. Toh Kin Woon instead of to the sycophantic top Barisan Nasional leaders whether Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting of MCA, Tan Sr. Dr. Koh Tsu Koon of Gerakan or Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu of MIC that Barisan Nasional leaders “should have been more concerned over the grievances, frustrations and disappointments that have brought so many thousands to the streets in the first place and to seek fair and just solutions to them”?

Dr. Toh had referred in particular to the “Walk for Justice” of 2,000 lawyers organized by the Bar Council for restoration of the independence and integrity of the judiciary; the 40,000-strong Bersih rally in support of electoral reforms for clean, free and fair elections; the 30,000-strong Hindraf demonstration on the socio-economic and cultural plight of the Malaysian Indians particularly the lower strata; and the numerous pickets by the Malaysian Trades Union Congress and trade unions for higher salaries to meet rising costs of living so burdensome to the workers.

When will Abdullah hear the unvarnished truth that it is these “discontent and unhappiness” that have brought thousands to the streets over the last several months which “will be a greater threat to our country’s peace and stability, rather than the marches, pickets and demonstrations”?

Although Abdullah claimed yesterday, “I hear this. I hear all this… I hear a lot of things, and my ears burn when I hear them”, this is not borne out by events in the past four years of his premiership.

Abdullah has yet to hear the message of the Walk for Justice of Sept. 26, 2007 wasting two full months in establishing the three-man Haidar Panel on the authenticity of the Lingam Tape with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Tape and the restoration of the independence and integrity of the judiciary still to be announced. Why is the Haidar Report not yet made public — although this was the implicit undertaking of the government when the Haidar Panel was formed?

Abdullah has yet to hear the message of the 40,000-strong Bersih rally for electoral reforms for clean, free and fair elections on November 10, 2007. Is the Prime Minister prepared to support the initiative of an all-party conference on electoral reform to make the 12th Malaysian general election the most free, fair and clean since Merdeka, with a mandate to complete proposals within two months so that the necessary legislative and regulatory amendments could be effected to put them into force for the next general election?

Abdullah has yet to hear the message of the 30,000-strong Hindraf demonstration on 25th November 2007. Is the Prime Minister prepared to introduce a new national policy on a New Deal to end the political, economic, educational, social, cultural and religious marginalisation of the Malaysian Indian community for the past three decades?

Abdullah has yet to hear the message of the MTUC pickets for fair wages. Is he prepared to hold his first meeting with MTUC leaders which they had been asking since he became Prime Minister? When the Prime Minister is too busy to even have one meeting with MTUC leaders after more than four years, Abdullah is indeed suffering from a very severe “Big Ear” hearing problem.

77 Replies to “Hindraf demo – Pak Lah’s “Big Ears” hearing problem”

  1. Yeah..big ears. right!. Issue as big as an elephant just go in the right ear and come out straight thru the left ears. Nothing get absorbed!

    Forget about the Indians. How about the anti corruption drive? Where’s the inter faith dailog?

    BTW, congrats for extending the valuable contract of the DG of ACA.

  2. The more he tries to change, the more things will remain the same. He wants only positive criticism. And he hasn’t understood that there’s no such thing. All criticism are, by nature, more or less
    ‘destructive’ in order to alter or change things which are unsatisfactory and wrong.

  3. He is a forked tongue conman. He lies without blinking his eye. He has made lying into an art. He makes promises which doesn’t mean to keep.
    Tell me one promise which he has kept.
    He is more interested in flying around in his jet than attending Parliament or to the people’s needs.

  4. Left ear masuk right ear keluar becos in between there is nothing to filter thru the message nor anything in between to block the message from going out the right ear.

    Or maybe he only listens to his SIL and fell good news from his spindoctors.

  5. Pak Lah’s “Big Ears” hearing problem. Reminds me of something from my childhood not so long ago:


    But will he have happy endings, big ears and all? If you listen with deaf ears despite its size, with closed eyes that do not see, and perhaps with a mind that don’t and can’t comprehend, then the ship manned by morons must surely flounder or head for the rocks.

    Many have asked for appointments including Hindraf in Putrajaya a couple of months ago but not many have been successful in meeting the “Keptan” who is often not around enjoying his toys somewhere. This “kepten” isolates himself and pretends that all is well when it is not. Can mutiny be not far behind?

    So what now of the other oppressed and marginalised peoples across the waters, in the East? Are the natives there happy? Do we hear the sounds of their drums?

    Let us show the “Kepten” the plank.

  6. Badawi hears but he does not listen. Badawi heard the desperate cries of the people who were shot at with tear gas and chemicals but he did not care about their sufferings. So all I can say to you Sir is, GO TO HELL!

  7. AAB has big ears but he is having ear diseases and need
    hearing aids!!

    He strongly denies that he marginalizes The Indians and
    All The Non Malay Minority Groups…!! It is All Lies and he
    is talking garbage!!

    The Government and Its NEP rob All The Indians and All
    Non Malays of Their RIGHTFUL SHARES in Malaysia’s
    WEALTH to finance All The Malays’ benefiting projects
    and Worst Still, The SPACE PROGRAM…with All the TAX
    PAYERS’ money…!!!

    The Government just simply spend the LOOTED Money,
    belonging to ALL PEOPLES of Malaysia, away and treat
    All Indians and All Non Malays like DIRTs..!!!

  8. This is the most inept PM in the history of Bolehland. The problem is his kampung mentality – he expects to have the perks of the job without having to work for it. I can tell you that I have met the man and spoken to him, and he is totally uninspiring and cannot grasp the real issues at hand. Mahathir could grasp issues very quickly; if he didn’t, he would sit down with you and try to understand the real issues at hand. With Bodohwi, you could be spinning your explanations until you run out of patience.

    It is sad, and all the more so that the cabinet knows what he is like, and that is why they all run rings around him, and speak when they should only listen. There is totally no respect for the PM, but they (the cabinet ministers) want to keep him there because of the “total” freedom that they have in running their own spheres of influence.

    It is a sad indictment of Bolehland – a country where the head of the government is inept and deserves to be booted out, but is kept in position by the system of patronage that allows the ministers to keep him there for their own selfish ends.

  9. Short is his memory and long is the Sufferings & Pain of the Indians. PM Abdullah has stated he has BIG EARS and Samy Vellu also claimed that PM Abdullah has “never shut his eyes or EARS to their plight then ”what happened to the 18-point Memo that was submitted more than 3 months ago?.” Shredded and thrown in the waste paper basket?
    And for the first time when an MIC MP (Cameron Highlands) opened his mouth to express his concerns on the Indian Plight in the country (that was so glaringly highlighted in the Sunday Rally protest) he was told curtly to resign from the MIC by an UMNO Minister. So what hope is there through legitimate means except by “streets demo” to draw the attention to their plight?
    For a read of the Hindraf 18-point Memo details
    Go H E R E 1
    For MORE Details & PICS of The 500 Malaysian Indians Protest at Putra Jaya on Aug 12 07; Abolish Privileges, ALL POOR MUST BE HELP; Plight of Indians after 50 Years of Merdeka
    Go H E R E 2

  10. Listening is one thing. Doing something is another.

    Obviously, he is doing one thing and neglecting to do the other.

    He must go for the sake of our country. The most incompetent Pm in the history of Malaysia. 24 million Malaysians and we have him as our PM. what rubbish!

  11. A friend of mine (an UMNOputra, no less) went to see him about a privatisation, and proposed a negotiated scheme. AAB agreed to support the deal, and promised to call Effendi Norwawi, the Minister in charge of the EPU and this friend of mine (and his advisors) went back home happy. Three weeks later, he met AAB again, and asked if AAB had spoken to Effendi Norwawi. AAB’s response ? “When did I agree to this scheme?”

    He had actually forgotten, and never followed up as promised. How can a person like this lead a country ?

  12. Godfather, how many proposals that needs his consent as the Financce Minister are still stuck with him even after 12 months? It’s the lower officers, bank negara, etc that got the blame when some of these proposals are lost after sending to him.

  13. Oknyua:

    He actually loves the praises heaped upon him, and the ministers know that. He basks in praises, and the positive spin put on every issue by Nazri, Zainuddeen and Najib. To be fair, the control of information to him is pretty much in the hands of the 4th floor boys like his private secretaries in the MOF, the PM’s Department and the Ministry of Home Affairs. All these boys are from UMNO Youth, and they in turn answer to the famous Son-in-law.

  14. Did this dimwit PM actually hear what the rakyat wants him to hear or hear what his gobloks think he should hear?

    He had allowed four(4) solid years have come to waste – to clean up Dr Mahathir’s mess and turn the country around. He had instead chose to forget himself with trappings of power and the high office and allowed his son-in-law to enjoy his “protection”, to create mischief and the defacto Prime Minister?

    Perhaps he needs to visit an ENT specialist to check his ears for wax, maybe some brain scan since every citizen is calling him a ‘village idiot’ or spine investigation as to why his backbone is failing him.

  15. Godfather, how was he when he was young? With what qualification was he pushed into the seat of being head of the Public Service Commission in the sixties? Since he has been called “Mr. Clean” and “Justice Bao”, can he assure us that during his tenure at the PSC, that he never sneaked in unqualified people against the standing practice of the day and used that as a means to gain political mileage before he openly joined politics? Old timers would have heard differently.

  16. In cabinet meetings, all you have to do as a cabinet minister is to say that you are looking into a problem, and will report back to him once the people you have entrusted to look into the problem have reported back to you. Then you conveniently forget about the problem – because AAB will have forgotten about it long before you do.

    All the issues surrounding the PKFTZ scandal, the crooked bridge fiasco, the substandard construction of government buildings, the APs, the Lingam tape scandal – the ministers know how to deal with AAB. They either make promises that they never deliver, or they come up with volumes of reports that they know AAB would not read.

    At the end of the day, the Chief Executive proclaims “semuanya OK” and he is truly proud of it !

  17. Justice Bao ? I think that was a term coined by Kit in a moment of sheer hope when AAB took over from Mahathir.

    I don’t know about AAB’s stint in the PSC, but I met him when he was foreign minister. Soft spoken, courteous but very much a procrastinator when it came to making decisions. His penchant for arriving late for functions was already well know then, but there was less of a focus on his ability to stay awake at meetings.

  18. During the last election campaign, it was repeatedly aired on the Chinese language radio waves that AAB was equated with Justice Ba! Not many people listens to the radio these days and naturally unaware. I heard it by chance.

  19. “Work with me, not for me”. 2004

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” 2005

    “I am fair, I will always be fair.” 2006

    “We do not engage in duplicity.” 2007

    Simply unbelievable….

  20. Godfather, it wasn’t just YB Lim KS that had high hope on him. Why I saw the victory gathering and the late Endon hugged him, it brought tears of hope into my eyes. It was a beautiful sight. “At last there is hope.” As I mentioned my earlier post, my shop was used as the main supplier for BN workers. We celebrated.

    Four years down, that celebration is now a major disappointment.

  21. If a man is to regarded as “clean”, he should have had a large measure of honesty in his whole life. Why was he so particularly upset when the Tun attacked him on nepotism and less on other points?

  22. I suppose the vast majority got duped by the promises made, by the easy demeanour. Even Mahathir, ever the scheming guy, got duped when he thought that he was sending AAB to the pack of wolves. He forgot that he had put in place the system of patronage within UMNO that allows AAB to divert funds from one pocket to another, and that as long as everyone is on the gravy train, no one is prepared to rock the boat (or train).

    I would not hold out any hope of Mahathir turning the screws on his successor. As long as Mukhriz, Mokhzani and Mirzan are still in business in Bolehland, accomodation can always be reached for all parties to spend the rest of their days in peace.

  23. Look, when he threatened to use the ISA, it wasn’t really him talking. It was straight from the mouth of a minister who presupposes that he can talk first and think later because a person’s mouth is ahead of his brain.

  24. Well…Uncle Lim, if the Prime Minister himself does not even attend Parliament sessions when you are presenting cases like these, how do you even expect him to hear from you or from the people? Has been doing this on a frequent basis? I dont think so. How do you expect him to hear?

    After all, in history, we all know that incompetent leaders does not hear the plight of the people. They have one symptom in common and that is negligence

  25. He wants to retain his affable image, so he delegates a hatchet man, Jo, to spell out the threat to sue Hindraf for “damages” including the cost of tear gas cannisters expended! Wonder whether the Indian Parliament would be greatly amused once they hear of this.

  26. PM has no hearing problem, he sees and hears the HINDRAF walk, sure he did, the only problem is that he has little comprehension power, he has IQ Ling-Ling and he’s too preoccupy with thoughts on his next yaughting holiday with Michelle.

    noti-noti IQ Ling-Ling PM

  27. YB LKS, AntiRacialDiscrimination Says:

    December 1st, 2007 at 16: 14.18
    He asked Zam Zam to warn us that he doesn’t want to hear the truth from us, now he said I heard you.

    Yes tell him whether we should ignore Zam. and also ask him howcome students in Eygpt involved in politics. They should be having critical thinking, rite? CAn they same students ask about PKFZ or Kg Medan public Inquiry?

    There are so many good leaders out there including people in UMNO. Someone there can speak for all Malaysian. Don’t let a few in power ruin this country.

  28. # Godfather Says:
    December 1st, 2007 at 13: 43.23

    “Work with me, not for me”. 2004

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” 2005

    “I am fair, I will always be fair.” 2006

    “We do not engage in duplicity.” 2007

    Simply unbelievable….

    “I am a dimwit, bear with me”> ….2008

  29. DOnt you see that the 4th Floor boys are doing the best they can in sending our sleepy head out of the country during Parlaiment sittings? THey just dont want him to know what’s going on in the country and how his reputation is now down the gutter as wide as the Sermat Tunnel.

    He is still on cloud nine as far as he is concerned rgd the welfare of the country. HE still thinks that he is the Prince Charming and can sweep “maid”ens off their feet.

  30. Malaysia Tiger Organization MUST open to All Minority
    Groups so that more people can join for good reasons…

    When the days CPM were gone, the Malaysia Government
    takes 180 degree turn from Bad to Worse…ill treating All
    the Minority Groups and Marginalizes them…!!!

    We want to restore this kind of man created flaws and
    put it back to track again otherwise All of us WILL peril..!!

  31. I am not sleeping zzzZZZzzz … I’m only praying for the nation. That is why you see my eyes are both closed. But my EARS ARE WIDE OPEN.

    I hope there are not mufflers in there put in by the 4th Boys.

    Sometimes i wonder. Whether he is bodoh sombong (stupid fool) or bodoh sepat (chinese saying: act like a pig to eat the tiger).

    Or maybe he is of the former and the very people who lays heaps of praises on to him and setup high firewalls and put mufflers in his ears are the bodoh sepat.

    and some are scheming to push him off the cliff.

    Oh dear …

    As it is, our nation is at the edge of the cliff if we do not act fast.

  32. It is very unfortunate to have a PM like him who can only talk C**k but never walk the talk. There isn’t much achievement in the last 4 dark years except more hardship to the public, more crime, more people giving up hope, more corruption, more media control, more spin doctors, more dumb ministers in the cabinet which embarrass malaysian public in the eyes of the world

  33. Let be realistic, whoever from UMNO sits in the PM post cannot do much because if he changes anything that displeases the party, he will be voted out as the president and would have to vacate the PM post. The only way is for the people to vote in the next GE and see that UMNO needs the other component parties to form the government instead of UMNO members keep on repeating that they can form the government by themselves. It would be better that BN can be denied the 2 thirds majority showing them that a large portion of malaysians are not happy at the present policies. Will this happen would depend on the opposition parties uniting as one group.

  34. Our Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is a person of truely fake, crook, cunning Character.

    His visions, his visdom, his expressions are so inconsistent in the Different Platforms that he attended to. How can out paramount leader, The Prime Minister, having such terrible, dangerous, and often fascist views when presenting himself in the Platforms where Malays or Muslims are present.

    Imagine his singular views of encouraging the Malays to Excel in Economic and Educational fields, for the well being of Ummah. What about the Indians and Chinese???

    He is suppose to be a Prime Minister for all. Why then is he taking such a fascist views in the presence of the malays or Muslims. Aren’t such fascist views tantamount to dividing the country along racial lines.

    Whereas in the Platforms for the Indians, and MCA, he would say, I HAVE EARS FOR YOU. Or even , this country belongs to everybody!!!

    Aren’t his words TERRIBLY INCONSISTENT for the good of the countrys’ intergrity and solidarity.

    Very sad, The Prime Minister himself as well as his UMNO team of Ministers are sharing and encouraging Fascism.

  35. When this Bohdowi speaks,it makes you sick in the stomach.
    Whether he steps down or not makes no different to the country
    because the whole UMNO and BN machinery are all CROOKS.
    Vote them out and send them to space,that’s the only answer.

  36. Only now you have big ears? The ears grew suddenly after the Hindraf rally?

    You are a big liar.
    You claim that Hindraf didn’t purpose dialogue before the rally. So many memorandums were sent to your office, what happened to them?

    So is actually running the country? AAB, Nazri, Najib, Khairy?

  37. It is high time we invite Christiane Amanpour , the CNN’s chief international correspondent to make a 3-hour scope on “The world Last Apartheid Practice Country —Malaysia”.

    It is time we invite USA Former President Jimmy Carter to Malaysia to investigate our so-called fair and transparent electoral system.

  38. PM has big ears?? I think so. That comes from playing the game of ‘ketok-ketampi” made famous by one Chinese national in Malaysia. Only difference is that the PM plays too much of this game with Jeanne to please her or him!

  39. Yeah, Big Ears indeed. And full of holes poked by his KJ everytime bad news come to his Big Ears. So you can imagine every piece of bad news didn’t get to his ear drums. So pathetic, may I suggest AAB go see an ‘ear specialist’ for immediate cure to his Big Ears hearing problems. Hey, on the otherhand, AAB did threaten to use the ISA! He did hear sometime, didn’t he? Now I don’t trust him and his Big Ears sensitivity.

  40. If you hear the public and know what grouses they have and whats bothering them, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    Forming a committee to look into it or to set up a hotline shows you are NOT IN TOUCH WITH THE ORDINARY MAN and this is just a ploy for the coming elections.

    I sincerely hope Malaysians are wiser and know where to send you and your policies…….on a permanent honeymoon. Please get lost and dont come back. Thats the greatest gift you can give all malaysians. And you can take Najib, Nazri, Cyclops, Zam, your foreign minister, your SIL etc with you.

  41. Godfather said this about AAB: “He had actually forgotten, and never followed up as promised. How can a person like this lead a country ?”

    Well, perhaps there should have been a written document? Will it work?

    Maybe not, because even then it could question the authencity of that document….. but at least is documented.

    Then we may ask, what a video tape of the conversation? Remember the Lingam video saga ?

    Beats me on what to do next.

  42. What happens to the Bersih memo submitted by Ezam to the Pee Am. Still reading the 600over pages!! Well, maybe Pee Am will need 600 days to finish the report (1 page / day) but considering 60% of his time in overseas, then slowly and lonely the report will soon be forgotten until the cows comes home.

  43. “Abdullah should ask why despite his pledge from the first days of becoming the fifth Prime Minister that he wanted to “hear the truth however unpleasant” and his claim that he has “big ears”, Malaysians are convinced that he is not hearing anything?”

    Donkeys have “big ears”, too. Hmm…… Not a very flattering picture, I suppose.

  44. The problem with PM’s “BIG EARS” is that they are ‘deaf’!

    The problem with PM’s “BIG EYES” is that they are ‘myopic, hyperopic & cataracted’!

    The problem with PM’s “BIG HEART” is that they are ‘atherosclerotically plaqued’!

    What else is so “BIG” about PM but they are all flawed, ailing and insensitive!

  45. smeagroo Says:

    December 1st, 2007 at 18: 12.52
    # Godfather Says:
    December 1st, 2007 at 13: 43.23

    “Work with me, not for me”. 2004 (WOK – Goreng habis-habis)

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” 2005
    (BIZ BUZZ-WORD – cheating is BIG BIZNES)

    “I am fair, I will always be fair.” 2006
    (FAIR? It’s skin-deep like L’Oreal)

    “We do not engage in duplicity.” 2007
    (ENGAGED – hell, no! We are MARRIED to duplicity)

    “I have BIG EARS, BIG EYES, BIG HEART…” 2007
    (BIG BULLSHIT – there is no BIGGER BULLSHIT than these)

    Simply unbelievable….

    “I am a dimwit, bear with me”> ….2008
    (A good NITWIT is a good DIMWIT)

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