Crime – increase by leaps and bounds and mutate to new criminality

In the past 30 months since the Royal Police Commission Report and its 125 recommendations in May 2005 to create an incorruptible, efficient, professional world-class police service to reduce crime, eradicate corruption and protect human rights, the scene on the crime front has taken a turn for the worse.

There has not only been a big jump in the crime index, new forms of criminality have been created striking fear among law-abiding citizens, tourists and would-be investors making Malaysia even more unsafe for people and property compared to four years ago.

The Royal Police Commission in its May 2005 Report had referred to the “alarming” and “dramatic increase” in the crime index from 121,176 cases in 1997 to 156,455 cases in 2004, an increase of 29 per cent in eight years, and recommended a reduction by 20% in the crime index in the first 12 months.

In actual fact, the reverse has taken place with the crime index set to create a new record in crossing the 200,000 mark this year — a hefty increase of some 30% of the crime incidence in three years from 2004!

Yesterday, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and Chairman of the Crime Prevention Foundation, admitted the worsening of the crime index this year with nine reported cases of rape a day in the first nine months of this year as compared to four cases a day in 2003 and 6.7 cases a day in 2006!

A recent public opinion survey found that crime and public safety was rated as the second biggest concern of Malaysians — coming after price hikes and economic concerns.

What must be a matter of grave concern is the creation of new forms of criminality compounding the fear and trauma of Malaysians that they have lost the fundamental and precious freedom from crime and the fear of crime.

This week alone there were two cases of abduction — not of the rich and wealthy but ordinary people. A 28-year-old woman, fashion designer, was abducted in broad daylight in Shah Alam when she was walking to her office to report for work after parking her car at an open carpark nearby, and was taken on a 22-hour terror ride to force her to withdraw RM6,000 from her bank ATM account.

Last week also saw baby-abduction in the Kajang Hospital by a 16-year-old girl who ran away with a new-born baby she had snatched — although the mother Norimah Tantalih, 31, was fortunate that the baby was rescued subsequently.

Snatch-thefts have not only increased by leaps and bounds, but have mutated to new criminal forms of smashing cars to snatch hand-bags and valuables inside — not only in broad daylight but in the presence of the woman drivers.

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Nazri Aziz has confirmed that the long-delayed Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) Bill would be presented to Parliament in the current meeting.

The parliamentary debate on the IPCMC bill will be a major debate on the state of crime in Malaysia.

However, up to now, the IPCMC Bill has not been made available to MPs although the Dewan Rakyat has been extended for three days till Dec. 19.

The IPCMC is the key proposal of the Royal Police Commission to undergird its police reform recommendations to achieve the three core police objectives to keep crime low, eradicate corruption in the police force and uphold human rights.

The question is whether the IPCMC proposed in the forthcoming Bill will be by-and-large the external oversight mechanism to monitor and check police abuses of power as recommended by the Royal Police Commission or whether it would be a different creature altogether, without teeth and credibility.


34 Replies to “Crime – increase by leaps and bounds and mutate to new criminality”

  1. One should not be too surprised at this situation.

    By delaying the IPCMC, the government has given the signal to all the crooks that it cannot control some of its own people.

    This has encouraged even those who are doing well to get into criminal acts. One case is the latest officer who was caught gun smuggling.

  2. Uncle Lim, I AM NOT AT ALL SURPRISED that crime increases! People can break law in front of police station mah….

    You should bring it up in Parliament why people can break law in front of TTDI police station, Klang Police Station, Pantai Police Station. Therefore, I am not surprised if more serious crime is broken AWAY from the police station.

  3. One of my husband’s friend’s hardware shop in Masai, Johor, was robbed 2 to 3 weeks ago. While the robbery was taking place, the owner’s wife managed to sneak into the back room to make a report. The police asked if the robbers had weapons, and she mistakenly said yes. The police only came half an hour later, evidently having waited for the coast to clear.

    Nowadays, try reporting snatch thefts and the police will tell you, with bored looking expressions, that yours is the 4th or 5th case for the day.

    Also, what happened to all the action promised by the police in Johor Bahru after the 300,000 thousand signatures submitted by Johoreans and Singaporeans protesting over the high crime rate? At first, we saw plenty of police presence and was happy. But then there were no news that an extraordinary amount of criminals were caught. All in hiding to wait for the hue and cry to be over – the same as what the police are doing.

  4. “..a hefty increase of some 30% of the crime incidence in three years from 2004!..”
    That was proportionate to the salary increase given to the Police for a job well done.
    If crime rate increases another 30%, I believe the government will give them another 30% pay increase next year.
    It is safer for the police to go after empty handed Indian demonstrators or collecting bribes from motorist for trivial traffic offenses rather than going after armed criminals.

  5. When in comes in terms of sincerity and efforts in combating crimes, see what actions have been taken by our sleepy Pak Lak Prime Minister cum Internal Security Minister:

    Action 1:

    Action 2:

    Action 3:

    So now you know why the crime rates in this country increase by leaps and bounds ??!!

  6. The IPCMC reforms the police force but police force is just a dyke to stem and fight crime that is a structural problem and increasing day by day due to misgovernment and political and economic mismanagement. There is direct relationship between crime rise and ill performing economy in which more and more are unemployed, not equipped with English or employable skills or whose income is insufficient for keeping up, exacerbated by the drift from rural to urban centres. Compounding this problem is inundation by “legal “semi skilled foreign labour and illegal immigrants, a problem that cannot be ameliorated when many in enforcement agencies are on the take and view these vulnerable group of people without rights as a source of income. You have to reform the government/administration not just the police if you want this crime problem managed and contained.

    Even if it were possible to reform the police force for the better how do they contain a rising tsunami of crime whose root causes lie in macro-socio/economic and structural factors arising from failed political policies?

  7. LOL looks like pirated DVD is harder to buy too.
    I sure Malaysians are happy that their police force is atleast keeping the streets safe from pirated DVDs. Sometimes I wonder if this is Malaysian police force or Hollywood’s police force.

  8. The Malaysian Police is funded by mafia, triads. And bribes from the public.

    How to improve?

    More migration enquiries to come. Not only from Indians, Chinese. Also Malays. Govt is no longer hearing us.

    Yes. There is a hotline. Is it a voice recorder system? Which can be easily filtered and deleted – of things the ears which do not want to hear?

    Or a firewall setup by the holy son?

  9. Owing to the high crime rate,everyone is living in fear.You won’t know when it will strike on you and your dear ones.These days if you own and drive a relatively expensive car.You should be prepared for would be faked accident hijackers and armed robbers.Hand bag snatching,house breaking etc are happening everywhere.You have to thank your lucky star if you are not a victim of the ever increasing crime rate.This is indeed a very sad state of security situation rendered by the moronic and weak leadership.

  10. want to arm ourselves also cannot, only the very rich can carry gun.
    Most criminals got guns stun gun we what.
    while defending ourselves if the thief gets killed we are put in jail.

    2 of my Malay friends were cheated involving 2 separate incident.
    Each went to a different police station to report the different cases.
    Police for 2 different stations told them this is not a police case. Told them to hire thugs (samseng) to go after the people that cheated them. How many of you had the same told to you ?

  11. In Bolehland, crooks know that crime pays. Crooks are led by example, starting from the BN reps. Crooks know that if they are ever caught, the evidence can be made to disappear or the prosecution is more likely to stumble than succeed. Judges may not even have the time to write the judgements…

    How many successful prosecutions have there been I recent years ? Better still, how many cases have been solved in recent years ? If you continue to vote for the den of thieves, then you truly deserve the government you elect.

  12. Malaysia boleh, crime also BOLEH! Its only a matter of time when you see more kidnap and even rape cases happen during broad light, even at public area full with people. They prefer to stop peaceful protester rather then battling brutal criminal because we, the public do not offer them promotion and money. Their salary is from the public tax money but do remember THIS, the government is the one who paid them, not from us directly. Now you know why the crime rate is so high!

    The only way to change this is to bring down the current USELESS government. Power balance between the opposition is no longer the issue here as we are the one suffering now and if this continue our condition will be even WORST! Don’t forget, criminal even dare to break into our Agong’s Palace, what else they can’t do?

  13. This is the most INCOMPETENT government in our 50 year history, and yet the brown-nosers MCA, Gerakan and MIC have praised the Sleepy Head to high heaven. Gerakan says that the PM has “big ears” to listen, MCA says that the PM is a big champion of Chinese schools, while MIC says that the PM is concerned for the Indians.

    When are we going to see some reality ? When are we going to say that enough is enough ? When are we going to say that we must stop cheating the people ?

  14. Imagine custom officer caught for gun smuggling,anti narcotics officer caught for smuggling drugs.No wonder armed robbery is so rampant and our security is at stake.What is the point of rehabilitating drug addicts when you have government officers collaborating with drug kingpins?

  15. When my staff made police report about my factory break-in, guess what?

    The policeman in charge at the police station requested copi-o money for him to write a “good” report!

    What he actually meant was he could inflate the amount of losses thus allowing us to get a bigger insurance claim. He wanted a share of it!

    Of course we turned him down. All claims to insurance company must be substantiated by supporting documents. The policeman tried to fool my people for the copi-o money!

  16. Looks like our perception of public safety levels is at least lower than the levels seen in the 1960s.

    After 50 years of independence, it is quite an accomplishments.

    We are able to lower this perception while a lot developing countries are getting a higher index.

  17. Like that… how to have a safe holiday in Malaysia? Tourist will go away.

    Someone talked about Hindraf rally scaring people.

    This one even more ‘teruk’. Wah, I lose confidence in boleh land.

  18. Uncle Lee Kuan Yew is RIGHT in his judgement that
    Johore Baru WILL be A CITY of ALL EVILS…!!

    Why ALL the Politicians, people scolded him in the
    first place..??!! Is he so silly to simply open his mouth
    and let all of you fire him for nothing..??!!

    Wake up, all those BODOH!!

    Similarly when he says All Non Malay Minority Groups
    are being MARGINALIZED by UMNOputras, he again was
    bombarded by so many !!

  19. The police force is full of incompetent and lazy personnel, period!! They don’t even know how to conduct proper investigations. Just like our education system and universities are full of incompetent and lazy lecturers.

  20. Right from the day the Police Chief announced in the newspapers that “THE POLICE IS SHORT-HANDED”, crooks have been given assurance to commit crimes any way they like. This is better than issuing them with permits to commit crimes.

  21. I add to what ktteokt mentioned:
    [December 2nd, 2007 at 15: 06.29
    Right from the day the Police Chief announced in the newspapers that “THE POLICE IS SHORT-HANDED”, crooks have been given assurance to commit crimes any way they like. ]

    Those Youtube Videos show that law is broken IN FRONT of police stations. So how can the police come up with excuses that they are short-handed? Don’t tell me there is not even one policeman that is manning the police station? Don’t tell me that the police in the police station cannot even issue summons to those who park illegally in front of their police station? Don’t tell me that the signboard which clearly says no parking do not mean anything to those law breakers? Well done then! Tahniah police!!! Well done police!!! People can break the law in front of you, my POLICE!!!!. I am sure half a km away from the police station, more laws would be broken.

  22. Uncle Lim. Please don’t forget about loan sharks too!

    Keng Yaik said “Register or Lose Phone Lines” Source: NST 29 / 12 /2005. “RM 6.5 million forfeited from Pre-Paid Users who failed to register” (NST, 10 / April 2007).

    What do the loan sharks do now? They advertise with banners with their Maxis / Digi / Celcom numbers! Look at the video and you will see! So, if the authorities cannot even control criminals i.e. illegal loan sharks even with the availability of technology, then something is wrong!

    Please bring it up in the parliament. If criminal loan sharks roam freely, I am sure people especially women on the streets are not safe anymore!

  23. Uncle Lim. Please bring up about “BREAKING LAW IN FRONT OF POLICE STATION” in parliament. WHY? very simple.

    In the Internet search engines e.g. Google and Yahoo, just search the phrases, Breaking Law In Front of Police Station. You will not get any videos or photos of anybody breaking law in front of the police station in anywhere in this world!!!! BUT HOWEVER, IN MALAYSIA, YOU CAN FIND EVIDENCES OF IT!

  24. The latest is that of a 20 year old who was kidnapped in front of her house in Subang, and gang-raped despite the mother paying the ransom. Must we all now demand the right to bear arms ?

  25. I agree with swee_ann_tweety. If you look around you, you will realize that most if not all traffic signs, road signs and other public places have been infested with stickers of loan sharks offering “financial assistance”. And since the government has made it compulsory to register all mobile phone users, why then can’t the police or the authorities nab these people as their phone numbers are clearly displayed on these stickers. Apart from soliciting illegal loans, these people have vandalized public amenities. Some of these traffic signs and road signs have been fully covered with stickers and I want to ask when did the government become so generous as to provide free “notice boards” to these people to “advertise” their trade??

  26. Stop being naive. In Bolehland, loan-sharking is a crime only if you don’t know the right people. Just as in prostitution, illegal DVDs, smuggling, designer drugs, etc, loan-sharking is a “protected” profession. You go after the numbers, and you will find that they are all registered, either with fake ICs or with some other people’s ICs.

    At least loan-sharking, prostitution, illegal DVDs represent choices for the people – you have a choice not to use the vice. The recent spate of kidnappings and gang-rapes are frightening because the victims don’t have a choice. They pay the ransom, yet they still get gang-raped. What sort of protection are we getting ?

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