Khairy has made “Unhappy Deepavali” into “Angry Deepavali”

Umno Deputy Youth Leader and the Prime Minister’s son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin made the “Unhappy Deepavali” yesterday into an “Angry Deepavali” for many when his uncalled-for attack on the Indian community at the Umno General Assembly was telecast on RTM in the afternoon.

Malaysians, both Hindus and non-Hindus, were taken aback and outraged when they saw the telecast of Khairy blaming the Indians as the cause why the Umno President, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s presidential address at the Umno General Assembly was not published yesterday, apart from Utusan Malaysia and Oriental Daily.

Khairy had said in the Umno General Asembly debate yesterday morning: “Today is the first time the Umno president’s speech is not being read by the masses because a particular ethnic group controls the distribution line of newspapers and they are on holiday.”

Already, Hindus were not in much celebratory mood although it was Deepavali yesterday. In fact, there were those who were in “protest” mode because of the increasing signs of lack of proper respect for all religions in the country and especially after the insensitive and sacrilegious demolition of the 40-year-old Sri Maha Mariaman Temple in Kampung Rimba Jaya in Shah Alam when Deepavali was just a week away.

The holding of the Umno General Assembly during Deepavali, a gazetted public holiday, had also upset many Malaysians, both Hindus and non-Hindus, as it seems to point to a growing pattern of insensitivity by the powers-that-be in the country.

If the MIC, MCA or Gerakan had held their annual party assemblies during Hari Raya holidays, it would have been regarded as highly insensitive, offensive and unacceptable — and undoubtedly pressures would have been brought to bear to move such assemblies to another date.

Why wasn’t the same consideration given in the case of this year’s Umno General Assembly clashing with Deepavali — as the excuse that Abdullah had a “tight schedule” is simply just unacceptable?

Adding insult to injury, Deepavali and the Indian news vendors are now being blamed for their “lack of respect” for the Umno President for having a press holiday on the day after Abdullah’s Umno Presidential address!

What is even more galling is Khairy’s criticism of “a particular ethnic group” for its “control of the distribution line of newspapers” when the Indian community as a whole has become the most marginalized group, even a new underclass, 50 years after Merdeka — a fact admitted by none other than the MIC President, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu.

Instead of ensuring that the Indians in Malaysia can participate equitably and fully in the economic development of the country, is Khairy suggesting further marginalization of the Indian community?

Khairy should apologise to the Indian community for his uncalled-for and most unwarranted aspersions on the Indian community yesterday.


61 Replies to “Khairy has made “Unhappy Deepavali” into “Angry Deepavali””

  1. Even monkeys would know and understand such differences and sensitivities, thus giving due honour and respect to the Hindus for thier annual celebration of LIGHT.

    UMNO lives in DARKNESS and therefore has no respect for light. UMNO is palled “in the dunnest smoke of hell
    That (its) keen knife (read ‘keris’) see not the wound it makes,
    Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark
    To cry ‘Hold, hold’. (Courtesy of Shakespeare, “Macbeth, Act 1 Sc. V).

  2. “Today is the first time the Umno president’s speech is not being read by the masses because a particular ethnic group controls the distribution line of newspapers and they are on holiday.”

    Boy, if I were to be given a free copy of that liar’s “I have been fair” speech, I would have chucked it away into the nearest trash bin without glancing it. There are things which makes a person vomit in disgust without even being read.

    Why not bind all that clown’s speeches into a little red book (“The Thoughts of the Great Iman”) and make it compulsory reading for all schools, universities and government departments?

  3. “Yes, yes, I heard your command loud and clear, YM SIL. So sorry, so sorry, for the inconvenience and insensitivity caused to Umnoputras. I guarantee this oversight will never happen again and I will tell my people to treat Umno matters with utmost urgency and respect.” SV. Kow tow – tok, tok, followed by writing lines, 100X.

  4. Speaking from both ends.

    First the event is not telecast live – why? because it is not for public consumption? Who are they kidding?

    Then, the Prez speech is not read by the masses bcos Indians went on holiday?

    So do you want it or don’t you want it? Can’t you guys make up your mind?

    Seems to me, UMNO and KJ only wants what they want, well,….. too bad, spolt brats are best ignored.

    Something to ponder on:

  5. YB Lim, last year he complained that the hardware business was controlled by non-Malays. Seriousy, I offered mine for sale. No Malay wanted it. Too difficult to learn, they said.

    KJ complained that the Indians controlled the paper distribution business? I will inform Rajoo, my morning paper distributor to sell the business to him. The only problem is that Rajoo starts his days at 4 each morning. I wonder if KJ can wake up at that time.

  6. Even if I assume Sdr. Lim is spinning this story out of proportion, I can only conclude Khairy is just a very privilliged not very qualified young man.

    This man has the ambition of leading this country. Given his intellectual gap and proclivities, I shudder to think of that day!

    It truly scares me….

  7. From the way he talks and behaves, it is clear that the Unhonorable Son-in-Law wants to personally monopolize and control all the businesses, be they paper distribution, toilet-paper manufacturing, hardware, software, mediumware, legal or otherwise. This would enable him to succeed the late Lim Goh Tong as Asia’s richest bum

  8. Aiyo! Malays want to do the menial tasks of waking up early in the morning, collect the day’s newspapers and then go house to house to distribute them? This is very hard work for very little profit and if Khairy wants the Malays to do this business, by all means! Why would they want to do this when they can easily get jobs in government and GLCs and the bigger boys can get a slice of lucrative government contracts. The news distributors deserve a well earned rest. Be grateful to them please and not spit at them.
    Obviously UMNO looks upon Indians with disdain and consider them low life who only deserve crumbs from the table. They should not be celebrating deepavali but go on distributing news papers that glorify UMNO.

  9. Now the Indians has marginalised the UMNObaginda’s FIL because they did not distribute the newspapers that were not printed.

    Why not also complain that the indian owner of astro did not televise live the whole umno proceedings? (WE all know why, zam did not tell them the truth)

    For oknyua, the sil is not interested in any business that requires work. He just wants to collect “toll”. Next target may be yr hardware trade if his macais comes out with another brilliant idea like repacking doctor’s medicine, hologram sticker for cigarettes, halal the halalness of imported meats,

  10. This must be one of the most insulting and stupid remark I have ever read coming from a so called scholar. This KJ is just braying like a donkey. I hope that all malaysians would remember to vote for his opponent if he is selected to be one of the candidates for the next general election. However, I think it would be futile because he would be given a safe seat where non-malay voters would be like a drop in the ocean.

  11. Even newspaper distribution isn’t spared their ambitions.

    First they took away most of the banks, saying that the Chinese dominated banking. Then they took away the stockbrokers, saying that the Chinese dominated stockbroking. They took away the equipment suppliers, saying that equipment supplies are dominated by the other races. They took away car distribution, and formed their own bumiputra car distribution companies.

    That is the price to pay when the mutes at MIC and MCA remain faithfully silent.

  12. I thought UMNO annuar general asembly is suppose to be discussing national or nation wide issues or stadegy in further strengthen our economy and “MALAY”SIA’s future. Sad to say i don’t see that however in return i only see or read sentences or phrases in critising non muslim community.
    “”””Khairy had said in the Umno General Asembly debate yesterday morning: “Today is the first time the Umno president’s speech is not being read by the masses because a particular ethnic group controls the distribution line of newspapers and they are on holiday.””””” In comment with this sentence qouted by Mr Khairy…… Muslim community should wake up and think why non muslim groups are controlling the distribution line of newspaper and media and not muslim? In another sentence by Mr Khairy qouted non muslim also controlling the construction industry (Malaysian’s economy pillar)……wake up and think why non muslim group is controlling it and not muslim (BUMIPUTRA)? Last but not least. To all our muslim Malaysian. You should be proud and thankful coz the royal police, royal army force, National Car Builder (PROTON), Postmen, toll collectors are all controlled by MUSLIM community. I am very proud of you all as a MALAYSIAN.

  13. So where is MCA and MIC? The whole “BN team” is getting more and more ridiculous! even if this is spread out from the media, they will just say it is just a comment from a small particular people in UMNO, WTH!

  14. Godfather, and don’t forget they are trying very hard to take away the wholesale and retail trade sector too. And what about the telcom sector, oil and gas, plantation (don’t forget Synergy Drive, who built it, whose money they used to buy it, and who is enjoying now), in addition to the whole public sector from ministries, agencies, departments, statutory bodies, GLCs, universities, police, armed forces, judiciary, to ports, airports, power, water, expressways and other infrastructure. MCA, it is really a hoax that Chinese still control the economy of this country. Please look around you. Ya, may be the Chinese are increasingly controlling the illegal VCD trade, designer drug distribution, and managing chinese dolls, etc.

    Yes, for once make it happens, Khairy should apologise, Khairy should apologise,Khairy should apologise,Khairy should apologise,Khairy should apologise……..

  15. Aiyo, the entire BN is made up of morons. UMMO thinks it can do away with MCA & MIC, and I think they ARE right!! They are plain useless.

    The PM has now become a hypocrite & blind. How can he talk about the other races being sensitive to the sensitivities of the Malays when he & his morons have been showing us how NOT to be sensitive to the needs of other races? If at all, he should be upset that that we have not followed in the footsteps of his UMMOputras.

  16. If a particular ethnic group controls the distribution line of newspapers, then the appropriate thing to do if one wants Umno president’s speech in the Umno General Assembly debate to be read by the masses the next day is to hold Umno General Assembly well before or after Deepavali rather than hold it during that festive day and say that that community would not mind!

  17. When the govt say we must be tolerant of each others religion and race, what they meant was that the tolerance is in their favour only…!!!

    Well, at least the newspapers vendors are earning an honest living, more than I can say for certain people in UMNO/BN. Malaysia is going down the drain thanks to these goons.

  18. UMNO play this game with MIC and MCA. UMNO would say: Tail I win, Head both of you loose!!! MCA and MIC being donkeys and monkeys accepted the rules. Padan muka!!!

    Anyway coming toKhairy’s argument. He is no better than a kerbau!
    Why must UMNO hold the assembly on Deepavali? Stupid dumbo!
    If the rest hold the assebly on Hari Raya, you and Hishamuddiin will come charging with your keris unsheathed.

    Look at you ugly self , first,Khairy!!!

  19. Each time I read such comments, it always make me feel how lucky I am to out of Malaysia. Emigration is not for everybody but those who have done so, ultimately feel highly rewarded in terms of the future for themselves and their kids. Imagine them growing in an environment devoid of racial,ethnic and religious discrimination. More importantly, they are now exposed to a wider community that embraces multiculturism, meritocracy, personal freedom and fair go. Guess which group will be better equipped to face the future challenges in this world?

  20. “Today is the first time the Umno president’s speech is not being read by the masses because a particular ethnic group controls the distribution line of newspapers and they are on holiday.”

    Malaysian Indians hear me, you are not slaves. But now they think you are one because and that’s why Samy Vellu is the work minister. So you all should just work, work, work and work so UMNO and Khairy can enjoy. Think about it.

  21. If I put in print what I really think of SIL’s comments of the news vendors, I guarantee there will be a riot. In sober language, I think his comments were low down cheap shots designed to capitalise on the sentiments amongst UMNO delegates who were annoyed at the reactions of the Indian community to the demolition of their temple in Shah Alam. It was a cheap shot to gain popularity mileage from an incident that was hurting to the Indians but secretly rejoiced by you-know-who. And all these were taking place while his FIL is preaching religious tolerance and how UMNO do not practice “duplicity”. I am disgusted that even the poor, hardworking news vendor earning an honest living is not spared being made scapegoats for SIL’s political ambitions. They did not choose the Deepavali dates. UMNO could choose their GA date. So, if you want to blame someone, blame your own FIL who could not accomodate any other date.

    In a way I am happy that all these statements were made. It revealed the true hypocrisy of UMNO. From AAB’s speech down to all those orchestrated speeches by the delegates. they were all designed to cheat and lie to the non Malays to vote BN in the coming GE. The moment the GE is over they will revert to their true self – the lying, grabbing , corrupted and hypocritical party that they truly are.

  22. If ever Malaysia is ruled by an alternative government, these BN and UMNO criminals should be put through a tribunal to strip them of their arrogance, and return the wealth they have robbed from the country.

  23. Do you guys think Khairy &/or UMNO ever care about Indian (& other non-bumis)?

    Hindu are supposed to send newspaper when UMNO has something to tell Malays whether its Deepavali or not.

    Perhaps next year AGM should be arranged to coincide with CNY. Then all Chinese must ensure that their master are not incovinienced. The reason? PM only have time during CNY.

  24. anyway,who cares what he (phaklah)says?with or without newspaper,everyone knows that the same issues are being fried!nothing new,year in,year out,it depicts the size of their brains,i can say,most of the UMNO delegates,are racists,narrow- minded,sarcastic and hypocrite!

  25. Khairy should talk sense and deliver speeches of greater
    importance to all Malay-sians!! He has nothing to boost
    that he is ‘Oxford Uni graduate’ and becoz of this inferior
    complex, he has to lash on the Indians and spoil their
    Deepavali mood in order to achieve his goals!!

    This year seems to be very unusual year for all UMNO
    delegates!! They are ‘out of a sudden’ treat the ‘Orang
    Cina’ very nice and so well?! Don’t you sense something
    is NOT quite Right??

    Oh Ya, now I remember General Election is just round the
    corner!! Please Do Not be fooled by the people with Ulte-
    rior Motives!! It is a very Dangerous game!! Beware!!

    The Malays and their Air Muka relate us to ‘The Malay-sia
    Man in the Space’ – The First Malay ‘Cosmonaut’ in Space
    to boost up their self esteem and egoism!!

    They know Orang Cina already have rockets and spaceships
    but the Indians still lagging behind… Because of ‘Kiasu-
    Culture’, the Malays try to beat the Indians by short-cut
    way and sent the man up to the space first. Only then the
    space engineering and technical know-how will come in later
    stages. So this is the Win-Win situation for All Malays!!

    In Kiasu culture, it is the Air Muka that counts!! Air Muka
    mesti pandai-pandai jaga, space technologies belakang
    kira…!! Gaya mesti Mahu!!

  26. “Air Muka mesti pandai-pandai jaga, space technologies belakang
    kira…!! Gaya mesti Mahu!!”

    May I translate this important statement for the benefit of those less well versed in the national language?

    Water face must clever clever watch, space technology behind watch! Style must have.

  27. It is UMNO General assembly man – how dare the Indians celebrate deepavali. Next time Malaysian Hindus must postpone their celebration so as not to cause inconvenience to their masters – this seems to be the message from this …. I am sure Samy Velu would happily comply even to such absurd request. [deleted] It is sad that Malaysia had deteriorated beyond redemption.

  28. Whatever comes out from Khairy’s mouth, stink…! Young, self inflated & arrogant piece of shit..! Constantly, Khairy doesn’t demonstrate the maturity as a leader. He must have feel great to hurt other races’s feeling. So uncivilization, insensitive and no cultural background at all….!!! Good for UMNO! Quantity being confused with Quality (always the case). Rubbish being considered Wealth..! Time for free fall…!!

  29. “It Hurt, It Really Hurt,” said the great MIC Sam V Lu. He wanted to show the Indian community’s “Hurt” by cancelling all the “Open House” events MIC wanted to have for Deepavali, but withdrew the “Order” hours before Deepavali! WHAT SANDIWARA! He even made press statement that MIC has no problem UMNO having its General Asembly on Deepavali day. Wow what ‘greatness’ (of leadership)! Now what about the ‘screwing’ SIL had given the Indian community- No problem too?
    Just like his “meninggal dunia” statement, he never thinks before ‘leaping’. I am sure he did not think that newspaper vendors would also celebrate Deepavali. What are you going to say this time GREAT LEADER of Indian comminity?

  30. KHAIRY! I started to take interest in his quest in UMNO eversince the MAT REMPIT case. Very Funny! How can a person with such mentality can be a polticians? Oops! he is new and trying to buy votes and fame from MALAYSIAN – at least not the clever community ; but pleaselah……Be more mature and touch your heart and used your brain.What’s your hidden agenda?

  31. another bird brain…for indians which is more important….spending deepavali with family or work during the umno general assembly?if u hv any sense in ur brain drain otak…just think with a rational mind….b4 u utter those word u think twice for the community u hv been bragging to serve in malaysia.i told u guys….these people only talk kok.who pulled u into politics in the 1st place….who elected u…under the influence of who….do u take us malaysians as ur servant?….u dun pay us the salary….we the people of malaysia are the ones paying u scumbags the salary…for u to develop this nation….not for u scumbags to korek and masuk poket.u were not born so rich….but whr in the hell did u get so much money like ur in law buying off such a luxury yatch?criticise ur own scumbags 1st b4 u say anything abt the hindus not working on deepavali.dun act like an uneducated brainless deek…just like some of ur fellow delegates.serve the people well with wisdom…say the right things…do the right things…dun get too big headed…we knw u are popular with some groups but its not enough to get u whr the people reagrd u as a good leader.ur in law’s slogan was true enuff….”dun work for me….work with me”…are for his cryonies so they are “made sure to be rich”.thrs nothing to be proud of BN so long as we hv scumbags in the government whn thr sare so many cheats and swindlers and kurang ajar ministers in the government.

  32. p/s: if ur talking abt technology….india has far more capable people and more advance technology than china.we dun hv any geniuses fr malaysia minus the ones migrating or working in other countries.this government can only claim recognition by indulging in useless projects spending stupid money fr its people and summore can tell the people they are so proud of it.

  33. When came to hear about the Umno GA held on the Deepavali day, which is a PUBLIC holiday, it really shocked me. How could the these country MEN commit such a controversial assembly in one of the country’s finest festive day. Total disrespect and humiliation.
    It’s equal to the act of terrorism to my view.

  34. It is hard to take a lecture on supply chain from a young man who has arguably no experience in the distribution business and who epitomise our you-know-who culture. Well Khairy, since this is not the first or last time you are going to blame other Malaysian races for controlling supply chains, allow me to give you a crash course on two of the most important critical success factors of a supply chain:- core competency and trust.

    Let’s use the newspaper supply chain that you had shamelessly criticised as an example. To keep it simple, in this particular chain, there is a publisher, distributor, dealer, retailer and delivery man. To make it work, everyone in the supply chain needs to acknowledge the core competency of the other parties in the chain. If everyone wants to be the distributor (NST tried it once), you have a supply paralysis rather than a supply chain. Based on this premise, not everyone can be the door-to-door delivery man. Our friendly Malaysian-Indian delivery man has to get up in the wee hours of the morning to go to work everyday. He does not take a holiday except three or four days in the year during the major festivals. If you want to control the newspaper supply chain, you have to honestly ask yourself whether you can find a few thousand Umno youths throughout the country who has the core competency of the delivery man. Without the delivery man, the supply chain is broken.

    Then there is the element of trust. In all likelihood, the Malaysian-Indian delivery man does not have a written agreement with his agent regarding his wages. But he expects to get paid after he fulfills his part of the bargain. If his agent refuses to pay him, no newspaper will be delivered thus disrupting the supply chain. Again, you have to ask yourself whether this could be a reason why you may not be in control of any supply chain.

    You may think that the Malaysian-Chinese are one homogeneous community with respect to supply chains. Look deeper, you will find sub-communities aligned through dialects namely Cantonese, Hakka, Hailanese, Hokchiew, Hokkien, Teochiew etc. If all being equal, supply contracts will be awarded to the person who speaks the same dialect as the customer. When that happened, what does the Malaysian-Chinese guy with the wrong dialect do? Sit and moan about the lost opportunity? No, he tries to beat the other guy the next time by offering better products and service at a lower cost.

    Khairy, before you point a finger at the other Malaysian races, I suggest you use the following methodology whenever you are angry about not getting the business: (a) Analyse the situation; (b) Find the root cause(s); (c) Identify the critical success factors, (d) Implement the critical success factors and (e) repeat the cycle until you succeed because there is no shortcut to success. BTW, marrying the daughter of the customer is not considered a critical success factor for 99.99% of us.

  35. UMNO is getting from bad to worst everyday. Do they realise that the other community in Malaysia are the ones who contribute in their brain and sweat in the making of the developed Malaysia? If it were the UMNO members alone, we would be no better than Pakistan.

  36. UMNO assembly is just waste of time. Nothing constructive comes out of it.

    They talk about Air Asia attire etc. They blame Indian newspaper vendors. They want to have a two tier price system for petrol.
    They had all the opportunity to hold it during puasa month and they did not.

    Blaming the Indian, I take it positively, just to show that how insignificant the event has become because of having on the wrong day.

    For KJ, good luck in the coming elections, trying holding it during Thaipusam.

  37. Oh my God. Don’t they know what public holiday mean?? I thought these UMNO smarties are only stupid..looks like they are super stupid! When public holidays come…the whole company including government depts closelah!!! If not may be the poor Indian news paper vendors would work…not coz of UMNO but to feed their poor families!

    How callus a man get..a so called MP!!! He things only UMNO members got right to exist in the Boleh land or what?

  38. Hi Uncle

    Please inform Khairy to be out from UMNO including PM. How stupid this people are, Tun Mahatiar wants this fellows out from UMNO so that his Son can take over the Goverment and Tun Mahatiar can be the adviser for the Goverment

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