Hishammuddin’s keris desensitization and the Boiling-Frog syndrome

National unity is one of the challenges of the Prime Minister’s Department but it is sad and scandalous that on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebration, there have been an escalation of incidents which further undermine national unity and polarize race and religious relations.

The most recent incident was the demolition of a 40-year-old Hindu temple at Kampung Rimba Jaya in Shah Alam, Selangor last week, showing utter contempt of the Selangor State and Shah Alam Municipal authorities for legitimate and constitutional rights and sensitivities to the extent that even the MIC President, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu had yesterday to momentarily announce the cancellation of all MIC Deepavali Open Houses, to be reversed a few hours later.

Why couldn’t the demolition of the Kampung Rimba Jaya Hindu temple wait for a week for Deepavali to be celebrated by the Hindu devotees? Why couldn’t the Selangor and Shah Alam municipal authorities allow time for the Hindu temple to be relocated?

What action would be taken against the Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo and the Shah Alam Municipal authorities for their insensitivities in demolishing the Hindu temple in Shah Alam, seriously damaging the process of nation-building?

Another grave setback to national unity and nation-building took place just today — at the Umno Youth General Assembly, where for the third year consecutively, the Umno Youth leader and Education Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein wielded the keris and attacked those who had criticized him for his keris-antics in the past two years as “real racists”.

Last week, Hishammuddin said that despite nation-wide controversy and protests he would continue to unsheath the keris at the Umno Youth general assembly this year until the non-Malays become “desensitized” to it.

I am reminded of the Boiling-Frog Syndrome. If you put a frog into boiling water, the frog will immediately jump out. But if you put the frog in cold war and increase the heat of the water slowly, it will get accustomed to the increasing heat.

This is not the first instance of the “desensitization” strategy, using the Boiling-Frog Syndrome, in nation-building which will result only in greater disunity and polarization in plural Malaysia.

We can see this “desensitization” strategy in the Islamic state issue, where the arbitrary and unconstitutional revision of the Merdeka Constitution and social contract to make Malaysia an Islamic State is periodically repeatedly hoping that over the passage of time, Malaysians will get desensitized to it from their initial outrage and indignation and begin to accept Malaysia as an Islamic state.

Another is the New Economic Policy, which was meant to be a 20-year policy from 1970 to 1990. Today, we read of the latest demand by the Malacca Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam that bumiputra quota should be 40 to 50 per cent — another example of “desensitization” of Umno policies!

What is most objectionable about the NEP is that it is eventually a small section of Umnoputras who benefit at the expense of the Malay masses.

Let me make it very clear that non-Malays in Malaysia fully accept the keris as a symbol of justice whether at national or state government level.

In his opening speech of the Umno Youth, Wanita and Puteri Assemblies yesterday, Deputy Umno President and Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said:

“When Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj declared that the date of Merdeka would be Aug 31, 1957 at a special rally held in Bandar Hilir Malacca on Feb 20, 1956, he was handed a symbolic 100-year-old kris by Wanita Umno which the Tunku then unsheathed, kissed and thrust towards the sky. This act was witnessed with great jubilation and pride by all races who were overjoyed about the forthcoming independence. At that instance, the kris was a symbol of the success of a united struggle.

“And so when Umno Youth produced the Panca Warisan kris and raised it symbolically, it was quite unfair for the opposition to turn it into a political issue. The Umno Youth was not declaring hostilities but was instead reaffirming its struggle within the boundaries of the Federal Constitution.”

This is precisely the point. Tunku’s unsheathing of the keris was the symbol of national unity and accepted by all communities, but Hishamuddin’s unsheathing of the keris was the symbol of national disunity which was why it was so divisive and polarizing.

The issue is not the use of the keris but the context in which the keris was used. When Hishammuddin unsheathed the keris, it was not to unify Malaysians regardless of race but in a confrontational, combative and hostile manner which tramples on the rights and sensitivities of the other communities.

For instance, Hishammuddin’s unsheathing of the keris at the Umno Youth General Assembly last year was made in the context of extremist, incendiary and seditious utterances such as:

  • “when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins”;
  • “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it”; and
  • “Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur”.

Even MCA and Gerakan had initially strongly protested against the symbolism and implications of Hishamuddin’s keris antics, although MCA Youth was later reducing to waving the Malaysian Constitution and Gerakan to proclaiming the Rukunegara principles!

For the sake of national unity, such Hishamuddin keris-antics and “desensitization” should end forthwith.

(Speech 2 on the Prime Minister’s Department in the committee stage debate on the 2008 Budget in Parliament on Tuesday, 6th November 2007)


62 Replies to “Hishammuddin’s keris desensitization and the Boiling-Frog syndrome”

  1. UMNO has lost the plot….they are convinced they can go it alone….and it appears non-Malays have been conned into independance…..and now that it has been achieved……its the “mine, all mine” syndrome…..its left to see whether the rest of the country will swallow this lying down or sitting down…….

  2. • “when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins”;

    How many Malay warriors were killed in Nuri helicopter crash? They are dead even before the blood tension rise in their veins, all because their leaders had pocketed the money to buy the Apache.

  3. • “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it”;

    Wayanglah! Some Malays think only Silat exist in Planet Earth, ever heard of Kung Fu? Wataaaaaak!

  4. • “Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur”.


  5. Najib in 1987 has threatened to bathe the malay keris with chinese blood.
    In 2005 his cousin Hishammudin brandished his keris and Hashim Suloh asked when he would ‘use it’.
    All this show of blatant racism unashamedly displayed by top government leaders(the political family here like the kennedy family in america or the ghandi family in india) spelt a Malaysia with a bleak future.What would Malaysia looked in the eyes of the world??

  6. “I am reminded of the Boiling-Frog Syndrome. If you put a frog into boiling water, the frog will immediately jump out. But if you put the frog in cold war and increase the heat of the water slowly, it will get accustomed to the increasing heat.” KIT

    Let’s do to Hishamuddin s/o Kutub Udin what some others do to this poor frog. Let’s put him in a bath tub, fill it with warm water and then turn up the heat! Better still throw in your grandmother’s hair dryer or grandpa’s electric toaster to complete the fireworks.

  7. I need to remind all over and over again:

    The whole nation is being hijacked by the 3 thousand UMOputras and its cronies!

    The so-called main stream media like the newspapers, national radio and TV stations too is none other than stupid idiot month-piece of these hijackers!

    Don’t cry for me, Malaysia.
    Your days are numbered!

  8. “Let me make it very clear that non-Malays in Malaysia fully accept the keris as a symbol of justice whether at national or state government level.” KIT

    The “keris” is the “symbol of justice” as much as the “noose” in the U.S. is to people like Michael Savage a symbol of white justice.

  9. BBC reported “Pakistan’s sacked chief justice has called for the people to “rise up” and restore the constitution. ”

    On the other hand, Malaysia retired CJ is tainted with the biggest scandal of all time: Lingam’s Gate in fixing top judge appointments!

    It is very clear how much Malaysia has progress all these years!

  10. • “Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur”.

    Have Umnoputras really check how many REAL Melayu, Mamaks, ‘instant’ bumiputras, Indonesian and foreigners are there in the UMNO?

    It will be not surprise that the numbers of the real Melayu is very much smaller than they thought?

    If this is true, then the rights of the real Melayu have been taken by the ‘converted’ Melayu and converted bumi……

  11. Poor frogs were subject to cruel experiments in 1870s to 90s. The experiments tested how their nervous systems reacted to various stimuli, one of which was heat. One experiment carried out in John Hopkins 1882 (the study was cited as: Sedgwick, “On the Variation of Reflex Excitability in the Frog induced by changes of Temperature”) asserted that a frog could be boiled without a movement if the water temperature was raised slowly at a rate of 0.002°C. per second. The frog was dead at the end of 2½ hours without having moved.

    This boiling frog syndrome is now used by YB Kit in figurative sense of how UMNO effects gradual change, whether acceptance of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ or Islamisation with creeping, slippery slope piece meal effect to realise its agenda.

    It may well be the case as Kit said. For example, in last year UMNO Youth asembly, the Keris, a traditional symbol of Malay power, was brandished. There were widespread criticisms of that act by the Malaysian public. This year, the act was repeated by Umno Youth chief Dato’ Hishammuddin Hussein. He was indirectly saying, “so what, what could you do about it?” To sugar coat, he spent 20% of his policy speech content to explaining why the keris symbolized multiple significances including protection for all. He said, “ The keris was forged to defend race and country, not just for Malays, but also to protect other communities in the country. The Keris Melayu is a refuge for all, just as the government today gives refuge to rakyat of various races. Take shelter under the Majestic Keris Melayu. No one needs to fear or be nervous of this eternal symbol.” – as per report page 1 of The Sun, November 7th.

    This is custoimary political talk – and baloney. In plain language, it is saying that all should in realpolitik accept protection under Malay hegemonic patronage. For the Keris is a traditional Malay symbol and that is why he still called it the “Majestic Keris Melayu” rather than Keris Malaysian.

    Undergrad2 has asked, “Has Hishamuddin changed his sexual orientation? Remember, the “keris” is also phallic symbol.” Indeed it is, according to Dr Farish Noor who had reasearched the subject, a tantric symbol for the male organ where its sheath is the female’s, and when the keris is sheathed, there is cosmic harmony and when it is unsheathed, it is to go on war and assert power. Both penis and keris are one and indivisible in symbolizing power and assertion of it.

    Indeed in deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s speech as reported by Malaysiakini, he also mentioned about the ‘three prong’ solution in ancient warrior Bugis philosophy for conflict resolution: the first was the tip of the tongue – to solve conflicts through discussions, dialogues, and consultations; the second, the tip of ‘anunya’ (the penis) – to strengthen family and friendship bonds through marriage (according to him but I rather look at it as assimilation of others) and the third was the tip of the ‘keris’ (Malay traditional sword) – by going to war. “This is the last resort, and is usually not necessary as the previous two methods would have been sufficient to resolve disputes,” said Najib, who has Bugis ancestry.

    The boiling frog syndrome is correct up to an extent to proceed on premise that people will just reject circumstances drastically forced on to them which come as a shock but tend to be acclimatised to accept them if they are gradually but relentlessly foisted over them, over time. It is gradual acceptance of marginal incusions on one’s rights which individually by itself is not siugnificant enough to be resisted – and hence the aceptance – but over time the aggregate sum of all marginal incursions will represent a fundamental paradigmn shift until the whole situation is reversed 180 degrees.

    This boiling frog syndrome is however subject to an overriding caveat.

    It may not be true when the frog is not restrained. Yes, if one places a frog in boiling water, it won’t jump out because it would die instantly but if it (unrestrained) were immersed in cold water that is being slowly heated up, it won’t sit around and remain – it will jump out to cooler places before the water gets hot. And that is what many of our young, the creme-de-la creme are doing, braindrain or whatever notwithstanding!

    For to stay, especially where one is subject to constraints to stay under such circumstances, reminds me of a peculiar form of Japanese torture leading to certain death that the Japanese said they learned from the Chinese to use in the first thousand years after the death of Christ..

    The poor victim was tied in the hands and legs and was placed in a huge earthen pot (up to his eye level). The executioner lit and maintain a very small fire from the wood and tinders under the pot, which so very slowly heated up. The gistly screams of the victims rang throughout the day and night, rising to crescendo as the water in the pot simmered in gradual increasing heat until it reached a boil.

    A fictionalized account of this is told in James Clavell’s novel, “Shogun” which is also made into a film. In this account, a European explorer meets his end in a pot of boiling water after the local leaders decide the explorers may be pirates or spies!

    Maybe a lot of people here are experiencing the same – in figuratively sense – that’s why they are screaming their heads off here in this blog – and carrying on in quiet desperation, outside. Where is the desensitization that they speak off? The boiling frog syndrome does not work that effectively where the frog is not restrained.

  12. in this instance,uneducated is even better than stupidity,i m referring hishamkeris to the latter!but the most intimidating is,he is the [deleted] education minister!!??i think he is more accurate to be the mat rempit minister,or [deleted], be more appropriate,right?

    and another stupidity shown was the puteri head!she only shows her finger to namawee,wat about those ‘small’ portions of ppl and the govt. officers that mentioned by him?like the corrupting police,lazy govt. servants,mat rempits,snatch thieves,rapists,racists,corrupted pre and existing MBs , KSUs,AG,CJ,IGP,ACA(wow!!!),and the recent purchasing scandals by her brother’s (hishamkeris)ministry???why,why it was not mentioned?is she also closed 1 eye?[deleted]

  13. The only thing counts is your vote in the general election. All the evil things the government has done and going to do before and after the general election. The highway toll, the petrol price, more corruption, the high crime rate. The “RAHMAN” legend says it the best, the run of UMNO Prime Minister position will end at 6. It is some one else turn after Najib, but the sad thing is that Malaysia is going no way. Hence, it is better to equip ourselves to be able to earn a decent living by going overseas if necessary. The real question is DAP going to improve itself or not?

  14. Hissamuddin is not fooling anyone about what he is trying to do. But his guilt is not what he is trying to do but what he inadvertently has done. Aside from the mistake he had done last year, he is compounding it with this attempt to ‘desentitize it’. I see it as making it worst because no one really buy it. Even UMNO people on TV cannot seem to say the message clearly and smoothly keep reminding people what they are most afraid of.

    Hissamuddin has single handedly made the Kris about hypocrisy. All he is saying is that things are what he says it is and the facts don’t matter. There are many statements comparing what he did with what others did when it fact, it does not come close to any of the comparison.

    Now Khairy Jamalludin is following up on this hypocrisy by calling for those who want to participate in Nov 10, by contest in election when HE himself has never contested anything (he won his Deputy Youth post without a contest).

    Yup, Hissmauddin took Tunku’s symbol of a Malaysian struggle, and made it one about UMNOputra hypocrisy and self-interest. That is the New Malay Agenda. Thanks a bunch Hissamuddin…

  15. YB Lim KS, I agree that such instrument of brutallity should not be used anymore. The keris was relevant at its time, but if reconciliation is the agenda of the PM, then the handshake would be the sign to use.

    Imagine the scenario: In Sarawak, the tribal “uniform” is the loin-cloth, a spear in one hand and the sword tied to the hip. In any ceremony, the animal of sacrifice was/is the pig. Wouldn’t that be very insensitive to expect other people, especially Muslims to accept that in any national event?

    UMNO has no political agenda anymore. To gain political support, they stir racial issues and when others respond, they are quick to point fingers or shout “Bodoh, bodoh….” for the world to see.

    In Star today, the PM son-in-law asked the police to arrest BERSIH marchers. What BERSIH stands for, Mr KJ is against. And with Mr KJ is UMNO. Doesn’t he see that our collective survival as a nation must be based what BERSIH tries to achieve?

    I agree YB Lim, two UMNO youth leaders, both are suffering from boiling frog syndrome. The sad thing is they want us to die together with them!

  16. How typical of them to do say one thing and do the other…… they say tolerance and power sharing, while they go trample over everybody….i think what they mean is that others should be tolerant and share more power to these fellas…. maybe the other races should send more students to Oxford to learn….(they seem to produce such great leaders, some even get “protection”)..anyway, the keris is outdated, next time should wave a AK47 instead…afterall, the muslim warriors and heroes of the ultimate religion;the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Hizbollah do that all the time.

  17. This Boiling frog syndrome is fully alive in Malaysia. The MCA and MIC embrace it.
    Now let me remind the MCA and the MIC that an experiment with the frog being heated up in water showed that in the end the frog got cooked in the hot water.
    So MCA and MIC, be prepared to be cooked. When? Just you wait. The time is nigh.

  18. HTHO have no other choice as there are practicularly nothing great about him. His father era was ‘shorten’ by health reason and not much impact were given about his father heroic contributions.
    This will be his last term before moving on and KJ is now eyeing hard to replace him before his FIL tenure expires, HTHO have no other choice.

  19. Keris keris again. Well, I look at it as election gimmicks by Hisham saying the keris to protect non-Malays. And perhaps warning to MCA,MIC and Gerakan, if you misbehave and try to champion for non Malay rights like opposition parties, I will use the keris on you and finish you off!!!!

    Bad example to students as Minister of Education, no wonder so many student gangsters in schools now and of course his Mat Rempit gangs.

  20. aiya…we knw why this idiot wanna wave around with this kris in front of those people.thrs nothing much for him to show off except trying so hard to please his own “people”.what else can he do?we knw hes a leader who doesnt possess a great mind due to our famous brain drain syndrome.we knw our leaders are so good in giving excuses whn they knw they normally dun keep the words thats pledge to the other races of malaysia.look around and see those leaders of today… hv they really done anything of great achievements to make us malaysians really proud of them…NONE.all they hv been doing is just blah blah blah ….just like eating onions and farting non stop.spending money on useless projects…and of course with all those monies spent we cant imagine how much they hv really pocketed inside their own pockets.most of them are too big headed now…mostly selfish and immatured leaders…who only talk kok.why these suckers and shoe polishers kiss their own s’sss instead of kising the kris.beware…u may cut ur own tongue kissing the kriss if ur not careful.

  21. All this crap about the keris also protecting the non Malays is not going to fool anyone. Please do not insult our intelligence with such shallow and infantile antics. Last year the keris waving and what went along with it was the real deal. This year, it is but a charade designed for the GE. After GE is over, you can bet your last dollar UMNO Youth and Kerisman will go back to their true colours.

    Desensitized? Hitler desensitized Europe with the forays into Poland and Eastern Europe and when he tried to further desensitized France, it led to WWII. Japan desensitized with the annexation of Korea and Taiwan. Then they desensitized further with the annexation of Manchuria. Then when they think they have desensitized enough, they attacked Pearl Harbour. If the rest of the world had not allow Japan and Germany to desensitized, there would not have been WWII. It is human nature.

    Kerisman, so don’t fool yourself. Once the GE is over and you think the non Malays are “desensitized” enough you and UMNO Youth will push step by step further. We won’t allow this to happen. We won’t allow a “WWIII” to start in Malaysia.

  22. “Get used to it” says UMNO.

    Yes, get used to it. Get used to the Ketuanan Melayu concept, get used to the theft of public funds, get used to the bailouts, get used to the manipulation of the mainstream press. Soon it will become so desensitized that the non-Malays will not feel anything. MCA, MIC and Gerakan are already totally desensitized, so the rest of us better get used to it.

  23. Get used to being told that if you don’t like it here, you can leave. You can all apply to go to Singapore. Get used to being told that this is their home, and they can doing anything they like with it. Get used to it.

  24. Time and time again UMNO has always reminded the other components parties in BN that they have enought MPs to form the government. What they are trying to say is that they are being charitable by offering post in the government to the other parties. They says that only MCA and MIC will be hurt if people vote for the opposition and does not affect UMNO at all. I wonder what the result will be like if all the non-malays vote for the opposition where UMNO candidates stands.

  25. “The boiling frog syndrome does not work that effectively when the frog is not restrained.’. Jeffrey.
    Agreed and perhaps, if i may take this opportunity to recount what I saw the other day on Youtube showing host Jay Leno Tonight Show interviewing a very talented 6 year old American boy of Russian descent who plays the piano and is able to play any tune or song by ear and he has a repertoire of at least 200 tunes all picked up by ear.The host keen to find out whether his musical talents come from the father asked the kid “Is your father good at the piano?”. He replied, ‘Yes but he doesn’t know how to play “Mary had a little lamb.” and I have to teach him over and over again and finally he can.’. The host quickly responded saying ‘Yeah, that’s the thing about parents.You got to show how to do it over and over again and soon they will pick it up!!’.
    Likewise the thing about the keris is this, you got to show the 50% non Malay population again and again and soon they will pick it up —know how to kowtow to ketuanan melayu like mca,mic,gerakan,ppp etc etc.
    So thinks Kerishamuddin

  26. Dear bloggers,please beware!
    These Umnoputra gangsters will say the good in front of you but will do bad behind you.
    How can we trust gangsters?

    We true Malaysians can actually live peacefully and harmoniously.
    It is the Umnoputra gangsters that are dividing the people through threats and it is them that are destroying the country.

    Don’t believe?
    See and analyze yourself.

  27. Hishammudin as the Education Minister look more like ‘MENTERI SAMSENG’ Instead of MENTERI PELAJARAN….. He don’t give a good example to the students in this country…

    ‘kalau guru kencing berdiri, muridnya akan kencing berlari……so KALAU MENTERI PELAJARAN TUNJUK keSAMSENGANnya, MURID-MURIDNYA pun banyak yang jadi gangsterlah….

  28. “Kris bukan untuk melawan tetapi untuk membela bangsa dan kawan-kawan…..” – Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Umno General Assembly November 2007.

    Yeah, right.

    General Election is coming, now the kris is to defend your race and your friends.

    After General Election, the kris is to fight and thrust at your friends.

    Pak Lah,

    I never hear you made that statement at November 2006 UMNO General Assembly…You are sleeping or something?

    Or you are afraid of KJ?

  29. I believe the kris was an ancient Malay weapon but it has now become a symbol of Malay royalty and is not a “toy” for this IDIOT to wave around at any gathering. This is an absolute insult to the Malaysian royalty.

  30. Jeffrey: “….. [the “keris”] a tantric symbol for the male organ where its sheath is the female’s, and when the keris is sheathed, there is cosmic harmony and when it is unsheathed, it is to go on war… Both penis and keris are one and indivisible in symbolizing power ..”

    I think you have just insulted Wanita UMNO!

    Be prepared for that knock on your door! You might just see the UMNO lesbo and the Fat Lady with ‘keris’ in each hand.

  31. Najib spoke about the ‘three prong’ solution in ancient warrior Bugis philosophy for conflict resolution: the first was the tip of the tongue – to solve conflicts through discussions, dialogues, and consultations; the second, the tip of ‘anunya’ (the penis) – to strengthen family and friendship bonds through marriage…” Jeffrey

    Is that why Najib kisses the keris?? I’m sure each time he does he doesn’t do it with tongue in cheek.

  32. No rational minded rakyats will ever dispute Agong brandished the kris.

    The gesture and body language are too different between Agong and Hishamudin, one is in ceremonial mode and latter is in provocative mode.

  33. Using the tip of ‘anunya’ (the penis) – sounds like advocating ethnic cleansing to me. That was what the Serbs did in Bosnia and Croatia – raping the women to impregnate them with Serbian blood.
    Now they can claim Bugis warrior custom to rape women during conflicts. No wonder the Indonesians wanted to chase the Chinese men out of the country during the riots, but told them to leave the Ah Moi behind.

  34. How dare Najis draw a parallel between Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Malaysia’s wielding of the keris in symbolising the liberation of Malaysia from under the yoke of white colonialists with what Kerishamuddin did!

    Where in that historic moment of Merdeka, the Tunku, a Malay was acting for ALL races and so that act of holding aloft the keris symbolised the liberation of ALL RACES in the birth of ONE NATION, Kerishamuddin’s idiotic antics were a song & dance for an immediate audience of Malays all falling over themselves to better his act with equally stupid rhetoric to ‘put the non-Malays in their place.’ The live telecast helped and he probably imagined himself to be a modern day Tunku-wannabe, so that Malays all over the country (and hopefully a good majority of non-Malays) would see him ‘on telly’ and instantaneously draw a parallel between the image of his idiotic act of waving the keris and that of the Tunku holding the keris aloft (see the similarities? – holding the keris in the air, in front of a mass audience, shouting some intelligent sounding slogan, his cronies, underlings and incidental serfs following suit, just like the people in Tunku’s ‘merdeka’ stadium only now Kerisahmuddin has an audience several time bigger).

    To draw a parallel between the 2 acts is such a unforgiveable insult to the Tunku! Not only is it an insult to our Bapa Malaysia, it is an equally outrageous insult to ALL Malaysians, especially to those who fought side-by-side with Tunku for Merdeka and the memory of what they sacrificed for the country. It only goes to show yet again the intellectual disabilities of the current set of clowns running our country – even Bodohwi will know the difference between an act symbolising liberation of a nation and the other which is a disguised (quite stupidly too) threat of oppression of other races.

    And now, Kerishamuddin follows this earlier stupidity through with an even more stupid statement of ‘desensitisation’ couched in the magnanimity of ‘protection under the Keris Melayu’ – he does not even realise (or maybe that’s exactly what he wants us to register) that the last time a protectorate was required and such protection was offered was when the orang putih colonialist offered the Malays ‘protection under the Crown.’ We all know that it was the Tunku threw off this yoke and achieved Merdeka from this orang putih ‘protectorate.’ Now, Kerishamuddin wants to become the new brown-ass ‘orang putih’ colonialist over the non-Malays. You are an insult to the Tunku, your race, this country, academia and all that Merdeka stands for.

    Do not cause Malaysians to be DESENSITISED to the need and passion to preserve for all eternity the REAL symbolism of the keris held aloft by the Tunku at Merdeka with your disgusting, twisted version that glorifies the period of orang-putih protectorates.


    ‘Protection under the Keris Melayu’ – up yours, Kerishamuddin!

  35. Okay, give the man a break. He has taken a fancy to court bearers like during Hang Tuah’s time, court bearer in full court attire marching into the royal court bearing the kris for the Sultan to commence the court. Perhaps he is being envious of the Sultans and Rajas of our time having this prestige and wants to emulate.

    Leave him be and let him face the consequences for this arrogance, highhandedness etc etc which nigh.

    If you ponder for a moment in history, the great Pharaoh. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler,Mao Tse Tung and all their descending cousing and what happened to them, Leave you to draw your conclusions.


  36. Here’s what a looney female blogger gotta say about the “keris’:

    “So…eh, let those little brain dead boys with puny penises shout and wail and cry in their favourite play pen (Umno General Assemblies). Without brains, can these puny men exist and compete in the real world?” Susan Loone

    There’s nothing like a female blogger fixated on the male organ.

  37. On 08 Nov 07, I made my post condemning Kerishamuddin’s disgusting insult to the Tunku, the Keris and Merdeka. On 08 March 08, I had 2 PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS VOTES. One for Parliamentary, the other for State. I cast ONE against Kerishamuddin’s blatant insult to our beloved Tunku, Bapa Malaysia. And the other, I cast against Kerishamuddin’s insult to Rakyat Malaysia, tak kira bangsa atau agama, because he thinks we are such simpletons who can be manipulated by fear and threats. From the day Kerishamuddin unsheated the keris the SECOND time all through to polling day, I voiced my disgust at every opportunity to anyone who would listen. Like me, for their own individual reasons, millions cast their votes that reject such blatant display of arrogance and disregard for the rakyat. I believe Kerishammuddin will NEVER again parade the keris and unsheath it to threaten non-Malays. He should take the advice of Raja Petra and treat the keris as ‘…harta (kebudayaan Melayu) dan bukan senjata…’ On the other hand, I am hoping he is stupid enough to defy the rakyat and REPEAT his keris waving performance in the next UMNO General Assembly:):):)

  38. having done acts like this can get forgotten overtime but i dont think so it can be forgiven

    what s more can even become the head of dog kennel.

    got conscience or not , this fellow, spatting saliva when ri\ubber mouth opens beside non sense and ah,,errr, so worry to say right things

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