Sudden flurry of ACA activities – just intensified pre-election PR as 4 yrs ago?

There has been a sudden flurry of Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) activities — with the ACA Director-General Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan courageously declaring: “We do not discriminate. Small fry or big fish, we will go after them if they are corrupt”.

This was on the same day that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi visited the ACA and after a “brief meeting” with its top management and state directors, publicly praised the ACA for a job well done, with the following summing-up by Ahmad: “He (the Prime Minister) said he thought we were doing a good job, he is happy, and wants us to continue doing our best.”

There has been a sudden flurry of ACA activities in the past few days — but is this evidence of new ACA independence to root out corruption or just intensified PR (Public Relations) and replay of the high-profile pre-election anti-corruption action four years ago which fizzled into nothing?

In a week’s time, Abdullah will be completing his fourth year as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The high hopes which Abdullah had raised among Malaysians to initiate government reforms and wipe out corruption are still fresh in the minds of the people.

When Abdullah became Prime Minister, the country was told that 18 high-profile personalities — the ikan yu (sharks) – would be arrested and prosecuted but four years later, not a single high-profile personality had been brought to justice, while most of the 18 “ikan yu” have escaped and are swimming merrily in the South China Sea.

If it is true that Abdullah had given the ACA “a pat on the back for a job well done”, then what was it that Abdullah was happy about the track record of the ACA in the past four years to wipe out corruption?

Is it because the National Integrity Plan launched by Abdullah in May 2004 had been such a failure, as its five-year objective to improve Malaysia’s ranking of Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from No. 37 in 2003 to at least No. 30 next year had suffered even worse reverses, plunging to even worse rankings than during the previous administration of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad — i.e. No. 44 in 2006 and No. 43 in 2007?


39 Replies to “Sudden flurry of ACA activities – just intensified pre-election PR as 4 yrs ago?”

  1. The ACA’s action is just a foreplay before the general election, so that the general public will become excited and forget everything except voting for BN.

    If ACA is sincere in carrying out its duty, Zakaria and most of the Ministers have already been sent into jail.

  2. ACA the running dogs of UMO cheated all Malaysian 4 years ago.

    Are you the running dogs going to play the same tricks to fool the Malaysians again ?

    Enough is enough!

    We will believe it is true if you go get the big fishes first, the likes of Najis, Nazi the Taxi man, Zak the big mouth, Toyo the Sulawesi illegal immigrant, stupid lazy CJ, Lingam, etc.

  3. ACA is so passive to carry out their job and yet got praise from the PM. They only act upon AG2006 report after being intrusted by superior. Why no actions taken for AG2005, 2004 etc and so on? Why only passively follow-up on AG report? Why no actions on the infamous 40% corruption of senior police officer? How many police officer got prosecuted by ACA? Why took more than one month to pay a visit to CJ concerning the video? To me, ACA is just passive and subject to politician influences.

  4. BN thinks they can hoodwink the public that all is transparent and that PM is keeping his word. Even the small town hawker know this is bull%$#@!

    They catch a few small fish just before the elections and show they are doing their job. If they are really sincere, they should investigate people like the Klang counselor living in a mansion, all the ex-DBKL officers living in luxury in prime housing estates, Ministers who gets paid RM15000 per month but live like a Hollywood superstar….and the list goes on.

    The bottom line is ACA is BN’s lapdog…nothing more.

  5. Hahahaaa….dun make me laugh…ACA….never heard of them until recently…..doing selective action to appease mounting pressure…in Selangor alone there are many big sharks which no action taken, like MBPJ case, Big Mansion in Klang Case, PKFZ case…and the list goes on… screwdriver case also can wiggle out, which insurance company underwrite the guarantee for the screwdrivers? I also want to insure my underwear…..

  6. I have also heard from someone in the agriculture business that they are having problems with corruption in Ministry of Agriculture.

    Application for CITES licence requires “teh money” 50 grands. Or else have to wait forever and ever!

    Where do I whistle blow?

  7. Of course elections are around the corner. The “advice” to the mainstream press to write only good news, the flurry of activity by the ACA, the lack of b@lls to indict Anwar for failure to comply with the Lingam tape directive, the promises to “investigate everything”, the new ballot boxes – all these are clear signals.

    And of course the ACA goes after the small fry – those charged with misappropriation of less than the cost of a single AP. The big fish have developed immunity after years of swimming in filth.

  8. The same trick dressed up in different design and colors.
    As Malaysian today are more ‘exposed’ to outside world information and able to construct a more rationalized thinking, the authorities should have been taking too many shortcuts in their duties.
    Having the imported both latest PMs that culturedly brought up as Ketuanan, we do sees changes that changes everything about this country. All because we have to be ‘developed country’ status.
    Why ? So that they can be rich by executing the program.
    Now, those benefitted in NEP are globally players that still lacking of funds comparing with those BIGGER boys. As Ketuanan character and culture habits never change, they still stay in the ‘play ground’ to look nice like our national football team.
    It’s only in matter of time that we will see another ’97 whereby many of them could have ‘died’ should Petronas did not take up their losses then.
    This time, they will lose again and maybe Petronas don’t need to fund them again as there won’t be enough to do so.
    Look at AAB’s son and SIL business empire now, so big and growing.
    However, not natural born businessmen themselves, they should be the next ‘laughing stock’ for those BIG BOYS when the next round of correction take place before 2010.

  9. Yes, folks, elections are now very near. They have to call elections before they raise the toll rates in January, liberalise the gas price to market prices, raise petrol prices now that oil is over US$80 per barrel, and the potential of a recession in the US hits stock prices and property prices.

    The 4th floor boys will probably advise Sleepy Head that the risk of waiting till 2008 could mean worse news for the den of thieves, so go for it in 2007.

  10. Come what may ……
    AAB have picked up enough wealth now as he knew that he is racing against time to become the next wealthiest man in the world.
    The Done Master happens to be one of the wealthiest man during his tenure under the PM category. I used to hear these rumours those days that he ranked 5th in the world as the wealthiest PM under PM category. I believe AAB have overtook his position in this category as the shortest time needed to be the wealthiest PM. Anyway, should there been a research on this category (ever) Malaysia will top the rank anytime.

  11. Never mind the sharks; actually the little fish are far more vicious, like little piranhas. There are hundreds of thousands of them in the civil service and the amount the rip off is far greater than the ikan yus.
    Ask those in the construction industry. To get a contract, they need to get through all kinds of middle men and when they finally get through, they have to deal with the officers in the ministry of finance. After that the client ministry. Then those on charge of supervising the project from the government side will ask for all sorts of thing like overseas trips to visit and inspect factories making lifts, etc all at government’s expense with the cost added to project costs. When the project is done and time to get payment, all kinds of officers will have to be taken care of for fast and timely payment.

  12. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. ACA with little to show after all these years is nothing but a government tool to maintain the status quo of the warlords of BN.

    If there should be any investigations, it is ACA itself that should be investigated for being a total disgrace and being total hypocrites. As one blogger puts it, ACA is Anjing Comel AAB.

  13. “….most of the 18 “ikan yu” have escaped and are swimming merrily in the South China Sea.” KIT

    Why South China Sea? Why not M’cca Straits? Why not the Indian Ocean?

    The “ikan yu” apparently have made deals. They are now a protected specie.

  14. “… ACA Director-General Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan courageously declaring: ”We do not discriminate. Small fry or big fish, we will go after them if they are corrupt”.

    Hard to believe isn’t it. It sounded like an outright lie in your face. If Ahmad Said Hamdan mean what he said he’ll have to close down UMNO to show he’s the man of his words. Don’t try to kid me!

  15. “When Abdullah became Prime Minister, the country was told that 18 high-profile personalities – the ikan yu (sharks) – would be arrested and prosecuted but four years later…”

    You were conned!

  16. “He (the Prime Minister) said he thought we were doing a good job, he is happy, and wants us to continue doing our best.”

    None of my important henchmen were arrested. I don’t have to loose any sleep. Thank you! Good job! Well done! Please continue to do what you have been doing. I am very pleased with your performance.

  17. ACA acts like a political tool to suppress opponents against BN government.

    To earn a good name, ACA shall at least hava these three characteristics,

    1. Apolitical

    2. Come after big fishes, not only small fries.

    3. Professional

    As far as my knowledge, ACA has none of these charactersitics.

  18. Typical tokkok by Najib:

    1) Najib said that through Malaysia’s election, the country would be able export the “winning formula” of its education system to other countries.

    2)Najib said the successful Unesco bid capped a series of sterling achievement by Malaysia in a matter of days. It started with the return of the country’s first spaceman, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, from the International Space Station to earth on Sunday followed by the launch of Malaysia’s first submarine in Cherbourg, France, on Tuesday. Malaysia achieved three big feats in a short period of time,” he said.

    Bad jokes, Najib. Any new ones?

    BTW, has ACA finished (I mean, ‘begun’?) its investigation in the Scorpene/Sukhoi deals (which deal was it that implicated Razak BAginda and his ashened Mongolian girlfirend?) ?

  19. This NST article ( must be a joke in at least 4 ways:

    1. From Abdullah himself:
    “”I told them to do their jobs well with justice and fairness and in whatever order they carry out, they must realise that they carry a heavy burden.”

    My immediate thought: PM, well said, but do you realize that your own job carries an even heavier burden? Do you realize that your own job needs to be carried out well with even greater justice and fairness than what we’ve seen from you since you were elected?

    Don’t just preach and stop there – do walk your own talk too.

    2. “”He said he thought we were doing a good job, he is happy, and wants us to continue doing our best.”

    My immediate thought: Have you really done a good job when you still haven’t reeled even one of the 18 sharks you promised 4 years ago?

    3. The visit was meant to include a briefing for Abdullah on the latest ACA cases to which the press was invited. However, due to scheduling complications, the briefing was postponed. Other events on the programme went on as planned.

    My immediate thought: So, briefing the PM on latest ACA cases is LESS important? But minor events are MORE important?

    4. How much of Rakyat’s money did it cost to roll out the Red Carpet for the PM’s official visit? What about the other events on the programme?

    Old observer.

  20. “On the number of cases where disciplinary action was taken against civil servants, Ahmad Said said there were only 10 cases left now from more than 1,000 cases last year. ” –


    So, the optimists can now say that the outstanding 10 cases all relates to 10 out of 18 sharks?

    Whereas the realist amongst us now knows it is ZERO?

    Old Observer.

  21. ”We do not discriminate. Small fry or big fish, we will go after them if they are corrupt”.

    This statement by the ACA boss says it all. Why need to emphasize that big fish will also be arrested? It sounds defensive to me. If you are genuinely going after the big fish there is no need to make such a statement. Just do it.

    There are plenty for the ACA to look into. Starting from way back, there is the Matrade building fiasco, the computer labs, the naval quarters in Pengarang, the 6 patrol boats for the navy, the HPTC in London and the MRRII to the more recent PKFZ, the Sukhoi purchases, the defence radar acquistions, the Scorpene submarine purchases and the obscene “commissions’ paid out for them. Add to these luxury yachts, private villas overseas, lucrative GLC contracts for family members etc. The sharks are everywhere.

    I am not saying that the ikan bilis highlighted by the AG’s report should not be punished. But their corruptions is chicken feed compared to the mega bucks perpetrated at the highest levels. And it is precisely that these ikan bilis can see their bosses going at it with their grubby hands and mouths that they also decide to partake of some of these goodies. Monkey see, monkey do….

  22. Very unfortunate folks.We are not ruled by LKY type of government.Instead we are controlled by liars ,cheats and hypocrites.These buggers think all the rakyat are fools.Maybe the majority rural folks are fools.That ‘s why they always get away with all their misdeeds.

  23. Whenever there is a flurry of activities by the ACA it is usually a harbinger of some impending event —in this case very likely the coming of Election and election held sooner is better than later for BN since oil price is climbing up and up likelihood of recession in US is almost foregone conclusion.
    Thus the sandiwara of catching the corrupt to showcase ACA is doing a terrific job is on display spearheaded by non other than the DG Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan who announced “We do not discriminate. Small fry or big fry we will go after them if they are corrupt.”. Brave words indeed Mr.DG but what has been reported are in fact names of small fries. We don’t find names like Rafida,Najib, Azalina,Samy Valu or even better Mr. Sleepy Head on your list. So how come you say you don’t discrimate?

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