Mat Rempit lawlessness – time for PM to give personal attention to end menace

The Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance has received a complaint from the latest victim of Mat Rempits — Manjit Sokhai, 43, a Canadian consultant from Montreal who comes to Malaysia three to four times a year in connection with his work.

Manjit was driving his four-wheel drive along Jalan Rasah, Seremban at about 11pm on Saturday Oct 20, with three friends from India when he was confronted by some 40 Mat Rempits on motorcycles, who assaulted him and went on to damage his vehicle, smashing the rear lights, wipers and number plate.

Manjit is here and he will give you his traumatic encounter with the Mat Rempits.

Mat Rempits going on a rampage, causing harm to innocent people and property, has become too common an occurrence.

These were some of the reports in the mass media in the past two months on Mat Rempit rampage and violence in the country:

1. Merdeka celebrations took a nasty turn at Dataran Hadhari, Teluk Batik, Perak early 1st September 2007 when some Mat Rempits reacted violently against the police by wrecking one patrol car and breaking the rear window of another. This happened at 1.30am when a police inspector tried to detain a man, sparking angry protests from more than 100 Mat Rempits, who surrounded the police car, kicked its doors and ripped off the radio antenna. The police officer escaped unharmed.

2. A senior citizen, Yusoff Abdullah, 69, was knocked and killed by a Mat Rempit in Pasir Tumboh, Kota Bharu early morning on 8th September. The Mat Rempit who hit Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Ariffin, 19 also died on the spot.

3. Two Mat Rempits who were not happy with police having a road block attacked Merbok Police Station in Sungai Petani with petrol bombs at about 1am, 27th August 2007. Nobody was injured.

4. A group of ten Mat Rempits turned violent and attacked a police car and a few policemen in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, a Mat Rempit favourite spot early on the night of 30th September 2007. When they were blocked by the traffic police, they turned violent and attacked the police before leaving.

5. Mohd Fairus Abdul Aziz, 21, a restaurant worker was killed after he fell from his motorcycle in Jalan Tun Razak near the US Embassy where he was surrounded and kicked by five Mat Rempits at about 5:40 am on 11th October 2007. Fairus was about to send her girl friend home after work when he was surrounded by the Mat Rempits who wanted to take her girl friend away.

6. Wan Asmadi Wan Ahmad, 36, a senior officer from Road Transport Department Enforcement Unit was hit by a Mat Rempit in an Ops Sikap XIII operation in Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, Ipoh at about 10:15 pm on 21st October 2007. His legs were broken and he suffered serious head injuries.

These are some of the reported cases, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the fear they created among the peace-loving and law-abiding Malaysians, as well as visitors with their lawlessness and contempt for the rights and safety of others.

It is deplorable that the Mat Rempit menace has been allowed to continue without a political will to resolve it, further aggravated by the patronage which some influential personalities in power have accorded to Mat Rempits for their own political agenda.

The culture of contempt for the law and impunity for the lawlessness of Mat Rempits have gone on for too long and the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance calls on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who is also Internal Security Minister, to give his personal attention to wipe out the Mat Rempit menace subverting law and order, creating fear among Malaysians and visitors about their personal safety and giving the country a bad name internationally.

The Prime Minister must be reminded that a national situation where Mat Rempit lawlessness and violence are rife and rampant is not only a threat to the safety and security of Malaysian citizens, but would drive away investors, tourists and foreign students.

How can the government expect to succeed in making Malaysia an investment centre, a tourist haven or an international hub of academic excellence to attract foreign students when the government is incapable performing its most fundamental duty — to ensure the personal safety and security of its citizens and visitors?

(Media Conference Statement in Parliament on Wednesday, 24th October 2007)


107 Replies to “Mat Rempit lawlessness – time for PM to give personal attention to end menace”

  1. UMNO needs the Rempits during the general election period to intimidate opposition supporters. They might be given more then two MyKads each to vote for UMNO. So why should the police go after them.
    I wonder why, when we have so many solveable problems left unsolved, judiciary rotting away, unabated police corruption and abuse, and the entire government machinery in mayhem, we are trying to venture into space!!!!!

  2. The police must now shoot to kill any of these scum of society who refuse orders to stop when ordered to do so. After a handful of these sobs have been annihilated, the rest of them will never ever dare to get onto their bikes even if paid to do so

  3. Libra2; they are taking advantage of the weakness of the Malaysian people, who are quick to forget things one they drift out of the spotlight – and what better way to do so than with our first “astronaut”.

    They will probably come out with some excuses instead of addressing the issue, I suppose.


    The World already knows NEP = Never Ending Policy. The usual politics. We just have to learn to “work” with it!
    I was completely disillusioned on Monday night watching PM Badawi’s threats to Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yaik not to “kacau” or face the serious “consequences”.

    Keng Yaik questioned why after 36 years, Bumi equity ownership was still at 18.9%. (It as 20% in 1990) Clearly stating that he accepted the figure, he merely wanted to know the methodology used to arrive at the figure.

    Badawi’s reaction is blatantly dishonest. In 2004, Morgan Stanley issued a report that estimated that over 100Billion US Dollars (360 Billion Ringgit) had been lost to Malay patronage in the 20 years preceding 2003. (1984 to 2003) One economist estimates that in the 36 years of its’ existence, the NEP has been used to channel over ONE TRILLION RINGGIT to the Malay community through ASN, ASB and other related Govt policies.

    Since 1970, the Govt has used the NEP to divert education, employment and every other conceivable benefit to the Malays. These measures have largely been successful with all the top posts in GLCs, Government, Universities, Public listed companies and practically every single area that the Govt has any control over being reserved for one race. No company may be listed with a lower than 30% Bumi equity but there is absolutely no problem if it is otherwise. Some industries have a mandatory 51% Bumi ownership and some industries are reserved exclusively for them. Petronas for example only employs Malays for it’s top managerial and executive positions and awards contracts only to Malays.

    ALL Govt and Municipal contracts are reserved to class “F” Bumi contractors. All the proposed projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan thus far are reserved for 100% Bumi owned companies. Even open tender projects are awarded to Malays even if their prices are higher with blatantly inferior materials. Micro business loans, business licenses, discounts on property purchases, new Govt employment, EVEN LICENSES FOR HAWKER STALLS are reserved for one race. The list goes on and on but the summary is that the Malays now believes undoubtedly that he is racially privileged and it is their right ASLI’s figures of 45% are opposed to the Govt’s 18.9% because, firstly, equity value is calculated at par value. For example, if you hold 1,000 Maxis shares of RM 5/- market value each, the Govt says that it is only worth RM 250.00 as these shares have a par value of 25 cents each. If you owned a company with a paid up value of RM 2/- but conducted business worth millions of Ringgit worth of transactions, the Govt values that company at RM 2/-.

    The chief setbacks of the abuses of the NEP are rampant corruption and > cronyism, worsening racial polarization, unrelenting brain drains, warped educational system, thwarted economic competitiveness, ineffectual bureaucracy, retarded economic growth and perverted social values. Such anachronistic and regressive policy has no place in the present globalizing world, and for that matter, in any civilized society.

    PM Badawi recently intensified the imprint of the perverted NEP philosophy by prohibiting inter-religious and inter-racial discourse which would otherwise have contributed to greater understanding and harmony among the races. Consider the hegemony this has created……..

    The Jasin MP’s saga of cheating millions from Customs over timber imports went unpunished. APs are reserved for Bumis only and despite the millions that each of them make year after year, a senator’s son has the audacity to clone the APs several times and the whole thing gets swept under the carpet. A Port Klang councilor buys a 43,000 sq ft plot of land set aside for low cost housing valued at 1.8 million Ringgit for 180k and builds a palace without any approval. He gets fined RM 5,000 and still has 30 days from today to submit his building plans. Yesterday, despite all the bad press this issue got, the Selangor state Govt confirms his position and that of his son and daughter in law as councilors. The message is clear. Power has shifted from the people to the executive.

    The whole issue of Bumi chauvinism started at last year’s UMNO assembly when the very very vocal UMNO Youth leaders stated in short that “It’s our turn to be rich.” This greed is not going to end. We as a nation of loyal citizens have to put a dent into this rubbish for the sake of our children. We need a stronger opposition. By sending a threat to Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yaik, Badawi has betrayed us all. Remember this at the next general election.

    We don’t need a change in Govt. We need a stronger opposition. We need to send a message to the powers that be that we will not accept second class status for our children.

    Colin Nathan

  5. These rascal mat rempits are a threat to foreign tourists and also the local road users.They are usually seen hogging more than half of busy thoroughfares in KL during late hours of weekends and public holidays.Many of us have tolerated their selfish and gangster like attitude for too long.Where is the traffic police? Do they ‘tutup satu mata’?It is high time to get rid of this stupid and unproductive mat rempit culture.Let the public have safe and easy access on the major roads during late hours of weekends and public holidays.

  6. Justice_fighter, are you sure of your facts? Recently the Mufti of Perak says he knows the Malays have been economically bullied by the Chinese and Indians. The Mufti being a religious man couldn’t be telling lies not unless he too has been misled by some politicians.

  7. YB, PM has no time left to run after Rempits.

    First, he is the nation’s No. 1 tourism promoter on Astro; Windows on Malaysia is a flop.
    Second, he is the nation’s No. 1 Imam on Hadhari; so all muftis report to him.
    Third, he is the nation’s No. 1 bookeeper in the Min. of Finance though he is unaware of the scandals & financial mismanagement.
    Fourth, he is the nation’s No.1 top cop despite the lawlessness; IGP is No. 2.
    Fifth,he is the nation’s No.1 politikus; telling the likes of Ali Rustam to whisper softly so investors won’t be frightened off.
    Sixth, he is the nation’s No. 1 strategic thinker & planner; Wawasan 2057 even though he is myopic & hyperopic combined.
    Seventh, he looks like the nation’s No. 1 top judge; CJ looks like No.2 and has to report to Executive.

    Now, YB, you tell me PM where got stamina left to run after Rempits. Leave that to the SIL and his Team. The problem is SIL isn’t even a Minister.

  8. The SIL knows the mat rempits are a serious problem. So instead of dealing with them head-on he’s engaging them through his putera chief. That’s why he’s sent them parachuting into the North pole. Even our sports minster is thinking of building race tracks in every town for their use. Lately sil is also using them as penguatkuasas in their election campaigns. Brilliant chap this KJ.

  9. The NEP and special rights have caused the Malays to degenerate into the current sad state.

    They are licensed to rob the non-Malay using the NEP as an excuse.

    When they are unemployed, they ask the government to force the multinational company to hire them.

    When they cannot get a business deal from Chinese schools, they ask the government to force the Chinese schools to give them the business.

    When the Mat Rempits are detained by the police, their fellow members are forcing the police to release them. They just follow the style of the UMNO government. Don’t blame them.

  10. UMNO will never fail to make use of stupid people to fulfill its selfish purpose. Whilst people get killed, UMNO gets rich…that’s the UMNO way. Why do you think there are still poor people out there? They have been intentionally kept poor so they can be misled and used time and again by BN. With all the money at its disposal, instead of sending a ‘toy boy’ into space, these monies could easily be given directly to the poor eradicating poverty immediately. At least it is still better to spend it to boost one person’s ego!

    Mat rempits number in the thousands…so UMNO is interested to keep them as pawns when elections come. It is simply this selfish intentions that make Malaysia backward.

  11. “Colin said , We don’t need a change in Govt.”
    What a sad ending to your fine write up. This government deserves to burn in hell. To vote for BN is a SIN against God. It’s like voting for SATAN.

  12. Mat Rempits are the by products of TDM ‘s call to increase the nation’s population to 70 million in the early 80’s.These mostly unemployed and lowly paid teenagers are now becoming a social and economic burden to the nation.Now many people only begin to realize that only smart and good leader can bring progress and benefit to the people and the nation.

  13. Who are they “Mat Rempit ?
    What are they doing in their daily life ?
    How do they managed to come about to becoming such a mega nation issue ?
    Why can’t our law and order content their actions ?
    Why can our Parliament passed out a ruling on these menace ?
    As many questions as we all may throw out, we all know that BN government have a separate agenda in handling this opportunity.
    We know the BN people are heavily corrupted and needed national security issue to keep Malaysian ‘worries’ about their own safety and become less friendly to weaken the harmony of the potential country unity.
    Think along it ….. now we all know why …

  14. Have you heard of a mat rempit being charged in court ? What would he be charged with ? Disturbing the peace ? Violating traffic rules ? Reckless driving ? These are compoundable offences which the culprits can never pay, and the police don’t have the inclination to follow up on such cases. The police would rather stop those who could afford to pay their way out of trouble.

    Even if the police were to follow up diligently, it is not easy to identify the culprits when they have their helmets on, dress the same way, and probably have forged licence plates. Nevertheless, the lack of will to follow up is a flashing sign that says “crime pays” to these people.

    This menace can only be stamped out if punishment is meted out immediately and without fear or favour. That is not possible when the Putera crowd treat these mat rempits as their allies.

  15. I thought Mat Rempit is working closely with the Police as their eyes and ears? Obviously given this responsibility means they have the power to stop the public and interrogate them for their wrongdoings………I wonder whether the Gov is paying them for OT since they mostly “work” past midnite….? SIL did wonders by promoting them to such positions……I wonder whether our super astro/cosmo/angkasawan is a Mat Rempit??? If not, then he should burn his doctorate and follow the Gov encouragement…no more Dr Shekh but MR Shekh (MR for Mat Rempit)…who knows, the Gov will send him to Mars after that…with our advanced technology and super space program….instead of signing guitars as gifts….

  16. what’s the point spending millions sending an angkasawan where moneys can be use to educate the mat rempit and aspired them to be engineers of tomorrow, developing space rockets for the future.
    all BN want is limelights during their term and divert attentions to other issues.

  17. Our government ministers busily study the relevant section of laws in order to deal with the Negarakuku singer. Well, Can we have the same politicians speak out against mat rempit and study the relevant section of laws that apply to them?

    Mat rempit threaten our national security by driving away foreign investors, tourists, and causes our country poorer. Please use ISA to detain them as they are worse than the said singer and threaten national security. By the way, think aount how much times and energy had been spent on the laws concerning the said singer?

  18. I have said once before and I will say it again. If ever any of these Mat Rempits scums ever threatens the safety of my family or me at any point in time, I wll use the one weapon I have at my disposal in defense i.e. my car. It would be a case of them or me and I will make sure there will be a few less of them to threaten anyone else again.

    I will feel sad for their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and other family members. But there will be no compromise when it comes to my family’s and my own well being when I have to make this choice.

  19. The “mat rempit” culture is basically an indicator that society has not been able to make better use of our youths as the majority of them come from broken homes and probably are school drop-outs.

    They get a low-pay job, buy a bike and then mix with others of similar ilk.

    These youths should have been given a better chance before they got into the wrong company. For example places like the Montfort Boys Home train youths to become skilled workers but they are able to take in only a dozen or so youths each year.

    Maybe I should not blame society as a whole but the government as our education policy has succeeded in creating thousands of poorly equipped young Malaysians who become “mat rempits”.

  20. Justice Fighter, I have an issue with your logic. Asking for a stronger opposition at the expense of the Non-Malay parties of the Government is RISKY.
    Should MCA (& GERAKAN), and MIC fail badly during the coming elections, UMNO will use it as justification to NEGATE the social contract. They will say that since MCA & MIC (and Gerakan) can no longer deliver as promised per the Social Contract, they could use the Force Majeur clause. They will say that these parties are another PPP, all talk, no action.

    My suggestion is sure go ahead and weaken the kingpins of those parties, BUT target, TARGET the UMNO seats which are precarious i.e. those won with less than a 1000 vote majority.

    Hurt UMNO, Get KINABATANGAN out of office, KICK JERAI out of office, kick Ali Rustam out of office. Let the message go out. If you are uncouth towards ur fellow Malaysians who are non-Malays, then you will pay a price. Dont hurt the poor Ah Beng of MCA/Gerakan and Thamby of MIC. But do support poor PPP.

    Why dont you guys work to attract PPP’s 500K members, IPF’s 500K members, Gerakan, PBS, and a few other smaller opposition parties, PKR & DAP to form a new Alternative Front? Get Raja Petra, Malik IS, Haris Ibrahim, etc to join.

    But dont call for an opposition win focussing on MCA/MIC seats. U will be risking the social contract.

  21. Many reports not listed! drivers being beaten up and car damaging cases. Too bad, KJ supports them, the G support them, election is coming. Local universities ranking dropping vs. mat rempits’ crime rising, ever wonder WHY?

  22. Hi Boys,
    these group of human scums call the Mad Rempits as gangsters of the racist umno will be the future Rapist, robbers and killers on the streets in the chaos situation .
    Please be reminded what had happened in Indonesia ! !

  23. One study on “mat rempits” that could be useful would be:

    the family background – single parent/divorced
    how many children in the family
    educational background of parents.

    I am willing to bet that the majority come from broken homes or where families were really too large for proper care and guidance.

  24. HJ Angus Says:
    October 24th, 2007 at 15: 16.46

    It looks like we are living in a dysfunctional country.

    The Sports Minister proposes to build race-tracks all over the nation to satisfy them


    In the same analogy, BN government shall also build free brothels in every state to satisfy rapists.


  25. When there are totally peace in Malaysia, BN will be malfunction as no more corruption practices and ‘milking’ from “ATMs.
    The BN are good with coming out and passing laws that can generated opoorunities for them to ‘commission’ from doing so.
    Mat Rempit existence is a good way for Malaysian to feel insecured and become more ‘self-centered’ individuals. They spend more time worrying about their safety that BN can continue to ‘milk’ this country wealth right under the noses of Malaysian.

  26. “Mat Rempits going on a rampage, causing harm to innocent people and property, has become too common an occurrence.” KIT

    We have another name for such people – ‘criminals’ / ‘thugs’. Why do we insist on giving them the respectability they clearly do not deserve by calling them anything but thugs and criminals??

  27. But mr dpm, how many countries apart from this one follow islam hadari?
    …Malaysia has benefited from the wisdom of its leaders over the years, thus enabling it to surpass the achievements of many other countries. The deputy prime minister said Malaysia’s successes since achieving independence 50 years ago had made other countries including developed ones keen to adopt the country’s visionary formula of success.

  28. Thugs? Gangsters? How about labeling them as “Product of the NEP”?
    Or better still, “The Malay Shame”?

    With no political-will and/or frank discussions about how to eradicate this problem, one cannot help but feel that the government are hopeless to manage this problem…..and they have the nerve to send a part-time model to space!!! Then again, why the hell am i surprised? After all, they can’t even send corrupt politicians and civil servants to jail!

    Any one still thinking of a vote for the BN?

  29. Comments after comments, but are our authority listening? What means of our doings when clearly no compromises nor understanding given by our appointed authorities.
    Sometimes I really wonder, do they believe in God? Do they believe in retribution? Do they really think that God is blind and deaf?
    Abusing trust, neglecting majority, regarding this world as their playground toying their primitive objectives.
    Shame, shame, shame……. shame to be a human helplessly watching the minority controls the fate of the millions while they themselves are no better than the thugs and pirates robing our joy and freedom of life, God’s creation.

  30. If they are Chinese, they would have been called “gangsters” but since they are Malay, they were given a “respectable” name Mat Rempit.

    Why are they so free, spending their time ridding their bike disturbing the peace and security when others are working hard to earn a living?

    1. Greed – they want the government to feed them, they need not work hard due to NEP.
    2. Ego – stopping cars, attacking the police, show of strength to boost their ego.
    3. Foolishness – they can’t distinguish between good and bad or worst, rather believe in doing bad than good.

    The Minister of Defence had acquired Sukhoi jetfighters from Russia paying excessively that is even enough for the Russian to finance the space trip for Dr SMS. Submarines are coming from France too. Billions are spent for these high tech equipments but are there any security threat that warrant these? The money could have been well spent to improve the internal security of the country.

    The MPs were shouting to punish Namewee eventhough his video had attracted tourists to Malaysia, while protecting these gangsters that did nothing but scaring people away.

    How come we have such people elected to positions?
    It always reminds me when I was in Form 6 twenty years ago. There were hardly any Malays in the class as most of them only attended class for about 1 or 2 months before being admitted for matriculation courses. Were they really top students? No, even the 2 months in the class I can tell they are just average students.

    For those Malays remained in the class they were given scholarships! Schooling is almost free plus text books loan are also available, so, they were practically paid to study. But the most troubling thing that happened when one of the Malay said “why need to study so hard?” as they will be given a place in the uni anyway. Next he uses the scholarship money to buy himself a guitar. Whether the did enter the uni or not does not matter. The mentality is that they don’t need to work hard as the government will provide for them.

    Many of my Chinese classmate together with me that got good results did not manage to get to the local uni. For those from well-to-do families, they went overseas, Singapore being the most popular destination then. Of course, after graduation most of them remain working in Singapore and even settled down there helping Singapore government to develop the small nation surpassing their own motherland.

    We can’t label these people as unpatriotic as if they remained in the country like me they would be like be, can’t taste success in life.

  31. Don’t kid ourselves. The mat rempits are an important part of UMNO’s unofficial armoury. They can’t raise as many supporters as quickly as they can rally the mat rempits.

    Does UMNO really care ? Their leaders holiday in Perth, London, Singapore. Their children study overseas. In Bolehland, they travel with armed escorts or in gated communities. When mat rempits go on a rampage, UMNO leaders are not affected. The real benefit to UMNO is that the mat rempits are a sleeping resource, to be activated at short notice to disrupt, to intimidate.

  32. Mat Rempits are those who don’t make it within UMNO’s patronage and largesse system. To punish them would be punishing principally one’s own race that will engender anger amongst one’s own constituency. To ignore them is to alienate this large group, not benefiting from the NEP, which will make them turn against the ruling clique.

    The idea is to harness their energy for political use, make them an ally rather than opponent. The best way to garner their allegiance is to give them a sense of belonging of being affiliated to and reciving patroinage of the party in power.

    To forge a friendly relationship and cooperation between Mat Rempits and the police will make the former act as police eyes and ears reporting on those opposed to the ruling party. Police time and resources are helped in this way instead of having to be dissipated in disciplining this group.

    Mat Rempits can also be portrayed to the public as positively contributing to society engaging at times in gotong-royong activities at places of worship and community centres, and at other times (during election) campaigning.

    There is however an ever present potential for such a group to also do the ‘dirty work’ for those in power tio serve the ends of power where it would otherwise be not so appropriate for the police to do so under pretension of professional neutrality or upholding the law.

    “Dirty work” does not just include heckling political opponents when they speak; it may include instigating a ruckus, strong-arm tactics and subtle intimidation where or if such methods are deemed necessary to break up gatherings, ceramahs or groups opposed to the ruling class. Any one or more of them are particularly useful when thrown in to instigate a minor riot within a peaceful demonstration to justify arrests of the leaders of the demonstrators.

    In times of power struggle or upheavals like May 13th , they may, for example, be inducted as para-police or para-military to serve the ends of power. They can also be used for intra-political struggle ie a struggle for power within the same ruling party where they will side the faction that has been cultivating them. They can be easily converted into a kind of private militia for their patrons against political rivals.

    The ‘Mat Rempits’ that helped Hitler’s rise to power were called by other names – the “brown shirts” who were easy to recruit from the ranks of the many youths then unemployed, unmeridianed and directionless.

    Then motor bikes were not in fashion. They were given brown shirts as uniform and a special insignia for identification within a special strong arm group, officially favoured in exchange for their strong-arm services, if called upon, to protect Hitler’s and later Hitler’s NAZI party’s rallies and meetings and disrupt those of the opponents. When their numbers grew large, they were later organized as paramilitary under the name Sturmabteilung or the SA (Storm troopers).

    Mao Zedong’s equivalent of the storm troopers were the red guards, mobilized to further the objectives of his cultural revolution. They identified themselves not through motorcycles or brown uniforms but visored military caps (with a star in front), new-collar insignia, and shoulder boards.

  33. “We don’t need a change in Govt. We need a stronger opposition. We need to send a message to the powers that be that we will not accept second class status for our children.” Colin Nathan

    It doesn’t work this way. Sorry.

  34. Now their various excesses mentioned were tolerated, and a kind of protection given and punishment mitigated for thuggish behaviour – for what ?????? unless they were conceived as a potential instrument for protecting the ends of those in power…………

  35. “How can the government expect to succeed in making Malaysia an investment centre, a tourist haven or an international hub of academic excellence to attract foreign students when the government is incapable performing its most fundamental duty – to ensure the personal safety and security of its citizens and visitors?”

    Suicide bombers next? A little bit of fireworks is alright. Look at Thailand and Myanmar, business as usual. Few explosions won’t hurt. The world is a very dangerous place anyway, compares to a lot of places Malaysia is less dangerous but definitely not safe either. We got a thing for C4.

  36. Malays must practice family planning and birth controls!

    Having many kids in a family means many of them will become Mat Rempits!

    How can you provide adequate cares and loves to 4, 5, 6 or 7 kids if both the parents need to have a job?

    Malays and all Muslims MUST practice birth controls!
    Quality is more important than quantity!

  37. Just wondering how long more we need to endure before any valid action be taken, wondering will it ever happen since we been complaining from days till months till years, still they aren’t going to compromise unless a dynamic revolution (miricle?) finally happen, inevitably awaken their sleeping self, grant sight to their blind life.
    It this a myth or reality?
    Ladies and gentlemans, words can only get us this far, we need to solidify our claims, maybe through media and campaign, however, stressing no violence, no point calling a kettle black if we are black too. Show direction through greater understanding and compassion.

  38. Chinese bullying the Malays economically?

    Be practical! Be practical! And be competitive!

    In my company’s job vacancy posting: Requirement is candidate who knows English. Knowing MANDARIN is a plus point.

    This is not discrimination. Just being practical. WHY? Coz all the rest of the Chinese in the company are bananas. None knows to read much Mandarin nor write Mandarin. So, even if it is a Malay who knows Mandarin, it is a GOD-SENT!

    So, just be practical. Keep race out of it. It is about staying competitive.

    There is no bullying. There are only people who do not wish to improve and work hard towards it.

  39. My dear takazawa, You are really great! After reading the Mat Rempit history, I really laugh, HA HA HA! I am even proud of our MAT REMPITS , only in Bolehland! To KJ, you keep on recruiting monkeys to be you running dogs! If I really see a group of MR, I will knock them down if they ever try to harm my family!

  40. “We don’t need a change in Govt. We need a stronger opposition. We need to send a message to the powers that be that we will not accept second class status for our children.” Colin Nathan

    Perhaps Colin meant that we don’t need a change in government “for the time being” since Malaysians at large are not prepared for it yet? To expect the opposition to become the ruling coalition after the next GE would be too far fetched. At most, we can only expect to deprive BN of their 2/3 majority. In order to achieve that, this would mean at least 35% of the voters must vote for the opposition. Even if all the Chinese (25% of the voting population) and Indians (7%) voters vote for the opposition, if would only amount to 32% which still falls short of 3%. The remaining 3% has to come from either Malay or Indigenous votes or both, which is feasible. The bulk of the 3% votes would go to PAS and Keadilan.

    Not to be too wishy washy, however, my prediction of the next GE outcome is, at least half of the Chinese voters going for BN (13%) and more than half of the Indian voters going for BN (5%). As for Malay voters (60% of the voting population), 90% of them would go for BN (54%), while 10% of them would go for PAS and Keadilan. Hence, BN’s mandate would be at least 54+13+5 = 72%, which is far better than the last GE outcome of 92% mandate! It’s a difference of 20%.

    Anyway, this is just my 2 cents’ worth. Feel free to differ from me.

  41. To add on, it’s a difference of 20% although we don’t get to deny BN of 2/3 majority.

    I think there’s no need to knock them down lah, just encourage them to do the “Deadman and Spiderman” methods is already good enough. This would at least reduce their population without having to be accountable for it. :-D

  42. We don’t need a change in Govt. We need a stronger opposition. We need to send a message to the powers that be that we will not accept second class status for our children.

    Colin Nathan

    No matter how strong is the opposition..the government will just ignore it or doing some investigation on some issue raised by the opposition.. in the end.. lack of prove or never end investigate..somehow i feel that 50 years merdeka is just a spirit slowly fade generation after generation..i wonder what would happen if we are under the British administration? will they be still racism in our comunity? will they be still anymore sleeping minister in our country? how i wish 1 day the current government colapse..i believe each of us wants a better future for our children..we want a better life where there is no racist in every field of corruption…..someday someday

  43. Here’s an interesting excerpt from

    “Mat Rempit – Pseudo-professional motocycle stuntmen, soon to be dead. Only Malays can apply. Becoming a Mat Rempit is a guarantor of a good future, with the backup support from the government agency call Putera Tak Senonoh Umno. You only need to do stupid motorcycle stunts on your motorbike on a public road to attract more tourists for Year Visit Malaysia 2007. If you don’t have money to spend, become a part-time snatch thief or robber. Getting arrested is a definite occupational hazard, but don’t worry – just use bribe the Police and everything will be settled.”

  44. Add to the above.

    To qualify you must show proof that you’re brain damaged or alternatively show that you have the same IQ as Minister in PM’s Department and must not know your left from your right. As for your motorcycle, if you cannot afford one, one will be given to you -that applies also to your state appointed lawyer in case you are detained for riding somebody’s motorcycle without lights and without number plates.

    If you are unfortunate enough to have to appear before a magistrate within 48 hours of your detention, make sure you have ready, used bank notes in an envelope to pass to the court clerk. Make sure the court clerk counts all RM5,000.00 in your presence or else he might pocket some. Don’t try and cheat by using old Japanese banana notes that belonged to your grandfather. It pays to be honest.

    Any special skills in the use of explosives would be an advantage.

  45. They are the real marginalised people of failed NEP policies and bad leadership.

    I feel sorry for them being grossly exploited and used by unscrupulous politicians for personal, narrow and damaging political objectives.

  46. Just got back from a short trip to Auckland, NZ. My apartment there is now up for rent as my previous tenant of 10 years relocated. Spent two days supervising the cleaners and handing the property over to a property management company. Need to find a new tenant soon or else no income!

    So, whats up with you lot in the Opposition? Ranting about the Mat Rempits now, eh?

  47. “Let’s create a new corridor for the mat rempits. After all, the Sleepy Head is now known as the father of all Corridors….” – Godfather

    Yo man, long time didnt hear.
    So, how do you think this so called problem be managed?

  48. Yo RealWorld, the NEP beneficiary, holidays in NZ, London, Johannesburg, Perth, where else ? Life is good, eh ? Hve you tried driving early hours in the morning along Semantan, Maarof and Raja Laut ? Try it. Humbling experience after the “first class” holidays. Try to taste the real world, man…

  49. Good that you have properties outside of Bolehland. After all, if you should ever get into a dispute or trouble in Bolehland, you may not be able to trust the police, or the AG’s Chambers or the courts, to protect your rights. You might have to pay to protect your basic rights in Bolehland – something which is alien in New Zealand I guess….

  50. The only solution is through education. Educate them BEFORE they become Mat Rempits.

    But how are we going to tell them to behave nicely if our Education Minister is behaving like a terrorist?

    If you compare the picture of our Education Minister brandishing his weapon while shouting hysterically in UMNO assembly with the picture of real terrorist brandishing his weapon while shouting ‘God is Great’, their gestures are quite similar. Even my neighbour’s four years old son has spotted the similarity.

    Luckily we still haven’t produced any young terrorist from our schools now.

  51. One of the solutions is to stop treating them like heroes. Treat them like the criminals that they are – breaking the law. Stop those picture shoots between Putera UMNO and these criminals – but this is a tall order given the “samseng” and publicity seeking nature of people like Azeez Rahman.

  52. Hey yo Godfather, I dont drive along Semantan, Maarof or Raja Laut during the early hours cos I be asleep by then. I dont fancy late nights i.e. head banging away to some loud techno music. :) Such activities may be the ‘real world’ to you but not me.

    NEP beneficiary?? Well, if this can help you to console yourself, I be happy for you.

  53. “Good that you have properties outside of Bolehland. After all, if you should ever get into a dispute or trouble in Bolehland, you may not be able to trust the police, or the AG’s Chambers or the courts, to protect your rights. You might have to pay to protect your basic rights in Bolehland – something which is alien in New Zealand I guess….” – Godfather


    When has it become a crime to own properties outside Malaysia (Bolehland to you)?

    Are you saying all is well and dandy in NZ? Hmmm … what about em’ Maoris? I wonder what happened to all their lands and all? Human rights and all, you know.

  54. I am absolutely agree that the only effective way to turn away the MRs when threaten by them is to knock them down and drive away immediately!

    All people must practice this and after a few rounds of such “defensive” tactic and a few dead MRs, all the Mat Rempits will disappear from Malaysia roads!

    I ain’t a violent man, but I hope MR will come disturb me, and I am always ready to hit and run! I need to set example and teach all these bastard a good lesson!

  55. When did I say that it is a crime to own property overseas ? All I said is “good for you” like your leader’s assets in Perth and elsewhere. If some of us have the means, we would also like to own properties in London, Perth, Sydney, Singapore, Jakarta, etc. Most of these places are not plagued by mat rempits. Most of these places don’t have leaders that worship lawbreakers as assets to the ruling party.

  56. The years of driving a Bentley with dark sunglasses have made people like RealWorld really thick in the head. I advise him to stop the photoshoots between Putera UMNO and the mat rempits, and RealWorld asks me “how then?”. I guess it is the same response given by the fearless UMNO leaders to genuine questions posed by the public.

  57. They are grossly neglected and misguided individuals. They are challenging the ” authority” and the environment they are made to strictly conform to and trying very hard to find meaning in life.

    With proper guidance and support, they will become good, productive and responsible people…..the buck stops with the leader/s – in family and community.

  58. RealWorld how do you feel with having Mat Rempit in Msia? Maybe they can be a good mascot for Visit Msia……vroooom….. :)

    Mat Rempit most if not all I can see are also NEP beggars as well. Wow amazing. While honest hardworking Msian citizen like for instance Mr Kumar needs to work hard to service their home loan payments, another Mat Rempit already get a good headstart by getting a 7% discount when buying a home…….

  59. /// Libra2 Says:
    October 24th, 2007 at 12: 29.31
    I wonder why, when we have so many solveable problems left unsolved, judiciary rotting away, unabated police corruption and abuse, and the entire government machinery in mayhem, we are trying to venture into space!!!!! ///

    You already have the answer. Precisely because there are so many problems, you need to send someone to space to distract attention.

  60. Creativities coming from only able to own a motorcycle of a lower capacitiy. Turning this ‘disappointment’ to a more self-satisfy ego by their skill in handling the machine.
    Anyway, these MRs grew up by watching from Mike Doohan and Eddie Lawson era right up to Valentino Rossi time …
    Malaysia Boleh

  61. I watched this documentary on Korea’s “version” of Mat Rempit. Their antics was caught on camera. Although Msia is nowhere near South Korea in economic sense, nevertheless Msia Mat Rempit beat them hands down when it comes to their daredevil moves hahahaha……vrooom……….

  62. Godfather, dude

    What has BN leaders got to do with me owning a foreign property or properties?? Or travelling aboard for holidays etc?
    You mean those in the Opposition or supported/voted for the Opposition dont own any property/ties overseas? Or dont get to travel aboard for their holidays??

    Are you on some kinda medication of late?

    And is it a crime to have photoshoots between Putera UMNO with those who owned a certain class of motorbikes?? Is owning a kapchai for example a crime? You mean Putera UMNO by taking photos with those kapchai owners to you is promoting “Mat Rempits”? Are you saying one by virtue of owning a kapchai is a Mat Rempit!!??

    What is me owning a Bentley gotta do with this? Did I borrowed your daddy’s money to buy that Bentley?

    Dude, looking more like a bitter mong.

  63. “RealWorld how do you feel with having Mat Rempit in Msia?” – cheeyong

    My brother, cheeyong!
    Ok, how do I feel? For those who caused chaos and violence on the streets (they could be on kap chais, BMWs, Proton Satrias, Mercedes Benzs, Harleys or even Bentleys) I think the law should come down hard on these people. I do not limit road rage to the so-called Mat Rempits or those on the motor bikes only.

    As for your claim that the Mat Rempits get a 7% discount when they purchase a home, I have an issue here. Firstly, you are generalizing that all Mat Rempits are malays/bumiputras. What happened to your claim that you are ‘colour-blind’?? Or are you actually a chameleon instead? Secondly, these Mat Rempits are in the low income bracket (I have yet to see a lawyer racing around KL at night in his kap chai), and I dont think they can even afford to purchase a home, despite the 7% thingy.

  64. There are absolute nothing wrong in owning a property anywhere in this world and definitely nothing wrong in owning a kapchai. All these materialistic properties are there to serve their own purposes and functions.
    Owning a kapchai when the owner are using this to his or her serving purposes to do things of good like a means of transportation and the early part of their life journey to learn how to handle their properties and keep them in good functioning purposes.
    However, using these as a form of racing machines or dare devil stunts whereby public safety are at stakes , do you think that we are getting things into prospective for the good of this nation?
    Today, as for most of us here, non of us are ‘involved’ in any closed incidents with MRs nor is any of our family members.. thank GOD for that.
    We must remember that these does not meant that we are truly safe as things are improvely bad by days and you will never know what is next or who is next …
    As Malaysian, we should voiced out this concern.

  65. Hey RealWorld, my respect for your understanding of the English language has just taken a nosedive. Show me where I said that it is wrong to own properties overseas. Show me where I said that your ownership of properties overseas is simply due to BN. Don’t praise BN that much. Some people own properties overseas or go on holidays overseas IN SPITE of BN. Some people get to the top IN SPITE of BN. Do you understand what I mean ?

  66. Kesian juga RealWorld mat rempit ni. Not enough $$ buy house, thats why taking it out on the streets. Now u so rich, give back some to society la.

    I am colour blind. But despite wearing helmets and many encounters so far I had with them, everyone can see who they belong too. Thats why I said NEP is not good. Makes alot of those receivers become alpa and lupa diri.

    NEP should be replaced with a better plan.

    Wow RealWorld you know these mat rempit from low income bracket group kah? Itu pun u tau. hebat…..

  67. Godfather,

    You seem fascinated with that Bodoh thingy, eh? I can see you glowing in it. But I guess for someone who thinks that photoshoots between Putera UMNO and Malaysians with motorbikes is promoting road menace, I shouldnt be surprised eh.

    And talking about understanding of the English language, your insults on Islam Hadhari is pretty clear.

    Yes, some infact many many people own properties overseas and take numerous holidays in spite of BN. Good! No crime at all. Very good indeed. I am happy for such successful Malaysians.

    … but there are some who are just bitter.

  68. Yes, I have insulted the self-proclaimed Imam of Islam Hadhari – as a liar and a hypocrite. Unfortunately, he happens to be your master. Once a poodle, always a poodle.


  69. cheeyong, my brother, how do you know I dont give back to society?? Are you some fortune teller or some sort of a medium?

    Dude, dude, lets not go and make assumptions here and there la. Discuss with some maturity la, ok? I mean, for example I will never say that you are an in-breed, i.e. that your mom married her brother and they had you, unless I have the facts and proof. I dont do assumptions ok.

    And your “Now u so rich” thingy …. no need to resort to such talk la. Childish and no class la.

    “But despite wearing helmets and many encounters so far I had with them, everyone can see who they belong too” …. you are generalizing again. And when one generalize, they then to be prejudice. For example, I see in pasar malam, those who sell pirated dvds are chinese. Based on your conclusion, can I conclude that the chinese are into illegal businesses??

    Are you saying that these Mat Rempits are from the upper income bracket??

  70. “Yes, I have insulted the self-proclaimed Imam of Islam Hadhari – as a liar and a hypocrite. Unfortunately, he happens to be your master. Once a poodle, always a poodle.” – Godfather

    No, you said that Islam Hadhari is about protecting the corrupt etc. You specifically targeted Islam Hadhari, not the ‘self-proclaimed Imam’. Dont try to lie your way out.

    Poodle?? Dude, you called yourself a Rottweiler. You likened yourself to a dog. I did not. And since, you like to be a dog. Go fetch my slippers boy. :)

  71. “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Imam of Islam Hadhari. Somehow he is not embarrassed by making this patently untrue statement, but his supporters like FakeWorld are also no embarrassed at all. I guess the skin on thieves are really thick.

    We will see if making false statements and fake slogans can bring in the votes. Or maybe that’s the reason why UMNO has brought in “Goebbels” Zainuddeen Maideen.

  72. What I can say is that I dont know from what income level they r from unlike you who knows. Low income konon……

    Actually is true. Those bootleg sellers alot of them r Chinese. I admit. Its a common sight…….so get the 2 sniffing dogs and go and catch them lah. What are they waiting for?

    Actually we chinese know since long ago that in breeding will result in a higher chance the child be deformed.

    Wah puji hang kaya raya pun hang nak naik berang. Relaks lah RealWorld…….hang ni cepat melatah dan merajuk….macam budak kecik aje….

  73. “These were some of the reports in the mass media in the past two months on Mat Rempit rampage and violence in the country:

    1. Merdeka celebrations took a nasty turn at Dataran Hadhari, Teluk Batik, Perak early 1st September 2007 when some Mat Rempits reacted violently against the police by wrecking one patrol car and breaking the rear window of another. This happened at 1.30am when a police inspector tried to detain a man, sparking angry protests from more than 100 Mat Rempits, who surrounded the police car, kicked its doors and ripped off the radio antenna. The police officer escaped unharmed.

    2. A senior citizen, Yusoff Abdullah, 69, was knocked and killed by a Mat Rempit in Pasir Tumboh, Kota Bharu early morning on 8th September. The Mat Rempit who hit Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Ariffin, 19 also died on the spot.

    3. Two Mat Rempits who were not happy with police having a road block attacked Merbok Police Station in Sungai Petani with petrol bombs at about 1am, 27th August 2007. Nobody was injured.

    4. A group of ten Mat Rempits turned violent and attacked a police car and a few policemen in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, a Mat Rempit favourite spot early on the night of 30th September 2007. When they were blocked by the traffic police, they turned violent and attacked the police before leaving.

    5. Mohd Fairus Abdul Aziz, 21, a restaurant worker was killed after he fell from his motorcycle in Jalan Tun Razak near the US Embassy where he was surrounded and kicked by five Mat Rempits at about 5:40 am on 11th October 2007. Fairus was about to send her girl friend home after work when he was surrounded by the Mat Rempits who wanted to take her girl friend away.

    6. Wan Asmadi Wan Ahmad, 36, a senior officer from Road Transport Department Enforcement Unit was hit by a Mat Rempit in an Ops Sikap XIII operation in Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, Ipoh at about 10:15 pm on 21st October 2007. His legs were broken and he suffered serious head injuries.


    Excuse me.

    Allow me to say that Mat Rempit should not be a racial issue, even if the newsreports were to show the offenders to have come predominantly (or even exclusively) from one race.

    In fact, in ANY race, one can always find groups of saints and sinners.

    What you have here is a “modus operandi” with some common attributes – uses motorcycle, complete disregard for the law, complete disregard for the personal safety and property of others, as well as the personal safety and property of oneself, etc..

    Labelling these youths as Mat Rempits may be convenient and stereotyping, but these are also unique individuals with some serious social problems.

    Also, the problems seem to be escallating over time.

    Does the government or the PM has a cohesive and comprehensive plan to deal with the Mat Rempits? Is it right for the government to just push this problem back to the Rakyat, and say this is your responsibility? How should the country tackle this problem?

    Do our neighbouring countries have similar problems, or is Mat Rempit a problem that is worse in Malaysia only? Given our nation’s aim to be a developed country by 2020, how do we compare to the more developed country such as Singapore? Does Singapore has this problem to the same extent as Malaysia (after standardizing the larger Malaysia population base)?

    Should the government ignore them and hope they will dissappear? Why is it that when the law is enforced, more Mat Rempits surfaces? Or are the laws not enforced? Some of the examples given by YB clearly clearly shows complete disregard for the law, to the extent of attacking police stations! What happened to the offenders?

    My personal view is that this is an escallating, serious, underlying social problem, notwitstanding the higher press coverage. The society has been left alone for decades, but the problems seem to be getting worse and worse over time. It needs some government intervention or special attention, and I certainly agree with YB that it needs the PM’s special attention. To leave the problem with the existing system alone is not enough.

    Old Observer.

  74. I dare to say almost all the mat rempits are from one community.The logic is simple.The non Malays generally practise family planning for both economic and social reasons.Many of the MRS are either school dropouts,unemployed or lowly paid workers.These youngsters resort to street roaming on their motorbikes late at night and also during the wee hours mainly for fun.However among them are gangsters and hooligans too.The government should come down hard on these young anti social elements before the social menace worsens.Furthermore stop associating with them and avoid promoting them as something positive.

  75. This is absolute racial discrimination! Why is no action taken against this group of “good for nothing” nuisance makers? Is it because they consist mainly of one “exclusive” race?

    In fact, this has given rise to problems way before hand. I believe if it was not because this race is involved in taking “dadah”, the government might even have legalized the sale of drugs by issuing licenses.

  76. “I dare to say almost all the mat rempits are from one community.” – justiciary

    “This is absolute racial discrimination! Why is no action taken against this group of “good for nothing” nuisance makers? Is it because they consist mainly of one “exclusive” race?” – ktteokt


    I hope you will understand what I mean when I highlight the first sentence and paragraph of both your comments.

    My main point is not to make this a racial issue, since this is both your first sentence and first paragraph respectively.

    Why? Imagine for a moment that you are talking to the community head, the fathers of the Mat Rempits.

    And the first thing you utter is what you’ve said here.

    How do you imagine will be the immediate reaction?

    My fear is that it WILL become a racial issue, since you are seen to be provoking an attack on that single race.

    It is much more productive to focus on BEHAVIOUR, which potentially can come from anyone from any race.

    By focussing on BEHAVIOUR, we acknowledge that Mat Rempits behaviour is unacceptable, for reasons that every rational person knows to be unacceptable.

    The advantage of focussing on BEHAVIOUR is that even if there is any Chinese or Indian who behaved that way, we similarly condemn that BEHAVIOUR, irrespective of race.

    On the other hand, once racial issues are raised, it raises all sorts of defences which distracts the nation since we get into even bigger arguments.

    As a Rakyat, all I want is for an immediate stop to that BEHAVIOUR. I don’t really care the race of the Mat Rempits. In fact, as far as I am concerned, the race can be foreigners or aliens from another planet, and it doesn’t change my opinion and beliefs. I simply want the Mat Rempit BEHAVIOUR to stop.

    I hope we don’t fall into the trap of turning Mat Rempits into a racial issue, with the end result being NATO (“no action, talk only”).

    Old Observer.

  77. “Did Hitler crack down on his Brownshirts?” – k1980


    Forgive my ignorance, but are there publicly reported events in the news that give rise to the suspicion / claim that Mat Rempits are the equivalent of Brownshirts?

    Would appreciate the weblinks (if any) for my personal further reading.


    Old Observer.

  78. Hi,Old Observer.I am not racialistic but I was just stating a fact that almost all the ‘MRS’ are from one community.This ‘MRS’ problem has remained a social menace for years.I can bet if these idiots are not from one community,they will definitely not be held in high esteem by Umno and the like.Remember these gangsters were once invited by Umno youth to take part in an organised race and recently the Sports minister even proposed to have a special racing circuit for them.So do you think the authorities will condone the behaviour of the ‘MRS’ if they are from other communities? Be realistic Old Observer.

  79. So much have been seen, heard and condemned about Mat Rempits which shows this species don’t deserved the kind of patronage our sly yet supposely educated gentleman KJ gave them.
    It’s time to do something (hear this POLIS) before all hell breaks loose given the extent of their lawlessness and ??? encouragement given them by UMNO putera.
    My personal hunch is that our diabolical KJ planned to use them to create trouble and fear come this election if ever BN lose to opposition. It is ‘quite’ similar to what happened on that fateful May 13. (Please read May13 by Kua Kia Soong)
    KJ, think thrice. It’s old coward trick at the expense of Mat Rempits.
    My advice to Mat Rempits: forget about your Hero KJ. You’re just his expendable pawns for his selfish interest. If not, why wasn’t he around to help ‘bagi jalan’ you at polis road blocks? Such coward KJ!

  80. Old Observer:

    Where were you during the by-elections in Ijok and Macap ? Putera UMNO supporters were decked in black with scorpion insignias sitting astride their bikes. Very eerily like the brownshirts. I would guess that at least 95 pct of mat rempits are from one race. The ones I encountered periodically along Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Maarof and Jalan Surian (to Sungei Buloh) are 100 pct from one race.

    Have you every heard of a mat rempit being charged with reckless driving or violating traffic rules ? It’s only when they have killed someone or crashed into a police roadblock that they have been charged. Otherwise they are treated very much like UMNO’s “hidden” force.

  81. Justiciary and ktteokt are right. i agree with them. If not, why there was an idea mooted out before by Umno Youth to get them to join UMNO? Hint hint……..we know who can only join Umno right?

  82. whr in the world of idiots would anyone encourage no brain people like mat rempits except Malaysia?and who is that good for nothing brainless idiot whos behind these encouragements?look at those idiots in the cabinet today…our Cj issue…the comments given by this stupid nazri…the idiots who can call others bocor whn they dont even knw their mothers bocor also…..that idiot who thinks his grandfather owns this land and loves chasing people out of Malaysia….and that idiot who got away with such minor punishishment for building such a huge castle without permits…and lots more…look at those idiots in the cabinets nowadays.they only bring shame to this country and yet they think they are so smart that our very own PM cant do or maybe wont do anything abt it(most probably same geng)….sigh…what a dirty lot…and talking abt dirty…not to mention those involved in the mongolian case.

  83. There’s much injustice and cruelty practised in our present government. They “the government” break the law. They are the law and judge themself now.

    I’m here to highlight the voilation of ‘Human Rights’ against peace loving Malaysian Indian. There is nothing that can justify their brutality and cruelty towards us. Please visit:-

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