Haider Panel on Lingam Tape – greatest service to cause of justice is to resign en masse

Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported today that the Haidar Panel into the authenticity of the Lingam Tape, which was supposed to meet for the second time today, has postponed its second meeting indefinitely.

China Press reported that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA)’s inability to complete its investigations into the Lingam Tape as the reason for the postponement of its second meeting today, which was fixed when the Haidar Panel met for the first time on October 3.

It is three weeks since the Haidar Panel’s appointment by the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Sept. 27 to complete its terms of reference within a month. The Haidar Panel took one week to prepare for its first meeting on Oct. 3, after which it went into hibernation for two weeks leaving all the legwork to the ACA.

China Press reported that the next meeting of the Haidar Panel may be on Oct. 27, the last day of its one-month life tenure.

In the past fortnight, the three-man Haidar Panel disappeared from public view completely upstaged by the two-act histrionics of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, viz:

  • Firstly claiming that witnesses and whistleblowers are protected by the law, even offering plastic surgery to give “a new identity or even new look” for the person or persons who took the Lingam Tape, only to find subsequently that there is no such Witness Protection Act or Bill; and
  • Secondly claiming that he will ask the Cabinet to provide protection for the people behind the recording of the Lingam Tape, only to announce after the Cabinet meeting that there would be no such protection.

During the period, the ACA had issued an ultimatum to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice president R. Sivarasa and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s personal assistant Sim Tze Tzin to reveal the source of the Lingam Tape or face prosecution and jail — with both defying the ultimatum.

With ten days left before its deadline of Oct. 27 to submit its report, who believes that the Haidar Panel is capable of submitting any report to authenticate the Lingam Tape after hibernating in the past three weeks and relying completely on the ACA to do all the legwork and refusing to call in technical experts to verify its authenticity without having to demand for the source of the recording?

It is significant that there has been no clarification from any official quarter about Najib’s statement on Oct. 3 that the Haidar Penal was not to call any witness, although after its first meeting the same day, the Haidar Panel called on witnesses to come forward despite its admission of the farcical “Five No’s” — no power to administer oaths, no power to compel witnesses to come forward, no power to commit anybody for contempt, no power to provide immunity and no power to protect witnesses.

It may be said that the Haidar Panel would have achieved its purpose if the real objective of those who appointed it was for it “to fail to authenticate” the Lingam Tape by October 27.

In fact, the government should explain why it is necessary to set up the Haidar Panel to establish the authenticity of the Lingam Tape, as it should be left to the ACA if all the investigation is to be done by the ACA. Or is it because the powers-that-be are not very sure about the reliability of the ACA on the matter of establishing the authenticity of the Lingam Tape, if the ACA is allowed to carry out its investigations without any interference whatsoever?

The Haidar Panel should realize that it lacks public confidence and credibility, both in terms of its narrow scope of term reference which served the purpose of shifting the focus of the Lingam Tape scandal on the independence, integrity and meritocracy of the judiciary, as well as on the integrity of the Panel membership, in particular the conflict-of-interest role of Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor because of his past and present positions.

The greatest service the Haidar Panel can do to the cause of justice is for its three members to resign en masse and to ask the Prime Minister to end the state-of- denial and establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Tape scandal and to restore public confidence in the independence, integrity and meritocracy of the judiciary.


83 Replies to “Haider Panel on Lingam Tape – greatest service to cause of justice is to resign en masse”

  1. Pak Lah,

    Here’s the truth for you. Establish the Royal Commission of Inquiry to not only establishing the authenticity of the Lingam Tape, but to restore public confidence in the integrity, independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Malaysia as we have no confidence in the Haider Panel anymore.

    Can handle this truth or not?

  2. We all know that whenever things that proven to create disadvantages to BN, they will never investigate or put up a show to divert the public attention because after all Malaysian always have shorter memory than others.
    Most Malaysian are working class people that have a status to protect and chase after daily.
    This panel is just another tactic from BN to create a balance to the eyes of the world only as we have to justified our judiciary integrity.
    For those bloggers who claimed that the rakyat did not face up with responsibilities to make waves of changes in today’s government, well , most of us did , however, BN have created a network of agencies to ensured their winnings whether through proper or sidetracked channels.
    Honestly, we cannot beat them from our angle or any other form of formation or alliances.
    They can only be ‘chewed up’ by their own actions like termites.
    The colonies of them will soon turned on among themselves to fight for the fittess survival.
    As we can noticed, most of the old dogs are no longer fit to carry on their task effectively and those puppies are eager to take up their positioning. As old dogs do have their own ‘selected’ puppies to groom for the replacement, somehow, these puppies are not sharing the same idealogy and sharing of wealth.
    Like dogs, they have many puppies from different partners and at times, they cannot balance the sharing.
    Old dogs that once bark loudly, now have to sit back and watch the game from the back too. Their own puppies are not good enough to face up with today’s challenges and demands. They also seems to lose ways to find their own standings to capture support from the pack unless they ‘buy’ their fame. So, how much can they forked out each time ? How many of these ‘stray dogs and puppies’ really support them each time ? How many more resources channel that they need to find in order to stay ahead of the challengers ?
    How much each channel have to ‘added on amount’ to deceived rakyat monies ?

  3. ‘Serve the Public?’ Now that is a novel concept for our politicians. They don’t even wake up unless there is something in it for them.

    Those who vacilate from choosing sides in a time of crises are more guilty than those who perpetuate the injustice.

    We have a tradition here. During the Japanese occupation, those who cooperated with the Japanese were punished worst than the Japanese. Should that not be the tradition we carry with this Panel?

  4. Uncle Kit

    If Haidar Panel does not know how to check the authenticity of the tape, can you give them the below attributes?

    To establish the authenticity of the recording, it requires only three attributes, namely, (i) the images belong to the actor in question, (ii) the voice is that of the actor, and (iii) the conversation is not dubbed. All this can be done using technology available in our country.

    source: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/73626



    – PKFZ,

  6. Keep posting on Youtube – let see the Malaysian Govt try and shut that down or sue overseas media instead. Until there are laws set in stone that whistle blowers are protected, best protecting is to haunt the Govt via the internet and uncovering the corrupt way of individual officials. Why do you think that are after this guy(s) sooooo hard…..it almost like a harrrrdddd ooooonnnnn..

  7. Haidar Panel will just lapse within a month (on 27th October). It will say it couldn’t get witnesses. Which is the way it is expected to go anyway since the panel admitted itself that it had no power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths or commit anyone for contempt, Nazri, by his flip-flops over a non-existent Wtness Protection Act, could not assure otherwise and Najib had stated that the Panel was not to call any witness. Panel members on 27th October will say phew what a relief they could exit this way than to get embroiled further in the farce. And a farce it is. Malaysians, by now, don’t need the panel or even a Royal Commission to authenticate the video tape. It is what has happened both before and since the revelation of the videotape that establishes its authenticity with finality, independent of it, in the court of public of opinion. Ask any ex-judge familiar with the court workings who had retired except those under a cloud of scandal and they would privately say that of course he believes in its authenticity; ask any lawyer who ply the court in his trade and personally knew the voice and gesticulations of the principal actor and he would probably say the same; ask Mr Joe Public and he would say of course it is believable or why else PKR vice president R. Sivarasa and DSAI’s personal assistant Sim Tze Tzin have not yet been arrested for failing to disclose their sourceby now after the expiry of the ultimatum; ask any journalist in the alternative media (say) Malaysiakini, and he would likely say the events of judicial appointments subsequent to the video-taped conversation in 2002 happened exactly as what the video taped conversation alluded and therefore corroborate the probability of its authenticity; ask any journalist within the mainstream media and he would privately say that he believes as well since the media czar has just made clear that media’s role was not to tell the truth to power, which only proves the overarching priority of the administration is to preserve its image rather than uphold any truth if it tarnishes its image. And the contents of the video tape do tarnish the image of present administration though they may have arisen from the excesses and abuse of power of the preceding one. Which in turn leads to the inference drawn that the Haidar Panel was conceived as a stop gap measure to in part effect the necessary damage control to preserve that precious image badly ripped apart by the contents of the video tape and mainly to stymie what would otherwise require a full and independent inquiry into the serious allegations of the Lingam Tape, the outcome and direction of which are predictably not affordable by a government concerned with preserving its image at all cost, no matter the truth.

  8. This Sandiwara team was formed to entertain during the Hungry Ghosts Festival and The Nine Emperor Deity Festival. Must have cost the taxpayers lots for this infamous troup. Next year, bring on Beyonce or OEP, at least we get our money worth.

  9. Given what RealWorld has said at 11:19:40 and 11:45:36, it is imperative that the Opposition parties proceed to immediately produce a CD-ROM that clearly documents all the atrocities and corruption committed by the BN government.

    They should make at least 10 million copies, at least one for each voter in Malaysia. Pirated is okay.

    The VCDs must be produced in at least 2 languages – Bahasa and English.

    The VCDs must lay out in simple terms why current government don’t deserve their votes. Concrete examples such as PKFZ, Lingam-gate, etc..

    And distribute them freely to all Malaysian citizens.

    It should ask Malaysians to only do 1 thing, and only 1 thing. Come election day, just elect anyone else who is not BN.

    It should be idiot-proof and lowest technology level, i.e. any Tom, Dick and Harry can simply insert the VCD into all existing VCD-players, sit for half an hour, and by the end of that half-hour, they are convinced the current BN government is a crook and does not deserve their vote!

    There should be a website that any Joe public can access to verify content of VCD.

    Total cost should not be more than $10-$20 million. Surely, opposition parties have received funds many times this amount?

    If such VCDs are not produced by end of this month, we are doomed. Then, as much as I hate to say this, I think RealWorld’s prediction will come true.

    Old Observer.

  10. Politics and Politicians according to P.J. O’Rourke:

    “Giving money and power to the government is like giving car keys and whisky to teenage boys.”

    “When politics are used to allocate resources, the resources all end up being allocated to politics.”

    “Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit. A politician is anyone who asks individuals to surrender part of their liberty — their power and privilege — to State, Masses, Mankind, Planet Earth, or whatever. This state, those masses, that mankind, and the planet will then be run by politicians.”

    “God has no role to play in politics except to make sure politicians go where they belong. To hell.”

  11. sonicwall Says:

    October 17th, 2007 at 09: 29.25
    Uncle Kit

    If Haidar Panel does not know how to check the authenticity of the tape, can you give them the below attributes?
    Dear sonicwall
    The panel or for that matter ACA do not need our input if they really want to get to the truth.
    Don’t you realize every effort is being made by the government using the panel, ACA , that de facto law minister etc to prevent the truth from coming out?

    All these ‘tai chi’ sessions only leave one to ponder how serious and far reaching the matter is and how “much” CJ and Lingam have “contributed” to the government in the past and still are,that they can keep silent and let the government to do the “sweeping under the carpet” job for them. They think they are the law!
    Unless there is a Royal commission of inquiry it sure looks let things are heading toward that magic carpet.

  12. The Hahaha Panel would probably just, hahaha, conclude, hahaha, that, hahaha, in the absence of, hahaha, credible evidence, there is no, hahaha, case for any further, hahaha, action, hahaha, to be taken, hahaha, by the hahaha government.

    That will, hahaha, be, hahaha, RM 10 million each, hahaha, and another hahaha, Tan Sriship, hahaha, if you don’t mind, hahaha, and hahaha, pleez give, hahaha, one to Shwanker, hahaha.

    Case closed, hahaha. Can we have, hahaha, some more, hahaha, pleez, hahaha?

    Next time, hahaha, make it, hahaha, simpler, hahaha, pleez, hahaha. How about, hahaha, the PKFZ, hahaha, case, hahaha?

    Signed, hahaha.

    Hahaha Haider Mohd Noor,
    Hahaha Lee Lam Thye,
    Hahaha Mahadev Shwanker.

    Sealed with the, hahaha, Hidden Seal of the Supreme Court, hahaha.

  13. You lot can whinge and rant all you want about the abuses of power, discrimination, corruption and all. But come election day, Malaysians will forget all and will put a nice little ‘cross’ in the BN box. You lot must understand that this is Malaysia la. Hello, ini Malaysia la. And Malaysians will forget about whats happening today in 3 months time.

    Come the next GE, I say BN will win big again … as usual la. Rakyat sokong kita la.

  14. “….It is what has happened both before and since the revelation of the videotape that establishes its authenticity with finality….” Well said, Jeffrey.
    I would add the followings to the list of those who believe in their hearts the authenticity of the Lingam-tape:

    AA Badawi, Najib A, all cabinet ministers, officials of the ACA, AG and police and all the 3 member of the Haidar Panel.

    This BN government is afraid of the truth. This is the reason why they will never allow a RCI. Malaysians only hope for a RCI is for the Rulers to hear their cries for justice.

  15. As I have said earlier, yes come next GE, BN will still win two thirds majority, thats because the malays are still stupid to vote BN. TDM said that, I didnt. Last GE, BN won 91% of the seats with only 64% of the votes mainly from malays whilst 36% mainly from non malays. TDM said that’s because most malays are stupid to vote BN.

  16. Realworld sounds so smug about the invincibility of his mighty BN and I think, under the prevailing political situation in present day Malaysia, he has damn good reason to be.Even if old observer succeed in persuading the opposition to produce those VCDs and get them distributed widely purportedly to educate the masses about the excesses of the governing party, I still think BN will win hands down.
    I say this for good reasons and they are:
    (1) This country’s political scenario is rooted in racial politics since day 1.Unfortunately we’ve started on the wrong footing and the only person at that time who saw this was Datuk Onn Jaffar but against the major sentiments at that time his lone voice soon faded into oblivion.
    (2) Look at the demography in Malaysia.
    If we take a step back in time, i’ll quote you the statistics given in Ian Morrison’s ( he is a war correspondent for The Times in Australia)book “Malayan Postscript”.
    Chinese : 2,220,244
    Malays : 2,210,867
    Indians : 743,555
    Europeans: 28211
    Aboriginals : 30,000
    Eurasians : 18,310
    Japanese : 7,951
    Miscellaneous: !9,728
    Singapore is not included.
    Fast forward to 2006 and Malaysia’s population is:
    5.44 million : East Malaysia
    21.2 million : Peninsular Malaysia
    Population growth : 2.4%
    Malays : 50.4%
    Chinese : 23.7%
    Indians : 7.1%
    Indigenous people : 11%
    Others : 7.8%
    I believe that in 1938 the Chinese in East Malaysia could be around 50% if not more.It is completely shocking to find that it has dwindled to 23% and still going down further.Absolutely unbelievable but if one were to sit down to account for it you can invariably see the hand of that mamak’s hand at work! It was he who initiated that mass migration of Indonesians to marginalise the Chinese and later did that to Sabah to counter the Christian groups to ensure election victories for UMNO
    (2)Gerrymandering is defined as a foul means to divide for election purposes so as to give one group or party an unfair advantage over others.Here again that Mahathir is the architect resulting in a rural constituency having only 5000 residents with 1 MP whereas an urban constituency with perhaps 70,000 residents ending up with 1 MP.Thus you see a Malay vote has a weightage at least 10 to 16 times more punch than a non Malay vote on top of the fact that Malays are a much bigger group(50.4% of population vs Chinese’s 23.7%).
    (3) Postal Votes:
    Police and armed personnel vote thro the postal vote system.There have been persistent complaints that the armed force’s personnel and their families cast their votes under the watchful eyes of their superior officers and these postal votes have reversed the electoral outcome in the last moment in favour of the ruling party in many tightly fought electoral battles. In spite of repeated protests, postal voting by these armed personnel remain closed to any independent observer including those from the opposition.
    (4) Phantom Votes:
    There have been reports that there are also many voters with fake IC.These phantom voters are used to swing marginal constituencies in favour of ruling party.

    With these odds stacked so overwhelmingly against the opposition, it is imperative that the opposition parties demand reforms in the electoral system.They can hope to win one third of parliamentary seats let alone dream of being the governing party under the present first-past-the-post system.We must try to adopt New zealand’s MMP system(Mixed Member Proportional).

  17. Should read ” …………………, I’ll qoute you the 1938 Malayan population statistics given in Ian Morrison’s ……………….”.

    Should read “I believe in 1938 Chinese in East Malaysia could also be around 50% if not more.”.

  18. Don’t bother about RealWorld. His broken record on this blog is clear to many of us. Let him report back to his UMNO masters about what we are saying here…and we don’t have to respond to his taunts.


  19. Yeah 91% of the seats but only 64% of the votes because the malays are stupid and fraud by EC/BN. From 1 melayu (TDM) to all melayus. Not from me. Come next GE, melayu will still insist on being stupid and BN will still win 2/3 majority according to TDM.

  20. “Yeah 91% of the seats but only 64% of the votes because the malays are stupid and fraud by EC/BN. From 1 melayu (TDM) to all melayus. Not from me. Come next GE, melayu will still insist on being stupid and BN will still win 2/3 majority according to TDM.” – bystander

    Please carry on.

  21. Yeah will carry on until driven home the point on how BN got 91% of the seats that you kept reminding us, umnoapologist. Now you know why BN got 91% because TDM says malays are stupid enough to fall for it and NOT the non malays that you have misled some of us to believe.

  22. Real World: “You lot can whinge and rant all you want about the abuses of power, discrimination, corruption and all. But come election day, Malaysians will forget all and will put a nice little ‘cross’ in the BN box.”

    Be careful how you say it! It is not ‘cross’ but ‘X’ or you’ll be accused of spreading Christianity! We want you to keep on posting at this website but not from behind Hanoi Hilton or its Malaysian equivalent. You must have a choice of menu for your meals – and not having to put up with the dreaded roti canai and curry ikan for the next two years.


    Looks like Video Justice is not taking Malaysians anywhere. V.K. Lingam knows too much. That is his guarantee that nothing will happen to him. CJ will retire in due course with his pension intact. The three stooges empanelled to do UMNO’s dirty job would have outlived their relevance and would be excused.

    Everybody lives happily ever after. The big bad wolf did not blow the house down. Little Red Riding Hood goes on riding. Humpty Dumpty never fell off the wall. The frog was never kissed and the prince never appeared!

  24. Bystander, do not be a racist!

    Do you realize that if the malays are stupid because they vote for BN then by comparison those Chinese and Indian who continue to vote for BN are even more stupid. TDM has an Indian father and a Malay mother but he has never acknowledged it in public because his ancestry is a liability to his political ambition. In fact he was classified as an Indian when he was a student at the Malaya University in Singapore. So when TDM said the malays were stupid, he meant he could fool them to believe that he is a 110% malay.

  25. TDM is an Indian by race? Yet he can be PM and claimed that he is a malay. What a big fraud. He is worse than stalin and hitler combined! Msia has been conned by him all these while and he can still con msians becos he is a pure malay fraud who is capable of doing anything and to destroy anything that obstruct him.

  26. “Be careful how you say it! It is not ‘cross’ but ‘X’ or you’ll be accused of spreading Christianity!” – undergrad2

    Hmmm… putting a little ‘cross’ is spreading Christianity!!?
    Relax a little, dude. You are too highly strung. :)

  27. “Yeah will carry on until driven home the point on how BN got 91% of the seats that you kept reminding us, umnoapologist. Now you know why BN got 91% because TDM says malays are stupid enough to fall for it and NOT the non malays that you have misled some of us to believe.” – bystander

    Is this the DAP’s Msian Malaysia? Is this what the Opposition is all about?

    I take my hat off to undergrad2 & kanthanboy for speaking up while the rest simply looked the other way. Shame on you lot. For all your rants about righteousness, you are just all empty talk.

  28. RealWorld is just another by product of NEP. But guess he has forgotten his humble beginnings and many other poor non Malays who are not so fortunate as him that got sedekah from BN.

    This by products like RealWorld think BN owns the country together with him. I believe enough is enough. Only losers take sedekah and boast about how good life is for him now.

  29. I am no racist but merely quoting TDM if you have not read about it. Racists are the umnoputras. Arent you guys aware of Keris muddin and KJ raising the kris in the last umno GA? Those are the racists and what have you done about it? And you are telling me dont be a racist when I am just repeating what TDM has said. In every race there is bound to be some or a minority who are stupid or corrupted like MIC and MCA. But what TDM was trying to explain on how BN got 91% of the seats with only 64% of the votes was due to the stupidity of the malays which gives BN the mandate. It was NOT the nonmalays, implied TDM. Other wise, the BN should get 91% of the votes. But that was not the case. Got it.

  30. About 10 years ago, Dr M wanted to send a Malaysian into the space in the spirit of ‘Malaysia Boleh’.

    He went to see Clinton for help. You see, unlike today, there was no space tourist program at that time, neither in Russia, America nor China. And Dr M was not willing to pay USD 900 million to buy the 18 Sukhois from the Russians at that point of time.

    Clinton was very generous. He said, ” no problem, Mr prime minister. Give us a Malaysian and we will send him or her to the space, FOC. Just make sure he or she must be healthy and fit. And do not simply touch the buttons when he was up there”.

    “OK”, replied Dr M. What more could he asked for?

    Soon after he returned to malaysia, he advertised in the papers for the selection of the first Malaysian ‘Angkasawan’ a.k.a ‘Tumpangnaut’ a.k.a ’Astrocannot’. And he decided to interview the potential candidates personally.

    Thousands of Malaysians, men and women, turned up for the selection.

    The first interviewee was an Indian man from Sg Siput. He told Dr M how patriotic he was and he was willing to die for the country. But he asked for a fee of RM1 million.

    Dr M was puzzled. He asked him, ” why do you need one million ringgit?”

    “Oh, Mr prime minister. In case something happens to me, my wife would have some money to carry on with her life.”

    He was sent back to wait for the letter.

    Then came the next interviewee. He’s a Malay man from Kinbatangan. He too told Dr M how patriotic he was and he too was willing to die for the country.

    But he asked for 2 million ringgit. Why? “Because I have two wives.”

    That’s reasonable. He too was sent back to wait for the result.

    A knock on the door and here comes the Chinese man. He came from Labis, Johor.

    He also talked about how patriotic he was but he never promises to die for the country. But he still asked for money. Guess how much? 3 million ringgit!

    Dr M was furious. This man asked for 3 million, and he was not even willing to die for the country!

    He sent him out immediately and told the man not to come back again.

    The man stood up and headed for the door. As he was walking out, he murmured something softly. But Dr M somehow has heard him rather clearly.

    ” Come back, gentleman. And please take a seat”. You see, there was a sudden change of heart on the part of Dr M.

    ” Ok. Tell me, why do you need 3 million ringgit ?”

    ” One million for you, and one million for me. Another one million, I will give it to the Indian man. Let him go to the space.”



    Not really, brother. But I think they have some form of allowance or so. Why dont you ask Lee Lam Thye, as your former comrade in the DAP, am sure he will be able to give you the details.

  32. cheeyong,

    To tell you the truth, I am actually shaking here because with you, someone who have never failed in life in the DAP, I think the Opposition may actually swing it in the next GE.

    Anyway, it is amazing to hear that you have never failed in life before.

  33. That makes 2 of us. The only different, you got some sedekah that help you in life. Anyway dont worry lah RealWorld, this coming GE, BN will win la based on how unfair election is. Using First Past The Post (FPTP) system and redelineating constituency boundaries, BN will sure win.

    RealWorld will take out his keris and celebrate. But dont worry, taking out keris is not act of war as mentioned by kerismuddin. RealWorld will use it to slaughter some animals for korban outside Parliment hahahaha…..

  34. cheeyong,

    BN win you say its unfair. Dont be a sore loser, baby boy. Dont throw all your toys out of your pram, ok?

    Not only you have never failed in life before, I take it that you are now also a fortune teller – able to tell the future, that I be taking out my ‘keris and celebrate’??

  35. In a democracy the majority gets to decide. The majority however is not always right. There is such a thing called the tyranny of the majority over the minority.

    V.K. Lingam could be heard plotting with an unidentified person or persons to fix some very senior judicial appointments on the tape. What has the majority of Malaysians got to say about it??

  36. So you do have a keris in your house.A true Hang Jebat. But not a smart and noble one…hehehehe. Hero sedekah. :p

    Well RealWorld, if you think winning 64% of votes can get you 91% of the Parlimentary seats is fair….then…….I rest my case. But no suprise again coming from someone that receives handouts.

  37. cheeyong,

    Now, you claimed I have a keris in my house! I can certainly see where your “I have never failed in life” came from.

    64% of votes, why is it not fair?

    Dude, you need some serious help.

  38. No la, just guessing only. Guess you dont have any ornaments like keris in your home. Sorry bout that sister.

    64% win 91% seats. U ni macam censorship board la. Adegan ni potong, adegan tu potong. Babak 91% seats u potong.

    I do need help RealWorld. I want whatever you have been getting. For instance 7% discount buy house will help me alot. How about my sons and daughters go through matriculation. Or ASB open for all races. Or printing jobs for govt contracts give to non bumis? I need help realWorld….please help me……..hahahaha

  39. Well, we all know that all Government tenders are ‘ALI BABA’ out from those awarded parties as they normally don’t have the expertise. In Malaysia, it’s not what you know and have .. it’s who you know first and have the right connection.
    Look at KJ for instance, he planned his entire political career by riding on the context of marrying AAB’s only daughter. Today he make it big. With monies and power, he can owned any love there is all over the world. AAB daughter is just the stepping stone for him and the Oxford tool of success methodlogy.

    Anyway, there are enough Malays that are fooled by policies to make one Malay rich each day. That’s fact of life. One thing about Malays, they like to talk over things over and over again and later claimed that it’s GOD’s will that things are happening to them in any manner. Accept the fate in HIS hand.

  40. “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Imam of Islam Hadhari, 2005.

    But some people can’t tell whether they are been cheated or not once their mind is fully under controlled by repressive ideology.

  41. “Hey RealWorld, I read somewhere that your master has a new nickname…
    Abdullah Al-Korridori” – Godfather

    Dude, if your petty insults gonna bring in em’ votes for DAP, I be happy for you.


  42. Hey RealWorld:

    Take your pick from the readers of the blogs –

    Sleepy Head
    Sleeping Beauty
    Abdullah Al-Korridori
    Phuck Lah

    These are not coined by me, OK ? It generally relates to people’s perception of your big boss. What are you doing to alleviate the poor perception of the rakyat ? Sit on your 91 pct majority ?

  43. Well, the CJ is a distance relative to one of our Sultan as claimed through the dialogue.
    I believe the Sultan and all the Malay Rulers should set an executive example about human equal rights in Malaysia for any found scandals especially when it comes to national judiciary system.
    Whatelse does our Rulers want their people to live and abide on when the judiciary system can be ‘fixed’ ?
    How long can we all survive under national scandals and whatelse can the country offer to her people in the future ?

  44. Godfather,

    You can come up with whatever petty insults you want. It still wont change a single thing. We are still the majority. :)

    The question now lies on you, actually. What are you gonna do about it?? Continue with your tirade of petty insults, eh?

    Brilliant then!

  45. “I need help realWorld….please help me……..” – cheeyong

    Maybe you should resort back to wearing diapers. Those disposable ones …

  46. RealWorld, help me………you’re a bumi with many benefits. Please share some benefits you’re getting with us thats not so fortunate as you.

    We want to feel how’s life is like being a pemgemis accepting sedekah.

  47. “We want to feel how’s life is like being a pemgemis accepting sedekah.” – cheeyong

    Thats easy, dude. Go look in the mirror and the answer is right in front of you. You are already one, a bitter mong. You just dont know it, thats all.

  48. Simple brother. Tomorrow a poor non bumi go and buy a house, and a rich bumi which is you go buy a similar house, lets see whats the price he and you end up paying.

    Actually if you have compassion in your heart, you should renounce this unfairness, and exercise your vote in GE to tell the govt, enough is enough. NEP must go to make way for a fairer system for all Msians. We non bumis are also anak jati Msia.

  49. cheeyong, my brother, now this is serious talk here ok. Compasssion in heart and all ok. Say, I wanna renounce this unfairness come the GE. Who should I vote? The Opposition? Ok here is the issue, in the Opposition like many I am unclear with DAP PAS PKR policies. Got agreement or no agreement or not? Sometimes I see ada agreement. Sometimes I see sudah cerai. How la ini macam, satu hari kahwin besok cerai again? Actually, who is the leader and how is PAS Islamic State? DAP agree to PAS Islamic State? If the parties are united, how come they dont contest in the elections under one banner?? Confusing la. And if they are not united, how can they govern and administer the country?

    And brother, on your “a poor non bumi go and buy a house, and a rich bumi which is you go buy a similar house, lets see whats the price he and you end up paying.” explaination, I got a question. How can a poor non bumi buy a house in your example. If the poor non bumi can afford to buy a house, he.she cannot be considered poor , right?

  50. My friend, thats why need to hutang keliling pinggang. Money in, money out to pay the house. But if poor non bumis can get a bit of help, like a 7% discount, it will be a good gesture that goes a long way in helping us. Have you ever wondered based on what a rich bumi Dato needs a 7% discount. Something is terribly wrong with the policy.

    Have you read the book The Reluctant Politician? Tun Dr Ismail made a fair statement in that book in regards to the term bumiputera and how he liken it as a situation in giving a handicap in golf. Read that.

    PAS as you have noticed has toned down on Islamic state. Furthermore, secular state or Islamic state, the motivation is he same. A clean, fair country for all. I believe Islam respects all. Unless you want to prove me wrong here.

    Tried before under Gagasan Rakyat, but it was strategy that burned DAP. We can have a loose coalition. With negotiations still ongoing, we hope to see a one on one competition. And we also hope DSAI can hopefully paved the way to lead the Oppositions into the next GE.

  51. cheeyong, my brother, if we look at Malaysia top 50 rich list, you will see about 70% are of a certain race. I mean if it is so hard in Msia, why is it that this group is thriving? On the other side, personally, I hope this NEP go away some day, so that those deserving of aid gets aid.
    Do you think having a loose coalition is the way to go? Will the rakyat throw the dice and gamble on a loose coalition? One on one competition can only work if you lot contest under one banner like the BN.

  52. RealWorld thats why those rich chinesee tycoons that get special privileges like umnoputra can go to hell as well. But those that worked their butts off, we must give them credit when credit is due.

    Msia is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to perbezaaan diantara jurang pendapatan between the rich and poor. Do you that the income share of the bottom 40% of households decreased from 14.0% in 1999 to 13.5% in 2004 while that of the top 20% of households increased from 50.5% to 51.2%.

    In fact the inequality among bumis was the highest compared with the Chinese and Indians.

    The NEP must go now and replaced ASAP with an affirmitive plan that helps all that needs help.

    Vote them out if they are not showing any results. With the state of things the country is in today, its not a gamble per say. Its a sure win choice to vote the oppositions.

  53. “Vote them out if they are not showing any results. With the state of things the country is in today, its not a gamble per say. Its a sure win choice to vote the oppositions.” – cheeyong

    Brother, it is not so easy, my friend.

  54. Of course not easy to take the road for changes. So many people has been taking the hard knocks from BN. Saudara Kit Siang and his fellow comrades incl those from PKR and PAS and other social activists have all been through hell.

    Lets support them in their struggle.

  55. To UMNO, the easy part is the stealing, cheating and lying. The not-so-easy part is the preservation of integrity and transparency.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Self-proclaimed Imam of Islam Hadhari, 2005

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