Who lied? Zam or Pak Lah?

Who lied? Was it the Information Minister, Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin or the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi himself?

On Friday, 6th October 2007, speaking at the Gerakan National Delegates Conference, Abdullah called on “leaders, especially those in Barisan Nasional” to tell him the truth and to stop “be in a state of denial”.

He exhorted:

“Tell the truth, even if it is painful.

“The prime minister must have the courage and readiness to listen even to the worst stories, whether it is related to the country or himself. Never allow yourself to sink in a hole of denial and feel that everything is alright.”

Four days later, on Wednesday 10th October 2007, Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin summoned top media editors to a special briefing and in the name of the Prime Minister, laid down the law that

  • Abdullah’s pledge to “hear the truth” does not apply to the media as it was restricted to Barisan Nasional leaders and government officials; and
  • the Prime Minister’s repeated pledges to “listen to the truth” did not mean that the media have the green light to “practice unrestrained reporting”.

It is a reflection of the deplorable state of press freedom in Malaysia that no mainstream media had protested or written about Zainuddin’s violation of a free press, especially under a Prime Minister who had pledged greater openness, accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance!

In fact, Zainuddin’s summoning of the top media editors to direct them what to print and what not to print would be completely unthinkable in the past 50 years of the nation’s development, as no Information Minister would have such temerity to regard himself as the Comptroller-General of the Press.

One of two things would have happened if any former Information Minister had done what Zainuddin did last Wednesday:

  • A public exposure or protest appearing in one or more of the mainstream press; and/or
  • Demand for confirmation that Zainuddin was really speaking in the name of the Prime Minister and the further demand by the top media editors for a meeting with the Prime Minister himself.

But neither one of these two things happened — and if not for Malaysiakini’s expose in last Friday’s report, the Malaysian public would have continued to be kept in the dark about the spreading tentacles to stifle press freedom in the Abdullah administration.

Almost four years ago, when he first became Prime Minister, Abdullah had made his first call to be told the truth

Speaking at the opening of the MIC branch chairmen convention on November 9, 2003, Abdullah told Barisan Nasional component party leaders and members to give him correct information to enable the government to respond appropriately to the people’s needs.

He said:

“Tell me the truth.

“Sometimes people do not provide truthful information for fear that I will cry, worry or lose sleep over it. But as a leader, I have to know the truth.

“If we (leaders) are not prepared to hear the truth, then we should not become leaders.”

Had Abdullah been telling a lie in the past four years or was it Zainuddin who had lied.

Malaysians are entitled to an immediate answer from the Prime Minister.


180 Replies to “Who lied? Zam or Pak Lah?”

  1. Everyone in the system have been lying through their own ways.
    There have never been a single wrong in the governing system as the ELITE group controls everything.
    Whether or not both or either one of them doesn’t make any difference after all….
    We , the rakyat are the eventually ‘workers’ in the system.

  2. Bahdawi, you want to hear the truth.

    But no one in your administration wants you to know the “truth”, savvy? They will take all kinds of measures to ensure you remain ignorant.

    Surely you are intelligent to know about it. No? Then you better get good advisers who will let you know the truth. And stop reading the newspapers or watch TV.

  3. The prime minister said;

    Tell the truth, even if it is painful.
    “The prime minister must have the courage and readiness to listen even to the worst stories, whether it is related to the country or himself. Never allow yourself to sink in a hole of denial and feel that everything is alright.”
    The rakyat response:

    Tell the truth now, even if it is painful because history will not be kind to all your corrupt and evil acts. The prime minister must have the courage and readiness to stop the rot, whether it is related to the judiciary, ACA or the Police. You have sunk in a deep hole of denial for so long that only a fearful expectation of judgment is waiting for you.

  4. Does it matter who lied ? The entire cabinet consists of thieves, liars and cheats. They do whatever they can to hide the truth, and coercion of the mainstream press is only one of their methods. Good and responsible journalists will not tolerate such blatant interference, so what is left are mediocre and irresponsible journalists who have sold their souls for money and promotion.

    Bolehland is going down the tubes because there is a price for integrity, and everyone from the Sleepy Head down knows it.

  5. Let us revisit “Islam Hadhari principles”:

    Islam Hadhari (Arabic الإسلام الحضاري) or “Civilizational Islam” is a theory of government based on the principles of Islam as derived from the Qur’an. It was originally founded by Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1957 (but under a different name), and is now being promoted by the current Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    It consists of 10 fundamental principles.

    Faith and piety in Allah
    Just and trustworthy government
    Freedom and independence to the people
    Mastery of knowledge
    Balanced and comprehensive economic development
    Good quality of life for all
    Protection of the rights of minority groups and women
    Cultural and moral integrity
    Protection of the environment
    A strong defence policy

    Key words “Tunku Abdul Rahman”, belief in “Allah” and no other, “just and trustworthy”, “freedom and independence” and also all the other words contained in it.

    “Its only words, and words are all I have….” (Bee Gees) to fool you all the way.

    It does not say anything about BELIEVING in all the tenets or even PRACTICING it. Just “words”.

    Most Muslims believe that the water of the Zamzam Well is divinely blessed. It is believed to satisfy both hunger and thirst, and to cure illness. Pilgrims make every effort to drink of this water during their pilgrimage.

  6. The PM is consistent.

    In Oct 2007, speaking at the Gerakan National Delegates Conference, he called on “leaders, especially those in Barisan Nasional” to tell him the truth and to stop “be in a state of denial”. He also said the same on November 9, 2003 speaking at the opening of the MIC branch chairmen convention. In both instances he called on Barisan Nasional component party leaders and members to tell the truth. He did not tell the press to do so.

    If you follow the theory that Barisan Nasional parties “supposedly” represent majority of rakyat who voted them in, then, the truth canvassed for by the PM is from at least these sections of the rakyat through the leaders of the BN parties “supposedly” representing them.

    The media is neither leaders/members of Barisan Nasional nor does it represent the rakyat, does it?

    So is Zam telling an untruth that Abdullah’s pledge to “hear the truth” does not apply to the media as it was restricted to Barisan Nasional leaders and government officials”?

    I think, strictly Zam is correct. What he said implies : (1) our media is neither leaders/members of Barisan Nasional nor does it represent the rakyat; (2) the media represents and is the propaganda tool of the State; (3) whilst the government wants to hear the truth from the rakyat through BN’s leaders/members, it does not necessarily imply that the Government quid pro quo will want to reciprocate and tell the truth back to the rakyat; (4) and when it wants to package and give a good presentation of its version of the truth to the people, there is the media whose ‘proper’ role is not to tell the government the truth from the people but to tell the government’s version of the truth to the people…….

    Hence neither the PM nor Nor is lying – both are telling the truth.

    If one says that “no Information Minister would have (like Zam) such temerity to regard himself as the Comptroller-General of the Press”, then good for Zam for his temerity because all along, even way before Zam, we’ve never had press freedom, and every Information Minister was/is the Czar of the Press, so what’s the big deal in Zam saying the truth openly? We all know press freedom all along has been in a deplorable state and Zam merely admitted it by his directives to the media.

    As to whether what Zam said contradicted the PM’s pledge of greater openness, accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance, well maybe only 5% because it is true there is under Pak Lah’s watch a notch greater openness allowed so far for the people to voice their opinions than before in TDM’s time though this does not necessarily imply the corollary of the government itself also being open to the people) – whilst for the balance of 95%, there’s no real contradiction because accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance have not been practised in not only in relation to the Press but in other areas as well, and there is widespread discontent of the disjunction everywhere between what was being preached in the last election and what is being carried out thereafter.

  7. So now we know the truth which is our PM is surrounded by ministers who do not want him to know the truth.

    No wonder our PM went sailing in Australia when Johor was flooded. Perhaps he did not know the truth.

    No wonder Zakaria could build a palace in Klang on land meant for the underprivileged. Perhaps our PM did not know the truth and thought that Zakaria was building a gigantic orphanage for deprived kids there.

  8. “The entire cabinet consists of thieves, liars and cheats. They do whatever they can to hide the truth, and coercion of the mainstream press is only one of their methods.” – Godfather

    Hey dude, how was your holidays? Take a chill pill, man. At the rate you are going, you are gonna choke on yourself one day.

    So, about the cabinet and all, any ideas how to change em?

  9. “..so what’s the big deal in Zam saying the truth openly?”

    I wouldn’t attribute that in terms of honesty. More like a person who has painted himself into a corner and that reality becomes too overwhelming to deny outright. More like dysfunctional “justification” used as a patch.

  10. How many Malaysian ministers had committed suicide after being investigated for corruption?
    Transparency International, a civil society organisation against corruption based in Berlin, has repeatedly listed Singapore among the top five of 163 countries. And the only one from Asia in the first five…..Our system does not tolerate corruption and we have avoided the problems of widespread corruption that have plagued Asia. Our Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) annually tabulates the cases brought against officers and executives from the public and private sectors. In two cases, it led to the conviction and prison sentence of a junior minister. Another, a Cabinet minister, committed suicide after being investigated for corruption.

  11. “..no Information Minister would have such temerity to regard himself as the Comptroller-General of the Press.”

    In fact any lowly civil servant from the Information Ministry or the Internal Security can call up all the editors for a meting and they will run there with tails between their legs.

  12. oct 10 holiday hooray!!!

    Then when next idiot go to space another holiday la puhlease!!!

    When AAB resign also holiday la. It is ppl like u that dont need to work bcos the manna will drop from heaven for u guys.

    And Stupid PM didnt lie. He did afterall asked the leaders especially from BN (note BN) to tell him the truth. YEa, everytime these fellas will tell him the same thing. “You are so hensome and sexy”. Just priase him till he reaches cloud nine and he will fall asleep and then the nation goes on auto-pilot which suited these scums.

  13. 10th Oct if its declared a public holiday, it will go down in history “Hari Tipu”.

    The world is laughing at them – Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his flock of Gobloks …obviously they aren’t ready for the truth!

    International news refer to our Dr Sheikh Muszaphar as “Spaceflight Participant” nothing else and he has no specific responsibility on Soyuz.


    “Spaceflight Participant Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
    Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor will launch with Expedition 16 and land with Expedition 15.”

    Malaysians, tell those UMNO Gobolks we don’t want anymore lies! The rakyat’s money rm90 million for their “feel good” session!

  14. For 50 years, half a century the MIC which claim to represent the interest of Indian Malaysians, has not been successful in getting the BN government to agree to a ‘national public holiday’ for Hindu community to celebrate Thaipusam, how is it so?

    Only certain states in the country observe Thaipusam with ‘state public holiday’ so does it mean Hindus in other states don’t deserve the right to celebrate?

    I like to hear what the Hindus of this country has to say about this.

  15. what lie. it is never a lie by either zam or bodowi. it is the culture that bodowi is living.

    bodowi will always live in his cabinet shadow. when they say beres, bodowi say beres.

    he don’t care about the truth. if he really care about the truth, there are many ways of getting it instead sitting there cry like a big baby demanding the truth.

    “If there is a will, there is a way”

    If he want to know the truth, he will know how to find. If he really want it.

  16. To know the truth, one has to read Malaysiakini or other blogs. Controlled media will tell you politically acceptable truth or half of the truth. Even sharp minded LKY said there are gems in Malaysiakini. Politicians will not tell the truth.

  17. it is surely both are lie, either bodohwi or zainudin both are liar. we really must award a ‘best best’ actor to BODOHWI because he so well in acting movie last four years
    like chinese school and tamil school problem BODOHWI is not possible to say he dont know that chinese and tamil school is not enough and very congest since last 10 years ago, so when people tell BODOHWI the truth so many many time but until now we dont see any changes from previous to now, problem is still the same!!!! will this kind of people leader we still want to continuing support??? LET HIM OUT…

  18. “Who lied? Was it the Information Minister, Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin or the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi himself?”

    Does it make any difference?

    Malaysian leaders are already well known for their flip flops to the extent Najib had to go on public record during the IDR roadshow in Singapore to defend this famous traits of our country’s leaders. One more lie won’t hurt anymore when we are assailed almost daily by their lies and false promises. And their famous SOP reply when cornered? Blame the press for misquoting them.

  19. If it is THE TRUTH, does it matter to the government who said it to the government – whether it is Barisan Nasional’s leaders or the mainstream press?

    I would think not, if one really wants to know the truth, and do something about it.

    There is but only one reason why one does not want to know the truth from the press, and that will be because the press is reporting unsavory truths about oneself (ie the government) – it is however Ok if its about the unsavory truths of others eg. who is rapping the national anthem etc – and because the press has a reach and influence over a wide readership, then the press would not be allowed to make negative reports, no matter how true, if to do so would cast one self in an unfavourable light vis-à-vis its readers.

    So the net net conclusion, one’s image has to be protected at all costs, no matter how bad one’s behaviour is and how many mistakes one makes .

    The blocking of the avenues of exposure is also a cover to continue to perpetrate this bad behaviour.

    This is basically what Information Minister, Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin (“Zam”) is openly admitting about what the stand of the administration is in respect of its own image – Truth that diminishes its stature and image is not to be disseminated but truth that makes it bask in glow of light should be highlighted.

    A Truth skewered in this way is at best half-truth and actually no truth. Therefore it may be inferred that even if the government wants to know the truth about others or what is going on, it does not mean that it wants the negative part about itself known through the media by others whose support it depends.

    To this extent, it is correct to say that pledges of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance are contradicted by what Zam advised the press.

  20. @Jeffrey: “Hence neither the PM nor Nor is lying – both are telling the truth.”

    We do not need more justifications/technicalities on their behalf. They have an army already doing it for them. We know what happened and how to interpret it.

    Your latter comment is more to the point, and I believe sums up this paradox :

    “If it is THE TRUTH, does it matter to the government who said it to the government – whether it is Barisan Nasional’s leaders or the mainstream press?”

    Why ask for the truth but only from selective sources. That’s not the truth.

  21. How on earth did we inherit such a silly PM? You mean to say thats the best UMNOputras could produce? they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. If that is the case, can one imagine what the rest are like.

  22. “You mean to say thats the best UMNOputras could produce?” – bystander

    Then in the same way, may I ask whats the best you lot produced so far?? You lot cant even agree amongst each other in the first place.

  23. “You lot cant even agree amongst each other in the first place.”

    Are you talking about the opposition or BN?

    Because BN also can’t agreed amongst each other, remember?

    One said RCI should be set up(TSKSK) while his political master said Haider Panel is sufficient. One shouted “Ketuanan Melayu” with a dagger while one said he’s so hurt by the remarks. One said the parliament and state seats must be increased for that party, while one responded any increased must be based on the consensus of the other party.(Twice already this guy is complaining, but still no action) One said Negarakuku guy should be forgiven cause he has apologised while one or rather many said he should be charge.

    And many more lah.

    Do you know what I’m talking about?

    Marriage of convenience? Or marriage of inconvenience?

  24. We are a nation with ministers who do not face the truth. They also die-die want to show the world how great Malaysians are, even to the extent of using other people’s technology to gain cheap thrill and publicity, as well as to boost the superiority of a certain group.

    The space trip is a farce, wasting our nation’s money that can be spent wisely on more immediate urgent needs. Going up there once is already a foolish thing to do. Normal people would react: once bitten, twice shy, and cukup lah.

    But, lo and behold, our ministers are clamouring for more space travellers and all ready to throw more millions into space. Lagi mahu! No wonder foreigners love to do business with Malaysia – just suck Malaysia dry!

  25. “Tell the truth, even if it is painful.” Sleepy

    Why the truth is painful and people want to tell lies instead? Because lies works and it is not painful, you’ll get away anyway.

    “The prime minister must have the courage and readiness to listen even to the worst stories, whether it is related to the country or himself. Never allow yourself to sink in a hole of denial and feel that everything is alright.” Sleepy

    Yeah! You know, like when you are sailing Australia with your Ang Moh friend and your own Rakyat sailed the biggest flood in our nation’s history? The Rakyat lost everthing sinking into your hole of denial, and yeah, everything is alright!

  26. “Tell me the truth.

    Can’t you see??? Ask??? Use your brain???

    “Sometimes people do not provide truthful information for fear that I will cry, worry or lose sleep over it. But as a leader, I have to know the truth.

    Really Meh??? As far as I remember only Mahathir cried in front of everyone (for no reasons), I don’t remember seeing you cry, even when Kak Endon passed away, I didn’t see any real tears falling from your sleepy eyes. That’s when you have a reasons to cry. Other than that, why do you have to cry? Did you cry when the outdated Nuri Helipcopter crashed and our soldiers sacrificed their lives because all your ministers are all greedy?

    “If we (leaders) are not prepared to hear the truth, then we should not become leaders.”

    That’s why you should step down immediately!

  27. Remember the MRR2 cracked elevated highway near Kepong?
    Today when I passed by, I saw extreme big posters of Phack Lah are been installed onto the pillars.

    The pix of Phack Lah are really ugly, awful and as usual, they show sleepy face!

    Why our hard earned money need to be spent on such stupid large posters?

    GE is near?

  28. The parties within BN are cobbled together by one common objective only – that of enriching oneself through so-called public service. All the top guys in BN retire (or aim to retire) in serious comfort, with properties in Australia, UK and elsewhere.

  29. “…//…We do not need more justifications/technicalities on their behalf. They have an army already doing it for them. We know what happened and how to interpret it…//..” – ForTheFuture.

    We can all agree that Zam’s advice to media makes the state of press freedom in Malaysia, which is already in a “deplorable state”, worse. We can agree if the government that if the truth is to be known it ought not to matter from where it comes from – whether leaders of BN parties or press or even Opposition Head.

    But the poser here by Kit is not whether Zam was a clown or that he has made press freedom worse but just this : When Zam said that the PM’s pledge to “hear the truth” was restricted to Barisan Nasional leaders and did not apply to the media, was it Zam who had lied or was it Abdullah Badawi?

    Well, ForTheFuture, since you apparently disputed what I earlier said that neither was lying in answer to the poser, could you enlighten me who of the two lied and if so, how exactly was it a lie, according to your interpretation?

    (I am not trying to defend Zam or Abdullah Badawi here but merely interested in addressing Kit’s poser).

  30. RM90 million just to spin tops in space. Wake up and look at how others spend their money
    A total of S$76 million has been set aside to train more specialists in precision engineering, which is recognised as the bedrock of manufacturing. … announced on Tuesday the launch of a new scholarship and a specialist training-cum-placement programme that will be piloted in Nanyang Polytechnic. The aim of the programme is to train 2,000 specialists in precision engineering over the next five years. Manufacturing remains a key driver in Singapore’s economy. Last year, the manufacturing sector contributed 28 percent of the country’s GDP, amounting to S$210 billion.

  31. As the old saying goes, “Liar, liar, pants on fire, hang them up on the telephone wire”, this is the type of law an Islamic state (which is obsessively propagated by UMNO) should enforce – to have their tongues cut off for that matter.

  32. Pak lah is the liar. He is a spineless PM with no clear strategy to take the nation forward, and he is a poor administrator. So his cabinet runs amuck, and 4th floor does what it wants.

    Whats on 25th Nov?

  33. The truth is when Johor was sinking and the people drowning, I was having a good time in Perth enjoying my favourite Nasi Kandar, and out yachting with my good friend Jean Todt.
    And the real truth is you are a bunch of suckers to believe my election pledges.

  34. One must accept it is a difficult task to fight BN as there is no democracy at the grassroot.

    BN MPs have total control over these people and acting like almighty in their respective areas.

    Only by empowering the people with accurate and meaningful information will the Opposition parties stand a good chance to win the election.

  35. Both are lying as George Soro would happily said … the art of deceit is heavilly practised in our political arena.. the end results.. loaded with our bloody money and lives happily after ..Our BN elected politician had no moral,, just self interest overwrite everything else .

  36. If Bodowi still complains about he is not being told of the actual situation in this country, what about the numerous memorandums presented to him by the Opposition?
    Either (i) he doesn’t read them/stashed away in some corner, or (ii) the fourth floor boys vetted/hid them away, or (iii) he is plain lazy/powerless to act upon anything at all.

    This is part of the pre-election propaganda to boost his flagging popularity no doubt

  37. “EC must clean up first its act first mah, to ensure a truly fair transparent and clean elections.
    Dare to call international observer to monitor the elections?” – Raitman

    Define fair, please?
    International observers? Err… do they have em’ international observers in the US, Singapore, UK elections??

  38. “All the top guys in BN retire (or aim to retire) in serious comfort, with properties in Australia, UK and elsewhere.” – Godfather

    My brother, you can be mad and all but this is Malaysia la. And Malaysians, at the end of the day, no matter what i.e. so-called abuses of power, Zakaria Deros, etc etc come election day will still put a ‘cross’ in that BN box. Malaysians will then rant the next 5 years about unfair policies BUT will still vote for BN at the end of the day.

    This is Malaysia la, brother.

  39. Msians that are scared of BN intimidation will vote for BN. Msians who are NEP sedekah receivers will vote for BN. Msians who gets nice juicy returns from BN votes for BN. And last but not least, Msians that have no clue in anything will follow those people stated above and vote for BN. RealWorld, take your pick, which category of people you belong too.

  40. Dear cheeyong,

    I am educated overseas. Semi retired now. Have 5 cars in my garage (one of them is a Bentley). Visit London at least twice a year to catch Premier league football live.

    So, tell me which category I belong?

  41. Only you know RealWorld, what you have received. But NEP can be one of them. You owe it brother. To them.

    Of course lah RealWorld. Bumi yg dipijak, u owe it to BN. Dont you think so. Msia so peaceful and nice with birds flying singing and chirping. Its your kind of place. You dont give a hoot about other BN misdeeds. As long you can live and co exist with BN, you’re a happy chap. Long live BN!!Hidup BN!!

  42. cheeyong, you mean you have never gotten anything from the government or country??!! Think a little ok?

    Anyway, tell me why you are not happy with Malaysia. You starving or something? In poverty? Living in a cardboard under some bridge?

    How can Msia be better than it is today?

  43. Wow RealWorld, dont be such a pessimist. Dont compare yourself to Zimbabwe or Sudan. give some credit to yourself and Pak Lah’s govt ok? We must compare to other more develop countries la. Apalah hang ni?

    Hmm, let me see. I know I didnt get 5% discount if I purchase a house in Msia. I am also not sure if my STPM I get 4As, whether can i get the course of my choice vs you RealWorld. Hmm I really wonder…….

    Can I buy Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB)?….heard the returns rocks man!!Good investment.

  44. cheeyong, my brother, when did I compare us with Sudan or Zimbabwe?? You are not on some pills or something, right?
    And by the way, have you ever been to Zimbabwe?

    If you wanna buy ASB, put under my name la. :)
    The returns ok ok only brother. Those along punya returns lagi best.

  45. I must be sleeping all this time.
    Malaysia is now in 2nd phase of space program. How did I miss the 1st phase?
    He said Malaysia is among the elite nations…we have capability to send a Malaysian to space. Who told him all these good stuffs? Who wants to tell him that after RM100 mil, Malaysia still does not have space capability? Also, who wants to ask him whether our angkasawan are allowed free access into US section of the Space Station? Who wants to tell him that it is much cheaper to just tumpang the experiments with the cosmonauts without sending a Malaysian? I bet next thing is Malaysia will offer to teach other countries about space training just like they offered to teach others about satellite technology when all they did was just bought a satellite from the US. One minister even offered our angkasawan to repair the Space Station. I am sure now they learned a lot about playing gasing in space.
    So many dumbos in govt, I really feel sorry for the country. Come next election and they will be back.

    “Bad weather prevents Putrajaya to ISS video call”
    Malaysiakini Oct 15, 07 12:46am

    Abdullah said the historic event marked Malaysia’s entry into the second phase of its space science programme, placing the country among the elite nations that have ventured into space.

    “I am happy. This historic event has proven that we have the capability to send a Malaysian to space,” he said.

  46. The truth speaks for itself. Unless the PM is blind and deaf, he should be able to see and hear what the rakyat’s response is to all his ridiculous policies.

    Instead of handling the most urgent problems the nation faces, he spends his time sending cosmic tourists into outer space using the rakyat’s money. And it has to be done at a time when our nation’s economy is in the pits. What is he trying to prove? That “Malaysia Boleh” or “Malaysia Boleh Mati!!”

  47. Kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang, mana ada duit terbang. So kita compare dgn jiran kita Singapore la.Dont go there brother. We are not there yet.

    Put under your name? Real World kah your name dlm MyKad? Itu pun nama palsu.

  48. Interesting article about the GE, see


    For those that are more visually inclined, there are some interesting photos here, see


    I guess Malaysia cannot be any better than what it is today. After all we have sent our very own into orbit, we have numerous entries in the Guiness book of records, have numerous inventions at the Swiss conference etc…. I guess we should be proud even if we have to reinvent the wheel and our version is a square one.

  49. You wanna compare now with Singapore now, is it? What happened to your Sudan and Zimbabwe thingy?

    Ok, Singapore it is then. What shall we compare with em? High costs of living? Paying SD800,000 for a HDB flat, is it?

    And what do you think about Lee Kuan Yew to Lee Tsuen Loong, father to son thingy? Not nepotism to you, is it? Maybe in the whole of Singapore, there is no other potential candidate for PM other than Kuan Yew’s son. Hmmm… what about Ho Ching?? She heads Temasek, which is the government main investment arm and she so happens to be Tsuen Loong’s wife. Ohhh… again ini bukan nepotism to you.

    And what about the restrictions placed on the Opposition parties in Singapore???

    Yes, yes, dont go to Singapore …. because I can certainly see the type of goggles you are wearing.

    Cheeyong ke, your name in Mykad??

  50. You bodoh kah? Mana ada flat SGD800k?Itu upper level punya la. Dont come here and tell us lies lah. A decent flat with 3 bedrooms dont cost that much.Only half of it at most.If you dont know about the market rate in Spore, go and check the HDB website, okay kawan? Dont come here main tembak aje.

    Thats the problem. People like you only wait for money or bantuan to fall down from heavens and your hands just wide open waiting for sedekah.

    Ooooh, wanna talk about LKY nepotism? I tell u kawan, u go to Spore and repeat this statement. Just like FEER, you will get sued with your pants down. Ho Ching and Lee Hsien Loong bukan org sembarangan. They are smart and more qualified than your UMNO ministers. Restrictions? Msia beat Spore in that too lah. Who can beat them when it comes down to this. Hands down winner.

    Chee Yong memang nama real. Bapak bagi. But Real World? i am sure your father didnt give you that name.

  51. SD400k for a HDB flat in Singapore?? Again, you are not on drugs, right? Anyway, please tell me where to get a HDB flat for about SD400k, I want to enlighten some friends of mine in Singapore la. 3 bedroom flat, ok.

    How is it that I am waiting for handouts? You got the proof to back up that mouth of yours? Or merely running your mouth off without thinking is your specialty?

    How is Ho Ching and Hsien Loong smart and qualified? You mean in the whole of Singapore, they dont have any smart or qualified persons other than Hsien Loong and Ho Ching?

    You mean I be sued for saying that Hsien Loong is the son of LKY and that his wife is Ho Ching in Singapore?? Well, so much for democracy then!

    How is it then Msia beat Singapore in terms of restrictions?

    Dude, when you make claims, put la on the table some facts or proof. Dont just simply talk thru your nose la.

    You mean we have to put in our real names here in this blog?? And to be technical here, there is a difference between Chee Yong and cheeyong. And only Chee Yong in your mykad?? No family name?? Maybe your daddy dont have a family name or something, eh??


  52. “If you dont know about the market rate in Spore, go and check the HDB website, okay kawan? Dont come here main tembak aje. ” – cheeyong

    Brother, on the same pretext then, how can you compare with Zimbabwe and Sudan when you have never been to those two countries??

    I asked you whether you been to Zimbabwe before, you kept quiet. And by the way, I been to Zimbabwe, back in 1999.

    So, kawan, jangan pandai cakap kosong aje. Cakap tak seropa bikin. Kalau tak tahu, jangan main tembak aje, ok?


  53. Most of us grew up under the present government policies through stages of changes. Someone benefitted more than someone else and there are enough lucky ones too.
    For whatever gains that we earned, count your blessing.
    In Malaysia, the government took far too many ‘shortcuts’ to chase up with the lost time only to lose more.
    All point of views reflects our own doing here whether good or bad.
    In any governing bodies, changes must be put in place to cater for tomorrow’s challenges even at our own living strives.
    In general, this country have gone through far too many ‘deceiving lies’ to rob their own people’s life and contributions for the sake of those ‘lucky ones’ related to the ELITE group. This is a clear fact.
    As much as some of us like to state our own deserved opinion over our today’s living standard, we still need to make constructive changes for the sake of the country unity which lead to the real wealth of her people.
    We all are in the same family , running around each day with our own businesses and activities. We do have our own advantages that separate us from the rest of the runners or spectators.
    We are not meant to be part of the governing members of any political parties as we are not really groomed to that. However, most of us happens to knew one of them that are paving their career in politics, directly or indirectly. Look at them and their lifestyle. They were a very much changed person and have lead to different beliefs. Most politicians believe in applying external assistance in their career like bomohs, black magic, gems stones and heavily on feng shui too. It’s a easy catch, just watch the rings they wore or their house design and displays. I have visited a few MPs home before and amazing found out all these are so true.
    Why do they go through all these extend to be where they want to be today? Do you really think they are serving their comunities whole heartedly? They are only human,my friend. They do talk c*#k sometimes and act like a child too.
    Monies can really changed oneself. My childhood buddy whom became a MP today make me confirmed my statement. His entire family members too changed due to their new profound ‘richness and power’. We were such a great buddy and everyone in the family are like one big family. Now, every time we can catch up, he will tell us about his businesses, projects, travellings and most of all, what he intend to do for the next GE.
    Man, this friend of mine , chasing such a big dream for what ???
    All because he want to be rich .. so rich that he can own bigger materialistic propertries and become powerful icon.
    His wife just bought a house in London for the sake of their children’s future especially education. Isn’t that funny ? I thought that Malaysia too are promoting education industries in mega ways. When asked of her decision, she mentioned Malaysia’s standard are still lacking from UK. Believe it or not ? They are part of those ‘selected’ to be specially benefitting their fortunes from NEP and they are not staying back to help those in need to keep this country future growing.
    Did globalization really took a bigger impact on fellow Malaysian about the future ?
    Is Malaysia as a country, a good for nothing ?
    All the government policies on education platforms are just a ‘word for today’ only to keep our children’s time occupied. They are only given the basic to survive tools as the government duties accordance to UN standard.
    Think about all these, things that are provided to us are merely tools to assist us to survive and not excel to our actual potential.
    Those who supposed to implement constructive policies for the good of all Malaysian are not doing equally the same to their own childrens as they also look else where for their children’s future.
    Should you are now in their shoes, holding on to the seats in the MP and having your own children abroad studying, will your statement of mind clear enough to make decision for the children of Malaysian’s future ? You might make up enough excuses over the cost and funding required and the distribution of wealth and quota. You will be the same as they are today.
    No matter what today, we are not in their shoes. They will tell us many things more that we did not know of in this entire scandal. That’s true as they need to survive in their own world too.
    So, anyone of us that really benefitted from NEP, count your blessing.
    Those that never have before like me, it’s ok as GOD have other plans for us.
    As for those that make it through the ‘shortcuts’ provided by the government, don’t spend unwisely as there are always a heavier price to pay before your journey is through.
    As for those like me who shared our point of views in blogging sites, keep reminding ourselves that there are choices that we can choose all along. Since we chosen not to be part of them in any manner, accept our decision gentlemenly.
    Enough angers are mainly a way of distressing from our daily events.
    Along as we still choose to stay over this side of the fences, we do get enough frustration and demoralizing emotional feelings each day. So, fedup … just cross over the other side.

  54. The fact of the matter is BN won 91% of the seats with only 64% of the votes. Thats because most of the malays are stupid enough to vote for BN whilst opposition got 36% of the votes mainly from non malays. TDM made that statement, I didnt. Come next GE, opposition might get 40-45% of the votes and yet BN might still have two thirds majority. Thats because the malays are still stupid to vote BN (TDM said that) just like people like PM, Nazri and umno apologist. How malaysia wish we could only have a genius like LKY and not sleepy AAB. 1 LKY is equivalent 100 AAB so to speak.

  55. RealWorld, at least people know my name is Chee Yong. I dont hide behind a pseudo like you. Guna ajelah nama bapak bagi kat u. But I didnt say its wrong not to use your real name. Up 2u. Maybe you have a funny sounding name you too embarass to use. I dont know.

    RealWorld you pakai tembak aje la. You got conned by your friends staying in Spore. Its okay if they are fools. Dont be a fool too with them. Like I said, check your facts before hentam keromo. SGD800k for a flat ke? I hope some agents sell your frens SGD 800k cause they will earn a windfall selling it to your friends. But I am not suprised they are your friends. Like the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

    I dont need to go to Zimbabwe to understand things. Some people like you stay in Msia but still dont know anything whats going on in this country and even condone it. Ok lah. U ada duit boleh terbang sana sini. Thats because u got get sedekah. Sedekah NEP. STPM dapat berapa A? Or u got take STPM? Maybe u just go thru matriculation only. Easy way out for people like you.

    Face the fact, without NEP, you’re a loser.You cant stand on your own feet.

  56. U want bukti on unfairness in Malaysia? You need to spend countless nights reading through the news in articles from foreign news agencies and also DAP website. Good luck dude. I am not gonna spoon feed you info like how BN govt spoon feed you.

    RealWorld face the fact, Msia ministers most of them qualification all no fight when it comes to Spore. Even you’re foreign educated, right? Why? Dont you trust local university quality? U cakap tak serupa bikin. U r just like a pengemis, harap sedekah from govt thru NEP. People like me need to work our way through school. I believe many others too. Not like u. If u were born in some other countries, you need to compete equally, you’ll be last.

  57. There are two sets of rules – one for them and one for you.
    You steal a 5 Ringgit worth of goods from someone, you go to jail. They steal 5 million Ringgit from the Malaysians, the whitle blowers get into trouble, the press could be reprimanded for reporting the truth and the police and ACA or the AG could not find any evidence of wrong doing.
    You are in Boleh Land and Umno the real “tuan”is in-charge.

  58. I dont mean to be a racist. But if these umnoputras are so smart, why do you still need NEP? Lets face the fact. They are either very lazy or not so smart la. Ok if you say you need time to catch, thats fair enough. But then again you mean to say 30 plus years of NEP is still not good enough to have a level playing field and NEP is still needed? So these umnoputras are still stupid la like TDM says OR is it like what Prof Lim and LKY say these umnoputras have a hidden agenda to marginalise non malays. So the conclusion is that these umnoputras are either stupid or they are a dishonest bunch of malays.

  59. I don’t think the non-Malays are the only ones marginalised. They marginalise the Malays as well through outright theft (in the name of the Malays), the use of religion to coerce and intimidate, and of course, the continuation of the NEP for their own ends.

    Ask yourself how many ministers have respect for the education system. Almost all of them send their children to schools in the UK, Australia and the US. This is UMNO’s way of saying “it doesn’t matter if the education system goes down the drain” because then the country won’t have that many smart people to question them.

    Words like shame, integrity, honesty, fear of God – these are not in their vocabulary.

  60. cheeyong, take a chill pill dude. Dont choke on yourself ok?

    Despite all your talk, can you please tell me where is it in Singapore one can buy a 3-bedroom HDB flat for SD400k?? Dont avoid my question la , hiding behind your empty rants.

    Chee Yong your name? Tak de nama keluarga ke? Atau tak tau siapa bapa sebenar? :)
    But no worries, ok.

    You mean, you have never been to Zimbabwe and yet you can comment a thing or two about that country?? Well, dude if you think you are smart, I rest my case la. Me aint gonna argue with the resident idiot la.

    You mean I get to travel because of NEP?? How so? Care to explain, please?
    As a matter of what, you have yet to justify your other claims. Brother, jangan cakap kosong ok? Back it up with facts la. Get to travel because of NEP … this is a good one, dude!!
    Come to think of it, an idiot like you makes this blog fun.

  61. cheeyong, on what basis you say our ministers cant match those in Singapore? Put la some basis for comparisons. Dont la shout and rant like some clueless gimp.

    I can see your anger on the NEP and all. Well, kalau tak suka, come GE day vote out BN la. This is democracy la.
    And you know what, even if you are born in another country, say UK, you are still gonna be a loser.

    Whats wrong with being educated abroad? A crime is it?

    Dude, you can be bitter for all you want. You can even take it out on me. I got no problems with that. But my advise to you is that should you fail in life, maybe you should take a look in the mirror rather than put the blame on others.

  62. RealWorld:

    Tell us something new. We know that for you (a) UMNO is the best (b) the Opposition can do no better (c) the last elections gave BN 91 pct of the seats (d) you worked your way to the top (e) whatever your UMNO masters say must be right (f) whatever we say must be wrong (g) you want to see proof, and what is not denied is not evidence of wrongdoing (h) documents that you see on Malaysia Today and other sites to prove wrongdoing are not real and need to be authenticated (i) videos showing a conversation about wrongdoing is not real because it cannot be authenticated (j) Zam and Nazri never said the things that were reported about them.

    Tell us something new.

  63. “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Sleepy Head, aka Leader of the Den of Thieves, aka Imam of Islam Hadhari, 2005.

    When the bullsh!t is repeated long enough, some people actually believe in it.

  64. Thanks for your advise RealWorld. From someone who took handouts and proud of UMNO’s achievements in discrimination, well I will take none of it from you.

    No lah. Nothing wrong being foreign educated. Me too. Just feel that you cakap tak serupa bikin only, thats all.

    Anyway I never fail in life la. Thanks to my never say die attitude menghempas tulang empat kerat of mine. And there are many out there just like me that succeed without NEP. But u need to face it. Its a fact NEP is discriminatory. And you’re a recipient of this unfair policy. Instead of being modest, you’re a pompous brat.

    Do you know that without NEP, you’re a nobody?

    Dont worry lah. In this GE I for sure know who to vote for. I know who you vote for too. Vote your master who suap you with all the ole ole……yummy…..kenyang ke RealWorld?

    Btw, take heed from Spore. World rankings from various organizations says it all. Look at China. Their 17th Party Congress is closely watched by the world. World SuperPower. But you RealWorld…….penyokong NEP, still living in 1957 mentality. Hoping your next generation can get the sedekah from NEP just like u.

  65. I accept that there are also many poor malays. With so many opportunities available to them, they are not able to benefit is probably because they are not educated, underpriviledged and poor network. But look at the all opportunities/handouts available such as scholarship given to any bumi with minimum qualification, ASM with 10% yield pa (whilst banks are only paying 3%), 30% equity in all PLCs at cost, employment readily availabe at all govt agencies and GLCs, 30% in all private business enterprises/companies at discount, 5 to 15% bumi discount for properties purchase, all govt and GLCs contracts given out only to bumi contractors A-F etc etc. Its like throwing a stone into a pond blindfolded and yet able to struck a fish. Its that easy to become rich at the expense of non malays. How can they miss?
    There is currently a huge rich bumi middle class already. So what are they waiting for? Until all non malays become subservient or slaves to malays or driven out of malaysia? If the genuine objective is to help only the very poor malays, then it is understandable. Then do away with NEP and have specifics to have only the underpriviledged malays and NOT THE RICH AND SUPER RICH. NEP is really stealing from the non malays and giving it to the rich malays. The poor does not benefit and sometimes they miss the safety net even with NEP in place.

  66. You claimed that I benefited from the NEP, care to explain how?

    Good to hear that you have never failed before in life. Infact, come to think of it, I think you are the only human being on this planet who have never failed before. And talk about one being a ‘pompous brat’. Hmmm … in your case, maybe a pompous rat. Anyway, good to see the Opposition have one cheeyong or Chee Yong or whatever, who claimed he has never failed in anything in life before!! A good catch indeed for the DAP.

    Dude, mane your SD400k 3 bedroom HDB flat? Again, dont la talk only. Put la on the table some facts. Dont just simply open that gap of yours.

    Me a nobody without the NEP?? Tell you what, I am a nobody. And I am happy with that. Unlike you, I am not a ‘somebody’ like you … who never had a failure in life. :)

    Dude, take what heed from Spore? You have yet to answer my question pertaining to Hsien Loong, LKY or Ho Ching. And I like your ‘me being sued if I say LKY is the dad of Hsien Loong and Ho Ching is married to Hsien Loong’. That was a classic, in an idiotic sense.

    Never had a failure in life, eh??? Dude, how old are you actually? 13?

  67. At first I thought you’re well read boy. But now I know apart from being NEP benefactor, you’re dead lazy too when it comes to reading. Read up some of the researches lah on corruption index, world competitiveness index, ease of doing business index….stuffs like that. Ayo, that also I need to suap you ah. Think NEP really spoilt you lah, waiting for sedekah again.

    Come on lah. Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong are smart people. You tak tau malu lah. Your air liur tak layak even speak their names. Please dont tarnish their names with your saliva. Singapore thrives cause it welcome foreign talents that helps them build their country.

    Msia on the other hand gives sedekah to pemgemis like you. Even buy a house, you need 7% discount.

    Dont waste my time asking for facts la. My facts are done through my precious time reading. Can get SGD400k 3 bedroom flat. Like I said, go to HDB and check. Again you’re lazy. Hoping me to give you the info.

    I never said I never failed. I just said I never failed in life. Ayo, again itu pun u tak faham. Buat malu aje. If i fail in life, I wouldnt be here talking 2u now.

    Hi all, people like RealWorld still hopes for NEP to help him and his next generation to come. In this GE, we vote for DAP, Keadilan or even PAS. We tell BN we reject NEP and its by products like RealWorld. Champion of ketuanan melayu. For that he can take a hike down losers lane.

  68. cheeyong, care to explain what do you mean by you have never failed in life?? You contradict yourself actually, saying you “I never said I never failed” and then you turned around and said ” I never failed in life”. Dude, which is which la?

    How is LKY and Hsien Loong smart la? Explain la? Smart in the sense, father passed to son, eh? And son give Temasek to wife, eh? So, that is smart to you , is it? Ok I get it then.
    In Singapore, no other smart people around that LKY gotta passed the PM post to his son, eh?

    Dude, you said you can find a 3-bedroom HDB flat for SD400k. When I asked you to tell me where, you then asked me to find it out myself. Dude, since you ran your mouth off about that SD400k for a 3-bedroom thingy, you need to back it up with the facts la, not ask me to go looking for it.

    You called me a ‘pengemis’? Well, well, resorting to petty insults now, eh? Since you claimed to be educated, I can definitely see the level of your education. Anyway, I will leave you to resorting to those petty insults. Real classy of you.

    “In this GE, we vote for DAP, Keadilan or even PAS.” – cheeyong

    Err, PAS’s Islamic State, how? Dont trip on yourself, dude.

  69. cheeyong: I never said I have failed in life
    cheeyong (later): I have never failed in life
    cheeyong (later … again): If I fail in life, I wouldnt be here talking 2u now

    I am amused with this resident idiot. Am glad I finally come across a gimp who have never failed in life.

  70. Again RealWorld, bertaubat lah. Think people like you got chance to repent if msia is an islamic state. Only way to clean up people like you. Looks like St0rmFury wants to know about your SGD800k flat too. Forgive RealWorld for being fooled and conned by his Sporean friends.

    Hmm……anyone seen the Fortune Top 50 most powerful women in business. Wow Ho Ching at #12. Dont see any RealWorld idola in the ranking. Again RealWorld only supports his kind of brand of people only. People that expect sedekah…hehehehe

    Actually I am amused and surpised that RealWorld dont feel malu that he receives sedekah and still act sombong like Msia belongs to BN. And he also not ashamed for a fact, he is in the majority, but still dependant on some form of life support.

    What a loser. be modest sikit la…….

  71. RealWorld, i can help you with the SGD 800k flat. Orchard area and CBD district maybe can fetch that value. Or prime areas like Redhill got chance to fetch that price.

    Say terima kasih lah, I tolong u. Just trying to help someone who cant stand on his own feet.

  72. Whether LKY or Lee Hsien Loong is smart or not, it has no bearing in how the boat ‘Malaysia’ is to be steered.In any case if you want to push it further, compare them with any in our cabinet not only from the academic achievements (in any case if you don’t know the whole family are wranglers from Cambridge University.Please check ‘wrangler’ up if you don’t know what it means) but also the way they administer their country as compared to how ours run the country.My God they sure know how to do their job.You don’t hear of scandals like Education Minister holding up kris threateningly(what kind of role model for our kids!! Shocking!!),minister who in the public’s eyes has strong connection with the Altantuya’s case, ex mentri besar carrying bag worth millions in cash, gatekeeper owning a palace illegally,reports on corruptions of various ministers like Rafidah,Semi Value, Toyol etc are pushed aside,an ex PM and present PM arguing whose sons have got more contracts, the breakdown of every institution in the country and the litany of such woes goes on (and if somebody cares to document it, it can come to volumes). Are you happy with this type of condition, Realworld? You think the Malays and more precisely your children are going to be insulated from such going-ons??
    The only guys who are not affected when the meltdown hits are the UMNOPUTRAS.They have Australia or US to seek shelter!

  73. So, by being in some magazine, you come to the conclusion it detemines how smart a person is, is it?
    But you have yet to explain the LKY and son thingy? Why do you say they are smart? In whole of Singapore, you mean there is no one who is smart enough to be PM other than the father and son thingy???
    Dude, if your sister married the son, your sister will also be in Fortune magazine la. And trust me, your sis dont even need to complete kiddie school for that.

    cheeyong: I never said I have failed in life
    cheeyong (later): I have never failed in life
    cheeyong (later … again): If I fail in life, I wouldnt be here talking 2u now

    Actually, dude, which is which la. One minute you say you no fail. Then you say another thing. Make up your mind la, boy.

  74. AhPek, my brother,

    Honestly, I have said the NEP is not evergreen. Believe I have said it a few times. I have also said that our government is not perfect. And like you, I would love to live in a perfect country with the perfect system where 100% of the rakyat are happy campers. But we need to know in real life, they aint such a perfect world thingy.

    You dont see me condoning racist remarks nor attack on another person’s religious beliefs here. I dont do that. Neither do i support such actions. I dont support keris waving, mainly because it looks childish to say the least. I dont support policies that are detrimental towards development. And I certainly dont support corruption. Have you seen me in this blog ranting that I support these? I dont.

    Though I am firmly behind BN, it doesnt mean I support whats wrong in the coalition. And with that said, the Opposition is not all right too.

    I support diversity and I am sad to see that even here, we still see each other as chi, malays and indians etc. So, whats this Malaysia Malaysian thing?

    To say that everyone in BN is corrupted and evil, I am sorry to say such people have binders in their eyes. Just like DAP, I am surre there are some bigots too, like that Godfather who insulted Islam Hadhari and that cheeyong, who is just a bitter mong and sees everything in racial terms. How can we, Malaysians come together finally as Malaysians when we have idiots who insult the religion of another?? Or gimps who continually rant racials insults??

    Ahpek, my brother, whats going on today does not insulate a certain race. It affects us all. But until we, Malaysians reached that maturity, and not see each other as malays, indians, chinese or etc and respect each other religious beliefs, we are going to continue to take one step forward and two steps back.

  75. Hmmm let me see who else in Spore can be PM? Cant think of any. Maybe can consider Lim Kit Siang if he’s a Sporean.

    Hey, KJ kahwin Nori…..macam tu juga. But got lah. he was featured in some mags, shouting like a monyet in the election.

    RealWorld, dulu exams dapat berapa A? Or satu pun takde?Tapi dont worry? Based on your name only, you will still get sedekah

  76. RealWorld I decided lah, since you’re such a big liar. I give you the full info of the address you gave me ok. The correct details is D19-20, Serangoon/Thomson, Sin Ming 2 storey = attic, inter-ter, air con, rebuild to 3 floors possible. This is the real specs.

    And this is not HDB…..sorry to expose you RealWorld, but you’re such full of bs, and a top notch tukang karut :)

  77. Sure evey country is not perfect.Sure every country is corrupt.But the important question one should be asking is to what extent is the country not perfect and also to what extent is the coutry corrupt.
    To answer that, it has a lot to do with the leadership the country has.Comes back to government.Have we got a government with not only talent but also a strong moral fibre as well as having what it takes to do the right thing.
    Australia is not perfect, hell no.So is Canada, so is New Zealand and yet when one happens to be in any one of these countries, one can immediately sense that a lot of things are going right for
    Can you say that for Zimbabwe or Sierra Leone? Hell, definitely no cos things are not only not perfect, they are disastrous!!!
    And what about Malaysia?? ‘Hell no.’ also applies here for here the country is revving up with ever increasing speed down the slippery slope of disaster.NEP which Realworld says is not evergreen is indeed evergreen from all available evidences for UMNOPUTRAS have very quickly learned to enrich themselves under the guise of NEP! Also just take a look at the unusually large allocation for procurement budget for such a small country like Malaysia. This is made large to be a good source for these people to stick their greasy fingers into.
    So why do you say Malaysia is not perfect in the same vein as one would say New Zealand is not perfect?It is puzzling to me.
    Sure there are bigots in DAP much as one would say there are corruptions in Finland but if one were to compare along internationally accepted parameters one would quickly arrive to the fact that in the list of least corrupt nations Finland is ranked top!
    Sure BN will win again.I’ve no arguments with that. Since you have profess to be enlightened why don’t you press for electoral reforms so that there can be a remote chance of fairer representation. As it stands now the other parties do not stand an earthly chance with all the unfair practices put in place thro the years (gerrymandering, manipulating the demography,postal votes,phantom votes), a system such as the New Zealand’s MMP system can ensure a fairer representation.If that can happen a healing process will start to happen and if that happens that can only be good for Malaysia–the only winner.

  78. “Ahpek, my brother, whats going on today does not insulate a certain race. It affects us all. But until we, Malaysians reached that maturity, and not see each other as malays, indians, chinese or etc and respect each other religious beliefs, we are going to continue to take one step forward and two steps back.” Real World

    I see brilliant flashes of wisdom. I detect a conflicted self grasping for a solution – and finding none. Trolling serves a purpose if only it challenges the assumptions, make some think outside the box. However abrasive the process may be, if we keep it up we’ll eventually get there.

  79. RealWorld: “I have also said that our government is not perfect. And like you, I would love to live in a perfect country with the perfect system …”

    I think we can all agree that on a scale of 1 to 10, our government’s degree of ‘perfection’ (assuming there is such a thing) is minus 1.

  80. “I didnt lie dude. its on the web. U cannot compare msia and singapore la. Spore small country, Land bukan banyak sangat. Anyway ini bukan HDB la…hang ni tukang karut….” – cheeyong

    If you say so, then we cannot compare Msia with the US, Australia, UK, Canada la. Because they are bigger than us. Malaysia small country ma. Since you are using land size as the basis, then be consistent la.

    Dude, if 1668 sq ft is a penthouse to you, I rest my case. And since its on the web, suggest you look at the said property again. It says ‘HDB’. Am sure, you being educated and all, you can read and understand simple English, eh.

    Tukang karut pulak?? Ok la whatever makes you happy, I am happy for you.

  81. “Hmmm let me see who else in Spore can be PM? Cant think of any. Maybe can consider Lim Kit Siang if he’s a Sporean.” – cheeyong

    Wow, you now also have the ability to tell who has the potential to be PM in SIngapore as well!!

    You are definitely full of it, man.
    Full of shit, dude.
    But, at least you are funny. Definietly can be DAP’s court jester.

  82. cheeyong: I never said I have failed in life
    cheeyong (later): I have never failed in life
    cheeyong (later … again): If I fail in life, I wouldnt be here talking 2u now

    Dude, what la is this? Since you claimed you never ever had any failures before, please tell me what are your successes so far??

    And by the way, you have yet to tell me where is that SD 400k 3 bedroom HDB flat in Sing?? And also, where is your HDB flat in Orchard area?? Dude, come on, own up la. Dont be like some turtle.

  83. “I detect a conflicted self grasping for a solution – and finding none.” – undergrad2

    You can shove that detector of yours up to your nose, I still dont bring race nor religion into politics.

  84. “To say that everyone in BN is corrupted and evil, I am sorry to say such people have binders in their eyes.”

    Do you ever REBUKED and EXPOSED your comrades who are corrupted, evil, racist, keris-waving and policies that are detrimental towards development in this blog BY GIVING A CLEAR-CUT EXAMPLES SINCE YOU DID NOT CONDONED ALL THESE? What about IN REALITY, doing something to rectify it, maybe, just maybe your comrades who are corrupted, evil, racist and keris-waving might listen to you.

    “But until we, Malaysians reached that maturity, and not see each other as malays, indians, chinese or etc and respect each other religious beliefs, we are going to continue to take one step forward and two steps back.”


  85. AhPek,

    Malaysia is only 50 years young. Even the US, 50 years after their independence there were a lot of things that werent right. So, in my opinion we cannot compare ourselves to the US. In terms of political maturity, they are streets ahead of us.

    In Malaysia, it is real, we have yet to achieve that level of maturity. We cannot sit down and debate on issues as Malaysians. Everything tends to be race based. And before you know it, some bigot will drag religion into the picture. And as long as we continue to see ourselves first as either malays, chinese, indians or etc, the current political situation will exist.

    When the NEP first started out, it was a noble idea. Agree? The intention then was to provide aid to a certain race group that are behind socio-economically. Personally, I am of the opinion that this program has served its course. But if you are in politics long enough, Malaysian politics, you will know one cannot change things overnight with a stroke of the pen.

    In short, will we see a better Malaysia? In my opinion, yes. Not today but in the near future. So, till that day comes, I guess we, respectively will have to work within our parties or groups to ensure we dont allow new racists or bigots emerge thru the ranks.

    The only way forward is moderation.

  86. Raitman,

    With respect, I take it that you are very new in Malaysian politics. You do not openly ‘rebuked’ those with dubious policies unless you are courting a quick political suicide.

    The way to go about is to work within the party and inched your way through. Yes, it will take time, lots of it actually.

    Take it from me, there are decent moderate people in UMNO, MCA, MIC and Gerakan. That is why, I take it as an issue when idiots simply shoot their mouths off by claiming all in BN are evil, corrupted etc.

  87. “With respect, I take it that you are very new in Malaysian politics. You do not openly ‘rebuked’ those with dubious policies unless you are courting a quick political suicide.”

    With due respect too, I didn’t ask you to rebuked your comrades in the open, right? My question to you is, did you ever to rebuked your comrades in this blog, right? You are using the name RealWorld in this blog, will your comrades find out about you and thus you are committing political suicide, if you rebuked them in this blog?

  88. “Do you ever REBUKED and EXPOSED your comrades who are corrupted, evil, racist, keris-waving and policies that are detrimental towards development in this blog BY GIVING A CLEAR-CUT EXAMPLES SINCE YOU DID NOT CONDONED ALL THESE?”

    Can see it CLEARLY OR NOT?

  89. “You do not openly ‘rebuked’ those with dubious policies unless you are courting a quick political suicide.”

    You are VERY FEARFUL of your political master, isn’t it? :)

  90. My succesess? Think thats off limits for you lah. Its not like we are best of buddies here hehehe…..hope you dont take offence of that.

    When it comes to home sizes, ofcuz tak boleh compare la between countries.

    RealWorld you already tipu bout this info on HDB of yours and now you asking me questions. You tak layak tanya lah. Penipu ask an honest person a question. Anyway you say you lifted the info from the web? Blame it on the web huh? Your kind are all the same lah Real World. Nazri blame on his press oficer the other day. Now you blame on web.

    How can you be so bodoh? Believe everything on the net. Let me teach u since you’re so green. In Spore usually but not all cases, but usually those with alphabets in front of the numbers, most cases its a private property. HDB flat block numbers are usually just numbers in them. I wont charge you for this info since you sudah biasa people feed u.

    RealWorld, you’re such a shame to fellow Msians lah. U lie just like your puak UMNO. U shift the blame to something else, just like your puak UMNO. This kind of mentality is so so low…….

    However I do agree with you on towards a moderation strategy. For that I agree with you and salute you.

  91. We all have to have the basic understanding about economic and the currency trading impact activites.
    Leaders of this country are mainly exposed to the huge currencies trading activities which can turn oneself into a immediate millionaires overnight.
    Do you still that there are good politicians around in this country ?
    Have they really visited their own constitution that elected them as the representative and attend to the community needs without getting publicities or ‘covering up issue’ ?
    The amount of time they spend on getting their own ‘business’ right have taken up most of their driving attention, this much is true.
    Do you know that MPs are actually ‘office boys’ between the law enforcer department and thugs world ? Why ?
    Because the thugs boss have ‘granted’ the MP to be elected and take care of their business interest in the constitution.

  92. Salam.
    In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    Aaahhh… it’s good to be back (home again). My tribute to the late JD for his singing talents. Don’t get me wrong, I love to listen to dikir barat just as much as attending a concert at the Malaysian Philharmonic or Royal Albert Hall or Esplanade Concert Hall

    Anyway, I thought I’ll be back earlier as promised, but.. as usual project delay. Now as the glamour, euphoria (and yes.. the $$$) of having the biggest passenger carrier in the world came and went, amidst ‘managed’ concerns of viability, more risks (from wind shear? etc?). I thought I would revisit and see how fellow bloggers are doing (or slugging). I am not disappointed to say the least. The usual regular bloggers, a few new ones? like mua who – outta sight outta mind – was unable to log in…..mmmmm…

    Some ‘constructive’ ones and then there are the not ‘shiok’ ones.
    Generally acceptable – as anyone can express his or her opinions (at least freely here). Names calling, making statements without basis (evidences?) and expletives are definitely immature and uncalled for – tsk..tsk…very much like in your malaysian parliment sittings (no malice meant here as this is what I gathered from your local dailies. Of course that is if they are ‘reporting’ the whole truth and nothing but the truth).

    Just to clarify the confusion here:
    There are no (horrifying thoughts) HDBs along orchard road (mainly shopping centers and hotels). Though there are pricey (relatively speaking here)private and serviced apartments behind Orchard Road like around Cairhill area (you know where that is, don’t you? since the country is just a small red dot and many used to ‘shop’ around there). HDBs exist at the end of Orchard Road like around Rochor.
    No, HDBs don’t cost $800K even resale units – maybe this one has ‘exceptional’ renovations, ‘aggressive’ real estate agents etc. And there are rules to who are eligible/can buy HDBs.

    Resale Pte Apartments (Condos, to your side) can start from $500K minimum depending on locations etc. New ones (approx. 1,200sqft) now are going for around $700K minimum depending also on location, developers etc. Reacheable by the average joes and janes with good incomes and resources like savings?, CPFs etc.
    Property prices have gone ‘quite’ high compared to few years back. It will continue as long as there is demand.

    Yes, land is scarce and reclaiming land is progressing carefully and what with the recent earthshaking incidents.

    Hope this helps to put certain issues to rest and let’s move on.

    I will ‘behave’ for the time being as I need to focus on my next project.

    To all bloggers on this site… keep up the good blogging.


  93. “With due respect too, I didn’t ask you to rebuked your comrades in the open, right? My question to you is, did you ever to rebuked your comrades in this blog, right? You are using the name RealWorld in this blog, will your comrades find out about you and thus you are committing political suicide, if you rebuked them in this blog?” – Raitman

    Did you rebuked Godfather when he insulted Islam Hadhari here? Did you rebuked bystander for his racist remarks about the malays?
    You are using the name, Raitman in this blog, will your comrades in the DAP or Opposition find out if you rebuked them openly?

  94. “Do you ever REBUKED and EXPOSED your comrades who are corrupted, evil, racist, keris-waving and policies that are detrimental towards development in this blog BY GIVING A CLEAR-CUT EXAMPLES SINCE YOU DID NOT CONDONED ALL THESE?” – Raitman

    When Godfather uttered his insults on Islam Hadhari here, did you rebuked him by MAKING IT CLEAR THAT YOU DO NOT CONDONE insults hurled at another religion?
    When bystander issued his racist comments about the malays being stupid etc, did you rebuked him by MAKING IT CLEAR THAT YOU DO NOT CONDONE racist remarks?

    Can see now, CLEARLY OR NOT?? or you still have your goggles on?

  95. “You are VERY FEARFUL of your political master, isn’t it?” – Raitman

    You are now in the business of making assumptions?
    Anyway, I shall leave you to your assumptions. Be creative ok. :)

  96. cheeyong, my brother, since you said that you have never met failure before in your life, I believe you are one extraordinary human being. Even I believe LKY have had some failures before in his career, but you, you are special … tak pernah gagal punya. So, since you opened that mouth of yours and boasted you tak pernah gagal, put on the table some of your successes la. Jangan cakap cakap kosong aje, bro.

    You know, I have asked you numerous times to furnish me with details on your claim that it is possible to purchase a 3 bedroom HDB flat for SD400K. Till today, kosong.
    You also claimed that in Orchard area got HDB flat/s, I asked you for the details, again kosong aje.
    And if you think 1668 sq ft is a penthouse, I cant really help you. All I can say is that, the said property is a HDB flat and it was listed on the web. You will find ‘HDB’ on that property location. Am sure you can read, oppps you are wearing goggles thus the narrow vision and mindedness.
    You say that LKY,Hsien Loong and Ho Ching are smart. I asked you for the facts, again kosong aje.
    Asyik kosong aje ni, apa la lu.

    Unlike you, I wont go around calling you ‘bodoh’ because I respect your parents and I dont resort to petty insults. If you think by going around calling people ‘bodoh’ makes you pandai, I am happy for you.

    RealWorld, you’re such a shame to fellow Msians lah. U lie just like your puak UMNO. U shift the blame to something else, just like your puak UMNO. This kind of mentality is so so low…….

    However I do agree with you on towards a moderation strategy. For that I agree with you and salute you.

  97. I just saying you bodoh only. Not anyone associated with you hehehe.

    Why should I give you the info when you dont even know how to differentiate between a HDB and a private property?Hahahaha bazir masa aje.

    U cemburu kah?, without NEP so many non bumis are succeding elsewhere you still need to rely on sedekah? My advise to you is that you should support the abolishment of NEP. Replaced it with a program where all Msians regardless of skin colour gets help from the govt.

    At least you are half way there in repenting. Bertaubat lah RealWorld. Its still not too late for you to help in changing Malaysia. Dont be another Nazri or Ali Rustam. You need create your own style dude.

  98. cheeyong, my brother, ok la, if you dont want to furnish the facts to back up your claims, I wont push you any further. No need la to prolong the pain further. :)

    Whatever la, brother, you can call me bodoh. If that makes you happy and you think by doing so, makes you pandai, I am also happy for you. In return, I wont call you bodoh cos’ I believe your parents put in a lot of effort to put your through college and all. And I am sure your mommy and daddy are all proud with little cheeyong, who goes round calling me bodoh. Am sure they can see their investment in you finally paying dividends.

    Cheers! :)

  99. cheeyong: I never said I have failed in life
    cheeyong (later): I have never failed in life
    cheeyong (later … again): If I fail in life, I wouldnt be here talking 2u now

    Sorry. I cannot stop laughing at this boy.

    With comedians such as this boy in the Opposition, I am indeed looking forward to the next GE.

  100. Yes my parents worked hard to put me through. Without them, wont be here today. I need to study STPM because we dont have $ to put me through local colleges. Plus I have another sister. So might as well save the $$ for her then for her studies.

    Non bumis like me do not have the luxury of NEP. Straight As doesnt guarantee the course of our choice. Needless to say scholarship from JPA.

    We worked hard. Not only me but other non bumis as well. We work hard but we get spit on the face with NEP. And people like you act like “tuan” in this country, bragging about it.

    Hope one day in another lifetime, you be the minoriti tertindas. You’ll know how we feel.

  101. “Hope one day in another lifetime, you be the minoriti tertindas. You’ll know how we feel.” – cheeyong

    … and by calling me bodoh you feel you have achieved some sort of redemption?

  102. Hey, I did insult Islam Hadhari – not the religion, but the self-proclaimed Imam of Islam Hadhari who said funny things like “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Things like “I am fair, I will always be fair.” Things like “We must investigate for the sake of the rakyat.”

    I thought the Imam was saying all the right things, but then he has been proven to be a liar and a cheat because he had no intention of doing what he said (cakap tak serupa bikin) and was merely trying to buy time for crooks and cheats.

    Is this the right attitude or desire (niat) of an Imam of Islam Hadhari ? Is this the core teaching of Islam Hadhari? Ada had, ada hari ?

    RealWorld dude, can you help your Sleepy master answer some of these questions intelligently ? Get out of your tempurung, take off your sunglasses, and stop singing “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone…” Put your little brain in overdrive and THINK.

  103. “Didnt know the word bodoh has scarred you for life I replaced with lemah then….” – cheeyong

    Dude, whatever suit your fancy, man. You can call me whatever la from bodoh to lemah, if that makes you pandai or kuat, I am happy for you. And am sure your mommy and daddy are all proud with cheeyong, their boy calling me names. All their sweat to put you through college is finally bearing fruits.

  104. “Do you ever REBUKED and EXPOSED your comrades who are corrupted, evil, racist, keris-waving and policies that are detrimental towards development in this blog BY GIVING A CLEAR-CUT EXAMPLES SINCE YOU DID NOT CONDONED ALL THESE?”

    “When Godfather uttered his insults on Islam Hadhari here, did you rebuked him by MAKING IT CLEAR THAT YOU DO NOT CONDONE insults hurled at another religion?
    When bystander issued his racist comments about the malays being stupid etc, did you rebuked him by MAKING IT CLEAR THAT YOU DO NOT CONDONE racist remarks?”

    Tell you what, you do it first, then next me, ok. How’s that?

    After all, you said “……you are very new in Malaysian politics.”

    I have much to learn from you.

    After you, sir. :)

  105. “…….you still have your goggles on?”

    “You are now in the business of making assumptions?”


    Anyway, I shall leave you to your assumptions TOO. Be MORE creative ok. :)

  106. “Anyway, I shall leave you to your assumptions TOO. Be MORE creative ok.” – Raitman

    Dude, would love to stay and chat but gotta rush for a golf game with 2 MCA and 1 PPP buddies.

    Cheerio! :)

  107. Yes RealWorld, if I’m in BN……..and if I call the shots, you can see NEP goes out the window and replaced with either DAP bajet or PKR Agenda Ekonomi Baru

    But thats a dream only…..

  108. “if I’m in BN……..and if I call the shots, you can see NEP goes out the window and replaced with either DAP bajet or PKR Agenda Ekonomi Baru” – cheeyong

    Would you put Zakaria Deros or Abang Zak (for some of us – I like his sunglasses) in charge of whatever budget you be implementing??

    Ok on a more serious note, would you bring in family members? And would you give a helping hand to a ‘deserving uncle of yours’ a business license to help him out a little??

    I say this because I have seen this happened. Once one ascend the throne of power, you just can never tell. Power and money, they are the roots of all evil.

  109. Better to start afresh than continue the rot. By the way, power and money are not the roots of evil. If you want to get technical, it is the love of power and money which is the root of all evil.

  110. Hey ya RealWorld, long time no see.

    I’m not rich, and I’ve only been to Singapore twice. But I can safely vouch for Chee Yong that the flats there aren’t SGD800k. One relative of mine bought one in Upper Serangoon, about 700 – 800 square feet, three tiny bedrooms, two bathrooms, for SGD250k plus only, nowhere near half of SGD800k. I don’t know if it’s HDB though, but I think it is.

    I’m worried that you might have been taken for many rides, in thinking that a HDB flat can cost SGD800k. You may be telling the truth, there may be some with this price, but I believe you can definitely find others with less than half the price. Be a wise consumer! An honourable man as rich as you surely knows this inside out, upside down.

    1.6k square-foot in Singapore IS INDEED a penthouse to me!
    Yes, you’ve made it quite clear that you’re rich, but I’d still like to admonish you to spend wisely. In Malaysia, you don’t know what the corrupt government will do. You may be rich today, and robbed clean tomorrow. Better save some for rainy days, ya!

    Selamat Hari Raya!

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