Rukunegara-reciting/Constitution-waving – pathetic proof of impotence and irrelevance of Gerakan/MCA

The 50th Merdeka Anniversary has seen a most unusual political phenomena — the MCA and Gerakan waving the Malaysian Constitution and reciting Rukunegara at their respective meetings in response to the keris-waving by the Umno Youth leader, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein at the earlier Umno Youth general assemblies.

It is a pathetic proof of the impotence and irrelevance of the MCA and Gerakan in the Barisan Nasional, whether at the national, state or local government level, that they have been reduced to waving the Constitution and reciting Rukunegara at their respective meetings instead of ensuring that the Cabinet and the government at all levels uphold the core nation-building principles of the Merdeka “social contract” which have found expression in the Malaysian Constitution and Rukunegara.

Why wave the Malaysian Constitution and recite the Rukunegara principles when MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders are unable:

  • firstly to ensure that Umno and other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders fully understand, respect and uphold the fundamental nation-building principles spelt out in the Merdeka social contract, the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara; and
  • secondly, to set the example of themselves standing firm, true and loyal to the Merdeka social contract, Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara by refusing to betray these fundamental nation-building principles even if they fail to convince Umno and other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders to do the same.

What is the use of waving the Malaysian Constitution and reciting the Rukunegara principles at the MCA and Gerakan meetings when MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders dare not wave the Constitution or recite the Rukunegara principles in Cabinet, Parliament, national, state and local governments to ensure that every government policy, decision and action is informed by the core nation-building principles agreed by the forefathers of the major communities and spelt out in the Constitution and the Rukunegara?

Why are MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders staging the Constitution-waving and Rukunegara-recitation at their respective party meetings when inside government at various levels, they are prepared to be party to decisions which abandon these nation-building principles?

Malaysia would not have been declared to be an Islamic state after 44 years of undisputed and unchallenged status as a secular state, buttressed by public pronouncements by the first three Prime Ministers of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein, if the Merdeka social contract, the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara had continued to be recognized as the core nation-building principles of the country.

The fourth Rukunegara principle is the “Rule of Law” — but for 19 years, it had suffered ravages with the protracted crisis over the independence, integrity and meritocracy of the judiciary since 1988.

What is the use of reciting the Rukunegara principles if there is no courage of conviction to end the state of denial of 19 years about the crisis of confidence in the judiciary and to demand the immediate establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry both into the Lingam Tape and the rot in the judiciary in the past 19 years?


25 Replies to “Rukunegara-reciting/Constitution-waving – pathetic proof of impotence and irrelevance of Gerakan/MCA”

  1. Ong Ka Ting was already a mute at university – in those days, we called him “A-piah” which means “ignorant dumbo”. With him at the helm of the MCA, the party is now called the Mute Chinese Association.

  2. Mca & Gerakan are merely prostituting themselves for some perks of office.
    Chinese Malaysians ( who support these two parties) have no one else, but themselves to blame for the pathetic state they are in as wealthy second class citizens with no dignity.

  3. MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders will be reciting “Baa baa Black Sheep” and singing “Chan mali chan” at their respective party meetings next year as they degenerate into doodling imbeciles after a disastrous GE. Even today, only village idiots and political failures are interested in joining these two parties.

  4. I would like to post this question to all MCA and Gerakan members:
    Do you agree that when a contract is signed in good spirit, all parties to the contract are bound by law to obey all the provisions of the contract?
    Unless you are a moron, the answer is obviously yes. Otherwise why sign the contract in the first place?
    Is there one member of MCA or Gerakan who has the honesty and courage to get his or her party leader to answer the question posted by YB LKS:
    “Why wave the Malaysian Constitution and recite the Rukunegara principles when MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders are unable:
    • firstly to ensure that Umno and other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders fully understand, respect and uphold the fundamental nation-building principles spelt out in the Merdeka social contract, the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara; and
    • secondly, to set the example of themselves standing firm, true and loyal to the Merdeka social contract, Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara by refusing to betray these fundamental nation-building principles even if they fail to convince Umno and other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders to do the same.
    What is the use of waving the Malaysian Constitution and reciting the Rukunegara principles at the MCA and Gerakan meetings when MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders dare not wave the Constitution or recite the Rukunegara principles in Cabinet, Parliament, national, state and local governments to ensure that every government policy, decision and action is informed by the core nation-building principles agreed by the forefathers of the major communities and spelt out in the Constitution and the Rukunegara?”
    Members of MCA and Gerakan, do you realize that by following your leaders in staging the Constitution-waving and Rukenegerara-recitation at your recpective party meetings, you look exactly like actors and actresses of a wayang kulit show.
    I can bet that if any of you have the courage to ask the question, the answer from the mouth of the MCA or Gerakan leader will sound like a goat talking”……..but but but but but but….”I feel pity for you.

  5. Members of MCA and Gerakan, do you realize that by following your leaders in staging the Constitution-waving and Rukunegara recitation…. you look exactly like actors and actresses of a wayang kulit show.
    Cannot blame them-lah. Monkeys see, monkeys do. As long as they continue to get peanuts, they will do whatever their bosses say. But when the supply of peanuts runs out, the fun will begin when these monkeys go for their bosses’ throats

  6. All component parties of BN betrayed their respective races to enrich themselves for their party and personal gains.

    They had lost its plot long ago and continue to mislead the people everything is fine. That’s why they abandoned the Constitution and RukunNegara essential to a successful nation building.

  7. People waved keris and uttered seditious statements in their meeting but MCA and Gerakan waved the Malaysian Constitution and recited Rukunegara. Aren’t they more ‘civilised’ and law/constitution abiding deserving your praise rather than ridicule? This is like using moral authority of the Constitution and principles of Rukunegara to shield against the Mat Rempit thrust of the Keris – in Mahatma Ghandi’s spirit of Civil Disobedience against tyranny and oppression of force! Good for you MCA and Gerakan. The latter proposes, the pretext of national unity, to merge all BN component parties into one party so that their being savaged and mauled by the electorate would not be so visible and stark. How strategic! :)

  8. Let them wave whatever they want while they still can do so. UMNO will declare to the world Malaysia is an Islamic State, and when that happens, those corrupted bastards will find they have no more hands left, all chopped off !

  9. They are all “A-piah”s at MCA and Gerakan. One old “A-piah” after another. One old “A-piah” replaced by a younger even more “A-piah” in both the political parties.

    “A-piah”s only talked through their nose not their mouth, a sorry state of affair for the people they claimed to champion.

  10. What is the use of waving the Malaysian Constitution and reciting the Rukunegara principles
    When the UnmoPutra/UmnoRajas are not following them…….

    Stop kidding yourself, MCA and Gerakan and stopping act like beggers.

    Do you think Umno will pity you all?????

  11. As I read the postings here, I can’t help but feel that most are disgusted with MCA and Gerakan. For the last fifty years, they did nothing other than contributed to our continued erosion of equal citizenship in this country. We all know these, but then why for the last 50 years we could nothing. Why are we so eager to trade short term expediency for long term misery? LKS has been talking and fighting for years and I respect him for that. But is he effective? We know MCA and Gerakan are useless and over the long term they cannot be counted to protect the rights of non Malay/Muslim Malaysians. The dichotomy is already so blatantly clear. Today, the Malays are fighting for a Malay state with total hegemony over others while the non Malays are fighting to remain part of Malaysia. There is no solution within the BN as I can see it.

    So if we have a situation as I described above, what then is our solution? Frankly, I don’t know. We know that the BN system is failing in every aspect, from failing to give equal treatments to citizens, corruption, abuse of power to poor economic management. But we also have not made any headway to change things around. I think we should devote more thinking on how we can change things rather than repeating over and over again our grievances. Have you noticed we (including DAP) are just reacting to whatever issues that were highlighted. More often than not, I think we reacted and said things here to release tension and frustration. But at the end of the day, can we change anything?

    Seriously, I think we have to focus on what we can do? How can we galvanise a mass movement? How we must focus on some fundamental issues and work diligently on them rather than being distracted by issues purposely highlighted BN controlled media. Frankly is Auditor General Report anything new? So we get excited for a few days and then what? Remember this guy from ASLI (sorry I can’t even remember his name now) who challenged the accuracy of Malay corporate ownership and there was a promise by EPU and the Government to release the methodology used in calculating the ownership? May I know what happen now? Didn’t they making us chasing our own shadow? We “shiok sendiri” for a few days and after that every thing is back to normal and we are back to our misery again.

    I think DAP must provide leadership to do more than just reacting and expressing disgust and frustration to whatever issues being highlighted. This is not good enough. Most of us also know how to do it. DAP must provide leadership in areas that are close to people hearts. Corruption, abuse of power, scandal in the judiciary and Islamic state, while important, seem very distant to most people unless you are directly affected by it. I have in mind issues that could galvanise the support of the people – issues that affect them in their everyday life. Once we have identified those issues, we must relentlessly pursue them till we can some results. It is pointless to jump from one issue to another. That is what BN what us to do.

  12. limkamput Says:

    October 9th, 2007 at 02: 35.17
    As I read the postings here, I can’t help but feel that most are disgusted with MCA and Gerakan. For the last fifty years, they did nothing other than contributed to our continued erosion of equal citizenship in this country. We all know these, but then why for the last 50 years we could nothing. Why are we so eager to trade short term expediency for long term misery? LKS has been talking and fighting for years and I respect him for that. But is he effective? We know MCA and Gerakan are useless and over the long term they cannot be counted to protect the rights of non Malay/Muslim Malaysians. The dichotomy is already so blatantly clear. Today, the Malays are fighting for a Malay state with total hegemony over others while the non Malays are fighting to remain part of Malaysia. There is no solution within the BN as I can see it.
    So if we have a situation as I described above, what then is our solution? Frankly, I don’t know.
    It is no more “if ” we have a situation as described by limkamput, the situation is already in existence for 20 years and it is getting worse everyday.

    The opposition parties including DAP have not been effective in the past because as in the last GE, Malaysians including the Chinese supported the BN with over 90 % of the seats in parliment and all the State Assemblies.

    If you want the opposition to be effective, you have to empower them by voting more opposition members into parliment. For a start the opposition must have at least 1/3 of the seats in parliment in order to deny the BN the power to amend the Constitution at their whim and fancy.

    As an individual rakyat you can at least keep your family members and friends informed on issues of corruption and abuse of power in the BN government, including the ACA, Judicial, AG and the police. You can also educate them to register as a voters and excercise their voting right in the next GE.

    Even if you think the oppositon has not been effective in the past, you can either vote for the opposition to give them some real power to check the abuses of the BN or to vote for the BN to perpetuate the present situation. If the BN obtain another landslide majority in the next GE, the message to the BN is: Well done UMNO,MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP! We love all of you.

  13. Malaysia is so so so myopic! A country with a small population yet playing racist and divisive politics so that the ruling party can continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the rakyat. This is so so so true because those who have migrated have done very well in their adopted countries. Now Malaysia has instituted policies to ‘attract’ back these professionals to help contribute their motherland that has been plundered left, right and centre by BN. Cry, Cry and Cry lah.

  14. Leave the irresponsible, incompetent and greedy politicians alone…..they do not get any respect from the well informed.

    The country and her innocent ordinary people need true Malaysians, including those overseas, to ensure the country is in safe hands and the unique culture and traditions of Malays/bumi and their way of life protected for the benefit of generations to come.

  15. hi limkamput,

    Down south, Lee Kuan Yew once said “With growth, everything can managed”

    The economy of Malaysia have been doing so well since its independence until recently when the coffers started to dry up.

    When the going is good, why upset the cart?
    But when the going is bad, well you know what happens, ppl starts to rob from the cart itself. That’s human nature.

    That’s why BN managed to remain in power for so long despite being having selfish and self-profiting policies.

  16. Everyone seems to have a quick solution to the malaise inflicting this country. Kanthanboy, more or less said we can’t change things because we voted for BN overwhelmingly. If you read my posting carefully, that was precisely my question, i.e. why for so many years we continue to vote for BN despite the fact it is one of the most incompetent and inapt governments in recent times. Then we have megaman who deduced everything to one factor – growth (may be because LKY said so). Please don’t get me wrong. I admire LKY, and I read his two memoirs from cover to cover. I don’t think LKY could be that simplistic and at the same time could attain such fame and accomplishments. Economic performances do affect election results, no doubt about that. But don’t you think it is a little over edge to use this to explain BN’s hold to power for the last 50 years. We ought to come up with a better explanation than that. As I said, I don’t have the answer. You people are at liberty to have your say and of course I shall have the right to comment.

  17. The reason why UMNO has managed to hold on to power for the past 50 years is mainly due to their divide-and-rule tactics. Of course on occasions where their divide-and-rule tactics fail, they have resorted to outright cheating to remain in power.

    The basic human factor is driven by fear – fear of losing one’s livelihood, or fear of losing personal security. Malays fear losing their political and economic “rights” and they will cling to whoever champions their rights. Chinese will go to extreme lengths not to rock the boat because all they want is a peaceful platform to bring up their children. Indians ? Whatever Semi Value says is good enough for them.

    It is this fear that also prevents the emergence of viable united political opposition. Everyone turns inwards to look for support, as multiracial support is too thin to make a party viable. Look at PKR.

    We will never see change unless we get rid of this fear en masse. At the moment all I see is about 10 – 15 pct of the population recognising the need for change, absolutely disgusted with the abuse and theft of public funds. Unfortunately the other 85 – 90 pct think that their livelihood is better protected by the status quo. In a one-man-one-vote system like ours, the majority rules.

  18. I have been made to recite the “Rukunegara” during school assembly and under the hot sun during my school days but has it done any good? These people seemed to have forgotten what they have written – “membina masyarakat yang adil” – what is adil? Which masyarakat are they referring to? This official document was written right after the May 13 incident to “calm” down the sentiments of the Chinese in Malaysia by making empty promises which they never intend to carry out.

    And if you look at this whole thing carefully, each and every student of that time would have committed “blasphemy” by swearing something they did not believe would come true.

    Waving the Rukunegara therefore is analogous to waving a piece of “toilet paper” meant for wiping our asses!!!

  19. If MCA and Gerakan did not pass the amendment to the constitution back in 1969, we won’t have the law saying only Malay can be Menteri Besar and also Sultan status as the ruler of Malaysia. So unless MCA and Gerakan can rectify this, they are not qualify to wave the constitution book

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