Lingam Tape – Haidar Inquiry end up as biggest sham with no proof either way of being authentic or otherwise?

With the three-man special panel inquiry into the authenticity of the Lingam Tape holding its first meeting today, two questions uppermost in the minds of Malaysians who want to be able to be proud again about the Malaysian judiciary and system of justice after 19 years of being the laughing stock of the world are:

  • Will the Haidar inquiry drag its feet until after next month when the Chief Justice Tan Sri Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim would have retired from the highest judicial office of the land, justifying the stance that the whole issue had become quite academic although Ahmad Fairuz was clearly the other party in the Lingam Tape despite the Chief Justice’s unorthodox “denial” through the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz; and
  • Will the Haidar Inquiry end up as the biggest sham of all inquiries in five decades of Malaysian nation-building, furnishing excuse for inaction by Cabinet because there is no concrete proof either way of its being authentic or otherwise?

Nazri said on Monday that “the result of the Haidar investigation will determine the next course of action, which will be decided by the cabinet”.

This is a very curious statement as the establishment of the Haidar panel was not decided by the Cabinet in the first place.

This is the chronology of events:

  • Sept. 19, 2007 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim made public eight minutes of a purported 12-minute video recording of the Lingam Tape.
  • Sept. 20 – Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice president Sivarasa Rasiah lodged a report with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) in Putrajaya on the Lingam Tape.
  • Sept. 23 — The Malaysian Bar in an emergency meeting decided on a “Walk for Justice” from the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya on Cabinet Day on Wednesday 26th Sept to present a memorandum to the Prime Minister calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Tape and the allegations of judicial impropriety over the years.
  • Sept. 25 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the formation of the Haidar panel, a day before the Cabinet’s Wednesday meeting and the “March for Justice” by 2,000 lawyers.

Has Nazri inadvertently revealed the “gameplan” that while the Cabinet was completely ignored and the views of Ministers disregarded on the setting up of the Haidar Panel, the Cabinet would be dragged in and fully implicated for any decision concerning any “cover-up” of the allegations of the Lingam Tape at the conclusion of the Haidar inquiry?

The role of the ACA, which had been directed by the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail to assist the Haidar Panel, is most anomalous which completely undermines its authority, independence, credibility and legitimacy.

Parliament never intended the ACA to be subservient to any quarter in its statutory mission to eradicate corruption — not to the Haidar panel or even the Attorney-General.

The Attorney-General has the final discretionary powers to decide whether to initiate prosecution — which is a great weakness in the anti-corruption law — but the AG has no powers to direct the ACA to suppress any form of anti-corruption investigation. The ACA cannot have any credibility if it has to take orders from the ACA on its anti-corruption investigations.

Although the government has set up the Haidar panel to inquire into the authenticity of the Lingam Tape, this does not preclude the ACA from carrying out its own investigations especially as an official report had been lodged by Sivarasa with the ACA on the Lingam Tape.

The ACA can assist the Haidar Inquiry but it cannot be subservient to the Haidar Inquiry.

Neither the Attorney-General nor the Haidar Inquiry can usurp the powers and duties of the ACA or the ACA be estopped from carrying out its own investigations into the Lingam Tape with regard to judicial corruption.

The Haidar Inquiry, with its ridiculously narrow term of reference, restricted investigatory powers and the unsuitability of Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor as its chairman is a farce and should be disbanded without wasting any more time or public funds. Instead a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Tape and rot in the system of justice concerning the ravages and destruction of the independence, impartiality and integrity of the judiciary in the past 19 years must forthwith be established without any delay.

68 Replies to “Lingam Tape – Haidar Inquiry end up as biggest sham with no proof either way of being authentic or otherwise?”

  1. Umno has too many issues and they are playing all these stunts to fool us. These stunts are already too common for any reasonably intelligent people to know what they are up to and yet they are getting away scoots free.

    The question is are the people so naive to think that we are unable to do anything about all these abuses or is UMNO too good for all of us after entrenching their power through 20 over years of abuses by lying, cheating and corruption and enjoying the fruit of those evil deeds without any contrite.
    I hope the people can rise to the occasion to chase these devils out and do a proper cleansing of the government for a better future of our children.

  2. “This BN Government insults the intellect and integrity of every Malaysian citizen! Time they GO. We must send them packing.” – Jong

    Bro, we got 91% mandate, remember? The rakyat is fully behind BN.

  3. Haidar Report:
    1. There is no evidence to show that CJ was the person at the other end of the conversation.
    2. Lingam was talking to his buddy lawyer to boast about his alleged influence. He has a big ego and likes to brag. There is nothing wrong with bragging.
    3. Keadilan is the culprit which blow up the whole affair to gain political mileage.
    4. The person/s who recorded the event must be found and punished.

  4. PKR bring the case to ACA.
    Lawyers’ march to hand over memorandum.

    What happen then ?

    Judge in court suppose to give verdict on legal case.
    Judge in court suppose deliver verdict on case brought up by ACA, police and bla…bla…..

    Before the case bring to court…

    One will tell 3 man panel nicely ; It is better you “report properly” and make sure you do not creating hac voc.

    At the end….

    One will tell CJ… you will get full support from BN , the majority to boost “public confidence”

    And then

    Silent…….peaceful …. AND CORRUPTION CONTINUE.


  5. Point is “Who’s got the ORIGINAL tape”? Too many copies already made, so in all likelihood the “panel” only got a copy of a copy of a copy and they will all just say “Its only a copy and we cannot verify its authenticity as it is not clear. The “evidence” won’t stand in a court of law”.

    They probably won’t investigate the contents as it would lead to opening too many cans of worms. In addition, its not in their mandate. So what’s the Cabinet going to do but to say “no case, everything’s OK”. Just wait and see.

    Even if the maker of the tape comes out in the open, it will still be “no case” as there will always be ways to discredit him as no one is totally free of skeletons. When the government refuses to take any real and meaningful action as happened too many times in the past, when not one of its lackey ministers is willing to speak out, the chances of any positive action being taken and of success is practically nil. No one wants is brave enough to rock the boat. Everyone’s is having too good a good time. They plan to be around to enjoy the fruits.

    Will the maker of the tape be willing enough to burn his or her bridges? Will he / she be committed enough to go all the way with very little chance of success and jeopardise his or her future?

    Who then holds the “ace” or “joker” card?

    In a week or two everything will be forgotten and forgiven as we celebrate the Eid.

    Fact is, in this country, we practice the “Westminster” model in our own way. We have adapted it to suit our needs, where all organs – the Judiciary, the Legislature and even the Head of State are all under the thumbs of the Executive puppet-master who can do no wrong. Period.

    And we all live “Happily Ever After”, the BN way.

  6. If and only if Malaysian especially those Malay who dare to compete in a level field can make the change… then one have continuously cry for ” Modern Robbinhood”

    Just note on the quote from BN member: Opposition parties are just want to create a news out of it. See what happen in coming GE.

  7. RealWorld,

    The 91% mandate was achieved because it was mainly due to Pak Lah’s convincing election promises to the rakyat at that time remember ? At that time he was just elected as the new PM and the rakyat had overwhelming given the BN government a 91% benefit of doubt based on Pak Lah’s promises.

    3 years have now passed…. just reflect and analyse Mr RealWorld are the promises made in line with what is happening today ? You may say to rebuke me that nobody is perfect in this world and every human being breaks promises but to this extent ?

    Don’t be over confident and take the rakyat for granted now just because of winning 91% majority in the last election, you feel that liberty has been given to commit and do anything from abuse of power to corruption.

    You should be shameful actually for being in a party that condon such acts and broken its promises blatantly. Please don’t dream of getting a 91% majority vote again if things continue to be like this and the votes could be dilluted with the recent scandals and corruption cases emerging like nobody’s business.

  8. To the well informed, BN UMNO had lost its credibility.

    To hold on to power, they must continue to mislead with narrow and damaging politics of race and religion at the great expense of the country and her ordinary people.

  9. Even if the old sleepy bum manage to get only 40% of the total number of votes cast, he will still be able to rule with a two-thirds majority because urban parliamentary seats are made up of 50,000 voters while rural parliamentary seats need only 10,000 voters or so. It is more or less like the case of Al Gore winning more popular votes than George Bush in 2000 but the latter became President.

  10. A game plan of trying to sweep this under the carpet is predictable. But what one wonder what the PM’s gameplan if any. If he thinks he can actually leave this matter to the stooges that are running things now, he is in for a surprise. There is no way he can avoid stepping forward eventually and take charge of the matter. To do so would ultimately hurt him in the next GE. In fact, the more this thing drag on, the more it will hurt him and then he will find that those stooges who are so quick to please him will run like rats from a sinking ship.

  11. kanthanboy Says:
    September 28th, 2007 at 05: 12.04
    …By agreeing to accept the three-men panel the Bar Council has fallen into a trap set up by the BN. The BN government now has complete control over the timing and scope of the probe. This is exactly what the BN has hoped for. The three-men panel will drag their feet for as long as the government wants.

    The following comment posted by Kim Quek on Malaysiakini on Oct 2, 2007:

    “No sooner had the spirit of the nation been lifted by the historic ‘Walk for Justice’ in Putrajaya on Sept 26 than it was doused by the Malaysian Bar president’s hasty acceptance (the same day) of the three-member ‘independent’ panel hurriedly announced by Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak the previous day. Najib’s so-called independent panel is a ploy to deflect the real target of cleansing our corrupt judiciary, which has been crippled by dictates of the Executive. By accepting the panel, the Bar has placed its own demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry in abeyance, weakened the position of others with a similar demand and dampening the fervour for change that has rapidly gathered momentum across a wide spectrum of society since the exposure of the ‘Lingam tape’ by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim on Sept 19.

  12. They are trying their level best to ensure that they videoclip is “incapable of being authenticated” since it is only a copy. Hence the conclusion is that the authentication is inconclusive, and under the laws of this country, a man is innocent until proven guilty. Case closed.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Sleeping Beauty, 2006.

  13. “Bro, we got 91% mandate, remember? The rakyat is fully behind BN.” – RealWorld

    Hey bro, I agree that was in the year 2004. Today’s BN Govt has Tun Dr Mahathir to thank for. The mandate was given by the rakyat in their eagerness and haste to get rid of TDM, had enough of him for 22 years!

    Since then what has Mr PM Dunno done for the country, what has happened to his “Work with me not for me” jazz?

    Where is he when this nation is in such a serious state of mess?Still happily globe-trotting at rakyat’s expense as if there’s no tomorrow?

  14. In the 4 years that Badawi has been in charge, he has made some unforgettable quotes in periods of inspiration.

    Quotes like:

    “Work with me, not work for me.” 2005

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” 2006

    “We are fair….we will always be fair.” 2007

    Sometimes you wonder how these people can go to bed each night without their conscience weighing on their minds.

  15. Can someone please tell me who can instruct for a Royal Commission to be formed? Is it the duty of the Supreme Ruler with the advise of the PM or is does he form the Committee on his own accord?

    Kit, please do not allow this matter to die off, let it blaze until we get a just report. Why isn’t DAP and PKR organizing any forums to expose and educate the rakyat on the nonsense that is going on? I know it is difficult to get police permits but may be using the internet on wider scale. I am sure one day instead of the rakyat checking their email box first, they will check this blog first. All the best Kit and team! Majulah DAP untuk Malaysia!

  16. “I am sure one day instead of the rakyat checking their email box first, they will check this blog first. All the best Kit and team! Majulah DAP untuk Malaysia!”— shine

    That’s exactly what I do now when I turn on my computer.I go straight for Limkitsiang’s blog instead of my email box first.

    I used to read online the Star,NST, Nanyang & China press until a running friend reccomended me to this site very recently. See, I did not know about all the “serious” issues behind PKFZ4.6B, Patrol Boats, Russians jets….. & of course now the Lingamgate etc etc. I did not know anything about ‘the social contract”; “the New Economy Policy” etc etc….

    See I was like a frog among many that swim happily in a cooking pot not knowing soon the water will boil & we will all turn into a delicious pot of frog porridge.

    Thanks to YB uncle Lim for keeping all the citizens of Malaysia and beyond well informed of the current “true & fair view” of the state of affairs of Malaysia through the internet. Now it is our duty to recommend this site to our friends & relatives irrespective of race & religion so that they are well informed too.

    It would help us even more if YB uncle Lim can make summerised printable leaflets on the site so that we can easily print out & send to our friends & relatives who do not have access to internet in the villages.

    We love Malaysia!

  17. Working very hard by sacrifying your personal and family life, abide by the law, being responsible citizen and contribute tax to the country and her ordinary people will not guarantee a fair and decent future.

    Increasing political awareness is important to ensure those entrusted with a position of trust, power and influence do not abuse it to enrich themselves and mislead the people.

  18. From The Economist (dated 1 September 2007) :

    “The Supreme Court indicted 40 people, including the former right-hand man of Brazil’s president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and the former senior leadership of his Workers’ Party (PT) on charges that included corruption, racketeering and money laundering. The case marked the first time Brazil’s highest court has ever brought criminal charges against politicians….”

    “Brazilians have long complained that their politicians are a law unto themselves…….the supreme court punishes those found guity, there may at last be fewer grounds for such cynicism”

    Kudos to Brazil’s supreme court!

  19. Latest from Mkini:-

    1) ACA to quiz Anwar on Friday.
    2) 3 man panel 1st meeting:-
    a) the panel is requesting those who can help in verifying the authenticity of the video clip to “voluntarily” come forward.

    b)Panel members were also pressed on whether he will be meeting with Lingam – the person at the centre of the controversy – but Haidar was non-committal.
    “If he wants to come…,” said Haidar. “I don’t know,” he added.
    Then Shankar interjected. “Do you know where he is?” he asked journalists who were at the press conference.
    1) Who would dare to go to this “government” controlled panel?

    2) They can get to Anwar so easily but they don’t even know where Lingam is ( or is it that they just don’t want to know?). I would have thought one of the first thing to do is to interview Lingam & CJ and take down an official statement from them.

    Everyone knows that the Royal Commission is the only way, so what do we do next?

  20. in this lingamgate case at least they put up a sham to hide the shame.

    In the mongolian murder case it’s far worse, looks like they only investigate when prompted by the court or don’t even investigate at all.

    People who do not cherish life and truth and justice shouldn’t be in the government or police force.

    Someone in the government should take Aung San Su Kyi as a rolemodel. A living flame of correct principles despite the adversities to her personal and public lives

  21. The independent panel should seek the help of FBI to examine whether the tape is authentic or otherwise as in the case of the Police which refers the cctv tapes of a recent murder and rape case to FBI. That would help the panel and speed up its work, meanwhile lands credibility to their conclusion subsequently.

  22. The Panel got off its 1st Meeting today and faced the first Protest from PKR led members demanding a Royal Commission of Inquiry & Rejecting the Independent Panel. How can they do the work well as apparently they can verify the authenticity with the help of the Police & ACA without any technical input from the experts? IGP was spotted at the meet.
    And this is what Shankar says:
    Don’t throw stones at us until we have finished the inquiry. I respect freedom of speech; you can say what you want; But if you want us to do the work well as an independent panel, let us finish our work as best as we can” More Pics & details at

  23. I think the outcome of the inquiry will be infavor of the BN simply because BN can never admit mistake and wrong doing. Whatever the present government say and do I have no faith in them. The so-call independent inquiry but if the findings are reported to the same administration, the public will have doubts. Anwar knows inside out the way present administration works. I believed he has planned the next move if the video clip is proof faked because you can imagine what will be the consequences!!!!!1

  24. Anwar, Sim and Sivarasa had been summoned by ACA.
    Why CJ and Lingam had not been questioned? Never mind if Lingam is not around but at least the CJ is around. Any idea why not many people wants to be whistle blower? Because they won’t investigate the accused, they will investigate the whistle blower.

    “Work with me, not work for me.” 2005
    — Is he working? Looks like Najib is doing most of the dirty work while he flies around the world on tax payers’ money.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” 2006
    — Auditor-General’s recent report proves otherwise. Cheating the government fund is cheating on tax payers’ money. Cheating the government elected by the people is cheating people.

    “We are fair….we will always be fair.” 2007
    — Has the government ever been fair? The government had always been bias since the introduction of NEP and will continue to do so if BN is allow to continue to dominate with the wavering of the kris.

  25. “Parliament never intended the ACA to be subservient to any quarter in its statutory mission to eradicate corruption – not to the Haidar panel or even the Attorney-General.” Kit

    The rationale appears to be thus:

    The head of the ACA reports to the PM (not to the Cabinet) directly. The AG acts on the instructions of the PM – and therefore the ACA comes under the AG!

    A flawed logic – and like you say “It’s never the intention of Parliament to reduce the ACA to a tool of any one person”.

  26. “The Attorney-General has the final discretionary powers to decide whether to initiate prosecution …” Kit

    The AG is not supposed to indulge in selective prosecution – either acting under instruction or acting in his discretion. After police investigation, and if in his opinion, it is found that there is strong prima facie evidence against a party, he is under duty to prosecute.

  27. What is needed to determine the very narrow issue of authenticity of the video clip is expertise in forensic image authentication, which is the application of image science to discern if a questioned image or video is an accurate representation of the original data by some defined criteria.

    If that were not sufficient, then get hold of both whistle blower’s and Lingam’s mobile phone and get experts in computer forensic science to retrieve whatever data had once been processed electronically and stored in the mobile phone/cameras.

    Better still, get Lingam himself to make a cautioned statement under section 113 of Criminal Procedure Code. If he makes a false statement contradicted by forensic image authentication and forensic computer science, he could be jailed.

    So if the purpose were to authenticate the video/clip, the proper investigation should be done by a special task force of police/ACA with assistance of experts in forensic image authentication and forensic computer science.

    What could the Haidar Committee comprising 2 ex-judges and one social worker and campaigner – without a single forensic expert authenticate?

    Why is the ACA/police assisting the Haidar committee when this authentication business can be done by the police/ACA alone with help of forensic experts local or foreign?

    After all the Haidar Committee itself does not hold any claim to enquiring the larger issue of erosion of judicial independence since 1988 for the need of 2 ex judges and a social worker – and even in the hypothetical case that it does, such a task of enquiring wider into the judicial crisis is better undertaken by the Royal Commission instead of a 3 men committee chaired by man allegedly implicated in actively thwarting the 5 member Supreme Court from sitting to do justice and hear Tun Salleh Abbas’s application against his unceremonious sacking.

    (When confronted with allegations of involvement in the ignominious events in 1988, all Haidar could say was “I don’t want to enter into an argument. There is no point, there is no end to it”, which was hardly a denial). Haidar was also quoted to have said that the committee did not plan to call senior lawyer VK Lingam to appear before the panel because it was “not our role” to do so.

    This is most strange when one’s role is to determine authenticity of the video/clip and the fastest and most direct way of preliminarily doing it is to ask the one supposedly caught in the video/clip whether he was the one!

    Which is why the whole affair is turning into a farce and those who impute white-washing of the scandal may be forgiven.

    We have here a committee whose members have no special qualifications in forensics; and they have called for the assistance of police/ACA when the police/ACA by themselves should be the body competent to enquire into authenticity of video clip with assistance of forensic experts….

    Instead the police/ACA role is more of catching up and quizzing the whistleblower and Anwar Ibrahim whiklst the committee itself is making its probe without any intention of calling the major star in the drama – Lingam – in for questioning. :)

  28. Jeffrey,

    Forget it. There is no will to search for the truth. The Panel would find that there is doubt as to the authenticity of the tape. It could not be authenticated. So going by the ‘principle’ that those who allege its authenticity must prove it (rather than the other way round), the Panel would recommend no further action be taken.

  29. The next step like you said would be to disclose the identity of the maker of the Lingam Tape. This can only happen in court in the event the matter comes to court and Anwar assuming he knows the identity of the maker is asked the question?

    Anwar is not a journalist. No privilege there.

  30. My reading of what’s happening is:

    1. Incompetent PM – instead of asking his people to “get to the truth”, he directs his people to investigate the “authenticity of the tape”. The 2 are completely different things. If the tape is not authentic, just get the 2 people involved (Lingam and CJ Fairuz) to both deny it in public. Then, the tape can be sent to forensics. End of story. So, simple to solve, if there is a genuine will. Since this is not done, it’s obvious there is simply no will to “get to the truth”.

    2. Incompetent panel. Again, get the 2 people involved (Lingam and CJ Fairuz) to both deny it in public, then, send tape to forensics. So, simple!

    Conclusion: Obviously, both PM and Panel are feigning incompetency … in other words, you have a PM who is untrustworthy (besides being corrupt). Do you really want such a PM to lead the country after the next election? What’s happening to PKFZ4.6b? Sweep under carpet?

    If not, tell this story of incompetence and untrustworthiness to all your family and friends. A vote for BN in the next election is merely giving license to BN to do far bigger and far worse things in future. I dread to think of Malaysia’s future if BN continues to stay in power.

    Old observer.

  31. You see, the whole thing has a lot to do with the denial syndrome of the Bumiputra fellas. This “Lingam” Issue is not something you want to publicly deny bacause the moment you deny it, people know the truth is just the opposite. But before they even know it and before even there was a “Lingam” in our lives, many of us knew that Fairuz guy never deserves to be a Chief Justice, judging by the stupid things he said of course. How the hell he got that job if not by the “arrangement” of this Indian chap called “Lingam”. I suspect he is a friend of Samy Vellu, both are just as cunning, and both likes doing the dirty jobs and got rewarded for it.

  32. I know V.K. Lingam – and he does not need Sammy the Bull! He needed Vincent Tan at one time. Since then Vincent Tan owes him a debt of gratitude. He pocketed the top judge. The rest followed.

    V.K. Lingam is not UMNO’s lawyer. Zaki Tun Azmi recently made federal court judge is.

  33. Jeff
    Thank you so much for making the matter so clear for us.

    It seems that the panel is working under a hidden agenda to get to the whistleblower for purpose ‘we can guess but they sure won’t want us to know’ with the final goal of turning the table on Anwar.

    Oh la la la la its getting ugly!

  34. “…So if the purpose were to authenticate the video/clip, the proper investigation should be done by a special task force of police/ACA with assistance of experts in forensic image authentication and forensic computer science.

    What could the Haidar Committee comprising 2 ex-judges and one social worker and campaigner – without a single forensic expert authenticate?

    Why is the ACA/police assisting the Haidar committee when this authentication business can be done by the police/ACA alone with help of forensic experts local or foreign?…” Very good point – Jeffry.

    YB Kit, don’t just let this Najib’s 3-ment panel do as they pleased without any challenge. I suggest you work together with Anwar to forrm an alternate “Five Men Independent Panel” to prove the authenticity of the Lingam Tape. This alternate five men panel should comprise of forensic experts, experts in computer forensic science, retired judges and community leaders with impeccable characters. By setting up this trulyl independent panel you will have undisputable evidence to challenge the finding of this Najib’s 3-Men Panel. This alternate Five-Men Panel should also send a copy of the tape to a forensic lab located in USA, Uk, Canada or Germany for testing to prove its authenticity. The finding of the Five-Men Panel if corroborated by the finding of the foreign lab will expose the sham of this Najib’s 3-men panel.

  35. Panel news from Mkini:
    “Earlier, Haidar urged those with personal knowledge regarding the video clip or could help in ascertaining its authenticity to come forward.

    Another panel member, former Court of Appeal judge Mahadev Shankar said although there was no protection, witnesses should come forward “for the sake of Malaysia”.
    Honestly who in the right frame of mind will dare to step foreward before this powerless panel.

    FOR THE SAKE OF MALAYSIA, Judge Mahadev Shankar, please call on a Royal commission witout any further delay!!!!!

  36. if any of the 3 panelist have any conviction to their duties they should find that a royal commission is warranted.

    Not necessarily all 3 voice out, just a voice, any of the 3.

    Voice it out to the press it is adequate to show the nation there is some credibility left in some hidden niche.

  37. mwt Says:

    October 3rd, 2007 at 21: 34.04
    “… faced the first Protest from PKR led members demanding a Royal Commission of Inquiry & Rejecting the Independent Panel. ….

    May all member consider alternative… File a petition of non confidence & propose LKS or Anwar be in the panel … can get first hand info. as how the panel could be influence by……

    Probably we could see truth of other ” mystery”

  38. Real World, I have met alot of people that speaks loads of craps. U r unfortunately one of the few. BN can win a 2/3 majority despite winning less than 60% of the votes. What does it tell u of the election system here? It sucks down to the core. And people like you is a disgrace to people that loves to see Msia a better place to live in. People like you should go back to basics and learn the finer things in life.

  39. “Today’s BN Govt has Tun Dr Mahathir to thank for. The mandate was given by the rakyat in their eagerness and haste to get rid of TDM, had enough of him for 22 years!” – Jong

    Brother, what about Machap & Ijok? How come the rakyat didnt throw their lot behind DAP & PKR if what you say is so very true??

  40. “Sometimes you wonder how these people can go to bed each night without their conscience weighing on their minds.” – Godfather

    When you insulted the religion of another recently, what about your conscience?

  41. RealWorld, alot of your species are staying in Ijok and Machap. Species that are contended with living their lives the way it is now and comparing how life is so much better vs Sudan. Or you’re just another of those who are sooooooo scared of BN intimidaiton that you vote for them. Take your pick. But anyway I am not sure if you’re the age of voting. Cause you sound suspiciously young and immature.

  42. We should not bother responding to a supporter of thieves and crooks like RealWorld. Let him drive around in his BMW with his dark sunglasses and sing his praises of his UMNO masters.


  43. ” .. alot of your species are staying in Ijok and Machap. Species that are contended with living their lives the way it is now and comparing how life is so much better vs Sudan.” – cheeyong

    “Species”?? Just because you lot lost in Ijok and Machap, you are now calling the peaceful residents there names!? Thats low, my friend. Insult the rakyat when you are defeated, very mature indeed.

    Stop throwing all your toys out of your pram and start acting your age rather than the size of your shoe.

  44. Godfather, of course you are unable to respond especially after your insults on another religion.

    For someone who see himself as a Rottweiler, I must say Godfather you brought shame to that breed as well.

  45. Whatever we have benefitted from all the doings or taken as opportunities together with the nation growth, we still have a price to pay for everything that we owned now.
    As we would like to bring out our own opinion over this country future, everyone truly gained something out of everything this country offered. Some did struggle whilst some just be there and reap the fruits.
    Those involved in the scam from early stages until today are the very same people that we somehow (once) supported them for their vision. To some of us, we are blinded by their speeches and actions.
    The damages done to this country future is like what is currently happening to our world ozone layer. Whilst we have seen enough good things happening around us, there are equally ‘concerned’ things that are creeping up from behind us too.
    Our moral, our culture, our security, our health and more are facing uphill challenges each day. There are many areas that we failed to addresses them in the past that eventually grown into a mega public issue.
    Some of us like to thank someone in bringing positive changes to this country and yet knew the cost that we and our young geberations are bearing for.
    Some of us like to closed one eye and pretend everything is fine and better than nothing at all attitude.
    For whatever stands that all of us chosen today, the price to pay is still the same.
    Be it good or bad to one individual, your turn to pay is up today.

  46. OOOOO Real World didnt noe you r Mr Sensitive. Did I touch your raw nerve? Go cry a bucket. Everything will be okay aft that. As for Ijok and Machap lost, no shocker isnt it? Intimidation, throwing $$$ by BN, your species, and I say it again are just like kids. Its like giving candies to kids. You are so easy

  47. RealWorld, maybe all these are too high level for you to comprehend. How about the recent UPSR kertas bocor incident highlighted by TV3 recently. Think you can relate better this incident. Take it as BN is the cheater here. Feeling sore if you’re on the opposite side?Knowing someone else has the UPSR questions before hand and you dont? So hope you did well in your UPSR.

  48. cheeyong,

    If what you say is true about these abuses, how come in all the previous GEs, the rakyat’s choice has always been BN? 91% mandate the last time round, remember?

    My boy, you can say whatever level is suitable for me till the cows all comes home, but the reality is that come the next GE, BN is going to win big. And you can retreat to your room and sulk all you want. :)

    Look at that petition thingy, only about 1700 signatures so far. Am sure you are ‘high level’ enough to do the maths, right? :)

    Today is a lovely day!

  49. Well RealWorld, you just talk based on your fav year when the feel good PM Badawi was full of promises. Why dont you talk about the year when BN only garner 54% of the majority vote and yet win 2/3 of the Parliment?

    You do your maths on the fairness here. Well bout the petition, there are many out there. So if you use petition as a gauge of electoral support, we might as well use petition to decide the next govt……..

    Real World, first of all you’re full of crap but I forgive you since your political thinking is flawed due to your immaturity. And siknce you’re so confident of Pak Lah winning BIG again, we’ll see where you will hide your head if the majoirty this time is lower.

  50. cheeyong,

    What in the world is “siknce”!? I can definitely see your maturity, dude. :)

    And on your rationale about the petition, if there are many out there as you claimed, how come the number is still a miserable 1800+-??? Where is that massive and overwhelming support to revamp the judiciary??? Where is that 5000 magic number?

    And dude, it is majority not ‘majoirty’!! Apa la. :)

  51. OOOO realworld is trying to use his English vocab in good use. I applaud him for that. I am sure his cikgu will be proud of his progress.

    Hey kiddo, I let you in a secret okay? You and your BN master can believe that only 1.8k + plus of ppl is asking for a revamp in judiciary :) Cause its good you feel that way. Cause only losers that rest on their laurels ends up not achieving their desired result.

    And oh by the way, you’re a shame lah to get spoon fed by the govt while others need to work hard for their fair share of success. BE ashamed of yourself, if you were born in South Korea or some other countries where people compete equally, think you’ll be last in the pack.

  52. C’mon guys, a clown like RealWorld can afford to fly to London to watch a soccer game, can afford to tour South Africa, drives a Bentley, wears dark sunglasses – and you think he will not defend his UMNO masters to the end ?

    Once a poodle, always a poodle.

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