Sub-marginalisation of KDM — rejection of bumiputra status of Sino Kadazandusuns with Chinese surnames

It was only two weeks ago that the people of Sabah celebrated the 44th Malaysia Day on September 16 under protest — as the significance of the formation of Malaysia on that date had been virtually ignored in the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations resulting in a renewed call for Sept. 16 to be declared a national holiday to be an annual reminder to all Malaysians throughout the country of its meaning and importance.

However there had been no lack of somber reminders to Sabahans and Malaysians in recent months that in many important aspects, the clock of national integration and nation-building had gone backwards instead of striking boldly forward to create an united, vibrant, progressive and harmonious Bangsa Malaysia.

Only this month, it surfaced that there is not only the phenomenon of the marginalization of the Kadazandusun-Murut (KDM) community in Sabah, which I had highlighted in Parliament, but there is also the sub-marginalisation of the KDM when Sino-Kadazandusuns with Chinese surnames suffer a new discrimination when they are rejected from investing in Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB) schemes.

ASNB had announced that the applications by at least 100 persons of Sino Kadazan descent to invest in ASNB were rejected as they could not produce a native certificate.

Section 2(1)(b) of the Interpretation (Definition of Native) Ordinance under the laws of Sabah cannot be clearer that a Sino Kadazandusun is a bumiputra, as it states that a Native is any person ordinarily resident in Sabah and being and living as a member of a native community, one at least of whose parents or ancestors is or was a native.

Sino Kadazandusuns are outraged at the ASNB rejection of their birth certificate officially stating the identity and status of one of their parents as a native and requiring them to get a Native Certificate when for over 23 years the Sabah State Government had imposed a freeze order on the Native Court system on the issuance of Native Certificates.

At a time when the government is publicly talking about introducing a more efficient and people-oriented public service delivery system, there are increasing instances of new-fangled bureaucracies and red-tapes flying in the face of common sense and logic as well as causing unnecessary frustrations and hardships among the people.

The marginalization and sub-marginalisation of the KDM community in Sabah must stop.

If this issue is not immediately resolved and Sino Kadazandusuns given full recognition of their rights as Sabah Natives in accordance with Sabah customs and law, DAP MPs will take up the issue in Parliament when it reconvenes after the current recess on Oct. 22.

When this happens, I hope that all Sabah Members of Parliament regardless of race, religion or political party, will stand up with the DAP MPs on a common cause to end the marginalisation and sub-marginalisation of the KDM community in Sabah.

(Media Conference Statement 3 in Tawau on Sunday, 30th September 2007)


58 Replies to “Sub-marginalisation of KDM — rejection of bumiputra status of Sino Kadazandusuns with Chinese surnames”

  1. UMNO is changing and trying to maintain Ketuanan Melayu even among Bumiputras in Sabah and Sarawak. The massage in RTM and TVs conveyed is that Malaysia is Ketuanan Melayu and other Bumiputra must also toe the line. The Bumiputras in Sabah and Sawarak were under the colonial rule by the British and now may not be colonial rule but rule by others. When you see any international events, Bumiputra culture from Sawarak and Sabah are not prominently displayand on par with Ketuanan Melayu. There is hardly any text book history on them.

  2. This is the Malaysian Way. It’s a slightly different version from that of Frank Sinatra. The lyrics start off the same though: “And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain….”

  3. Ha ha ha, at the expense of hurting others just wanted to say that the KDM called it upon themselves when they voted for BN. Same with the rest of Malaysians elsewhere!

    Hopefully they vote wiser in future!

    DAP should field good candidates in Sabah and should be able to do well there.

    Field a good Professional candidate and perhaps even a Woman in Kinabatangan and see what happens.

  4. A Woman in Kinabatangan will always bocor, so Bung ‘Bocor’ Mokhtar will win hands down. On the other hand, a male orangutan will stand a much better chance against Bung. Lots of orangutans in the Sabah jungles. If not, can borrow one from the zoo

  5. These clueless BN cronies are using the Ketuanan Melayu to get support form the majority. The smart Malays know this but the majority (especially those in rural areas) will be swayed by these cheap tricks and vote blindly.

    My smart Malay friends are already fed up with these BN faggots and want a change as they know too well that continued support for these idiots will result in doom for our beloved country.

  6. “ASNB had announced that the applications by at least 100 persons of Sino Kadazan descent to invest in ASNB were rejected as they could not produce a native certificate.”

    Why invest in ASNB? DAP should offered KDM a better investment opportunity elsewhere like certain funds in Singapore. Stable, realistic and profitable.

  7. SOS. We have a racist government.
    AAB, pls help, KJ Help, Najib help. help us pls Samy, OKT, Hisapngorlin, pls help us and get lost. Bangsa Malaysia would be most grateful to you all. Don’t forget to take along all your monkeys as well.

  8. Whichever date we want to remember to celebrate as national days is immaterial. What is material is that after 50 years of independence or 44 years of formation of Malaysia, we are still talking about and facing the more and more extreme racially biased policies, emanating incessantly from the racially controlled party that formed the government since independence or since the formation of Malaysia.

    That is a real shame and sadness indeed, when we are still talking certain race are still lagging in the economic sphere when the independent statistics that shows otherwise were muffled immediately.

  9. DAP Perak Solidarity Dinner

    Date: 05 Octember 2007 (Fri)
    Time: 7.30pm
    Venue: Restaurant Florex, Ipoh
    Speaker: Sdr Lim Guan Eng, Sdr Lim Kit Siang, Sdr Ngeh Koo Ham, Sdr M Kula Segaran, Sdr Nga Kor Ming.

    Enquiries, call 05-2531532

    Yeah, right, whenever that is.

  10. //This is the Malaysian Way. It’s a slightly different version from that of Frank Sinatra. The lyrics start off the same though: “And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain….” – Godfather.

    No wonder the favourite song of TDM!

  11. That is why I don’t understand these people. You can’t take wealth to the herafter. It is not as if you could induce the Maker give you a better record by giving a handsome bribe! You leave behind for wife/mistresses and children or maybe siblings who benefit from the largese but don’t know whether their character benefits. Say what you like, one however breaks the poverty cycle and I suppose it is natural/human to be comforted when the curtain falls that whatever of one’s genes pumped into the future, they – the children, grandchildren, great grand children and so on -would, hopefully, forever be surrounded by bountiful harvest and never have to suffer deprivation to eke a leaving by running a mamak stall, selling curry puffs and nasi lemak or in Shakespeare’s word in Hamlet, “suffering the stings and arrows of outrageous fortunes”. That’s the closest we can get to immortality – living vicariously through our rich descendants.

  12. When a person is corrupted and obsessed with power, there is never enough.

    And don’t expect their proteges to break out of the mould.
    The NEP combined with the religion compulsion during intermarriages has created a system that is almost a Perpetual Motion Machine that will Never End.

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! But the burden gets heavier as the % of persons dependent on preferential treatment increases! So keep it up umno. Lets see when the bubble bursts!

    Malay women outnumber men in universities because the men are chasing the umno dream of gaining wealth without hard work. Well keep on doing that. That only makes it easier for the non-malays!

    And as the malays get weaker and weaker, they will have umno fighting for their rights! Way to go umno! The Malay Dream! Sorry couldn’t find anything better to equate with teh phrase “The American Dream”.

    So tell me again, who is the one who really cares about the well being of the malays?….I forget…….

  14. It is being 50 years and yet there is discrimination among citizens who were born and bred in this nation.

    Guess this is Malaysian way!! Something alien in other nations.

    Can something be done about that LKS? I think it is time to lift the curtain of protection and insecurity over the Malays. Liberate them. Malays have proven their worth to withstand in a competitive world. It is not necessary to be overprotective. It will only have a crippling effect.

    The other bumiputras ie the natives and the kadazans, dusun, iban and the rest in Sabah and Sarawak should be taken care off even more.

    There are also the very poor among the Indians and Chinese. Can they be given special privileges too? The merit system should be introduced and abolish all prejudices. This would give a fair fight and force the Malays too to work harder. The spoon feeding should come to an end.

  15. When I say Khairy Jammaluddin protesting against the Burmese Junta and yet he is the biggest inheritor of the discrimination system in this country, it makes me vomit.

    KJ has any guts he go to Burma and take up arms. Yuppie hypocritic parasite is what he is…

  16. “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Temberang – the slogan of thieves and their blind supporters.” – Godfather

    Agama orang pun boleh hentam – the battle cry of mongs in the Opposition camp

    Godfather, seriously dude, please don’t take this the wrong way but shouldn’t you be locked up in a cell heavily sedated with a comfort blanket and a nice 18 stone male physchiatric nurse bringing you tea whilst patting you on the head and cooing gently? :)

  17. I always found things are amazing whenever BN government parties staged a street protest, they are given special treatments from law enforcers and media.
    Are these law enforcers act as bodyguards to them or checking out the level of these protesting events like the one in East Coast ?
    Media only show certain character and their actions, is that for publicities or showing the reason of the protesting ??

  18. As for Sarawak and Sabah , damage been done …
    It’s no point to cry over spilled milk here ..
    Only thing to witness from here is the raising of their people to defend their human rights against government graft and fancies.
    Whatever have lost … lost in good faith ..
    Whatever tomorrow can brings ..lies in the hand of the people in both state to decide…
    God Bless

  19. RealWorld, I’ve been waiting patiently for you and your masters to make a high profile report to the Dang Wangi police station. I guess you guys are nothing more than two-faced dumbos – so thick-skinned over the scandals and theft, but so thin-skinned over non-pressing matters.

    Go back to your tempurung. Kita ada HAD, kita mesti ada HARI.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Sleeping Beauty, 2006.

  20. “I’ve been waiting patiently for you and your masters to make a high profile report to the Dang Wangi police station.” – Godfather

    Ok, let me explain this step by step to you.

    Firstly, there is no need to make ‘a high profile’ police report. We are only dealing with a mong here. You dont need to use a machine gun to remove a fly. And we are talking about a half baked, washed out, wanna be politician of a fly here.

    Secondly, your insulting statement on Islam has already done the damage. You will see the damage when the results in the next GE are announced. Come to think of it, you have done us all a massive favour as you finally exposed DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia.

    And thirdy, if you think your insult on Islam is a ‘non-pressing’ matter, I again thank you for you have undone all the work by Kit, Guan Eng etc.


  21. “Boo Hoo Hoo, I have insulted UMNO…tsk…tsk….tsk….the thin-skinned UMNOputras are crying foul now.” – Godfather

    If you think so, I be happy for you. :)

  22. “We are not in the business of cheating the people but we are in the business of swindling the people”. See, we don’t cheat but we swindle…there’s a hell of a difference between cheating and swindling

    the sleeping conman

  23. I don’t think the Indonesians and Thai muslims could produce a native certificate when they were given the Mycard and bumiputra status.

    The stupid UMNO government is just trying to increase the number of muslim bumiputra so that they can stay dominant.

  24. “Seriously, dude, don’t take this the wrong way, but we do like the humour that your UMNO masters have been providing to the public in recent months.” – Godfather

    Ohhh… must have touched a raw nerve. :)
    How’s that comfort blanket?

  25. Dude:

    Take a cue from the UMNO mouthpiece, the NST, of today. Read the editorial opinion. Its heading says “It is criminal to steal”. And if you don’t go after those who steal and instead try to cover up the misdeeds of the thieves, that makes you an accessory to the theft.


  26. Dude,

    Empty allegations all you got there? You been thumping your chest like some ape on heat ranting about stealing and thieving etc, where is the proof, dude?? You need to provide the proof la, not your usual empty tirade of petty insults.

  27. hmmmmmmmmm what about the recently released auditor general’s report?

    To waste and even squander rakyat’s money is not only negligent it is dereliction of duty. Such people should be sacked for the good of the country.

    What about all the ones that go unreported? Such as the government buying weapons through some small company whuch definately cannot pay the billions it would cost for the equipment?
    Why is it not a government deal directly? Why the need to pay commissions? Who gets this commission?

    The RM3 million given to each umno division……….RAKYAT’s money…sudah lesap………….any accounting done for this or its an official bribe?

  28. “Please retreat to your tempurung and put on your sunglasses. it’s a bright world outside.” – Godfather

    Sadly the world is filled with bigots like you who freely insult the religion of others.

  29. Idiots like RealWorld wear dark sunglasses, drive BMWs, and pretend that nothing of the sort ever happened. No stealing of public money, no lying, no cheating….after all, monkeys like Mat Said, Zakaria Mat Deros were never prosecuted, so they must be innocent. The Fat Lady was never prosecuted for giving APs to UMNOputras, but she is innocent. Concessions were given to UMNOputras to label medicine and liquor, so now we might as well have a concession to label the air we breathe. Nothing wrong with that.

    Like I said, put on your dark sunglasses, since it is extremely bright outside, and I don’t want your eyes to be hurt.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” Sleeping Beauty, 2006

  30. “Idiots like RealWorld wear dark sunglasses, drive BMWs, and pretend that nothing of the sort ever happened.” – Godfather

    Dude, I dont drive a BMW … but I do own a Bentley (are you gonna say that I plundered the nation’s wealth?).

    Very simple actually, if what you have been ranting about is true, how come BN was not voted out long, long time ago? Didnt we obtained 91% the last time round?

    What do you lot in the Opposition have to offer to the rakyat other than the name calling and petty insults? Your insult on another religion???? PKR DAP PAS have nothing but a flimsy so called half cooked marriage. What Msian Malaysia are you talking about when you insulted the religion of another? Where is that mutual respect / tolerance?

    Who is looking more like an idiot now, dude?

  31. too darn bad for sabahn & sarawakian (their forefathers never looking far enough when forming this crap Malay-Sia) Look at Brunei & Singapore now!

    No words, no shi@ or no anything we all can do to change the whole episod (unless sabah & sarawak becoming like Timur Leste). Even we all talk about is gazzilion time on this net. The situation still the same.

    The only thing that we can do is change ourselves internally (our mindset) & teach our children (sabahan & sarawakian children) to the best & not depending on this corrupt government all the time. Work smartly & think smartly. Don’t emulate our corrupt MPs.

    The only thing left on earth, when we all dead shi* is HOW WE CONTRIBUTE & HELP OTHERS on achieving goodness in this world.

    Ye Pei Ka Yeh

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