Zam is a disgrace to Malaysia – handicapped by his chauvinistic mindset from becoming a full Malaysian

Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin is a disgrace to Malaysian nation-building on her 50th Merdeka anniversary, a Minister who is handicapped by his narrow-minded thinking from becoming a full Malaysian, constantly playing the communal drum to turn every issue including human rights, corruption and justice into a racial one.

This is the Bernama report of Zainuddin’s remarks attacking the DAP in Sungai Petani yesterday:

Zainuddin said many of the party’s statements seemed to be aimed at eroding public confidence in the police force, besides taking a swipe at the Malays by connecting police with the Malay community.

“As most of the police personnel are Malays, any action taken in a case is seen by the DAP as the use of Malay power over the non-Malays,” he said in reference to several rape and corruption cases highlighted by the DAP.

It is sad and tragic that although Malaysia has just celebrated 50 years of independent nationhood, there are still people occupying positions of power in government who have not kept abreast with the evolution of Malaysian identity and consciousness but continue to cling to their chauvinist mindset, seeing everything through the communal prism.

A quarter of a century ago, when I spoke up against the biggest financial scandal in the nation’s history, the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal, I was charged of being anti-Malay with the accusers completely ignoring the cold-blooded murder in Hong Kong of a young and promising Malay accountant Jalil Ibrahim, who was the Assistant General Manager of BMF.

Just like the late Tan Sri Ahmad Nordin, who chaired a three-man Commission of Inquiry into the BMF scandal, the question of race never passed my mind but only accountability, transparency and integrity for the RM2.5 billion public funds and justice for the murdered Jalil Ibrahim when I pursued the BMF scandal both inside and out of Parliament.

When I read Zainuddin’s fulminations, I felt not only shock, outrage but also a deep sense of shame that Malaysian nation-building had been so unsuccessful that on Malaysia’s 50th Merdeka anniversary, there is still a Cabinet Minister who is so handicapped by his narrow-minded thinking that he cannot grow up to be a full Malaysian as he sees everything through the communal prism.

I make no apology, both in and out of Parliament, in taking a strong stand for the restoration of the fundamental rights of Malaysians to be free from crime and the fear of crime, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their homes, because of the unchecked crime waves in the country.

The prevalent fear of crime felt by ordinary Malaysians is tragically summed up by the heading of a “Letter to the Editor” to the Star yesterday — “Not safe at home, not safe to go out”!

Zainuddin would not understand such fear felt by ordinary Malaysians about their personal safety and those of their loved ones while going about their ordinary lives because he has the full 24/7 police protection as Cabinet Minister.

But he should know that he cannot have lifelong protection as he will have to step down as Cabinet Minister — sooner than later — and he will then be as vulnerable to the rising crime wave as any ordinary Malaysian, as many VIPs have found out, including former Cabinet Ministers, former Inspectors-General of Police and even the former Yang di Pertua of Sarawak.

The heinous rape-murder perpetrated on eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin is a reminder that crime knows no race and it is a great national disservice for any leader, let alone a Cabinet Minister, to give it a communal twist.

The Cabinet should censure Zainuddin for such rank chauvinism, trying to twist and distort the campaign for an efficient, incorruptible, professional, world-class police service to keep crime and corruption low — the objectives the Royal Police Commission established by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi — into a communal issue when the victims of crime come from all races.

Just as race had never entered into my mind when I consistently advocated increased pay and improved service conditions for the police, I will continue to demand a more efficient police force capable of ensuring a low crime rate in the country not on any grounds of race but because it is the fundamental right of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, gender or age!


78 Replies to “Zam is a disgrace to Malaysia – handicapped by his chauvinistic mindset from becoming a full Malaysian”

  1. Ahhh yoii.. This Maidin guy is a Mamak by shouting and making so much noise he is trying to show people in UMNO that is a Malay.Just like the duck who crows every morning trying to bluff the farmer in thinking that it is a chiken.

    But as far as People in UMNO are concern you will always be a Mamak a third class citizen just like the Chiness,indians and the rest of the lain lain.

  2. Its so sad. It just takes mindless people like “ZAM” to instigate & provoke racial disharmony. How he connects a voice of being seriously concern over our nation’s policing to being a voice against our fellow Malay friends is most disgusting!The nation should be ashamed of having an Information Minister of this calibre.

    The fact is in Malaysia,there are good Chinese & bad Chinese; there are good Indians & bad Indians; there are good Malays & bad Malays. If we care to open our eyes they are good people & bad people out of every race in the whole wide world. For that matter rich and poor people!

    The saddest fact of all is when we allow the bad people “Chinese,Indian,Malay or whoever” to run our country.

    Malaysia of all races should be united together against such people who try to create racial discourse.

    Or is this just another of those “attention divertion” trick? Like 2 persons now under ACA investigation for having more than 10million ( what about those having 100millions? 1Billion?) and 2 cops got fired for having 2 wives etc…

    Focus on “Mongolian submarine” & PKFZ4.6B. The “Lingamgate” is a rare catch.

    The fact that our PM having break fast with CJ 2 days in a roll only points to serious internal problem within their den.

    What a saga! What a laughing stock we have made ourselves to the world!

  3. This mamak is absolutely disgusting. Character of the lowest level. It is an undenialable fact that the police is mainly malay and corrupted as confirmed by TUn hanif Omar. Is it a coincidence? Mamak is playing racial politics. Does it mean that nothing should be done to the police force since it is predominantly malay even if its corrputed? What a stupid mamak.

  4. YB Kit, I agree fully with you that this sycophant of a Information Minister is out to score points with GE around the corner. Let’s see if PM and DPM walk the talk to censure this nincompoop for delving in racial politics.
    The Cabinet Ministers can help falling over one another to out do themselves as court jesters!


  5. Sir, it’s obvious that the racist mind is present in Zam himself. It’s so appalling that a Malaysian MINISTER can stoop to this level but that speaks volumes for the mentality of the electorate itself.

    Forget these people and focus on social action. Let the people see that DAP is NOT a racist party.

  6. This mamak is stirring up racial issue and a cabinet menteri, is just malu-lah. Maybe he does’nt know the meaning MALU.

    True, as what badak said, he is like a duck crowing every morning trying to tipu the farmer…………low class citizen!!

  7. The information minister had given many statements and opinion now and the past with racial connotations that were racially insensitive to other races than his. Indeed he is not only chauvinisted but shallow and myopic as a minister. Sometimes we fail to understand how many of the Malaysian ministers came to be appointed because many of them are of poor quality and lack visions and magnamity. They live only in their own racial cocoon.

  8. “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.” – Godfather

    Take a look at the above statement by Godfather.

    If so many of you think that Zam is bad, what about the above statement by Godfather?

  9. The star did not report it in that manner. It was watered down i guess. However, I still felt that the ministers comments were in poor taste.

    This shows the umno mentality that does not welcome any comments or criticism or even any points of correction. They believe in the katak di bawah tempurung and jaguh kampung philosophies. So be it.

    Lets work together to remove all these ketua kampungs and send them back where they belong.

  10. Real…..get Real……….

    I dont see his statement anywhere above.

    But even if it was there, what he is saying is why is the Pm who shouts from the roof tops about the greatness of Islam Hadhari, not doing anything about the many problems the nation is facing?

    To continue, so what then is so great about Hadhari if, the corrupt get away scot free, poor selections for IGP and CJ. And they get extended too, despite their poor records…..should a CJ be caught lying in public?

    What is teh PM, who extols Hadhari doing about all of this?

    Oh….itu saya tak tahu…………and nods off………zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. mamak zam, don’t try to stir up racial sentiment. Melayu tulin did not see it the way you do. They are more understanding than you.
    Don’t think that the Malays are easily taken in by your empty talk!!!

  12. If we are given a chance to write an annual confidential report on our bosses, my comments on Dato’ Zainuddin is that he is better suited to being a political spokesman to the government. He had a background of being a journalist once upon a donkey time ago. So that would be his speciality. He does show and prove himself to be a loyal supporter of UMNO. No doubt about it. All that he says are directly from the ruling political party.

    As for the PDRM, it is a disgrace itself because if anyone has any experience with these people, they would know first hand that before they handle a case, they would ask what race is that. If it is Chinese, go to your own Chinese community leaders to solve the cases. Then, what is PDRM for ? It is one thing to swing their nice PDRM cars about but it is another to use their cars to solve cases.

  13. Dear lakshy,


    You are sounding below pathetic in your effort to cover Godfather. Godfather’s mindless statement “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves” not only insulted the religion but accused those of the said faith of being thieves as well.

    Your “To continue, so what then is so great about Hadhari if, the corrupt get away scot free, poor selections for IGP and CJ” either tells me you are naived or thicked. If we go on your rationale, can we blame a particular religion in the US for the high crime rate there?

    Here you shoot Zam for his chauvinistic views , but when it comes to one of your own, it is a different set of standards. So much about your so called justice, equality, rule of law and that wishy washy Msian Malaysia.

    If your commitment to a Malaysian Malaysia is true, then idiotic and insensitive remarks uttered by a mong like Godfather shall not be tolerated.

  14. the nuts out there should decide once and for all whether this country belongs to malays or malaysians….

    if this is a malay-land, ok…., if the sarawakians, the sabahans agree then categorically announce it to the world and stop all advertising activities that malaysia is a multi-racial country and then you can, i mean the malay government can initiate a project to sytematically send back all the parasitic immigrants…..

    what i cannot tahan is the barking sounds of some 2nd generation pakis and indons representing the ‘tolerant’ malays in asking a 5th generation indians or chinese to go back to where we belong.

    stop being a hero to malays to be a traitor of malaysians.

    this is malaysia and we are malaysian…. stop confusing the rakyat!!!!!

  15. Realworld wrote:

    “So much about your so called justice, equality, rule of law and that wishy washy Msian Malaysia.”

    What is so “wishy washy” about a Malaysian Malaysia?

    You got a problem with that, umno cybertrooper?

  16. Their brain is just the size of peanut. We have few ministers having similar problem. Imagine these are the leaders that talked nonsense what will happen to Malaysia if they continue to lead this country. Please vote them out, the coming GE is do or die for Malaysians to stay alive. We must deny BN 2/3 majority or else a much bigger problem will happen in Malaysia, by then eveyone will regret and will be too late .

  17. Zam is like the Information Minister of Iraq during the Iraq war with the Coalition. When the Coalition is defeating the Iraq army, the Information Minister of Iraq kept saying the opposite. All the world is laughing at him for his stupidity. Same as our Zam. The world is laughing at him for his stupid remarks.

  18. But sadly Zamban didnt equate the rot of the parlaiment to UMNO who incidentally consists of Malays. Who were the ones that shouted “kalau tak suka keluar dari Msia”. WHo were the ones that raised keris? Who was it that shouted “BOdoh, Bodoh”? WHO was it that told of a good joke regarding “leakages”? The list goes on and on.

    COme on Zamban, try harder!

  19. RealWorld Says:

    September 23rd, 2007 at 19: 00.19
    “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.” – Godfather

    Take a look at the above statement by Godfather.

    If so many of you think that Zam is bad, what about the above statement by Godfather?


    Zam is the information minister of Malaysia and he made those statements to the newspaper. Godfather is an active participant in this forum. I won’t go so far as to give equal weighting to the comments made by both. Besides, even if Godfather’s statement is bad, does it make Zam’s comments any less worse?

  20. Real,

    Dont keep harping on the same point. You sound like a broken record.

    If he made the comment in another thread, pursue it there. Dont distract people here.

    And dont mislead people with your infantile interpretations….but then I forget you are an ardent supporter of our Mis-Information Minister! You want to mis-inform others too?

    Godfather has not hit at Islam, but you have by equating Hadhari with Islam. Islam as extolled in the Quran is complete. There is no reference to Hadhari in it whatsoever. It goes against the principles of Islam to start a new line such as Hadhari!

    The recent changes made to Syariah family law about division of property, goes against what is said in the Quran. So if Hadhari supports that, isn’t it unislamic? The Quran does not allow the man to get his hands on what he has given his wife, but the recent amendment in our Syariah family law allows it………and you call this Islamic?

    It is an insult to the greatness of Islam.

    The Quran does not allow for discrimination based on race or Religion, but Malaysia has this. But of course if you live in the state of Denial, you wont agree with me. So is this Hadhari, or is it being Islamic?

    How can Malaysia claim to be an Islamic state when it does not promote and practise what the Quran teaches? Instead it practices what it selectively wants to…and claims that to be Islamic.

  21. Real,

    I am impressed that you can say that Maideen’s views are chauvinistic. COming from you, that is Real good, or a slip of teh tongue…………

    Maideen’s comments were probably due to his frustrations. As the Mis-Information Minister, he is doing an atrocious job. He cant sell his propaganda widely despite control over all the normal presses. What an utter shame!

    The cracks are showing due to people like RPK and LKS and many other blogs. And many of us who forward these messages all over are causing him great stress. He may not be able to keep his job going forward. Hence his distress! Does he care about the nation?

    I dont think so.

    When we have major scandals, some other news is given priority to cloud the matter…………..aiyoh any small kid also can see through this caper.

  22. A stupid guy calling himself “RealWorld”, but he can’t differentiate between the original Islam & the fake Islam which only thieves and bandits preaching it.
    (and as we all expected, this stupid guy will say later -> name-calling again, eh?) & and i will answer this stupid guy -> cannot name-calling you, ah?

    Sienzzzz. Entertaining this 手下败将 is really a waste of my time. But once in a while whacking him is quite enjoyable too.

  23. This is the Ketuanan Melayu thingy. They can criticize, we can’t. They can call us names, but we can’t call them names. They can commit crimes, but when we expose them, they say “so what?”. We are committed to regime change, they say the Opposition can’t do any better in the corruption stakes.

    Their wish is for us to leave the country so that they can continue to steal without recriminations, so that they can grow fat without any serious effort.

  24. There is much to be feared by BN because lots of problems are showing up just as the GE is coming and those issues – price hikes, judicial rot, corruption (PKFZ, e-kesihatan), race (pig farming among others), hitting home hard.

    If Dr. M should also hmm… move on…, then it will throw the whole GE up in the air again.

    Its no wonder Badawi is considering postphoning the GE. I don’t think its clear it will be soon but it cannot be delayed too far or a possible recession would make it worst for him later..

  25. “A stupid guy calling himself “RealWorld”, but he can’t differentiate between the original Islam & the fake Islam which only thieves and bandits preaching it.” – devilmaster

    And look what the cat dragged in? Another tosser. Talking about stupid guy, I recalled your baseless allegation that I plundered the nation’s wealth. And till today, you have yet to furnish the proof.

    Dude, you are a DAP member and the least you can do is to bring facts to the table. Dont run your mouth off without thinking first.

  26. “Dont run your mouth off without thinking first.”

    This is absolutely strange coming from an UMNOputra who worships people like Zainuddeen Maideen and Nazri Aziz, whose mouths are always ahead of their brains.

  27. lakshy,

    My dear where is it that I said Maideen’s views are chauvinistic? :( I am indeed puzzled here. Or are you on some form of designer drugs now, eh?

    Anyway, a half decent effort to divert attention. Comical but not bad.

  28. “This is absolutely strange coming from an UMNOputra who worships people like Zainuddeen Maideen and Nazri Aziz, whose mouths are always ahead of their brains.” – Godfather

    Another no brainer from a typical model Opposition supporter. :)

    Godfather, thanks dude for laying out all of DAP’s cards.

  29. “Sienzzzz. Entertaining this 手下败将 is really a waste of my time. But once in a while whacking him is quite enjoyable too.” – devilmaster

    Well then, why dont you either go back running with your tail behind your legs to your bosses in the DAP or to that dead beat blog of yours. I can see the huge amount of traffic it is generating. :)

  30. “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.” – Godfather

    Thank you for finally showing the real face of the Opposition.

    How can the rakyat trust the Opposition when they are certain factions who freely insult the religion of another? How can DAP PAS PKR govern the country when there are no tolerence? No wonder despite that Msian Malaysia thingy, there a no or very few malays/indians in the DAP. It is all just a wayang kulit aje.

    Many thanks to Godfather for finally sticking his head out. We finally see the true colours of the chameleon.

  31. “Our agenda is to make sure more and more people are aware of the new BN slogan of “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Temberang”. – Godfather

    And by making people be aware, you have no hesitation to bring in religion and then issue insulting comments to it?

  32. Show the statistic comparing world benchmark….

    Politician always… always shy away from the fact.. talking w/o figure… judging based on own imagination….compare with self created benchmark…Those crazy ” ILLUSIONIST”, ” LIAR ” …” IDIOT “….

    Might be one shall think of a “method ” as how to beat the trick of David Copperfield.. so … can beat those low class ” Magician”….

  33. This Minister of Misinformation is most disgraceful for playing the race card again.

    With 40% of police affected by corruption, directly or indirectly, any reasoanble person would have concluded there are a serious problems with the force.

    Continue to mislead the ordinary people for narrow and damaging political agenda will destroy the country.

  34. Zam is just a typical example of the 1/2 six ‘kitchen cabinet’.So what can we expect from a fellow like him?Does this chap ever worries about the future of the nation ? Or he is just one of the guys hitching a ride to stinking wealth and cheap fame.

  35. This ugly duckling(mamak) trying to be a swan(Malay) by championing Malay interest in order to ingratiate himself to the Malays to support his UMNO political ambitions is prepared to play to communal interest to achieve his aims.

    He is also trying to garner support of the PDRM as both a large voting bloc and also in case he has any skeletons in his closet. The critcism of the PDRM is as an institution that failed in its duty to protect the public and not as the largely Malay composition of the PDRM. It is in his own twisted mind that sees a ghost in every shadow that he arrives at this perverted conclusion of his own. But sadly, his UMNO masters will keep him because he serves a useful purpose as a punching bag for the public when UMNO has to deal with difficult issues.

  36. Don’t worry about BN or another mamak trying to be PM!

    Increasing political awareness of Non Malays and fair minded Malays will ensure a check and balance is in place to protect the country and her ordinary people.

  37. Let,s see hear if you not a muslim lets not talk about the religion,Because its sensertive ,Is ISLAM a religion that is so fragile that even talking about is a taboo.Whenever ISLAM is brought up by the other races UMNO led goverment will shout sensertive ,BUT sensertive to who.

    Why do the Chiness and Indian stop sending their kids to National type schools.Its because every thing is link to Islam.None Muslim students are even not allowed to bring cooked food to school ..Why

  38. Respect religion………….

    what religion? when temples and churches are being torn down by the dozens? when roadside mamak shops operates without permits.

    respect religion, what religion?

    talk religion i oso can cyberscum

  39. Ha ha ha, Realworld scared huh of your faus pax?

    Here I quote you from above

    Here you shoot Zam for his chauvinistic views , but when it comes to one of your own, it is a different set of standards. So much about your so called justice, equality, rule of law and that wishy washy Msian Malaysia.

    The abusive language from you to try to provoke others is surely a diversionary tactic. Just scroll up and read what you said before trying to deny it again.

    Well girl, I guess you are in trouble with your masters now huh?

    Ha ha ha!

  40. Lets not get angry with REALWORLD he only cari makan,if his a real cybertrooper then we know that BN is scared of this blog.

    We must be kind to him because he is living in a dream world.He is so blind that he cant see the shit that the BN goverment is dishing out to all Malaysian.

  41. Real,

    Answer this:-

    “The recent changes made to Syariah family law about division of property, goes against what is said in the Quran. So if Hadhari supports that, isn’t it unislamic? The Quran does not allow the man to get his hands on what he has given his wife, but the recent amendment in our Syariah family law allows it………and you call this Islamic?”

    “The Quran does not allow for discrimination based on race or Religion, but Malaysia has this. But of course if you live in the state of Denial, you wont agree with me. So is this Hadhari, or is it being Islamic?”

    “How can Malaysia claim to be an Islamic state when it does not promote and practise what the Quran teaches? Instead it practices what it selectively wants to…and claims that to be Islamic.” Is that Hadhari?

    These were in my replies above but you skirted these in your replies. Try to keep to facts and avoid diversionary tactics.

  42. Every great religion teaches us the right things – to be compassionate, to be generous, to be truthful, to be honest. And of course do not hurt others, do not cheat, do not lie, do not steal, do not maim or murder.

    UMNO professes to be a champion of Islam but it does nothing of what the great religion teaches. It cheats, it lies, it steals from the rakyat, so what champion of Islam are they really ? To be be compassionate doesn’t mean you are only compassionate to UMNOputras. To be generous doesn’t mean you are generous only to UMNOputras. To be truthful doesn’t mean you withhold information from the public through coercion of the mainstream press. To be honest means you can’t follow blindly.

    Islam Hadhari ? We have no issue with the religion. We only have issue with those who hide behind the skirts of Islam, profess to be religious but practices differently from what they preach.

    Kita ada HAD, kita mesti ada HARI.

  43. Mr ZAM you said that the DAP is always complaining but not helping the goverment or the rakyat at all.MR ZAM for your information during the last floods in JOHOR ,The main stream media only reported that only MCA,MIC and UMNO was helping the flood victims that also using goverment funds.

    What about the OPPOSITION PARTIES and all the other NGOs ,They were also there to lent a helping hand using their own funds.All this was not reported in the main stream media.

    With the internet more people are getting the correct news and not the news you want us to read.Its the same with all the main stream media.Page 1 its about what the PM DID OR SAY.Page 2 .Its all about what the DPM DID OR SAY.Page 3 its all about how good the govermemt is.

    MR ZAM ,can you promise that during the GE there will be no distruption to the local web.Because more people will get on to the web to read the correct news.And all you cyber troopers please inform your master about it.

  44. i really think there is a lot of “disgrace
    ‘ here…from “zam being a disgrace” by yb lim to all thye disgraceful comments that are utterly racist. “make sure another mamak doesnt become pm” , religious bashing,to self appointed angels and gods judging others in the most despicable manner and then ending it all with some form of justification of nobleness. absolutely pathetic….if you are all thinking that this will cause a reform, think no further…it wont..and it possibly wont even win additional votes for dap (dunno about the other opposition parties) if tis is what is meant by reform, justice, equality and fairness for all…it’s absolutely disgusting and pathetic…and i aint no umnotrooper…not by any stretch of that word ever…you seem to be potraying it as chinese supremacy ….and if it’s a choice between jumping from malay supremacy to chinese supremacy(disguised as racial equality blah blah blah)….give me malay supremacy anytime!!!and that’s how the malays will think when they vote with the sort of garbage comments we have here,….
    for the love of our nation…

  45. If the Government doesn’t want people to associate police force and other civil services with Malay, just start taking in the Chinese and Indian into the civil service.

    So next time when people criticise the police force or civil service, they are just taking a swipe at the Chinese and Indian. This will make Malay very happy, so why not start now?

  46. I know that many of you are angered by Zainuddin Maidin’s comments. However, by calling him mamak & belittling him on the basis of his race makes you no better than him. In fact, it’s worse as you have made him your teacher.

    The better approach would be is to take the race issue out of the equation and confront Zam with the numbers. A public confrontation, possibly in front of his house, where the failures of PDRM & the media (that likes to sing kumbahye with the government) are highlighted.

    This reminds me, mamak teh-tarik satu!!

  47. Godfather Says:

    September 25th, 2007 at 15: 47.35
    You mean Zainuddeen Maideen is not a mamak ? It is wrong to call a spade a spade ? Mamak is not a derogatory term otherwise instead of serving you teh tarik, they will pour it over your head.


    well there is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade except the context and the tone it is intended to carry here is purely racist…why does his racial backgroung have to be a consideration when discussing his “disgusting” character…why isnt it just zam without being a mamak? then would it be wrong for anyone to say that chan is just a sneaky, sleazy, money crazed, cunning, pig eating, dirty bloody chinese who is typical of all malaysian chinese who are greedy and absolutely untrustworthy who would kill their mothers for a few cents? OF COURSE IT WOULD BE TERRIBLY WRONG…because Chan is Chan and is Chan first, foremost and always!!!! and his racial background should not be a consideration..period. when peple here say “make sure another mamak doesnt become a pm” , and if you cannot see anything wrong or rascist or despicable about that (in all your “fair” and equitable” and equality grandeur,that you project or try to project) and feel that it is your right to call a spade a spade, then you need to be brought up all over again….godfather should be changed to “growing pains”

  48. Ah, here we have another UMNO trooper who has taken over temporarily from the other trooper FakeWorld.

    Firstly, the Archer, where is the posting that says that “make sure another mamak doesn’t become PM” ? All I have read is someone saying “don’t worry about another mamak becoming PM”.

    Your rhetorical question “….that chan is just a sneaky, sleazy, money crazed, cunning, pig eating, dirty bloody chinese who is typical of all malaysian chinese who are greedy and absolutely untrustworthy who would kill their mothers for a few cents?” is not necessarily incorrect. If you are saying that ALL malaysian chinese are greedy and absolutely untrustworthy, then it is a generalisation that has no basis. If your statement refers to chan being part of only THOSE malaysian chinese who are greedy and absolutely untrustworthy, then I say that your statement is true. There are greedy and untrustworthy Chinese who are fed crumbs by UMNO, and Chan is one of them.

    Get the English ?

  49. archer,please correct your statement otherwise you are as stupid as a pig and cunning as a snake.There are many greedy,dishonest,hypocritical Malays(I don’t mean all) who have stolen and plundered our national wealth and have gone punished.Please read the Star front page headline today about a corrupted police officer who obviously belongs to the dirty group.

  50. Godfather,

    You misunderstand me. I have no problem calling a spade a spade. This must, however, be coupled with politeness. The word “mamak” stems from the word “mama”, which in Tamil, means “uncle”. Zam is of Indian Muslim descent, hence the Maidin surname.

    In M’sia, the word “mamak” is derogatory when used in a racial slur, as many postings here imply. It is akin to the word “keling” when used on Indian Hindus.

    My usage is clear: Uncle, one pulled tea please. A simple request for a hot beverage. (incidentally, it is also to remind Zam of his roots)

  51. godfather and justiciary….read the post again and then understand the meaning it is meant to convey through the english…after which you shouldnt have the queries and concerns that you have raised. godfather…you get the english??????…and i aint no cybertrooper….
    for the love of our country…

  52. Archer boy, don’t make moronic comments that could come back and haunt you. If we have to look into the hidden meanings of what people meant to convey, there will be thousands of interpretations. Everybody is looking into the “udang di sebalik batu”. Don’t have double standards. If you want to interpret certain comments, start by interpreting what your mamak buddy Zainuddeen Maideen said regarding the DAP.

    Just because we are all born with our mouths marginally ahead of our brains doesn’t give the right to people like Zainuddeen and ‘pistol’ Nazri to mouth off the Opposition on the basis of “interpretive” comments from the Opposition.

  53. what is it about your power of comprehension (or lack of it ) huh godfather???? you just conveniently take off in tangents and it seems that even you dont know what you are getting at….growing pains huh????very well…change “godfather” to “confusedfather” or better still “circular father” based on how you seem to be barking up the wrong tree all the time….

  54. this another zainuddin idiot probably doesnt knw what hes talking abt….the police force has nothing to do with malays,indians or chinese behind the force.wait till if one of his family members get raped…robbed…shot…bombed to pieces….threatened….then only he will knw what cabai burung tastes like.why shud he mention the malay word?just another moron whos trying to get attention like the others.yeah…its good to see things at the brighter side but god(allah as in malay)…too many bad and dirty news we hv heard fr the police force itself.and this stupid zainuddin is voicing out and making a statement like that to divert fr its actual topic.go suck eggs.

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