Nurin’s brutal death – let Cabinet observe minute-silence and renew forgotten commitment to keep crime low

The country joins the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in shock, anger and grief at the brutal rape-murder of eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, whose naked body in a foetal position was stuffed in a sports bag in Petaling Utama.

No stone must be left unturned to track down and to bring the murderer to justice.

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan said on Thursday that the Police was closing in on the killer. All Malaysians pray and hope that the police would be successful in the hunt for the murderer.

In contrast, the statement yesterday by Musa that Nurin’s parents are being investigated for possible negligence have stirred very mixed feelings from Malaysians, regardless of race or religion.

If there is evidence that Nurin’s parents had been negligent contributing to her brutal murder, and the parents are prosecuted, it is a totally different matter from putting pressure on the grieving parents at this time of their bereavement when the police has as yet to get any evidence to establish any parental negligence.

Is it right and proper for Musa to add to the grief and sorrow of Nurin’s parents in such circumstances?

Nurin’s brutal rape-murder must be regarded as both a family tragedy for taxi driver Jazimin Abdul Jalil and a national shame.

There is something very sick and rotten in our society that Nurin could meet with such a brutal end. But it also bespeaks of the breakdown of the institutions in the state responsible for upholding law and order.

Let the Cabinet meeting next Wednesday begin by observing a minute of silence for Nurin’s brutal death followed by a renewal of its forgotten commitment to make the country a safer place for our citizens, tourists and investors.

This renewal of commitment by the Cabinet is imperative for we must not allow Malaysia to become a crime-infested society which claim victims regardless of race or religion.

The time has come for Cabinet Ministers to be collectively responsible for the worsening crime situation in the country and to demand weekly police report on security situation until the crime rate is brought down to pre-Royal Police Commission period.

When Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister about four years ago, he promised to make the war on crime one of his administration’s top agendas.

As a result, he established the Royal Police Commission to make recommendations to create a world-class police force which can keep crime low.

In its report, the Royal Police Commission expressed shock that there had been a 29 per cent increase of crime in the eight years from 121,176 cases in 1997 to 156,455 cases in 2004, and sounded the warning that unless this trend was checked and reversed, there would be “major social and economic consequences for Malaysia”.

It recommended a major police crackdown on crime and the “immediate target of a minimum of 20 per cent decrease” in the incidence of crime within the first 12 months.

Instead of a 20 per cent reduction of crime in the first 12 months after the Royal Police Commission, there had been a 27 per cent increase in the crime index from 156,455 cases in 2004 to 198,622 cases in 2006 — when it took eight years for the crime index to increase 29 per cent from 1997 to 2004 which the Royal Police Commission had found completely unacceptable.

In the first six months of this year, the crime index worsened by 5.11 per cent when compared to the same period last year. Just to illustrate the gravity of the worsening crime problem, there were 8.2 cases of rape a day in the first six months of this year as compared to 4 cases a day in 2003!

This is clear proof that the crime situation had got very much worse after the Royal Police Commission Report, although the reverse should have taken place — as the government had given up to 42% increase in salaries for police personnel, RM2.5 billion for police housing, as well as hundreds of millions of other allocations for improvements in police service as recommended by the Royal Police Commission Report. For the 2008 budget, RM6 billion is being allocated to the Police.

This atrocious state of affairs of high crime which has made life a nightmare not only to Malaysians, but also tourists and investors must not be allowed to continue.

Unless and until the crime index is brought back to the pre-Royal Police Commission period, the Cabinet must collectively be responsible for the crime situation, asking for a weekly crime report to monitor police progress in beating crime, and such a weekly police report to the Cabinet should also be made public.


28 Replies to “Nurin’s brutal death – let Cabinet observe minute-silence and renew forgotten commitment to keep crime low”

  1. Nurin’s parents are being investigated for possible negligence— will robbery victims including banks, jewellery shops and the like be investigated from not taking precautions to avoid being robbed? Will accident victims be jailed for not taking precautions to avoid being involved in accidents?

    I am of the opinion that all those idiots who voted for the BN in 2004 be jailed for enabling the rape and pillage of the country by the crooks they put in power

  2. It is a pity that we are having many low IQ ministers and top government officers these days.

    Instead of making the street safe, this jokers suggest that parents should either keep their children indoor at all times or employ bodyguards to look after our children.

    Come on stop pushing the responsibility to others and take charge.

    If cannot do just resign.

  3. If these numbskulls can talk like this would they even stoop so low to create such a mess to blind us all form the recent fiasco (PKFZ) and AG’s report on misused of funds.

    You never know what they are capable of. C4 to this? Possible?

  4. partly, parents should be blame too for having tidak apa attitude.
    if you go around wangsa maju, wangsa melawati, taman melawati and permata or around ulu klang area, you will notice, childrens age between 4 to 10, running, playing, cycling around shoplots, main roads and playground without their parents there.

    i have scolded and warn few of them for running and cycling along the main roads. you should know the way this children cycle!

    i hit a boy once while driving at dato keramat area. i was driving very slow. it happen all of the sudden, when the boy just turn around and went over the road divider. luckily i manage to avoid straight on, the boy only hit the side mirror. the rest, ding dong in and out of hospital and meet the parent.

    when things happen, some parents will always say this famous words… it’s god will!

  5. First of all, nothing ever dies – it just changes form. There is a lovely story given in a film -“The Little Buddha” that illustrates this:
    Imagine a glass filled with tea. The glass represents your physical body and the tea represents your soul (the portion of your soul that is in the physical body). Break the glass and the tea spills on the table, to the floor, into cracks. And yet, the tea is still tea and the glass is still glass, although its form has changed. The tea moves where it will. This is very close to how people make their transitions.
    No one “dies” before their time. When the soul is ready to release the body, when it has accomplished what it came here to do, it moves on, even in the case of infants and children. What could they accomplish at so young an age? – You might ask.
    They may have come into this life to experience unconditional love, to feel the physical body, to experiment with changing form, to give love or other gifts, to meet a personal karmic situation as self-judgment, a point of view, something that had to be confronted and processed.

    In Nurin’s case, there is also some magic in it. It appears there is a miscommunication and confusion between the Police and the Parents involved who now claimed they were given the “official” results at 10.00pm on Thursday 13 Sept. 07. Once they accepted the results, there was this magic “the face was now recognisable even though just a day before it was not” when they claim it the next day. They explained it as “hikmah” – whatever it is if you know Malay customs.
    More details, pics and a Video Clip within a Clip (1.48 min) at

  6. I supposed the IGP has been reading about the case of the missing English girl in Portugal and notes how suspicion is now cast on her parents.

    Only in that case the girl has gone missing.

    In this case the girl has been brutally murdered. Doesn’t he know the difference??

    In any case to put her grieving parents under suspicion for child neglect and child endangerment when they have just lost their daughter to a murderer is disgusting.

    I have no words for this kind of attitude.

  7. May Nurin rest in peace. And I sincerely hope that the police find those responsible.

    What have become of us Malaysians? 50 years of independence I guess have made us become evil and selfish.

    Other than Nurin. I feel very sad when I saw Godfather’s statement “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.” It tells me how insensitive and irresponsbile can one be. We need to respect religion no matter what, and it should never be mixed with politics.

    I call on DAP to renew and make good their Msian Malaysia’s commitment so that such statement by Godfather will never be uttered.

  8. Its so shocking to find such inhumane & brutal criminal in Malaysia. Oh how all our hearts go out to Nurin é her parents! May her soul rest in peace.
    Its equally shocking to find such “inhumane & brutal” IGP in Malaysia!
    What really has become of my country???????????

  9. Crime rates keep rising in Malaysia – one main reason, criminals have been given assurance by the police when the IGP announced that the Police force is short-handed.

    This is a serious statement to make especially if it was put in the headlines of newspapers. This is equivalent to assuring criminals that they can go scot-free after committing crimes. Shouldn’t the shorthandedness of the police force be kept secret, in fact top secret?

    Since this announcement was made, we could see crime rates soar in Malaysia. Did anyone ever notice this? So Nurin’s case is just but one of the many cases which has taken place and which would take place in the future in Malaysia. What is the police going to do about it? Are they going to say “We are short-handed” again?

  10. “Its so shocking to find such inhumane & brutal criminal in Malaysia.” – waterman

    Really? Shocking? I don’t think so. In this country you can find an ex-MB raping an underage girl and still get free, only YB Lim’s son have to go to jail for helping. So how is that possible this kind of case is shocking? It will happen again and again.

    Islamic law state that you need four eye witness to prosecute the criminal, even DNA is not is not acceptable.

  11. I agreed with what burn said.

    I think some parents should be made to accountable for their negligence in taking care of their children.

    A lot of parents in some residential area in Klang just wouldn’t care if their children are run down or knock by moving cars on the road when they are playing, cycling and running around their houses.

    I saw one child being knocked down by a moving car and the driver seems to be very panic and nervous when the parents, relatives and surrouding neighbours cornered the driver and demanded an explaination. The driver offered to take the child to the hospital and paid whatever medical bills that has incurred. Thank goodness the driver wasn’t beaten up, partly because I think the driver is of the same race as that of the child. I wouldn’t want to speculate if the driver is of other races.

    The same goes to parents letting their children to wandered around by themselves. Even if the children go the pasar malam nearby their house. You just wouldn’t know who is out there and anything can happened to their children. You just couldn’t afford to take your eyes off your children these days, looking at the crime rate lately.

    So what I am saying is that Nurin’s parents should be made accountable IF they are found to be negligence. These would serve as a lesson to other parents TO WATCH YOUR CHILD.

    You wouldn’t want anything happened to your children, do you?

  12. We really have a “funny” government. When there is murder they blame the victim’s parent for negligence, when there is corruption they blame the public for giving, when there is natural disaster, they blame God for creating havoc, when there is leaking they blame the weather for excessive rains. All this can go on and on and that is why this sickness will stay until a new government is formed.

  13. Well, Hello to everyone. this is my first time visits this website and I still haven’t reached the required age to go pub.

    As we can see our respectful police’s attitude, this is really a kind of nonsense for our country. Why everytime when crime happened, the police will only go and perform what they suppose to do, and after or before that they ‘work in the office’?

    Furthermore, it is very amazing that Malaysia is a very ‘safety’ country as it is very rare to see police patrolling around( I don’t know the situation in Kuala Lumpur, but for Johor Bahru…).

    Eventhough it is the duty for the parents to pay more attention on they kids, don’t you think that the crime already happened, the police should be responsible for that as well instead of blaming others?

    It is agreed that it is unlikely to happen when parents didn’t pay more attention on their kids and eventually end up with it.

    This is what I think. If I have made mistakes, please feel free to correct me. Thank You.

  14. Oh I must also add this!!
    When we criticize the government they say there is something wrong with our thinking. You can never get better jokers than them. They ought to have a place in the Malaysian Guinness book of records.

  15. Jamesy Says:

    September 22nd, 2007 at 23: 41.05
    I agreed with what burn said.

    I think some parents should be made to accountable for their negligence in taking care of their children

    Yes some parent might be negligence but are our STREET SAFE.

    Safe from murderers, rapist, thieves, muggers, robbers and thugs.

    Do anyone want to love in a area where the crime rates are high????

    The answer is NO…

  16. We will be like Johannesburg very soon. The rich and above average people will live in gated communities with armed guards and barbed wire. The average rakyat will have to fend for themselves – probably forming vigilante groups in their neighbourhoods. The poor ? They will suffer because they are easy prey.

    This is a government that emphasises on stealing from the rakyat. Nothing else matters.

  17. I am in absolute agreement with all the condemnations made on the insensitivity of the IGP’s comment regarding wanting to charge the parent’s of Nurin with child negligence. I am curious at the intention behind this comment made at this point in time when the parents are besides themselves with grief at the brutal and senseless murder of their child. No parent wants to lose a child, much less losing a child in this manner. If the IGP wants to make a point, there is plenty of time to do that after he has apprehended the sick killer/s and reveal to the world the sick reasons for this bestial crime. Then, he can make a statement that parents should be more careful with their children and cite this case as an example if indeed parental negligence was a contributory factor.

    But whilst our emotions are running high and lambasting the IGP, Government and the Ministers over the tragic death of this innocent child, let us also take a step back and see the trees clearly within the forest. Unlike crimes such as snatch thefts, burglaries, triads and the such whose proliferation can be directly attributed to police negligence and inefficiencies and should be condemned as such, this particular case is to a certain extent an isolated case committed by a sick mind and would still happen even if we have good police work. If at all the police can be faulted in this case, maybe it would be that they did not try hard enough to apprehend the killers when there were two cases of similar sexual assault earlier, if indeed it is proven it is a serial crime committed by the same person/s. As such, the only preventive measure for such crimes rest only with the parents making sure their young children are properly supervised whenever they step out of the house. We never know when sickos will strike.
    They exist everywhere in this world.

  18. for this brutal and assault of a young girl and many others I would (maybe I am mad, some ppl may say) propose this punishment for the arrest criminal:
    Hand the criminal semi-naked on the tree infested with red ants for a month and only feed with water
    Get a avearge daily of 15 ppl to use a razor blade to made a cut on any parts of the body and spray with sugar to attract the ants.
    Let the criminal realise how painful the pain should be than only send him for his judgement punishment

  19. In the kampung areas (where I live close to one), we always see children running around without their parents, going to nearby grocery shops alone, underage boys without helmets driving on motorcycles or cycling without heed for traffic. Even parents themselves would cross the road at their own sweet time, without regard for on-coming cars assuming we would stop for them – this is NEGLIGENCE!!

    These parents must realise that we are no more living in kampungs and new villages. We are living in a dangerous world where crooks and criminals abound!

    Yet coming back to our security authorities. True, in Johor Bahru, you see more police cars around, even police helicopters circling around in the night – but so far, we ahve not had much news that many criminals have been caught! This is a good scare tactic but this does not eradicate crime at its roots. There are plentiful police activity – road blocks at causing massive traffic jams at the wrong hours, catching harmless transvestites, catching VCD sellers at shopping malls when they should be hunting out gun-wielding robbers, snatch thieves on motorbikes, rapists and murderers. Still more often than not, you have to wait ages before they come or you get the boot around from station to station. My sister recently got her bag snatched at a petrol station. We went to one station, only to be directed to yet another station to get the report. The report is not to ensure that the snatch thieves are caught but only to get back our lost documentations. As were in the words of the police themselves, “yours is the 5th case tonight alone in this district” … and so, in other words, accept it as a way of Malaysian life!

  20. Whilst Nurin Jazlin Jazimin’s case heightens Malaysians’ sense of vulnerability to rising crime, underscoring the imperative for more stringent crime prevention and detection measures, I agree with Cinapek’s observation that “unlike crimes such as snatch thefts, burglaries, triads and the such whose proliferation can be directly attributed to police negligence and inefficiencies and should be condemned as such, this particular case is to a certain extent an isolated case committed by a sick mind and would still happen even if we have good police work”.

    Brutal sexual crimes of violence against women and children appear to be on a rise. Can the police release data on profiles of victims and offenders so that more light can be shed on this phenomena as a first step to address the problem?

    Are offenders or potential offenders generally belonging to a group lacking of faith? Or education or knowledge? Or maybe perhaps even subject to more restrictions that the average others in society?

    After all, to quote Plato, “exposure (as opposed to repression) is as vital as vaccine to act against virulent dose of imminent invasion.”

  21. Personally, I strongly feel that we are all responsible in a way.

    As citizens, we should look out for each other’s safety esp. our children. Just don’t stand there and observe. I guess some of us have not done our part. incl me.
    The tidak apa attitude should stop.

  22. Respect religion………….

    what religion? when temples and churches are being torn down by the dozens? when roadside mamak shops operates without permits.

    respect religion, what religion?

    talk religion i oso can.

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