Lingam Tape – why PM’s one-sided threat if not authentic but nothing about action to be taken if true?

The initial one-sided response of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to the Lingam Tape, which has plunged the country into a new crisis of confidence in the independence, impartiality, integrity, accountability and professionalism of the Malaysian judiciary — both national and international — is a great disappointment compromising the neutrality and impartiality of his high office.

Abdullah said yesterday that he had directed the police to immediately start investigations into the Lingam Tape as it was important to act quickly because the content of the clip could tarnish the image of the country’s judiciary.

He said: “We cannot treat this lightly. We will act fast to determine the truth.”

He said that if investigations revealed that the claims were false, action would be taken against those who were trying to undermine the judiciary as the video recording would invoke public anger and hatred towards the judiciary.

He said at this juncture, the question of setting up a Commission of Inquiry did not arise as the allegations in the video clip had yet to be proven as authentic.

All right-thinking Malaysians are mystified and upset by the Prime Minister’s response and have one question — why is Abdullah threatening dire consequences if the Lingam Tape is not authentic but said nothing about action to be taken if it is proven true?

Abdullah’s initial considered response 48 hours after the public surfacing of the Lingam Tape does not inspire public confidence that the Prime Minister would rise above the fray and be absolutely neutral and impartial in handling the latest scandal of the Malaysian judiciary.

He is right when he said that the Lingam Tape has yet to be proven as authentic, but on the other hand, 48 hours and now 72 hours have passed since its public disclosure had elapsed and its authenticity has not been challenged — neither by Lingam nor Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, purportedly the other party in the telephone conversation recorded in the Lingam Tape.

The Prime Minister’s reaction is only valid and justifiable if he had received intimation from Fairuz denying the authenticity of the Lingam Tape as without such a denial from either Lingam or Ahmad Fairuz, Abdullah risks compromising his high office in staking a position which gave full status quo backing to the Chief Justice.

Two weeks ago, the Chief Justice announced that he had written to the Prime Minister about the Federal Court judge who has not written his grounds of judgment in 35 cases when he was High Court Judge.

Isn’t it even more important that Ahmad Fairuz should make clear to the Prime Minister and the country any denial about the authenticity of the Lingam Tape instead of a terse “No comment” response to Malaysiakini, which raises even more questions than providing an answer?

When the Chief Justice cannot give an outright denial when specifically asked about his response to the Lingam Tape, Abdullah’s response is most inexplicable, indefensible, imprudent and goes against every principle of integrity and good governance.

Abdullah parried off the question of setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the ground that the Lingam Tape has yet to be proven to be authentic.

Why is Abdullah fighting shy from making a specific public commitment that a Royal Commission of Inquiry or a Judicial Tribunal would be established if there is no denial from Ahmad Fairuz and if there is nothing to prove that the Lingam Tape is not authentic, as the implications of the Lingam Tape about national and international confidence in the system of justice in Malaysia are far-reaching and horrendous?

Every day that Ahmad Fairuz continues as Chief Justice with the Lingam Tape swirling and snowballing into a bigger international scandal, more and more foreign investors would be frightened off from choosing Malaysia as an investment destination because of gnawing doubts about the independence, impartiality, integrity accountability and professionalism of the judiciary in Malaysia.

Can Ahmad Fairuz go into hiding or public exclusion until the expiry of his term as Chief Justice at the end of October, provided he is not granted a six-month extension? Is he going to step down from every Federal Court case he is fixed to be a member for the rest of his tenure as Chief Justice?

Or will Ahmad Fairuz put the higher interests of the judiciary and the nation above his personal interests and go on leave until disposal of the Lingam Tape scandal or end of his term as Chief Justice, whichever comes earlier?

As Prime Minister, Abdullah must not shirk from his responsibility to handle with responsibility and resolve the new crisis of confidence in the judiciary and he owes it to the nation which has just celebrated 50th Merdeka anniversary to act decisively to invoke Article 125 of the Constitution to empanel a Judicial Tribunal and suspend Ahmad Fairuz as Chief Justice to restore national and international confidence in the independence, impartiality, integrity, accountability and professionalism of the judiciary.

In the Lingam Tape scandal, Abdullah is not a target. However, he should be fully mindful that his reputation as Prime Minister is at stake as any mishandling or failure of leadership to resolve the new crisis of confidence in the Malaysian judiciary in a decisive and impartial manner would go down in Malaysian history as a major indictment of his premiership and a blot on the 50th Merdeka anniversary.

54 Replies to “Lingam Tape – why PM’s one-sided threat if not authentic but nothing about action to be taken if true?”

  1. Yes, the PM is only disappointed but “no regrets” at all & talks of “damage to the judiciary” only. What about the shame it has brought to the country? – a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. Truly and uniquely this is “Malaysia bolih”.
    As to the authenticity, a third party, overseas expertise should be consulted to verify it. If they can verify the Osama bin Laden fake tape recently, there should be no problem to verify this 8 min Lingam Video Clip as authentic.
    There is now a clarion call for a “peaceful demo” at the Palace of Justice. Perhaps they should also march near to the Palace of the Golden Horses where that old man (who had been pulling all these strings all these years ) is staying or better still in front of IJN where he is now.
    More details at:

  2. I guess it would be waste of energy & perhap time (PM) to response. “Sure can kau tim – one” attitude is in place, and has been that way for so long long time already, even before him, our current PM.

    But I am sure, when “rakyat” pushes it with one voice. I believe, matters will prevail

  3. My guessing is the 4th Floor guys are rushing to finish writing the script with one eventual result in mind and that is to have Anwar return to jail. AAB is ofcourse enjoying the beauty of Jane while it last.

  4. If the videoclip is fake, there will be hell to pay by PKR. If the videoclip is genuine, there will be hell to pay by the rakyat because everything will be denied and swept under the carpet.

    “We are not in the business of cheating the people.” AAB, 2006.

  5. What do we expect the Sleepy Head to say ? That if it is authentic, we are going to subpoena all the characters mentioned in the videoclip to testify under oath ? Tengku Adnan, Daim, Vincent, Fairuz, etc ? Subpoena all their phone records ?

    Then if proven beyond doubt, recommend criminal proceedings against Lingam and Fairuz, and perhaps Mahathir ? Then suspend all the judges that were “improperly” promoted ? Review all court cases of these judges plus the judgements of Fairuz ?

    It takes b@lls to do all these, but unfortunately the Sleepy Head being the leader of the den of thieves will never do the honourable thing. Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.

  6. The kind of stereotyped response from an ineffective PM is most expected, what else do we expect from him? We are just fed-up with the whole system of governance. Nothing seems to be right in the country now, from economy, FDI, education, civil service, government contract awards, crimes situations….. The head is rotten, so the body is becoming useless.

  7. “He said that if investigations revealed that the claims were false, action would be taken against those who were trying to undermine the judiciary as the video recording would invoke public anger and hatred towards the judiciary. ”

    That’s what he planning to do!

  8. “It takes b@lls to do all these, but unfortunately the Sleepy Head being the leader of the den of thieves will never do the honourable thing. Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves.” – Godfather

    Sleepy Head? Typical low level petty insults from a typical Opposition supporter.

    If your Msian Malaysia thing is real, you would not have mentioned Islam Hadhari protecting the guilty. There will be respect. You will leave religion/race out. You also have mentioned the holy month in one of your previous rants. It is very easy to be insensitive especially when you are hiding behind your keyboard.

    A word of caution here, I be very careful with religion or race.

    On the side track, what has your Fong Kui Lun done in BB?? Hmmm … thinking about your Sleepy Head comments.

  9. Godfather Says:

    September 22nd, 2007 at 13: 10.21
    ” If fake, PKR be punished. If genuine, denied and swept under the carpet……”

    k1980 Says:

    September 22nd, 2007 at 13: 02.31
    Someone will be going overseas for medical consultations and check-up soon. Like Idiot Chan KC – M’sia don’t have qualify specialist…

    4th_wife Says:

    September 22nd, 2007 at 12: 50.14
    “.. 4th Floor ….to have Anwar return to jail…”

    Let see what is the new trick…we are fool again..
    If the same as before… M’sia has been treated as dumb…better promote a campaign of every one in M’sia…consider….

    … a “peaceful demo” in front of Palace …..???

  10. I don’t have respect for thieves and liars. Upright and honest people have this principle.

    Maybe we should authenticate the photo that was taken at the recent G8 summit in Sydney where Sleepy Head (or Sleeping Beauty as termed by others) was shown asleep standing up. Maybe the photo was a fake, and let’s spend some resources in tracking down the culprits.

  11. Mr. Lim,
    I have “analysed” the video recording. The speakerwas MG Ramachandran. On the line was P Ramlee. They were discussing how to get actor to star in ‘Bujang Lapok’.Therefore the tape is not ‘authentic’. Case closed.

    Yes, this type of scenario is possible in Malaysia. Even the VC of UKM can say that the student Yee’s computerhas pornography when they don’t have the student’s password to acccess the files.

    Aiya, Mr. Lim, please ask the government to reopen the cases involving Lingam and the said judges like Ahmad and Eusop Chin. lIkeMgg Pillai’s case.

  12. Mwt is spot on. Why are we only going after the present CJ. What about the former PM? He is the one responsible for almost all the malaises infecting our country today. He is the number one culprit and ABB is just a good student. Then what about others whose names were mentioned in the tape? I think all the crony capitalists and lobbyists should also be called to account. We can’t leave past leaders who committed misdeeds to go unpunished. It sets very bad precedents for present leaders. No matter how much they have contributed or how long they have retired, abuse of power, corruption, misdeeds should be investigated and persecuted.

  13. The so called judiciary system that was supposed to protect the country and the rakyat according to Lingam, protected the perpetuators of black-eye incident and the Karate Kid instead. It has also covered up uncountable scandals, apparently with God’s blessings as well. So what chances will the gomen come clean with this latest fiasco?
    We need an independent third party to investigate and report the facts back to the rakyat. Can’t depend on the gomen to do this, no siree! Hopefully the cudgels can be taken up by the royalty in this case and be run the full distance to restore real democracy in Malaysia.

  14. “…it was important to act quickly because the content of the clip could tarnish the image of the country’s judiciary. We cannot treat this lightly. We will act fast ..” PM

    What the PM meant was that they need to act quickly in damage control. Yes, damage control is all that is needed.

    How do they do it?

    You do what you do when you see a rainstorm coming. Take shelter. Wait for the rain to run its course. Then decide what to do with whatever is left after a heavy downpour.

    In this case, do nothing. Come October, the CJ retires. The man at the centre of controversy is allowed to ride into the sunset – with his honour and integrity intact and, of course, his full pension.

    As for V.K. Lingam, he is not their problem.

    There is no urgent need to prove anything – not even the authenticity of the tape. Is there proof of any crime being committed in the tape? The AG has already decided there was none. The AG has nothing to work on. The ACA? The ACA invariably acting more like a bomoh, busy finding ways to make legitimate the proceeds of what are the result of illegitimate and illegal activities would find Article 125 of the Malaysian Constitution a convenient loophole. In any case, like most judges they would decide the case and then find the reasoning afterwards. Translated that would mean waiting for the PM to make known his views which in all cases are never clear – since he insists on acting like a diplomat.

    It is important that Malaysians do not go ahead of themselves. Right now the storm clouds are just gathering and the storm is yet to come and so does the rain.

  15. I am sicken by the waves of scandals after scandals by this UMO-led Gomen.

    Malaysian rakyat alone will not able to do much to make change to all these mess.

    We must pray to Allah, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ti Kong, Tua Pek Kong and all other Gods to save Malaysia from further rot!

  16. “I don’t have respect for thieves and liars. Upright and honest people have this principle.” – Godfather

    Dear all,

    Is this the typical DAP supporter?? Someone who will not hesitate to insult others’ religion? Is this the democracy Lim Kit Siang and all in DAP are fighting for i.e. that we can insult Islam Hadhari??

    Godfather’s statement “Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves” clearly insult Islam. It is insensitive and disrespectful. Is this what DAP is all about? Is this the Msian Malaysia DAP is talking about i.e. that we can throw insults at each other’s religion??

    Making blind accusations is one thing but to see someone like Godfather bring religion to the table and insult it is irresponsible. WILL THE DAP LEADERSHIP BE RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN THIS INSULTING STATEMENT?

    We are all Malaysians and it is sad to see insensitive, irresponsible , uneducated and idiotic people mixing religion with politics.

    To Godfather, if you dont respect ‘thieves and liars’ it is your right BUT DO NOT ISSUE INSULTING COMMENTS ABOUT RELIGION. Are you saying that those who are of Islamic faith are ‘thieves and liars’?? You are a coward, hiding behind your keyboard.

  17. ” Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves. ” – Godfather

    Lets see if any of you are honest enough to step up and say such a statement by Godfather is clearly wrong, insensitive and disrespectful.

    Will such a damaging statement from an uneducated mong be ignored and brushed aside?

  18. i think one should be more open in one’s outlook and not pick on just one outburst.

    we live in a world full of different opinions and behaviors.

    we should have the quality of forgive, forget and educate with love… not jihad and suicide bombing to prove one’s point.

    be compassionate like buddha.


  19. Pls allow our PM to investigate. Do you know, investigation without feedback is his best actions? Ever since he became PM, there is no one case that has been resolved amicably. Our current PM is very good in only getting married and coming up with many corridors.

  20. Real world (more appropriately fake world), before you indulge in your self righteous ranting and accusing others of not being insensitive to your great religion, you should perhaps look at how UMNO persistently and consistently use religion to dominate others. You and whatever party you support no longer have moral ground to preach anymore. We just want to have our say here. You just shut up because you have enough of your moronic views expressed in the main stream media already.

  21. “In the Lingam Tape scandal, Abdullah is not a target.” But it is his target to have this as a continuity during his reign. I am sure he knows what is happening in the judiciary but such system which had been properly emplaced by TDM is also enjoyed by him. Of course he will protect the judiciary for his own good.

  22. I would suggest that the Malaysian PM lead his country by being the first Malaysian to speed to space in a Russian rocket and link up with the International Space station. Malaysians would be better off if he stays on the Space Station forever.

  23. STAR: “The Prime Minister said it was important to act quickly because the content of the clip could tarnish the image of the country’s judiciary.”

    Based on past ‘successes’, the result of the soon-to-be investigation would likely be the same as that of investigation of the IGP and the former ACA DG on corruption charges. AG would simply say, ‘Nothing’s amiss’.


    A two-para ‘No comment’ from Ahmad Fairuz
    Soon Li Tsin
    Sep 21, 07 6:17pm Adjust font size:

    Under attack for allegedly fixing judicial appointments with a senior lawyer, Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim continues to remain tight-lipped over the issue.

    The two-paragraph fax from Ahmad Fairuz’s special assistant Arleen Ramly which reached Malaysiakini office at 4:55pm bore a simple sentence – “he has no comments”.

    In a fax addressed to CJ’s Putrajaya office yesterday, Malaysiakini asked for Ahmad Fairuz’s response to the judiciary scandal that was revealed by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday.

    The explosive video clip released showed senior lawyer VK Lingam in a phone conversation, purportedly with Ahmad Fairuz, allegedly fixing the appointment of ‘friendly’ senior judges.

  25. “NO COMMENT”, properly understood, means any one of the following:

    1) Guilty as charged.
    2) Too shocked to respond.
    3) I need time to think how to bullshit my way out of this mess.
    4) I’d rather not incriminate myself further.
    5) GOD help me, please!

    Figuring CJ’s limited command of the Engklish language and his uninspiring creativity, “NO COMMENT” would mean ‘All of the above”.

  26. From Malaysiakini:
    “She (Malaysian Bar President) also described the response of Ahmad Fairuz yesterday that he has no comment as reported by Malaysiakini was “unacceptable but telling.

    Ambiga added that the council also disagreed with Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail’s statement that there were no criminal elements involved in the video clip.”

    Birds of a feather flock together. Now the chickens have come home to roost.

  27. “You and whatever party you support no longer have moral ground to preach anymore. We just want to have our say here. You just shut up because you have enough of your moronic views expressed in the main stream media already.” – limkamput

    And your say includes insulting the religion of others as well?

    Thank you very much. I think it is pretty clear now.

  28. “we should have the quality of forgive, forget and educate with love… not jihad and suicide bombing to prove one’s point.” – cherasusie

    Who is talking about jihad and suicide bombing?

    The thing is we may have different political beliefs and all. But religion is something sacred and should not be mixed with politics, let alone issuing negative comments about it. No matter how one tries to ‘slip it under the carpet’, Godfather’s statement was irresponsible and insensitive. He is a coward, plain and simple.

    You lot in DAP should honour that Msian Malaysian commitment of yours. Maybe why there a so few indians and malays in DAP is because you have bigots like Godfather.

    At the end of the day, despite our political differences, we are still Malaysians. Lets respect our cultures, heritage and religion.

  29. RealWorld Says:

    September 22nd, 2007 at 22: 09.46
    ” Islam Hadhari is all about protecting the guilty if the guilty is a member of the den of thieves. ” – Godfather

    Lets see if any of you are honest enough to step up and say such a statement by Godfather is clearly wrong, insensitive and disrespectful.


    I actually agree with RealWorld on this.

    Unfortunately, politics in Malaysia has always been divided along racial and to a lesser extent religous line. And the government has done a wonderful job of polarizing the races. From that point of view, I can completely understand Godfather’s frustration. Nevertheless, in my honest opinion, this is neither an excuse nor a reason to make those remarks regarding Islam.

  30. Real fake world, “And your say includes insulting the religion of others as well?”
    So be it. You and your people not just insult other religions but abuse them too. Please don’t think you have the final say in everything. This ketuanan Melayu is really getting people like you not being able to think straight. What real world? You want us to think that the world constructed by people like you in Malaysia is real world. My foot, it is fake, incompetent, crony, corrupted, bigotry, fascist world. Got it?

  31. To all those UMNOputras who think that it is their right to steal, pillage and rob:

    We carry MyKad like you do. We are registered voters like you are. Our ancestors may have come from another land, but so are many of yours – from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle East, Indonesia, Philippines.

    Kita ada HAD, kita akan ada HARI.

  32. Boo Hoo Hoo, FakeWorld: You tell me to leave Bolehland if I’m not happy, and that’s OK with UMNO. I make a rhetorical statement about Islam Hadhari and you go ballistic. Tell you what. You go complain to your UMNO masters that I have insulted Islam Hadhari. Ask Sleeping Beauty to join you in making a high profile police report at Dang Wangi station. You can also ask Mat Taib or Nazri to accompany you. Ask the police to investigate.

    You may even want to ask Sleeping Beauty to make a statement in Parliament. Make a statement that it is OK for UMNO to offend others, but don’t even try to offend thieves, liars and cheats.

  33. I hope one day we are attacked by another country ,Then we can all become MALAYSIAN ,and not Chiness ,Indian Malays, Christian ,Muslim ,Hindus buddhist or even MIC MCA UMNO DAP OR what ever but MALAYSIAN.

  34. A fair word … RealWorld has every right to protect what he/she deems as sensitive remarks about her religion, as all of us on this blogsite do as well. Godfather has his right, too, like you to express his frustrations, albeit no allusion to religion would be preferred.

    Let us not fight among ourselves here when all of us are attempting to make some changes in voicing our frustrations for our greater good. We are using this site as a vent outlet for all our frustrations towards our government and all their unjustifiable forays against the interest of the rakyat and not as an outlet to hit out at each other. We are hoping that what we all say in this blogsite will somehow be represented to the right people, so that action will be taken and that the views of the rakyat are heard. If we write to the press, which I have personally attempted, it will more often than not see print, as we know our press are under the jursidiction of the Government. Dear old Uncle Lim has made this possible for us, using it as a tool, perhaps to support him in his cause for fairness in this country. So let us be more rational in all our comments.

    However, let me point out to RealWorld that we are all not necessarily supporters of DAP in this blog-site, so your sweeping statement is not appreciated. We are all only supporting whatever cause that takes our interests into consideration. So as Godfather is guilty of making sweeping remarks, you too are guilty of the same. So let’s call it quits and help make this forum more beneficial to us, the deserving rakyat who wants to be heard.

  35. “So be it. You and your people not just insult other religions but abuse them too.” – limkamput

    What people you are talking about here? Are you saying that just because someone in BN/MCA/MIC or the government rubbed you in the wrong way it is ok to throw insults pertaining to religion?

    And when have I ever insulted other religions?

    From your response, you are not only condoning Godfather but are also encouraging petty insults be thrown against religious matters as well.

    Have you not learn anything from Lim Kit Siang and the rest?

  36. “We carry MyKad like you do. We are registered voters like you are. Our ancestors may have come from another land, but so are many of yours – from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle East, Indonesia, Philippines.” – Godfather

    Does that mean that you have the right to insult Islam? Is being a registered voter and being a MyKad holder entitled you to insult another religion?

    Look at how, Kit, Guan Eng, Karpal conduct themselves. Have you ever seen them throw insults at other religions? Learn from them.

    I dont need to complain about you as it is already clear that you made yourself looking like an uneducated bigot. Your insensitive statement just set DAP a few steps back. You statement just proved to many that the marriage of convenience is nothing but a front. And what you have uttered will come back to haunt DAP on judgement day.

    For the neutrals, your insensitive statement just provided a glimpse of whats to come if the Opposition comes into power.

    And dude, I have never asked you to leave Msia (Bolehland to you). You have suggested migration before. Inview of that, I suggested since you are unhappy here maybe Australia may be ideal for you. There is a diff between asking and suggesting, but then again I doubt an insensitive gimp can tell the difference.

  37. Here’s a thought for what it is worth, for you to consider and deliberate hopefully.

    It is true it is not just about supplanting the national coalition led by UMNO, but about having a viable government afterwards.

    Here’s the juice.

    If power sharing which is what it is all about is shared more equitably, then we could see the emergence of a government that is more responsive to the will of the people – and none of the abuse of power and the corruption that we are now seeing.

    Currently, UMNO wields almost unlimited power , control and influence over the other members of the national coalition. MCA and MIC are not in a position to influence major policy decisions the way they are supposed to in a democracy. Over the years it has given rise to an authoritarian regime – a type of government which under Mahathir is sometimes characterised as a benevolent authoritarianism. It was still productive as long as it lasted but at what political and economic costs??

    With Mahathir gone, it has lost the benevolence and has become a regime which has lost its bearings, a total disconnect between leaders and their grassroots supporters – the ordinary Malaysians who have the most to lose.

    The last bastion of democracy which is the Judiciary has fallen to the Executive and has long lost its constitutional role as the third pillar of government. With it gone, the Executive wields unlimited power and what we see is a run away government bent on preserving and perpetuating a system riddled with abuse of power and corruption at whatever cost both poltical and economic.

    The Lingam tape is enough to bring down a government anywhere else if not for the fact that in Malaysia, Malaysians have a high threshold for abuse. It does not look like there can ever be a time when Malaysians would take to the streets en masse, their representatives seeking an audience with the Malay Rulers to try and re-take the government.

  38. “I hope one day we are attacked by another country ,Then we can all become MALAYSIAN ,and not Chiness ,Indian Malays, Christian ,Muslim ,Hindus buddhist or even MIC MCA UMNO DAP OR what ever but MALAYSIAN.” – badak

    How old are you actually? 13?

  39. If one day Malaysia is attacked, real fake world will send us to the front while he stays at home producing babies. What I said is not farfetched. Black Americans we sent to the front during the first and second world wars but equal rights eluded them till in the 70s. I am 17, but I think I am more informed and smarter than real fake world who probably is more than 50. Real World my foot. You are a fake, stupid, incompetent and rent seeking world! You are good for nothing other than consuming resources at the expense of others.

  40. “I am 17, but I think I am more informed and smarter than real fake world who probably is more than 50. Real World my foot. You are a fake, stupid, incompetent and rent seeking world! You are good for nothing other than consuming resources at the expense of others.” – limkamput

    You need to be in bed early for school the next day, boy.

  41. “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Temberang – UMNO’s slogan and obviously FakeWorld’s slogan too.” – Godfather

    Just wanna thank you for clearing the air about the Opposition agenda. With your statement, I think it is pretty clear for those ‘neutrals’ to decide come the next GE.

    You just set the DAP back a few steps with your statement.
    Thanks a lot , dude. :)

  42. “If your Msian Malaysia thing is real, you would not have mentioned Islam Hadhari protecting the guilty. There will be respect. You will leave religion/race out.” – RealWorld

    I have to wholly agree with you here, my friend. Sleepy Head should never have brought this term up in the first place. Considering his lackadaisical attitude towards prospering the nation, and the plundering and pillaging of nation’s wealth by his coterie of thugs, the term “Islam Hadhari” when spilled from his mouth, is a downright insult to Islam, and all muslims nationwide. I think Sleepy Head should be beheaded, but again, that’s just what i think…

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