Selayang Municipal Council Dog Hunt Competition

Spate of outraged emails over Selayang Municipal Council’s insensitive competition, like this one from Grey: “This is an outrage! When the Americans all over the US and the world are condemming Michael Vicks for promoting animal cruelty by having dog fights, the Selayang council is actually giving cash prize up to RM15,000 to the rakyat for the capture of these creatures!!! That’s OUR Selayang council. Check out their website to find the offending annoucement.”

Here is another:

I bring to your attention the abovementioned matter.

It’s come to my attention via the Selayang Municipal Council’s website
( of this very attractive part-time “job”.

I would like to express my uttter disgust and am absolutely repulsed by this barbaric competition which is being held by the council. This competition is not only NOT solving the problem of strays in the area, in fact, I believe it is so easily-abused by greedy citizens. What’s going to stop strangers from stepping into someone’s home, abducting someone’s pet, removing the collar and pass it off as a stray?

The prizes offered are lucrative enough for many to steal in order to receive the top prize. RM15,000, RM13,000, RM11,000 for first, second and third prize respectively.

The Selayang Municipal Council is not only irresponsible, it is downright barbaric! Instead of offering the prize money as an incentive, a better way would be to use the money for spaying and neutering the strays. An even better solution would be to actually donate the money to its local SPCA or PAWS. Continue reading “Selayang Municipal Council Dog Hunt Competition”

RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout scandal – let Abdullah justify it in the 2008 Budget tomorrow

When presenting the 2008 budget tomorrow, the Prime Minister-cum-Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should explain the full case for the government bailout of the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal to set an example of government accountability and financial integrity to all Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.

This is because for the past two days, both the Deputy Finance Minister, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek bin Husin and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Finance Ministry, Datuk Seri Dr. Helmi bin Yahaya had been misleading Parliament and the nation about the true nature and character of the RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout scandal.

In the 2007 supplementary estimates, the Finance Ministry asked for RM260 million for Port Klang Authority without giving any explanation as to its true purpose.

It was from my exchange with Helmi during the winding-up of the debate at the committee stage yesterday that it emerged that the RM260 million sum was the first amount of the RM4.6 billion government bailout for PKFZ, as beginning this year, the first annual payment of RM520 million for the RM4.6 billion bailout for the bonds raised by Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd — the PKFZ turkey contractor – has to be made.

It was also only after I had made persistent demand, declaring that this was information that Parliament and Malaysian taxpayers have right to access, that Helmi read out the schedule of repayments in the RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout, viz:

2007 – RM510 million
2008 – RM660 million
2009 – RM660 million
2010 – RM772 million
2011 – RM487 million
2012 – RM733 million
2013 – RM170 million
2014 – RM170 million
2015 – RM170 million
2016 – RM170 million
2017 – RM179 million
Total – RM4,681 million

However, Helmi like Awang Adek in Parliament on Tuesday suffered from the denial syndrome and denied that this was a RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout by the government. Both also refused to answer specific questions which I posed to them. Continue reading “RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout scandal – let Abdullah justify it in the 2008 Budget tomorrow”

Revoke arbitrary/high-handed directive to cull or remove 6,000 pigs a day from Malacca for 17 days till Sept 21

The Malacca state government directive to reduce the number of pigs in the state to 48,000 heads requiring culling or removal of some 6,000 pigs a day till September 21 is most arbitrary, unreasonable and inconsiderate and should be immediately revoked.

Although the Housing and Local Government Minister and MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said after the Cabinet meeting yesterday which discussed the pig-farming issue in Malacca that the Cabinet was not stopping the pig-farming activity, such a statement is made meaningless by the high-handed action of the Malacca state government requiring the culling or removal from the state of some 6,000 pigs a day for a 17-day period till Sept. 21.

The mobilization of some 2,000 personnel from various agencies, including the Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), Immigration, Environment, Rela, state and local government authorities resulting in a tense nine-hour standoff with defenceless men, women and children at Paya Mengkuang defending their pig farms which represent their very livelihood, was a major blot which marred the 50th Merdeka Anniversary celebrations not only in Malacca but throughout Malaysia.

It would have taken the authorities a week or two to mobilize some 2,000 personnel from various agencies to launch such a massive operation against the pig farmers in Malacca state.

The question is why the MCA leaders, in particular the MCA elected representatives at the national, state and local government levels were completely in the dark about such a massive operation which would have taken one if not two weeks to organize.

If they had no inkling of such a massive operation against the pig farmers in the state, they are clearly redundant, irrelevant and useless as elected or appointed representatives of the people at all three tiers of government.

If the MCA national, state and local government representatives had been aware of such a massive operation beforehand and yet did nothing to stop it and to give advance notice to the pig farmers, then they had been guilty of gross dereliction of their political responsibilities. Continue reading “Revoke arbitrary/high-handed directive to cull or remove 6,000 pigs a day from Malacca for 17 days till Sept 21”