Seven shouts of “Merdeka” in Parliament this morning without support from a single BN MP — does it mean BN MPs disloyal, anti-national and unpatriotic?

I started my speech on the supplementary estimates this morning calling on MPs to stand up for seven shouts of “Merdeka” to uphold the Malaysian Constitution as the country is still celebrating the 50th Merdeka Anniversary.

Only DAP MPs stood up, with me shouting “Merdeka” and the DAP MPs responding “Secular Malaysia” seven times.

Not a single Barisan Nasional (BN) MP, whether Umno, MCA, MIC or Gerakan stood up to shout “Merdeka”.

In my speech, I said I had called for seven shouts of “Merdeka” for two purposes: firstly, to demonstrate that the loyalty and patriotism of DAP MPs to the country is second to none to anyone from Barisan Nasional in Parliament, whether minister, deputy minister or parliamentary secretary.

Secondly, to highlight the ‘farce” of patriotism staged by certain BN MPs last Wednesday who disgraced Parliament and demeaned the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations just to score cheap political points against Opposition MPs.

The BN MP for Jasin, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof growled from his seat that my seven shouts of Merdeka in Parliament was “cheapening” its meaning. I must thank him for helping me to illustrate my point about the “farce” of patriotism staged by him and other BN MPs in Parliament last Wednesday.

Love of country and patriotism are not proven by shouting “Merdeka” seven times. As I said in Parliament this morning, those who are corrupt like those responsible for hijacking gargantum sums of public funds, e.g. the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone bailout scandal, would shout Merdeka the loudest although this would not make them patriots when they should be regarded as traitors.

Those who are prepared to stand up against the tidal pressures of the government to voice out the innermost thoughts and feelings of the people, and even to undergo detention in defence of the higher interests of the citizenry and country, are clearly even more nationalistic and patriotic than the Cabinet Ministers and BN MPs.


44 Replies to “Seven shouts of “Merdeka” in Parliament this morning without support from a single BN MP — does it mean BN MPs disloyal, anti-national and unpatriotic?”

  1. with due respect Sir,

    did PAS , the other opposition stood up?
    or as you indicated only DAP members.

    while, we understand that barisan mps will do contra to you.
    is there unity among the opposition party ?

  2. Sorry Uncle LIm,
    Need to digress a bit, today in Asian Wall Street Journal, an article on Jetstar Asia (singapore based budget airline). Interesting to see that Ms Chong Phit Lian is the new CEO of JEtstar. She is Johore born, at age 6 selling pineapple in front of her house, put herself thru polytehnic, get a unid degree from Birmingham and did her masters in between jobs. All the brightest of Malaysian seem to be serving/migrating overseas, we lost on brain power! Imagine if we have two Tony Fernandes + Ms Chong, we can be world class player!

  3. YB Lim said:
    Those who are prepared to stand up against the tidal pressures of the government to voice out the innermost thoughts and feelings of the people, and even to undergo detention in defence of the higher interests of the citizenry and country, are clearly even more nationalistic and patriotic than the Cabinet Ministers and BN MPs.


    That reminded me of a certain Muar kid…

  4. The government do not want the best, with professionalism, capability and integrity, to serve the country and her ordinary people.

    All they care is maintaining power and wealth at all costs with their grossly narrow, divisive and damaging politics…..who is the real and most dangerous traitors of the country?

  5. BN only use the word ‘patriotism’ for political leverage. All the celebrations are for the ‘feel good factor. In reality, BN are not patriots. Only those who defend the Constitution, fight corruption and injustices and protect the Nation are the true patriots of the country. The rest are just crooks waiting to get rich.

  6. Patriotism is from the heart, not from the mouth. Action tells all! Alot of these morons are fleecing the country of its wealth. They’re wolf in disguise, cunning and sly. All fat and lazy! Malaysians have come to age to think and act for themselves. Decide who should manage the country come this GE!

  7. The two ‘Merdeka’ shouting incidents clearly show the problem facing our nation after 50/44 years of existence – there is no respect shown to opposition MPs by MPs of the ruling political parties.

    How can we call our nation a developed and civilised nation with first-world mentality when our elected MPs do not understand or exhibit basic respect to fellow citizens, who have different political beliefs?

  8. Well said YB Lim! You are the true Patriots of the nation! The bn lackeys are just as guilty as their masters for the rape of this nation, and will have to account for it one day! I hope that day is soon!

  9. Uncle Kit did that MP from Kota Baru quietly murmur Merdeka or just his books is only rhetoric. Uncle KIt it’s high time you come up with your book too.I think not many ppl know about your blog,, still a lot of ppl depends on conventional method of reading .

  10. I refuse to put up a jalur gemilang on my house and on my car! Thats not the way to show love and patriotism for the country!

    Geez, we cant even say that even a single jalur gemilang that is sold out there is 100% Malaysian made! Do we have malaysian cloth, and threads and dyes etc to produce even our own national flag domestically?

    I hear we import them in bulk from China! Thats patriotism? Thats an outflow of funds and someone’s pocket gets richer in the process!

  11. The BN goverment has been running this country since independence,so much so that they think the raayat owe them what we have,The BN goverment is only good in making themself rich and at the same time running our beautiful country to the ground.

    Each and every goverment project is full of corupption,Even before you can start the work ,your phone will ring that so and so ask me to see you.When you see the so and so he will say” mana ada ” but if you don,t pay you will find all kind of problems.But when you pay the caller, all the problems just go away. Semua nya dah ok boss ..That is the BN goverment ,And they dare say that they are patriotic, NEXT G.E VOTE WISELY


    YAB AAB you are very wrong to declare the statement as mentioned in the above; Dr. M had declared Malaysia is an Islamic state on the day 929;later he when to sleep/retire; are you going to sleep/retire as Dr. M and Najib had made the same declaration on the day 717;I think he will not longer in the arena politic. Only “bankrupt” politician dare to make such declaration.

    Is all the licenses granted to the Genting Casino;Magnum;1+3D;Sport-Toto are base on Islamic value ( Malaysia is ruled with Islamic Principle as claimed by YAB AAB) under Democratic Parliamentary; definitely Not;Malaysia is a SECULAR state and Islam is an official religion ( For ceremony purposes only).

    Is is not wise to make such a declaration especially you are the present PM and you are destroying the 5 nation builder pillars of Rukunegara.

    Kepercayaan kepada TUHAN.
    Belief in GOD.

    If as you declared Malaysia is an Islamic State; then the Rukunegara will be : Kepercayaan kepada ALLAH.

    Kepercayaan kepada TUHAN literally tell us that our country is NOT an Islamic state. It is not too late for you to rectify your mistake.

  13. I think the DAP should really publicize and popularize this blog. This blog is very important because it makes people aware of what is really happening to the country. Their minds have been numbed by government propaganda in the conventional news media. It also provides an avenue for people to air their views. Things are going so horribly wrong with the country that I fail to see how people cannot be swayed to vote for DAP after being here for sometime, unless of course he or she happens to a cybertrooper from BN.

  14. Hi Uncle Kit,

    May I suggest that you could extend your struggle and political campaign within the youtube application. As an example, you could post messages such as what John howard has done.

    As the election nears, many people will start searching in youtube to source for political related materials. By then you would have a considerable amount of information and also you could direct them to your blog to read further. Since elections is a numbers game, I do hope more seats could be won by utilizing your personal blog and youtube for now.

  15. The government today defended its decision to sell MV Agusta Motors to Italy’s Gevi SPA for a token sum of one euro (RM5).

    Dear AAB if you are selling Petronas Towers for RM5 please let me know, I want to be the 1st to buy.

  16. YB,

    If I were you, I won’t even bother to imitate BN MP’s 7 shouts of “Merdeka” to expose their earlier farce of patriotism.

    Everyone knows that patriotism is a love of and loyalty to one’s country demonstrated by a preparedness to serve the country and defend its higher interests.

    Every one knows that the greatest patriots in recorded history were identified by their preparedness to sacrifice liberty and life for the sake of their country : for examples Jose Rizal of the Philippines, Nelson Mendela of South Africa, Sir William Wallace of Scotland, Patrick Henry of Ireland, Martin Luther King of USA – and, in some measure, Lim Kit Siang of Malaysia!

    Patriots need not even be in power. Often they are opposed to those in power who only know how use the clarion call for patriotism to enslave those multitudes whom they rule to serve their personal cause of power and enrichment than that of the nation’s, albeit in its name.

    To imposters who would tell us to look out for our country whilst they look out for themselves – and who would tell us to ask not what our country can do for us but what we can do for our country whilst they themselves ask what the country can do for them rather than what they can do for the country – I think it is a wiser course not to waste time demonstrating the point what true patriotism means, for to do so is, as an old English idiom puts it, like casting pearls to oink oink!

  17. Yeah! I agree with YoutubePower.

    Uncle Kit,

    Suggest the use of YouTube to the DAP exco as a way to spread messages or for campaigning since most of the conventional methods are under the control of the government.

    I remembered once there was someone said this,

    “In this modern era where technology is becoming part of our life, whoever who takes the opportunity of the advancement of technology and make good use of it will gain something from it” .

    I hope I get to see the use of YouTube by DAP really soon.

  18. It hurts to see the hard earned taxpayers money, from their sweat and blood, wasted unnecessary and exploited by a small group to enrich themselves.

    The government is proud to create a small group of very rich people, with power and influence, who has not contributed much to the development and prosperity of the country.

    Now, with power and wealth, these people are in the position to further exploit the powerless and innocent ordinary people and the country.

    Decades of bad leadership and govenance of the country had a permanent, long term and far reaching consequences on the country and her ordinary people – enormous damage had been done.

  19. /// The BN MP for Jasin, Datuk Mohd Said Yusof growled from his seat that my seven shouts of Merdeka in Parliament was “cheapening” its meaning. I must thank him for helping me to illustrate my point about the “farce” of patriotism staged by him and other BN MPs in Parliament last Wednesday. ///

    Nice touch there. Touche! You really cornered him there without him realising it. Slapping him with his own hands…

  20. To those scums and lowlifes, MErdeka is only once a year and Uncle Kit has made the shout 3 days too late. Similarly, to them Father’s / MOther’s Day also once a year and that’s about the only time they show their “love”. Other 364 days their parents can fly kite in their opinion.

  21. Uncle Lim,

    I really applaud this strategy of yours. It is both subtle and effective. Either they shout Merdeka or not it does not matter, because it will reflect bad on them either way. For the corrupted and unclean, this is a big sting to their ego.

    Like the BN dude always claiming that they are patriotic, if they are patriotic, why not just stand up and shout this again once. The problem here is, they cant, because they are all a bunch of hypocrite, that is why shouting it once more again is something very hard for them to do. So shouting it will definitely put them to shame and not shouting it means, they are cheating themselves in calling them as a patriot.

    Masterfully done.

  22. I feel sorry for you YB, but to UMNO, you are just and orang asing, a pendatang interloper to Malay country. So to respond to your shouts of merdeka is unthinkable. You are not a Malaysian (according to them), but some thorn in the flesh who should ship out to China.

  23. I agree with you Bigjoe, YB Lim and DAP should not stoop to the level of One Eye MP and his ilk.

    We have never doubt your patriotism, YB Lim, despite all the injustices perpetrated by BN. Who would be willing to give up so much when he could do a Lee Lam Thye?

    Although your patriotism is questioned by BN, fair minded Malaysians know you as a true son of Malaysia.

  24. There are so many double standard things happening in Malaysia.

    If they shout Merdeka and you don’t follow, you would be labeled as anti-national.
    If you shout Merdaka and they don’t follow, you would be labeled as anti-national for starting it.

    If African countries praticing racial discrimination, the UMNO leaders will go all out to criticise that country.
    If UMNO pratices racial discrimination here, they would be mad at any foreigner who comments on our discriminatory policy.

    UMNO is now led by brain-dead people.

  25. YB Lim should had shouted “Malaysia Boleh!” and the other DAP MPs responded “Tapi Negara Lain Lebih Boleh!” seven times. This is because the BN has nothing to show after 50 years while other countries have progressed by leaps and bounds.

  26. Dear YB Lim, I agree with YoutubePower’s suggestion. The YouTube application is a powerful campaigning tool which you and members of the DAP should fully utilised or explored.

    I have watched you and others (such as Jeff Ooi and your beloved and brave son) speaking in the Chinese Assembly Hall (KL) in defence of Wee Meng Chee via YouTube from overseas. I really enjoy the speeches and images of all the speakers. Even American presidential aspirants are using YouTube to help in campaigning. Why not DAP and other opposition parties? This is one way of holding cyber ceramah — wihtout the need to apply for any permit from the police. Right?

    I suggest that all opposition parties unite under the single name of Barisan Bangsa Malaysia (BBM) for the next general election. Make use of YouTube networking — many people like me will help in designing pro-opposition parties’ messages and making similar slideshows and video clips and posting them in YouTube and SlideShare applications and blogs.

    The wind is blowing toward the opposition front. Don’t overlook this reality. Get prepared early for the next general election — get involved actively with YouTube’s networking. It will work well for your great party.

    Please let us have the opportunity to see more of DAP’s video clips via YouTube. Post your activities and speeches in YouTube for the benefits of those who are unable to attend your forums or ceramah.Don’t forget thosue of your supporters who are living and working overseas — thay can influence their friends, relatives and family members in Malaysia.

    Well, this time around, BNseedell …..

  27. If outward expression, like shouting “Merdeka” seven times is a measure of one’s patriotism then, a lot of us are not patriots. But we are the real movers and shakers who brought prosperity and quality to this nation. We do it by our contribution in our places of works and our homes. But the “Mat Rempits” of Malaysia on the other hand go around with giant Malaysian flag on their stupid machine while they race around town. They shout “Mardeka” even more than seven times. Are we saying that these brats are patriots than???

  28. Just “tutup satu mata”, then all will be ok, if still cannot then ” tutup dua mata” lor…

    Shouting MERDEKA, i don’t think the feel good factor is there anymore. A few years back, you use to see most cars flying the flag, but this year, maybe only 1 in 10.

  29. Of course, many Malays collaborated with the Japanese against the colonial power “in return for their country’s liberation.” The Japanese have been fighting the Chinese for centuries; and before the outbreak of the 2WW in 1941, they have been fighting the Chinese in China in the late 1930s. They have always looked down on the Chinese, regarding them as sub-humans unfit to walk in their presence – useful only as guinea pigs. The Jews had their Auschwitz; the Chinese had theirs long before that.

    Thousands of innocent Chinese were brutally murdered during the Japanese occupation of Malaya in Singapore. To survive the Japanese indiscriminate killing, the men had to hide in the jungles and soon formed the para military force which later came to be known as the MPAJA (Malayan People Anti-Japanese Army).

    So it is not a simple of “who supported, who collaborated and who fought the Japanese” – but rather why?

  30. The MPAJA became the military arm of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) when the MCP was banned. By walking out of the Baling Peace Talks, and by refusing to lay down their arms Chin Peng cast doubts on his loyalty to an independent government.

    The rest is history.

  31. Since when did Parliament became Stadium Merdeka. Maybe next year all the YBs should attend celebration in Stadium Merdeka and shout all they want, show all they want so that soon TAB will be forgotten and those who shout the loudest will be remembered forever.
    Can I also shout in the train, bus, school, mosque, temple, road, police station, fire station, hospital etc and all those who don’t stand and shout are considered not sane and unpatriotic. Also not racists and religious enough?

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