Malaysia must adopt global policies and strategies to survive

by Dr. Chen Man Hin

The Barisan Nasional government frequently makes pronouncements that the economy is sound, with GDP growth rates of 5% and above.

However the following statistics of per capita income do not give a flattering picture of Malaysia:


1967/ 2005

Malaysia US290/ 5,042

Singapore 600/ 26,836

Hong Kong 620/ 25,493

Taiwan 250/ 15,203

S. Korea 160/ 16,308

In 1957, Malaysia had the second biggest per capita income after Japan, but now we are at the tail end among the front-rank developed nations in Asia.

In 2005, Malaysia’s per capita income increased by only 17 times from 1967, as compared to South Korea which increased 100 times. Taiwan 60 times, Singapore 45 times and Hongkong 40 times.

Malaysia is far richer in natural resources than the other countries. Singapore for example has no rubber, oil, forests, palm oil, etc.

The difference is in the development and utilisation of human resources. Malaysia has failed to make full use of the human resources in the country.

The statistics indicate that Malaysia was competitive with the other countries up to 1967. Thereafter, the Asian tigers like HK, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan leapt forward to lofty heights.

In 1966, the bumiputra policy was formally announced as a policy and in 1971, the National Economic Policy was launched. The various regulations and measures from these two policies slowed down economic growth considerably. Entrepreneurs, businessmen, traders and small and medium industries were put
off by these policies.

The reaction of international countries was negative, and many investors shied away from Malaysia. Foreign direct investments declined considerably to US$3.9 billion in 2006, whereas Asean countries had FDIs of US$10 billion for Vietnam, US$7.9 billion for Thailand, US$30 billion for Singapore. China had US$70 billion FDIs in that year.

The NEP which compels reservation of 30% for bumiputras in all economic activities has dampened investment interests of both local and foreign investors.

In china, development was depressed in the days of communist policies. The commune system where production was collected by the central government leaving nothing or a small percentage for the farmers and workers destroyed the enthusiasm of the people to work.

With the launching of liberalisation policies in 1978, China leapt forward and she is on the way to become a world economic power by 2030.

Malaysia too must implement global policies like liberalisation of all
economic functions. Bumiputraism and the New Economic Policy are outdated measures, and must be replaced by more pragmatic and enlightened measures.

If Barisan stubbornly clings to old baggage policies, then it can be
predicted that Malaysia’s per capita income will continue to lag behind the Asian tigers.

The answer is to go global and liberalise. Liberalise! Liberalise! Liberalise!


43 Replies to “Malaysia must adopt global policies and strategies to survive”

  1. Vietnam is fast catching up and I forsee Vietnam economy overtaking Malaysia in the not so distance future, they already did in recent FDIs statistics. We seems to take steps backwards and there are attempts of dismantling the business friendly Common Law, supreme use of draconian laws (u know which law i am refering to…) etc

  2. Everyone is saying that NEP is harming our country, but I think we need to put this into mathematical stats, then it would be more convincing.

    Do we have any data or stats showing when our economy/GDP started slowing down? If we can prove that our coutnry development during pre-NEP is higher comparatively to post-NEP, then I believe that we would have a strong point to prove the question that NEP is indeed harming our country’s economy. Can anyone help in getting this data?

  3. Human beings are considered old when they hit the age of 40. So in the eyes of the world, Malaysia is not a young country anymore. Like some human beings who suffer from pre senile dementia, hopefully Malaysia is not suffering from that when the leaders say I don’t know. Some human beings because of the aging process go for reconstructive surgeries which make them look young. Like a country which seemingly looks developed and vibrant while becoming older and older as years pass by. Hopefully too doctors would not say I don’t know to why that little baby’s hand got gangrene and dropped off by itself. This is most inhumane and cruel on the part of the professional medical personnel. The head doctor in charge of the neonate unit has to take full responsibility for it. Together with the various heads like the head nurse too. If Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia can take drastic action on some other situations, this particular situation should not be spared from it. The blood vessels in a baby are very fragile, so much more fragile than an adult’s. Dato’ Doctor Chua Soi Lek should at least apologize on behalf of KKM to the parents. If he can represent MCA to meet Namewee’s father, he should all the more be accountable for this little baby not because he is directly involved but because he is the overall boss of all the medical personnel. No amount of money can ever replace the hand lost. One can even liken this to the murderous acts of the Talibans. They don’t care for anyone’s feelings. Because of this, this little baby may never have a bright future.

  4. Malaysia will soon be like Iran, Pakistan or Afghanistan. Do you really think investors will invest in such backward countries and risk their capital? There is no rule of law and human rights in such places except draconian and sharia laws. If India and China with such population can progress, why not Pakistan?

  5. Where are the data for Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon, Nigeria, Sudan, Senegal, Somalia, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Angola? We need these countries data to be compared with as we are living in the land of denial. Oops, sorry, not “we”, should be UMNOputras & Malay extremists.

  6. Besides the NEP which of course is the primary reason for the dangerous deterioration we also do not have the best and brightest at the helm leading the country. As Mathatir has indicated, it is almost impossible to fire a cabinet Minister no matter how poor his performance, if he happens to be the head of a component party like the MIC because of fear of internal backlash and disharmony within the Alliance. So we have a lot of dead wood, corrupted officers who are there because of their ability to fan racial sentiments rather than ability to perform. That is why, high caliber, well learned and fair minded politican like Zaid Ibrahim are not holding high offices. I wonder how many judges dare delay writing their judgements if he is made the Law Minister.

  7. We made a decision to emigrate to Australia 15 years ago deserting my high fly corporate position with our three children.

    If history could turn back, we would still do the same.

    It is a joke when our three children are fully qualified in their respective professions, then our Malaysia leaders only realize that “Actually English is very important in this era of globalization, let us go back to English again in our primary school for science and mathematics subjects”.

    It is fortunate that we had our own thinking and were able to jump out from this “black box” of trial and error type of management in practically every aspect of the government administration machinery. As a result, our children do not waste their precious years.

    Our children enjoy the experience of equal opportunity not only in education but also in employment. That has a very strong impact in character development because then they believe in themselves, i.e. their own ability and equal opportunity available for personal development to the fullest extent.

    And they could fight for their own rights too simply because the environment encourages them to do so, i.e. freedom to think, and freedom to express. They enjoy their work in their respective professions and they have both close Australian and Asian friends.

    The Australian authority treats the problem of racial discrimination very seriously and takes action very fast. I still remember those days when my youngest son was teased by certain racial remarks by his schoolmate. My wife reported the case to the school authority and after a proper investigation, the Aussie kid was made to make a public apology to my son and was suspended a week from school attendance.

    Australia herself is a country of migrants from all over the world, the Italians, the British and other Europeans also never give up their citizenships although they may stay for over many many years. If they tell you to go back to China, you have equal right to tell them to go back to whatever country they come from. “Fight for your right” is the spirit.

    What we are concerned is actually the management of the country. There is enough wealth to be distributed among all the people who can theoretically enjoy better education, better life and medical facility. But poor management and the evil “corruption” have eroded away what the people deserve. If people demand a change, “racialism” is always a powerful tool to protect the regime.

    The Australian government extinguishes any little spark that concerns racial issue. There are strict laws and they are very good in enforcement. The two party systems ensure no one monopolizes the government. If the government is not good, people will vote it out for sure.

    It is a land of plenty, and of equal opportunity for everyone. One will make his way if he is prepared to seize the opportunity and work hard for it. No one believes in “God” will give, and most believes the creation and reward from their own hands and intelligence.

    Though we pay high taxes, the future is more or less ensured as in case we are sick or in difficulty, we have all the assistance from the authority. It is the right for every kid in Australia to have the opportunity to finish his tertiary education if he could make an attempt and possible financial assistance is always there.

    Australia’s economy is very robust now and most universities graduates and school leavers are doing very well. My three kids who are qualified as professionals at a very young age are doing very well. They would not have achieved that type of level if we were to remain in our country of birth. Thank God!

    We face less racial discrimination in workplace and university in Australia than in our country of birth.

    The ironical fact is that we are being treated more a first class citizen in our host country than in our own country.

    Human rights, good administration, equal opportunity and transparency convince us that it is no point wasting our precious time in our own country.

    If you really miss our own country, earn and save more money in the host country and join the shiver hair program later on. If you have the money, any country will welcome you for sure.

    In general, it is an educated society. People talk not shout, and people reason not accuse and more over, it is a much cleaner and more beautiful place to live. I am pleased with my decision and have no regrets at all.

  8. What a hollow celebration, how many Malays know that the leaders had short charge our people and make us to believe that the country is on track to achieve 2020 goal set to create this feel good syndrome. The country has wasted billions to corruption and failed project almost every year. Look at our schools and university, our public service and religious fundamentalist. Is this all we can achieve and do you ever think that what we have achieved so far cannot be better if we are still under the British rule? What is the point of celebrating Merdeka only to fall into a leadership that is not making the best use of our human capital and discriminating everyone who is not politically connected on the right side of the coin?

    What is the point of celebration when someone continues to wave the keris at us and force the country towards islamisation when only over half the population is Muslim? We have our frustration, the Chinese are frustrated, the Indians are left out, the Dayaks and Kandazans are marginalized and still you believe the country is on the right track? Singapore and Brunei are fortunate not to be part of Malaysia, what if Sarawak and Sabah are also not part of Malaysia isn’t it better for them too? Malaysia is a country all gone wrong and the leaders are there to paint a false picture so that they can continue to rule and continue to take advantage for personal gain. Please point out that I am wrong. I feel nervous and anxiety when I see display by so many innocent Malaysian for singing ‘Maju’ songs when everyone else in Asia is far far ahead.

  9. Vietnam, China? In the 2Q2007 GDP growth rate was behind Philippines, Indonesia. It beat Thailand only because its still in political chaos.

    I don’t believe the government of BN top leaders are not aware or bothered. They don’t have what it takes to make the great changes necessary.

  10. Global strategies to survive? Big words and ideas. Truth is UMNO don’t believe nor accept the inevitablity of full globalization. In fact, its likely they probably have an imagined globalization where they have the strength to dictate ‘Malay/Malaysia way’ to those foreigners in a foreign land rather be be changed by them in ‘their ways’.

    Only a disaster will make them accept the inevitability of globalization and the interconnect of people all over the world. By then it will be even harder for them to take the bitter pill of giving up their imagined ideal. Imagine the pain that must come before the good changes will arrive…

  11. We’re all connected. We just don’t see it. There isn’t an “out there” and an “in here.” Everything in the Universe IS connected. It is just one energy field……John Assaraf

    So whichever way you look at it, the result is still the same. We are One. We are all connected, and we are all part of the One Energy Field, or the One Supreme Mind, or the One Consciousness or the One Creative Source. Call it whatever you want, but we are all One.
    If you think about the law of attraction now, in terms of us all being One, you will see its absolute perfection.
    You will understand why your negative thoughts about someone else will return to harm only You. We are One! You cannot be harmed unless you call harm into existence by emitting those negative thoughts and feelings. You have been given free will to choose, but when you think negative thoughts and have negative feelings, you are separating yourself from the One and All Good. Think about every negative emotion there is and you will discover that every one of them is based in fear. They come from thoughts of separation and from seeing yourself as separate from another.

    Competition is an example of separation. First, when you have thoughts of competition, it is coming from a lack mentality, as you are saying there is a limited supply. You are saying there is not enough for everybody, so we have to compete and fight to get things. When you compete you can never win, even if you think you won. By the law of attraction, as you compete you will attract many people and circumstances to compete against You in every single aspect of your life, and in the end you will lose. We are all One, and so when you compete, you compete against You. You have to get competition out of your mind, and become a creative mind. Focus only on your dreams, your visions, and take all competition out of the equation.
    The Universe is the Universal supply and supplier of everything. Everything comes from the Universe, and is delivered to you through people, circumstances, and events, by the law of attraction. Think of the law of attraction as the law of supply. It is the law that enables you to draw from the infinite supply. When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circumstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered!
    It is not people who are giving you the things you desire. If you hold that false belief, you will experience lack, because you are looking at the outside world and people as the supply. The true supply is the invisible field, whether you call that the Universe, the Supreme Mind, God, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever else. Whenever you receive anything, remember that you attracted it to you by the law of attraction, and by being on the frequency and in harmony with the Universal Supply. The Universal Intelligence which pervades everything moved people, circumstances, and events to give that thing to you, because that is the law.

    From pp 162-163 “Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne

  12. All Malaysians, please spend time to explore the real facts of our own country. Don’t be fooled by the current ruling government anymore. The local media press have been controlled by the governemnt. If our economy is really performing well above as published by the local media press from the statistic figures release by the government, why are there still so many peoples (including the bumiputras) claim that they are having hard time in earning money to sustain their daily life? Don’t forget, Malaysia is a land with full of natural resources (eg. petroleum) and we in fact can easily perform better than the rest. The sad thing is we are not. Ever since our new prime minister taking over the administration, petrol prices has been shooting up by large scale, crime rates increase dramatically, inflation rates increasing and most recent the racist issues / tensions have always been debated like out of control. I will not ask you all compare our country with USA. But just take a look to our neighbouring island country which is WITHOUT natural resources. It is a country which declared its independance later than Malaysia. But it has developed so rapidly from a 3rd world country to 1st world country nowadays. How can they be so successful? The reason is simply because the people (of all races) works together to build up the country. When Malaysia government keeps debating on racist issues, the government of this island country however focus on strategies how to bring in more wealth for the future of its economy growth. Another thing is if the goverment of such a small island coutry can distribute cash (income that the government makes to share with the citizen) into its citizens EPF accounts after every year government annual budget announcement, why Malaysia governement just cannot do so when our petroleum are making such a big income for the country every year. Where have these money goes to? Another fact is if a island coutry can have surplus in its annual budget, why Malaysia still have deficit in its budget for over the years? Ridiculous rite? The truth is high corruption rate remains in our BOLEH-land. In fact i am urging that opposition political parties to find out the facts and figures on how much the BN government has cheated our hard earn money for them as taxes and make it publish and open to all Malaysian in their speech campaign rally from now on. General election is coming soon. It is our time to vote for changes. To frank with you all here, i am once a strong supporter for Barisan Nasional. But ever since i go out of the coutry and see the world with my own eyes, i notice that i have been fooled by BN. That is another reason why many talented and intelligent Malaysians who have been able to study and work in overseas don’t want to come back to this BOLEH-land. Reason is because our government will never how to make use of these group of people as a asset for nation building.

  13. To go global, you need to levelise the playing field. Do you seriously think that these bunch of thieves, having been brought up on the opportunities of daylight robbery, will see the need to go global ?

    All they want is modest growth, enough to keep the kampung folks happy. They don’t want comparisons. It will be too difficult to explain. All they want is a bunch of Chinamen to continue paying taxes so that they can be used to finance “projects”, whether needed or not.

    Unfortunately, we will be in a situation where there will be nothing left to steal, and that’s when the real problems will start.

  14. Passing the buck from Health Ministry to houseman to specialist again! Still wondering why Chan Ah Chai went overseas for medical checkup?
    …the houseman, who gave the Vancomycin injection, had difficulty finding a blood vessel in the baby’s tiny arm and mistakenly inserted the needle into a muscle. Infection set in and the arm turned gangrenous….Chua Soi Lek later said findings showed that there were weaknesses in the treatment procedure. He said the premature baby posed a challenge in treatment and a houseman should not have been there in the first place. He said the specialist on call should have attended to the baby but did not turn up and instead gave orders to the houseman over the phone.

  15. United we stand, Divided we fall.
    Malaysia is NOT UNITED. Not in race, policies, law and most of the essentials.
    Almost everything is hangat hangat taik ayam.
    So how can Malaysians expect to succeed??
    Simple answer: Malaysia DON’T. Until the basics are in place, No Chance.

  16. Do you guys realize what are common among Japan, Korea, Taiwan, HK and S’pore? They all use chopsticks!

    Even the new tiger Vietnam too using chopsticks!

    In order to compete, our Malays friends MUST use chopsticks instead of hands!

    Many studies have found out that using chopsticks will make your brains think faster thus smarter!

  17. Instead of having so many religious and morals courses in our national Malay-stream schools, leaning to use chopsticks should become a course by itself too!

    I read too that Poker games and Mah Jong games are good in helping youngsters to analyse and to make effective decisions.

    Our national schools should add in such “games courses” to improve our Malay kids ability to compete once they become adult.

  18. “In order to compete, our Malays friends MUST use chopsticks instead of hands!” – mendela

    Nice observation, mendela.

    Please laa don’t eat with your smelly stinking hands in public, very disgusting. Use the proper eating utensils provided, not that they aren’t any! Wise up you buggers or get buggered!

  19. It is not a surprise when the development rate relatively low compared to Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea and even Hong Kong(which was under colonial power of the British until 1997)===>Malaysia was operating at 30% of its capacity with NEP

    NEP created parasites in our economy – when the mediocrity was tolerated leading to bailouts by governments, incompetent leaders of large business corporations and increase of cost to do business in Malaysia with the 30% quota with was scarring away the investors.

    NEP policy is as good as trying to put the wings on fish so that it can fly

  20. after all that’s said and done, there will be no progress till the malay folks want to change their mindset.

    the crutch mentality is already entrenched and the Umno is playing it as if the whole world owes them something.

    If the Malays are indeed nationalist, they should try to excel on equal footing – to improve when and where they failed, instead of blaming this race and that religion for their predicament.

    Wake up malays! nobody owes you a living.

  21. How can Malaysia progress when about 30 percent of the population subsizing the balance of the population?

    If we take the per capita income of USD 5042 multiply by 10 over 3 which gives us USD 16806.00. It is even higher that Taiwan or Korea.

    As long as there is NEP, Malaysia will never catch up with Singapore, Taiwan, Korea and Hongkong.

  22. Mahathir long authoritarian rule in the country has done untold damage to Malaysia. Needless to say his strong belief in the NEP has created the UMNO/Malay supremacy mentality and rendered all private or public enterprises non-competitive. He might have left the pinnacle of power but the team which he gathered is still very much there and active. They are still managing the country the same old way because bad habits are difficult to kick. So corrupt officers continues to siphon off billions from the contries coffers with impunity.

    I am not even sure the present leadership is aware of the problems and our standing in the international community. Judging from the way they continue playing the racial and reglious cards I have a feeling they are still on cloud nine. There is left but a very small window period beyond which Malaysia will be unsalvageable. When the oil dry up and the talented minority group decimated, the government coffers will run dry but cannot do a damn thing about it because there are no more free handouts too feed their addiction.

    The only hope is for the BN to fall so that they can be a complete change of leadership. A new governmnet form by the coalition of the present oppositions when given a new slate can then begin to undo the damage which the Mahathir dictatorship wrecked.

  23. Nothing to do with chop sticks, origins of which from China. First World western economies are doing OK even though they use forks, knives and spoons India has built up valuable brand equity in the global markets in Information technology (IT) even though they use hands to eat.

    If you believe in what TDM wrote in ‘Malay Dilemma’ it has something to do with he termed “cultural deficit” – the cultural aspects that make one partial towards taking things easy, an antipathy towards competition and striving and an inclination towards a sedate and stress free lifestyle (which fits in in relation to setting of swaying palm trees, idyllic expanse of padi fields, warm weather throughout the year etc), something that also one finds in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.

    If one believes that the Malay community is marginalized and not keeping up in Singapore with the rest and that the reason for this is the “cultural deficit” factor that operates to its disadvantage, then the question of putting the principle of meritocracy above all else will not work either in a multiracial setting like here. Nor is it politically acceptable.

    But neither will a vigorous affirmative program such as the NEP work. In fact, it has proven the opposite – to reinforce cultural deficit factor by nurturing what is commonly acknowledged by all including two successive prime ministers as the ‘crutch’ and ‘subsidies’ mentality.

    But we also know that to survive prosperously in years to come this total abjuring of meritocracy and upholding of the ‘crutch’ and ‘subsidies’ mentality (for political expedience and votes) is a recipe for national disaster.
    It will aggravate brain drain and retard human resource development.

    A major contributing factor to the success of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia has been their ability to move into high-technology and knowledge-intensive industries and generate a robust export performance, which in no small way is due to the ability of their peoples to value add and embrace work ethic (with no baggage like bureaucratic red tape and NEP to put off businessmen and investors). Korea Japan & China have corruption but they still excel in spite of it because of sufficient importance being placed on competitiveness based on merits.

    In Malaysia what we could do by way of compromise to balance the imperatives of social engineering (in terms of dismantling the so-called cultural deficit and replacing it with a more competitive work ethic) and yet embrace sufficient elements of meritocracy to make things work is to enforce a Quota System of enlistment of (say) 45% Malays, 30% Chinese, 13% Indians and 12% others at all levels of sectors within government control such as civil service, public universities, Government linked companies, police force and Army. (The figures are arbitrary for illustration only). Each group will compete strictly on merits within its own quota of whether it be 45%, 30% or otherwise.

    This means the government will sponsor a qualified quota based meritocratic system : the private sector will be left alone to allow market forces to operate the meritocratic principles.

    To be sure, this is not an ideal solution but it may well be a good intermediate platform to counter some of the more acute problems of bureaucratic red tapes, malingering, corruption and failures in public sector and GLCs and uniformed services as well as factors like racial polarization and religious extremism in wider context which heighten political risks from investors’ perspectives….

    Any strategy, including a quota based formula to promote, for a start, a play and confluence of different races and cultures in the work place and places of study is good thing for the country and the first step in the long journey to address the malaises afflicting the country bequeathed from TDM’s administration.

  24. Badawi can entitle to his view on Islamic State as a Muslim and all our fellow Malaysians too can entitle the their view of the Secular State, if desired. Ultimately, the country is ruled by the Constitution not the view of the Politicians of the day.

    But Badawi’s view should not be taken likely but serves as stern wake-up call to the MCA and MIC and other key members of BN. How are they going to explain to their supporters that BN is not just operating as a fragile Communalist Alliances but it is now further divided by UMNO’s increasing apparent and aggressive agenda of Islamic State?

  25. Malaysian Talibans finally show their balls
    FOUR masked men have appeared in a YouTube video clip warning a Malaysian rapper who had been accused of insulting Islam and the Malays that he would ‘receive punishment’ if he were to return home. The clip echoes the video threats made by Middle Eastern terrorists.

    Speaking in Malay, one of the men read from a statement: ‘We would like to give a warning to Namewee that if you were to return to Tanah Melayu you will receive punishment for insulting Islam.’ Namewee is the nickname used by the 24-year-old Wee Meng Chee, an undergraduate based in Taiwan…..One of them carried what looked like a sheathed dagger.

  26. Uncle Lim, I think you should not have such high hopes and being too positive about things in Malaysia. Looking at their track records, it tells you they need to be fired. Positive outlook like yours will only make sense to people who are willing to change and to people with certain level of intelligence. To a monkey like those in UMNO, it is only empty words and bunch of poppycock that they are not interested to hear about. So in order to punish them, the people of Malaysia must take a stand and be the ultimate judge and judge wisely. Not selfishly.

  27. Namewee’s father should lodge a police report. Threatening (whether explicitly or implicitly) bodily harm (criminal intimidation) is a prosecutable offence. Lim Keng Yaik’s Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF) should take action. After all it took action against a visitor to Screenshots, one Imran, who commented ‘Somebody, please shoot this Gunasegaram for good’, a statement that is far more innocuous than the threat by the 4 masked men in YouTube. Don’t be selective in your application of the law.

  28. At 50, Malaysia is no longer young but rather immatured! It has been reluctant to shed its “infant” stage and even until today we have “infants” in this nation still sucking from milk bottles!

  29. We can find the answers and reasons for our problems in the study of history …

    No offense, but in my opinion, the Malays at large have been hoodwinked, lied to, brain-washed and manipulated for generations by their own leaders …

    How did the colonials managed to gain foothold in Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan etc ? They were INVITED by the different sultans, temenggungs, putera etc who were involved in internal power struggles … They didn’t come and bombard us using their canons and guns but they were invited in along with their soldiers, advisors, guns, cannons, military and ultimately colonisation and exploitation by plantation owners, British India Company and all ….

    Can we blame wolves to be ruthless meat-eating predators ? It is their nature … but the people that open their doors and welcomed them in are the ones to be blamed when the “invited” wolves devoured all the available food and the people that welcomed them …

    Same for the current situation in modern M’sia …. The malays at large have been under the manipulation and fingers of their own leaders who are profiting at the expense of their own people …

    The Malay Dilemma is nothing but self-inflicted sorry state … Nobody did this to them .. They did to themselves by believing in the wrong people to lead them and being ignorant.
    It is nothing but self pity which is something that will never change anything, you can feel sorry for yourself and continue to do so forever, nothing will change … the world goes on and leaves you behind …

  30. “How did the colonials managed to gain foothold in Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan etc ? They were INVITED by the different sultans…”

    “Invited” is an understatement – a word favoured by the Brits as opposed to “force to accept British advisers.” It is polite language for “forced to” just like the word “advice” when the Agong is “advised” by the PM. “Invitation” does not mean invitation.

  31. meursault06

    Thanks for letting us know the tool. Its great! But I wonder how accurate the source is. And i notice that the time scale starts from 1976. It would help us (and YB Lim) a great lot if this tool can furnish information way earlier, perhaps 1950’s (when we got our independence?)

    By the way, try setting the scale to “linear” instead of “logarithmic”, and you will be able to see how much far we are left behind comparatively to Singapore, Australia, Korea and a few other countries.


    YB Lim, I think this is a great tool and information to counter claims from BN that NEP is helping/sustaining our country’s economy. But before that, you may want to verify the validity of this statistic.

  32. By the way guys, I notice that most of the comments given are lacking of informations/statistical data. It would be good if you can cite the data to support your comments.

    I mean, there is no point debating without giving any facts to support your claim, right? It would be akin to going to war with empty barrels. You may be able to say how great your military prowess is, but unless you show the fact that you have these weapons, then its pretty useless.

    I think it would be a good start to think criticallly and cite the sources and informations. Then it would reflect a more mature, critical and supported argument, rather than a baseless critism.

  33. undergrad2 Says:
    September 3rd, 2007 at 11: 49.50

    “Invited” is an understatement – a word favoured by the Brits as opposed to “force to accept British advisers.” It is polite language for “forced to” just like the word “advice” when the Agong is “advised” by the PM. “Invitation” does not mean invitation

    Hi Undergrad2,

    I don’t think you are criticizing my post here but I want to elaborate certain points.
    There are reasons why I used the word “invited” as opposed to “forced to accept British advisers” which is the official version of the history.

    The main reason being, the only reason that the Sultans in the olden days were “forced” to accept British advisers and thus begin the start of the colonization of Malaya was that they either accepted or asked for British assistance in the first place. No one held a gun to their head and “forced” them to get British assistance. They did because it means that they would stand a bigger chance of winning the internal political struggles. Of course, it comes with a price. A price I don’t think they realized at that point in history.
    It is part of the deal or contract between the Imperial British and the Sultans and local Malay rulers. If you purchase something with a price tag, it is only natural that you are obliged to pay the price. Where’s the element of being force here ? Can I argue that I am being forced to pay for anything or any service I procured ? I don’t think anyone can. Whether or not, they realized that by getting the British in, Malaya would be colonized is another issue, but they surely understand that the British would require certain payments in due time.

    Second reason, being that even as respected rulers of the Malays in Malaya or any of the Malay sultanates, they have done little to change the fate of their people. The different states exist as separate independent sultanates, each minding their own business but doing little to modernize and improve the living conditions of their local populace. Local political bickerings and fights for ascension to the local throne worsened the situation.

    Unfortunately, I can easily draw an analogy between these 2 points I mentioned above with the current government and leaders.

    First point, inviting foreign entities into local scenarios and land. The local government is doing exactly the same although I doubt many Malaysians realized this. A lot of MNCs have came into Malaysia, made their profits and at the same time profiting their local connections. Once, the $$$ is made, it is siphoned out of the country. What difference is this from what has happened during the colonization of Malaya? Probably, only the previous one have been overt and the current approach is a covert one. If anyone is doubting my point here, please take a look at the a local companies that started off as joint ventures with foreign companies. When they first started and the foreign partner is active, they made tonnes of money. But once the foreign partner takes a back seat or sell off their stake, most if not all declined and some even went bust. Best example, Proton and Mitsubishi, both companies earn tonnes, but what is happening to Proton now? Still struggling even though it had so much profits in the ’80s and ’90s. Where has all the money gone ?

    Second point, doing little to improve the populace at large. Don’t think I even need to elaborate here.

    Human beings don’t learn from history and in particular, M’sians at large are general the most ignorant people when it comes to lessons learned.

    *shake head* please wake up. Things like this has occurred in the past and will continue to do so until we wake up and change our ways.

  34. It seems to me that it has become the cultures in Malaysia:

    1. that when a general public walks into a government office for assistance, the officer in attendance feels that he or she obliges to assist not because the general public is a tax payer but because the attending officer is doing you a favour!
    2. that our BN leaders will turn blind eyes to people who amass wealth through unknown means in BN spirit. We, the general public, observe that a career polician with no economic background but has sibblins who amass enormous wealth during hte politician tenure as the YB! Yet, he has the guts to argue that the sibblings have the right to involve in the corporate world! In a genuine democratic country, though the sibblings may involve in corporate sector, they dont become SO RICH during the politician’s tenure!
    3. that we normally have to buy our way to get approvals of our applications! It’s wrong in law but our government machinery is designed in such a way that you really need “assistance” from the officer if you require quick approvals.
    4. that because of the so called NEP, a small group of bumiputra has been enriched by the NEP while the majority of the bumiputra dont benefit at all. It amazes me to observe that our bumiputra are so tolerance of the wealth of this small group at their expense! Yes, tolerance of corrupt practices has become a culture in our society!

    Because of our cultures, therefore our per capital income is falling behind other Asian countries. Our BN leaders always compare our country with countries like Indonesia, Thailand, n those countries who dont have so many natural resources like us but they never compare us to South Koreaq, Singapore, Taiwan, or Hong Kong! It’s a shame that our BN leaders dont realize!

  35. My Golly! It’s going to take the effort “equivalent to moving an iceberg” out of the way to change to kampong mentality of the nation/it’s leaders, in order to adopt the required global strategies and policies to survive- the nation is forever moving at the pace of one step forwards and 2 steps backwards so how to get out of this rut?

  36. hi greatstuff,

    A radical change is needed …

    First, is to admit the fault present in the current system and admit we were wrong …

    Second, is to right the wrongs … n continue to do the right thing no matter how painful it is … Major sacrifices are needed … same as what the Japanese went through during their long recession …

    It’s like deciding whether to amputate a festering arm or leg …
    Do we leave it there and try to slow the decay or do we cut it off and deal with whatever we have left ?

    I believe not many have the will to make the decision let alone stomach the consequences … therefore the hesitation, doubts, apathy and delays will continue until one day the whole thing collapses like a gangrenous limb undergoing auto-amputation …

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